HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2018-21 06/25/2018 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 2018-21 [FY19 ADOPTED BUDGET] A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2018/19 SPRINGFIELD CITY BUDGET, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS, AND LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX. WHEREAS, starting on April 24, 2018, and ending on May 8, 2018, the Budget Committee met and reviewed the proposed 2018/19 City budget; and WHEREAS, on May 8, 2018, the Budget Committee recommended approval of the 2018/19 City budget for Council adoption; and WHEREAS, on June 25, 2018, the City Council held a public hearing on the approved budget. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Springfield finds that Adopting the Budget and Making Appropriations is necessary under ORS 294.305 to 294.565. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1. The City budget for the City of Springfield for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, and ending June 30, 2019, as approved by the City of Springfield Budget Committee in the total amount of $324,116,566 is hereby adopted. Section 2. The adopted appropriations, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, and ending June 30, 2019, as set forth in Exhibit"A" is hereby adopted. City of Springfield Fiscal Year 2018/19 Appropriations (All Funds) Personal Services 54,492,922 Materials and Services 46,400,560 Capital Outlay 2,753,630 Capital Projects 43,039,257 Contingency 1,000,000 Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance 235,000 Reserves 134,378,463 Interfund Transfers 19,529,074 Debt Service 10,759,550 Special Payments/Statutory Payments 11,528,110 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS — ALL FUNDS $ 324,116,566 Section 3. BE IT RESOLVED that the common City Council of the City of Springfield hereby imposes the taxes provided for in the adopted budget at the permanent tax rate of$4.7403 per thousand of assessed value for operations, a rate of $0.36 for the voter approved four year Local Option operating levy for fire operations, a rate of$1.40 for the voter approved four year Local Option operating levy for police, court and jail operations; and in the amount Resolution -No. 2()18-2 of$1,913,784 for bonds; and that these taxes are hereby imposed and categorized for tax year 2018/19 upon the assessed value of all taxable property within the district. Funds Subjectto the General Excluded from the _Government Limitation Limitation General Fund $ 4.7403/$1,000 Fire Local Option Levy $ 0.3600/$1,000 Police Local Option Levy $ 1.4000/$1,000 Bond Sinking Fund $ 1,913,784 Section 4. The City Manager of the City of Springfield is authorized and directed to certify the levy, as authorized by law, with Lane County, Oregon Assessor and the Lane County, Oregon Clerk, and will file a copy of the adopted budget with the Department of Revenue, State of Oregon. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 25th day of June, 2018, by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. /) Mayor — Christine L. Lundberg ATTEST: REVIEWED & n P2 E'1E 1� ` (�IA'/ As TO-,For, City ge order" AJ Ripka DATE: ti OFFICE cF Cl I' ATI Gi�C RESOLUTION N0. 2018-21 LEGAL APPROPRIATIONS LEVEL Dollar Amount General Fund- 100 Department Operating Cit, Manager's Office $ 1,460,685 Development & Public Works 2,530.203 Finance 2,237,163 Fire and Life Safety 11.381.801 Human Resources 581259 Information Teehnolog, 1,980,485 Legal Services 713,376 Library 1.677286 Police 14.632274 Total Department Operating S 37,194,532 Non-Departmental Transfers S 437,100 Debt Service Contingency 1,000.000 Reserves 2627,054 Total Non-Departmental S 9,064,154 Total General Fund S 46,258,686 Street Fund - 201 Department Operating Development& Public V orks $ 5.481,106 Information I echnologv 351.183 'total Department Operating $ 5,836,589 Non-Departmental Transfers $ 152000 Reserves I 315.292 Total Non-Departmental S 1.465,292 Total Street Fund $ 7,301,881 Sueeial RcA enue Fund-204 Department Operating Cii, Manage,`a Office $ 30.730 I7eselopment & Public Works 12-.000 I-ihrarc 74.992 Police 320.000 Total Department Operating S 437,722 Non-Deparhncntal Reserves S 808,578 Total Special Re,cnuc Fund $ 1,246,300 Transient Room Tax Fund -208 Department Operating City ManagCfs Office S 19&034 Development& Public Works 115.405 Library 174.523 Total Department Operating S 477,962 Exhibit A- Page t of 8 RESOLUTION NO.2018-21 Dollar Amount Non -Departmental Iransfcrs S 637,778 Reserves _ 1,480.734 Total Non-Departmental S 2,118,572 Total Transient Room Tax Fund S 2.596,474 Exhibit A- Page 2 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-21 Dollar Amount Community Development Fund -210 Department Operating Development & Public Works $ 900,786 Finance 20.890 'Total Department Operating S 921,676 _ Von-Departmental Reserves $ 182,238 Total Community Development Fund $ 1,103,914 Building Code Fund -224 Department Operating Development& Public Works $ IJ58,463 Fire& Life Safiety 61,069 Total Department Operating $ 1,219,532 Von -Departmental Resenes $ 2,368,043 Total Building Fund $ 3,587,575 Fire Local Option Levv Fund -235 Department Operating Fire and Life Safety S 1,480,925 Non-Departmental Reserves s 550,408 Total Fire Local Option Levv Fund S 2,031,333 Police Local Option Levv Fund-236 Department Operating Finance $ 663.894 LeL,al Services 76.083 Police 5.984,034 Total Department Operating $ 6,724,011 Non -Departmental Reserves $ 914,887 Total Police Local Option Levy Fund s 7,638,898 Bancroft Redemption Fund-305 Non-Departmental Resetvcs S 33,620 Total Bancroft Redemption Fund S 33,620 Bond Sinking Fund -306 Non-Departmental Debt Service $ 1968.005 Unappropriated Fnding Fund Balance _ _ 235,000 Total Non-Departmental $ 2,203,005 Total Bond Sinking Fund $ 2,203,005 Reg.Wastewater Revenue Bond Cap. Projects Fund -412 Non -Departmental Exhibit A- Page 3 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-21 Dollar Amount Reserves S 63,001 Total Reg.WW Revenue Bond Cap Projects Fund S 63,001 Exhibit A- Page 4 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-21 Dollar Amount Development Assessment Fund -419 Department Operating Finance $ 58,357 Non-Departmental Reserves $ 512,654 Total Development Assessment Fund $ 571,011 Development Protects Fund -420 Capital Projects Development&Public Works $ 253,473 Non-Departmental Transfers $ 928.803 Reserves 2.828.663 Total Non-Departmental $ 3,757,466 Total Development Projects Fund $ 4,010,939 Regional Wastewater Capital Fund - 433 Department Operating Development& Public Works S 2,028,000 Total Development& Public Works Capital Projects S 31,076,000 Non-Departmental Iransfcrs S 2022,845 Keserves 42647.815 Total Non-Departmental S 51,670,660 Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund S 84,774,660 Street Capital Fund - 434 Department Operating Development & Public Works S 97,543 Total Development& Public Works Capital Projects S 1,831,364 Non-Departmental Reserves S 1,460,697 Total Street Capital Fund S 3,389,604 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund - 611 Department Operating Development& Public Works S 3.691.183 Finance 15.746 In formation-I cchnolow 340.427 Total Department Operating S 4,047,356 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects S 4,683,513 Non-Departmental Debt Service S 1,711.355 Reserves 20,091,026 Total Non-Departmental S 21,802,381 'Dotal Sewer Operations Fund S 30,533,250 Exhibit A- Page 5 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-21 Dollar Amount Regional Wastewater Fund- 612 Department Operating Development & Public Works $ 17,959,486 L-inance 155,931 Total Department Operating S 18,115,417 Non-Departmental Transfers S 15,000,000 Debt Service 5,452,810 Reserves 10.002,821 Total Non-Departmental S 30,455,631 Total Regional Wastewater Fund S 48,571,048 Ambulance Fund-615 Department Operating Fire and Life Safety S 6,645,435 Non-Departmental Irans'fers $ 250000 Rcsc,es _ 147.012 Total Non-Departmental $ 397,012 Total Ambulance Fund $ 7,042,447 Storm Drainage Operating Fund -617 Department Operating Development& Public Works S 5.3 12M48 Finance 15.758 Information Technology 264,539 Total Department Operating S 5,592,345 Total Development& Public Works Capital Projects S 4,968,907 Non-Departmental - Debt Scry ice $ 70$052 Re,ervcs 14.278.623 Total Non-Departmental $ 14,986,675 Total Drainage Operating Fund S 25,547.927 Booth-Kelly Fund - 618 Department Operating Development & Public Works $ 546,569 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects $ 226,000 Non-Departmental 'I ransfers $ 62548 Debt Service $ 765.445 Resen es 1.03 7.601 'Iota]Non-Departmental $ 1,870,594 Total Booth-Kelly Fund $ 2,643,163 Regional Fiber Consortium - 629 Department Operating Development& Public Works $ 179,075 Non-Departmental Exhibit A- Page 6 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-21 Dollar Amount Reserves 5 196,462 Total Regional Fiber Consortium Fund S 375,537 Exhibit A- Page 7 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-21 Dollar Amount Insurance Fund-707 Department Operating Iluman Resources $ 1,369,541 Health Insurance 8,586,936 'Total Department Operating S 9,956,477 Non-Departmental Special PaNments'Miscellancous Fiscal Transactions $ 11,528,110 Transfers 35,000 Reserves _ 9.605,799 Total Non-Departmental S 21,168,909 Total Insurance Fund S 31,125,386 Vehicle and Equipment Fund - 713 Department Operating Development & Public Works S 479A91 Finance 8,400 Fire& Life Safety 408,200 Information Technoloe_y 258.831 Libizr_y 8,000 Police 400,000 Total Department Operating S 1,562,922 Non-Departmental Debt Service $ 153,883 Reserves 8.551.843 Total Non-Departmental $ 8,705,726 Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund S 10,268,648 SDC Administration Fund- 719 Department Operating Development& Public Works S 434861 Finance 22.855 Information I eclmology 66.954 Total Department Operating $ 524,670 Non-Departmental Reserves S 673,589 Total SDC Administration Fund S 1,198,259 TOTAL RESOLUTION S 324,116,566 Exhibit A- Page 8 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-21