HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice SUB 3/4/2008 , 03/04/l008 Oq 39 FAX 7477348 WSC FAX ~ 001/004 <;I'Rll'<GFlELD UTILITY BOARD WATlR HRVI( [CENTFR 202 South lath Street Springfield OR 97477 5240 Tel 541 7262396 Fax 541 7t'17348 www ~ucutd com March 4, 2008 Andy Lunbrrd City of Spnngfield 225 N 5th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Dear Andy SUBJECT PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2008-00008 R KEEPERS Tax Map 17-03-26-24, Tax Lot 1100, 1881 & 18872'" Street Listed below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal The proposed development IS WIthm the Spnngfield City hrmts and WIll receive water service from the Spnngfield Ul1hty Board (SUB) There IS an eXisting 10" waterline on the west Side of 2'" Street and to serve the new parcel a street crossmg IS reqUITed at the owners expense 2 All new water system faclhtles and modtfical1ons to water system faclhl1cs both inSide and adjacent to the proposed development shall be placed In street nght-of-way at a 10cal1on and deplh of bury that meets the standards of the SUB Water DlVlslOn 3 All water facility matenals shall be to a standard that must meet SUB Water DIVISion speCifications 4 All workmanship shall be performed to meet or exceed SUB Water DIVISion construction standards 5 Size of waterlme and other faClhl1es, Includmg water meters, must meet the needs of the SUB Water DiVISion and the long-range needs of the City These needs Include, but are not hmlted to, meter 10cal1on and access, sIZes of water mstnbutlOn and transmission lines, pumpmg facilities, and commumcal1on hnes 6 Please ask the developer to contact the SUB Water DiVISIOn for detailed mforrnal1on on the matenals and construCl1on standards, detailed costs for Installing SUB water faCllil1es, and a schedule of construcl1on Construcl1on expenses may be reduced With good plannmg of requrrcd water faCllil1es, good tmung of faclhl1es mstaIlal1on, and JOint trench opportwul1es 7 All water meters WIll be placed In pubhc nght-of-way at a locanon Idennfied by the developer Each lot or parcel must have Its own water serVice 8 Water service faCllil1es Will be Installed upon collecl1on of development charges Development poliCies and charges Idenl1fied In thiS letter are subject to change Actual charges WIll be those m effect at the lime water semce IS requested S ISITEPLAN\1887 Second Street partlhon lentahve 3-3-08 doc. Date Received Planner. AL 'j / I( /J.,"tf I / , 03/04/2008 Oq 40 FAX 7477348 WSC FAX ~ 002/004 9 Spnngfield has several wellhead protection areas Nmety percent of Spnngfield's dnnkmg water comes from wclls In every mstance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contammalJon Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsIble for the safe handlmg and storage of cherrucals, petroleum products, fertthzers, and the preventIOn of groundwater and storm water runoff contarmnalJon SpecIal reqwrements may be necessary for groWldwater protecl1on at thIS development Contact Amy Chmltz at Spnngfield UlJhty Board Water DmslOn for detaIls at 726-2396 10 Backflow preventIOn deVIces WIll be requrred for tJus servtce Please contact Chuck DaVIS at 726-2396 pnor to mstallmg water servtce Chuck can help m the selectIOn of the most economIcal deVIce and location Water serVIce WIll not be prOVIded until a backflow plan has been subrmtted to SUB Water Engmeenng and approvcd for mstallal10n PLEASE NOTE SUB development charges are paId dtrectly to SUB Water DIVISIOn and SUB Electnc DIVISIon smc;e;~ --:7 ~ ~ Rebecca Templm, P E Water Engmeenng Supervtsor - Water DIVISIon RATmk cc Nathan Keepers, R Keepers Investments, LLC, POBox 703, Pleasant HIll, Oregon 97455 Pam Clark, Olson & Moms, 380 Q Street, SUIte 200, Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Robert Stevens, AICP, Metro Planmng, Inc , 370 Q Street, Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 S \SITEPLAN\1887 Second Street partltlon tentallve 3-3-08 docx Date Hecelved Planner' AL 3/,j;WiJ! I i '" ) r Memorandum City of Springfield Date 3/4/2008 fl ^ / ? To Andy Llmblrd. Planner II /l i//u-^' ( Frorn Jon Dnscoll, TransportatIOn Engmeer m Tramm~ ) \ Subject SUB2008-00008 Keepers PartitIOn ./ The transportatIOn DIVISion has reviewed the matenals provided ~e subject apphcatlOn The recommended findmgs and conditIOns outlmed below are provided for your use m prepanng the land-use decIsIOn General FmdIm! The subject property IS a 27,365 sf tract ofland located north ofQ Street on the east sIde of 2nd Street (Map 17-03-26-24, Tax Lot # 1100) Approval oftills proposal would create two parcels, an eXlstmg bUlldmg m the westerly parcells bemg removed willie a new bUlldmg IS under constructIon m the easterly parcel The development proposes to have a total of 9460 square feet of bUlldmg between the two parcels TransnortatIon Svstem Imnacts Fmdml! Abuttmg the subject site west, 2nd Street Place IS a 36 wide paved roadway wlthm a 60 nght of way The street IS Improved wIth curb/gutter, a street-abuttmg sidewalk, and HPS street hghtmg, which IS at the northwest corner of the property Average dally traffic along tills street IS estimated to be less than 2000 vehicle tnps per day Fmdml! Based on rrE Land Use Code 21 0 (Smgle=Fanuly DetachedHouslng) full development of the one additIOnal parcel with smgle-farmly resl&~ntlal uses would generate 10 additIOnal vehlcleJ!lP~ P~! day_ane! Lf~ peak-hour vehJ.Cle tnp_onto the ~lJ!T..oundmg s.tre~!..sys!e!TI In addItIon, assumed development may generate pedestnan and bicycle tnps Accordmg to the "Household' survey done by LCOG m 1994, 126 percent of household tnps are made by bicycle or wallang and I 8 percent are by transit bus These tnps may have their ongms or destmatlons at a vanety of land uses, mcludmg thiS site Pedestnan and bicycle tnps create the need for sidewalks, pedestnan crossmg signals, crosswalks, bicycle parkmg and bicycle lanes I I PartltIonmg of the property as proposed would have no slgmficant tr3ffic Impacts to the abuttmg street system Development of the sIte will reqUIre SIte Plan ReVIew; traffic Impacts of development will be addressed at that tIme. Recommended Condition None SIte Access and CirculatIon Date Received Planner. AL 3/'I/2l'Oj' / / ... , ; , \ SUB2008-00008 Keepers Par1llJon 3/4/2008 Page 2 of2 Fmdmll InstallatIOn of dnveways on a street mcreases the number of traffic COnflict pomts The greater number of conflIct pomts mcreases the probabIlIty of traffic crashes SDC 4 2-120(A)(I) stIpulates that each parcel IS entItled to .. have an approved access prOVIded . Fmdmll One eXlstmg dnveway curb cut IS located along 2nd Place at the westerly boundary of the sIte The applIcant proposes to enlarge thIs dnveway to 24 feet wIde to access Parcels I and to create a 15 Irrevocable UtIlIty and Access Easement over Parcel I for accessmg Parcel 2 Fmdmg As condItIOned below mgress-egress pomts will be planned to faCIlItate traffic and pedestnan safety, aVOId congestIOn and to mlrnmlze curb cuts on publIc streets as speCIfied m SDC ArtIcles 31 and 32, applIcable zomng and or overlay dlstnct ArtIcles and applIcable refinement plans Recommended CondItIon Prior to final plat approval, execute and record an Irrevocable access easement for the westerly Parcel (Parcel 2) as proposed Recommended CondItion ProVIde and maintain adequate VISIon clearance triangles at the corners of all lot driveways per SDC 32 070 Please prOVide a copy of the draft DecIsIOn for my review prIOr to Issumg the final decIsIOn. Date HeOOlved:-1fi/UJo! Planner: AL I Page I of I L1MBIRD Andrew From GORDON Gilbert Sent Tuesday, March 04, 2008 10 19 AM To L1MBIRD Andrew Cc GERARD Alan, FECHTEL Melissa Subject Partition Tentative SUB2008-00008 R Keepers, LLC Andy, Sorry I missed the DRC Meeting An inspection was scheduled for me that needed to be taken care of at that same time Anyway, here are my comments for this proposal Partition Tentative SUB2008-00008 R Keepers, LLC Address 1881 and 1887 2nd Street EXisting Use Residential Proposal Partition one lot Into two commercial parcels Planner Andy Llmblrd, Planner II Fire Department Comments Water Supply OK Access 1 "No Parking-Fire Lane" signs shall be posted on both sides of the panhandle fire apparatus access road per 2007 Spnngfield Fire Code 503 3 and SFC AppendiX 0103 6 2 The panhandle apparatus access road shall support an 80,000 Ib Imposed load per SFC 50323 and AppendiX 01021 3 A minimum 3 foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of the fire hydrant per SFC 508 5 5 Gilbert R Gordon Deputy Fire Marshal Spnngfield Fire and Life Safety 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone 541-726-2293 E-Mail ggordon(ci)cl sonnofield or us Date Received Planner Al 3/'I/wd I I 314/2008 . Date To Memorandum 3/4/2008 Andy Llmblrd, Planner II City of Springfield From Jon Driscoll, Transportation Engineer m Trammg SU82008-00008 Keepers PartItIOn Subject The TransportatIOn DIvIsIOn has revIewed the matenals provIded WIth the subject applIcatIOn The recommended findIngs and conditIOns outlIned below are provIded for your use In prepanng the land-use decIsIOn General FIndIng: The subject property IS a 27,365 sf tract ofland located north ofQ Street on the east sIde of 2nd Street (Map 17-03-26-24, Tax: Lot # 1100) Approval of thiS proposal would create two parcels, an eXIstIng bUIldIng In the westerly parcells beIng rernoved, wlule a new bUIldIng IS ~der constructIOn In the easterly parcel The development proposes to have a total of9460 square feet of bUIldIng between the two parcels TransoortatIon Svstem Imoacts FIndIng: AbuttIng the subject sIte west, 2nd Street IS a 36' WIde paved roadway wltlun a 60' nght -1ofway The street IS Improved WIth curb/gutter, a street-abuttIng sIdewalk, and LPS street lIghtIng, whIch IS at the northwest comer of the property Average dally traffic along tlus street IS estImated to be less than 2000 velucle tnps per day / PartltlOrung of the property as proposed would have no sIgnificant traffic Impacts to the abuttIng street system DRC2006-00083 took Into consIderatIOn a sIte plan on tlus property No further conditIOns of approval WIll be reqUIred unless a sIte plan modificatIOn IS proposed In that case, traffic Impacts would be reVISIted Condition None SIte Access and CIrculatIon , FIndIng: InstallatIOn of dnveways on a street Increases the number of traffic COnflIct pOInts The / greater number of conflIct pOInts Increases the probabIlIty oftraffic crashe~ SDC 4 2-120(A)(1) stIpulates that each parcellS entItled to " have an approved access provIded " , j FIndIng One eXIstIng dnveway curb cut IS located along 2nd Place at the westerly boundary of the sIte The applIcant proposes to enlarge thIS dn veway to 24 feet WIde to access Parcels I and 2, and to create a "Pnvate Irrevocable JOInt Use ReCiprocal Easement & MaIntenance Agreement" between the parcels Date Received -1/.J./lolA:! Planner: AL SUB2008-00008 Keepers Panltlon 3/4/2008 Page 2 of 2 Recommended Condltron Prior to final plat approval, execute and record an Irrevocable access easement for the westerly Parcel (Parcel 2) as proposed Fmdmg As conditIOned below mgress-egress pomts will be planned to faclhtate traffic and pedestnan safety, aVOId congestIOn and to mInImIze curb cuts on pubhc streets as specIfied m SDC SectIOns 4 & 5, apphcable zOnIng and or overlay dlstnct ArtIcles, and apphcable refinement plans Recommended Conditions: Street trees and/or on-site vegetation shall be placed or relocated as necessary to mamtam adequate vision clearance triangles at the corners of all site driveways per SDC 4 2-130 Please provide a copy of the draft Decision for my review prior to ISsumg the final deCISIon. Date Received .~./'l/UfJ! Planner AL I Date March 4, 2008 Andy Llmbud, Urban Planner Matt Stouder, PE SUB2008-00008, Keepers PartitIOn City of Springfield I Memorandum To From Subject I have reviewed the matenals provided With the subject applicatIOn The recommended findings and conditions outlined below are provided for your use In preparing the land-use deCISIOn SANITARY SEWER Finding Section 4 3-105 A of the SDC reqUires that sanitary sewers shall be Installed to j serve each new development and to connect developments to eXisting mmns AdditIOnally, installatIOn of sanitary sewers shall provide suffiCient access for maintenance aclivltles I Finding The applicant has shown J-'wJ-'vsed extensIOn ofpnvate sewer pipes as depicted on plan sheet 3 Approval for the locatIOn and placement of the pnvate sewer pipes occurred under a prevIOus site plan revIew (City Journal Number DRC2006-00083) STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Finding Section 4 3-1 lOB of the SDC reqUires that the Approval Authonty shall grant jdeveloprnent approval only where adequate public and/or pnvate stormwater management systems prOVISIOns have been made as determined by the Public Works Director, consistent With the Engineering DeSIgn Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSP M) j Finding SectIOn 4 3-110 D of the SDC reqUires that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved stormwater management system With suffiCIent capacIty to accept the discharge j Finding SectIOn 4 3-110 E of the SDC reqUires new developments to employ drainage management practices, which mlmrnlze the amount and rate of surface water run-off Into receiving streams, and wruch promote water quality Finding The stormwater managernent plan for the subject property, as shown on plan --!sheets 3 and 4, was approved under a prevIOus site plan review applicatIOn (City Journal Number DRC2006-00083) JFlndlng A water quality swale, approved under the prevIOus site plan review applicatIOn (City Journal Number DRC2006-00083), IS proposed to be located In the southwest comer of Parcel 2 After partitIOn, thiS swale Will be serving two separate properties for water quality control The applicant has supplIed a copy of a proposed Stormwater Date Received Planner. AL J/,j)A>Of I i Dramage Easement & Mamtenance Agreernent The agreement does not specIfy a mamtenance plan for the water qualIty swale deslgnatmg rnaIntenance schedulIng or responsIbilIty / Condition: Pnor to approval of the Fmal Plat, the applIcant shall provIde the CIty WIth a copy of a proposed mamtenance plan for the water qualIty swale, winch desIgnates maIntenance responsIbIlIty and provIdes a schedule for routme swale mamtenance AUBLIC STREETS. SInEW ALKS & IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS Finding The property abuts 2"0 Street, whIch IS fully Improved along the property frontage I\J\) SIDco"\vALx '-tEl UTILITIES. EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY Finding SectIOn 43-140 A of the SDC requITes applIcants proposmg developrnents make arrangements WIth the City and each utIlIty prOVIder for the dedicatIOn of utIlIty ~asernents necessary to fully servIce the development or land beyond the development area The mInImum width for publIc utIlIty easements adjacent to street nghts of ways shall be 7 feet The minImum WIdth for all other publIc utIlIty easements shall be 7 feet Finding The applIcant has proposed an additIonal 2 feet of publIc utIlIty easernent (PUE) I along the frontage of2"d Street to accompany the eXlstmg 5 feet ofPUE eXlstmg AdditIonally, the applIcant has proposed a 7 foot PUE along the northern property lme of the subject property The applIcant has not speCified what publIc utilItIes WIll be placed m tins easement Finding Due to the presence of multIple utIlItIes (storm, sanitary, water, etc) crossmg I frorn proposed Parcel I to proposed Parcel 2, the applIcant has proposed dedlcatmg a "\J large Jomt use reciprocal easement for access and mamtenance (as shown on plan sheet 2) along WIth a vanable Width pnvate easement for utIlIty, dramage, and maIntenance (as shown on plan sheet 2) I ConditIOn: Pnor to Fmal Plat approval, the applIcant shall supply to the CIty, mformatIOn regardmg the proposed utIlItIes to be located m the proposed 7 foot PublIc UtIlIty Easement along the northern property Ime If the utIlIty m thIS lme IS needed for publIc use, then the easement should remam as a PublIc UtIlIty Easement If the utIlIty IS needed for pnvate use, the easement should be dedIcated as a pnvate utIlIty easement OTHER PERMITS OTHER NOTE The mtent of tins lIst IS to gIve a developer mSlght about reqUIrements related to publIc Improvements before they develop theIr property I Date Received Planner AL I I I 3 jq /2i>t1 f I I FEES AND PERMITS SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE: Pay applicable Systems Development Charges when bUlldmg perrmts are Issued for developments wlthm the City limits or wltlun the Spnngfield Urban Growth Boundary (The cost relates to the amount of mcrease m IrnpervlOus surface area, transportatIOn tnp rates, and plumbmg fixture umts Sorne exceptIOns apply to Spnngfield Urban Growth areas) [Spnngfield Code Chapter II, Article II] Systems Development Charges (SDC's) Will apply to the constructIOn ofbUlldmgs and site Improvements Wltlun the subject site The Charges Will be based upon the rates m effect at the time of permit submittal for bUlldmgs or site Improvements on each portIOn or phase of the development SANITARY SEWER IN-LIEU-OF-ASSESSMENT CHARGE: Pay a Sarutary Sewer In-Lleu-of-Assessment charge m additIOn to the regular connectIOn fees If the property or portIOns of the property bemg developed have not prevIOusly been assessed or othefWlse participated m the cost of a public sanitary sewer Contact the Engmeenng DIvIsIOn to determme Ifln-Lleu-of-Assessment charge IS applicable lOrd 5584] PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FEES: It IS the responsibility of the pnvate developer to fund the public mfrastructure OTHER CITY PERMITS: Encroachment Permit or Sewer Hookup Permit (workmg Wlthm nght-of-way or public easements) example new tap to the public storm or sarutary sewer, or adJustmg a manhole [The current rate IS $135 for processmg plus applicable fees'and deposits] I Land & Drainage AlteratIOn Permits (LDAP) [Contact the Spnngfield Public Works Department@ 726-5849 for appropnate applicatlOns/reqUlrements] ADDITIONAL PERMITS/APPROV ALS MAYBE NECESSARY: · Metropolitan Wastewater Management ComrmsslOn (pump st;Jtlon, sarutary sewers 24 mches or larger) i · Lane County Facilities Pernut (If the project IS Wlthm Lane C~unty JunsdlctlOn) · Railroad (If the project crosses a railroad) · Oregon Department of TransportatIOn (If the project IS Wlthm ODOT JunsdlctlOn) · DlVlslOn of State Lands (Storm water discharge, wetlands) Date;R6caIVed.~ Plal'lner. AL I , o Oregon Department ofEnvlronmental Quality (EroslOn control 5 acres or greater), pump statlOn, storm water discharge, wetlands) I o US Army Corps of Engmeers (Storm water discharge, wetlands) , Date Received Planner. AL I I 1/1/]<J'tt i / Memorandum \Date February 28,2008 To ~AndY Llmblrd, Urban Plarmer From Matt Stouder, PE Subject 2008-00008, Keepers PartItIon \. I have revIewed th atenals provided With the subject apphcatlOn The recommended "- , findmgs and conoltIo s outhned below are provided for your use m preparIng the land-use deCISIOn \ \ SANITARY SEWER\ Finding SectIOn 4 3-105'A 0 the SDC reqUIres that samtary sewers shall be mstalled to "- serve each new developrnent an to connect developments to eXlstmg mams "- AdditIonally, mstallatlOn of sam sewers shall proVIde sufficient access for mamtenance actIvItIes ~ Finding The apphcant has shown prop ed extensIOn of pnvate sewer pIpes as depicted "- on plan sheet 3 Approval for the locatIO and placement of the pnvate sewer pipes occurred under a prevIOus site plan review Ity Journal Number DRC2006-00083) 5~ PE7c.SE'bCb ~ CovlM EN--,--s bA. 7E City of Springfield 3/ If) 0 g - , STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT Finding SectIOn 4 3-110 B of the SDC reqUIres that the Approval Authonty shall grant " development approval only where adequate pubhc and/or pnvate stormwater management systems proVISIOnS have been made as termmed by the Pubhc Works Director, consistent With the Engineering DeSign Stan rds and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) Finding SectIOn 43-110 D of the SDC reqUIres that run-o from a development shall be directed to an approved stormwater management system wltli ufficlent capacIty to , accept the dIscharge ' '\ ' \ Finding SectIOn 4 3-110 E of the SDC reqUIres new developments 0 employ draInage management practIces, wluch mmlllllze the amount and rate of surfa water run-off mto recelvmg streams, and wluch promote water quahty , Finding The stormwater management plan for the subject property, as sliown on plan , sheets 3 and 4, was approved under a prevIOus sIte plan review apphcatlOn (City Journal Number DRC2006-00083) \ Finding A water quahty swale, approved under the prevIOus site plan review applIcatIOn (City Journal Number DRC2006-00083), IS proposed to be located m the southweSt ~ corner of Parcel 2 After partitIOn, thIS swale Will be servmg two separate propertle\ fl}r', water qualIty control The apphcant has not proposed a mamtenance plan for the swate \ Date Received I Planner AL I I .du /2-f>P~ 1 / mamtenance responsIbility Condition: Pn to approval of the Fmal Plat, the applicant shall provIde the CIty WIth a copy of a propos d mamtenance plan for the water qualIty swale, which desIgnates mamtenance respo IbllIty and provIdes a schedule for routme swale mamtenance PUBLIC STREETS. DEWALKS & IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS Fmdmg The property a ts 2nd Street, wluch IS fully Improved along the property frontage UTILITIES. EASEMENTS D RIGHTS OF WAY Fmdmg SectIOn 4 3-140 A ofth SDC reqwres applIc~ts proposmg developments make arrangements WIth the CIty, d each utility provIder for the dedIcatIOn of utility easements necessary to fully servil(( the development or land beyond the development area The mlmmum WIdth for publlc tllIty easements adjacent to street nghts of ways shall be 7 feet The nummum WIdth O~I other public utility easements shall be 7 feet Fmdmg The applicant has proposed an i1dltlOnal2 feet of public utility easement (PUE) along the frontage of 2nd Street to accomp \ y the eXlstmg 5 feet of PUE eXlstmg AddItIOnally, the applicant has proposed a foot PUE along the northern property lme of the subject property The applicant has not s ecIfied what public utilities WIll be placed m tlus easernent Fmdmg Due to the presence of multiple utilities torm, samtary, water, etc ) crossmg from proposed Parcel I to proposed Parcel 2, the a IIcant has proposed dedlcatmg a large Jomt use recIprocal easement for access and m ntenance (as shown on plan sheet 2) along WIth a vanable WIdth pnvate easement for utili ,dramage, and mamtenance (as shown on plan sheet 2) ConditIOn: Pnor to Fmal Plat approval, the applicant shal supply to the CIty, mformatlon regardmg the proposed utilities to be located m the propos 7 foot Public Utility Easernent along the northern property Ime If the utility m s lme IS needed for public use, then the easement should rernam as a Public Utility Ease ent If the utility IS needed for pnvate use, the easement should be dedIcated as a p vate utility easernent OTHER PERMITS OTHER NOTE The mtent oftlus list IS to gIve a developer mSlght about reqwrem ts related to public Improvements before they develop theIr property , FEES AND PERMITS Date Received Planner AL '2./L~/x>vf , / SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE: Pay applicable Systems Development Charges when bUilding permits are Issued for , developments WIthin the City limits or WIthin the Spnngfield Urban Growth Boundary (The cost relates to the amount of Increase In ImpervIOus surface area, transportatIOn tnp rates, and plumbing fixture uruts Some exceplions apply to Spnngfield Urban Growth areas) [Spnngfield Code Chapter II, Arlicle II] Systems Development Charges (SDC's) Will apply to the constructIOn of bUildings and site Irnprovements WIthin the subject site The Charges WIll be based upon the rates In effect at the lime of permit subrruttal for bUildings or site Improvements on each portIOn or phase of the development SANITARY SEWER IN-LIEU-OF-ASSESSMENT CHARGE: Pay a Sarutary Sewer In-Lleu-of-Assessment charge In addllion to the regular connectIOn fees If the property or portIOns of the property being developed have not prevIOusly been assessed or otherWIse participated In the cost of a public sanitary sewer Contact the Englneenng DIVISion to determine IfIn-Lleu-of-Assessment charge IS applicable [Ord 5584] PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FEES, It IS the responsibility ofthe pnvate developer to fund the public Infrastructure OTHER CITY PERMITS: Encroachment Pemut or Sewer Hookup Permit (working WIthm nght-of-way or public easements) example new tap to the public storm or sarutary sewer, or adjusting a rnanhole [The current rate IS $135 for processing plus applicable fees and deposits] Land & Drainage AlteratIOn Permits (LDAP) [Contact the Spnngfield Public Works Department @ 726-5849 for appropnate applicatIOns/reqUirements] I I ADDITIONAL PERMITS/APPROY ALS MAYBE NECESSARY! I · Metropolitan Wastewater Management COnUTIlSSlOn (Pump statIOn, sanitary sewers 24 Inches or larger) · Lane County Facllilies PermIt (lfthe project IS wlthm Lane County JunsdlctlOn) · Railroad (lfthe project crosses a railroad) · Oregon Department of TransportatIOn (lfthe project IS WIthin ODOT JUrIsdictIOn) · DlVlslOn of State Lands (Storm water discharge, wetlands) · Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (EroSIOn control (5 acres or greater), pump StatIOn, storm water discharge, wetlands) · US Army Corps of Engineers (Storm water discharge, wetlands) Date Received Planner AL ').J} f / l/Jpq I /