HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice SUB 2/18/2008 .> SPRINcrHLD UTILITY BOARD WATER SERVICl- cr'TlR 202 South 18th Street Springfield OR 97477 5240 Tel 5417262396' Fax 541 7477348 www 5ubutil com I February 18, 2008 Steve Hopkms Development Services CIty of Spnngfield 225 5'h Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 RE WELLHEAD PROTECTION RESPONSE TO SITE PLAN REVIEW # DRC2008-00008 ASSESSORS MAP 17-02-30-44 TAX LOT 100,200 ADDRESS 1210 & 1230 40th Street Dear Steve The proposed Aramark development IS wlthm Spnngfield's adopted Dnnkmg Water ProtectIOn Area ThiS area IS htghly susceptible to contammatton from chemicals that may spIll or leak onto the ground surface Any chemical spills or leaks must be cleaned up tmmedlately and cleanup matenals disposed oft-site and m accordance With Lane County and DEQ reqUirements In every case, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contammatlOn ThiS property overlIes portIOns of the 5 - 10 year lIme-of-travel (TOT) zones to the SPI Well It IS Important to note that DNAPL chemicals are prohibited at thiS site (DNAPL and Exempt Lists attached) GENERAL CONSTRUCTION DNAPL PlolubttlO1/ The contractor and all subcontractors are reqUired to provide the owner's engmeer With copies ofMSDSs for all chemicals proposed for use on-site pnor to use or delIvery to the property Based on these MSDSs, the engmeer will determme lfthe chemical IS approved for use on thiS site (I e , whether or not the product contams DNAPLs) The engmeer may contact the SUB Water Quality ProtectIOn Coordmator (744-3745) WIth any questIOns about evaluatmg products for DNAPLs A copy of the MSDS for all chemicals used on the project Will remam on the Job site as required by law Chemical handilng, 'torage, and use Contractors/developers shall be responsible for the safe handlmg and storage of chemicals, petroleum products, and fertilIzers and the preventIOn of groundwater and storm water runoff contammatlOn Chemicals used dunng constructIOn, mcludmg pamt and cleanmg matenals/wastes, must not enter the SOlI or be washed mto the storm water system All chemIcals should be stored m adequate secondary contamment Eqlllpment mall/tenana and fueilng PrecautIOns must be taken to prevent flUld-contammg equipment located outSide from leakmg, mcludmg provldmg a dedIcated area for fuelIng and maintenance of eqUIpment This area should be prepared and maintained In a way that prevents spIlls or leaks from mIgrating to the SOlI or storm water drainage system No fill matendls containing hazardous matenals shall be used on thIS sIte OPERATIONS As shown In the site plan draWings, dumpster areas should be covered and contained to aVOId wastes from leaking Into the SOlI or storm water system Vehicle storage areas should be deSIgned to prevent any leaks or spills from entenng the soIl or storm water drainage system As shown In the sIte plan draWings, runoff from parking areas should pass through a system of catch baSinS, OIVwater separators, and blO-swales before entenng the CIty's storm water drainage system These plans need to be approved by the City of Spnngfield A DWP Overlay DiStrIct applIcatIon wIll be requIred for thIS faCIlIty CondItIons of the DWP permit Will Include stonng all chemlcals/hazardous matenals In appropnate secondary containment Sealants used In containment areas should be compatIble WIth chemicals stored WIthin them Again, DNAPL chemIcals are prohIbited Chemicals used on site and stored off Site, such as landscaping matenals, WIll need to be reviewed Please contact me (5417443745) WIth any questIOns about the DWP applIcatIOn process Rooftop mounted equipment and other flUId-containing eqUIpment located outSIde the bUIlding should be sealed and proVided WIth secondary containment or a weather resIstant enclosure In the event of a spill or leak, thIS wIll prevent any flUIds from migrating Into the storm water dramage system If applIcable, chemIcals stored outdoors (fertIlIzers, pestICIdes, etc ) should be covered and placed In secondary containment STORM WATER Storm water from parking and landscape areas should be routed to discharge to an infiltratIOn system that Incorporates vegetatIve treatment methods These plans need to be approved by the CIty of Spnngfield BIO-swales, such as ImplIed In the workmg draWings for thIS SIte, are an excellent way to retard the infiltratIOn of runoff SOlIs lIning the swale(s) may need to be amended WIth clay as a means of further redUCing their permeabIlity A sub-surface layer of heavy clay SOlis bencath the planting beds would also serve the purpose of dIrecting excess mOIsture containing fertIlIzers and/or pestiCIdes from porous planting medIa Into the blO-swale(s) Becau~e the faallty WIll be a dlS/nbutlOlls cellter, protectIve measures at loadlllg dOLks are es~ellt/Ql for protectlllg drlllklllg water GUIdelInes for deSIgning loading docks to contain spIlls of hazardous substances and prevent contaminatIOn of stormwater runoff mclude connecting catch baSinS to the samtary sewer, covenng areas directly over loading docks, installIng cut-off trenches up-gradIent to the catch baSinS to dIvert rainwater from entenng the samtary sewer, and eqUIpping samtary drainS WIth emergency valvlng to prevent the aCCIdental dIscharge of hazardous matenals All injectIOn wells (If applIcable) must be approved by both the CIty of Spnngfield and DEQ based on proXImIty to domestIC/publIc dnnklng water wells, SOlis type, and depth to groundwater S \SITEPLAN\1210 & 1230 40th St_Aramark_DWP _2-13.08 doc Because storm water recharges the aquifer, SUB requests that wellhead protectIOn SignS be placed (dunng construcl1on and operatIOns) adjacent to loadmg docks, parkmg lots, trash enclosures, and elsewhere on the slte to alert contractors, subcontractors, employees, and others to the lmportance ofreportmg and cleamng up any spllls (Slgn standmd attached) Please contact Amy Chmltz (541-744-3745) lfyou prefer to purchase SlgnS dlrectly from SUB at the cost of $15/S1gn I I Feel free to contact me at 541-744-3745 for further detalls or Wlth any questJons I Smcerely, tkwt l uy Amy E Chmltz Water Quality ProtectlOn Coordmator AECmk cc Irish Glen LLC, P 0 80x 2266, Eugene, OR 97402 S \SITEPLAN\1210 & 1230 40th St_Aramark_DWP _2-13-08 doc