HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 3/7/2008 ~ H1~ I0v'/ I I -. ~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE NofuL of ~l'v'ttrf\ ?:> --, -DB STATE OF OREGON } } SS. County of Lane } I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning DIvISion of the Development Services Department, City of Sprrngfield, Oregon 2 I state that In my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of Notice of Decision DRC2008-00009 Drinkmg Water Protection Overlay (See attachment "A") on March 7, 2008 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed In a U Small box With postage fully prepaid thereon k(;W' Brenda Jones U Planning Secretary STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane >m 4 AAI Ii, 1 , 2008 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, ~o acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me ,?-. ._----~-------= 'I. OFFICIAL SEAL j SANDRA MARX ! NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON j '! COMMISSION NO 385725 j ',i MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV 12,2008 I ,~-- -----------------.;. ~)J) JMfJ I My Commission Expires 1/ II zl z. 00 <t I Nohce of DeCISIon -DrInking Water Protechon Overlay PrOject Name Aramark Project Proposal: construct a 25,000 sf uruform chstnbutlon/servIce faahty WIth an mdustnaI mat laundenng operatlon Case Number DRC2008-00009 Project Location: 1210 and 1230 40th Street Property SIze: 2 5 acres Apphcation SubmItted Date' January 29, 2008 Decision Issued Date March 7, 2008 Other AppIicahon(s) SIte Plan ReVIew (DRC2008-00009) I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM I PosmON REVIEW OF I Project Manager Planrung I Transportatlon Planrung Engmeer Transportatlon NAME Steve HopkIns Gary McKenney Pubhc Works CIvll Engmeer Ul:1htles, Sarutary & Storm Sewer Enc Walter I Deputy Fll'e Marshall FIre and We Safety Gilbert Gordon I Commuruty ServIces Manager BmIdmg Dave Puent I APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Owner Representative IrIsh Glen LLC John Hammer PO Box 2266 Irish Glen LLC Eugene OR 97402 PO Box 2266 Eugene OR 97402 ----- Aramark Case No DRClOOB-00009 DWP PHONE 726-3649 726-4585 736-1034 726-2293 726-3668 SIte: -' ~ . fI' mmark Wenhead_tol shp , ~O_2 . . if ' 3,' . . 6.10 . !Il . . , . 11-20 . 21.99 ~~ . . , . N Stonn System , " , . @ . . . N Sewer Lme Tax lots , ... _a. 0 '00 ""'.... Summary of proposal Construct a 25,000 sf umform dJstnbuhonj semce facility WIth an mdustnal TIus DWP apphcahon IS subrrutted concurrently WIth the SIte Plan ReVIew (DRC2008-00008) DeCISIon. Approval with condihons, as of the date of flus letter The standards of the Spnngheld Development Code (SDC) apphcable to each mtenon of approval are lIsted herem and are sahsfIed by the subrrutted plans and notes unless speafIcally noted WIth fmdmgs and cond1hons necessary for comphance Other Uses Authonzed by the DeCISIon None Future development will be m accordance WIth the provISIOns of the SDC, hled easements and agreements, and all apphcable local, state and federal reguIahons Review Process: TIus apphcahon IS reVIewed under the Type I procedures lIsted m SDC 51- 125 The proposed Aramark development IS WItlun Spnngheld's adopted Dnnkmg Water Protechon Area TIus area IS lughly suscephble to contarrunahon from cherrucals that may spill or leak Aramark Case No DRQOOB-00009 DWP 2 onto the ground surface Any chenucal spills or leaks must be cleaned up rmmed1ately and cleanup matenals dIsposed off-sIte and m accordance WIth Lane County and DEQ requrrements In every case, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contanunatlon TIns property overhes porhons of the 5 -10 year hme-of-travel (TOT) zones to the SPl Well It IS rmportant to note that DNAPL chenucals are prolubIted at tlus SIte Because storm water recharges the aqtufer, SUB requests that wellhead protection SIgns be placed (dunng construction and operations) adjacent to loadmg docks, parkIng lots, trash enclosures, and elsewhere on the SIte to alert contractors, subcontractors, employees, and others to the rmportance of reportIng and clearung up any spills (SIgn standard attached) Contact Amy Chrmtz (541-744-3745) If you prefer to purchase SIgns drrectly from SUB at the cost of $15/SIgn Any questions regardmg tlus DWP apphcatlon should be drrected to Steve Hopkms (726-3649) or Amy Chrmtz I 3 3-235 Standards for Hazardous Matenals within Time of Travel Zones Applications shall comply With the follOWing standards Where the follOWing standards are more restrictive than the standards of the Uniform Fire Code, the follOWing standards apply B 1-5 year TOTZ Standards 1 The storage, handling, treatment, use, application, or production or otherwise keeping on premises of more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater In aggregate quantities not containing DNAPLs are allowed only upon compliance With containment and safety standards speCified by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the City 2. Unless exempted, all hazardous materials that pose as risk to groundwater shall be stored In areas With approved secondary containment In place (Uniform Fire Code Articles 2 and 8003 1 3 3) 3 All new use of DNAPLs are prohibited 4. Any change In the type of use or an Increase In maximum dally Inventory quantity of any DNAPL IS conSidered a new use and IS prohibited 5. The follOWing certain types of facilities or changes In chemical use and/or storage of hazardous. matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater are prohibited a. Hazardous matenal product pipelines used to transport the hazardous matenal off of the tax lot where It IS produced or used, b Injection wells EXCEPTION: Dry wells for roof drainage, c Solid waste landfills and transfer stations, Aramark Case Na DRQOOB-00009 DWP 3 d Fill matenals contalmng hazardous matenals, e Land uses and new facilities that will use, store, treat handle, and/or produce DNAPLs 6 Requirements found In Uniform Fire Code Appendix II-E 3 2 6 for a momtonng program and In 8003 1 3 3 for momtonng methods to detect hazardous matenals In the secondary containment system shall be met for all amounts of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater unless exempted 7. ReqUirements found In Umform Fire Code Appendix II-E Section 327 for inspection and record keeping procedures for monthly In-house inspection and maintenance of containment and emergency equipment for all amounts of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater shall be met unless exempted The Dnnkmg Water Protecbon Overlay applIcabon IS approved, subject to the condIbons of approval CondItions of Annroval General 1 All Dense Non-Aqueous Phase LrqUlds are prolubIted a The contractor and all subcontractors are requrred to proVIde the owner's engmeer WIth copIes of Matenal Safety Data Sheets for all cherrucals proposed for use on-SIte pnor to use or delIvery to the property b Based on these MSDSs, the engmeer will detemune If the cherrucalIS approved for use on tlus SIte (1 e , whether or not the product contaIns DNAPLs) The engmeer may contact the SUB Water Quahty Protecbon Coordmator (744-3745) WIth any quesbons about eValuabng products for DNAPLs c A copy of the MSDS for all cherrucals used on the project shall remam on the Job SIte as requrred by law 2 Cherrucals used dunng construcbon, mcludmg pamt and clearung matenalsfwastes, must not enter the soil or be washed mto the storm water system. All cherrucals shall be stored m areas that proVIde secondary contaInment 3 No fill matenals contammg hazardous matenals shall be used on tlus SIte 4 Wellhead protecbon SIgns shall be placed (dunng construcbon and operabons) adjacent to loadmg docks, parkIng lots and trash enclosures Drainage system 5 The dramage system for the parkIng lot shall mclude oIlf water separators 6 An emergency cut-off valve shall be InStalled up-gradIent of each blO-swale Aramark Case No DROOOB-00009 DWP 4 7 The catch basms servrng the loadIng docks shall be connected to the sarutary sewer In addrbon, a cut-off trench m the loadIng dock shall be mstaIIed up-gradrent to the catch basms to prevent raInwater from entermg the sarutary sewer I Chenucal Storage and Secondary Containment : 8 All cherrucalsjhazardous matenals shall be stored m areas WIth appropnate secondary contamment Sealants used m contamment areas should be compabble WIth cherrucals stored Wlthm them 9 Rooftop mounted eqUIpment and other flUId-contammg eqUIpment located outsIde the buildIng should be sealed and proVIded WIth secondary contamment or a weather reSIStant enclosure 10 Any landscape cherrucals stored outdoors (ferbhzers, pesbades, etc) shall be covered and placed m secondary contamment DETERMINATION Based on the eVIdence in the record. the Director determines the site olan comohes with SDC 5.17-125IAI-IEL sublect to the Condrtions of A1)1)!oval attached to tlus reoort. Addihonal Information The apphcabon, all documents, and eVIdence rehed upon by the apphcant, and the apphcable CrItena of approval are avatlable for free mspecbon and copIes are available for a fee at the Development ServIces Deparbnent, 225 FIfth Street, SprmgfIeld, Oregon Quesbons' Please call Steve HopkIns m the Planrung DIVISIOn of the Development SerVIces Deparbnent at (541) 726-3649 If you have any quesbons regardIng thIS process Pre';: /It L Steve HopkIns, AICP Planner II Development ServIces - Urban Planrung DIVISIOn Aramark Case No DR0008-00009 DWP 5 . , , cln -.IF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 lr~sh Glen LLC PO Box 2266 Eugene, Oregon 97402 . , . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 - -~ John Hammer lr~sh Glen LLC PO Box 2266 Eugene, Oregon 97402