HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 3/20/2008 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON } } SS. } . 2?1'"\o ~ Date Rece\Ved-~ Planner. MEN! - County of Lane I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning DIvIsion of the Development Services Department, City of Spnngfleld, Oregon 2 I state that In my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed caples of Notice of Plan Amendment sent to DLCD regarding ZON2008-00013 Plan/Zone conflict (See attachment "A") on March 20, 2008 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S mall box With postage fully prepaid thereon R~ Brenda Jones '---/1'" Planning Secretary U STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ?17M 2.0 , 2008 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, Secretary, who acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me ,...- - - - - --,~- _.~----- -~.... f. OFFICIAL SEAL . , SANDRA MARX j j, NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON I I COMMISSION NO 385725 j L _ _ ~~G~~M::~O~ ::<~~8!~V,}:::' ~o~~~ 2Mt~ 'on~ . My Commission Expires 1i;/2-;I2-oot 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 WWW CI spnngfield or us Plan Amendment Specialist Department of Land Conservation and Development 635 Capitol Street NE, SUite 150 Salem, OR 97301-2540 March 10,2008 Dear Plan Amendment Specialist The City of Spnngfield sponsors zOning map amendments for properties where the zOning and plan designation are clearly In conflict three times a year The next batch of zOning map amendments that fall Within thiS category Will go before the Planning Commission on May 20, 2008 ThiS notice of a proposed amendment IS for a City-sponsored zone change for a 27 acre lot Within the city limits The applicant IS requesting to change the zOning from Low-DenSity ReSidential (LDR) to Medium Density ReSidential (MDR) The proposed zone change Will bnng the City of Spnngfield ZOning Map Into conformance With the Eugene-Spnngfleld Metro Area General Plan Dla9ram The attached documents Include the zoning map amendment application and maps indicating the eXisting and proposed zoning and plan deSignation for the sublect property The staff report and final order Will be sent to DLCD With the notice of amendment If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 726-4611 or emall me at mmarkanan@cl spnngfleld or us Sincerely, Molly Markanan Planner II Urban Planning Section In person D electronic D mal led D ! 1 DLCD Notice of Proposed Amendment THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY DLCD AT LEAST 45 DAYS PRIOR TO THE FIRST EVIDENTIARY HEARING PER ORS 197610, OAR CHAPTER 660, DIVISION 18 ~ \' , " " >' " , v.., !l.~ t' _ ~_ ~or _J:?~~I2Yse ?~______ Junsdlctlon CIty of Sprmgfield Local file number ZON2008-00013 Date First EVidentiary hearing 5/20/2008 Date of Final Heanng 5/20/2008 Is this a revIsion to a previously submitted proposal? DYes [glNo Date submitted D Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment D Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment D Land Use Regulation Amendment [gl Zoning Map Amendment D New Land Use Regulation D Other Briefly Summanze Proposal Do not use technical terms Do not write "See Attached" (limit of 500 characters) Proposal to correct the plan/zone conflict that eXists on the subject property, located wlthm the CIty Limits. The property IS currently zoned Low-DensIty ResidentIal (LDR) but IS designated MedlUm- DensIty Residential (MDR) on the Eugene-Spnngfield Metro Area General Plan. The proposed zone change wIll make the CIty of Spnngfield Zoning Map consistent with the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan Diagram and IS not expected to be controversial. Has suffiCient Information been Included to adVise DLCD of the effect of proposal? Yes Plan map changed from N/A To N/A Zone map changed from LDR To MDR Location of property (do not use Tax Lot) 859 West M Street PrevIous density 1-10 du/acre New density 11-20 du/acre Acres Involved .27 Applicable stateWide planmng goals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~~DDDDDDD~DDDDDDDDD Is an exception to a stateWide planning goal proposed? DYES [gl NO Goals Affected state or federal agencies, local governments or special dlstncts (It IS Junsdlctlon's responsibility to notify these agencies DLCD only reports thiS information) N/A Local Contact Molly Markanan Address 225 FIfth Street City Springfield Zip 97477- Phone (541) 726-4611 Extension Fax Number 541-726-3689 E-mail Addressmmarkanan@cl.spnngfield.or.us OLeo file No SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS This form must be receIved bv DLCD at least 45 davs nrior to the first evidentiarv heann\' , per ORS 197610 and OAR Chapter 660, DlVlslOn 18 1 TIns form must be subrmtted by local JunsdlctlOns only (not by an apphcant) 2 When subrmttmg, please pnnt tlus form on hght green paper 3 Send tlus Form and TWO COPIES of the proposed amendment to ATTENTION. PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, SUITE 150 SALEM, OREGON 97301-2540 4 ElectroDlc Submittals: At least one hard copy must be sent by mall or m person, but you may also subrmt an electromc copy, by either emml or FTP You may connect to tlus address to FTP proposals and adoptIOns webserver,lcd,state,or.us. To obtam our Usemame and password for FTP, call Mara Ulloa at 503-373-0050 extensIOn 238, or by emmlmg mara.ulloa@state.or.us. 5 Unless exempt by ORS 197610(2), proposed amendments must be received at the DLCD's Salem office at least 45 days before the fust eVIdentiary heanng on the proposal (The clock begms on the day DLCD receives your proposal) The fust eVidentiary heanng IS usually the first pubhc heanng held by the JunsdlctlOn's planrung comrmsslOn on the proposal 6 Subrmttal of a proposed amendment to the text of a comprehensive plan or land use regulation must mclude the text ofthe amendment and anv other mformatlOn the local !!overnment beheves IS necessary to adVise DLCD of the effect of the nronosa~ 'Text" means the specific language bemg added to or deleted from the acknowledged plan or land use regulatIOns A general descnptlOn of the proposal IS not adequate 7 Subrmttal of a proposed map amendment must also mclude a map of the affected area showmg eXlstmg and proposed plan and zone deSignatIOns The map should be leglble and on 8Y, x 11 mch paper Please provide the specific location of property, such as an address and/or tax lot number Include text re!!ardm!! bachTOund and/or the JUstificatIOn for the chan!!e, such as the apphcatlOn accepted by the local government 8 Subrmttal of proposed amendments that mvolve a goal exceptIOn must mclude the proposed language of the exceptIOn 9 Do not submit this form WIthout supportIng documentatIon. 10 Need More Copies? You can now access these forms onlme at http://www.lcd.state.or.us/Please pnnt on 8-1I2xll !!reen naner onlv You may also call the DLCD Office at (503) 373-0050, or Fax your request to (503) 378-5518, or Emml your request to mara.ulloa@state,or,us - ATTENTION PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST http //www led state or us/LCD/forms shtml Updated November 27, 2006 -. ~, EXISTING ZONING ZON2008-00013 859 West M Street - 17-03-27-43, TL 3001 '-~LI~ '-- I -1 , 0, 3t g '7 I I BCD 8Hr- . 8 B CDS! (, CI:;i , cI:::J . VX!. s:r.; -\V-M-8:r- rf3 :rn , j" ~........ I _J ~ I 1- ZONING LEGEND Low Density Residential (LDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) High Density Residential (HDR) Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Community Commercial (CC) PROPOSED ZONING ZON2008-00013 859 West M Street - 17-03-27-43, TL 3001 I I I I I I I L' Ii : I CIJ' _-! BBB B~ . LD cra s;r.; - I I L I ,--LL o st Q 7- ~ -W-M-S:r- ......, . ' . :w :..... ':.(ii :1. ... i........-r I I --, ZONING LEGEND Low Density Residential (LDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) High Density Residential (HDR) Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Community Commercial (CC) .-. .. EXISTING & UNCHANGED PLAN DESIGNATION ZON2008-00013 859 West M Street - 17-03-27-43, TL 3001 ~- -, N ~ . G-SPR HWY SITE ~\P.l BLVD C ENTEI'6" L_r- . I- '.f) :z: . I- ~Ln EST , Enlargement of Plan Diagram PLAN DESIGNATION L.::'.>':.\_ ,4,., Urban Gro\",,1h BoLndary D lDoN Oendty Re..ldllnd.1 """~...,,, Meho PI.1n BouNt.ry D Me4.m Denslly Residential ~ C~pu.lndu..trW /'../ F\.oItnod. CI '*0. Denolty ""....n'... 0 U.... .' '" /V f1wfI wid Pond, Dc D (;, II' " '1.IIIEdu~tIon O\l'l'lrlAlyt; ~ Mixed U.., Ar... rIll Milor Ret.uCenter. . Parka And Open Sp.~ G:2J Nod" OeYelopmenl AreA D He."V PIu.hW 0 N.turAr Re&CMIee D y......meue Greenw..,. ~ Spetlal .....,..,. D Sand and 61""",' D Ll,;,tltM&4iJmlndu.lrlaI C J D Forlllt LAnd D fU" Residential ~ Rur" Commarc". ~ "",..tMfU&I~" El AIrport Re..rve City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ~~~ Zoning Map Amendment, Type III . -. Applicant Name: jJ) YnJ ,J Company: Address: 11/tq10 1t1LDN 5)lfeer !'pplicant Signature: ~ R a Property Owner: I ~~11 0/1 aJl151f1!, Company: I Address: I Owner Signature: ~ tf? ,i!! If the applicant is other thar:lthe owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his or her behalf Iphone: I IFax: I ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: J!:H)'Jy ~'-I-'J) Property Address: <JfJil) Ww- M Area of Request Sauare Feet: II, 17&1 TAX LOT NO(S): -2fI1l1l MGr ~l1t1U1helO tfl V7tV1lJ Acres: " !J 1 Existing Use(s) of Property: f,U,VYWY1f1A.1 fr1/lt ~y ~m-- that WV\tlluiJ0 LSII1'v\(jW btW'l'tlj ~LLV1jUMd it dMfill-v Description of The Proposal: SUJLA-YV-J tAl (jO<<tU --We, U;(le, / pi LU1 d1c"10VlRt1iJVl [iMh '(if flAIId V't.'hf5Vlt fY1urtfJ~ (YofVI . Q-,IW- \_, ~J f)fA/l0vr!/~dtl'\lhGL( fA) (!"A Drt) );\hl.A,Uht f'PjI\0i1vl I ' den,ncJ , J Case No,: un }oO( -()1'O1 ~ Date: J J)-(j 101 , . )..07.00 . Received by: ..../ -Il1/A (initials) /" V,--, Application Fee: ~ Postage Fee: Total Fee: )0, .OU Edited 7/19/2007 bjones pfLJ)OOg - OOD /5 Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 Original submittal . "- RECORDING Rt\1UESTEO By Flo!UTY NAOONAL TITlE COMPANY OF OREGON t' Divi.lon Df 0,1.' ~ :l...k ~ CoWIt.y Dee. and Itecor. 1M327 \ tlW~IW!~~ill~.Il~.lI,~IIII"1II11 $31.00 08/22/2005 OJ: 17: 44 PI! RPR-llEED CnLoI SL...4 CASHIEIl 02 110,00 111,00 110.00 GRANTOR'S NAME Douglas S. Gannon and Shiel. Lynn Gannon GRANTEE'S NAME Larry Burr , S~ND TAX STATlMfNTS To: Mr. Larry Surr 859 West -M- Street Springfield. OR 97477 ,,"- ...'<- ~~~ AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: ~~"'~~~~ Mr, Lorry Burr ~(> ~'<- ~J':! V BS9 We.. "M" Streot O~<:J~ ~ O~ 4-' " Sprlngflold. OR 97477 ~~~,p~ O~~ ",'loP 0~~~"'~~'+'<;'0~ '1(;.,,~t{'.cV-'" ;;.,../'Oo"'C ....D\,Iu. 1,.110;1 UNit ....un "I;\"V"UI;".. vOle ~<:J #~'OJ" STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED DougllS S. GarvlOO and Shiel. Lynn Gannon. as tenants by the entirety, Grantor, conveys and warrants to iJJ Larry Burr. A Married Man. Grantee, the following described real property, free and clear of encumbrances except as specifically set lonh below. situated in the County of lane, State of Oregon, SEE EXHIBIT ONE ATTACH EO HERETO AND MAOE A PART HEREOF Subject to and excepting: Convenants. Concntions, Restrictions. and Easements of Record THIS INSTRUMENT Will NOT AllOW USE OF THE PROPERTY OESCRIBEO IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LANO USE LAWS ANO REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITlE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING OEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES ANO TO OETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS OEFINED IN ORS 30,930. THE TRUE ANO ACTUAL CONSIOERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS $200,000,00 ISoo ORS 93,030) OA TED: August 17, 2005 ~~. ~'~" .~/1 ~ Douglas . Gannorf f./ .I Ju , II.". 'iK--.uu'l If i1L.JLM7V /Shiela Lynn Gant"ion - (I CFFx:w.SEAL .. DAWH J AlUH !. N'OTARY PUBLIC . OREGCH ~ ~NO.38225J ~.f~ElIIWS,U<E28.2IXllI - ~~ Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 STATE OF ORijGON COUNTY OF ~ Original submittal This instrument was acknowledged before me on ().. V:-" It. ')"'~l- . ~~u-lG- '-'1"~ GQ,~"",- i~c;(I'\."<". . "",- by 0 ....,......<.<-:0 ~"'--'b0...4--b" l~ ,~,b;{~ NOTAPl'" t:l.1C-FOlll OAf DON MY COM.Jt~N ""PIRES: (; / ~d , '), '"' e .-r\o.-p-W 1,03 )").., 1 0 ?,uo1 ald#1 oS ,91.1 Fd~b-~'3 lR.... 21961 STAT\lTORY WA.RRANTY DEED t:c1t :><1.1 '1aoJro EI~ No. ~38o-DJA--46 ThIe OrcNr No. 0C400380 EXHIBIT ONE Beginning at a point on the South line of '"MOO Street if the same was produced in Springfield. Lane County, Oregon. North 890 24' 30. West 1136.65 feet from the point on intersection of said South line of '"Moo Street with the East line of the Robert E. Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59, Township 17 South, Range 3 West. Willamene Meridian. South 0059' West 130.0 feet; thence South 890 24' 30. East 44.17 feet; thence South 0059' West 15.0 feet; thence North 890 24' 30. West 120.0 feet; thence North 00 59' East 145.0 feet to the South line of '"MOO Street; thence along said South line. South 890 24' 30. East 75.83 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 Original Submittal E N GIN E E R PROJECT MANAGF PLANNERS 01Y SPONSORED ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPILICAIION Prepared for: Larry Burr SS 10 Talon Avenue Eugene, OR 914,08 Prepared by: ' JRH Land Use Division 4,765 Village Plaza Loop-Suite 201 Eugene, OR 914,01 (54,1) 687-1081 February 25, 2008 Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 Original Submittal + CITY SPONSORED ZONING MAP AMENDMENT Prepared for: Larry Burr 3310 Talon Street Eugene, OR 97408 Prepared by: JRH LAND USE DIVISION 4765 Village Plaza Loop-Suite 201 Eugene OR 97401 Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 Original Submittal. jRH lAND USE DIVISION I Burr Rezonej February 25, 2008 1 + Applicant/Owner: Larry Burr 3310 Talon Street Eugene OR 97408 Applicant's Representative: Larry E. Reed JRH Land Use Division 4765 Village Plaza Loop Ste 20 I Eugene OR 97401 Surveyor: Steven E, Woods Ford & Associates PO Box 22735 Eugene OR 97402 Subject Property: Assessor's Map No. 17-03-27-43 Tax Lot: 3001 Site Address: 859 West M Street 1391 Rainbow Drive 1395 Rainbow Drive Property Size: ,27 acres/ 11,761 square feet Current Zoning: Low Density Residential (LDR) Metro Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential (MDR) Request: A Zoning Map Amendment to rezone property from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) to correct zone/plan conflict. Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 Original SubmittaL__ jRH lAND USE DIVISION I Burr Rezonel February 25, 2008 2 FEB 2 6 2008 + Date Received: I. Reauest: Original submittal Lany Burr, the applicant and property owner, is requesting a City Sponsored Zoning Map Amendment to correct the inconsistency between the subject property's zoning designation and its Metro Plan designation. The subject property is zoned Low-Density Residential (LDR) and it is designated Medium Density Residential (MDR) on the Eugene-Springfield Metro Plan Diagram. This City Sponsored Zoning Map Amendment request would rectifY the inconsistency between the zoning map and the Metro Plan Diagram and rezone the subject property from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential. II. Backl!round Information: The owner/applicant, Lany Burr previously attended a Development Issues Meeting with the City on November 10, 2005 (ZON 2005-00054) to discuss the issues involved with rezoning and partitioning the subject property, At that meeting staff acknowledged there was a zone/plan designation conflict with the-subject property. III. Site Information: The subject property is located on the south side of West "M" Street at the south east corner of Rainbow DIive and is developed with a single family dwelling and a duplex. The site address of the single family dwelling is 859 West "M" Street, The site address of the duplex is 1395/1391 Rainbow DIive, A Vicinity Map is attached as Exhibit A. The property is identified as tax lot 3001 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-27-43. A copy of the Assessor's Map is attached as Exhibit B, The property is currently zoned Low Density Residential and is designated Medium Density Residential on the Metro Plan Map. The properties to the north, south and east are zoned Low Density Residential and are developed with single family homes. Property to the west (Tax Lot 1700 of Assessor's Map 17-03-27- 34) is zoned Medium Density Residential. A map showing the zoning of the surrounding properties is attached as Exhibit C. jRH lAND USE DIVISION I Burr Rezonel February 25, 2008 3 , \. , , Ii BURR REZONE Date Received: Exhibit A: Vicinity Map FEB 2 6 2008 Original Submittal JAHLAHOU5f:OMSION + 476SVl~e~Loop.5uil:f'20' Eu9~e.lJffgon91<401(TEU5-41.681.10l11 ~ / _J_'"m 7 " " \' JRHlANOUSEOMSlON + ..765 Vll\age PIau lDop, Suite 201 Eug~e.Ol'@9Ong740I{TEW541.681.1081 . / ~ _J"''''''m /1 1'/ \ t'\.),:)[_..J.':HVI c. 1\1 I , NO T XA nON O~~Y 5,W,1/4 5,E.1/4 SEC.27. T.175, R.3 W,W,lI" lANE COUN1Y !=' .~ SC/Il.[,"..,l1O' sa_I1QJ27.2 ~_ N #'" +__.:.. "#"" STREET H i'!(. ,;o""t",,lf f -1.'1f.:'~ .i ";0 ft~ ",- ~ ~ ~ .. '0; 1,/' WJ' .ft! .! I' ,. I .~f-;II';1 I t I, >J .:'-!.. I .' i 110t i: --~=------=.---' - . I.' Q '- ! ~ "" ,~ '.. r ~j~, [ ~-.. J";'..r i .. I ! :-;-,jite~~ I . -- L ~ ;JTREET I J -;..,~ ~,~ '~:if~/:~-l; .:: ,"~ ,.roo;"" f f i I ~ ~i ,') Ii II,'. !.;.,r- --. ,II....-t~ " - ~, 1 ~ f UlO . I I~ (;V . 1_ -- I '-;:..-.,~.JJ -----1, /:;..---/- 1"" l- "",' ! - -I.-,,;;-~t' i ,1l"2, , <' ),( .1\"; ";,;;:i :,' I ~ .,...'" ~ i __'t....:__~ i - --r....., 0'(':" ~ -~'J002 ,~J1JeM ", l~ - "\...-....:...... -.-___ ".7-1 t:. ~',f"\\ ..:.~ ~I,-,l_____l J r.; I ,__ I !'_. l___._..._._~ . ' 1~..: 'I u\.E.\J.lf\O ~'$lfr t :e.-. ..Itr<;;--.......... -I' .~ & 1----__ J .- eO ~...___ ._..... ~, , ;J "C!. ~~.,cY :'<,' .J>. JIof' 'I' ......../ ,"'" \ ;:'.':" I ... '!.' ~......._ _..9__ .. '., -.:,.,... ,~'...L '.!"r-'" ...,.~- . ," . ....Ii'J:Ok . ~ "--"-'-,-- ~~/?--1' -:;.~. \: ~o;t( ~ ll~ l ~I ~ IIi;.... ..............:': >>~/ t~ L ..Jl ,.&::=::: ~ ~ -.f.:;'r. t.' "!!'I"-,:a ........ ..\~~~ _-~ II . ,/I: ...w.~~~~ ,.;* M4H I'''~ ..., , - r \ cv~ . - d II': 'o~ , .... 11"':::;- -..... '1...: II:' !~ ....?...".-' r 01,.. 2ifl_ ,~ ~ r"'c'=:-_ .J , , ..-- - ...' ---- - - -- . A. ...........-. I I -. ___I , L ---___:_ _ _ .~ I . J - - - - - -- - _ -.J _I!' f-_j L<~~~_~~':.:,_____~ ... "~______ --,i" '1",~ ^ -- o/5e04't~;.. I'.'" iWOO ...'.r......:. -'--' -:;:..;,;;:- 1>. C-, \ LSL COIl --------- 'e-____ !r:::",--- --":~ j,~' . --..~. .::: --;-- ~ -" "ro, sa_I1OJ.l412 .J BURR REZONE Date Received: Exhibit B: Tax Map FEB 2 6 2008 Original Submittal , \' " , , 17 03 2 NAn 83/9 - ,* - - ~, - - - - - - - = -, - - ~, - .* -, - .. ~ , " ~ ~ " 1 'I I I 'i I L , ZONING . ResidentiaJ _HlghDensity ilyr,..,,", ",I U Medium o;s Residential ~ W4 ~ed~~~kjenti~l, m _eoomu IC . .,,1 I . iIIiiJ Mai"'. R eta c;o.;,mercial , I _ M~ed Use. , J ComnMlfCOaI I I I 'Neig ~lum IndtJsIriaI Light lJT1i & Cc ! rt:~ ~:'~~~lrial J ~ Heavy Indus1rial 'aI =- Special HaavyOpenlndus~pace Public Land & Booth Kely Mixed Use I I General Off"", Iloos - Cuany & Mine Open! ... . - Medical Services ,- r1ngfleIdCilyUmlls --, 51' G<owth Bound''Y "- Urtlan r - -. .. , BURR REZONE Received: Date FEB 2 6 2008 Exhibit C: Area Zoning submittal Original UllOMSlON + SlHlANO lDop,.Suit@201 '"s~'''''''::mu''',..',''''' . /" ....""o"".:.J....."'m /1 ..' '/, , " /' --/l III LO ..!. I LOW R ) ~ :> - 2: I.U a a: <( C.9 . Site ~~l"B~VD CENTE~~ --.I - Received: Date FEB 2 6 2008 'ttal Original Subml , , 'Wl :I> s: m ); ::0 s::: ::0 o HAYD~BRID( . EST ~ II BURR REZONE Plan Oiagram Exhibit 0: Metro , \ JRHlNClUSEOl\Il~ite201 .A. "'6SViIIag"P1au~,PrIS41.6B7.1081 y~ ~on9140'""", EYgene _Jrhwmcom Date ReCb. id: . FIB H 2DII8 + A copy of the Eugene-Sprtrfgn~i\ffefr,&I\!1L ;::'~Q&w" is attached as Exhibit D, The subject site is app' u~ately 11,761 square feet or ,27 acres in size and is currently developed with a single family dwelling and a duplex dwelling. The single family dwelling takes access off of West "M" Street, The duplex takes access off of Rainbow Drive, Photographs of the dwellings on the property are attached as Exhibit E, IV, Criteria of AnDroval--Zonim! Man Amendment SDC 5.22-110 establishes the criteria to be used in approving zone changes. According to SDC 5,22-110 (B) "Quasijudicial Zoning Map wnendments involve the application oj existing policy to a specifkjactual setting, generally affecting a single or limited group oj properties and mayor may not include a Metro Plan diagram wnendment. Quasijudicial Zoning Map wnendments are reviewed using Type III procedures," The proposed zoning map amendment involves a specific factual setting which affects a single property so it is therefore a Quasi-judicial zoning map amendment and must meet the criteria set forth in SDC 5.22- 115 (CI (1-41 which are listed below, 1) "Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan Diagram. " Analvsis: The subject property is currently zoned Low Density Residential which is not consistent with the parcel's Metro Plan designation of Medium Density Residential. A map showing this zone/plan designation conflict is attached as Exhibit F. Metro Plan policy A.2 "Land Supply and Demand" states that "Residentially designated land within the UGB should be zoned consistent with the Metro Plan and applicable plans and policies," A change in the zoning of the subject property makes it consistent with this policy Metro Plan policy A. 10 "Residential Density Policy" This policy states "Promote higher residential density inside the urban growth boundary that utilize JRH lAND USE DIVISION I Burr Rezonel February 25, 2008 8 1/ " 859 W OM" Street .-. BURR REZONE Exhibit E: Dwellings Uate Received: FEB 2 6 2008 JIU1IAND USE DIVISION + .i765 Vlbge P\wI Loop,Suilt 201 Eug~e.O~on97.o1 (TEU541.687.1081 / / _'......wm ;,. \ ~ Original Submittal 111 ~ / \, " "' .... ~...L.-",~',Il Hl Zoning Designation I 1\ \ \ BURR REZONE Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 I Exhibit F: Zone/Plan Designation Conflict LOR . HDR . NC MDR . COM . PL Original submittal JRHlAHOUSEDMSION + 476SVillagePlazaLoop,SlJite201 Eug~e.O~97401{TR.}S41.681.1081 . / ~~rh_b.wm / ..... .... " ~ CD ~ > J ,- CD 0 Ql <0 g a:: "" 'E (]) .Q:) .Q -- J.u :::J ll:i J.L: CJ) Q ii c: 'Q 'C: 0 + existing infrastructure, improves the efficiency of public services and facilities, and conseIVes =ral resource lands outside the urban growth boundary", The change in zoning of the subject property from Low Density Residential to Medium Residential is in accordance with this policy. In 2006 the City established a process where by the City sponsors Zone Change Amendments to rectify the inconsistency between a property's City zoning and its Metro Plan designation, 2) "Consistency with applicable Refmement Plans. Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and ftmctional plans and;" Analvsis: There is no Refmement Plan, Plan District map, or Conceptual Development Plan for the subject property, therefore: this criterion is not applicable. 3) "The property is presently provided with adequate publicjacilities. services and transportation networks to support the use, or thesejacilities. services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development oj the property, " Analvsis: The subject property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks. The subject property is a corner lot with approximately 71 feet of street frontage along West "M" Street and approximately 145 feet of street frontage along Rainbow Drive. West "M" Street is fully developed with curbs, gutters and sidewalks and is classified as a local area street, Rainbow Drive also classified as a local area street but is not fully developed at this time, The applicant is seeking concurrent tentative partition approval to partition the property into two separate lots so that the single family dwelling and the duplex are on separate lots, As part of that partition the applicant is proposing to JRH lAND USE DIVISION I Burr Rezonel February 25, 2008 11 ~/ , "- ,,' City of Springfield Storm & Sewer DWF Map Mapsheet CO? I r-----'"{'t'51t":T 'I rrl "4"~~1~' r-'s, r/l _ . -~.\- r~)( \ [,I}: /~ I 7fk -.J I ;-.;;;;;-r- I I~ ,/ ','--I/',~ , ,;;::J II ~ L DMH;~!~L_J 4Qe fi II; ).. - ~,I ',~/ 1f ~rl -, ), ~~' ,7pt ~ ~o>,=_; 21..2,-" t:r(;~ i215:-_~' I~'OI . -'7 00 411 _~_' "- -_....:o.;~ - ~'"""'--- - ,----;-~- ::::::.t TV ~ 0.;441;;. 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I --~ W"r;n:_l J ' =,L -,':::-;', \ L_Lr(.": :::) i ~I ~ ,;,I} _ -"-:-"""'l"6.,.J'>:"""'~, _' \ > J _~ ( l/.,.,.\ (: _ ~~~ . ',' ::djb ~~ N ,( t fz I 't"!~' r'~ ^\' \f', F'fc ~~ )1;"" ~I I, " 12,,8 - l . oo~. 03] rr ;';fJ, fl, i!-~~ ,< \~":.. \. ; ~nl i ,_ II ^ ",+,+,;:,\ ,I ....,.~ Rim: 445.0 \ ~! I r ;/"\ .. Date Received: BURR REZONE FEB 2 6 2008 Exhibit G: City of Springfield - Storm and Sewer DWF Map Original Submittal , \ JRHLANDUSEDMSlON + 4765ViI!agePIauI..oop,Suitl!201 Euget'll!,0r@9on974Q\(TR}S41.687.1081 _jm~'rom 'l . , + dedicate 5 feet of street frontage along Rainbow Drive for future street right-of-way. The Springfield Utility Board provides service to the subject property, A copy of City's Stann & Sewer Mapsheet CO? which shows the location of the stann and sanitary lines that service the site is attached as Exhibit G. The property is served by Springfield Fire and Life Safety and is within the Springfield School District 19 and the Willamalane Parks and Recreation District. 4, "Legislative Zoning Map amendments that involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment shall:..,...," Analvsis: This application is a Quasi-Judicial Zoning Map Amendment because it does not involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment, V. Summary The proposed Zoning Map Amendment request is to rectify the inconsistency between the subject property's Metro Plan designation and its zoning designation as shown on the City's Zoning Map. The subject property's existing Low Density Residential ILDR) zoning is not consistent with property's Medium Density Residential Metro Plan designation, Because of the inconsistency between the property's zoning and plan designation the subject property qualifies to be processed as a City Sponsored Zoning Map Amendment. This process was established by the City in 2006 where by the City sponsors amendments to the zoning map to correct these types of inconsistencies between the Metro Plan designation and the zoning map. The proposed Zoning Map Amendment is consistent with the criteria set forth in SDC 5,22 - 115 IC) (1-4) and can be approved by the Planning Commission, Date Received: FEB 2 6 2008 JRH lAND USE DIVISION I Burr Rezonel Original Submittal February 25. 2008 13