HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 4/22/2008 ~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE /Dl[]@~OW~'I' WL APR 2 2 Z008 1 ~~~c4 lU'~f'>fun .. u , STATE OF OREGON) ) ss County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Program TechniCian for the Planning DIVISion of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon , 2 I state that In my capacity as, Program TechniCian, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of 5~ZLxJ8-oooa'2. NdUu... ~~ -l~~- (See attachment "A") on /.fI2-Z- .2008 addressed to (see woockv.d.... Attachment BU), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S mall box With postage fully prepaid thereon ~~ck~~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane l-.-------;;~,;,;;l- --'O'OFf BRENDA JONES . , NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON j COMMISSION NO 379218 ,j MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 27. 2008 j ..------__ ~.-.-'-'1-~.~ __ _~. J--fVJ d--~I . 2008 Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Program TechniCian, who acknowledged the foregOing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me I I ~tJ~ My Commission Expires -1Utt.uy 'J-1 ;}.u?J is () ~ NotIce of DeCISIOn -Floodplam Overlay ) Case Number SHR2008-00002 Project Locahon 1976 Inland Way Apphcahon Subnutted Date Apnl 7, 2008 DecIsion Issued Date Apnl21,2008 CIty of SprmgfIeld Staff Steve Hopkms, Planner Owner James Woodard, 1976 Inland Way, Sprmgheld OR 97477 Representative Boyd Jensen, Gooden-Hamson Homes, 1441 HWY 99 N, Eugene OR 97402 Request. Type I reVIew for replacement of a manufactured home at Assessors Map Number 18- 03-02-33, Lot 6500 The proposed SIte 15 wlthm the floodway of the Willamette River, Zone AE as Idenl:1bed on FEMA map, Frrm Panel 41039Cl144F, dated June 2, 1999 SDC 3 3-420 Development Standards A General Standards In all areas of special flood hazard within the City and Its urbanlzable area, the follOWing standards apply 1 Anchonng All new construcllon, manufactured homes and substantial Improvements subject to less than 18 Inches of flood water dunng a 100 year flood shall be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure and shall be Installed uSing methods and practices that minimiZe flood damage Anchonng methods for manufactured homes may Include, but are not Iimrted to, use of over-the-top or frame ties to ground anchors (Reference FEMA's "Manufactured Home Installalion In Flood Hazard Areas" gUidebook for additional techniques) If subject to 18 Inches or more of flood water, or located In the f1oodway, manufactured homes, apart from manufactured homes In Mobile Home Parks and SubdivIsions, shall be anchored to prevent flotation or lateral movement and the deSign shall be certified by an engineer or architect Manufactured homes In an eXisting Mobile Home Park or SubdiVISion may use the ties to ground anchors and additional techmques specified above B Specific Standards In all areas of special flood hazard Within the City and ItS urbamzable area where base flood elevalion data has been provided as specified In Seclions 3 3-41 OA and 8 or 3 3-4158 4 , the follOWing provIsions are required 1 Residential Construction b New construction and substantial Improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest floor, Including basement, elevated to 1 foot above the base flood elevation Fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are subject to flooding are prohibited, or shall be deSigned to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on extenor walls by allOWing for a Woodard Case Na DRClOOB-00002 . A stamped and engmeered foundatIon plan 15 reqUITed ThIS deSIgn must comply WIth SDC 3 3-420(b) to ensure that flood flows are not restncted At least 9 opemngs of one square foot each are reqUITed ill the foundatIon . The foundatIon plan needs addItIonal mforIDatIon Subrmt a revIsed foundatIon plan that addresses the followmg Iterns o The foundatIon plan must be stamped by an engmeer o Include anchonng system details to meet the reqUITements for Manufactured Dwellmgs located ill the Floodway as specilied ill the Oregon Manufactured Dwellmg and Park SpeaaIty Code o Include detaIls regardmg the foundatIon openmgs The deSIgn must comply WIth SDC 3 3-420(b) to ensure that flood flows are not restrICted Summary of Conditions 1 The foundatIon plan must be stamped by an engmeer 2 ProvIde anchonng system detaIls to meet the reqUITements for Manufactured Dwellmgs located ill the Floodway as specilied ill the Oregon Manufactured Dwellmg and Park SpecIalty Code 3 Include detaIls regardmg the foundatIon openmgs The deSIgn must comply WIth SDC 3 3-420(b) to ensure that flood flows are not restncted 4 ProvIde a FEMA ElevatIon Cerl:1bcate completed by a cerl:1bed engmeer, surveyor or archItect, after placement of the manufactured home and before occupancy 5 The fuushed floor elevatIon of the manufactured home shall be a =um of 18 mches above the base flood elevatIon 6 The apphcant shall keep all records for mspectIon Queshons Please call Steve Hopkms ill the Plannmg D,V,SIOn of the Development SerVIces Department at (541) 726-3649 If you have any questIons regardmg thIS process Prepared by 7-C fit Steve Hopkills, AlCP Planner II Development SerVIces - Urban Plannmg DIVISIOn Woodard Case Na DRC200B-00002 3 ."....,} ~ "1:J;/ / i' 1 t1 ~ J ~.' JII'};/ ~ t1' J " DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 .~~ Boyd Jens"''''' Gooden-Harrison Homes 1441 Hwy 99N Eugene, OR 97402 SPP"GAECDiijI ."..:"J;II."1;J;IIII/t/~I::/.'''''J;I::I.t/.'J''~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES _ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 James Woodard 1976 Inland Way Springfleld, OR 97478 ~D