HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence DLCD 6/3/2008 Page 1 of 1 MARKARIAN Molly From Sent To Cc Subject Attachments Mara Ulloa [Mara Ulloa@state or us] Tuesday, June 03, 20082 54 PM GlOria Gardmer, MOORE Ed W (OR) MARKARIAN Molly Springfield 002-08 ADOPTION Springfield 002-08 ADOPTION pdf (j)LOD :Notlce of JIdoptedJImetufment June 3, 2008 The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) received the attached nobce of adopbon Thank you, :Mara V[wa Plan Amendment SpeCIalist Department of Land Conservation and Development 635 Capitol St NE, Ste 200 Salem OR 97301-2524 503-373-0050 x238 503-378-5518 Fax mara ulloa@state or us "^131~ Date RecelVed.J ." Planner: MEM htYU/www oreoon oov/LCD/mdex shtml 6/3/2008 Oregon Th~odon.. R hulongoskt Governor Department of Land Conservation and Development , 635 CapItol Street SUIte 150 Salem OR 97301-2540 (503) 373-0050 Fa.... (503) 378-5518 www led state or us NOTICE OF ADOPTED AMENDMENT &1 June3,2008 ~ TO Subscnbers to NotIce of Adopted Plan or Land Use Regulation Amendments FROM' Mara Ulloa, Plan Amendment Program Speclahst Date Received'. ~ 1:;31 ~ Planner: MEM SUBJECT CIty of Spnngfield Plan Amendment DLCD FIle Number 002-08 The Department of Land Conservatlon and Development (DLCD) receIved the attached notIce of adoption A copy of the adopted plan amendment IS avaIlable for reVIew at the DLCD office in Salem and the local government office Appeal Procedures. DLCD ACKNOWLEDGMENT or DEADLINE TO APPEAL: June 12,2008 ThIS amendment was submItted to DLCD for review 45 days pnor to adoptlOn Pursuant to ORS 197 830 (2)(b) only persons who partIcIpated m the local government proceedings leadmg to adoption of the amendment are eligIble to appeal thIS decision to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) If you wIsh to appeal, you must file a notice of mtent to appeal wIth the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) no later than 21 days from the date the decIsIOn was maIled to you by the local government If you have questIOns, check wIth the local government to determme the appeal deadlme CopIes of the notIce of mtent to appeal must be served upon the local government and others who receIved wntten notIce of the final decision from the local government The notice oflntent to appeal must be served and filed m the form and manner prescnbed by LUBA, (OAR Chapter 661, DlVlslOn 10) Please call LUBA at 503-373-1265, If you have questlOns about appeal procedures *,NOTE: THE APPEAL DEADLINE IS BASED UPON THE DATE THE DECISION WAS MAILED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT, A DECISION MAY HAVE BEEN MAILED TO YOU ON A DIFFERENT DATE THAN IT WAS MAILED TO DLCD, AS A RESULT YOUR APPEAL DEADLINE MAYBE EARLIER THAN THE ABOVE DATE SPECIFIED, Cc Glona Gardmer, DLCD Urban Planning Speciahst Ed Moore, DLCD Regional Representative Molly MarkarIan, CIty of Spnngfield <paa> yal 5 2 DLCD Notice of Adoption TIllS FORM MUST BE Jl{AlLED TO DLCD v". .nu. S WOR1ffi!G DAYS AFrERllIJ' ~",J. qE(:ISlON PER ORS 197 610, OAR CHAPTER 660 - DMSION 18 JunsdlctJon. City of Springfield Local file number. ZON2008-00013 Date of Adoption 512012008 Date Mailed' 5/21/2008 Was a Nonce of Proposed Amendment (Fonn 1) mailed to OLCD? YesDate, 312012008 o Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment 0 ComprehenSive Plan Map Amendment o Land Use Regulation Amendment ~ Zoning Map Amendment D New Land Use Regulabon D Other: Summanze the adopted amendment Do not use technical terms. Do not wnte .See Attached" The applicant ",,,,,,,v.,oo Cv~....,'-ng the plan/zone confuct that eXIsted on the subject ",.v",,,,.,), located Wltbm the City limits. The ",'v","" ') was zoned Low Density ResidentJ.al (LOR) but is deSignated Medium Density Residential (MDR) on the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan Diagram. The zoning map amendment has made the CIty of Springfield Zoning Map consistent with the Eugene-Spnngfield Metro Area General Plan Diagram. Does the Adoption differ from proposal? No, no explamatJon is necessary Plan Map Changed from' Zone Map Changed from Low Density Residential Location: 859 West M Street Specify Density PreVIous 1-10 dulacre Applicable statewide planning goals. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~~OOOOOOO~OOOODODOO Was an Exception Adopted? 0 YES ~ NO Old DLCD receive a Notice of Proposed Amendment 45-days prior to first eVIdentiary hearing? If no, do the statewide planmng goals apply\ [J1....LD $ 002--og (Ib 7&"7) to: to: Medium Density Residential Acres Involved. 0 NeW' 11-20 du/acre ~Yes Dyes DNa DNa