HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/8/2008 :_ '" (, I '/ <' -~~~...f' ~ ~@C;~ ;;!~j . i "":/" ~ ! r, I ....... / J i' 'W~, ~~ lAND USE PLANIlING ANO CONSULTING SfRVrCES 170 Q Sll~rET SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 [SA II 3029830 FAX 110411 610 I 8m I 02-08-08P02 0,2 TENTATIVE PARTITION APPLICATION FOR R. KEEPERS INVESTMENTS, LLC Date Received RCVD FEB 0 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal. d~ Date rebllkll y I, 2008 Propelty Ownel/AppiIcant R Keepels Investments, LLC PO Bo'\ 703 Plea',lIlt I-lIB, OR 97455 P,olect COOldlllator/ ApplIcant S Repl esentallve Obon & MOITIS c/o Pam Clm k l::W Q SlIeet, SUIte 200 Spllllgticld OR 97477 'I el (54 I) 302-9790 Planlllng MetlO Plannlllg, Ine c/o Robel1 Stevens, AICP 370 Q Stleet Spllngficld, OR 97477 rei (54 I) 302-9830 Assessol', Map/Llx Lot 17-03-26-24/ TL 1100 Alea 01 Request 27365 Squme Feet EXistIng ZOnIng CC (Comlllulllty Comlllerclal) NUlllber of Paleels PlOposed 2 Aled of Palecll 16847 Squale Feet Area 01 P arecl 2 10,518 Squ31e :Feet ! H.ICkl!round I Thl' applIealton IS tOl a tentative partItion on 2"<1 Stleet wlt11111 the Splll1gtield city Innlts The ,ubleet site IS nOlth 01 the Illtclsectlon of Q' and 2ml StIeets There ale two site addle,>se,> (1881 & 18872'''' Street) Tim site wa, annexed II1to the City of Spllnglield III 1973 A site plan leVlew applIcation ,WdS applOved tOl tillS site 111 Decembel 2006 With thc dcvelopment agleemult JindlIzed 111 ApI" 2007 (,ee DRC2006-000S3) The )Ite plan review wa, lor eonstllletlOn of two eomlllclcml bu"dlllg, Onc 01 the wmmclual blllldlllgs was ploposed to hdvc a R Keepcls Investments 1 entatlve I',lllltlon l'ebrudlY I 200S Page I ,>eeond-storyapartment rhe eon,>tluUlon 01 one 01 the buddlngs .lIld IIlS1dllatlon of neee,>,ary utd,lte,> IS 111 prog.ess The othel buIldlllg .1Ild pal klllg lot per the applOved s;te plan wIll be started 111 the near lutllle Th" plOpo,>ed parlltlon" belllg don~ to loedte each eommerual buddlllg on lIs own pmeel 1 he plopo,ed pallltlon wdl cleatc t\\O eommcludl pdleeb oul of one e'\l,>tlllg lot The dPplIe,lble leqluremenls tOl a tent.ltlve pmlltlon pel the LlIld diVISIon ehecklI,t' <lIe addre,sed bclow All supplelllental,nl<)IJllatlon (I e "lOlmwatel SCOplllg sllLet) IS Included In the submlllal package along with th,,, wntten ,tatemcnt and the tentallve pallltlon dlawlngs The cntclla 01 approval pel Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) ') 12-]25 me addlcsscd below dS well C1tv of Snrml!tield Land Dlvl,wn Annhldtwn ChClkh,t SI/e Af>f>ef>\IIIellt of E\lstmf! COlldl/lOlI~ (l) Prepare(/ by all Oregollltwllled Llllu/5C(/pe An/II/eLf or ElIgmeer The Site A,sessment Pldnl1as been prcpalcd and slgncd by thc PlOlcct engllleel, Scott Morns (2) VIUJII(V IIIllp A vlell1lty map oflhc ,ulloullClIng aled mound the ,ubjeet pmtltlonls shown on thc SltC A."essment and Tcntdtlve l'att,llon Pldns (3) Tlte II/lllle, /OU/tlOlI all// dmlelWOIlS of all e,\/f>/II/g jlte features mcludmg blll/dmgj, curb cuts, treej all//mlpen'lOlI~ jlllfi/(e areaj, clear/I' mdlultmg W/lllt If> rellulIIlIlIg /llld wltat II belllg removed There arc no eXisting buddlllg", trccs or IIllPCIVIOUS suJlaee alea, on the ~ubJeet site Thc ea,tern (2-S10lY) comlllelclUl bUlldlllg IS SllllundCI con,ltuctlon but IS shown on the ,lle asses~ment plan The con,t1uetlon ofthc wes(elll budding patklllg lot, and landscape Ill,talldtlon pel thc ,ltC pl,1Il1CVleW ha, not begun dnd thu, I~ not ,>hown on the SltC asse~smcnt plan Ilowevcl the,e till ee ,Ile tcatul es wdl be eonstlllctcd and thus .II e shown on lhe lItIlIty/gl adlllg and pavlIlg pldns rhue IS al,>o dn e",tlllg cUI b cut dlong 2"'1 Stlect that wllllellldln (4) Reqlllre(/ letbacf.j /0 tlte pI opojedllelV propertj /II/e~ {Ol e.\/Itmg ItruLfurej to renUll1I 011 ~/te The one CXI~tll1g stlllcture on the plopelty .It thiS tlllle IS lh~ 2-,tOlY commclclUl bllIldlllg on the castern ,Ide of thc Site rim budding I, Identdied on the slle assessmcnt pldn dnd the sCtbdeks ale shown on (he lentdtlvc parlltlon plan Date Racelved.~/).90 tf Planner AL R Kecpers Investments Tentatlvc Pal tItlon reb,UdlY I 2008 Pagc 2 (5) The name, locatIOn. dnnemuJ//s, dlrealOn of flow al/(l top of bank of all watercounes al/(l I eqlllred rtparlllll \etbalk tltot are \ItOWII Oil the Water Qualtty Lmuted Watenollrse Map Oil file III tlte Development Services Department. No watercourses or rlpanan arcas as shown on lhe Watel Quality Llllllted Watcreolllsc Mdp on filc Il1the Development Selvlccs Dcpmtmcnt ale loeatcd on thiS property (6) The I OO-year floodplalll al/(l floodwal' houlldm les Oil the \Ite, a\ ~peufied m the latest adopted FEMA Flood IlIsurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amelldmellt 01 Lettel oj Map RevlslOlI '/ hc ,ubJect propeIly IS 10edted III Zone X on FIRM Map No 4 I 039C I 134r Zone 'X IS dn a1ca determll1ed to be out,lde of the 500-ycar Iloodplam (7) The Tune of Travel Zones, a~ \pectfied III Artlde 17 of tlm Code and delmeated on the Wellhead ProtectIOn Areas Map on file III the Development Servlce~ Department Thc development site hcs wIthin the 20 ycar lime-of -hdvel mne, thu~ there IS no boundary Illle to dclInedte on the site a,ses,ment pLlI1 (8) PhY\lcalfeatnre~ IIIdudlllg, but not IlIIlIted to tree\ 5" III dtameter or greater when meaSllred4 Ij;,feet above tile ground, \/gntficant dusten of trees and shrub~, rtpartan areas, wetlands and rock outLrOpplllg\ Thcre ale no physledl featUles, lllcludmg tlces 5' III dlametcr or grcater, slglllticant clusters 01 trees/shrubs IIpdllan mcas, wctldnds, 01 rock outClOppll1gS on the site (9) SOil types and water table IIIformatlOnas mapped and spectfiedlll the Soils Survey of Lane County A Geoteclllllwl Report prepared hy 1111 Engllleer must be \/Ibnutted wnutrl entlv if tlte ~/11ls mrvev IIIdlcate\ tlte propo~ed development area has unstable SOils andlor a lugh water table The development sIte I'> compIlsed ofCoullney Gravelly Silty Clay Loam and Salem- Urban Land Comple'\ '011, aecordmg to the Sods SlIlvey ofLanc County Thesc sOils arc stable and thelc IS no high wdtcr table tllll, d gcotcehllllallcport IS not needed Tentative Lal1ll DIVIHOII Plall (J) Preparell by all Oregon Llcellsed Lalld Surveyor III accordance with ORS 92 The Tentahve PartItion Plan has been plcpaJed and 'Igncd by the SurVCYOl, Lany Obon . Date Received ~\9,\'Wu~ Planner. AL R Keepcrs Investmcnts Tentative Partlllon rebrumy 1,2008 Page 3 (2) LOClItlO1I of 1I11 eXl\tlllg lIwl propo\ed ell\elllellt\ There IS one eXlstlllg e,lsemcnt a 5 loot publte utility ea,>cment (I'UC), located <llong the west boundary Two casements ale proposed With this P,ll lltlon appltcallOn One ea,emenl IS <l 71001 PubliC Utility Easement (PUE) ,llong the wc,teln dnd nOlthcrn bounddlles rhele" .1150 .I plopo,ed pi ]vale IlIevoedbiL vdllable-wldth reuproeal ed"emult 101 IIlgle,,;,/egles;, dnd pmklllg rhlq IIIcvoeahle e,lsel11cnl will Lover the dll veway dnd pdl kll1g lot (3) Dmlell~lOlI~ 1I11d ~lze of ellch pllrcel 1I11d the lIppro\llllllte dmtell~lOlI~ of ellch blllldmg site IlUflwtlll1? the top lIwl toe of Cllt 1I11l1 fill \Iopes to \LlIle All dllllenslOns and mCd L,liLulalions ot the plOposed pdleels ,lie labeled on the attdehed tentative paltltlon pldn PlOposed I'areel I will bc 16847 ,qudle feet PlOposcd P,llecl2 will be 10518 '>qume feet (4) LOClItlO1I 1I11d type of e,\l~tlllg 1I11d propo\ed \treet flghtlllg Thcle IS .In LXI~tlllg ~tleet ltghtlocdted In thc IIght-ol-WdY .It the nOllhwest eOlnel of the subject propelty No stlcd light;, ale ploposcd along 2'''] Slleet (5) TlIe IOClItIlJl/, wllltln lIWIWlllles of 1I11 e,\lstlllg \treet~, 1II1el'~, dedlwtlOm or otlIer rlght\-of-wlIY~ wltlllll or (l{ljllLellt to the propo~ed 11IIId pllrtltlOlI The plOposed parlltlon I'> bordeled on the we,t by 2"" Slied rhcre die no plOposcd ,lieeb alley, or dcdlcat]on, adldcent to the '>Ite (6) LOClItlO1I of eHstmg lIwl rel/lIlred traffic COlltl 01 deVices, fire IIYllrallt\, power pole\, trlll/\(ormers, lIelghborllOod lIuulbo). IIl1ltS 1I11d wllIllIr pubflcfllufltle~ Thele are no e'\lstll1g 01 plOposcd lidfJiC contlOl devlec, adjacent to the plOperty 'I hc nearest tire hydrant IS loeatcd on the west "de 012,,,1 Stleet aCIO% trom the ,outhwesl comer olthc plOpcrly I he lile hvdldntls shown on the tentative pdltltlon pldn There" an eXlstll1g power pole locatcd at the n0!1hweqt eOlnel 01 thc "te, but thele ale no tr,m,formel' o. nhulbo'\ llnlb located ned] the qubleCI qile (7) LOLlItlO1l 1I1ll1 WIlItII of 1I11 eHMIII/f 1I11d pI oposed ~llleWlIIA~, \ldeWlIlA ramps, pedeMrlllll lICLeS~ WlIl~ 1I11d blAe tr{l{l\ The eXlsllng 5 foot ~Idewalk on 2nd Stlect IS ,>hown on the dlldehed drawll1gs No sldewalb dre plOpo"ed ,1Ild thue me no pcdc,u Ian ,Ieee" WdY, 01 bike ltdils ddldeent to the ,ubJeet ;,tte , , Date Received Planner AL ;J r/lp{Jf I R Keepels Inve"ll11cnb 1 enlal]ve I'.lltltlon I ebluary I 2008 Page 4 (8) LocatIOn, llze amI tl'pe of plallflllg~ and \treet Iree~ III WI)! reqUlrell planter \trqJ. There arc no eXlstll1g ,ueet lJecs along 2"" StlCCt No StlCct lrces are proposcd (9) LocatIOn and \Ize oj e\l~llIlg amI propo~ed utllltle~ 011 amI adjalent to the ~/te Ifl(./,UiIlIg ftUfllfarv sewer 111lllll\, storlllfvatel IIlallagel11elll ~ysteI11S, water mlllll't, power, gas, telephone, alld cable TV //l(!tcate the proposed conneUlOn pOlllt~ All eXisting lItlltlle~ on .1Ild adj3eentto the site and lhe conneetJon pOll1l, arc shown on the UtJlIty I'lan Thc utllltle' 111 the ploce" 01 bClllg lIl,>t,illcd per the sIte plan review me shown on the uttltty pl,1Il as plOposcd Allulllltles Will be located lInderglOlInd 1Il appropnate cascmcnt;, Grlllllllf! ami Pawnf! Plan (1) Plantlllg plan prepared by all Oregoll LILemed Lalld~wpe Anllltecl where plant~ are prol'o\ed a~ part of the ~tormwatel managemellt sy\tem The proposed blo-swalc" shown on the allachcd glddlllg and pavlllg pLIll Thc plantlllg plan for the blo-swalc was apPlOved under the sHc pLlIl I eVlew (2) Roof llralllage paffel m alld d/~{llllrge 10catlOIls The roof dr<lll1age pattclns and discharge locations me shown on the Utlltty/Gradlllg and Pavlllg Plans (3) PervIOus and ImpervuJ//s area dmlllage paffern~ All pervIous and Impel VIOllS area dralllage patterns ale attaehed plans (4) The Mze alld locatuJ/l of \tonmvater mallagement \ ptem~ component~, IIIcltllllllg but not /tmlted to' dralll llIle~, catcb basl/H, dr)! well~ alld/or detentIOn I'ond\; storm water qua!ttJ' mea\llre\, and nalural drtll/lllge Wlll'S to be retallled Thc loedllon <lnd S1/.e 01 stOlmwdtcl malldgcmcnt compon~nts me on thc attached plans (5) EXlstmg and propo~ed spot elevatlOlls and COil tow IlIle\ drawll at 1 foot IIIterval\ (for land with a slope lwer / () pel cellI, Ihe Willow IlIIe~ mal' be at 5 foot IIIterval~) EXIStlllg ,Illd plOposed spot e1cvatlons and contolll lInes 111 e dJawn at I foot Illtervals blevatlOns and eontollJ IlI1es ale ,ho\V1l on ,ill sheets (6) Amollnt of I'ropo~ed cut amI fill Thel e IS no ellt alld fill pi opo,>ed given that thc '>Ite IS alt cady deve(j)qrtelRecelved :I.! 'if') /-07.> cr Planner AL R Kecpers Investments Tcntatlve l'allJtlon FcbrllalY I 200S P agc 5 AddltuJl/al materml\ tllllt iliaI' he reali/red (I) Propme(1 deed lestrutlOlH amI a d({ift o{allv I!omeowller'f A~~ JcmtuJI/ Agreemellt No decd I c,lt IcllOn' 01 I-Iomcownel s A;,sOUdtIOll are propm,ed (2) Ad(htuJl/al plan\ alld doulIl/entatum for ~lIhllllttal o{ a Clmter 'Juh(hVI\lOJI propo\lllas \peufied III SDC SatlOlI 16 J(JO (3) This application IS 101 a tenldtlve pdrtltlOll tllll, this IS not applIedble (3) Rlparulll Area Pl'OtectlOn Report For plOpertles lowted Wltlllll150 feet liftlte top (if halll. (if Wlv Water QI/aht)' LIIII/ted WaterwlI/~e\ (WQLW) or Wltltlll]OO feet (iftlte top oj bank of (IIII' direct trlhl/tarlef oj WQLW The sublect propelty IS nollocaled wlthlll 150 Jcet 01 the top 01 bdnk orany IIpanan areas (4) A GeoteLlllllcal RepOlt prepared hy all ellgmeer Il/Il\t he sl/bn/ltted LOIILurrently if tit ere are III1~table ~0I1\ awl/or alllglt water table pi e~ellt rhe ,ods on the site are ,tdble thus a geotechnleallepOlt IS notlequlled (5) Wltere tlte developmellt area If wltlllllall overlay dl\trlLl apphcable, addreu tlte a(MltuJl/al stlllldardf of tlte overlay district rhe "ubJect propcrty I, locatcd wlthlllthe dllnklllg wale! plotectlon oveIldY zonlllg dlStnct (6) Iffive or more treef I/Je propofed to he removed, a Tree Fe/hllg Peri/lit af ~pectJied III SDC Article 38 No trces ,ue proposed to be lemovecl, thus lhlS rcquuemcnl I' not appltcable (7) A wetlalld delllleatlOllappl oved by tlte Oregoll D,VBIOII of State Lalldf ml/\t be Hlbn/ltted COIIUlrI elltly wltere tl,e, e If a wetlalld Oil tI,e property Therc arc no wctldnds onlhe ,ublcct plOpClty, thus thIS IS not applicable (8) AllY reqlllred (ederal 01 Hate pem/lt ml/st be ~lIblllltted cOllcllrrellfly or eVlllellte tlte permit appllcatlOlI Itm beell ~I/blllltted fOI review I hcre arc no ledcral 01 ,tdte pClllllb leL]ulled WIth thl' ploposed p,lItlllon D3t{) ~ecelved Pial!"'" AL z/r/NOC I I R KeepelS lnvestll1(.,l1ts Tenld(lve Paltltlon I CbIU,"Y ),2008 Page 6 (9) Wllere all)) gradlllg,jilllllg 01 e,\WI'atlllg /I propo\ed wltll tile (Ievelopment, a Lalltl and Drall/age AlteratlOlI perlntlml/st be sl/bnl/ttetl wtlII tile lalld IIse appltultlOn A Land and Drdlndgc Altudtlon plan was alieddy apploved lor th,s sIte pllor to the ~tart of construction (10) Wllere appltwble, all)) DI\cretlOl/m" U\e, Vm WilLe or ModtjiultlOlI of Provl\lOm as speclfietlm SDC ArtlLle 10 or II No DI~erctlOnary Use, Vat lanec, or ModificatIOn of Provl~lons appltcatlon IS reqUlrcd SDC 5 12-125 - Tentdtlve PI.m CrIterIa tor Aoorov,t1 (A) Tile reqlle\t conforms to tile pi Ol'/SlOm of tlm Code pertlllllll/g to lot/panel \/ze al/(l dlmell\IO/lS The proposcd pattlhon complte, with alllequllclllents of the Spnngficld Development Codc (SDC) pcrtall1l11g to pateel size and dlmcnslOn~ as demonstlatcd below Pane! Size alld Street h on/age Per SDC 3 2-315, thc minImum palccl Site 111 the commulllty commuelal (CC) zone IS 6,000 "quare feet Pdlecl I will bc 16,847 '>quate leet Pat eel 2 wtll be 10518 sqUatC feet Both proposed pdrcels wlIl exceed the minimum palccl ,Ize 111 the CC zone Thc mll1lmUm sheet fronlagc pcr the abovementloncd code section I'> 50 fect Pdleel 2 WIll have approxlI1Mtely 90 lcet of frontagc along 2ml Stlect, thus meelll1g the 50 toolmlllllllum Aleordll1g to SDC 3 2- 315(1) "the Director may watve lhe leqlllremcnt thaI butldable City lots/parcels have hontagl on a publte street when all of the lollowlng dpply (d) lhe lots/parcels have been approved as pat1 or a Development Alea Plan Sllc Plan SubdivIsion 01 Paltltlon dpplicatlon and (b) deeess has bcen gualanteed VIa a pnvate strcct 01 dllveway by an trIcvoeablc JOInt u,>e/aeces~ agrcement as ~pecltied III SectIon 4 2-120A' The proposed Pdrecl 1 Will be dpplOved through thiS partition appltcatlon and aeees, to satd I'atccl wtll be guarantced by an IlIcvoeable edsement that Will cover the proposed dnveway/pdl klllg lot Given thcse facts, the requlrcmcnts per SDC 3 2-315 to WdlVC the flOntdge fOl Palcel 1 dIe mct 1 he dpplicant Icspcctlully requests that the CIty approve Parcel 1 as" landlocked 101 Se/baLk\ The only Improvemcnt on the Site cllllcntly I" the ea~teln commclual buddll1g thdt IS undcr construction ThiS blllldll1g wtll bc located on Pdrcel 1 ThiS butlclIng Will have a setback of J 0 leet from Tax Lot 2703 111 ordel to mectthe IllllllmUIll Intellor )'dld setback of 10 teet whcn a eOllllllercml site abuts d residential .Ilea 1.1'\ Lot 2703 I' zoned high denSity lesldentldl (I-IDR) All other adjacent propel1le~ ate zoned eommllnlty cOlllllleludl thus lhele atC no othcl II1tenOl y,ud sctbaeks Thc butldll1g on I'alecl I hd, d setback of glcatel than 10 lecl to the new propcl1y lIne to meet the ftont yatd setback ,>tandmd SlI1ce the \Ve~teln butldll1g and parklllg lot are nol Date Recelved:1!2<>og ~ l ~{::mner: .^.b. FC1lualyl2li08 Pdge7 R Keepers Investments Tenlatlve Pdltltlon I undcl constl udlOn yet, lhere ale no buddmg sClb,Kks to be shown on lhe dlawlI1g, howevel thesc futUlc setb<leb wCle evalualed 1'01 compliance undel lhe Sltc pl,llllevlcw ! (B) Tlte zoning I~ consI5tent Wltlr ti,e Metro PIIIII dwgrtlmlllld/ol IIppllcllble Rejinement Plan dwgram, Pllln DI~trlct IIII1P, IIml Conceptlllll Developmellt PIIIII 'I hc Mctlo Plan land use dl3glalll dcsIgnates thc subjcCI 'Ite a,> applopnatc lor commelel3l use" which I, eon'I>tent with the plcscnt commullIty wlllmuual zOlllng Thele IS no dpplicable Rclinement PI<ln GIVUl thl' LILt this clltellonl" met (C) CIlPlluty reqlllremellt~ of publtc IIml plll'l/te fllct/ltln, mdlldmg bllt not IlI1l1ted to, water IIl1d electrIcIty, ~allltllry sefllel IIml ~tolllllVllter mlllwgemellt !lIulttles, allll street~ lIlId tmffic mfety (Ontro/~ IltllllllOt be e\ceeded 111/(1 tlte publte II1lpl ovemellt~ ~ltllll be aVllllllble to ~erve tlte ~Ite lit tlte tIme oj developmellt, ullleH otltel fIIl~e plO",ded for bv tIllS Code lIlId otlter IIppllcllble legulatlOlI\ Tlte Publt( WOIh\ DllectOl or lIutlltty provuler Iltllll determllle capautv IHUe\ fhe eXlstmg public lmplOvemcnts and ploposed pllvatc Jaedltle, (undel construction per the site plan levlew) h<lve a vClY adequdte UlpdCl1y to aCCllllllllodate the two commeleml blllldll1g, .IS demonstlated below WCl\/ewalef 'I hele IS an eXlst1l1g 8" wastewdtel Imc wllhm lhe 2"d Slteetllght-ol-way wIth a 6" lalerdlthdt ,tubs to the subJcct ,lte The plan to! ~al1ltdrY ,erVlec I' 10 cAtcnd d 4" pllvdte wastewatel Imc ,dong the ,outhern bound,uy 01 the \!te to provldc ,CIVlee to both eOIllIllCICI<l1 butldll1gs Thele wtll two mdlvldu,t1 ,crVlce Idterah tapped lIlto the pnvate Imc to ~el ve each butldll1g In dddltlon, three e1eanouts are plopo"ed along the pllvate Wd~(ewatel Ime a~ lequl!ed by the plumbmg speelJieatlons The jJ10leet cnglncel has e3lelully plepaled the utility pial! to ensllle that thc propo,cd pipe SIZCS can eastly hdndle the antICipated edpaClty hom two coml11crcml bUIldings Wafer CUI rently, on thc we,t "de ot 2,,,1 StleLt IS dn c'\I>tmg 10" watel m,un II11s C'\1~tlllg plpC has a ~Igllllicant eapauty 10 handle the Increase m WdtCI mage 110m a new tile hycliant and two commercial budding, Thrce new watcr Imc~ (and two metcls) ale plOposed to ,elve the c1evclopmenl ~Ile Two I" wa(el 11Ile' wdl tap Into th~ L'\Istlng mdm and wtll be cxtendcd for '>CI vlec to each butldmg In adclitlon a 6 ' wdtel hne IS plOpo,ed to ,erve a ncw tire hydJant loedtcclmthc northwest COI nel 01 the subJeLt site Tim plOpo"Ld W,llel service plan Will very adcquatcly sel ve thc future ,el vice needs 01 this commerCial development Date Received Planner AL Z/r/ho? / / R Keepels Inveslmenb lentallvc P,lltltlon reblualY I 2008 P dge 8 Slormwaler D, (linage Thc project eng1l1ecI plepared a plan to very ddequately handle the anl1upated stonnwater runoff from both the roof and Impel VIOUS sutface dldllldge tlllough d eonneeted system In addition, plc-tleatment of the Impelvlous SUI facc lunolt wtll be aecompltshcd lhrough either mech<lnlcal mcans or a blo-swalc located m thc southwcst pOltlon ot thc ,Ite I he 100f dramage frol11 the ea"tcln blllldmg wIll bc collected and plpcd 11110 a 10 st0rl11 clIall1 plpC along the northern sIte boundary Tlll'; 10" pipe wIll tlow Into the e'\lstlllg 21" StOlI11 elldlllage line m 2nd Street The runoff 110m the dllVCWdY wtll be collected and plc-lleated III onc of lour catch ba;lns eontallllng a fosstle filter The runor! !tom thc palklng lot wtll be collected m onc oflhree standard catch ba"ms and pIped thlough 8" and 10" pipes and oullalllllto a blo-swale tOI prc-trcalmenl Aitel ple-heatment, thc treated stOlnl\\atel wtll be plpcd lIlto the 10' lllle along thc northern bound<lry and then 1I1to the publIc 2 I' 11Ile rhe plOJect engllleel has en"ulcd that there I; ample capacIty to handle stoll11Watel dra1l1agc !tom thl; ",te Traffl( CapaCIty There wIll be one dllveway selvll1g tillS site that wtll have a wldcn eUlb cut onto 2nd Strcet Thl> wIll ensure casy, qUIck, and convelllent dceess !tom the Pdlkmg lot to the pubhe nght-of-way The 2"d Street Ilght-ol-way ha, a 36 foot paved roddway thatl" VC1Y adequate to handlc the anticipated tlattie from the devcloplllent site No addllIonal trdflie measurcs are necdcd to aeeommodate thiS development (J)) Tlte proposed land d,V,Hon ~hall comply wtfh all appltcable pllbllC and pr/l'ate deSign amI (OnstrllctlOlI standards wl/tall/ed III tlm Code al/d otlter applicable. 1 hele are no proposed publte IIllplOvemcnts with thiS land diVIsion The appheant's project cng1l1ccr has carefully prepdred till pllvate uttllty plans to enslIIe tlldt ,,11 private deSign dnd construction standalds Cdn dnd wtll be met In addition, dllllllg con"truc1lon all pnvate UtJlttlCS wtll be m:,talled accordmg to dll appllcablc city stallddlds (E) PItYHca/featllres, lllcludll/g, bllt /lot Ill/Ilted to steep ~/opes wtflt Ill/stable \In/ or geologlL condltlOn~; area~ Wltlt sll~ceptlbtll(~ offloodll/g, slglllfical/t clllsters oj tree~ and \ltrub~, watercOllr~es SItOWII on the WQLW Map al/d thell a\~oL/{/ted rlparUlll areas, wetfal/d~, rock olltcropplllgc\, opell spaLe~, and areas of Il/stOrlL al/d/or arclwe%glLal Mglllflcal/ce, a~ may be spectfled III SectIOn 3 3-900 01 ORS 97 740-760, 358 905-955 and 390 235-240, shalf be protected a~ ~pectfled ll/ tlm Code or ll/ State at Federal law There ale no phY"leal fcatulcs loeated on thc "ublect plopelty Includlllg steep slopes, are<l; su,eepllble to flood1l1g, slglllficant c1mlels of trees 01 shrubs, WdlueOllf,es, wetlands, rock outcroppll1gS,OI hlStOIlC featllles lhls clltellOlllS not appltcable to the subJcet apphcallon (F) Parklllg area~ alld lllgreH-e~re~~ pOll/ts have beel/ deHgned to fact/ltllte ve/llcular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian ~arety to al'Ol/1 col/gestlOl/, prOVide cOl/llectlV/ty wltltm tlte development area and to ad/acel/t re~ulel/t/{/Iarea~, trtll/Ht ~top~, nelgltbor/IOOd activity Date ReceIved 2- It 17.ffO X Planner. AL -Tf R Keepers Investments TenlalIve I'm1ltlon Febl UdrY 1,2008 Pagc 9 . celller~, Ilntl commercUlI, mduII/(al alld publ(( llIeal, IIU1U1l11ze curb cull 011 arlenal ami colleclor Ilreels al ~peu/ied m 1/111 Code or olher appl((l/ble regulallOlI~ alld comply wtllt lite ODOT accell mallagemelll Ittnull//(/~ {or III/Ie lugloVI/l's There IS an eXlstlllg 1I1gless-cgless pOlllt onto 2"d 'ltlcet that wtll be wldencd With only aeecss pOllll 10 lhc sIte thelc wtll be a elL.u entlyway ,1Ild thc Impact on the publte llght-of-WdY will be mllllmlzed No addlltonal Club cuI'> dlC plOp05ed fhe on-site p,uklng lot de:'lgn wtll allow 101 a circular traffic flow th<lt wtll en5ur~ efliclcney tOl vchlculat lIdl/ic Thele .11,0 wtll be a clear aeee";'lble route (as sccn on the dltdehed pldn,>) tor pede,tlldn, to wdlk between the publtc sldew<llk and lar eommelcldl butldlllg In addition the acee"lblc loulc wIll bc clearly m,ukcd to promote pedc5tnan 01 bleyelc satety From 2"d SlIeet patron:, wtll be ,lble to connect to Q SheLl to lhc ,outh, which prOVIde, connections to I'loneel I',ll k WdY 5'h Stl eel andlltghwdY 126 I hI' propo,ed parlltlon (development) wdl PIOVIC!e good ~tlect connection, lor pede5tllans, blcyelt5b dnd vellleuldr ttattie (G) Developmelll of 1111 V reml/mdel of lite propeily ullder lite II/me oWllerslllp call he I((COlnpltllted IIIl/ccortll/uW wtlh lire proV/~(()1I1 Oflhll Code The plOperty owner (R Keepels Inve,tlllents LLC) doe:, not own any ddlaccnl land I urthel, the entll~ dlea 01 the sub,~ct propLlty wtll be fully devclop~d as a IC"t1t 01 thIS ploposed p,lltItlOn, thus thcrc wtll bc no lematndcl thdt could be IUlthel divided ldtel (H)Ad}I/WIII lalld can be developed 01 IS prol'uled I/ceell Ihl/I unll allml' III developmenl III acwrdallce wllIr lire provllwlIS of 11m Code Aewldlllg to LCOG dellal photogldphy dnd "te VISit, all 01 lhe 5ulloundlllg plOpCltlCS around the ploposed pat htlon have alreddy becn dcveloped I hc plOpertlCs to the nOl1h and southwesl are lully dcvcloped The propelty to the ~outhed't dnd cast could be lurther dcvclopcd The easlCst and most eonvclllenl d~ees' to cach 01 the,>c plOpel1lcs would be othel 5lteets (Q dnd 5'h Streets) The plOposcd c1evclopment wtllnot have ,lilY c1l1cct Impdct on Q 01 5'" Sheets or any slllloundlllg plope.ty that would plcvent acee" I hc ddlaeCnll,lIld Cdn be Jurthu dcveloped ,1Ild thl'> developmcnt Will have no ImpdLl on fulllle sUlloundlllg developmcnt (I) Wltell 110 COIICllrre1l1 alllle.\aIUlII appltCl/lllml1 \Ubllntled wtllt 1/ Pl/rllllOlI Telllallve PII/II 011 property Iltal I~ oulllde 01 lire ull Itllllll hul wlllrmllre CII/,\ IIrhalllzahle area, lire II1IIulardl Ipeufied helow ~lrl/III//IO applv (.1) Tire IIl11l1mllm arelljOl Ille pl/rllllOllmg ofll/mlmllte UF--IO Overll/V Dlslna ~/UlII he [() aaes (h) EXCEPTIONS 1. AIIV pJoposed lieII' pl/nel helweell 5 I/mllO acre~ ~lrallleql/(re a Fulure Developmelll Plall a~ Ipeufied m Seelllm 29 070(I)(c) jOl IIIIJ11U1le developmelll wllIr IIrhall dellllllcs al lequned m IluI Code 2. 111 mldlllOlI 10 lire Ilalldlllds of Suhle(/({JI/ (9)(b)l, allY propOled lieII' parcel Ilral 1\ le~~ Ilrall 5 aaes ~lrallll(eel oue lif lire followmg ~lllIIdard~: a. 1lte pI OpCI IV 10 be pl/rlll(()ued I/UlII he owned 01 operaled bV a goverllmelllal agellcy or publte ullllly, or 2/g /;"'0 f Date Received /, Planner AL I / R Kccpcls Invc5tmenb Tcntdllve Pdltlllon fcblU,llY I 2008 Page 10 b A majority o(pane/l lowted wlthm IOOfeet oj the property to be partltllme,l sltall be ~mallel tlllm five acre~. 3. No more thall tlllee parLeI~ ~hall be created while tIle property remalll~ wtthmthe U F-/O Overlay DlltrICt, ullle~~ permitted by SectlOlI 34.040(2) The subleet plOperty IS located within the elly limits, thus tlm U ltellon lS not .Ipplte.lble (J) Wit ere tlte SubdIV/~I011 of a mallufactwed dwellmg part. III mobIle home part. I~ propo~ed, the followlllg approval crItellaappl)' I. The park wa~ approved befOle July 2, 200lalld I~ m wmplulllce Wltlt tlte stal/llards III SectlOlI 3.2-235 or other lalld u~e rer:ulatlOlls m effect at the tune the site was approvella~ II mallufaOured Ilwellmg IJlIII. or mobile home part., or tlte park I~ au approved 11011- cmiformlllg use III the latter ca~e, a part. I~ m complullILe if the City ha~ lIot IHued a 1I0tlce of 1I0ncompllllllce Oil or before Jull' 2, 2001 2 The IIl1mber oj lots proposed ~hall be the ~al/le or les~ thall the lIumher of mohIle home spaLeS prevlOmly approved or legalll' e\lItlllg m the part. 3. The external houlldan' or setback. of the park ~hallllot he challged. 4 The u~e of lot~, as showlI 011 the Telltallve Plall, 1/11111 he Ill/llted to the lll\fallatlOlI of mllluifactured Ilwelllllg~, I e., "~tlct.-bwlt" hou~e~ are prolllblted. 5. AllY other area III the Subdll'/~I011 otller thall the propo~ed lot~ ~hall he used a~ commoll property, llllles~ park Mreet~ have prevlOw/I' beell dedicated to the City or there are puhllc utilities III the part. All (ommoll propertv ~/lall be addreHed ilia Homeowller'~ A~~ouatllJl/ Agreemellt. a. Area~ that are used jor velllde clrUllatlO1I (~treets), drIvewal's tltat ~erve more tlllm two 10t~/parce/~ or (011/l1l01l parkmg area~, shall he ~hOWIIIll II Tract or ea~emellt Oil the Telltatlve Plall. h. All other serl'/ces alld utllllles that lerve mOle thall olle lot shall be III II Tract or easemellt Where a ~ervlw or utlll(I' lerves olllv olle lot, but cro~~e~ allOther, that ~erVI(e or utility shall also be III all eo I emellt showlI Oil the Telltatlve Plall Sprlll!{/ield Developmellt Code, Chapter 5 Page 56 of lIS C. EXlltlllg blllldlllgs III the part. used (or recreatlOllal, meetlllg~ or other purposes for the part. re~lIlellts ~/IIIII be ilia Tract ~/I01VII Oil the 7 elltatll'e Plall 6. Any puhllc uttlltle~ ~hall he wi/hma publiC ullllty ea~emellt 7 If pub/I( uttlltle~ or ~eIVI<es are reqmred to ~erve the SubdIV/~IOII, the park oWller shall ~lgII alld execute a walWI lif tlte rIght to rell/omtlate agam~t the formatlOlI of a local Improvemellt dlstrI(/ to pi ol'/de the public utilities or sell'/Le~ rile subJect applteatlon IS nOllor a ,>ubdlvlslon oCa Illanutaclllled dwelllllg park, thus tll" enterlon IS not apphc.lble Date Received Planner AL 1.,f ~ 12-<ro! R Keepers Invcstmcnts Tenldllve P.lrtltlon r eblU,\1 y I 2008 Page I I 1 It there are any questIOn, dbout this wlllten :,tatemcnt plea~c do not he'ltate to eontdet me at I Metro Plannlllg VIa emaIl (IObclW/lmctronldnnlnQeom)OIphone(302-9830).FOIgenelal questIon, about lhe plOposed p,lIWIOn, plea,c contact the PIOlect eOOldlndtol :at Obon & MOIn' I I , Re'>pectfully, i Robcrt Stcvens, AICP A ,>socldte PI,1I1ller JUl,"II~<I"eIVed ::>-h;;-t Planner AL 7 ! - R Keepers Investments 'I cntatlve Pat tltlon rebl uary 1,2008 Page 12