HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlat, Partition SUR 6/13/2008 PLAT DOCUMEN'T # D,v,s,on of ChIef Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records 2008-030699 $71,00 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 01000533200~0u306990010010 06/03/200809:21:11 AM RPR-PART Cnl=1 Sln=6 CASHIER 07 $50 00 $10 00 $11 00 This document is Land Partition Plat No. 2008- P2250 Owner: Summer Development Inc. Dedicatee: City of Soringfield Twn. 17S Rng. 2W Sec. 32 LANE COUNTY DEEDS & RECORDS , , -L - Parcels -.L - Slickers Date Received: JUN 13 2008 ~ - Res Numbers Final submittal AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO Lane County Surveyor's Office ~ DIvIsIon of ChI' 1eputy Clerk Lane County Deea~ and Records ~~~~.~J~1~~ Recorded at the request of and after recordlng return to 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31,00 01000537200800307000020029 06/03/2008 09: 21: 11 AM RPR-ESMT Cnt=l Stn=6 CASHIER 07 $10 00 $10 00 $11 00 Branch Englneerlng, Inc 310 Flfth Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS, PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE AND PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTS The true and actual conSideratIOn for this declaratIOn IS other than monetary RECITALS: I) SUMMER DEVELOPMENT, INC, Grantor, IS the owner of the lands that are descnbed m that Warranty Deed that was recorded August 21, 2007 at Recorder's Number 2007-058659 m the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon , 2) The owner IS dlvldmg said real property mto three parcels as shown on Land Partition Plat No 2008-P 22.50 as parl1tlOned and recorded m Lane County Oregon PartitIOn Plat Records 3) The owner deSires to create easements and define mamtenance responsibility on certam areas and facllil1es for the benefit of future owners of the parcels as descnbed below DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS: A) Easement Created SUMMER DEVELOPMENT, INC hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of Parcels 2 and 3 over that certam area deSignated as "PRIV ATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT" on said parl1tlOn plat as said easement lIes m Parcels 1 and 2 for pnvate access purposes B) Easement Created SUMMER DEVELOPMENT, INC hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of Parcels 2 and 3 over that certam area deSignated as "PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT" on said parl1l1on plat as said easement lies m Parcels 1 and 2 for pnvate utility purposes C) Easement Created SUMMER DEVELOPMENT, INC hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of Parcels I, 2 and 3 over that certam area deSignated as "PRIV ATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT" on said partition plat as smd easement lies m Parcel 1 for pnvate storm dramage purposes D) Easement Created SUMMER DEVELOPMENT, INC hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of Parcels 2 and 3 over that certam area deSignated as "PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT" on smd partItion plat as smd easement lies m Parcels I, 2 and 3 for pnvate sanitary sewer purposes E) ExclUSIOn ofPUEs Notwlthstandmg any other language herem, these easements do not allow the placement of pnvate utilities wlthm any Public UtilIty Easement except for crossmgs F) Use of the Burdened Prooertv The owners or occupiers of the parcels affected by these easements shall have the nght to use their property, mcludmg the areas descnbed as the easements, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupiers do not mterfere With the use of the easements as granted by thiS mstrument No vehicle parkmg or storage of vehicles shall be allowed by any party wlthm the easement area, mcludmg the agents, employees, tenants, and mVltees of said owners G) Mamtenance and Reomrs The cost of any mamtenance or repair of the driveway and storm dramage Improvements wlthm the easement area shall be split equally between the owners of Parcels 2 and 3 The cost of any mamtenance or repmr of pnvate ul1litles Iymg wlthm the easement areas Will be the responsibility of the owner of the respective faCility II) Successors m Interest The provlSlons of thiS mstrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of Parcels 1, 2 and 3 of said partitIOn, and are mtended to be covenants and restnctlOns runrung With the land All proVISIOns of thiS mstrument, mcludmg the benefits and burdens, are bmdmg and mure to the heirS, successors, assigns, transferees, and personal representatives of all owners of any of the aforementIOned parcels DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS, . PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE AND PRIVATE SANITARY Date Received: SEWER EASEMENTS JUN 1 3 2008 Page 1 of2 Final Submittal ('"', .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS, PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE AND PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTS on this '0-~ day of V'r^. ILL-. , 2008 \ Summer Development, Inc >>rrr/~. Scott C Leatham, PreSident STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of Lane ) On VV\..o.-. 1 '3 . 2008 personally appeared the above named Scott C Leatham l who IS the PreSident of Summer Development, Inc and who IS known to me to be the Idenl1cal mdlvldual who executed the foregomg mstrument and who does hereby acknowledge said mstrument to be his voluntary act and deed and that said mstrument was Signed on behalf of Said company '------------------(1 , . OFFICIAL SEAL , ! GAIL A WAISANEN I ! I NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON I I COMMISSION NO 419581 I I, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 28 2011 ~J L___________________~ ~{/d/ \ Notary Public for Oregon Date Received: JUN 1 3 2008 Final Submittal DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS, PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE AND PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTS Page 2 of2 PLEASE RETURN TO' SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD 1001 MAINST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 D,vis,on of ChIef Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records 2~~~.~J~1~1 I 1111111111111111111" "" I "/111 "111111111111 $31. 00 0100053u200~0030701~020026 RPR-ESMT Cnt=1 Stn=6 cAgSi~~~~B 09:21: II AM $10 00 $10 00 $11 00 SPRJNGFIELD UTILITY BOARD RIGHT-OF-WAY UNDERGROUND EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersIgned, SUMMER DEVELOPMENT, for a good and valuable consideratIon, of the payment of the sum of $000, the receIpt whereof IS hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto the City of Spl mgfield, a mUnIcipal corporatIOn, actmg by and through ItS SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD, and unto ItS successOJ s and assIgns, the right to enter upon the lands of the underSigned situated m the City of Springfield, State of Oregon, and mOl e partIcularly descnbed as follows Lot 31, EM HINSHAW PLAT, as platted and recorded m Volume 12, Page 20, Lane County 01 egon Plat Records, m Lane County, Oregon ThIS property IS also known as Tax Map 17-02-32-43, Tax Lot 05700 Begmnmg at the Northeast property corner headmg South 145' along the East property lme a 5' private electriC easement to place, construct, opel ate, repair, mamtam, relocate, and replace thel em an underground electriC dIstributIon lme, mcludll1g vaults, transformers and other necessary faCIlItIes, to remove and replace fences and lawns to the eAtent necessary to construct, mamtam, and protect saId lines No pal t of any bUlldmg 01 permanent structure wJlI be placed upon thIS easement, other than asphalt pavements, curbs, Sidewalks, and drIveway aprons ThIS easement does not restl ICt the mstallatlon of Qwest CommunIcations and Comcast faCIlItIes prOVIded installatIOns meet Springfield UtilIty Board's approval Date Received: JUN 1 3 2008 Final Submittal SUMMER DEVELOPMENT Page 1 af2 03/20/08 The undersIgned covenants that they are the owneI S of the above-desCllbed pI opel ty and that such plOperty IS free and clear of encumbl ances and lIens of whatsoever character eAcept 9;;r; ~ ~~:l.3-cJ8 DATE - . SCOTT C LEATHAM, PresIdent SUMMER DEVELOPMENT STATE OF OREGON) ) ss County of Lane ) BE IT REMEMBERED, That on thIs il day of -'Y1UV1_, 2008, before me, the undersIgned, a Notary PublIc 111 and for saId County and State, pers'onally appeared the wlthll1 named SCOTT (: LF.ATHA.IVI. PRESIDENT SIIMMEQ OEV"RWPMENT known to me to be the IdentIcal ll1dlVlduals descnbed Il1 and who executed the wlthm ll1strument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntanly IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my officIal seal the day and year last above WI Itten f-.------~FF;c;;.~ ;E;'l-n_~ I GAIL A WAISANEN I ' NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON I COMMISSION NO 419581 ~.. _ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 28, 2011 ~ -~~~----------------~ Notary PublIc for Oregon ~ Q ~ My commISSIon expires .j~ t.B, Z" I) I / Spnngfield UtIlIty ~ thIs conveyance of real property or easement Approvedby 04~~ I~. Tamara Johnson / Engll1eeIll1g Manager Spnngfleld UtIlIty BoaI d Date Received: JUN 1 3 2008 SUMMER DEVELOPMENT Page 2 of2 03/20/08 Final Submittal After recordmg I etum to ReA Betz Blanch Engmel .g Inc 310 Fifth Street Spllngfield, OR 97477 CONCURRENCE for LANDS OF SUMMER DEVELOPMENT, INC Whereas Chuck Wafford IS the beneficHllY of a Deed of Trust held agamst a portiOn of or an of the lands descnbed 111 EAhlblt ' A ' attached heleto and made a part heleof, wlllch Deed of Trust was recolded 111 Lane County Oregon OffiCIal Records August 21, 2007 as Document Number 2007 -058660 Whereas Summer Development, Inc desnes to lecOld a Pattltlon Plat cleat111g tlllee separate legal parcels, Know all men by these presents that Chuck Wafford hereb) concurs wIth the plattmg and rccvld,ng of satd Plat as saId plat partltiOJ1S satd lilllds Dated thiS 3 t day of ~$/ #~oJt ,2008 SIgnature dvJ L()#~Q_ r D......~..~ r.:"n,....~.,'I"'d c, '-' t ~ _'.. J ...~... . ACKNOWLEDGMENT J"'~ 4 'j "~3 "-"~" I :J ........ . Sta~e '"If Orcgc-p ) Final :"1:.Jtr.llrt:! County of Lane )55 On ~31 ,2008 personally appeared the above natned ChuckWaf!otd who IS known to me to be the Identical mdtVIdual 'Who executed the foregomg ll1strument and who does hereby ackno'Wledge slid mstrument to be Ius voluntary act ill1d deed 13"J=R. [r~. Notary PublIc fot 9./ 1 () I ( , . OFACIAlSEAL . BRYCE R JESSEN , NOTARY PUBUC<lREGON . COMMISSION NO 420692 . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT. 10, 2011 D'v,sion of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records 200B-030m ~f!~!IJlIJ1Jm!~W~Jl llWWlIlIl1I III $31,00 RPR-CONC Cnt=1 Stn-_6 06/0312008 09 :21: tt AM CASHIER 07 $10 00 $10 00 $11 00 CONCUR..1{E},\,CE TO PLATTING Page] of2 Ffter recordlng return to Rex Betz, Branch Englneerlng, Inc 310 Flfth Street Sprlngfle1d, OR 97477 EXHIBIT 'A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION SITUA TED IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY_ STATE OF OREGON IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 32 IN TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 \VEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS LOT 31, E M HINSHAW PLAT AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN VOLuME 12, PAGE 20, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON , ", ; .' , Date Receivod JUN 1 3 2:~3 final Submittal CONCURRENCE TO PLATTING Page 2 of2 DIvIsion of Chler'~puly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records 200~.O~Oi02 \1\111\\ 1lI\ 1\11\ 1\1111\ 1\111111\11\\\ \\1\\ $26,00 lU005392008013 nl20010016 06/03/200809:21:11 AM RPR-REST Cnl=l Sln=6 CASHIER 07 $5 00 $10 00 $11 00 Recorded at the request of and after record1Og return to Branch Eng1Oeenng, Inc 310 Fifth Street Spnngfield OR 97477 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS BE IT KNOWN, that Summer Development, Inc does hereby declare a restnctlOn over the followmg descnbed property SITUATED m the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of SectIOn 32 m Townslup 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Mendlan m Lane County, State of Oregon and descnbed as follows BEING all of Parcels 2 and 3 of Land PartItIOn Plat No 2008-P2250 as platted and recorded 10 the Lane County PartItIOn Plat Records m Lane County, Oregon SAID RESTRICTION, unless otherwise authonzed by the CIty of Spnngfield, lImits future development on Parcel 3 to 3,600 square feet or less of fire-flow calculatIOn area as defined m the Spnngfield FIre Code unless fire-flow reqUIrements are met for a larger dwellIng, requires future development on Parcels 2 and 3 shall abIde by the base solar development standards as per Spnngfield Development Code 3 2-225 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Summer Development, Inc has executed this DeclaratIOn of RestnctIons on tlus 1.. 3 day of Mo....... , 2008 I Summer Development, Inc m- ~, PresIdent STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of Lane ) On rY1a....., t 3.2008 personally appeared the above named Scott C Leatham who IS the PresIdent of Summer Development, Inc and who IS known to me to be the IdentIcal mdlVldual who executed the forego1Og 10strument and who does hereby acknowledge Said mstrument to be hIS voluntary act and deed and that saId mstrument was SIgned on behalf of Said company '@. ~_"--"_-,-.._---------"'" . OFFICIAL SEAL I GAil A WAISANEN I j NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON I COMMISSION NO 419581 MY COMMISSION EXPIRESJULY 28, 2011 ~ - ----------_.-.._-------- ~ tJ U--~ Notary PublIc for Oregon My CommIssIOn ExpIres --J~ 2.8.Wf( Date Redeivecf: JUN 1 3 2008 Final Submittal Date Received: JUN 1 3 2008 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT INCLUDING NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMEjijlf'll!~mlttal (In Lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement, Includes Waiver of Right to Remonstrate) IN CONSIDERATION of the covenants herein recited, the City of Springfield, hereinafter referred to as City, and Summer Development Inc hereinafter referred to as Applicant(s), do covenant and agree with respect to the real property described below as follows 1 Applicant(s) warrants and represents to the City of Springfield that It IS the owner of the property more particularly deSCribed and set forth In Paragraph 7 below and, as owner, has the authority to enter Into this Improvement Agreement with the City of Springfield 2 Applicant(s) deSires Development Approval from the City with respect to the follOWing Development Application SUB2007-00056 (tentative) 3 The development Will cause both an Immediate and long-term demand on the various public facilities of City and Lane County Including the speCifiC public Improvements necessitated by the development as set forth In paragraph 6 4 This Improvement Agreement IS an alternative to Imposing a condition on Applicant's development approval that the Applicant make Immediate constructron of any public Improvement that the development necessitates The obJectrve IS to promote effiCiency, coordlnatron, and spread costs by prOViding an opportunity for a district Wide Improvement mechanism where construction occurs In a coordinated project with the partiCipation of adjacent and other properties In the area, Instead of requIring Immediate Improvement In conjunction with each development application There IS no guarantee, however, that such a coordinated project Will be pOSSible and the City reserves the right to require construction of the Improvements In the future at City discretion 5 (a) Applicant and City agree that Applicant Will pay the cost of the follOWing public facility Improvements deSCribed In Paragraph 6 In accordance with respective cost assumption policy established by City at the time the City determines to undertake and complete such public Improvements (b) Applicant and City acknowledge and agree that the cost of such Improvements and the portion thereof to be paid by Applicant are presently unknown and may be greater than the costs that would be apportioned If the Improvements were constructed Immediately or by Applicant now or later (c) Applicant acknowledges that the timing of the construction of such Improvements IS within the sole and exclusive direction of the City 6 (a) STREET IMPROVEMENTS along the frontage of Bluebelle Way to Include ~ surface paving, 0 storm sewers, U sanitary sewers, ~ gutters, 0 planter stripS, ~ street trees, ~ street lights, ~ curbs, ~ Sidewalks (b) TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the Intersection of (c) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS DIvisIon of Chief Deputy Cle~k Lane County Deeds and Reco~ds ~~~~.~J~i~~ 11111111111 H1111111111111111111111111111 $46,00 01J005512J0800~07J40~40046 06/03/2008 09:21:11 AM RPR-NTPDLIEN Cnt=2 Stn=6 CASHIER D7 $5 00 $20 00 $10 00 $11 00 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Z \2007\07 179 Leatham on Bluebetle\SURVEY\APPLlCATION\lmprovement Agreement new doc REVISED August 2007 Page 1 of4 Applicant acknowledges that the list of marked Improvements reflect those that would currently be required under the appropriate City codes and ordinances Applicant acknowledges that It understands that the Improvements made will be those required to bring the street to full urban standards for the then current functional classification of the street as those standards eXist at the trme the Improvements are made and may, therefore, differ from the list of Improvements checked herein 7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Date Received: AKA Property Address SEE EXHIBIT "An ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE . Final Submittal Tax Map & Lot No 17-02-32-43 TL 5700 4661 Bluebelle Wav JUN 1 3 2008 8 City agrees that Applicant's execution and performance of the terms of the Agreement Will be deemed to be In compliance with City's policy pertaining to Improvement reqUIrements, and If Applicant complies In every respect With all other applicable laws of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and City, Applicant shall be entitled to Development Approval, subJect to the terms and conditions of approval set forth therein 9 ThiS agreement IS enforceable by the State of Oregon, Lane County or City 10 APPLICANT AGREES TO SIGN ANY AND ALL WAIVERS, PETITIONS, CONSENTS AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THE ABOVE LISTED IMPROVEMENTS UNDER ANY IMPROVEMENT ACT OR PROCEEDING OF THE STATE OF OREGON, LANE COUNTY, OR CITY AND TO WAIVE ALL RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE AGAINST SUCH IMPROVEMENTS Applicant does not waive any right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, If the same shall appear to the Applicant to bear Inequitably or unfair upon said property of Applicant Applicant's acceptance of the non-remonstrance condition IS In consideration for the City'S waiver of the requirement for the Immediate construction of the public Improvements that the development necessitates ThiS Improvement agreement waives the property owner's right to file a written remonstration It does not waive a property owner's right to comment on the proposed district or any related matters orally or In wrltrng 11 It IS the intention of the parties hereto that the covenants herein contained shall run With the land herein described, and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein described ThiS Agreement shall be recorded In the Lane County Deed Records NOTICE TO APPLICANT/PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER If you are the applicant or a prospective purchaser of thiS property, you are adVised to discuss thiS Agreement With an Attorney of your chOice Executron and recordation of thiS Agreement Will place reqUirements on the Owner and any subsequent purchaser of the Real Property described In Section 7 and their heirs, successors and assigns These requirements Include but are not limited to the payment for the public Improvements described In Section 6 ThiS may result In an assessment lien on the Real Property described In Section 7 and Significant costs to the Owner and Purchasers, and their heirs, successors and assigns An Applicant's signature on thiS Agreement indicates that the Applicant has thoroughly read thiS Agreement, understands It, has had the opportUnity to consult legal counsel prior to ItS execution, and understands that executron of the Agreement may result In Significant finanCial obligations Imposed upon the Owner of the Real Property Any prospective Purchaser of the property burdened by thiS Improvement Agreement should also thoroughly review thiS Agreement, consult With legal counsel prior to purchaSing the property, and understand that thiS Agreement may result In a significant finanCial obligation Imposed upon any Owner of the Real Property described In Section 7 Z.\2007\07.179 Leatham on Bluebelle\SURVEY\APPUCATION\fmprovement Agreement new doc Page2of4 REVISED August 2007 WHEREFORE, the parties have hereunto set their hand this Z. 3 day of VV\a.... , 2008 , SIGNATU:E1S\ ~ ~ PRINT NAME(S) ~am PresIdent, Summer Development Inc STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF Lane } 88 BE IT REMEMBERED that on this 'l.. 3 day of ~ ~ ,2008 before me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named Scott C Leatham, President of Summer Development I.nc whose Identrty was proved to me on the basIs of satisfactory eVidence and who executed the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written 'F -----oFFiCiALsE;L----r'l I. GAIL A WAISANEN ( I ,NOTARY PUBLIC, OREGON I J COMMISSION NO 419581 I V, ,. ."" .__.-~Y.GQM-MI~S!O~E;.P~~~~ J..uLY~ 3,O!,!_1 ~Q CU- . - Notary Public for Oregon ,,\...L tlB. 2..0 It My Commission Expires ed and app "'F.~R'd Development-8eFV " 2;; //!/ltt tJiI s Department, Planning Dlvlslonl (No notary required) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Accepted by jQ~AA<A~~ DenniS P Ernst - City Surveyor Date ReceIved' JUN 1 3 2008 STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF Lane } 88 Final Submittal BE IT REMEMBERED that on this Zq-rn day of MAY ,200Lbefore me, the underSigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally appeared the Within named DenniS P Ernst whose Identity was proved to me on the baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who executed the Within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiCial seal the day and year last above written I I) OFFICIAL SEAL CHRIS MOORHEAD NOTARY PU8UC-0REGON COMMISSION NO 427460 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAR 31, 2012 r ~uvG.A-~~! Notary Public for Oregon tI\ A lLu-{ :) I 2-0 I Z. My Commission Expires Z \2007\07 179 Leatham on BluebellelSURVEY\APPLlCATIONllmprovement Agreement new doc REVISED August 2007 Page3of4 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 31, EM HINSHAW PLAT AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 12, PAGE 20, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Date ReceIved JUN 1 3 2008 FInal SubmIttal Z 12007\07 179 Leatham on Bluebelle\SURVEY\APPL1CATION\lmprovement Agreement new doc Page4of4 REVISED August 2007 I \... CIVIL (~~ . Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street. Springfield, Oregon 97477' (541) 746-0637' Fax (541) 746-0389 "\ PRINCIPALS JamesA Branch, PE, PL S Rene Fabncanl, S E , P E Michael Lane Branch, P E Damlen Gilbert, P E Renee Clough, P E June 12, 2008 Molly Markarian Plannmg Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngtield OR 97477 Dear Molly, Enclosed are five rolled copies of the Leatham partItIon plat and three copIes of the paperwork that was recorded at the tIme of plattmg Feel free to contact me If you have any comments or questIons Smcerely, ?~ Renee Clough, PE, PLS Branch Engmeenng, Inc ~ Date Received: JUN 1 3 2008 i I i , i Final Submittal 06-13-08P02 55 RCVO ./ STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / lRANSPORTATION SURVEYING