HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/7/2008 City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, SubdiVIsion Date Received: FEB - 7 2008 Ongmal Submittal t1~ Aoolicant Name: Nathan Keepers Icomoany: IAddress: , IAoohcant's Reo.: Pam Clark Icomoany: IAddress: , IProoerty Owner: R Keepers Investments, LLC IComoany: IAddress: PO Box 703, Pleasant Hili, OR 97455 , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-26-24 ITAX LOT NOeS): 1100 I Property Address: 1881 & 1887 2nd Street ISize of Property: 27,365 I Prooosed Name of SubdiVISion: , .. . . - . , - - . .. (541) 729-3418 R Keepers Investments, LLC PO Box 703, Pleasant HIli, OR 97455 Phone: (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253 Olson & Morns Fax: 380 0 Street, SUite 200, Spnnqfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 729-3418 Fax: Acres 0 Sauare Feet ~ I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal descriptIOn to this application ProDosal: Prlrtltlnn nnp Int Intn ;} rnmmprrlrll Intc; I EXisting Use' Smqle family reSidential 1# of Lots/Parcels: 2 lAva, Lot/Parcel Size: 136825 SI natures: Please Sl n and our name and date m the a . -. .. . . - sf IDensity: 3 du/acre nate box on the next . , - - Associated Applications: Ipre-sub Case No.: PnJ(1)~-a)(XJL.Date: Icase No.: );:t~ )J\O~~ rYiX) <t Date: ;/1/0 ( Reviewed by: -A: 10 j A ... '"'_ IApPlication Fee: $ 47:J.... '1 ITechnical Fe~: $ ':)~~.45 Ipostaae Fee: $ Tt5.&J ITOTAL FEES: $ 5 J JO,l.J...5 I PROJECT NUMBER:11ZJ'2D00-0COSII I _~'Y'fJ:r;c ~_...,;l;V1Wt"",,, U"~A l._..~_", -/i$T""_~""".~~k, ^~"_11l1St+_..~ ~-.,,,,-"!."'''M~-'^-:C h~='.~AtA"/W1W'^ -""'~ ~~j,. "~~*_"...e"~""-^'L~~,," W,"""",=.,,~ J Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan PLJ )DO~ - OoDSl 1 of 10 Signs: Reviewed by: (I Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned aCknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City ConSistent with the completeness check performed on thiS applICation at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the CIty as necessary for processing the applicatIon IS proVided herein or the Information wIll not be proVided If not otherwise contamed within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted ThiS statement serves as wntten notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a Own." ~~ j Signature Date: 24 ;C;8" Nathan Keepers Print Date ReceIved FEB - 7 2008 I flrI- Onglnal Submltta , , ~ . ~, ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 Land Division Tentative Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Land DivIsion Tentative Application for Pre-Submittal . The application must conform to the Land DIvIsion Tentative Submittal ReqUirements Check/1st on pages 4-6 of this application packet . A pre-submittal meeting to discuss completeness IS mandatory, and pre-submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10 00 am - noon . Planning DIvIsion staff strives to conduct pre-submittal meetings within five to seven working days of receiving an application 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting . The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre- submittal meeting . The meeting IS held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning DIvIsion and IS scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes . The Planner prOVides the applicant With a Pre-Submittal Checklist speCifying the Items required to make the application complete If It IS not already complete, and the applicant has 180 days submit a complete application to the City 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application, City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision . A complete application must conform to the Land DIVISIOn Tentative SubmIttal ReqUirements Checklist on pages 4-6 of thiS application packet . A Type II decIsion, made after public notice, but Without a public hearing, unless appealed, IS Issued Within 120 days of submittal of a complete application . Mailed notice IS prOVided to property owners and occupants Within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood aSSOCiation In addition, the applicant must post one sign, proVided by the City, on the subject property . There IS a 14-day public comment period, starting on the date notice IS mailed . Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are Incorporated Into a deCISion that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice . Applications may be approved, approved With conditions, or de(1led . At the applicant's request, the Planner can prOVide a copy of the draft land use deCISion , prior to Issuing the final land use deCISion . The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the deCISion, which IS effective on the day It IS mailed . The deCISion Issued IS the final deCISion of the City but may be appealed Within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings OffiCial ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 3 of 10 Date Received, Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist .. FEB - 7 2008 NOTE /7~ . ALL of the following Items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Subf;>/j~~I:I~t5Wnfu;1 . If you feel an Item on the list below does not apply to your speCific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to thiS form ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages ~ Land DiVISion Tentative Application Form ~ Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the eXisting use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing In determining the action to be taken ~ Copy of the Deed ~ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report Issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances ~ Copy of the Land Division Plan Reduced to 81h"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighbOring property notification packet ~ Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application prOVided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility ~ Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual ~ Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer In accordance with SDC 42-105 A 4 Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic Impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system In terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and Immediate and adjOining street systems A TIS must also address, If needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives ~ Seven (7) Copies of the Followmg Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR Eighteen (18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal ~ All of the follOWing plans must Include the scale appropriate to the area Involved and suffiCient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation ~ All plan sets must be folded to 8'12" by 11" and bound by rubber bands a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer ~ VICinity Map Revised 1/1/08 Mally Markarian 4 of 10 [gJ The name, location, and dimensions of all eXisting site features including bUildings, curb cuts, trees, and ImpervIous surface areas, clearly indicating what IS remaining and what IS being removed For eXisting structures to remain, also indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed property lines [gJ The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses , and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map.on file In the Development Services Department " [gJ The lOa-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified In the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map RevIsion [gJ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified In SDC 3 3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file In the Development Services Department [gJ Physical features Including, but not limited to trees 5" In diameter or greater when measured 4 Y2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcropplngs [gJ 5011 types and water table information as mapped and specified In the Soils Survey of Lane County A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently If the SOils Survey indicates the proposed develoPlAe!lt a,tl:!a has unstable sOils and/or a high water table Uate ~ecelvea b. Land Division Tentative Plan FEB - 7 2008 [gJ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor /?/ )0 Ongmal Submittal V' /-- [gJ City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary, and any speCial service district boundaries or railroad right-of-way which cross or abut the proposed land divIsion [gJ Location and width of all eXisting and proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land diVISion [gJ Boundaries of entire area owned by the property owner, of which the proposed land diVISion IS a part, as well as dimenSions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each bUilding site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale [gJ Location and type of eXisting and proposed street lighting, Including type, height, and area of illumination [gJ Location, widths, conditions, and names of all eXisting and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other rlght-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land divIsion Proposed streets should also Include approximate radius of curves and grades and I relationship to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map I [gJ Location of eXisting and required traffic control deVices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public faCilities [gJ Location and dimenSions of eXisting and proposed driveways [gJ Location of eXisting and proposed transit faCilities [gJ Location and width of all eXisting and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails [gJ Location, size and type of plantlngs and street trees In any required planter strip ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan S of 10 ~ Location and size of eXisting and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site Including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mainS, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV Indicate the proposed connection pOints ~ The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly Indicated ~ Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are pro~osed.as speCified In SDC 5 12-120 E Date Recelvea: c. Stormwater Management Plan FEB - 7 2008 ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed CIVil Engineer Il 'II- ~ Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape AR:nt~c\:tWRgp1}~orlt1lc,re proposed as part of the stormwater management system ~ Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations ~ PervIous and ImpervIous area drainage patterns ~ The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to drain lines, catch baSinS, dry wells and/or detention ponds, stormwater quality measures, and natural dralnageways to be retained ~ EXisting and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot Intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot Intervals) ~ Amount of proposed cut and fill ~ Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVElOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: ~ Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's ASSOCIation Agreement ~ Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster SubdiVIsion proposal as specified In SDC 3 2-230 ~ Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located Within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality limited Watercourses (WQLW) or Within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW ~ A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently If there are unstable SOils and/or a high water table present ~ Where the development area IS Within an overlay diStriCt, address the additional standards of the overlay district ~ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified In SDC 5 19-100 ~ A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon DIVISion of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there IS a wetland on the property ~ Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or eVidence the permit application has been submitted for review ~ Where any grading, filling or excavating IS proposed With the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 6 of 10 [XJ Where applicable-, any DIscretIonary Use or Variance -as specified In SDC 5 9-100 and 5 21-100 [XJ An Annexation application, as specified In SDC 5 7-100, where a development IS proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer [XJ All public Improvements proposed to be Installed and to Include the approximate time of installation and method of financing . 1 ,. Date Received. FEB - 7 2008 Original Submittal Il K' Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 7 of 10 380 Q Street, SUIte 200 Spnngfleld, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253 Fax oamlalolsonandmorns com Olson & ~orris A Subsidiary of L BOlson & Associates, me I Consulting Engineers & Surveyors LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date February 6, 2008 Re 3740 KEEPERS PRE2008-00002 TO. Andy Lllllblrd City of Spnngfleld 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 (541) 726-3784 Date Received' From Pam Clark WE ARE SENDING YOU FEB - 7 2008 Original SUbmlttal-LlX ( x ) Attached (x) Copies ( x ) Plans QTY DESCRIPTION 1 Tentative Partition Application 1 Check In the amount of $5,12045 from Nathan Keepers 1 Wntten statement from Metro Planning dated 2-1-08 1 Vesting deed 1 Title Report dated 1-29-08 1 I 8 Y, x 11 of the Land DIVISion Plan 3 I Stormwater Management System Scope of Work 3 I TraffiC Impact Study 18 I Tentative Plan for Submittal 1 Declaration of a Pnvate Irrevocable JOint Use ReCiprocal Easement & Maintenance Agreement (Draft) 1 Declaration of a Van able Width Pnvate Utility & Stormwater Drainage Easement and Maintenance Agreement (Draft) ( x ) For your use ( x ) For approval & Filing ( x ) For review & comment n Signature ? ~ tDev. \< Pam Clark, Survey Tech x \PROJf:CTS\3740 Nathan Kecpcrs\Correspondcnce\Trans lent Appl dol;,. r ,- A \.-.11 t OF SPRIN~r1J~..LD VI CIl'-u 1 i MAP SUB2008-00008 1881 & 1887 20d Street SITE Map 17-03-26-24 Tn Lot 1100 North .. . if Sir 9UJQF~~ .-,~ Datfll'1eceived: 'J //?I NfL (Jlanner: Al J . (? flQNrrY /lAP FEB - 7 2008 \}i- - -- .. ... f/IUr 1Ql _ -*- ---- ...8IIZIP1If'Irlf.LWklltlC' 1;( llISJIlCMCHtfJII1Itf e- ._- DiISllIC MSJl'.up -at ~ ... &-- -SP- --a ~ ~~".. ~..n -CRl- - lJI5BC UIUD (IL. ItC'C tat Ql'Q -.-._---- /ID/IIClIIfUJIIM ~ t: .-, J I I . M:lIlQS!II(JI PlII' i I ::, I FJ Ii :.-::.,-::.,-::.,-::.,-::. :='.............. , r.'1 . ,<i' -.-.-.- mw__1DCt ~ i {.J, II i D I' -..-- , t .. , ~ · '1'- ~ ~ l.f'fl ~1111 ~~:r----~ ~':;'; __------f"'-----"...,,-------I~-I~-::------ i - \.j ~ ,; I I ... ~ 1 ,-L-----------...------:-1._-7----- ,.. . : ~ 1 ~ JI I I I I ( J:~~.:.:.:u-=--S;.-.i;-::J,z.::._~~-u -:'-.-..-c""'-j .. "'1 I f":' ]'j.L-, ..., ~I -:,,~_.== ~ 1 r.; I r-,;~*;rl:~;.~~_t_= tit p~~ "".\"~/'STJ I. -,....-~ 'I I J 1'1. :u.'o<7, ;;;;p;jI.... .,..,/ ~--:::-" ~ , ... .. ~ ~J-;<'ll~....."..,,;r ....IUS'..,~ I i V II e ~~:~~.I~~il,...L-, /:'-_-:'-_7"7~-_1- - ''-.// -w;~ l:+-!-.....,I-~f~ III: ,i/...."... ..' 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IL'_~..\ , , ,,~ , --....-;, rg'~: ~ 'v~ ',;,:. M~: TENTATIVE PARTITION APPLICATION FOR 1Z.~, . ':- R KEEPERS INVESTMENTS, LLC l "" f'.,~~ . ". .'h ~ e ~ Pmpo' o\:pp",m, Project Coordlll r/ _n_ Allplteant's Repre htatlve Date Received: .. ! FEB - 7 2008 :onQlnal Submittal tl ;e I I February 1,2008 lAND USE PlANNING AND CONSUlTING SERVICES R Keepers Investments, LLC PO Box 703 Ple<lsant Htll, OR 97455 Planlllng ~~ CD~ () "G-&-- S 5VJ Olson & Morns c/o Pam Clark 380 Q Street, SUIte 200 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302-9790 Assessor's Map/Tax Lot Metro PlannIng, Ine c/o Robert Stevens, AICP 370 Q Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302.9830 \ I 03-26-24/ TL I 100 \ 27,36 Square Feet \ CC (Com ullIty Commercial) Area of Request EXIStlllg ZOlllng Area of Parcel 2 10,518 Square Feet NUlllber of Parcels Proposed 2 Area of Parcel I B.,k,",""" ~ ThiS applteatlOn IS for a tentative partition on 2nd Street wlthm the Spnngfie deity IIlllltS The subject site IS north of the lllterseetlon of'Q' and 2nd Streets The e \ are two site addresses (1881 & 1887 2nd Street) ThiS sIte was annexed llltO th I City of Spnngfield III 1973 A site plan review applteatlOn was approved for thl site III December 2006 with the developlllent agreemcnt tinaltzed III Apnl 2007 (see DRC2006-00083) The site plan review was for constructIOn of two commercial butldlllgs One of the commcfClal butldlllgs was proposed to have a R Keepers lnveslments Tentative PartItion February 1,2008 Page I Date Received. FEB - 7 2008 ~ ~ Onglnal Submittal \9 . second-story apartlllent The constructIOn of one of the buIldmgs and mstallatlOn of necessary utIhttes IS m progress The other butldmg and parkmg lot per the dpproved site plan wIll be started mthe nem future This proposed parlltlon IS bemg done to locate each commerCIal bUlldmg on ItS own parcel The proposed partition Will create two comlllerelal parcels out of one eXlstll1g lot /; The apphcable reqUIrements for a tentallve partition per the 'land divIsIOn eheekl t' are addressed I below All supplementdlmformatlOn (I e stormwater seopmg sheet) IS mclud (] m the submIttal I package along with thIs wntten statement and the tentatIve partItIOn drawl s The entena of ! approval per Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) 512-125 are addlessed elow as well j CItv of Sorm!!field Land DIVISIOn AoolIcatlOn ChecklIst Site Assessment of EXlstm!! COlldlllOlIS f. (1) Prepared by all Oregoll IIcellsed Landscape Arc/II ct or ElIgmeer / ~:~~te Assessment Plan has been prepared afnd Sl led by the project engmeer, Scott (2) VIC/lllty map A vlemlty map of the sUIToundmg area arou 0 the subject partitIOn IS shown on the SIte Assessment and Tentattve Partition Plant' (3) The name, locatlOlI alld dlmellslO s of all eXlstmg site features mcludmg bUlldmgs, I curb cuts, trees alld ImpervIOUS urface areas, clearly mdlcatmg what IS remammg and what IS bemg removed. f There are no eXlstmg blllldmgs rees, or ImpervIOUS surface areas on the subject site The eastern (2-story) com mer al bUlldmg IS stili under constructIOn, but IS shown on the h site assessment plan The c struetlOn of the western bUlldmg, parkmg lot, and landscape / mstallatlOn per the sIte pia revIew has not begun and thus IS not shown on the site / assessment plan Howev r, these three site features wtll be constructed and thus are / shown on the utthty/gr [Img and pavmg plans There IS also an eXlstmg curb cut along 2nd Street that Will re am (4) ReqUire etb cks to the proposed lIew property lilies for eXlstlllg structures to remal on Sl e. The one eXlstt g structure on the property at thiS ttme IS the 2-story commerCial bUlldmg / on the easte Side of the site ThiS bUlldlllg IS IdenttJied on the site assessment plan and I the setback are shown on the tentative partition plan I I , R Keeper Investments TentatIve Partltton February I, 2008 Page 2 I ; , I I Date Received: I, '. FEB - 7 2008 Ongtnal submittal t2 r LocatIOn of all eXlst/llg allll propo~ed easement~ I Th e one eXlst1l1g easement, a 5 foot publIc utlllty easement (PUE), located along the west ou dary Two easements are proposed with this partItion applIcatIOn One \ ease me t Is'a 7 foot PublIc UtilIty Easement (PUE) along the western and northern bound an T-hele IS also a proposed private Irrevocable vanable-wldth recIprocal \ easement fo Ingress/egress and parkll1g ThiS Irrevocable easement wIll cover the , dnveway and ark1l1g lot '\ (3) DimensIOns d size of each parcel and the approximate dimenSIOns of each \ bUlldlllg site /II catmg the top and toe of cut and fill ~/opes to scale '\ All dImenSIOns and are calculatIOns of the proposed parcels are labeled on the attached \ tentatIve paI1ltIon plan oposed Parcel I Will be 16,847 square feet Propo;ed Parcel 2 wIll be 10,518 square feet \ (4) LocatIOn and type of exiSt g and proposed street liglltlllg \ There IS an eXlst1l1g street lIght loc ed 1I1,the rlght-ot-way at the northwest corner of the subject property No street lIghts are ropdsed along 2nd Street \ (5) The 10catlOll, Widths and Ilames of e,llstlllg streets, alleys, dedlcatlOlls or other \ rlgllls-of-ways wlthlll or adjacent to th proposed land partitIOn \ The proposed partition IS bordered on the we;t 2nd\Street There are no proposed streets, alleys, or dedications adjacent to the site \ (6) LocatlOll of exlStlllg and reqUired traffic control Vices, fire hydrants, power poles, \ trallsformers, neighborhood mllllbox Ull/ts allll slm ar public facilities There are no eXlst1l1g or proposed traffic control deVices adja ~to the property The nd \ nearest fire hydrant IS located on the west SIde of 2 Street aer s fr~m the southwest comer of the property The fire hydrant IS shown on the tentaltve Milton plan There IS \ an eXlstmg power pole located at the northwest comer of the SIte, b there arc no transformers or mallbox Ul1lts located near the subject sIte ~ (7) LocatlOll alld Width of all eXlstlllg alld proposed Sidewalks, Sidewalk mps, pedestnall access ways allll bike trails ~\ The eXlst1l1g 5 foot Sidewalk on 2nd Street IS shown on the attached draw1l1gs ~ Sidewalks are proposed and there are no pedestrian access ways or bike tralls adjac t to " the subject site R Keepers Investments Tentative Partition february I, 2008 Page 4 Date Receive"!' AdditIOnal materials that mav be realllred , FEB - 7 2008~ Onglnal submittal ~ (1) Proposed deed restrictIOns and a draft of any Homeowner's ASSOCiatIOn Agreement No deed restncllons or Homeowner's ASSOCiation are proposed (2) AdditIOnal plans allll documentlltlOn for submittal of a Cluster SubdivIsIOn proposal as specified lfl SDC SectIOn /6.100 (3) ) This applIcatIOn IS for a tentallve partItIOn, thw, this IS not applIcable / / (3) Riparian Area ProtectIOn Report For properties located wlthm 1 ~ feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQL If) or Ithm 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQL W f. The subject property IS not located wlthm 150 feet of the top bimk of any npanan areas ! (4) A Geotechntcal Report preparell by an engmeer M be submitted concurrently if I there are unstable soils and/or a IlIgh water tabl pre!ent / The sods on the sIte are stable, thus a geoteehmc report IS not requued I (5) Where the development area IS with III a overlay district applicable, address the additIOnal standards of the overlay dl r1 The subject property IS located wlthm e dnnkmg water proteellon overlay zomng dlstnet / (6) lffive or more trees are pro osed to be removed, a Tree Fellmg Permit as specified m SDC Article 38 / No trees are proposed to removed, thus lhls reqlllrement IS not applIcable / (7) A wetland delme IOn approved by the Oregon Dlvl!lOn of State Lands must be / submitted conc rrently where there IS a wetland on the property There are n~ ands on the subject property, thus thIS IS not applIcable (8) An)'~l,redfederal or state permit mu~t be submitted concurrently or eVidence the /ermllapPllcatlOn has been submlttedfor review '7"" r,"col", "", P'="" "qm"d w"" ili" pmpo=! PO'''''"" R Keepers Investments Tentallve PartitIOn Februmy 1,2008 Page 6 Date KeceIVtll.I. FEB - 7 2008 01- Onglnal submittal under constructIOn yet, there are no buildmg setbacks to be shown on the drawmg, however these "future setbacks wCle evaluated lor cOlllpltance under the sIte plan leVlew (B) e zonmg IS comI~tent WltlI tlIe Metro Plan dUlgram (lIul/or applIcable Refinement Plan dla am, Plan DIstrIct map, and Conceptaal Development Plan I \ The Metro Ian land u,e dIagram designates the subject site as appropnate for commercial uses, , which IS cons tent wIth the prescnt eommumty commercial Lanmg Thcre IS no applteable ~ Refinement Pia GIven this fact, lhls entenon IS met , (C) Capacity req1I1r ents of PUblIC and prIvate faCilItIes, mcludlllg but not lImIted to, water \ and electrIcIty, sa Itary sewer and storm water management facIlIties, and streets and \ traffic safety contro slIall 1lOt be exceeded and tlIe publIc Improvements shall be avaIlable ,,~ to serve the sIte at the, Ime of development, unless otlIerWlse proVIdedfor by thIS Code and " other applIcable regula om. TlIe PublIc Works DIrector or a utIlIty prOVIder shall \ determme capaCIty ISSUe , The eXlslmg publte llllprovement and proposed pnvate faeillltes (under eonstruelton per the sIte plan review) have a very adequat~ paelty to accommodate the two commercIal bUlld1l1gs as demonstrated below \ Wa~tewater There IS an eXlstmg 8" wastewater Ime wIth I the 2nd Street nght-of-way wIth a 6" lateral that \ stubs to the subject site The plan for samtary, rVlce IS to extend a 4" pnvate wastewater Ime along the southern boundary of the site to prov~d~servlce to both commercial bUlldmgs There will two mdlvldual service laterals tapped mto th\, \~vate lme to serve each bUlldmg In addllton, three c1eanouts are proposed along the pnv te wastewater Ime as reqUIred by the \ \' plumbmg speCIficatIons The project engmecr has ear~fu~ly prepared the ultlIty plan to ensure that the proposed pipe sIzes can easily handle the antIcipated capacity from two cOl11ffierelal bUlldmgs \ \ . Water , ' Currently, on the west SIde of 2nd Street IS an eXlstmg 10" water m Thl~ eXlstmg pIpe has a \ I slgl11ficant capacity to handle the merease m water usage from a ne fire hydrant and two cOl11ffierelal bUlldmgs Three new water Imes (and two meters) are p;;":' sed to serve the development site Two I" water Itnes Will tap mto the eXlstmg mam anCl\ " be extended for serVice to each bUlldll1g In addition, a 6" water Ime IS proposed to serve a~e, Ire hydrant located m the northwest corner of the subject site ThiS proposed water service p n will very adequately serve the future servICe needs of this cOlllmerelal development ~ R Keepers Investments rentatlve P<lrtltlon February I, 20081 Page 8 DatE 'ece\\led fE.B - 1 'ms c}s- cel/ters, al/d comm/!r'f{{J/fN}tJ.e.~c areas, mllllllllze curb cuts 011 arterial alld co ctor streets Qr'1}Jeqjied III tillS Code or other applicable regulatLOlls all/I comply Wltlt the 0 OT access mallagemellt ~tall/lards for state Illgl"vay~. There I~:XI tlllg Illgress-egress pOlllt onto 2nd Street that wtll be widened With only access pOlllt to the site t re will be a clear entryway and the Impact on the publIc nght-of-way WIll be , mllllmlzed No ad tlOnal curb cuts are proposed Thc on-site parklllg lot de'lgn wlIl allow for a circular traffie\flow t t wtll ensure effiCiency for vehicular traffic There also wIll be a clear acceSSible route (as see on the attached plans) for pedestnans to walk between the publIc sidewalk and fa~eolllmer al blllldlllg In additIOn, the acceSSible route will be clearly marked to promote pedestna'n or bleye safety From 2nd Street, patrons will be able to connect to Q Street to the south, whleh\provldes nnectlons to PlOncer Parkway, S'h Street, and HIghway 126 ThIS proposed partItIon (develoPllle wtll provide good street connectIOns for pedestnans, bicyclIsts, and vehIcular traffic ~ (G) Developmellt of allY remalllder 0 tlte property ullder tlte same oWllerslllp call be \ accomplislted III accordallce Wltlt e prOVlSLOIIS of tIllS Code. \ The property owner (R Keepers Investlllen ,LLC) does not own any adjacent land Further, the \ entue area of the subject property Will be full developed as a result of this proposed partitIOn, \ thus there WIll be no relllalllder that could be fu her dIVIded later \ (H)Adjacellt lal/d call be developeilfr IS prOVided ccess tltat Will allow ItS developmellt III accordallce Wltlt tlte pro VIS LOllS of tIllS Code. \ Aeeordlllg to LCOG aenal photography and sIte VISItS, all fthe surroundlllg properties around \ the proposed partItIOn have already been developed The pro ertles to the north and southwest \ are fully developed The property to the southeast and east eou be further developed The easIest and most eonvement access to each of these properties wo Id be other streets (Q and 5'h Streets) The proposed development WIll not h~ve any direct Impae on Q or 5'h Streets or any \ surroundlllg property that would prevent access The adjacent land c be further developed and \ thIS development WIll have no Illlpact on future, surrollndlllg developm t \ (I) Wltell I/O cOllcurrellt alll/exatLOII appllcatLOllls submitted wtflt a Partlt II Tel/tatlve Plall , 011 property tit at is outSide oftlte City limits but Wltltlll tlte Oty's urballlZ Ie area, tlte stalldards specified below sltall aim apply. \ (a) Tlte mllllmum areafor tlte partltlOllIl/g oflalld III tlte UF-IO Overlay Dlst ct sit all be 10 acres. ~ (b) EXCEPTIONS. " 1 AllY proposed lIew parcel between 5 and 10 acres shall reqlllre a Future >. Development Plal/ as specified III SectIOn 29.070(I)(c) for, ultimate developmen wtflt urban denSities a~ reqlllred III tIllS Code ......'" 2. In addition to tlte stal/dards of SubsectIOn (9)(b)I, any proposed new parcel tltat IS less titan 5 acres shall meet one of tlte followlllg standards. ~ a. Tlte property to be partltlOlled sltall be o wiled or operated by a govemmental agellcy or publiC IIttllty, or " \, , , \ Page 10 ~ I t I' , , . R Keepers Investments Tentative Partition february 1,2008 " Ifthere~ dn questions about thIS wnttcn statemenl, please do'not hesItate to contact me at Metro PlannIng la ematl (robcrt!lOllletronlanlllng co 111 ) 01 phonc (302-9830) For general "- questions abou th plOposed pm1ltlon, pled,e contact the ploJect eoordllldtor at Olson & Morns Respectfully, Date ReceIved. Robert Stevens, Alep AssocIate Planner FEB - 7 2008 Ongtnal Submittal adf? R Keepers lnvestmenls Tentative Partition February 1,2008 Page 12 UJIlO/2006 10 35 FAX 541 736 1021 03/15/2006 16 52 FAX 541 485 1253 I CiTY OF SPRINGFIELD PW OLSON II. MORRIS Date Received' IliJ 0021004 ll!JUU..L PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1 Engineering DIvIsion Fax' (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ------------ (Area below 11t(. liltefilled oul by AppllcQItI) ____ (Please r./urn to Matt Stouder@ GIIY ofSprlngfield-Pubbc Works Engmeerlng, Fen; # 736-1021, Pholte # 736-1035), small mstQuderljiJcJ sprJnKfield.or,t/.:Il ProJcct Name: l<€t:t'e;-~ P",...~: b; 0" Assessors :Parcel n - 01 -:It: 24 II lIO€> Land Use(s); ..,J&""'fl.l":l'" c.Q",~~~~:d Project Size (Acres): 0. b' Appro" Impel'Vlous Area: 20; 000 sf Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map.): LoV\ ~Nc..:\)"", 0+ O-t~~(.-t b...: Id :"li ""....J Applicant: Date: Phone #: 1 Fax #. Email: NtJ-I...... ke.,l' el't" ? -I') 0' ' I ~OJ.- ''''''0 4e S"- };LB wtule ~ (i\~o... ",,,,J .......n,'. u... f""..k;"" Cl....e'\. Drainage Proposal (pubhc connectlOo(s), discharge locatIon(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) Ifnecessaxy: Pr:~~ di'...:~t' !'jdcl'A wlolr'-l b.o - S<J<;.lot , o~ l~~ ''''+0 t""b (:(. d",,,,,,,,., 'l-l!. t"'f de...... ",.\-\..~>'\. 'l,w;( H...e-f Pronosed Stonnwater Best Manap'ement Practices: ~:o ~ ~. \~.....A-:<J^ f "V ..,It.. ~rea below tltls llll' filled out b.I/J, ptv "lid Retum,,! tf' tbe ADf!llcruW (At a "''''"mJlIt, all broce, checked bytne City on the front and bacle ofthinne.t shall be submitted for an arm/lea/IOn to b~ complete for 8ubmJttal. aJthoulfh a/her nQ'Ulrement$ may be nec.essarv ) Dramall'e Stud... Tvoe IEDSPM Section 4.03,:n: 1N0te. UH mav be substituted for Rational Method) o Small Site Study - (use Rational Method forcalculabons) , . MId-Level Development Study - (use UOIt Hydrogmph Method for calculations) o Full Dramage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for oaIou1al1ons) Environmental Considerations: () 111 Wellhead Zone (f)- Zo ~"'(' -r.-..cr 71"" ~ f.I WetlandlR1parian' .J/A lit SOl] Type ';1~- {;;;:"'r-n..... '(" Downstream Analvsis{ - WI. ~ lPvlD ~ I I HillSIde Dev~lopment ,.;/,.. FloodwaylFloodplam. ..JiA . Other Junsdictions __ ~ o o N/A Flow hne for starting water surface elevatton DeSign HGL to use fOr startlng water surface e1evatton. Manhole/Junct,on to take analysts to Retum CO Matt Stouder@ City of Spnngf/e/d, emal/, mstoudetfiJJcl sorlnafleld or us. FAX (541) 736-1021 OJ/20/2006 10 J5 FAX 541 7J6 1021 OJ/15/2006 l6'53 FAX 54l 48" '253 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW OLSON & MORRIS Ui:lU:: l'C;v~IV"''''''. ~ 00J/004 1I!J002 FEB - 7 2008 /l1-- " ~ COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS Onclnal Submittal for Offictsl Use Only ",,11 s J * Based "pon the Information provided on thefront oftJus sheet. the following repressn" a m"'unum ofwnar/S neededfor an app!icanon tt) hI! complete for submittal wIth 1lJ9psct to dralnQg~. however, 11m; I1sl.Jhould not be u3sd rrr litNJ ofthl! Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) or the CIty', Englne.nnK Dealgn Manual Compliance with theae r.quirementa does not constitute at/e approval, Add,t,onal site $pectfic ltiformat,on may be requrred Not~ Upon ,rcapin.g sheet submit/all eM'lf'ro comple/ed/orm has btlt!1'I SIgned In the apace pravided belaw Intenm DesIgn SbuldardslWater QualIty (EDSPM Chapter 3) .e 'd N/A D All non-buildIng rooftop (NBR) .mp""lous surfaces shall be pre-treated (e g mul1t-chamhered calchbaoln wloil fillrat10n medIa) for storm water quality Admnonally, a minimum of 50% of the NBIl. ,"'pemous surlBee shalI ho troal<d by -6.;..;.d ",cthods ~ 0 Whe,.., reqlll{ed, vegetative stormwater desIgn shall be conMstent WIth IDterlm desIgn standards (EDSPM Sect10n 3 02), set forth by Ihe Bureau of Environmental ServICes (BES) or Clean Water SerVIces (CWS) ijI D For new NBR IlnpctYlOUS area le8!I than 15,000 square feet, a sunplIfied deSign approach may be followed as specIfied by the BES for vege1a1tve tteatment. I!t D Ira stonnwater treatment swale IS proposed. submIt calculations/speClficabons for sizing, v.loelty, flow, SIde slopes, bottom slope, and seed nux consIstent WIth either BES or CWS requirements IrB 0 Water QualIty calculations as required 1ll SectIon 3 03 1 of the EDSPM " 0 All budmng rooftop mounted equlpment, or other flUId contarDlng equlpmenllacated outside of the bulIdlng. shall be provIded With secondary conta1nment or weather reSIstant enclosure Golle....1 Study ReqUIrements (EDSPM Sedlon 4 03) I D D1lll11llge study prepared by a ProfesSIonal C,vd Bnwn_ hcen.ed in the &lllte of Oregon, D A oomplete dramagc study, as reqUITed m EDSPM SectIon 403 1, mcludmg a hydrologIcal study map o Calculations showmg system capacity for a 2~ycar storm event and overflow effects ofa 25-yCBr storm oveot III D Tho tunc of concentratlon (Tc) &hal1 be delemllned USIng a 10 mmute start time for developed basIns. Review or Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4~03 4.C) o Ijj A downstream dramage BDlllysis as deso/lbed in EDSPM SectIon 4 03 4 C OlHl'te dmmage .hall be governed by the Oregon Plumbmg SpeCIalty Code (OPSe) o IIlEtevallons oftbe HOL and flow hnes for both City lll1d private systems where applIcable DeSign nf Stnnn Systems (EDSPM SettlOD 4.04) IiJ D Flow hnes, slopes, /lm elevatIOns, pIpe type and SIzeS clearly mdroated on the plan seL D ~ M1mmum pipe cover shall be 18 mch.. for remforced pIpe lll1d 36 loches for plain concrete and pJasllc pIpe m~rl.l" or proper engmcerlng calculatIons shall be provldod when Jess The cover shall be suffio.ent to support an 80,000 lb load without f.dure oftbe pipc structure o III Manning's "n" values fur pIpeS shall be consIStent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP All storm pIpes shall be designed to achIeve . minImum velOCIty ofthrce (3) feel per second at 05 pIp. full based on Table 4-1 as well OtherlMlse III D Bxlsttng and proposed contollIS, located at one foot mlorval Include spot elevanons and Slle grad.. sbowing bow sitc dtall1S III D P/lvale stormw.ter easemonts sh'lI be clearly dep",tcd on plans when p"vate Sl....." ..~r flows from onn properly to another o ~DJ}'Welb shall not reoelve runolffrom MY surface wlo bemg Ireated by tlne or more BMPs, wrth lbe exceptIOn ofresldentIal hulldmg roolS (EDSP Seollon 3 034 A) Addltlonal proVIsIOns apply to t1us os reqwzed by lbe OEQ Refer to the web.,te ~(J Rmte OT LL"l/Wo{t?TOlindw9/llIchome hem for more: mfonnatton o !jioetonllon ponds shall be designed 10 hmn runoff to pre-dovolopment rates for the 2 throngh 25-year stonn ov.nta *Thlsform. shall be mcluded Q$ /VI. aJtachment.ln.slde theftont cover. ofth~ ~tor11lHmtt!1' nudy "IMPORTANT ENGINEER PLeASE READ BELOW AND irGN! As the engme.,. of ",cord, I hereby certJJy the shove reqUired 110m' are corol'lete and Included with the subnutted stonnwafet' study and plan set SlgI1aturc ~a.tc Form VersIOn 2 March 2004 03/20/2006 10 36 FAX 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW IilI 004/004 . STOUDER Matt From. Sent; To Subject. WALKER George Monday, March 20, 2006 10 25 AM STOUDER Matt Drainage for TL 1 00 on 2nd & Q III Matt, They can use the system ~n the street ~[ they are careful w~th the hgl There ~s a low spot on the east end of the parcel that probably can't draln I th1nk that 1t 1S connected to the system that Gray/Branch put 1n after the fact for the problems created when the apartments were bUllt to the north and ea~t I'd Just make Wade awa~e that there may be some tlmes that the water surface w~ll be hlqh (444 or so) George George Walker Stormwater Facll~tles Planner C~ty of Sprlng[~eld PublIC Works. Env~ronrnental SerVIces Phone 541 726-3674 FAX 541 726-2309 emall gwalker@c~ sprlngfleld or us www CL sprlngfLeld or us 1 I I I ~ , I p- 7 :Jt!!: Date Received Planner AL I " Date Received: FEB - 7 2008 Ongmal SUbmlttal.-d~ -' Keepers Development Minor Traffic Impact Study Springfield, Oregon ExpIres 6/30/06 May 26, 2006 Date ReceIved: Keepers Development Mmot. Traffic Impact Study FEB - 7 2008 Onglnal SubmIttal () Y- I. Purpose of Report Tlus MIIlOI Traffic llllpact Study IS for the proposed Keepels MedIcal OfJiee development located on 2,d Street north of 'Q" Street m SpnngJield, Oregon The purpose of the repOl t IS to plOvlde a mmor traffic Impact study that outlmes the potential traffic Impacts of the development on the sunoundlllg sheets II Proposed Development 1 LocatIOn and VICInIty Map The development sIte IS located on tax lot 1100 on map # 17-03-26-24 located on the east side of 2,d Street north of' Q' Sheet m Spnngfield, Olegon The loeahon of the site IS shown on the vlemlty map, FIgure I 111 AppendIX A The study area ll1c1udes the dnveways on 2,d Street and the mterseehons on "Q , Street leadmg to the PIOneer Parkway mterchange wIth the Eugene- Spllngfield Highway 2. DescnptIon of Development A small medICal office complex IS proposed on the east sIde of 2,d Street approxImately 300 feet north of"Q 'Street The development proposes to butld two medIcal office blllldmgs totalmg 9,460 square feet The propel1y IS zoned CC (eommuruty commercial) and currently contams a vacated reSidence and accessory bUlldmgs The sIte plan (see FIgure 2111 AppendiX A) shows a 2,560 square foot blllldll1g adjacent to 2nd Sheet and a 6,900 square foot blllldll1g at the real of the property Dnveway access to 2nd Street IS along the south plOperty Ime at an eXlstmg dnveway cut A total of 31 parkmg spaces are sho\'m mc1udmg 4 handicapped acceSSIble spaces III EXlstmg CondItIOns 1. Street Network 2,d Stleet IS deSIgnated as a local street runnlllg nOlth from' Q' Sheet to 'V" Street and then contll1ues north to Hayden Bndge Way as Grovedale Street North of S., Street the area IS leSldentlal In the 1Il1medlate area adjacent to the SIte, the lOad\\ay IS 36 feet wIde With clltbs, Access Engllleelll1g May 26, 2006 : , Date Received. Keepels Development Mlllor Twffie Impact Study Snllngfielcl. Oregon FEB - 7 2008 Original submittal 0. if-- P""e 2.. two travel lanes and a centeI-tum-lane Parkll1g IS not allowed on on elthel SIde of the SlIeet The ate eXlstlllg Jive foot Sidewalks on the west Side of2,d SlIeet from 'Q SlIeet nOlth to'S' SUeet On the east Side there ale slde\\alks on the frontage of two paJeels The lllterseetlOn of 2,d Slreet at 'Q Street IS controlled by a STOP sign fOl 2nd Time ale separate left and IIght- tumlanes on the applOaeh to Q SlIeet The posted speed on 2,d Stleet IS 25 MPH "Q' Street IS classIfied as a collectOl street that I W1S east-west from Laura Street to Mohawk Blvd The street IS nOlth of and parallel to lhe Eugene-Sp"ngfield Hlgh\\ay and con1aIllS two travel lanes , a eenter-tum-Iane, and bIke lanes III the lillmedlate study area The nearest traffic signal IS 375 feet to the west where the westbound off-ramp from the Eugene-Spnngfield Highway meets 'Q' Street at a 'T" IlltelseetIOn The sIgnalIzed mtersectlOn Wlth PIOneer Parkway IS approXimately 700 feet to the \\est of 2nd Street "Q' Street eontmues west through these mterseetIOns and becomes a westbound on ramp west of Laura Sheet The neatest traffic sIgnal to the east IS at 5'h Street approxllllately 1000 feet east of 2,d Street The posted speed on "Q' Street IS 30 MPH 2 Traffic ACCIdent AnalYSIS Crash leeords at or near the lllterseetlon of 'Q" and 2,d Streets for the penod 2001 through 2005 wele obtamed fiom the City ofSpnngfield A summaJ}' of crashes m thIS sectIon dunng the past 5 years are shown III Table I below All reported crashes were wltllln 100 feet of the IlltersectIOn The two crashes m 200 I occurred on 2,d Street The pedestnan crash oeeUlred ill the crosswalk and resulted III a broken leg Of the 6 reported total crashes III five years, none mvolved fatalItIes but three resulted llllllJunes Table 1- Total IntersectIOn Crashes by Type and Year: 2001-2005 -_._-----~-- ---....---- I Year Rear Slde- Pedes. II II I erashesflj Angle End sWIpe trlan Total PD~ InjUry MEV' MEV 12001 0 0 2 II 1 II 386 I 052 1 12002 0 0 0 1 II 0 II 3 gO I 026 I , 12003 0 I 0 2 II I 394 I 051 I 12004 I 0 0 I 0 1 II 0 I' I 398 I 025 1 12005 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 L_:J 0 II 402 I 000 II iTotal Crashes I 3 1 l 6 3 L.!9_d 030 ------ ------- , Million Entering Vehicles Access Engllleellllg May 26, 2006 Keepels Development MlIlor Tlaffic Impact Study Snl1ngfie)eL Oregon Date !ReCelved FEB - 7 2008 I a:L- Onginal S~bmlttal P29"e 1 The clash rate fOl the lllterseetlon of2"d alld 'Q' IS repol1ed 111 clashes per mIlhon entellng velllcles (MEV) SlI1ee the crash tate IS less than I 0, wIth no flequeney or sevellty problems, that lI1dleates no safety problem at the lI1telseCllon 3 TranSit Sen'lce The ll1telseCllon of2"d and "Q" IS served by two Lane TranSIt Dlstnct (LTD) loutes Route 18- MohawklFalrvlew runs east to west along "Q' Street whIle Route 19 - Fmrvlew/Mohawk lunS west to east on 'Q" Street These routes connect the SpnngJield StatIOn Wlth Centelll1lal Blvd at Aspen Sheet at the west end of the routes and with 28th and Mareola at the east ends The nearest bus stops are on 'Q-' Street wlthll1 one block of 2"d Street As of September 2005, both lOutes run homly from 6 15 AM to 6 30 PM on weekdays 4. Non-Motonzed Faclhties Sidewalks wlll be been proVIded by the development along 2"d Street adjacent to the site whIch WIll help to cOlllplete the Sidewalk system on that SIde of the street BIcycle lanes eXIst 011 the 'Q" Street flOm PIOneer Parkway to Mohawk Blvd ConnectIons eXIst 011 PIOneer Patlcway and 51h Street whIch proVide excellent connectIOns to all parts of the Eugene-Spnngfield Metro Area IV. Project Traffic 1. Tnp Generation The tnp generatIOn computatIon for the Keepers Illedleal development was,obtallled from the Seventh EdItIOn o! the InstItute of TranspOltatlOn Engllleels Tno Generallo'1mallual The folIowlllg land use code III the Tno Genelatlon mmlUal was used 720 MedIcal - Dental Office BUlldll1g A total of 172 dally and 35 peak hoUl lIlpS are expected at completIOn of the development All I of these tllpS are expected to be made by pllvate passenger vehIcles No "vernal or pass-by tnps ate expected Table 2 below shows the expected tllp generatIOn fOl each phase of the I development The tnp rates me based on the fitted curve equations plOvlded 111 the manual I Access Engll1ccllllg May 26, 2006 Keepels Development MmOl Traffic Impact Study Smll1!1field. Oregon DJte Received I , FEB - 7 2008 I (JY2 onglnai submittal -fJ- Page .+ Table 2 Tnp GeneratIOn for Keepel S Development (ITE Code 720) Ave Weekday PM Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Rate I Trips % In I %Out Enter EXit 3 72 L_~~1!J__ 730/". __~o. __~ ITE Code Umts Size Rate Trips 1720 Medlcal,Denlal Off 1000 SF GFA L~ 46 1817 172 2. TrIp DistrIbutIOn and Assignment Located Just notth of"Q' Street mnorth Spnngfield, the Keepels medical offices ale expected to dlaw tllpS fiom that pm of the Metro area A small percentage oftnps may come flOm the resldenlIal area to the north (10%) The maJonty oftllpS should use the mterseetlOn of 2nd Street and "Q" Street Th assignment oftllps at the Illterseetton should favor OrIgms and destmatlOns to the west slllee the mterseetlOns wllh Pioneer Parkway and the Eugene-Spnngfield HIghway lamps are nearby FlgUle 3 III Appendix A shows the assumed tnp assIgnments through the neal by sIgnalIzed mterseetIons V. ConclUSIOns and RecommendatIOns The Keepels development Will have a neglIgible Impact on the surroundmg street system The medICal office development wIll generate only 35 tllpS III the peak hOUl and those tnps will be dispersed on ' Q" Street lesult1l1g 111 less than 20 additional tnps m eIther directIOn The mtelseetlOn of 2nd Street With "Q' Street has eXlstmg separate turn lanes on the southbound approach and a center-turn-lane on 'Q" Street The crash rate at the 1l1terseetton IS well WIlh1l1 acceptable standards BIcycle, pedestnan, and transit facilitIes are present and nearby We recommend that the development be approved WIth no transpOltatlOn related mitIgatIOns reqUIred Access Engllleellllg May 26, 2006 KccpclS Dc\clopment Traffic Impact Study Snnm!ficld Orc!!on , Date Received: FEB - 7 2008 Original SUbm,tta,ff Appendix A Figures Access Enallleellllg " ~ May 26, 2006 Figure 1 Keepers Development Traffic Impact Study Vicimty Map Date Received" FEB . 7 2008 Onglnal SUbmlltal~ .. N - ) , ~ , / ,/ \ !"ftLJ:'-{' '~~ LJ I I SITE::":: ~ - ,- . _ _!i'__ : \S I \ I 'J1Llfi ~ -",,. '.-- J[C:, Ci . r -'--,'1 ! I- r 1,1, ir . iJl,! l'lm - - -, \ - t- 1'- -- -. - Sprl,glod r- . _______q1uU ~I , .~ cr' , _I } D-_ I ~ ~ - I J' ,I -- __h II~ "'" . 120 .' ,., 128 W.OS'f , 1-1-" ~'~ I' ~ _ .~'. .l ,:::::~L----- I _'L~~::2J<M' " =t :- _ 'J: ---r _ \ , \.,,\ " I , - ~~ ...., ;:.. bi-~ Access Engmeermg X,D....Ci Figure 2 Keepers Development Traffic ,Impact Study Site Plan I ' I Date Received" BUILDING A 6900 so FT FEB . 7 2008 Original Subr ,Ittal /J (f-- .z I I I I l.Jala~alll ~ '"" ? I '-~__ __ __ __~_~/ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ -=-:L _\n- 2nd Street ----------'l.--o- o ~ Access Engineering lC.nVG .' Figure 3 Keepers Development Traffic Impact Study Development Trip Assignments \\ \\ \\ \\~~L \\ \r---=-----==--= \ \ \ \ \\ \1 \\ ~ \\ I. \~ \\ \\\ \\ ~\ \\ n~> --.JL____ .. N """" · ~2 .. "-"" f . \ Date Received FEB - 7 2008 Ongtnal SUbmlttal-d~ s sr l' :;;;1 ~I ~I I II I il ~/' ~I 51! L SITE (~ ""J ~v """ I ~- -, :i \; \~ ',,,~- ~ :~~"" ~<:'~:..-:----~ C\ \ -- ''::.~~~~S-:~~:':'~~\ - . ------~~ _ ----....: ----. ______ 1 :::::::::---- I,.t I ~~o o .... .. "-' I..... f J M-~ Access Engineering , :.1,. Date Received. AfTER RECORDING RETURN TO Olson & Morns 380 Q Street, SUite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 FEB - 7 2008 Onglnal submittal ~ DECLARA nON OF A PRIVATE IRREVOCABLE JOINT USE RECIPROCAL EASEMENT & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS DECLARA TION made and entered mto thIS day of , 2008, by. R Keeoers Investments. LLC. an OreQon limIted IIabllItv eomoanv , heremafter called the Declarant, WHEREAS, the declarant IS Ihe record owner of the followmg descnbed real property Parcels I and 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No , 2008, Reception No , as filed and recorded , Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon FURTHER, the Declarant will create a vanable width reciprocal easement and enter mto a Mamtenance Agreement Said easement IS for access to saId Parcel I, parkmg lot, shared utIlitIes and surface dramage across a portion of said Parcels 1 and 2, as shown on Exhibit "A" and be 109 more particularly descnbed as follows Begmmng al the Northwest comer of Parcel 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No . as filed and recorded .2008, ReceptIOn No . Lane County OffiCIal Records, Ihence South 0001 '37" West 28 95 feet, thence South 89058' 19" East 62 03 feet, thence South 0001 '37" West 3954 feet, Ihence North 89058'45" East 1827 feet, thence South 0001 '37" West 15 12 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 13301 feet, thence North 0001 '37" East 1640 feet, Ihence North 89058'45" East 1550 feet, Ihence North 0001 '37" East 67 26 feet, thence Soulh 89058'45" West 22881 feet to Ihe Pomt of Begmnmg, all be 109 m Spnngfield, Lane County, Oregon Said easement contams 15,220 square feet, more or less Declarant IS developmg each parcel WIth a medIcal office These offices WIll be served by a common parkmg lot, pedestnan walks, shared utilities, and surface runoff over and across the above-descnbed parcels The Owners, HeIrS or ASSigns of SaId Parcels 1 and 2 shall have all nghls of mgress and egress to and from Ihe real estate, necessary for their use, enjoyment, operatIOn and mamtenance of the easement hereby granted and all nghls and pn vdeges mCldent thereto Dunng the eXistence of thiS easement, maintenance of the easement and costs of repaIr of the easement, If I damaged by natural disasters or other evenls for which all holders of an mlerest m the easemenl are blameless, shall be the responSibility of both parties to share and share alike Durmg the eXIstence of thIs easement, holders of an mterest m the easement who are responSible for damages to the easement because of negligence or abnormal use shall repair the damage at their sole expense ThIS agreement shall bmd and mure to the benefit of, as Circumstances may reqUIre, not only the parties hereto but also their respective heirs, executors, administrators, aSSIgns, and successors In Interest I I X \PROJECl 5\3740 Nathan J....eepers\Correspondence\DeclaratlOn of Easement doc Page I of2 Date F\. .-eived , Declarant FEB - 7 2008 Onglnal Submittal ~ R KEEPERS INVESTMENTS, LLC an Oregon hmlled habdlty company Nalhan Keepers, Managmg Member STATE OF OREGON } }ss County of Lane } ThIs mslmment was acknowledged before me on thIs day of ,2008, by Nathan Kecncrs . as ManalIlnil Member of R Kecocrs Investments. LLC. an Oree'on limIted lIabllItv comoanv . to be his voluntary act and deed, on behalf of the company Notary Pubhc My commiSSIOn expires X \PROJI CTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Corrcspondcnce\DeclaratlOn of basement doc Page 2 of2 . "'z~ SCALE "=40' 40' 0 : : : : I : Date Received- EXHIBIT ",4" FEB - 7 2008 ;)nglnal Subml tal (J- NCTO/'J7, 9255' ( LPPN ~ Sl g ~\ ~ ~~ NUO 1 'J7"E 9,~& ~m 6726' Ii \ 1550'-Zl N89'58'.{.5"E /I I'-' .~ ~~ 1640' - i:il . ~ ~ - ~~ NUOI'J7t <:> ~ L - - - -- dSCT01'J7"W ". 250'_ i< ~ I'-' ; b~ ~1ll " ~ ~ - sorro I 'J7"W 9005' ~ Q:l ~.- ( co 1::1 StrO 1 'J7"W ~ \ ~ 1512'~ ~ ~ ~ - N89'58'.{.5"E 1827~ 13954' ~ SUO 1 'J7"W i< 0). I'-' ~ ~:3 't. ~ ~ (lIl~ 9,~C~ 1ll 9)<0 ~ 15l ~ V 28.95' I ) srrOI'J7"W 9005' 2ND STREET 1 40' 80' I /) .-- Date Received: Al rER RCCORDfNG ReTURN 10 Olson & Morns 380 Q Streel, SUIte 200 SprIngfield, OR 97477 FEB - 7 2008 Ortgl~al Submittal iJeY- DECLARATION OF A VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE UTILITY & STORMW A TER DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made and entered mto thIs day of . 2008, by R Keeoers Investments. LLC. an Oreoon hmlted hoblhtv comoanv ,heremafter called the Declarant, WHEREAS, the declarant IS the record owner of the followmg descnbed real property Parcels I and 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No . 2008, ReceptIon No , as filed and recorded . Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon FURTHER, the Declarant will create a vanable wIdth pnvate ulIhty and stormwater dramage easement and enter mto a Mamtenance Agreement SaId easement IS for shared utlhtJes across a portIOn of said Parcel 2 and stormwater dramage to a blO-swale localed on saId Parcel 2 for the benefit of SaId Parcels I and 2, as shown on Exhibit "A" and bemg more parlIcularly deSCrIbed as follows Begmnmg al the Southwest corner of Parcel 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No as filed and recorded , 2008, ReceptIOn No , Lane County OffiCial Records, thence along the Southerly boundary of saId Parcel 2, North 89058'45" East 8030 feet, Ihence leavmg saId Southerly boundary, North 0001 '37" East 6 39 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 3650 feet to a pomt on the Weslerly boundary of Parcel I of saId LPPN thence along saId Westerly boundary, North 0001 '37" East 500 feet, thence leavmg saId Westerly bOllndary, South 89058'45" West 3650 feet, thence North 0001 '37" East 3 56 feet, thence North 38'37'02" East 14 87 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 27 23 feet to a poml on the Westerly boundary of saId Parcel I, thence along saId Westerly boundary, North 0001 '37" East 5 00 feel, thence leavmg saId Westerly boundary, South 89058'45" West 2963 feet, thence South 38037'02" West 2439 feet, thence South 89058'45" West 51 53 feet, thence North 52020'20" West 588 feet, thence North 0001 '37" East 4806 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 101 04 feet to a pomt on the Westerly boundary of saId Parcel I, thence along saId Westerly boundary, North 0001 '37" East 7 00 feel, thence leavmg SaId Westerly boundary, South 89058'45" West 11680 feet to a pomt on Ihe Easterly nght-of-way of2"d Street, saId pomt bemg 30 00 feet, when measured at rIght angles, from the centerhne thereof, thence along saId Easterly nght-of-way, South 000 I '37" West 71 16 feet to Ihe Pomt of BegmnIng, all bemg m Spnngfield, Lane County, Oregon ' SaId easement contams 3,078 square feet, more or less The Owners, HeIrs or ASSIgns of saId Parcel I shall have all nghts of mgress and egress to and from the real estate, mcludmg the nght, from time to lime, to cut, trIm and remove trees, brush, overhangmg branches and other obstructions, necessary for their use, enjoyment, operatIOn and mamtenance of the easement hereby granted and all nghts and pnvlleges mCldent thereto Except as to the nghts herem granted, the Owners, HellS or ASSigns of saId Parcel 2 shall have the full use and control oflhe above descnbed real estate X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\Esmt Utility doc Page 1 of2 Date RE Ived FEB - 7 2008 \\lJ Original Submittal Each Owner shall agree to save and hold Ihe other Owner harmless from any and all c1atms of thIrd partIes arIsmg from IheIr use of the rIghts herem granled DUrIng Ihe eXistence of thIS easement, mamtenance of the easement and costs of repaIr of the easement, If damaged by natural disasters or other events for which all holders of an mterest 10 the easement are blameless, shall be the responsibilIty of both parties to share and share alike DUrIng the eXistence of thiS easement, holders of an mterest 10 the easement who are responsIble for damages to the easement because of negligence or abnormal use shall repaIr the damage at their sole expense ThIS agreement shall bmd and mure to the benefit of, as circumstances may reqUIre, not only lhe parties hereto but also their respective heirs, executors, admInIstrators, asSIgns, and successors In mterest Declarant R KEEPERS INVESTMENTS, LLC an Oregon limIted liabIlity company Nathan Keepers, Managmg Member STATE OF OREGON } }ss County of Lane } ThiS mstrument was acknowledged before me on thIS day of ,2008, by Nathan Keeoers . as ManaQmQ Member of R Keeners Investments. LLC. an OreQon limIted liabIlity comnanv ,to be hiS voluntary act and deed, on behalf of the company Notary Public My commISSIOn expIres X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Keepcrs\Correspondtncl.\Csmt UtIlity doc Page 2of2 ~ -. .. I I UNE L1 L2 LJ L4 L5 ~ LINE TABLE BEARING SO'O 1 'J7'W 58!r58'45'W SO'O 1 'J7'W I NJlj37'02"E I 589'58'45'W ~z~ SCALE 1'=20' 20' 0 I I I I I I LENGTH 639' 3650' 356' 14B7' I 27.23' 20' I Date Received EXHIBIT ':4" FEB - 7 2008 /;/' Onglnal SubmmaL _~_ LPPN &'\ ~~ NlY01'J7'E: 90.05' rv1 M) ,., I' I I, I ~ r ,81 181<0 ~'l6I'<iI~ l'<il"'l i1l ~ 9i" I I ~ l!l~1 I ~I ,... ~ I I 1 l~ ,I I l!tl " I I' ~ l ,<". , ~ " " I I J , '-....1 v__ ~';:';:-"LJ LI ~'*' ) ill '<l - - M ~ ~ ~ Cd ..: - C) - - ik ~ III 31 II nil l;il ~~~~ ~:~ ; ,~ ~ I~ ~ I ~ N52"20'20'W ! NUOI'J7"E 48.:88'N L_______________\/ ~ ~ S ~ ..: ll') ~ liii 1'< ~ ; 71.16' stro1'J7"tf 90.05' 2ND STREET ~ 40' I Date Received FEB - 7 20a8 'f OnglOal submittal ~ .,~. " A //~ /7-.3-;;U -.;2- ~ 15- 1\1'" 11- After Re<<Jrdmg Return To FUSI Amencan Tltlc PO Box 10146 EugC'lc, OR 97440 Division of Chi.' o.PUtv CI.;k L~". Counly D..ds .nd Reco~ds 2~~5-~~~ ~,."'"..". , . ~ 1111111 1111111 1I111111111111111WIIIIIIII 1111111 $36 00 08751S39280e00868P~~838833 10/31/2005 01 23 26 PM RPR-OEfD Cnt=l Sln::5 CASHIER 04 $19 00 $11 00 S10 00 Mer recordmg return to R Keepe~ Investments, llC Until a mange IS fe(luested an tax slatement'i shall be sent to lilefOtlow1ngaddress R Keepers Investments, LLC PO Box 703 Pleasant H11l, OR 97455 Fde No 7191 682996 (BJF) Date October 28, 2005 STATUTORY WARRANTY OeeD The Shan R. HIatt UVI09 Trust, Sharf R Hiatt, trustee, Grantor, conveys and warrants to R Keepers Investments, UC, an Oregon limited lIablhty company, Grantee, the foUowmg descnbed real property free of hens and encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herern See Legal Descnpnon attached hereto as ExhIbit A and by thIS reference Incorporated herem This property IS tree from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT Covenants, condItions, restrlctlons and/or easements, If any, affectrng tItle, whICh may appear In the publIC record, IOdudmg those shown on any recorded plat or survey THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NaT ALLOW USE OF TliE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TliIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOlATION OF APPUCABLE lAND USE lAWS AND REGUlATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TliIS INSTRUMENT, TliE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TIn.E TO TliE PROPERTY SHOULD OiEO< WITH TliE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PlANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DffiRMINE ANY UMITS ON lAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING DR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEANED IN ORS 30 930 The true consideration for thiS conveyance IS $280,000 00 paid to and by a qualified Intenne<hary as part of an IRe 1031 exchange (Here comp/)'WIth reouorernents ofORS 93 030) Dated 1t1~ ~Q- day of IYttQbt /( _ > 2005 Pagelof] . , . Date Received r .' ~ FEB - 7 2008 ~ Ongtnal Submittal APN 0218717 St.ltutoty Warranty Deed '''''',,,'''' fIle NQ 7191 682996 (&JF) ~te 10128/2005 The Sharf R Hiatt Uvrng Trust} BY~),~d 1? ~ lD'fj 'FE: Shan R Hiatt Trustee , I STAn:: OF Oregon ) )ss County of Lane ) ThIs Instrument was acknowledged before me on thl~ day of ~~ by Shan R H'att as Trustee of The Shan R. Hiatt lIvm9 T~ ~r QfFICIALSE.Al \ ~ JENNIFER WAITS -~,..., M01ARY PUBlIC OREGON ~ COMMISSION NO. 369638 . VI'~Io\!.\ISSIONEXPlRfSm153X11 20.Q2 Notary Public for Oregon My commISsIOn expires Page 20() D t "'- d a ..) 1 \..,.celve FEB - 7 2008 Onglnal Subm,lt::-' ~ APN 0218711 Statutory Warranty Deed conbnued FIle No 7191.682996 (8Jf) Dale 11)/28/2005 "r EXHIBIT A lEGAL DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point 1554 82 feet West and 30 feet North of the Southeast COrner of the JACOB HAlSTEAD DONATION LAND ClAIM NO 47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlrlamette Meridian, and runmng thence North 312 SO feet to the pornt of beglnnmg of the tract herem descnbed, thence East 300 feet, thence North 92 5 feet, thence West 300 feet, thence South 92 5 feet to the point of beginning, 111 Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING lliEREFROM Begmmng at a poInt 155482 feet West and 342 5 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HALSTEAD DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 47, TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wdlamette Mendlan, and run thence North 2 5 feet, thence East 160 0 feet, thence South 2 5 feet, thence West 160 0 feet to the POint of begrnnlng, In lane County, Oregon Page]of] ~, SubdivISion Guarantee Guarantee No 7199-807575 Page 1 of 3 '\ ........., ~., ., , 4 ~~ <..t..& "'"1- First American FII'St Amencan Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn (541)4842900 Fax - (541)4847321 Date Received SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE FEB - 7 2008 For the Proposed Plat of' dr:!" Ongmal Submlltal_1J[ GUARANTEE NO 7199-B07575 FEE $ 225 00 YOUR REF 1887 2nd Street First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon reports to The Oregon Real Estate Commission, and any County or City Within which said subdivIsion or proposed subdiVISion IS located That, according to the publiC records which Impart constructive notice or matters affecting title to the premises hereinafter referred to, we find That the last deed of record runs to R. Keepers Investments, LLC, an Oregon limIted liabIlity company We also find the following apparent encumbrances, which Includes "Blanket Encumbrances" as defined by ORS 92 305 (1), and also easements, restrictive covenants and rights of way prior to the effective date hereof 1 The rights of the public In and to that portion of the premises herein described lYing Within the limits of streets, roads and highways Easement, Including terms and proVISions contained therein I Recording Information August 02, 1926 In Book 150, Page 149, Deed Records I In Favor of City of Eugene I For Utilities I Easement, including terms and provIsions contained therein I Recording Information August 26, 1937 In Book 188, Page 557, Deed Records In Favor of City of Eugene, by and through the Eugene Water Board For ElectriC Transmission line 2 3 Arst Amencan TItle SubdIvIsion Guarantee Date Received. FEB - 7 2003 Original su\:)mltta\~ ~ Guarantee No 7199-807575 Page 2 of 3 4 Easement, mcludlng terms and prOVISions contained therem Recordmg Information Apn116, 2007, Reception No 2007-025196 In Favor of Spnngfield Utility Board For underground electric [Ine 5 Improvement Agreement Including Notice of Potential Assessment lien, mcludlng terms and provIsions thereof Recorded May 22, 2007, Reception No 2007-034346 6 Lme of Credit Trust Deed, Including the terms and prOVISions thereof, given to secure an mdebtedness of up to $1,308,000 00 Grantor R Keepers, Investments, LLC BenefiCiary LlbertyBank Trustee First American Title Insurance Company Dated September 24, 2007 Recorded September 26, 2007 Recording Information 2007-066855 NOTE Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount $1,84180 Map No 1703262401100 Property ID 0218717 Tax Code No 19-00 We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and State and Federal liens agamst the Grantee named above and find -NONE- The premises are m Lane County and are deSCribed as follows Begmnmg at a pomt 1554 82 feet West and 30 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HALSTEAD DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, and running thence North 312 50 feet to the pomt of beglnnmg of the tract herem deSCribed, thence East 300 feet, thence North 92 5 feet, thence West 300 feet, thence South 92 5 feet to the pOint of begmnmg, In Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING THEREFROM Begmnlng at a point 155482 feet West and 342 5 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HALSTEAD DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian, and run thence North 2 5 feet, thence East 160 0 feet, thence South 2 5 feet, thence West 160 0 feet to the pOint of begmnlng, In Lane County, Oregon THIS IS NOT A TITLE GUARANTEE smce no exammatlon has been made of the title to the above deSCribed property Our search for apparent encumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices and therefore above IIstmgs do not mclude additional matters which might have been disclosed by an exammatlon of the record litIe We assume no liability m connection With thiS SubdiVISion Report and Will not be responsible for errors or omiSSions the rem Rrst Amencan nde Subdivision Guarantee , Guarantee No 7199-807575 i Page3of3 : I Dated January 29, 2008 First American TItle Insurance Company of Oregon, [\::lte Received Robert Gordon, Authorized Signatory FEB - 7 2008 Onglnal s'-':JmlttaIY By RMG/RMG Rm Amencan Title 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number SUB2008-00008 SUB2008-00008 SUB2008-00008 Payments Type of Paymenl Check cRccemtl RECEIPT # ~~ ~ (' of Sp~lDgfield Official ReceIpt h<ovelopment ServIces Department I PublIc Works Department I 2200800000000000165 I Date. 02/07/2008 DescnptlOn CTY Part III on Tenlatlve Plan Postage Fee Type II - $155 + 5% Technology Fee Paid By NATHAN & REBECCA KEEPERS Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received emm 2340 In Person Payment Tolal [ Date Received: .' FEB - 7 2008 Ongmal Submittal V Page I of I 10 10 47AM Amount Due 4,72900 15500 23645 $5,12045 Amount Paid $5,12045 $5,120 45 2/7/2008 . :;,.../:.,.. ~... Date Received" AFTrR RECORDING ReTURN 10 Olson & Morns 380 Q Streel, SUlle 200 Spnngfield, OR 97477 FEB - 7 2008 ~nglnal Submittal tJvf-. DE CLARA nON OF A PRIVATE IRREVOCABLE JOINT USE RECIPROCAL EASEMENT & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made and entered mto thIS day of , 2008, by R Keeoers Investments. LLC. an Oregon lImited lIabllItv comnanv , heremafter called the Declarant, WHERFAS, the declarant IS the record owner of the followmg descnbed real property Parcels I and 2 ot LAND PARTITION PLAT No ,2008, ReceptIOn No . as filed and recorded . Lane County Officral Records, Lane County, Oregon FURTHER, the Declarant WIll create a vanable WIdth reCIprocal easement and enter mto a Mamtenance Agreement Said easement IS for access to Said Parcell, pat kmg lot, shared utilIties and surface dramage across a portIOn of SaId Parcels I and 2, as shown on ExhIbIt "A" and bemg more partIcularly des en bed as follows Begmmng at the Northwest corner of Parcel 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No , as filed and recorded .2008, ReceptIOn No . Lane County Officral Records, thence South 0001 '}7" West 28 95 feet, thence South 89058' 19" East 62 03 feet, thence South 0001 '37" West 39 54 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 1827 feet, thence South 0001 '37" West 1512 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 13301 feet, thence North 0001 '37" East 16 40 feet, thence North 89058'45" East t5 50 feet, thence North 0001 '37" East 67 26 feet, thence South 89058'45" West 22881 feet to the Pomt of Begmmng, all bemg m Spnngfield, Lane County, Oregon Said easement contains 15,220 square feet, more or less Decldrant IS developmg each parcel WIth a medIcal office These offices WIll be served by a common parkmg lot, pedestnan walks, shared ul1lIl1es, and surface runoff over and across the above-descnbed parcels The Owners, Heirs or ASSigns of said Parcels I and 2 shall have all rights of Ingress and egress to and from the real estate, necessary for theIr use, enjoyment, operation and mamtenance of the easement hereby granted and all nghts and pn vrieges mCldent thereto Durmg the eXIstence of thiS easement, mamtenance of the easement and costs of reparr of the easement, If I damaged by natural dIsasters or other events for whIch all holders of an mterest m the easement are blameless, I shall be the responSIbIlIty of both partIes to share and share alIke I Dllnng the eXIstence of thIs easement, holders of an Interest In the easement who are responSible for damages to the easement because of neglIgence or abnormal use shall repaIr the damage at theIr sole expense ThIS agreement shall bInd and Inure to the benefit of, as CIrcumstances may requIre, not only the parties hereto but also theIr respective heIrs, executors, administrators, assigns, and successors In mterest X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\DeclaratlOn of Easement doc Page] of2 Date Fe. .,elved. - - . Declarant FEB - 7 2008 Onglnal Submittal ~ R KEEPERS INVESTMENTS, LLC an Oregon Itmlted ItabllIty company Nathan Keepers, ManagIng Member STATE OF OREGON } }ss County of Lane } This Instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of by Nathan Keeners . as ManaQInQ Member of R Keeners Investments. LLC comoanv . to be hiS voluntary act and deed, on behalf of the company .2008, an OreQon Itmlted Itabdltv Notary PublIc My commiSSIOn expIres X \PROJ[CTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\DeclarallOn ofl:asement doc Page 20f2 .. ~ z~ SCALE 1"=10' 40' 0 : I : : : : ( ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~i ~~ ~ ~~ L -- -- ;0. ~ ~ 31 \ - ~ ( ~ ~ '" - EXHIBIT ':4" Nrro I'J7< 9255' LPPN ~\ 9.~~ \ NO'OI'J7"E 6726' 1550'~ N89'58'45"Ei / 1640'- / NO'OI'J7"E .... sorrOI'J7"W 9005' ~ [iIJ-- SO'OI'J7'W ~. ') 1512}J' 16 N89'58'45"E :: 1827' ~954' 50'01 'J7'W .... ,. '" . ... ~.... ~ CIO<:> ill ~!'< ~ 3l<cl V2895' I 40' I 't. iJ~ S1l'01'J7"W 9005' 2ND STREET 80' I Date Received' FEB - 7 2008 IY Jnglnal Sub'11lttal 8 ~ - c::. ~ - j<l ~ ~ ~ dSIl'01'J7"W ., 250'_ j<l b~ ~~ ...~ j<l ~ ~ '" ) . ....