HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 5/8/2008 POBOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 tF-t.I-rif ~W h<<,/ (cY:FJcL Legal 3241726 NotIce GUA"FiD PUBLISHING COM~NY Legal Notice Advertising ~7/, I /' l ( CITY OF SPRINGFIELD KAREN LAFLEUR C/O LESLIE WILSON NP 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 / # AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, ) ss COUNTY OF LANE, } April 29,2008 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF 5PRINGFIEl[)... PLANNING COMMISSION DATE Apnl Z9,2008 APPLICANT Larry Burr CASE NO ZON2D08-QOOIl NATURE OF THE APPLICATION Zone change from Low Density Residential (lOR) to Medium DenSIty ResldentiaJ(MDR) SUBJECT PROPERTY lOeA TION 359 West M Street, 17-0327-4303001 DATE, TIME, PlACE, AND LO CATION OF THE HEARING lues day May 20, 1008, 7 00 p.m.. 225 fifth Street In Spnngfield City Hall Council Chambers ADDITIONAl INFORMATION The application, all documents and eVIdence submrtted by or on behalf of the apphcant and the apphcableapproval cnteria are avallabk! for mspectlon at City HaU at no cost. and copies may be obtaJned ata reasonable cost. Seven days pnor to the heanng a copy of the staff report will be 51mllartyavallable CONTACT PERSON Molly Markarian at (541) 726-4611 or mmarkanan@cl.sprlnQfield or us. Send wntten testimony to the Planning Commission c/o DSD 225 Fifth Street, Sprlngfiekf, Or egon97471 or attend the meet mg and testify In person The heanng will be conducted m at cordancewrthSDC5.2100 Greg Mott, Planmng Manager Publish Date April 29, 2008 No 3241726-April 29. 2008 I, Kelly Gant , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the AdvertiSing Manager, or hiS principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general Circulation as defined In ORS 193 010 and 193 020, published at Eugene In the aforesaid county and state, that the Notice of Public MeetmgIHearlng printed copy of which IS hereto annexed, was published In the entire Issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive Day(s) In the following Issues j l(j(~/ "it ':)ecelved. 5/ g I n2 l'l<inner' MEM ~ -.. Subscribed and affirmed to before me thiS Apnl 30, 2008 ~Ia<, \---rv~ Notary PubliC of Oregon My commiSSion expires July 24, 2010 Account # INVOICE Case Amt Oue 1000218 3241726 Case No. $85.57 . OFFICIAL SEAL BABS FORD NOTARY PUBLIC OREGO~ COMMISSION NO 407232 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 14, 201 0