HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreement APPLICANT 1/8/2008 City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Land Division Application, Type II SubdIvIsIOn TentatIve, PartItIOn TentatIve PRE-SUBMIlTAl REC'D JAN 8 Z008 SPRINGFIELD ~- . . ~. .. . - . .. . -. Applicant Name: Nathan Keepers Company: 1 R Keepers Investments, LLC Address: 1 PO Box 703, Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 Applicant's Rep.: IPam Clark- Company: 10lson & Morns Address: 1380 Q Street, SUite 200, Spnnqfield, OR Property owner-: I R Keepers Investments, LLC Company: I Address: I PO Box 703, Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 Phone: (541) 729-3418 Fax: 1 Phone: 1(541) 302-9790 Fax: 1cs41} 485-3253 97477 ----I Phone: !Fax: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-26-24 Property Address: 1881 & 1887 2nd Street Size of Property: 27,365 Proposed Name of SubdivIsion: Description of Partition tax lot 1100 Into 2 parcels, each parcel to contain a medical office Proposal: bUilding Tax Lots: 1100 Acres D Square Feet [gJ Existing Use: Vacated residential Residence & accessory buildlnqs have been removed # of Lots{Pa~cels: 2 Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: 13682 5 sf DenSity: 3 dujacre . -. - . , , a a Zoning: Applicable Refmement Plan: Location: City limits D Associated ApplicatIons: Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary D Pre-Submittal () Case No.: r'(UOOg -ltl::t12..oate: Case No.: Date: Application Fee: $ ,3~1o~ Technical Fee: $ TOTAL FEE'S $ 3~f.oC!?- PRS ~oo"-CC051 1- 8-oB ReViewed by: ReViewed by: Postage Fee: LIz... $ ReVIsed 12/4/2006 Brenda Jones Date Received 1/ t /2-""f Planner. AL " Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application IS mandatory Please refer to the Spnngfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review Pre-submittal meetings Will be conducted every Tuesday and Fnday between 10 00 am and noon We Will stnve to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting The meeting Will be held with representatives from Public Works Englneenng and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning DIvIsion The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes The Planner Will proVide you With a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting speCifYing the Items reqUired to make the application complete-If It Isn't already complete You Will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the Items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City A fee Will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review penod Will begin When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decls]on, the draft Will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review At the applicant's request, the planner Will schedule a meeting to review the draft With appropnate staff If certain Issues need resolution before the final land use deCiSion IS Issued Owner's Signature ThiS application Will be used for both the reqUired Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner's signatures are reqUired at both stages In the application process An application Without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal. 0 Case Number: The underSigned acknowledges that the information In thiS application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of th leg Date ( /z.!o "1J X Owner Signature Nathan Keepers Pnnt ReVIsed 11/20/2006 Brenda Jones L.. i: OF SPRINh~ u:h..D ".Lu"_.. i MAP PRE2008-00002 1881 & 1887 2nd Street PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 8 200B " '" '"'' , ~...r.. Map 17-03-26-24 Tax Lot 1100 ::c North I .. Sir a Sir F W []J~ . . - 1,.,1.05- FRP ~ '".. . ,'~ D~e Received' t/r/;odf Planner: AL I I :: ',ii ; ~'j I; ~~~ I "J1 -- y I \ --. ,....., - ;; 11.;11 I ~lil r-----\-'''.:-----......- Q'\....----------"::--:;:-....-----'---lil e;: ;; t r~ : Ill: I to 'II "'''', I. ~C>. , - ..- -, II ~ :~: /.; , t- ~?i T I '} " , I c1 .. . fa ..,.- IVAlRl5n)1IM1C~'" ~ ~ ~ ~ I I II ~.:=b'-------.,#:::;:?I I :SS~c:o''''':LOI ~ ~ l'l' I ,'II I ~ l...." : I I : 1,1 I l!l I I p~t P1:P,,.1: (',nLUk=:' -" SII-:~l -"4 I- ~: - - -" / :~ "'''''"''''' '::J t' I 1(JIJ#U! I I~ ~ "..._aeJ--"'" ___ 'I ~ t' ~ I . 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'. , " Mi/U'IIDI1 MlIOC 1GIlCI''' IOZllImI ASSmIPI'LIllI. C1IaDMIr n lOJ1 .cmur.- XJD1-1JJU14 tAlI aut/'fDTl'lDll: m:rIm a UIt" CRCIJIIIXED" IIItIS1 ~ lIS BDER:Mr .wmIID smnIP 11. zaJ1 JI[QJID',- ~ IMC'IJJ.IIIrmDr. JRXR.IS. SHEF:/' 2 OF 4 , , / ,.. '\ ~ ~ stIU 1 ... . '" .. '" ~ ~--- ~ - , ":"~ ~ o n "C - Q) n > -l I 8<( ~ w;..:(v) a:Ql 22;li Q).!!! oQ.t'- t'- 'l' t'- m -:6="'-' _'JIT IJ.J1 ': .. ...... _ctIWI~l>>IIr Oa17 ~Ill!' cc o c:J ....I UJ lJ.. () Z cc p" (f) - PROF[""""""- L.UlO SUIM'/TIR l -~~ J .- a ClUON e.. IlIID<<8Il DAIL 1'-)1-2ODI f- (/) 0' 380 JLSON & MORRIS ~NDUSEP~NNINGANDCONSUllINGS[RVIC[S 370 Q STREET SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 154] I 3029830 FAX 1154 II 610- 1805 I , I I PRE-SUBMIllAL REC'O JAN 8 Z008 TENTATIVE PARTITION APPLICATION FOR R. KEEPERS INVESTMENTS, LLC Date January 7, 2008 Property Owner/ApplIcant R Keepers Investments, LLC PO Box 703 Pleasant HIli, OR 97455 Project Coordmator/ ApplIcant's RepresentatIve Olson & Morns c/o Pam Clark 380 Q Street, SUlte 200 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302-9790 Plannmg Metro Plannmg, Inc c/o Robert Stevens, AICP 370 Q Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302-9830 Assessor's Map/Tax Lot 17-03-26-24/ TL 1100 Area of Request 27,365 Square Feet EXlstmg Zomng CC (Community Commercial) Number of Parcels Proposed 2 ' I I 16,847 Square Feet I 10,518 Square Feet ! Area of Parcel I Area of Parcel 2 Back!!:round i ThIS applIcaflon lS for a tentaflve partltIOn on 2nd Street wlthm the Spnngfield city lImits The subject site IS north of the mtersectIOn of'Q' and 2nd Streets There are two site addresses (1881 & 1887 2nd Street) ThlS site was annexed mto the CIty of Spnngfield m 1973 A site plan review applIcaflon was approved for thiS site m December 2006 with the development agreement finalIzed m AprIl 2007 (see DRC2006-00083) The site plan review was for constructIOn of two commercial buIldmgs One of the commercial buIldmgs was proposed to have a DatEl R.eceIVed.-4!/~<JO' r'lanror AL R Keepers Investments TenlaYlve "Partition January 7, 2008 Page 1 , second-story apartment The constructlOn ot one of the buIldmg, dnd mstallatlOn ofneccssary utilItIes IS m progress The other bUlldmg and parkmg lot per the approved sIte p]dn will be started m the near future This proposed partition I~ bemg done to locate each commercial bUl]dmg on ItS own parcel The propo,ed partItIon will create two commercia] parcels out of one eXlstmg lot The applIcable reqUIrements for a tentative parlItlon per the 'land diVISion checklIst' are addressed below All supplemental mformalIon (1 e storm water scopmg sheet) IS mcluded m the submittal package along wIth thIS wntten statcmcnt and the tentatIve partitIon dIawmgs The cntena of approval per Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) 5 ]2-]25 are addressed below as well Cltv of Snrme-field Land DIvIsIOn AnnhcatlOn Checkhst SIte Assessmellt of EXlstm!! COII(IItIOII~ (1) Prepared by all Oregollllcellsed Lalldscape Arc/lltect or EIIgmeer The Slte Assessment Plan has been prepared and signed by the project engIneer, Scott Moms (2) Vlcmlty map A V1CInlty map ot the surroundmg area dround the subject partltlOn IS shown on the SIte Assessment and TentalIve PartllIon Plans (3) The lIame, 10catlOII alld dlmellSlOllS of all exlstmg sltefeatures mc/udmg butldmgs, curb cuts, trees alld ImpervIOus surface areas, c/early mdlcatlllg what IS remammg alld what IS belllg removed There are no eXistIng bUlldmgs, trees, or ImpervlOus surfdce areas on the subject sIte The ea,tem (2-story) commercial bUl]dmg IS stIll under construction, but IS shown on the slte assessment plan The constructlOn of the western bUlldmg, parkmg lot, and landscape mstallalIon per the slte plan reView has not begun and thus IS not shown on the sIte assessment plan However, these three site features Will be constructed and thus are shown on the utIlIty/gradmg and pavmg plans There IS also an eXistIng curb cut along 2nd Street that will remam (4) RequIred setbacks to the proposed lIew property lilies for eXlstlllg structures to remam 011 sIte. The one eXlstmg structure on the property at this lIme IS the 2-story commercIal buIldmg on the eastern Side of the sIte ThiS bUlldmg IS Ident1fied on the ;lte assessment plan and the setbacks are shown on the tentative partition plan R Keepers Investments TentalIve PartltlOn January 7, 2008 Page 2 I : PRE-SUBMmAL REC'O JAN 8 2008 (5) The name, locatIOn, lllmenslOns, dIrectIOn of jlow and top of bank of all watercourses and requIred rtpar/On setbaLk that are shown 011 the Water Quality LImIted Watercourse Map onfile /II the Development ServIces Department. No watercourses or npanan aredS as shown on the Water QualIty Limited Watercourse Map on file m the Development Services Department dre located on thiS property (6) The I OO-year jloodpla/ll and jloodway boundartes on the SIte, as specified III the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map RevIsIOn The subject property IS located m Zone 'X' on FIRM Map No 41039Cl134F Zone 'X' IS an area determmed to be outside of the SOD-year floodpla1l1 (7) The TIme of Travel Zones, as specified III ArtIcle 17 of tillS Code and delllleated on the Wellhead ProtectIOn Areas Map on file /II the Development ServIces Department The development site lIes wlth1l1 the 20 year l1me-of-travel zone, thus there IS no boundary lme to delIneate on the site assessment plan (8) Physlcalfeatures lIIc1udlllg, but not lImIted to trees 5" III d/Omeler or greater when measured 4 % feet above the ground, SIgnificant c1usten of trees and shrubs, rtpar/On areas, wetlands and rock outcropp/llgs. There are no phYSical features, mclud1l1g trees 5" m diameter or greater, slgmficant clusters of trees/shrubs, npanan areas, wetlands, or rock outcroppmgs on the site (9) Soli types and water table IIIformation as mapped and specified III the Solis Survey of Lane County A Geotechmcal Report prepared by an Engllleer must be submItted concurrently if the S01l5 mrvey IIIdlcates the proposed development area has unstable s01ls and/or a IlIgh water table The development site IS compmed of Courtney Gravelly Sdty Clay Loam and Salem- Urban Land Complex sOlis accordmg to the Sods Survey of Lane County These sods are stable and there IS no hlgh water table, thus a geotechmcal report IS not needed TentatIve Land D,vmon Plan (1) Prepared by an Oregon LIcensed Land Surveyor III accordance wIth ORS 92 The Tental1ve PartitIon Plan has been prepared and Signed by the surveyor, Larry Olson R Keepers Investments Tental1ve Parl1tlOn January 7, 2008 Page 3 (2) LocatlOll of all eXI5tlllg alld proposed easemellts There are no eXlstlI1g casements Two easements are proposed with this partitIOn applIcation One ea;ement IS a 7 loot PublIc Utd]ty Eascment (PUE) along the western and northern boundanes TlIere IS also a proposcd pnvatc Irrevocable vanable-wldth recIprocal easement for lI1gless/egress and parkmg TIllS Irrevocable easement wlll cover the dnveway and parklI1g lot (3) DlmellslOlls ami size of each parcel alld the approxtnlllte dlmellSlOllS of each bUlldlllg site IIldlcatmg the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale All dImenSIOns and area calculatIOns of the proposed parcels are labeled on the attached tentatIve partition plan Proposed Parcell will be 16,847 square feet Proposed Parcel 2 wlll be 10,518 square feet (4) LocatlOll alld type of eXlstmg and proposed street Itghtmg There are no eXlstmg or proposed street lIghts along 2nd Street (5) The 10catlOll, widths ami names of all eXLStmg streets, alleys, dedicatIOns or other nghts-of-ways wlthm or adjacent to the proposed lalld parttflOn The proposed partitIon IS bordered on the west by 2nd Street There are no proposed streets, alleys, or dedicatIOns adjacent to the site (6) LocatlOll of exl5tmg alld required traffic control devices, fire hydrallts, power poles, trails formers, neighborhood mat/box UllltS and stnular publtc facllttles There are no eXlstmg or proposed traffic control deVices adjacent to the property The nearest fire hydrant IS located on the west side of 2nd Street across from the southwest comer of the property The fire hydrant lS shown on the tentative partitIon plan There are no power poles, transformers, or mad box umts located near the subject SIte (7) LocatlOll alld width of all eXlstmg and proposell sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrtall accen ways and bike trmls The eXlstmg 5 foot sidewalk on 2nd Street IS shown on thc attached drawmgs No sidewalks are proposed and there are no pedestnan access ways or bIke trazls adjacent to the subject site (8) LocatlOll, Size alld type of plalltmgs alld street tree~ III any required plallter strip. There are no eXlstlI1g street trees along 2nd Street No stleet trees aIe proposed R Keepers Investments Tental1ve PartitIon Janumy 7, 2008 Page 4 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 8 2008 (9) LocatIOn ami Size of e.>.Istlllg and propo~ed utllttles 011 (///(1 alljacellt to the slle IIlcludlllg ~allltary fewer maillS, storm water management systems, water maillS, power, gas, telepholle, and cable TV Indicate the proposed connectIOn pOllltS All eXlstmg utilitIes on and adJdcent to the site and the connectIon pomts are shown on the UtIhty Plan The utlhtles m the process of bemg mstalled per the site plan review are shown on the utlhty plan as proposed All utilIties will be located underground m appropnate easements Gradmf! and Pavlllf! Plan (1) Plantlllg plan prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landfcape Arcllltect where plants are proposed as part of the storm water management sy~tem The proposed blo-swale IS shown on the attached gradmg and pavmg plan The plantmg plan for the blO-swale was approved under the site plan reVIew (2) Roof dram age patterns and discharge 10catlOlls The roof dramage patterns and discharge locatIOns are shown on the UtIhty/Gradmg and Pavmg Plans (3) PervIOus and ImpervIOus area drall/age patterns All pervIOus and ImpervIOus area dram age pattems are dttached plans (4) The size and locatIOn of storm water management systems components, IIlcludmg but notltmlted to: dralll/tnes, catch basllls, dry wells amI/or detelltlOn ponds; storm water qualtty measures; alld lIatural dralllage ways to be retamed The locatIOn and Size of stonnwaler management components are on the attached plans (5) EXlstmg and proposed spot elevatlOlls and contour IlIles drawn atl footmtervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, tlte COli tour /tiles may be at 5 foot mtervals) EXlstmg dnd proposed spot elevatIons and contour lmes are drawn at I, foot mtervals ElevatIons and contour lmes are shown on all sheets (6) Amount of proposed cut and Jill I Any eut and filllS shown on the attached Gradmg and Pavmg Plan (see Sheet 4 of 4) AddltlOIlalmaterlO15 tltat mav be reall/red (I) Proposed deed restrlctlOlls and a draft of allY Homeowner's AssoclOtlOn Agreement R Keepers Investments Tentative PartItion January 7, 2008 Page 5 No deed restnctIOns or Homeowner's ASSOCiatIOn are proposed (2) AdditIOnal plans and documentatIOn for Sllbmlttal of a Clllfter SubdivIsIOn proposal as specified lI/ SDC SectIOn 16.100 (3) ThIS applICatlOnlS for a tentatlve partltlOn, thus thiS IS not applIcable (3) Riparian Area ProtectIOn Report For properties located wltltll/ 150 feel oftlte top of bank of any Water Qllaltty Limited Watercourses (WQL W) or wltllln 100 feet of tlte top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQL W The subject property IS not located wlthm 150 feet of the top of bank of any npanan areas (4) A Geotecltlllcal Report prepared by an engllleer must be sllbnlltted concurrently if tltere are unstable s01ls and/or a Illglt water table present The SOlis on the site are stable, thus a geotechl1lcal report lS not reqUIred (5) Where the development area IS wltltlll an overlay district appltcable, address the additIOnal standards of tlte overlay district The subject property IS not located wlthm an overlay zonmg dlstnct accordmg to the RegIOnal Land InformatIOn Database (RUD), thus thiS IS not applIcable (6) Iffive or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felllllg Permit as specified lI/ SDC Article 38 No trees are proposed to be removed, thus thiS reqUIrement IS not applIcable (7) A wetland delmeatlOn approved by tlte Oregon DIvIsIOn of State Lands mllst be submitted concllrrelltly where tltere IS a wetland on the property There are no wetlands on the subject property, thus thiS IS not applIcable (8) Any reqlllred federal or state permit mllst be submitted concurrently or eVidence the permit appltcatlOnltas been subnlltted for review There are no federal or state penUlts reqUIred with thiS propo~ed partltlon (9) Wltere any gradmg,fillmg or excavatlllg IS proposed Wltlt tlte development, a Land and Drall/age AlteratIOn permit must be subnlltted with tlte land use appltcatLOn A Land and Dramagc AlteratIOn plan was already approved for thiS site pnor to the start of construction R Keepers Investments Tentatlve Partlt]On January 7, 2008 Page 6 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 8 Z008 (10) Where appltcable, any DiscretIOnary Use, VarullIce or ModificatIOn of ProVISIOns as specified III SDC ArtIcle 10 or 11 No DISCretlOnary Use, Vanance, or ModificatIOn of ProvIsions applIcatIOn IS reqUired SDC 5.12-125 - Tentative Plan Criteria for Annroval (A) The request conforms to the prOVISIOns oft/liS Code pertallllllg to lot/parcel SIZe and dImensIOns. The proposed partltlOn complIes with all reqUirements of the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) pertammg to parcel size and dimensIOns as demonstrated below Parcel S,ze and St/eet Frontage Per SDC 3 2-315, the mmlmum parcel size m the community commercial (CC) zone lS 6,000 square feet Parcell WIll be 16,847 square feet Parcel 2 WIll be 10,5/8 square feet Both proposed parcels wlll exceed the mmmlUm parcel size m the CC zone The mmlmum street frontage per the abovementloned code sectIOn IS 50 feet Parcel 2 WIll have approximately 90 feet of frontage along 2nd Street, thus meetmg the 50 foot mmmlUm Accordmg to SDC 3 2- 3 I 5( I) "the Director may waive the reqUIrement that buildable CIty lots/pareels have frontage on a publIc street when dll of the followll1g apply (a) the lots/parcels have been approved as part of a Development Area Plan, SIte Plan, SubdlVlslOn or Partltlon applIcatIOn, and (b) access has been guaranteed Via a pnvate street or dnveway by an lITevocable Jomt use/access agreement as specified m SectIOn 4 2-120A" The proposed Parcel I WIll be approved through thiS partltlon applIcatlon and access to SaId Parcel will be guaranteed by an lITevocable easement that will cover the proposed dnveway/parkmg lot Given these facts, the reqUirements per SDC 3 2-315 to WaIve the frontage for Parcel I are met The applIcant respectfully requests that the City approve Parcel I as a landlocked lot Setbacks I The only Improvement on the site currently IS the eastern commercial buddmg that IS under constructIOn ThlS bUlldmg WIll be located on Parcell ThiS bUlldmg wlll have a setback of 10 , feet from Tax Lot 2703 m order to meet the mmlmum mtenor yard setback of 1 I 0 feet when a commercial SIte abuts a resldentlal area Tax Lot 2703 IS zoned high denSity reSIdential (HDR) All other adjacent properties are zoned community commercIal, thus there are no other mtenor yard setbacks The bUlldmg on Parcel I has a setback of greater than 10 feet to the new property Ime to meet the front yard setback standard Smce the western buddmg and parkmg lot are not under constructIOn yet, there are no buddmg setbacks to be shown on the drawmg, however these future setbacks were evaluated fo] complIance under the sIte plan review R Keepels Investments Tentative PartitIOn January 7, 2008 Page 7 (B) The ZOlllllg IS consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and lor applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, ami COllceptual Developmellt Plan The Metro Plan land use dmgram deslgnatcs the subject SIte as approplIatc for commcrcml uses, whIch IS consistent WIth thc present commUnIty commerCial zOnIng 1 here IS no applIcable Refinement Plan Given this fact, this cntenon IS met (C) Capacity reqlllrements of publtc and private fllcllttles, Illcllldlllg bllt not Itmlted to, water and electricity, safl/tary sewer Illld stormwllter nUlllagemellt facllttles; and ~treets and traffic safety controls ~hallnot be exceeded alld the publtc Improvements shall be avatlable to serve the site at the time of developmellt, Ilnless otherWise provuled for by tillS Code alld other appltcable regulatIOns The PubliC Works Director or a utlltty provider shall determllle capacity Issues. The eXlstmg pubhc lmprovements and proposed pnvatc faclhue, (under constructIon per the site plan review) have a very adequate capacity to accommodate the two commercial bUlldmgs as demonstrated below Wastewater There IS an eXlstmg 8" wastewater lme wlthm the 2nd Street nght-of-way With a 6" lateral that stubs to the subject site The plan for sanItary service lS to extend a 4" pnvate wastewater Ime along the southern boundary of the site to proVide serVlce to both commercml bUlldmgs There wlll two mdlVldual service laterals tapped mto the pnvate lme to serve edch bUlldmg In addItIOn, three cleanouts are proposed along the pnvate wastewater Ime dS reqUired by the plumbmg specificatIons The project engmeer has carefully preparcd the utIhty plan to ensure that the proposed plpe SIzes can easIly handle the antIcipated capacIty from two commercJaI bUlldmgs Water Currently, on the west SIde of 2nd Street IS an eXlstll1g 10" water mam ThIS eXlstmg pIpe has a sIgmficant capacIty to handle the lI1crease m water usage from a new fire hydrant and two commercJaI bUIldmgs Thrce new water hnes (and two meters) are proposed to serve the development site Two 1" water lInes WIll tap mto the eXlstmg mam and WIll bc extended for service to each bUlldmg In additIon, a 6" water lme IS proposed to serve a new fire hydrant located m thc northwest corner of the subJcct slte ThiS proposed water serVIce plan wlll very adequately serve the future serVlCC needs of thiS commercial development Stormwater Dratnage The project engmeer prepared a pldn to very adequately handle the anticIpated stormwater runoff from both the roof and ImpervIOus surface drall1age through a connected system In addltIOn, pre-treatment of the ImpervIOUS SUI face runoff wIll be accomphshed through either mechamcal means or a blo-swale located m the southwest pOI1IOn of the site The roof dramage from the R Keepers Investmcnts Tentative PdrtltlOn January 7, 2008 Page 8 PRe.SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN 8 2008 eastern bUlldmg will be collected and piped mto a 10" storm dram pipe along the northern site boundary This 10" pipe WIll flow mto the eXIstmg 21" storm draInage Ime m 2nd Street The runofftrom the dnvcway will be collccted and pre-treated m onc of four catcII basms contammg a fossIle filter The runoff from the parkmg lot will be collected m one of three standard catch basms and plped through 8" and 10" pipes and outfallmto a blO-swale for pre-treatment After pre-treatment, the treated storm water WIll be piped mto the 10" lme along the northern boundary and then mto the public 21" lme The project engmeer has ensured that therc IS ample capacity to handle stormwater dramage from this site Traffic CapacIly There Will be one dnveway servmg this site that Will have a wldcn curb cut onto 2nd Street This will ensure easy, qUick, and convement access from the parkmg lot to the publIc rIght-of-way The 2nd Street rIght-of-way has a 36 foot paved roadway that lS very adequate to handle the antlclpated traffic from the development SltC No addItIonal traffic measures are needed to accommodate thIS development (D) The proposed land divIsIOn shall comply With all applIcable publIc and private design and constructIOn standanls con tallied III tIlls Code and other applIcable. There are no proposed publIc Improvements With thlS land dlVIS]On The applicant's project engmeer has carefully prepared the prIvate utIlHy plans to ensure that all pnvate design and constructlOn standards can and Will be met In addition, dunng constructIon all prIvate utilitIes Will be mstalled accordmg to all applicable city standards (E) Physlcalfeatures, IIIcludlllg, but not lImited to. steep slopes With unstable soIl or geologiC conditIOns; areas With susceptibIlity of floodlllg; ~Igllljicant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their assoclOted nparlOn areas; wetlands; rock outcroppll1gs, open spaces, and areas of hlstonc and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified 111 SectIOn 3 3-900 or ORS 97.740-760,358905-955 and 390235-240, shall be protected as specified 111 tIlls Code or 111 State or Federal law. There are no physical features located on the subject propeliy, mcludmg steep slopes, areas susceptIble to floodmg, slgmficant clusters of trees or shrubs, watercourses, wetlands, rock I outcroppmgs, or hlstonc features This CrIterIon 1, not applicable to the subJeet applicatIon I 1 (F) Parkll1g areas and lI1gress-egress pOll1t~ have been deHgned to. facIlitate vehicular traffic, I bicycle and pedestnan safety to aVOid congestIOn; provllle connectivity wltlun the development area and to a(ljacent re~lllentlOl areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercIal, lI1dustrIaI and publIc areas, mll1lffllze curb cuts on arterIal and collector streets as specified 111 tIlls Code or other applIcable regulatIOns and comply With the ODOT access management stamlardsfor ~tate IlIghways. There IS an eXlstmg mgress-egress pomt onto 2nd Street that Will be Widened With only access pomt to the site there Will be a clear entryway and the Impact on the public nght-of-way Will be mmlmIzed No additIonal curb cuts are proposed The on-site parkmg lot deSIgn Will allow for a R Keepers Investments TentatIve PartItIon Tanuary 7, 2008 Page 9 . , cIrcular traffic now that wIll ensure efficiency for vehicular traffic Thcrc also wIll be a clear accessIble route (as seen on the attached plan,) for pedestnans to walk between the publIc sidewalk and far commercIal bulldll1g In additIon, the accessIble route WIll be clearly marked to promote pedestnan or blcyclc safcty From 2nd Strect, patrons WIll be able to LOnnect to Q Street to the south, whIch provides connectIOns to PIOneer Parkway, S'h Street, and HIghway 126 ThiS proposed partitIOn (development) Will provIde good street connectIOns fOl pedestnans, bIcyclIsts, and vehicular traffic (G) Development of any remalllder of tile property under tile same ownerslllp can be accompltshed 1II accordance wIth tile prOVISlOm of tlll~ Code The property owner (R Keepers Investments, LLC) does not own any adjacent land Further, the entIre area of the subject pIOperty WIll be fully developed as a result of tIllS proposed partitIon, thus there wlll be no remall1der that could be further dlVlded later (H) Adjacent land can be developed or IS provided access tllat Will allow Its development m accordance With the provIsIOns of tillS Code Accord1l1g to LCOG aenal photography and site VISItS, all of the surroundll1g properties around the proposed partltlOn have already been developed The properties to the north and southwest are fully developed The property to the southeast and east could be further developed The eaSIest and most convel1lent access to each of these propertIes would be other streets (Q and 5th Streets) The proposed developmcnt Will not have any direct Impact on Q or 5th Streets or any sUIToundll1g property that would prevent access The adjacent land can be further developed and thIS development WIll have no Impact on futUle, surroundll1g development (I) When no concurrent annexation appltcatlOn IS submitted wIIh a PartitIOn Tentative Plan on property that IS outside of the City ltmlts but wltllln the CIty's urbamzable area, the standards specified below sllall also apply. (a) The mmmlUm areafor tile partltlOlllng of land 1II the UF-IO Overlay DistrIct shall be 10 acres (b) EXCEPTIONS 1. Any proposed new parcel between 5 and 10 acres shall require a Future Development Plan as specified 1II SectIOn 29. 0 70(I)(c) for ultimate development wIlIt urban denSities as reqlllred 1II tlm Code. 2. In additIOn to the standards of SubsectIOn (9)(b)1, any proposed new parcel tltat IS less than 5 acres shall meet one ofthefollowlllg standards' a. The property to be partIllOned shall be owned or operated by a governmental agency or publIc utilIty; or b. A majorIty of parcels located wlthlll 100 feet of the property to be partitIOned shall be smaller than jive acres. 3. No more tllan three parcels shall be created whIle the property remams wltllln the UF-IO Overlay DiStrIct, unless permitted by SectIOn 34.040(2) The subject property IS located wlthll1 the city IInllts, thus thiS crItenon IS not applIcable R Keepers Investments TentatIve PartItIOn January 7, 2008 Page 10 I PRE.SUBMITTAI, REC'O JAN 8 2008 (J) Wltere tlte SubdlVIS101I of a mallufactured dwelllllg park or mobde Itome park IS proposed, tlte followlIlg approval crlterw apply I Tlte park was approved before July 2,2001 alld I~ III complulllce Wltlt tlte stalldards III SectlOlI 32-235 or otlter lalld use regulatlOlls III effect at tile tl/lle tlte site was approved as a malllifactured dwellmg pm k or mobde Itome park; or tile park IS all approved 11011- cOllformmg use. III tlte latter case, a part. IS III compllallce if tile City lias 1I0t Issued a I/Otlce of 1I0llcompllallce 011 or before July 2,2001. 2 Tile lIumber of lots proposed sllall be tile same or less tllall tile lIumber of mobde 1I0me spaces prevIOusly approved or legally eXlstlllg III tile park 3 Tile external boumlary or ~etback\ of tile park ~/lIIlIlIot be dumged 4. Tlte use of lots, as ~ItOWII 011 tile Telltatlve Plall, sllall be IlIll/ted to tlte IIlstallatlOlI of mallufactured dwelllllgs, I e., "stlck-bllllt" Itouses are proll/blted. 5. AllY otlter area m tlte SubdlVIS101I otller tllall tlte proposed lots ~ltall be used as commoll property, ullless park streets Itave prevIOusly beell dedicated to tlte City or tit ere are public utdltle~ m tlte park. All wmmoll property shall be addres~ed III a Homeowller's ASSOClatlO1I Agreemellt a Areas tltat are u~edfor veil/de clrculatlOlI (streets), driveways tltat serve more thall two lots/parcels or commoll parklllg areas, shall be SItOWIIIIl a Tract or easemellt 011 tlte Telltatlve Plall. b All other services alld utilities that serve more thall olle lot shall be III a Tract or easemellt Wltere a service or utdlty serves ollly olle lot, but crosses allother, tltat service or utility sltall a/~o be III all easemellt sllowlI 011 tile Telltatlve Plall. Sprlllgfield Developmellt Code, Cltapter 5 Page 56 of 118 c EXlStmg buddmgs m tlte park usedfor recreatlOllal, meetmgs or other purposes for the park resldellts sit all be m a Tract showlI 011 tlte Telltatlve Plall 6. AllY public utdltles shall be wlfhm a public utility easemellt 7. If public utdltles or servlce~ are required to serve tlte SubdlVISIOII, tlte park OWller ~hall Slgll alld execute a w(//ver of tlte right to remollstrate agalllst tile formatlOlI of a local Improvemellt district to provide the public utilities or services The subject apphcatlOn IS not for a subdlVlslOn of a manufactured dwellIng park, thus thiS cntenon lS not apphcable , If therc are any que,l1ons about thiS wnttcn statemcnt, plcase do not heslfate tei contact me at Metro Planmng Vla ematl (lObcl t({/\metroolannlI1!! com) or phone (302-9830) IFor general I questtons about the proposed parl1tlOn, plcase contact the proJelt coordmator at Olson & Morns R~Jr, Robert Stevens, AICP ASSOCiate Planner R Keepers Investments TentatIve PmtltlOn r anum y 7, 2008 Page II UJ/LUILUUij lU 35 FAX 541 736 1021 ~3/15/2006 16 52 FAX 541 48" 1253 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW OLSON & hlORRIS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Engineering DIvIsIon , , 8PRlNQp:JIELD ~!"~~..'L"'r:.f ~:I, _&i~Oi'I.~/lmimI~ft~i~OOrni 1:'~)I'inl"?'" .- '~VI I' I I ~ 'I,~ Jill, ~~ _~, ':. <: 'I,... Phone' (541) 726-3753 Il!J 002/004 - - IS! UUi PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 8 2008 Fax (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK -- (A''''' b_/ow Ihi, IlneJilkd oul by Appllcanl) __ (PI_ase retum ro Mati Stouder@ City a/Springfield Publ,c War'" EnfJIneerlng, FcIX # 736-1021, Phone # 736-/035), emall mstouder@JctsprlnKfieldor,u:J ProJcctName: l<~~"et"~ P<t".~:b:o" . Applu:ant: Assessors Parcel n -"01 . ::11:: :! 4 II Il 0 0 Date: Land Use(s): c..,,""'f" ~:~... Co"'...~ Phone #: Project Size (Acres): Cl b I ~ Fax #. Approx Impel'Vlous Area: 20low:.f Email: Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): c..o,^~Nc..POYl 0+ O,"~(,-f. \,....:\J >" ~",J NMk.... kef!l' el" 1- It 0' . I ~O:l.- '1""0 lie S--};tf ~ w...J. <!!:: 0\\:0'" ",...J ""'~n:' (..... f"'..k;...., c::l...ett Drainage Proposal (pubhc conne<:tlOn(s), dIScharge Iocation(s), etc Attach additional sbcet(s) If necessary: Pr:~~ d~,,":"""'}f r'jdcf'A ,,,.)j~'" b;o-N.d~. o.JI~~ ;....40 t..~I"L dv"..'i.....,"I~ ''fd'e~ ....,,.\:\.,:"'- 2...4 rJ...."f I Pnmosed Stonnwater Best Mana..ement Practices: ~:o ~ ~. \~....fr~tJ^ f w ",I e.. (Area below thls II,!_ filled oul hv Il}e ptv and Returne.d. II' the AD{I/ictU/t! (AI 0 lmTllmum, all boxes check4d by th_ City oIIlh_fronl and back ofrhlssheet shall be subm1lled for an Qw/rcatlOn to b(f comelere for submmall aJtnou1rh other re([Ulrement~ m~ be necessary ) DramlWe Stud~ TvDe IEDSPM Sectinn 4.03.2): /Note. UH mav be substituted for RatIonal Method). o Small 81te Study - (use RlItlonal Method for calculations) , III MId-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrogmph Method for ealeul.tlOns) o Full Dramage Development Study - (use UnIt tlydrograph Method for oaIcullltlons) EnVironmental Consideranons: /J f!I Wellhead Zone fO- 'ZD ~~(" -r f'"'\-.cy 71 f"'If. fIl WetlandlRtparian' 0/A Ii SOli Type :II(, ~ [. ,/r,rl-- '(' Downstream Analvsis1t"1' -~M ~ ~ ~ I Hdlslde Development "Jj,. Floodway/Floodplmn' -Ii", Other JUrisdictions ___ ~ o o N/A Flow Ime for s'Iartmg water surface eleval10n DeSIgn HGL to use for startmg water surface elevation. ManholelJunctlon to take analySt> to Retum to Matt Stouder@ City of Spnngf/9/d, em..il. ms!ouderiWcl stJrlnaf/eld Dr u~ FAX (541) 736-1021 UJ/lU/2006 10 35 FAX 541 736 1021 03/15/2006 16'53 FAX 541 485 325' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW OLSON & MORRIS ~ 003/004 1i!J00l ' '. COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS I POfOfflC1B.l Use Only rJ1J!1S · Based upon the mformat/on provtdJ!d on thefrOT/t o/tlm $het~ thefal/owlng represBolS a 11/I7/l7IIum a/wharlS needed/or an applical10h 10 hI! complete for submittal wIth 11JSpSCl to dramaze. however, t}us {,al3nould nol be 'U3~d rn lieu oflh~ Spnngflt!/d Development Code (SDC) or the Clty 'J EnglnBenng Dealgn Manual Camp/urnae with these requirements does not conahtute site approval, AdditIonal slte ~pt!cific l1%rmatlOn may be ,.eqU'lr~d Notr! Upon ,fcoptng sheet submit/ai, ensure completed/arm has beel1 SIgned m the space provided below Intenm DesIgn Stnndard8.'Water Quality (EDSPM Chapler 3) .'d N/A o All non-bulldmg rooftop (NBR) unp,""lous surfaces sh.1I he pre-tre.led (e g multI-chambered cmcbbasin w/oiJ filttal10n medIa) for stonnwaler qualny AddJ1:1onally,. minimum of 50% ofthe Nail- ImperviOUS surtace ,hall h. treal<d by vegetat.d methods Ifi 0 Where reqJW:.d, vegelallve stonnwater desIgn shall be cOll.'>lslent With lDtellm desIgn standards (EDSPM Secbon 3 02), sel forth by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) or Clean W.ter Semces (CWS). IjI 0 Por new NaR Impervl~us area Ie.. than 15.000 sqUatCl feel, a sunphfied desIgn approach may be follow.d a, 'peclfied by the BES for vegelatlv. trealment. !!it 0 Ira sIormwater Ireatment swale IS proposed, submit calculatlons/speclficanons for sizing, velOCIty, flow, SIde slopes, bottom ,lope. and seed DUX conSIStent WIth either BES or CWS requ""ments II 0 Water Quahty calculations as requIred m Secf.Jon 3 03 I of the f.!DSPM " 0 All buIldmg rooftop mounted equIpment, or olber OUld contalDIng equIpment located oulslde of the building, shall be provided With secondary containment or weather reSIstant enclosure General Study Requlrementll (EDSI'M Scelion 4 03) I 0 DllllJlage study preplll'Qd by a ProfessIOnal C1VJ! Engule.. hcensed In the state of Oregon o A oomplete dl"alnagc study, as reqUITed m lIDSI'M Section 403 I, mcludmg a hydrologIcal study map o Calculations showmg system capac.1ty for a 2~Ye'8T storm event nnd overflow effects ofa 2S-year storm event III 0 Th. tunc of concentranon (Te) shall be delermmed u&lng a 10 mmute slart time for developed basIns ReI'lew of DoWDstream System (EDSPM Secllon 4.03 4,C) o Iii A downsl1eam dramag. analys.. as desonbed In EDSPM SectIOn 4 03 4 C On-Sllc dmmage shall he governed by Ibe Oregon Plumbmg SpecIalty Cod. (OPSC) o ~E1evatloDS of the HOL and flow Imes for both City and private sy'lell1B where applIcable DeSIgn nfStorm System. (EDSPM SectloD 4.04) iii 0 Flow lInes, slopes, 11m elev.tlOns, pIpe type end Sizes clearly mdJoaIed on the plan sel. o ~ Mmunum pIpe cover shall be 18 mchos forremforoed plpe and 36 Inches for plam concrete and plashc pIpe malerlal., or propc;r eng.mccrlng calculations shall be prOVIded when less The cover shall be Guffiolent to support an 80,000 Ib load WIthom fad= ofthe pipe S1lUoture o 11/ MlU1Dlllg" "n" values fur pIpeS shall be conSIstent with Table 4-1 oCthe EDSP All storm PIpes shall be designed to .cbleve a mInimum velOCIty of three (3) feet per seoond atO 5 pIpe full bllSCd on Tahle 4-1 as well OtherlMlsc !II 0 Exlsbog and proposed comollIS, located at one foot ml<lrval Include .pot elevanons and SIte grades ,howlng how site drams ~ 0 Pnvale stormwater easements shall be dearly depIcted on pllUlS when pnvate ,,,.... ..,.or flows from one propcny to another o ~DJYWells ,hall not reoeIve runoff from any surface wID bemg treakd by nne or more BMPs, wllh the exceptIon ofresidenllal bu.ldmg roofs (EDSP Seollon 3 03 4.A) AddItional proVJS1oos apply tn ibIS as req~ by the DEQ Refer to the webslle www.dell date OT lL<;/wCl/eomundwa/J::l.lcholne hem for more mfonnatton o ~etentjon ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre~dcvcJopment rates for the 2 through 25~Yflar storm events "'Thbform shall be Included as IUI. attachment. lhstde. the front cover, oftht1 stormwater study . IMPORTANT ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOW AND SIGN! As the engtneer ofrocordJ I hereby certify the above required Items atc complete and lDcluded with the Qubnutted stonnwater- -;tudy and plan set SIgllaturc Form VersIOn 2 March 2004 t'Jatc: 03/20/2006 10 36 FAX 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW ~ 004/004 STOUDER Matt From. Sent; To Subject WALKER George Monday, March 20, 20061025 AM STOUDER Matt Drainage for TL 1 DO on 2nd & Q PRE-SUBMITTAL RECID JAN 8 2008 H,l. Matt, They can use the system In the street l[ they are careful w~th the hgl There lS a low spot on the east end o[ the parcel that probably can't dra~n I th~nk that ~t ~s conneeted to the system that Gray/Branch put 1n after the fact for the problems created when the apartments were bu~lt to the north and east I'd Just make Wade aware that there may be some tLrnes that the water surface wlll be h~gh (444 or 50) George George Walker Stormwater FaCllltles Planner Clty of Spr~ngf~eld Publlc Works, Envlronrnental Serv~ces Phone 541 726-3674 FAX 541 726-2309 ema~l gwalker@c~ sprlngfleld or us www C~ spr~ngfleld or us 1 PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'D JAN 8 200B r~_~ .... A " //~ /7-.3- U -,;2- 'l IS- 1(( 11- Afier Recordmg Return To Flrsl Amencan Tille POBox 10146 Eugene., OR 9140W Division 01 Chi.' OcputV CJerk Lan. County D..ds .nd Records 2005-0~02 $3600 ~,.."""". . . ~ 1111111 11111111 1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIWII 11111 I 1111 III ee731939200eee868e2qe30033 10/31/2005 01 23 26 P" RPR-DEED Cnl=l Stn:5 CASHIER 04 Sl~ 00 $11 00 S10 00 After recording return to R Keepers Investments, LLC Until a change IS requested all tax statements shan be sent to the following address R Keepers [nvestments, LLC PO Box 703 Pleasant Hlll, OR 97455 FIle No 7191-6B2996 (BJF) Date October 28, 2005 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED The Sharf R. Hiatt Uvlng Trust, Sharf R. Hiatt, trustee, Grantor, conveys and warrants to R Keepers Investments, UC, an Oregon limited liabIlity company, Grantee, the following descnbed real property free of bens and encumbrances, except as speofically set forth herem See legal Descnptlon attached hereto as Exhibit A and by thIS reference lOcorpol<lted herem This property is free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT Covenants, oondrtlons, restnct10ns and/or easements, If any, affecting title, whICh may appear In the publIC record, IOdudmg those shown on any recorded plat or survey nus INSTRUMEtff WIlL NOT AlLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMEtff IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING DR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMEtff, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE lITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD GiECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY DR COUNTY PLANNING OEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVEO USES ANa TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS OEFINED IN ORS 30 930 The true conSideration for thiS conveyance IS $280,000 00 paid to and by a qualified Intennedlary as part of an IRe 1031 exchange (H<<e comply WItt! ~uorcments of ORS 93 030) Oated th~ 2;1:::f day or (0tfDP1 R , .200.5 Page lof3 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN 8 Z008 APN 0218717 St.ltukvyW~nty~ ""'''''''' FIIo! No 7191 682996 (8Jf) ~te 10/28/2005 The Sharf R Hiatt Uvmg Trust BY~d 1? ;/.;J,,,u:/ ~ Shan R Hiatt TrusteJ . STATE OF Oregon ) )ss County of lane ) This Instrument was acknowledged before me on thl~ day of C>e=tv~ by Silan R Hiatt as Trustee afThe Silan R. Hoatt UV'"9 T~ 0ur OfFlCIALSE.-.L \ t) JENNIFER WAITS A~~'" HOlMY PUBliC OREGON ~ CQMMlSSION NO. 369538 mr ~ M'l'C()W.lISSlONDl\RESJJlI5. . 20Q9 Notary PublIC for Oregon My commISsIOn expIres Paqe 20t 3 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 8 2008 APN 0218717 StatutOry Warranty Deed conbnued File No 7191.Q2996 (8Jf) {).ate Ul/'11J/2005 ~,.... '1 ~ ~ i,." I EXHIBIT A lEGAL OESCRIPTION Beginning at a point 1554 82 feet West and 30 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HAlSTEAD DONATION LAND a..AIM NO 47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Mendlan, and running thence North 312 SO feet to the JXlInt of begmnmg of the tract herem descnbed, thence East 300 feet, thence North 92 5 feet, thence West 300 feet, thence South 92 5 feet to the point of beglnnmg, In Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING THEREFROM Beglnmng at a poInt 155482 feet West and 342 5 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HALSTEAD DONATION LAND ClAIM NO 47, TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian, and run thence North 2 5 feet, thence East 160 0 feet, thence South 2 5 feet, thence West 1600 feet to the poInt of beginning, In lane County, Oregon P;!ge Jaf 3 SubdiVISion Guarantee PRE-SUBMIlTAL REC'D JAN 8 2008 G~arantee No 7199-807575 Page 1 of 3 \ ,. N fit, ~., 0, , ~ ~'i. -L-L~ '-'" First American First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97ftOl Phn - (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484f7321 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE For the Proposed Plat of GUARANTEE NO I 7199-807575 FEE $ 225 00 YOUR REF 1887 2nd Street First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon reports to The Oregon Real Estate Commission, and any County or City within which said subdivIsion or proposed subdivIsion IS located 1 That, according to the public records which Impart constructive notice or matters affecting title to the premises hereinafter referred to, we find That the last deed of record runs to R Keepers Investments, llC, an Ore9on limited liability company I We also find the following apparent encumbrances, which Includes "Blanket Encumbrances" as defined by I OR5 92 305 (1), and also easements, restrictive covenants and rights of way prior to the effective date hereof 1 The rights of the public In and to that portion of the premises herein deScribed lYing within the I limits of streets, roads and highways 2 Easement, Including terms and prOVISions contained therein Recording Information August 02, 1926 In Book 150, Page 149, Deed Records In Favor of City of Eugene For Utilities 3 Easement, including terms and provIsions contained therein I Recording Information August 26, 1937 In Book 188, Page 557, Deed Records In Favor of City of Eugene, by and through the Eugene ,Water Board For ElectriC Transmission line , I \ FIrst Amencan TItle ~ ".;-SUBMITfAl REC'O JAN 8 2008 SubdiVISion Guarantee Guarantee No 7199.807575 page 2 of 3 4 Easement, Including terms and provIsions contained therein Recording Information April 16, 2007, Reception No 2007-025196 In Favor of Springfield Utility Board For underground electric line 5 Improvement Agreement Including Notice of Potential Assessment lien, Including terms and provIsions thereof Recorded May 22, 2007, Reception No 2007-034346 6 Line of Credit Trust Deed, Including the terms and provIsions thereof, given to secure an Indebtedness of up to $1,308,000 00 Grantor R Keepers, Investments, LLC BenefiCiary LlbertyBank Trustee First American Title Insurance Company Dated September 24, 2007 Recorded September 26, 2007 Recording Information 2007-066855 NOTE Taxes for the year 2007,2008 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount $1,84180 Map No 1703262401100 Property ID 0218717 Tax Code No 19-00 We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and State and Federal liens against the Grantee named above and find -NONE- The premises are In Lane County and are deScribed as follows Beginning at a pOint 1554 82 feet West and 30 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HALSTEAD DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian, and running thence North 312 50 feet to the pOint of beginning of the tract herein described, thence East 300 feet, thence North 92 5 feet, thence West 300 feet, thence South 92 5 feet to the pOint of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon , EXCEPTING THEREFROM Beginning at a pOint 1554 82 feet West and 342 5 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HALSTEAD DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian, and run thence North 2 5 feet, thence East 160 0 feet, thence South 2 5 feet, thence West 160 0 feet to the pOint of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon THIS IS NOT A TITLE GUARANTEE since no examination has been made of the title to the above deScribed property Our search for apparent encumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices and therefore above listings do not Include additional matters WhICh might have been disclosed by an examination of the record title We assume no liability In connection With thiS SubdiVISion Report and will not be responsible for errors or omissions therein Arst Amencan TItle ~ SubdiVISion Guarantee Guarantee No 7199-807575 Page3of3 Dated December 12, 2007 I I I PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 8 2008 First American TItle Insurance Company of Oregon, By Robert Gordon, AuthOrized SIgnatory RMG/RMG Rrst American ntle I ~RE.SUBMIn:~ REC'O JAN 8 Z008 Keepers De~elopment I Minor Traffic Impact Study Springfield, Oregon Expires 6/30/06 May 26, 2006 I Keepe."s Development Minor Traffic Impact Study PRE-SUBMITfAL REC'O JAN 8 2008 I. Purpose of Report Thls Mll10l Traffic Impact Study IS fOl the proposed Keepels Medical Office development located on 2nd Street north of' Q' Street m Sprmgfield, 01egon The pmpose of the repOlt lS to plOvlde a minor traffic anpact study that outlmes the potential tIaffic Impacts of the development on the sunound1l1g stIeets II. Proposed Development I LocatIOn and VICInIty Map i The development sIte IS locafed on tax lot 1100 on map # 17-03-26-24 located on the east side of 2nd Street north of' Q" SUeet m Spnngfield, Oregon The 10catlOn of the sIte IS shown on the VIC1l1Ity map, Figure I m Appendlx A The study mea mcludes the dnveways on 2nd Street and the 1l1tersectlons on "Q"' Street leadmg to the PlOneer Parkway mterchangelwlth the Eugene- Spnngfield Highway , 2. DescnptlOn of Development A small medlcal office complex lS proposed on the east sIde of 2nd Street approxImately 300 feet nOlth of"Q Street The development proposes to buIld two medlcal officJ bUIldmgs totalmg 9,460 square feef The propelty lS zoned CC (commuruty commerCial) andlcurrently contams a vacated resldence and accessory buIldmgs The slte plan (see Flgure 2 m AppendIx A) shows a 2,560 square foot bUIldmg adjacent to 2nd Stleet and a 6,900 square foot bUIldmg at the rear of the propeliy Dnveway access to 2nd Street lS along the soufh plOperty lme kt an ell.lstmg dnveway cut A total of 31 parkmg spaces are shoW1l mcludmg 4 handicapped acceSSIble spaces III EXlstmg ConditIOns I Street Network 2nd Street IS desIgnated as a local street rulllllng noIth flOm ' Q , StIeet to 'V' Street and then contmues nOltII to Hayden Bndge Way as Grovedale Street North of S' StIeet the area IS lesldentIal In the lIllmedwte area adjacent to the slte, the lOadway IS 36 feet \\Ide with CUi bs, Access Engl11eellng May 26, 2006 Keepels De\ elopment i\lmO! Tlaffic Impact Study SnlInQfieJcL O,egon PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 8 2008 Page 2 t\\O travel lanes, and a centeJ-tum-lane Parkmg IS not allowed on on elthel side of the sheet The ate eXlstmg five foot slde\\alks on the \\est side of2,d Stleet from "Q Sheet nO!th to'S' StIeet On the east sIde thele ale sIdewalks on the flOntage of two pat eels The mtersectIon of 2,d Street at "Q' Street]s controlled by a STOP 5lgn fO! 2nd TheIe ate separate left at1d llght- tW'll lanes on the applOach to "Q' Sheet The posted speed on 2nd Sheet IS 25 MPH "Q' Street IS classIfied as a collectO! street thaf 1 uns east-west flOm Laura Street to Mohawk Blvd The street IS nonh of and parallel to the Eugene-Spllngfield Hlgh\\ay and con tams two havellanes, a cenfer-tum-lane, and bike lanes 111 the ImmedIate study area The nearest traffic sIgnal IS 375 feet to the west whele the westbound off-ramp from the Eugene-Spnngfield HIghway meets' Q' Street at a 'T' mtelsectIon The slgnahzed mtersectlO'n with PlOneer Prnkway]s approx]mately 700 feet to the west of 2nd Street "Q' Street cohtmues west through these mteI sectIons and becomes a westbound on ramp west of Laura Sheetl The neaIest traffic , sIgnal to the east IS at 5th Street applOxlmately 1000 feet east of 2,d Stleef lifhe posted speed on "Q' Street IS 30 MPH 2. Traffic ACCident AnalysIs , Crash Iecords at or near the mtelsectIon of 'Q" and 2nd Streets for the penod 2001 through 2005 wele obtamed flOm the City of Spnngfield A SWllmrn)' of crashes m thIS sectIOn durmg the past 5 years are shown m Table I below All repolled crashes were wlthm 100 feet of the mtersectton The two crashes m 200 I occuned on 2nd Street The pedestnan crash occurred m the crosswalk and resulted 111 a broken leg Of the 6 leported total crashes 111 five years, none mvolved fatahtIes but three resulted m mJunes Table 1: Total IntersectIOn Crashes by Type and Year. 2001-2005 II Year Rear Side. End sWipe Angle o o o 0 o o 0 100 L1 ~ -- '2001 i2002 12003 , 12004 I 12005 l 0 I~otal Crashes , 3 1 Million Entering Vehicles Access Engll1eeIll1g Pedes- tnan I I I I I I o o o I o I 1~ -rota,lr- PDO InjUry 2 I 1 I 1 II I! 0 2 II ] 1 1 II 0 11 o II 0 10 6 JL3 13 --..-...- I MEV' I 386 II 390 II 394 1 3 98 I 402 II 197 Crashesll MEV 052 026 051 II 025 000 030 May 26 2006 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 8 2008 Keepels De\ elopment Mmor TIaffic Impact Study SOIllwfiel,t Oregon Page , The c18sh rate fOl the mtersectlon of 20d and' Q IS repOl1ed m clashes pet mIlhon entellng vehicles (MEV) Smce the crash late IS less than 1 0, \\>Ith no flequency or sevellty problems, that mdlcates no safety plOblem at the mteIsectIon 3 TranSit Service The mtelsectIon of 2nd and "Q' IS served by two Lane TranSit Dlstnct (LTD) 10utes Route 18- Mohawk/Fmrvlew runs east to west along "Q' Street whlle Route 19 - FaJrvIewlMohawk lUllS west to east on 'Q" Street These routes COlmect the Spnngfield StatIOn wIth Centetmtal Blvd at Aspen Stteet at the west end of the lOutes and with 28th and Marcola at the east ends The nearest bus stops are on "Q"' Street wlthm one block of 2nd Street As of September 2005, both lOutes rUll homly from 6 15 AM to 6 30 PM on v,eekdays 4. Non-Motorized Facthtles Sidewalks wIll be been provided by the development along 2nd StIeet adjacent to the sIte whIch will help to complete the sidewalk S} stem on that sIde of the street Bicycle lanes eXIst on the 'Q" Street flOm PlOneel Patkway to Mohawk Blvd ConnectIOns eXist on PIOneer Palkway and 5th Sheet 'Which provtde excellent connectIOns to all parts of the Eugene-Spnngfield Metro Area IV Project Traffic 1 Tnp GeneratIOn The tnp generatIOn compufatlOn for the Keepers medical development was obtamed from the Seventh EdltlOn of the Inshtute of TranspottatlOn Engmeels Tno GeneratIOn manual The followmg land use code m the TnD GeneIatlon manual was used 720 MedIcal - Dental Office Butldmg I I A total of 172 dally and 35 peak hOUl tnps are expected at completIOn of the development All of these tllpS are expected to be made by pllvate passenger vehIcles No mtelIlal 01 pass-by tnps ate expected Table 2 below shows the expected tllp generahon for each pl)ase of the development The tnp rates ate based on the fitted curve equatIOns plOvlded III the manual Access EnglIleell11g May 26, 2006 PRE.SUBMIITAl REC'D JAN 8 2008 Keepels Development 1v1mor TIaffic Impact Study Sm "",field Clre90n Page ~ Table 2: T'IP Gene.'atlOn for Keepel s Development (ITE Code 720) -- ---------- Ave Weekday PM Peak Hour of Adjacent Street I'ITE Code UllItS Size Rate Trips Rate T"ps I % In I %Out Enter 1720 Medlcal'DenIal Off 11000 SF GFA 946 1817 172 372 351 27% I 73% 10 1 I EXit ') 261 2, Tnp DistributIOn and ASSignment Located Jusf nOlth of "Q , Street m north Spllngfield, the KeepeIs medIcal offices aIe expected to dlaw tllpS from that part of the Metro area A small pelcentage oftnps may come ftom the Iesldentlal area to the north (10%) The maJonty oftllpS should use the mfersectlOn of 2nd SlIeet and 'Q' Street Th asslgrunent of tllpS at the mtersectIOn should favor ongms and destmatJons to the west smce the mtersectIOns "vIth PIOneer Parkway and the Eugene-Spnngfield Highway tamps are nearby Flgule 3 m AppendIx A shows the assumed tllp assIgnments through the nearby stgnahzed mtersectJons V ConclusIOns and RecommendatIOns The Keepels development will have a neghglble Impact on the sUlToundmg street system The medlcal office development wlll generate only 35 tllpS m the peak hoUl and those tnps wIll be dIspersed on ' Q , StJeet Iesultmg 111 less than 20 additIOnal tnps III eIfher dlrectJon The mtersectIOn of 2nd Stleet wtth "Q , Street has eXlst1l1g separate turn lanes on the southbound applOach and a center-turn-lane on 'Q" Sfreet The crash rate at the mtelsdctton IS well \\ltllln I acceptable standards BIcycle, pedestnan, and tranSIt facIhtJes are present and nearby We I recommend that the development be approved wIth no transpOltatIOn lelated mltJgatJons reqUired Access EnglllecIlllg May 26, 2006 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 8 Z008 KeepelS De\elopment Traffic Impact Study SDrImdield OreQ:on Appendix A Figures Access EngmcellI1g May 26, 2006 Figure 1 Keepers Development Traffic Impact Study Vicinity Map I/~ \ , Zc~G ) .. N ])...L~kJ-...J l'Q\\ -L-\~\."""""""'''''r-"-\II '_~' I '~ 0- v r I I ~\ -tr. J.l I- II = - " ~~ .-t-trUT - I h'l'~ Li ifiSITE,---<-" -, __~ T ~'d_" ~ i ~ tR] \ I~l.~~ 12ft. W,osr TC'Il l{) " ., l2e ___ ~ ~t1t1lAL Ill. 1L--""'" _ , .: -~Lz:;:::::r'::2sf~' , -' I : ~i-'L ,_' I ~ ,,-= =-- J' " j-_' '[) *. : .~ t =+ - --r =' . I. =, . ";3r - _____-,= /'.' ::-. - ~\'"", II~' ad I ; _J- ~ l~ } ~ '\ --r---t _ _. 'I /' , \ - ~'M.I~' ,-, .""" '" ''''', I I rll I I . .->-~ ~SA'r 209 ------ b-L ___ bi-~ Access Engmeermg XDVG Keepers Development .z 'q, " ~ ~ / , , , I ' I I I I BUILDING A 6900 so FT I L _ I ala~all L =" =-- I~I r B\ BUILDING B 2560 so FT .... Figure 2 Traffic Impact Study Site Plan FRE-SUBYiIITAl REC'[ JM 8 200B ~ ~ ~ q, <:. ~ 1. .......~--~- ---;;. - ..;;;; --=-,,/ o - _ _ _ _ -.:. _ _ _L_ _\f1- _ _ _ __ 2nd Street 0 --------~--~----- XD'w'G ~ Access Engmeermg I II -~- I \\ I, w. \\ \~ \ \~ - I \ I '" -----====-- -__ I \~ \\\ -- --I \ \ II, '\ \~o ,\ \\ \\ \~ \\ Ii" I' 1\ II " '\1 1\ \ \\ \\ Q c>...----...J ~~----- .. N , , - <.'---- ~- ......-- ~ ~ -~ ---- ~ -- ----- ---::.~~ - ----- ---- I "t..o o .... .. ~7 ,-+ f 3 YJNG Figure 3 Keepers Development Traffic Impact Study Development Trip Assignments SST \' I Ji ~'[ li'tl -] I J r' ~ '" r, ~I I SITE ~ d ( ~~ :_=-~ ~ \\ _~.d "'13 rfi. "t... 5j bi-~ Access Engineering 380 Q Street, SUite 200 Spnngfleld, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253 Fax oam((j)olsonandmorns com Olson & Morris A Subsidiary of l BOrson & Associates me Consulting EngIneers & Surveyors Date January 8, 2008 Re 3740 KEEPERS PRE.SUBMITTAL RECID JAN 8 2008 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO CIty of Spnngfleld Development Services Dept 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3689 From Pam Clark WE ARE SENDING YOU ( ) Onglnals ( ) Reports ( x ) Attached ( x ) Copies ( x ) Plans ) Under separate cover via ) Pnnts ( ) Dlskette(s) ) Specifications () QTY DESCRIPTION 1 Tentative Partllion Application 1 Check In the amount of $336 00 from Nathan Keepers 1 Wntten statement from Metro Planmng 1 Title Report dated 12-12-07 1 I Vesting deed 1 I 8 Y, x 11 of the Land DIvIsion Plan 4 Stormwater Management System Scope of Work 4 TraffiC Impact Study 7 I Tentative Plan for Pre-Submittal ( x ) For your use ( x ) For approval & FIling ( x ) For review & comment ( ) As requested ( ) Returned for correction ( ) For your dlstnbutlon ) Approved as submItted ) Approved as noted SIgnature ?~ QS)OJ\I< Pam Clark, Survey Tech X \PROJEC I 5\3740 Nathan Keepcrs\Correspondem.e\Trans Tent Pre Appl doc 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone SP~ Wile. I of Sprmgfield OfficIal ReceIpt ~d'elopment ServIces Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT #, 2200800000000000019 Date: 01/08/2008 105837AM P..d By NATHAN KEEPERS Item Total Check Number AuthonzatlOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 33600 $336 UO Job/Journal Number PRE2008-00002 DeSCription CTY Partlllon Tentallve Plan Payments Type of Payment Check Amount Paid emm 2295 In Person Payment Total $336 00 $336 UU ., I 11 cRccemtl Page I of I 1/8/2008 LAFLEUR Karen Subject. Location. PRE2008-00002 Pre-Submittal Meebng (Part Tent) Keepers - Andy L _SP _ConfRm616 Start. End. Fn 1/18/2008 11 00 AM Fn 1/18/2008 1200 PM Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Required Attendees. Meeling organizer LAFLEUR Karen, lIMBIRD Andrew, Pre-Submittal Group A Pre-Submlttal Meeling for a Partition Tentabve has been scheduled for Friday, January 18, 2008@ 1100 - noon In DSD 616 The planner assigned to this applicabon IS Andy limblrd The applicant submitted plans to partition one lot mto two parcels Please confirm your attendance at this meebng Thanks Karen Date Received. Plann~r AL 1/ !/;.JfJ1' I ' 1 CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 Flfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax PRE.SUBMIITAl REC'O JAN 8 2008 WirSJ!-~!;J~ ~ , , , , ~ -,,~-- Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number ASSIgned: PRE2008-00002 Date SubmItted: 1/8/2008 PrOJect Name: KEEPERS MED OFFILDR 1887 2ND Project DeSCrIption: Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg for PartitIOn Tentative - 2 lot commercial partItIOn ApplicatIOn Type: PartItion Tentative Job Address: 1887 2ND ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1703262401100 I . , DISCLAIMER ApplIcatIOns wIll not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the tIme of the Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg and SubmIttal of the ApplIcatIOn for Development Re~tew Please contact our , office at 541-726-3753 WIth any questIons or concerns ! I , A Planner wIll be aSSIgned the followmg busmess day and wIll contact you to confirm the meetmg date and lime Data Received /1;?! Planner. AL 1/8/2008 12547PM PlanJobPnnt rpt Pre-Submitta~ Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITIAL MEETING DATE Friday, January 18,2008 1 PRE-SUBMITIAL MTG #PRE2008-00002 (PART TENT) R KEEPERS, Assessor's Map: 17-03-26-24 TL 1100 Address 1881 & 1887 2nd Street EXisting Use: Vacated ReSidential Applicant submitted plans to partitiOn one lot into two parcels Meetmg Date/Time: Friday, January 18,2008 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner' Andy Limbird "" Date Received Planner. Al //'6!lfl! , ,