HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 4/7/2008 9 u LU 00 Cl::: C) C) --' <'>J ~ t- ~ Q co ~ => a.. en ~ . LU g: - 0 ,', //:H} 6J /7-3- rU -c?-.y A Is... IlY 11- After- Recording RClum To FII"st AmcnClr\ Tll!e POBox 10146 Eugenc:.,OR 974.40 DIVision 01 Chje' OePYtv CJ.~k L~". County D.eds And Reeo~ds 2005-0~~ ..' \"(11, ~ ~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $35 00 e07515J920~008Ge~q0J00J3 1013112005 01 23 26 '" RPR-OEED Cnl=l Sln:5 CASHIER 04 $15 00 S11 00 S10 00 After recording return to R Keepers Investments, llC Until a Change 5 requested all tax statements shaU be sent to the fOUowll1g address R Keepers Investments, LLC PO Box 703 Pleasant Hlll, OR 97455 File No 719 I -682996 (BlF) Date October 28, 2005 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED The Shari R Hiatt UVlngi Trust, Shan R. Hiatt, trustee, Grantor, conveys and warrants to R Keepers Investments, UC, an Oregon limited liability company, Grantee, the follOWing descnbed real property free of hens and encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herein See legal Descnptlon attadled hereto as Exhlbrt A and by thIs reference Incorporated herem This property is free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT Covenants, condloons, k."....,........."S and/or easements, If any, affectmg tItle, whICh may appear In the publIC record, mdudlOg those shown on any recorded plat or survey THIS INSTRUMENI WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPER1Y DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENI IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENI, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITlE TO THE PROPER1Y SHOULO DiECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAcnCES AS OEFINED IN ORS 3<J 930 The true consideration for thiS conveyance IS $280,000 00 paid to and by a qualified intennedlary as part of an IRe 1031 exchange (Here ComplywrthreQ\lll'emetltsofORS9JOJOJ Dated tf1~ 2;lSf day of ()!';!nbJ /( ~ .200.5 PagelofJ ~ 1,0C6 . 60022 APN 0218717 Slatuto..y Warranty Deed '"""""'" Fill! No 7191 682996 (BJF) Date 10/28/2005 The Shari R Hiatt Uvmg Trust J BV ~j,~h.. 1? ~'aI'L/ r-.t= Shan R Hiatt Trustee' STATE OF Oregon ) )ss County of Lane ) This Instrument was acknowledged before me on thl~ day of ~beJe...., _ 20.QS by Shart R Hiatt as T",_ of The Shan R. H..tt L""ng T~ ~r QFFICIAlSEAl \ @ JEN.HIFERWAITS A=~ tt01ARY PU61.IC OREGON. .....-. COI.lM1SSlotiNO 359638 Vl'COMl.l\SSU)NEXPIRiSJi{l5,2l1H Notary PublIC for Oregon My commISsIOn expIres Page2of3 -'PH 0218717 Statutory Warranty Deed conbnued F~e No 7191..fi82996(aJF) Date .... '28/2005 EXHmrr A lEGAL DESCRIPTION Beginning at a POlOt 1554 82 feet West and 30 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HALSTEAD DONATION LAND a.AIM NO 47, Township 17 SOuth, Range 3 West of the Willamette MerIdian, and running thence North 312 50 feet to the pomt of beginning of the tract hereIn descnbed, l:f1ence East 300 feet, thence North 92 5 feet, thence West 300 feet, thence South 92 5 feet to the POint of begmnlng, 10 lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING THEREFROM Beginning at a point 155482 feet West and 342 5 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HALSTEAD DONATION LAND ClAIM NO 47, TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West of l:f1e Wlllamette Mendlan, and run thence North 2 5 feet, thence East 160 0 feet, thence South 2 5 feet, thence West 1600 feet to the point of begmnmg, In Lane County, Oregon Pil9tlJof)