HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/7/2008 PRE-SUBMITTAL PLAT DISTRIBUTION LIST: L{ 1 of Date Distributed: J Dave Puent - Building J. Gilbert Gordon/Melissa Fechtel- Fire 1/ Gary McKenney - Traffic -,- Matt Stouder- Public Works/Engineering Les Benoy - Public Works/Engineering ,/ Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying ../ Bart McKee, Spfld Utility Board (Water) \J Tamara Johnson, Spfld Utility Board (Electric) Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District j Planner. l4vwil/l I - PRE.SUBM\1iAl RECIO APR 0 7 Z008 CIty of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned, PRE2008-00022 Date SubmItted' 4/7/2008 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O APR \1 7 2\108 PrOJect Name KEEPERS MED OFF/LDR 1887 2ND ProJcct DescrIptIon, Pre-Submittal Meetmg for PartItIOn Plat - Two lot commercial partItIon ApplicatIOn Type, PartItIon Plat Job Address, 1887 2ND ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #, 1703262401100 I DISCLAIMER ApplIcatIOns will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the tIme of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submlltal of the ApplIcatIOn for Development Rev;ew Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns I A Planner WIll be aSSIgned the followmg busmess day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and lime ~ 11t rpl ./ 41712008 ] 0 03 28AN 225 Fifth Strcet Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number PRE2008-00022 Payments Type of Payment Check ~> RECEIPT # Descnptlon CTY Partition Plat PaId By R KEEPERS INVESTMENT LLC i(~ --- -- "" - C:lty of Sprmgfield Official Receipt ,Jcvclopmcnt Services Departmcnt PnblIc Works Dcpartmcnt 2200800000000000417 Date' 04/07/2008 10 05 02AM Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received emm 125 In Person Amount Due 336 00 $336 00 Amount Paid $336 00 Payment Total $336 00 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O APR 0 7 2008 Page I of I 4/7/2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Partition, SubdivIsion . .. . -. Applicant Name: Nathan Keepers Icompany: IAddress: , IAPplicant's Rep,: Pam Clark Icompany: IAddress: , I Property Owner: R Keepers Investments, LLC Icompany: (Address: PO Box 703, Pleasant HIli, OR 97455 , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-26-24 ITAX LOT NOeS): 1100 I Property Address: 1881 & 1887 2nd Street ISlze of Property: 27,365 IProposed Name of Subdivision: Phone: (541) 729-3418 R Keepers Investments, LLC Fax: PO Box 703, Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 Phone: (541) 302-9790 Olson & Morns Fax: (541) 485-3253 380 0 Street, SUite 200, Sprlnqfleld, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 729-3418 Fax: Acres 0 Square Feet ~ Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal descrrptlon to this application Proposal: Partition one parcel Into 2 commercial parcels EXisting Use: Commercial I Tentative Case #: PRE200S00002 1# of Lots/Parcels: 2 IAVg. Lot/Parcel Size: 13,682 sf I DenSity: 3 du/acre nand rlnt our name and date In the a ro rlate box on the next . -. -. . . - , ,.- ASSOCiated Applications: I Pre-Sub Case No,: rru.oo [ ~ {'[J)L;. -Date: Icase No.: Date: IAPplication Fee: $ ITechnical Fee: $ ITOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: , "* ",%_"~"",,,..___,~ ~CfC""" _f' ~~^'"'~~- m r \ S ~ ""'M~__~ ~ ~d_<!,_ ""Vj"0~,~ '''',_~ ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan P fL S ;)00 & -ODDS J Lj /1/68' ReViewed bY:~ . tu ~ Reviewed by: Ipostage Fee: $0 '* -~"" ~ "' 1 of 6 l . Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature Will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal '/.. The underSigned aCknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for SCheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meetln ~ SlgnatOre- ~ ~ <--~ Date: '1/'I~o Owner: Nathan R Keepers Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City ConSistent With the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identtfled by the City as necessary for procesSing the applicatIOn IS proVided herem or the information Will not be proVided If not otherwise contained Within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application With the information as submitted This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the reqUirements of ORS 227 178 pertamlng to a complete application Owner: Date: Signature Print Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 2 of 6 Land Division Plat Ap~ .:ation Process (see next page for _ diagram of this process) 1. Applicant Submits a Land DiVision Plat Application for Pre-Submittal . The application must conform to the Land DIVISIon Plat Pre-Submittal ReqUirements ChecklIst on pages 4-6 of thiS application packet . A pre-submittal meeting to diSCUSS completeness IS mandatory, and pre-submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10 00 am - noon . Planning DIVIsion staff strives to conduct pre-submittal meetings within five to seven working days of receiving an application ' ' 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting . The applicant, owner, and deSign team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre- submittal meeting . The meeting IS held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (BUilding), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning DIVISion and IS scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes . The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre-Submittal Checklist specifYing the Items required to make the application complete If It IS not already complete, and the applicant has 180 days submit a complete application to the City 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Land DiVISion Plat Application . When the applicant has addressed all Items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist and the City SurveYing Section has notified the applicant's surveyor that the plat and other documents are sufficiently refined, the applicant can submit a complete application to the CIty Survey SectIOn located In the NW Quad of City Hall . The application must conform to the Land DIVISion Plat Submittal ReqUirements ChecklIst on page 6 of thiS application packet . If the submittal IS deemed complete, the City Survey Section will sign-off on the City Survey approval sheet and send the applicant to the Development Services Department for application submittal and fee collection . Planning staff checks and signs the mylars 4. Applicant Records Plat at Lane County & Submits Plat and Documents to City I , . After Planning staff checks and signs the mylars, the plat may then be recorded by the applicant's surveyor at Lane County . After plat has been recorded at Lane County, applicant submits five (5) recorded, rolled paper copies of the plat and three (3) copies of required documents to the Development Services Department prior to the Issuance of building permits ReVised 1(1(08 Molly Markanan 3 of 6 LAND DIVISION PLAT APPLICATION ~OCESS - I Applicant submits land divIsion plat application for pre-submittal (See Land DIvIsion Plat Pre-Submittal ReqUirements Checklist) 1 City departments review application for completeness and hold pre-submittal meeting to diSCUSS completeness Issues With applicant and applicant's representatives Applicant addresses Incomplete Items ~.~ I City Surveyor checks application and returns comments to applicant's surveyor .-=-- Applicant's surveyor corrects plat and returns to City Surveyor City Surveyor conducts field check and returns comments to applicant's surveyor ~ / Applicant's surveyor sets new monuments and flags eXisting ones 1 Once no errors appear on the plat and a current title report IS submitted, applicant's surveyor IS given ok to submit complete land diVISion plat application 1 After ok given from City Surveyor and applicant has addressed all Incomplete Items from __ pre-submittal, applicant submits complete application to the City Survey Section (See Land DIVISion Plat Submittal ReqUirements Checklist) 1 City Survey Section signs-off on City Survey approval sheet and sends the applicant to the Development Services Department for application submittal and fee collection 1 Planning staff checks and signs mylars and notifies applicant's surveyor of approval 1 Applicant takes plat and accompanYing documents to Lane County for recording 1 Applicant brings copies of recorded plat and documents to Development Services Department ReVised 1(1(08 Molly Markanan 4 of 6 , Land Division Plat Prt. _ubmittal Requirements Chf;._.dist I NOTE If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the I explanation to this form I fZl ~ ~ ~ I?:;;J [2J w I2Q QS] M ~ ~ ~ ~ gj ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees, are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages Land Division Plat Application Form Letter Addressing Conditions of Approval - lists and addresses each condition of approval, detailing the actions taken and current status of each Item Nine (9) Paper Copies of the Plat stamped and signed by the surveyor Two (2) Copies of Closure Sheets for the boundary and each lot or parcel and all common areas, dedicated areas, and easement areas that are not simple parallel offsets Two (2) Copies of Title Report or SubdiviSion Guarantee fo~ the parcel being divided The title report must be dated within 30 days of submittal at the time of the final submittal An older report IS OK at the pre-submittal stage Two (2) Copies of Each of the Reference Documents and Plats listed on the plat Two (2) Copies of Each of the Supporting Documents - the vesting deed (must vest title to the owner listed on the plat), eXisting easement deeds, and documents listed as exceptions In the title report, etc I Two (2) Draft Copies of any street dedications Two (2) Draft Copies of Any New Easements or Restrictions being created by separate document, Improvement agreements, maintenance agreements, JOint use Ingress/egress and utility easements, sewer hook up In lieu of assessment, and any other documents that will be recorded together with the plat or that are required by the Conditions of Approval Two (2) Copies of a Consent Statement (Concurrence) on the plat (to be signed by the lender prior to final approval) OR Two (2) Copies of an Affidavit of Consent by separate document IS required from all Trust Deed, mortgage, or other secured loan Interest holders against the property to be recorded Simultaneously With the plat IF any public dedications or easements are being made and/or any other !lnterests are being transferred to the public per ORS 92 075 (2-4) Copies of Wetland Documents as required Copies of ODOT Access Permits as required Draft Copy of Bargain and Sale Deed for Reserve StripS - City Survey Section has a template Verification that Street Tree Agreement IS in Progress as required Draft Copy of the Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs) as required ReVised 1/1(08 Molly Markanan 5 of 6 ~ fll ~ ~ Post Monumentation De..",slt as required for subdivIsions 0 has current fee schedule and templates Location of Any Floodways In accordance with SDC 3 3-400 EXisting Easements Clearly Identified with Their Recorded Reference r , City Survey Section New Easements and Reserve Strips Referenced in Owner Certificates of Dedication and Purposes of Easements Identified on Plat NOTE: When, as part of the approval process, the application has been conditioned so that the recordation of a document IS required, the applicant shall be responsible for paYing the Lane County recording fee for any such required document Documents which may require recordation Include, but are not limited to Development Agreements, Improvement Agreements, Deed Restnctlons, Future Development Plans, Easements, JOint Use Access/ Maintenance Agreements, and Dedications of Right-of-Way Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropnate fee calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department The application, technology, and postage fees, where applicable, are collected at the time of complete application submittal o Land Division Plat Application Form o Two (2) Copies of the Deed o Two (2) Copies of a Title Report Issued within 30 days of the date Lane County Will record the plat o Original Plat on Mylar with notanzed owner(s) slgnature(s) and signed surveyor stamp o Copy of the Mylar on Bond Paper o Original and Copy of all Required Documents with signatures where appropnate ReVised 1(1(08 Molly Markarian 6 of 6 ~_ '......, :.,.,. "-"_"; d' _ ;"_~"",_ _,~"" :l ~ .. ~WEOT''''''''~ ~ ; 1 g ~ C") 34AC ~h gl ~ \fEST 748'1....! OS1 IOl1(JQ' ~ -.. =: :! .. 3100 .. ~~,O O~.... o'l\,~." " "'goQ ~ ~!li ., ~ ~ . <> <> ~ . I ~::! " ~ 1~' {.t~ '~';"',p -. PUBLIc ROAD to t .. -r;" -OJ ."-001; ~- -..; - .. S-lM"ss If - 310 3000 . 2900 ~;n fir::::..\ G~---"-l ~, ff\\ /{ d ,\ 'I '\ 1J II Ii f[ 1)1' \' J I , , I " , l . I 1 f J \ ' ;j l, ,-V/ : I -J/ '-'::::;::/ ~ -------- -'--' ~ , 1f....5"tW- ~"l 1000 2800 Q 124 AC. 0 0 ~ o. J ,\'0\ ("V m. , -. '" . + ~ ,O'b ~ . ~ - r '~ .. rxo..'I; ~ ~ Ii 0 '" g ~ Il"" . 1: 0 0 " .. i5 Sq"c:.e. '4.SW_ 300 e e = 1100 SIT~ I' {,II. i 0; ~ . .~ t~ l~ t' l -------- ... .. ,.1 - - _ _:_-_' .-;"1 I IOIJ U1 SnftP ~ ". I"-i "'; ~ -- k i i 1___ I~.z. 1600 ,,~~ :): 1200 "l .. ... ., ... .. .. .. .. ,-' It. 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D.LC. 49 ~ OLSON & MIORR][S FINAL PARTITION PLAT FOR R KEEPERS INVESTMENTS, LLC A divIsion of L 8 Olson & Associates, Inc Dated AprIl 4, 2008 Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors Urban Planners Property Owner( Apphcant R Keepers Investments, LLC PO Box 703 Pleasant HIli, OR 97455 Apphcant's RepresentatIve Pam Clark Olson & Morns 380 Q Street, SUlle 200 Sprmgfield, OR 97477 Tel 541-302-9790 PRE.SUBMITTAI. REC'D APR 0 7 Z008 380 Q Street SUite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 . Fax (541) 485-3253 ! olsonandmorns com Assessor's Map 17-03-26-24 TL 1100 Area of Req uest 27,365 sf L.. . < EXlstlDg Zomng CC (Community CommercIal) SIte Address 1881 & 1887 2,d Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Background Property IS located on 2,d Street across from a shoppmg center The rear parcel has a commercIal bUlldmg under constructIOn and wlll take access from 2,d Street vIa a shared dnveway and access casement The front parcel has frontage on 2,d Street and used to have a resIdential blllldmg, whIch has smce been removed to accommodate future development "[ Ius apphcatlon IS to partItIOn one parcel1l1to 2 parcels to allow each commercial bUlldmg to be located on ItS own parcel The followmg IS the CondItions of Approval wntten m Ifahe per SUB2008-00008, followed by the actJons taken and current status of each Item X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Kccpcrs\Corn..spondcnct.\Fmnl Part Wntten doc Page I of 3 CONDITIONS OF APPRO V AL (SU82008-00008) J Prior to approval of the Final Plat the applicant shall provIde the CIty wllh a copy of a proposed maintenance agreement for the water quaftty swale that IS acceptable to the PublIc Works Department The agl cement shalf provide a mmntenance schedule and des/gnale rC'iponslblbly for routme swale mmn/enance The DeclaratIOn of a Vanable Width Pnvate UtIlity & Storm water Dramage Easement & Mamtenance Agreement has been revised to mclude the deSignatIOn of responsibIlity and mamtenance schedule for the swale mamtenance A copy has been mcluded with this applIcatIon 2 I he swale maintenance agreement shall be recorded concurrently wlfh the variable wIdth private lltdlty and storm water dramage easement shown on Parcel 2 rhe DeclaratIon of a Vanable Width Pnvate UtIlIty & Stonnwater Dramage Easemcnt & Mamtenance Agreement, which now Includes thc swale mamtenance agreement, will be recorded concurrently with the partItIOn plat 3 FrIor to approval of the Tina! Plat the apphcant shall provide the City with a copy of the proposed maintenance agreement for the shared driveway landscapmg and parkmg area 7 he agreement shall provide a mamtenance schedule and deSignate responsIbIbty for routme mamtenance of the subject area The Declaration of a Pnvate Irrevocable Jomt Use and Access ReCiprocal Easement & Mamtenance Agreement has been revised to Include the deSignatIOn of responsibilIty and mamtenance schedule for the sharcd dnveway, landscaping and parking area A copy has been Included with this applIcatIOn 4 The text on the partitIOn plan shall be revised to specifY that the variable-Width private Irrevocable Jomt use recIprocal easement IS also for access Additionally the title block on the accompanymg easement document shall be revised to spel-ify that the easement is also for access The text on the partitIOn plat and the tItle block on the easement document have been revised to read "DeclaratIon of a Pnvate Irrevocable JOint Use and Access ReCiprocal Easement & Mamtenance Agreement" 5 PriOr to or concurrent wIth recording of the Fmal Plat the irrevocable private Jomt use and access easement shall be executed and recorded and eVidence thereof provided to the City The DeclaratIOn of a Pnvate Irrevocable JOint Use and Access ReCiprocal Easement & Mamtenance Agreement wIll bc recorded concurrently wIth the partitIOn plat 6 Prior to or concurrent with recording of the rInal Plat the variable-width private utIlIty and stormwater drainage easement shall be executed and recorded and evidence thereof prOVided to the City The DeclaratIOn of a Vanable Width Pnvate Utility & Stonnwater Dramage Easement & Maintenance Agreement wIll be recorded concurrently With the partition plat X \PROJrCTS\374Q Nathan Kccpers\Correspondcl1l.L\lmal Part WnttLn doc PagL 2 of3 7 Prior to approval of the Final Plat the appltcant shall provide mformatlOn to the City "'anfflng the need/or a 7-foot wide PUE along the northern property lme of Parcels I and 2 The easement shall be dedIcated as a private utility easement unless the easement IS to contam lIt/lItles that are reqlllredfor public use QWest, SUB and Com cast underground utIlItIes are located m the 7' PUE along the Northerly boundary servmg propertIes to the East Pam Clark Olson & Morns 380 Q Street, Smte 200 Spnngfield, OR 97477 (541) 302-9790 Fax (541) 485-3253 pamlalolsonandmorns com X \PROJECTS\J740 Ndthan Keepers\Correspondtn<..e\Fmal Part WnttLO doc Page 3 of3 .. Ar rER RECOROING RETURN TO Olson & Morns 380 Q Street. SUite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O APR 0 7 Z008 DE CLARA nON OF A PRIVATE IRREVOCABLE JOINT USE AND ACCESS RECIPROCAL EASEMENT & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made and entered mto thIS day of .2008, by R Keeners Investments" LLC. an OreQon limtted liabtlitv comnanv , heremafter called the Declarant, WHEREAS, the declarant tS the record owner of the followmg descnbed real property Parcels 1 and 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No . 2008, ReceplIon No . as filed and recorded . Lane County Offictal Records, Lane County, Oregon FURTHER, the Declarant wtll create a vanable wtdth rectprocal easement and enter mto a Mamtenance Agreement Satd easement IS for shared acccss to satd Parcels I and 2, parkmg lot, shared ulIlittes and surface dramage across a portion of said Parcels I and 2, as shown on Exhibit "A" and bemg more particularly descnbed as follows Begmnmg at the Northwest comer of Parcel 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No as filed and recorded , 2008, ReceptIOn No , Lane County OffiCial Records, thence South 000] '37" West 2895 feet, thence South 89058' ]9" East 6203 feet, thence South 000] '37" West 3954 feet, thence North 89058'45" East] 827 feet, thence South 000] '37" West 15 12 feet, thence North 89058'45" East ]33 01 feet, thence North 000 I '37" East 1640 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 15 50 feet, thence North 000] '37" East 67 26 feet, thence South 89058'45" West 2288] feet to the Pomt ofBegmnmg, all bemg m Spnngfield, Lane County, Oregon Said easement contams 15,220 square feet, more or less Declarant IS developmg each parcel With a medical office These offices wil] be served by a common parkmg lot, shdred access, pedestnan walks, shared ulIlil1es, and surfacc runoff over and across the above-descnbed parcels The mamtenance of the aforementIOned shall be the responsIbility of the owners of satd Parcels] and 2 to share and share alike, the scheduling for such mamtenance to be detennmed by the owners, but no less than once per year -I he Owners, Heirs or ASSigns of said Parcels 1 and 2 shall have all nghts of mgress and egress to and from the real estate, necessary for their use, enjoyment, operatIOn and mamtenance of the easement hereby granted and all nghts and pnvileges mCldent thereto Dunng the eXistence of thiS easement, mamtenance of the easement and costs of repair of the easement, If damaged by natural disasters or other events for which all holders of an mterest m the easement are blameless, shall be the responSibility of both parties to share and share alike Dunng the eXistence of thiS easement, holders of an mterest m the easement who are responSible for damages to the easement because of neglIgence or abnormal use shall repair the damage at their sole expense X \PROJCCT5\3740 NdthdIl Kecper~\Corrcspondcnct.,\Ismt ReCiprocal doc Page I of2 . ThIS agreement shall bll1d and lI1ure to the benefit of, as circumstances may reqUire, not only the parties hereto but also theIr respecltve heIrs, executors, admll1lstrators, assigns, and successors 111 II1terest Declarant R KEEPERS INVESTMENTS, LLC an Oregon limIted liabilIty company Nathan Keepers, Managll1g Member STATE OF OREGON } }ss County of Lane } ThIs II1strument was acknowledged before me on thIs day of , 2008, by Nathan Keeners . as Manal!lI1l! Member of R Keeners Investments. LLC. an Orel!on limIted liabllitv comnanv . to be his voluntary act and deed, on behalf of the company Notary Public My commISSIOn expIres X \PROJECI S\374Q Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\Esllll RecIprocal doc Pag!. 2 of2 iZ~ SCALE ! "=#/ 40' 0 ; I , I ; 1 EXHIBIT ':4" NO'OT'J7T 9255' ( LPPN ~ ~ ~~ ~~ I~ ~i -~ ~~ ~ ~bl <1.:::::> ~- ~ \ ;. ~ ~ 3l \-- -00 ( ~ ~ ~ ..... ,. "'- ... ~.., ~ 00<:1 ~ !"l~ ~ ~<o V2895' I 40' I """ ~ 80' ~\ ~l~ NO'O 1 'J7"E 67.26' /550'~ _ N89'58'45"E, ~f1' YI 16,4()' _ - NO'OI'J7"E C) ~ - ..... StXTOT'J7"W 9005' ~ ~ /827' /3954' 50'01'J7"W '/. ~l~) SO'OT'J7"W 9005' 2ND STREET a ;t ju ~ :g ~ '" dSO'OT'J7"W _" 250'_ ju b~ "'~ :;!", ~ \ ~ ~ - ju ~ ~ ~ '" ,[ AFTER R[CORDlNG RETURN TO Olson & Moms 380 Q Street, SUite 200 Sprmgfield, OR 97477 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O APR 0 7 Z008 i DECLARATION OF A VARIABLE WIDTH PRIV A:rE , UTILITY & STORMWATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT I THIS DECLARATION made and entered mto thIS day of , 2008, by R Keeoers Investments. LLC an Oregon lImIted IIabIlltv comnanv , heremafter called the Declarant, WHEREAS, the declarant IS the record owner ofthe followmg descnbed real property Parcels 1 and 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No . 2008, Recepl10n No , as filed and recorded . Lane County OffiCIal Records, Lane County, Oregon FURTHER, the Declarant wIll create a vanable WIdth pnvate utIlIty and stormwater dramage easement and enter mto a Mamtenance Agreement SaId easement IS for shared ul1htles across a portIOn of saId Parcel 2, and stormwater dramage to a blO-swale located on saId Parcel 2 for the benefit of saId Parcels I and 2, as shown on ExhIbIt "A" and be 109 more partICularly descnbed as follows Begmnmg at the Southwest comer of Parcel 2 of LAND PARTITION PLAT No as filed and recorded , 2008, ReceptIOn No . Lane County OffiCIal Records, thence along the Southerly boundary of saId Parcel 2, North 89058'45" East 8030 feet, thence leavmg saId Southerly boundary, North 000 1'37" East 6 39 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 3650 feet to a pomt on the Westerly boundary of Parcel I of saId LPPN thence along SaId Westerly boundary, North 0001 '37" East 500 feet, thence leavmg saId Westerly boundary, South 89058'45" West 3650 feet, thence North 0001'37" East 356 feet, thence North 38037'02" East 14 87 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 27 23 feet to a pomt on the Westerly boundary ofsard Parcell, thence along saId Westerly boundary, North 0001 '37" East 500 feet, thence leavmg saId Westerly boundary, South 89058'45" West 2963 feet, thence South 38037'02" West 24 39 feet, thence South 89058'45" West 5153 feet, thence North 52020'20" West 588 feet, thence North 0001 '37" East 4806 feet, thence North 89058'45" East 101 04 feet to a pomt on the Westerly boundary of saId Parcell, thence along saId Westerly boundary, North 0001 '37" East 7 00 feet, thence leavmg saId Westerly boundary, South 89058'45" West 116 80 feet to a pomt on the Easterly nght-of-way of2"d Street, saId po lOt bemg 30 00 feet, when measured at nght angles, from the centerlme thereof, thence along saId Easterly nght-of-way, South 0001 '37" West 71 16 feet to the Pomt ofBegmmng, all be 109 10 Spnngfield, Lane County, Oregon SaId easement contams 3,078 square feet, more or less The mamtenance of the water qualIty swale located on said Parcel 2 wIll be the responsIbIlIty of the owners of both Parcels I and 2 to share and share alIke, the scheduling for such mamtenance to be determmed by the owners, but no less than once per year The Owners, HeIrs or ASSIgns of saId Parcels I and 2 shall have all nghts of mgress and egress to and from the real estate, necessary for theIr use, enjoyment, operatIon and mamtenance of the easement hereby granted and all nghts and pnvIleges mCldent thereto X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\Fsmt Utll1ty doc Page I of2 . ' Durmg the eXIstence of thIs easement, mamtenance of the easement and costs of repaIr of the easement, If damaged by natural disasters or other events for whIch all holders of an mterest m the easement are blameless, shall be the responsibIlity of both parties to share and share alIke Dunng the eXIstence of thIs easement, holders of an mterest m the easement who are responsIble for damages to the easement because of neglIgence or abnormal use shall repair the damage at theIr sole expense ThIs agreement shall bmd and mure to the benefit of, as cIrcumstances may reqUIre, not only the partIes hereto but also theIr respectIve heIrs, executors, admmIstrators, assIgns, and successors m mterest Declarant R KEEPERS INVESTMENTS, LLC an Oregon lImIted lIabilIty company Nathan Keepers, Managmg Member STATE OF OREGON } }ss County of Lane } ThIs mstrument was acknowledged before me on thIs day of , 2008, by Nathan Keeoers . as Manal!ml! Member of R Keeoers Investments. LLC. an Orel!on lImIted lIabllItv comoanv ." to be hIs voluntary act and deed, on behalf of the company Notary PublIc My commISSIOn expIres X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\Esmt UtilIty doc Page 2 of2 EXHIBIT ':4" LPPN &'\ ~~ 1/0'01 'J7t: 90 Of;' M M M) Ie I' I I. I ~ ~ ~ g . 181 181lSl ill roo. ~ ~t:lll<il~ Il<il eel -: I I <0 - ~ gj I I - - - <::. ~I I.... - - - ~ I 1 1 I I I~ I I I I; l ',<"". 1 I il ' , I LINE TABLE , , I l/__ , , '-....J I liNE 89RING LENGTH ~ .:>". "l9' L.J LT ILT SO'O 1 '.J7"W 639' I hi ~ ", 1L2 589'58'45"W 3650' II~I ~.a. '1 L.J I SO'O 1 '.J7"W 1356' L4 I NJ8'37'02"E: I 1487' 1;11 ~'" ~ L5 I 589'58'45"W 12723' - ~~ ..., ~ 1- ~ .... ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ N5720'20'W 1& 5.88' 1& ~ NUOI'J7't 48.06' ~ ~ ~ ; ~ 1ll --------------- ; !ll 71.16' SO'01'J7'W 9005' 'z~ 2ND STREET SCALE 1 "=20' 3l 20' 0 20' 40' ;r-.;"" _;--"-;_"J-~-:"""_ M""_ "_~_~"J~---""-""-~---l , SubdMslOfl Guarantee Guarantee No 7199-807575 Page 1 of 3 'I "W'4, '~ ,.,... First American First Amerfun l1tfe Insuram:e Company 0' Oregon 600 Country CJub Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn - (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)4847321 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D APR 0 7 2008 For the Proposed Plat of GUARANTEE NO 7199-807575 FEE $ 225,00 YOUR REF lB87 2nd Street FIrst American T/tle fnsuranoe Company of Oregon reports to The Oregon Real Estate Commission, and any County or City wlthm which said subdIVISion or proposed SUbdivision IS located That, according to the public records which Impart constructlve notice or matters affectmg title to the premises hereinafter referred to, we find That the last deed of record runs to R, Keepers Investments, LLC, an Oregon limited liabIlity company We also tind the followmg apparent encumbrances, which Includes "Blanket Encumbrances" as defined by ORS 92 305 (1), and also easements, restnctlve covenants and nghts of way pnor to the effective date hereof 1 The nghts of the public m and to that portion of the premises herem descnbed Iymg wlthm the limits of streets, roads and highways 2 Easement, mcludmg terms and provisions contamed therem Recordmg Information August 02, 1926 m Book 150, Page 149, Deed Records In Favor of City of Eugene For Utilities 3 Easement, Indudlng terms and prOVisions contained therein Recordmg Information August 26, 1937 m Book 188, Page 557, Deed Records In Favor of City of Eugene, by and through the Eugene Water Board For Electnc Transmission line First Amenan Title l. .... ... Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No 7199-807575 Page 2 of3 4 Easement, mcludmg terms and provIsions contained therein. Recording Information Apn116, 2007, Recepl:lon No 2007-025196 In Favor of Spnngfield Ul:llity Board For underground electnc line 5 Improvement Agreement Including NotICe of Potenl:lal Assessment Lien, Including terms and provIsions thereof Recorded May 22, 2007, Reception No 2007-034346 6 Une of Credit Trust Deed, Including the terms and provisions thereof, given to secure an Indebtedness of up to $1,308,000 00 Grantor R Keepers, Investments, LLC Benefioary LJbertyBank Trustee First American Title Insurance Company Dated September 24, 2007 Recorded September 26, 2007 Recording Information 2007-066855 NOTE. Taxes for the year 2007-2008 PAlO IN FULL Tax Amount. $1,84180 Map No . 1703262401100 Property ID 0218717 Tax Code No 19-00 We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and State and Federal liens against the Grantee named above and find -NONE- The premises are In Lane County and are deSCribed as follows The land referred to In thiS report IS described In Exhibit A attached hereto THIS IS NOT A TITLE GUARANTEE since no examination has been made of the title to the above described property Our search for apparent encumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices and therefore above listIngs do not Include addltJOnal matters which mIQht have been disclosed by an examlnal:lon of the record \Jtle We assume no liability In connectJon With thiS SubdIVision Report arid Will not be responsible for errors or omissions therein Dated Apnl 01, 2008 First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon, By ;21.--1 6c~ Robert Gordon, Authorized Signatory RMGjRMG FIrSt Amencan Tide Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No 7199-807575 Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMmE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING AT A 5/8" X 30" IRON ROD, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 890 58' 34" WEST 90 09 FEET AND NORTH 00 01' 37" EAST 105.87 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THREE EIGHTY Q STREET CONDOMINIUMS, AS FILED AND RECORDED APRIL 14, 2006, RECEPTION NO 2006-025321, LANE COUNTY OFFIGAL RECORDS, AND BEING THE INmAL POINT OF THIS DESCRIPTION, THENCE SOUTH 890 58' 45" WEST 300 00 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 2ND STREET, SAID POINT BEING 3000 FEET, WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES, FROM THE CENTERliNE THEREOF, THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY SOUTH 00 01' 37" WEST 90.05 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, NORTH 890 58' 45" EAST 160 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 00 01' 37" WEST 2 50 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89058' 45" EAST 140.00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 00 01' 37" EAST 92.55 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL BEING IN SPRINGIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON first Amencan 7lde A IS--. ,if' ,,~ After Recordmg Return 1 0 First American TItle PO Box 10146 Eugene OR 97440 Division of Chief Deputy Clerk, 2M~.Mm2 Lane Counly Deeds ~nd Records ~ VVJ VgggV 11111" 111111111111 ""1111111111111 1111111111111 $36.00 00751539200500868020030033 10/31/2005 01:23:26 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Stn=5 CASHIER 04 $15 00 $11 00 $10 00 ......, '\1'" Ie I C' '~~' - ,e; """" After recording return to R Keepers Investments, LLC PRE-SUBMITTAl Rf:C'D APR 0 7 200 I UntIl a change IS requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address R Keepers Investments, LLC PO Box 703 Pleasant HlII, OR 97455 File No 7191-682996 (BJF) Date October 28, 200S STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED The Shari R Hiatt LIving Trust, Shari R Hiatt, trustee, Grantor, conveys and warrants to R. Keepers Investments, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, Grantee, the following desCribed real property free of liens and encumbrances, except as speCifically set forth herein See Legal DescriptIOn attached hereto as Exhlb,t A and by thiS reference Incorporated herein ThiS property IS free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT: 1 Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements, If any, affecting title, which may appear In the public record, including those shown on any recorded plat or survey THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPER1Y DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE IDLE TO THE PROPER1Y SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNlY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 The true conSideration for thiS conveyance IS $280,000.00 paid to and by a qualified intermediary as part of an IRe 1031 exchange (Here comply With requirements ofORS 93 030) Dated th IS 2Jl Sf day of f) C1r5bt lL.. .20DS Page 1 of 3 . APN 0218717 Statutory Warranty Deed - contJnued File No 7191.682996 (BJF) Date 10/28/2005 The Shan R Hiatt LIving Trust} By ~.h#~ 1? ~ I aU:! 'Ti;; Shan R Hiatt Trust~ ) )ss County Df Lane ) ThIS Instrument was acknowledged before me on thl~~ day of 0C::fD~ . 2005 by Shan R Hiatt as Trustee of The Shan R Hiatt LIving T~ t~ 'J STATE OF Oregon OFFICIAL SEAL \ ~ JENNifER WAITS ::~c.~ NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON ';" COMMISSION NO 369636 ~ tliCOMMISSIONEXPIRESJUNE15.2007 1 Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires Page 2 of 3 APN 0218717 Statutory Warranty Deed - contmued File No 7191-682996 (BJF) Date 10/28/2005 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Beginning at a pOint 1554 82 feet West and 30 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HALSTEAD DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian, and running thence North 312 50 feet to the pOint of beginning of the tract herein described, thence East 300 feet, thence North 92 5 feet, thence West 300 feet, thence South 92 5 feet to the POint of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING THEREFROM Beginning at a pOint 155482 feet West and 342 5 feet North of the Southeast corner of the JACOB HALSTEAD DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian, and run thence North 2 5 feet, thence East 1600 feet, thence South 2 5 feet, thence West 160 0 feet to the pOint of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon Page 3 of 3 .. , - I II tl -- ~,.. .......'__..."'401 "" ale t,~' 1:"1 t.(l, p~r.. , _ lone wlloe. Datil" ere lubaorlbeO to the toretaint 1 UID.~t 4lP.1lI ~.tQ9"J'J1'.' tp;. "''' tblt tbq "<<out, "88ml. "IUDS 117 b~d and 011'101e1 .Ial. M7 CO~.__lon expire. 4ug. 8. 1'29. ~a U. Wt~l.r 1l0rAIIY PO~Ln IIIi IJlD POB l'IlB 001/ATY Bl'lju'1f1 ~"l OF 1.01> IJlCllJ,B8. aurB 0' OALtrOBllU. t . -nB- ll'AllJUllTt: DIIIlP. BllUr 1[.. Baker, · I'Ue4 tor Rectore). JD1 .eo. 1986. 8;2a. O'OlDO~.I. I{. to R.. B. BZ78011. Oca.nt7 Olert. .!.hin H. bPllIoer IV' It. L. 1tttonortta. I)epa.t,.. Jl//OII ALL lUll BY HlISE PBllSBlIrS. Tb.t Illm.r II. Bal:.r 0llII 'qa a.ter. bllt WU., !ll>1I,." aUeratton of Ton Dolle. J to.9.! paid b7 Al'in 1l.8penolr. do bereb7 ,rant. 1:IIII:'I_1zI. ..11 ad 0011,"" u.nto IUd .&l.,ln.. penD II'. bie beir. cd 8all@118, ell tb, tOl.Law~ "'el p,rOPII';tT, ..ltb lb. ton.m.nt.. b.ra.lt .nt. IIIld .ppurlenllll.... .ltu.te. ID tb. C.,nt, .t Ltn,t 9P' stot , at Or'lon. bounded and de~orl .e fol10".. to....UI Lot one, Bloot twol and 1.0 tour. 11,. and el,bt 01 bloat Oll:e. 1.o.All :l'1I1t. ell 1J1 S..t1.0 o. r.....b1p 18 S.utb BIIIll! 3 ~..t . .t tb. nu....tlo lI.ndlen. I LIIIl' C.0l1t7, Ore<<, n4~8 .n. '1'0 Have an~ to BOU. the abO'. eor1b.~ sn~ trented Sponoer. b1e beir. and eeelpna foreTer. An~ tbe trantor, ebo'e 08m.~ do OOy to en<< "Ub O1'e neme4 ,rante, bI, .b,t" 1IIl' ."!tn. th.t tbop .re h..tull, ..h.. h. Umph .t t . .b... tr.nt.'pr.ml.... tb.t t.b. abOTe treoted premla8' ere free trom .11 ooumbrano., and that tbe)" "111 end tb.l~ hai.... n..ut.r. .04 edm1niotrot.r.. .b.ll 'lor t 1IIl' .r...r 'OhD' tb. .bo.. erlllltot, p""" i.... IIIld ...", port 1IIl' p.r.et thor..t. .t.inot tb lowful .10101. 1IIl' .....n". .t .11 PI....n .bomao..,.r. "Un"e Our benh end .0.18 Er.OU~'d 1n tb, Pre.enoo at b. M. C8lkine Rutb 1:. J.bne.n S't'A'r! or OR3GOB', '... COUDt, of Len. J BB 1'1' ~BMBE'i!Df Tbet tHe 11th ~87 at Deoel1ber. A..D. 1 litnM. 8 Botor)" !'ub11o 1 and for aaid County md Stat.. plreon.u Ippeore4 the wUhin nam od Blm.r II. aster and' . Baker, his "lfe. wbo IIrey.n.own to m. to b, Ui 1dentioal lodhU.. ..10 '...rib.. In.04 ,. ....ute. tb. ..ltb1n iootrum.ot, on. ..m."h't.' t. m. th.t tb.y nlout ed tbe .em, tr .17 end l'olunt 81'111. 18 TB~TIUOny E...UO', 1 have bereunto 8et ll\V band aod ottichl 8eel tbe d8)" and 7e.r 1aat 8bn8 writt o tbo .ald ~,lD X. Blmer JI. Bak.r P81. Bet.r ~, <!!!ill lJOtarle1 tle.l. b. K. Celtlne Botary lublto for Oro,on. 117 COmmieoion Krpirea Boy. 18. 1928. J. .... SeaYe.." ot 81 I I ) f --'0431 I ""-C1~o- ~~9_~ -VBll- CaARr 01 HIGHT 01 fAY J'Uec1 for Booord ..at. 2, 1926, 9.36 B. ,s. Br.veoD, Count,. Clerk. BJr .BY. L. DuODorth. Deput7. GlUlIr 01 BIGHT 01 ~AYlna "HI~ INDXUrLBE m... tbi. 30tb '" .t Jun.. A,D,. !V84 b, on. b.t...n J. S. .....,__. pertx- of tbo tiret pertt end the CU;y 01 Bbpene, Orofl'on, 1!I muntolllsl oorporation, by eDd throuth the Bufl'eno Nllhlf-Boerd. part" of tba .eoond pert. , "I'1"lI~i)BTH. that soU pertz of the flret ,art, for end In oOllllderetloD 01 the .am of I lIinot..n I l~.OOI '.llor. t. tb.m in t,.n. pol. lip .old p.rt, .f tho ....n. p.rt. tb. r'..I.t - I ..ber..t 1. ber.b, ..tn...le't.', .. b.r.b, proDt uDto ..1. port, .f !h. ....0. port. ill .u.-! '....r. OD' ...il'tl.. tb. P.rp.tual rltbt .n. ....m.Dt t. .r..t on. m.lntaln . lIn. .t p.lo. : and to.ore end wlr88 with all oeoea'817 &Dot-ant, Pl118 end brec.. 8Zld oro81arma lor tren.- mieston end dhtribut10n at oleotrioity and for 81] ):Iurpou. OOJ:]nsoted thor.'Uttl and "ir.. t.r t.lepbone purp..... .f .01. pert, .t tb. ....n. pert, It. .u......r. 1IIl' .'.Ittl.. .ur, , .l.nt, ..r... .n. up.u tb. Ion.. ...n.. by tb. p.rtz .t tho ti..t p.rt In Lon. C.unty. Orep.n, deeorlbed 8a tal lcn"", to wu. Ill. Bofinnlnf.t. p.iot JO roet II. .n. 627.8 fl. "..t .t 'h. ~. E. ..ru.r .t tb. I..n t. C1t1 of Xupene " \ -,..__..~~- .. j , j - '1 . . i . ~ ... , . ~ -; ] , ~ \\'\\ , " Halatod D. L. C. #41 In S.o. 26. Tp. 17 8. a. 3 W, of tbe ..,., and 1'1lIlJ11b.tl..:J1"62""t..tc 11. laG It. w. 300 ft. D.. 830 ft. 1f. i9',6 foot to the Rut Hoe of tb. .0...0. r,eU,oed 1'1<<bt at .8"~ D. 1(- I, 1)~8 ft. to the South I1n. of Vln. Stre.t. 3. 2072.& n. alODt-dbo aoath .1,,, at nn. ~t. to tho "oat 11no 01 6th. A,.: tb, '8m. bOIDt . oount7 rq,D4, 8\)Ot.b<-1540 1..t to tb, plea. 01 b.tlnnlnt. .&.1.0, le). B.tinniDe at 8 poInt 30 t..t Borth of tbe 3.B. oornor of tbe .180011 Belated D.L.e. "'7 In ~.o. 26, Tp. 17 b. R. 3 I, of th, ..11. and ro.nn1Dt Weet 661.8 t.et; Bortb alan@' the Relt sId, at tb~ Gount7 road 2833 ft, B. 664.1 It: 8. 2833 ft. to tb. plaa. of bttinnIn,. The route to b, teken b1 ..1d line eor08, 8.1d lend boint mol" ep.ol11oe117 dl.orlbe4 88 10110...; '1), .d.l0Dl tb, eoutb I1ne 01 the 11rst sbote desoribed property, eitber ~uat outl14., 0 ~ Just lU81d. the property line tenoe, the 80me belnt tbe 100 at Ion 01 tbe trantm18810n line a8 aun".d end oOrlltruot.d. Aleo, (2'. Bee1nnlnt at a poInt On tha eaet 11n8 at the 800004 8bo?e de80rlbld property e>>pror. Imatll1 126 1."t Borth 01 the 8.B. oorner ot tbl Jaoob Balated D.J..C. #4'1, and nznnlnF theno! South 8a- eo' ....8t to tbl W88t linl 01 eaid prtlJ1ert" approximately 60 tl.t north md b6?8 1e.t w..t 01 1SaJ.4 o orner, He 8eml baint the 8ast 814. of .-,tb. ~t. SJlr1nt1ield, Orepon. The abn. la the location 01 the tran8mhllon lIne sa aun'1e4. and oon8truoted. To@ether with the right to enter upon 181d premlaes 101" the purpOse at ereotlnp euoh poliS and supporta and 8trln,ln, .eU wlree end repe:lrlnt or re~?ln, or petroll1n, 01" I"e- pleOinp the 88m. ood the ripht to trim or remOve luoh tree8 e. loter1ere with 8aU 1108, I witb the rl,ht to oon8truot en4nB1Ofeln ,etes et ell 1enoes orosle4 by UI trsD8m1asloD 11ne, but 8e:14 party 01 the 8eoond port sholl the permlUlon to no one ene it, eDl'PI07u" Ita 'UO"V8ore en4 aealeDe to enter HereoD, Provided thst said partz. 01 the tlrat pert 8hell In no event be hele! liable or reO'Pone1ble tor aIJ;f aooident dae to tbe 8814 treneml8alon l:ln~. l'ITDE::l~ the hend_8Dd seo~o1 perUee 01 the firet pert thh 30tb day of J'an.,' A.D., ll!!. 1926. In the pree,DoI at. K1"8. Thereea 11'. Belter J. I. lIoArtbur ~T.ATR O} OaZaON J. II. Sen87 1111ubeth K. 8ee?ey ~ ~ I II. COU!lTY OJ J.AIlB I 1926 'HI:. CERTIlI:!..J thet on th18 JOtb dey 01 June, .A.D., ll.!!, be10re me, the un4erelp-ned, · llots1'7 Publio In ene.' 101" the 1814 oounty end stste, personally appured the within named ~. ". bea?ey aod .lQ.lsebetb 1. Se8?e,f,_to me 1)ereonelly mown to be tbe Uent1001 oerS;:bnB deeorlbed In an4 ",bo exeouted the within Instrument, OD4 aomowledped to 'Ill thet they exeo- ut.d the ssme 1reely and ?oluntor1l7 10r the ue.e 'OOd purposes tberfln upreued. III }~T~OBY NHERIOF I he?e bereunto .et mJ band and af11x.d my Botertal eeel the d., and 78Gr In tble oertUlo.ll.te flret sbC'l'to written. Botarle1 o)ea1. J. If. MoArthur Not ery PUblio, In and for the Count1 01 LBDe. State of Orepon. lIy oOntlDls81on exclre8 Ootober ], 1928. .a.. c. .Ables, et el to Cl t7 01 1meene 10440 'lied 6, 9.~6 o'olook A.... Counly Clerk. okworth, Deputy. "RAIl T OF WAY THIS IND311TU\ mode this 2Jrd day at ,)ep A.D., 1924. by end bet....n L. C'_ en4 ~llD8 A. "bles. _ t"'ortz 01 the 11rst pert, end tbe C 'y .Ku,ene, Oro,OD, e munlolpe} oorporat_ lon, by and throulI'h tbe .ll.upene :tater ty aeoond pert, ,UT1U:.....ETH. .hol seld pertz ot the fir t pert, In oon81deratlon of the aUIll of une lJollar tot helD In ,. oD J paid boY 8 old per '1 of the ssoond per. the reoel pt whoreof 1a hersby 8okuowledped, do tlereby ,rent unto aid port)' 01 the seoond p t, Ita 8U008810ra and eedpns, the perpetual rlE'ht ond easement to ereot on~ointD1n e line 0 0 88 and Wires with all neoessary L1nohors, pUYIJ and braoae, or trona!:l8alon end dletrlbutloD of e1eotrlo1t1 ~n d tor 011 purpOSOij oonneoted therewtt ond wlree for telephone purpos.s, 01 .sld P8rtY~f the eeoond Dart 1tR .""................. .._..I __ ~ r: ,a I I II I II , - /~~. >) . . ..r: ',' ~~.';1:i );~~! ';': ~\::i :,,:}, I ;.:. i))f . ~ f: : "~ : ',: .; i I' .::'1:' ,:Il '. ':" J I ,J . I -- -. I I I I 9 u LL..I 00 C::: = = -..I '" ~ r:- ~ c ca 0:: :::> Q or.> <:r . ..u ~ I I I I I .::: ; I , J. w. Suver. ot al ) to ) " q1t,. ~ llnaon.. Oregon ) If. L. 8-1 R. W. #28 GRAHi' 01' RIllH'l' 01' WAY THIS INDKNTURB Dlede this 17th "7 ot Ju17. 1937. b:r and between J. W. 8e&"'1I7 and 11,1..beth P. SeavlI7. h1e wl1'lI, and Ladlt.! Bush Bank, partie. 01' the first part, aDd. tbe 01t:T 01' AlgeD.', Oregon, a munioipal oorporatlon, b:r Atld through the J1Mgone Water Board, part)- at the .eoond pari, WlTNBSSET11I '!'hat lIald partIe", 01' the 1'1rat part. tor and 1n ooualdel"qtlcn ot &eventJ'.tOUl" I (174.00) Doll.... to them 1n _d pa1d b,. ..14 port,. d tho "'oDd part. tho r..o1p1; 1lbore~ 1. I bereb1 aoknowledgod, do bere'b7 grut, 8011 and aoover unto Bald part7 at the 81100nd part, 1t. , auoollll8ore and 4.se1gnll, the perptttual right and ...ement to OOl1ltruot, o~. op"l"ate cd. JDa.tntal" Inepeot, reoonetruot, and remote obstruotion. trom, .. line ot polea, towera u4 ..trol, w1th alli neaeuarJ anOhors, gu7a, brA4u, am. other equlpnent ther.tor, tor the trmlual.Lon end d1.trl- II but10n at eleotrlclf;J'1' and tor all purpoaea oonneoted therewIth, and w1ree tor t1llilepbone purpoa ea oL add partJ' 01' the ..oond part, 1 t. .vooeaeon aDd ".lgne, over, along, .Olro.. aDd Upon t llanela owned bJ the partie. or tbt .t1rat Pll1"t 1n Lane Count7, Oregon, deeor1bed .. !ollowa, to-~ ta I' Beginn1ng at .. po1nt ~ t.et Nol'th and 627.8 te.t Weat ot the Soutbea.t oorner 01 tho Ja001 Babtead and wite D.L.e. Ho. 47 in Soction 26, Township 17 South, Range :5 West 01 W11lametto IlIerid1llD OIld running thence W.et 927 teet, then.. Rorth 960 toet, th.n.. "et 999.6 t.et to th. 1 Eaat Une ot the O. a: C. R. R. r1ght of way, thena. North 140 Weat 598 teet to the South Une 01 j V1ne Street and thenae East ?O72.6 teet Ilong the South line 01' Vine Street X'~o the Weat Una ot [Fitth Avenue, the same beIng County Roadl and thenoe South 1540 teet to the pla oe 01' begInning, loontaining 46.81 aores, more or lesa. I Tho route to be taken b) 8Il1d 11ne Aoroes sald lend. 1. to be oonttnuoue nth and a part f ot' the general route aoroaa Qth& and adjaoent landa, and 13 descr1bed more ape01fioal17 al tol- 110wa. BeS1nnlng at . polnt on tho But boundar,. at the abov" desoribed traot, oa14 point being ,approximatel,. 1395.0 teet North and 827.2 teet West 01' the Southeast OorQ~ at the leoob Balatf~4 ID. L. C. No. 47, T. 178. R.:5, W. I. H.., and. rurmlng thenoe S. 790 48' "est 1969.4 teet, theno~ , S. Blo 26' W., 3.8 teet, more cr le81, to a point on the 11no between the Weaterl,. bounda17 01' t I1e abo1'8 desarlbed tract, and the Ba.ster11 bounclar7 ot the O. and C. Railroad right ot ftJ', add polnt bolng apJrox1matelyl046.1 teet North and 2587.1 teet Weat ot the Sout.heast Gomer at the said Jaoob Dabbed D. L. C. NO.4 7, be1ng the location ot the trenam1euon llne as aurvey04 and oonstruoted. It i8 agreed that thlt grantors ahall ereot no struoture wi th1n 60 toet at th+ropoa.d line untll the grantee haa del1verod to grantora written olearanoe tar eatet,.. Otherwllle, gr8rEOre t=, bave tull use 01' unoooupled ground. It 1a further agreed. and u:nderstooc1 that tho party at the seoond part IIIl1 Oonatruct ard ~nta1n gatea wI~ looka at any or all tenoea orossed by aaid tranamlealon 11ne. It 18 further underatood anrj agreed that 811" tuture damagea to tenoss, Grope or 11ve atook due to oonatruotion, operatIon, aintenance or rebuilrj1ng at aald tranam1sa1on 11ne mall be pa'a tor b7 the party ot the aecond part, and at current pr10ea there1or, exaept. that the above nAm'l~ oona.1deratton shall include the perpetual right 1.0 trim, tor aate olearanoe, orchard tre.a, .1t}.. oxlst1ng now or planted later" and to trim or removo other than orchard trIes that intertere or may intertere 14th said 11nos. It is al80 turther under~t(lod and agreed that the party o~ the 8eoond part shall aL all tb lUll hav. the right to enter upon sald prem1aee and. T. L. B-1 R. W.128 -2- to ~o any aDd all things neoeosary or oonvenient tor the installation, ma1ntenanoo, oare and re- bullding ot s8id transmia1!l10n 1'"... Ttie r1ghtl!l, condItions and provisIons ot thIs 81sement shall run with the land aDd inure to the benetit ot and be binding upon the helrl, executorl!l, atblnistratorl!l. auooeasC'rl IInd aaa1gna of I he reapeoti ve partiee beret(l. IN RITNES3 WHE.REOF" the undersIgnod. have executed thia Inst~nt thtlll 17_ day of July, 1937. W'ltnesaeu F. Pard. Hartl-rap LuoLUe Norton ~. l' /g-~ ~ 557 -- _I -_ ~-~..-.I ~- ORARi' 01' RIOHi' 01' WAt I54U,9 1'11.d tor lIe,oM Aug 26. 19l17" 9,16 0 'o1oall: A. II. W. 8. D11lord. Oount,. Clerk B7 Bva. L. DuOkworth" DePUt7 J. W. Seavey Elbabflth P. Seav87 Ladd Buah Bank By wm. S. Walton, V1ee Prec. c:i c..:> ~ !:::: I- ~ :s z U.I LU a:: ('-' 'J': 1.1 ..,. "... :::> ,,',," I .- r , Dlv.s.on of Chief Deputy Clerk lane Counly Deeds and Records ~~~1.~m~o <;.:L-r-: z.o07 _0<:-( SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD RIGHT-OF- WA Y UNDERGROUND EASEMENT 111""1111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111 $31 00 00899783200700251960020025 04/16/200701:53:51 PM RPR-ESMT Cnl=1 Stn=6 CASHIER 07 $10 00 $10 00 $11 00 -~ & ;;;) -, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersIgned, R Keepers Investments LLC, for a good and valuable conslderallon, of the payment of the sum of $000, the receipt whereof IS hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto the City of Spnngfield, a mUnIcIpal corporatIOn, actmg by and through Its SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD, and unto Its successors and assigns, the nght to enter upon the lands of the underSIgned SItuated m the CIty of Spnngfield, State of Oregon, and more partIcularly descnbed as follows Beglnnmg at a pomt 1554 82ft West and 30ft North of the Southeast comer of the Jacob Halstead DonatIOn Land ClUlm No 47, TownshIp l7 South, Range 3 West of the WIllamette Mendlan, and runnmg thence North 3 1 250ft to the pomt of beglnnmg of the tract herem descnbed, thence East 300ft, thence North 92 5ft, thence West 300ft, thence South 92 5ft to the pomt of beglnnmg, m Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING THEREFROM Begmnmg at a pomt 155482ft West and 3425ft North of the Southeast comer of the Jacob Halstead Donallon Land ClaIm No 47, Townslup 17 South, Range 3 West of the WIllamette Mendlan, and run thence North 25ft, thence East 160 Oft, thence South 25ft, thence West 160 Oft to the pomt ofbegmnmg, m Lane County, Oregon This property IS also known as Tax Map 17-03-26-24, Tax Lot 01100 A Sf! easement along the enllre West property Ime And to place, construct, operate, repalf, mamtam, relocate, and replace therem an underground eleclnc dlslnbutlOn Ime, mcludmg vaults, transformers and other necessary faClhl1es, to remove and replace fences and lawns to the extent necessary to construct, mamtam, and protect said Imes No part of any bUlldmg or permanent structure Will be placed upon thiS easement, other than asphalt pavements, curbs, Sidewalks, and dnveway aprons ThIs easement does not reslnct the mstallallon of Qwest CommunIcatIOns and Comcast faclhlles proVIded mstallatlOns meet Spnngfield Utlhty Board's approval PRE-SUBMIlTAl REC'L APR 0 7 2008 ~ement Page I of2 07/24/06 ,,,:ry- ~ The undersIgned covenants that they are the owners of the above-descnbed property and that such property IS free and clear of encumbrances and hens of whatsoever character except ~ 7 k-7 /0, DAT,E STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) BE IT REMEMBERED, That on thIS ~ay of :::r ~ , 2006, before me, the undersIgned, a Notary Pubhc m and for saId County and State, personall; appeared the Wlthm named /!/t1l4tu.J ~~LJ / known to me to be the Idennca! mdlVldual( descnbed m and who executed the wlthm mstrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntanly IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my officIal seal the day and year l.-""~.;~i:"'] Nota~~~~ COMMISSION NO S171l92 111.... . MY ~~~!~~~e.~..,~.~~!~~~ ~..~~;~, My CQmmISSlOn expIres J--/tJ//tvr onveyance of real property or easement Approved by \ ~4/ 4/ Tamara Johnson /" Engmeenng Manager Spnngfield Unhty Board ~asement Page2oJ2 07/24/06 ~ -... ~ ~ ~ CI:) y:, 8: co <::> <::> '" I:-- ~ Q: 0- 0:::( '! IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT INCLUOING NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT LIEN (In lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement Includes Warver of RIght to Remonstrate) iN CONSIDERA liON of the covenants harEtln recited the City of Spnngfleld he(elnaf~rererred to as C"yand I( k~~ :Crl~J-""".,fr . LL( :~ u "L...= 'herelnafler :eferred to as Appllcant{s) do covenant and agree with respect lo1he real properly'descrlbed below as follows 1 Appllcant(s) warrants and represents to Ihe City of Springfield that It is the owner of the properly :nore particularly described and set forth In Paragraph 7 below and, as owner has the authority to enter Into this Improvement Agreement with the City of Springfield 2 Appllcant(s) desires Development Approval from the City with respect to the followmg IDevelopment Appllcallon (lAC" ZOO"- - moX3 3 The development WIll cause both an Immediate and long-term demand on the variOUS public facIlIlIes of City and lane County IncludJng the specific public Improvements necessitated by the development as set forih rn paragraph 6 4 This Improvement Agreement IS an alternative to ImpoSing a condItion on Applicant's development approval that the Applicant make Immediate construchon of any publIC Improvement thai the development necessitates The objective IS 10 promote efficiency coordination and spread costs by providing an opportunIty for a dlstnct Wide Improvement mechanIsm where construction occurs In a .::oordrnated project With the partiCipation of adjacent and other properties In the area Instead of requiring immedIate Improvement rn conjunctIon WIth each development appftcalron There IS no guarantee 10wever that such a coordrnated project Will be pOSSIble and the City reserves the rIght to requIre construction of the Improvements rn the future at City dIscretIon 5 (a) Applicant and CUy agree that Applicant WIll pay the cost of the follOWing public facIlity :mprovemenls descrrbed In Paragraph 6 rn accordance With respechv8 cost assumphon pohcy established by CIty at the Ume Ihe City determines 10 undertake and complete such publiC Improvements (b) Applicant and clly acknowledge and agree that the cost of such Improvements and the .:)orllon thereof to be paId by Applicant are presenlfy unknown and may be greater that the costs that ,would be apportioned If the Improvements were constructed Immediately or by ApplIcant now or later (c) Applicant acknowledges that the limIng of the construction of such Improvements IS WIthin ~he sole and exclUSIVe dlreclron of the City 6 (a) STREET IMPROVEMENTS along the fronlage of ~<;l7- ~._l 5j,.,..t- nclude ( ) surface pavrng, ( ) storm sewers () sanitary sewers () curbs, ( \ ) planter strips () street trees ~ street lights, ( ) Sidewalks (b) TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the intersection at to ) gutters (c) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS Applicant acknowledges that the lis! of marked Improvements reflect those that would currently be ;equlred under the appropnate CJty codes and ordmances Apphcant acknowledges that It understands lhallhe Improvements made will be those reqUIred to bnng the street to full urban standards for the then curren! functional claSSIfication of the street as those standards eXIst at the I1me the Improvements are made and may therefore differ from Ihe list of Improvements checked herem Division 0' Chie' Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records /~~1-OJ4J4o 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $41 00 00909770200700343460030034 05122/2007 09 20 16 AM RPR-NTPOLIEN Cnl=2 Sln=6 CRSHIER 07 $5 00 $15 00 $10 00 $11 00 7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (SEE EXHIBIT 'A") "I ~ , -- ~.... ~ "~KA IB'bl 2,.,1 Sh-.u:t . :Sj.n"...tit.lJ Oil. '17'/-77 Property Address .J Mop I7-D3-2..-2'+ Tax Lot No TL #J/OD 8 City agrees that Applicant s execution and performance of the terms of the Agreement will be deemed to be In compliance wIth City's policy pertaining to Improvemenl requIrements and If Appllcanl compiles in every respecl with all other apphcable laws of the Slate of Oregon Lane County and Clly, .I\ppltcant shall be entItled to Development Approval subject to the terms and conditions of approval set ;'orth Iherem 9 ThiS agreement IS enforceable by the Slate of Oregon Lane County or Clly 10 APPLICANT AGREES TO SIGN ANY AND ALL WAIVERS PETITIONS CONSENTS AND ALL OTHER ~OCUMENTS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THE ABOVE LISTED IMPROVEMENTS UNDER ANY IMPROVEMENT f.CT OR PROCEEDING OF THE STATE OF OREGON LANE COUNTY OR CITY AND TO WAIVE ALL RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE AGAINST SUCH IMPROVEMENTS Applicant does not waive any right 10 protest lIle amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof If the same shall appear to the AppUcant to bear IneqUitably or unfair "Jpon saId property of ApplIcant Applicant s acceptance of the non remonstrance condllton Is In conSideration for the ':lly s waiver of the requirement for the ImmedIate construction of the publlc Improvements lhat lhe development .1ecessltates ThiS Improvement agreement waIVes the property owner s right to file a wotten remonstrallon It does ;'Jot waive a property owner s nght10 comment on the proposed dlstnct or any related mat!ers orally or In wntmg 11 illS the Inlenlron of the parties hereto that the covenants herein contamed sharr run WIth lIle land herein ~escnbed and shall be bmdlng upon the heirs executors assIgns adminIstrators and successors of the parties herelo, and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property hereIn descnbed ThiS Agreement NOTICE TO APPLICANT/PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER If you are the appllcanl or a prospective purchaser of this property, you are adVised to diSCUSS this Agreement With an Allorney of your chOice Execution and recordatIon of Ihls Agreement Will place requrrements on the Owner and any subsequenl purchaser of the Real Properly descnbed In SectIon 7 and their heirs, successors and assigns These reqUIrements Include but are not limited 10 the payment for the pubhc Improvements described In Section 6 ThiS may result In an assessmenlllen on the Real Property deSCribed In Section 7 and slgmflcant tosts to the Owner and Purchasers and their heIrs successors and assIgns An Apphcant s sIgnature on thIs Agreement Indicates that the Applicant has thoroughly read thiS Agreement understands It has had the opportunity to consult legal counsel pnor to lis execution and understands that execution of the Agreement may result In SignifIcant finanCIal obllgahons Imposed upon the Owner of the Real Property Any prospectIVe Purchaser of the properly burdened by thiS Improvement Agreement should also thoroughly review thiS Agreement consult with legal counsel prior to purchaSing the property, and understand thatlhls Agreement may resulllO a Significant finanCial obligation Imposed upon any Owner of the Real Property descnbed In Section 7 shall be recorded In the Lane County Deed Records WHEREFORE the parties have set their hand thiS ~ day of ~"'"hllllf1_ltId , 200}- 3Y_J \.u'/.-~ pphcant By Applicant STATE OF OREGON ) )55 COUNTY OF LANE I : On thiS U r-- day of f?cr))~ ortt 20 03- before me appeared ~ a,p 0...11::14----/<....- ~~~ ~ who bemg sworn did say lhatthey are the Presldenl and Secretary respectIVely of the corporation and Ihatlhe seal affixed hereto Is ItS seal, and thallhls deed was voluntarily Signed ~nd sealed In behalf of the corporation by authonly of Its Board of Directors Before me _OFFICiAl SEAL DUSTIN HAHN NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMUISSK)N 00412362 UYCOUf.USSIONEXPIRESNOV ~,21)10 Notary Publ1c for Oregon My Commission Expires III ']1!->.lo ~ l-- f' flY RETURN TO ell Y OF SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 225 FrITH STREET SPRINGFIeLD, OREGON 97477 . ^ fl.-,,1f/~ Dennis P Ernst. CIty Surveyor STATE OF OREGON ) )55 COUNTY OF LANE ) On this lIt!: day of 4~/J / 2012 there personally appeared before me -Jennls P Ernst the City Surveyor for l/"fa City or Springfield <Ind Signed the above document 1'1" OfFICIAl Sf A&. NOlary Public for orego~~ I .ION DRJSCOU My CommissIOn Expires , N01'ARYPUBUC-OREQ<>>f ~ Z-z.) ZOIC? , COMMISSION NO ""'64$ , ,MY ,,?:,'(lS~ EXPI~~l fI!')if,'fi'l:'",. I EXHIBIT "A" BegmnUlg at apotnl1554 82 feet West and 30 feet North of the SouUleast comer of the Jacob Halstead DonauollLnnd Cl3.lmNo 47 Township 17 Soum. Range 3 West oflhe Wlllamette Mendlau, and runnUlg thence North 312.50 feet to the pOlm ofbegmmng aCme rract herem descnbed thence Em.t 300 feet thence North 92 5 feet lhence West 300 feet lhence South 92 5 feet to the poUlt OfbegUJnlIlg III L1.lIc County, Oregoll EXCEPT THEREfROM Begwnmg at a pomt 1554 82 feet West and 342.5 feet North of lhe Southeast COmef of the Jacob Halstead DomlUon Land Oa.tm No 47, TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West of the WdlameUe McndJall, and run thence North 2 5 feet, theuce East 1600 feel, thence South 2 5 feel, thcm.e Wcst 160 0 feet [0 the point of begulDmg ill Lane County Oregon RE [URN TO CITY or SPRlNGnELO PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 225 nFfH STREET SPRINGnELD, OREGON 97477 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O Parcel name PARENT - R KEEPERS INVESTMENTS, LLC APR 0 7 2008 North 10012 1062 East 10294 2247 Llne Course S 89-58-45 W Length 300 00 North 10011 9971 East 9994 2247 Llne Course S 00-01-37 W Length 90 05 North 9921 9471 East 9994 1824 Llne Course N 89-58-45 E Length 160 00 North 9922 0053 East 10154 1824 Llne Course S 00-01-37 W Length 2 50 North 9919 5053 East 10154 1812 Llne Course N 89-58-45 E Length 140 00 North 9919 5562 East 10294 1812 Llne Course N 00-01-37 E Length 92 55 North 10012 1062 East 10294 2247 Perlmeter 785 10 Area 27,365 SF 0 63 AC Mapcheck Closure - (Uses 11sted Error Closure 0 0000 Error North -0 00000 Preclslon 1 785,100,000 00 courses, radll, and deltas) Course S 45-00-00 E East 0 00000 X \PROJEC I S\3740 Nathan Kecpcrs\Correspondcncc\Closures doc Page] ofS Parcel name PARCEL 1 North 10012 1062 East 10294 2247 Llne Course S 89-58-45 W Length 183 20 North 10012 0396 East 10111 0247 Llne Course S 00-01-37 W Length 90 05 North 9921 9896 East 10110 9824 Llne Course N 89-58-45 E Length 43 20 North 9922 0053 East 10154 1824 Llne Course S 00-01-37 W Length 2 50 North 9919 5053 East 10154 1812 Llne Course N 89-58-45 E Length 140 00 North 9919 5562 East 10294 1812 Llne Course N 00-01-37 E Length 92 55 North 10012 1062 East 10294 2247 Perlmeter 551 50 Area 16,847 SF 0 39 AC Mapcheck Closure - (Oses llsted courses, radll, and deltas) Error Closure 0 0000 Course S 90-00-00 E Error North o 00000 East o 00000 Preclslon 1 551,500,000 00 X \PROJCCI 5\3740 Nathan Kceplrs\Corrcspondence\C]osure~ doc Page 2 of5 Parcel name PARCEL 2 North 10012 0396 East 10111 0247 Llne Course S 89-58-45 W Length 116 80 North 10011 9971 East 9994 2248 Llne Course S 00-01-37 W Length 90 05 North 9921 9471 East 9994 1824 Llne Course N 89-58-45 E Length 116 80 North 9921 9896 East 10110 9824 Llne Course N 00-01-37 E Length 90 05 North 10012 0396 East 10111 0247 Perlmeter 413 70 Area 10,518 SF 0 24 AC Mapcheck Closure - (Oses llsted courses, radll, and deltas) Error Closure 0 0000 Course S 90-00-00 E Error North o 00000 East o 00000 Preclslon 1 413,700,000 00 ---------------~~---------------------------------------------------------- X \PROJECTS\3740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\Closures doc Page 3 of5 Parcel name RECI PROCAL ESMT North 10012 0803 East 10223 0284 Llne Course S 89-58-45 W Length 228 81 North 10011 9971 East 9994 2184 Llne Course S 00-01-37 W Length 28 95 North 9983 0471 East 9994 2048 Llne Course S 89-58-19 E Length 62 03 North 9983 0167 East 10056 2348 Llne Course S 00-01-37 W Length 39 54 Norlh 9943 4767 East 10056 2162 Llne Course N 89-58-45 E Length 18 27 North 9943 4834 East 10074 4862 Llne Course S 00-01-37 W Length 15 12 North 9928 3634 East 10074 4791 Llne Course N 89-58-45 E Length 133 01 North 9928 4117 East 10207 4891 Llne Course N 00-01-37 E Length 16 40 North 9944 8117 East 10207 4968 Llne Course N 89-58-45 E Length 15 50 North 9944 8174 East 10222 9968 Llne Course N 00-01-37 E Length 67 26 North 10012 0774 East 10223 0284 Perlrneter 624 88 Area 15,220 SF 0 35 AC Mapcheck Closure - (Uses 11sted courses, radll, and deltas) Error Closure 0 0029 Course S 00-23-41 E Error North -0 00293 East 0 00002 PreC1Slon 1 215,479 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- X \PROJECTS\) 740 Nathan Keepers\Correspondence\Closures doc Page 4 of5 Parcel name UTILITY ESMT North 9936 9205 East 10074 4894 Llne Course N 38-37-02 E Length 14 87 North 9948 5390 East 10083 7700 Llne Course N 89-58-45 E Length 27 23 North 9948 5489 East 10111 0000 L1TIe Course N 00-01-37 E Length 5 00 North 9953 5489 East 10111 0023 L1TIe Course S 89-58-45 W Length 29 63 North 9953 5381 East 10081 3723 L1De Course S 38-37-02 W Length 24 39 North 9934 4814 East 10066 1502 Llne Course S 89-58-45 W Length 51 53 North 9934 4626 East 10014 6202 Llne Course N 52-20-20 W Length 5 88 North 9938 0553 East 10009 9653 L1De Course N 00-01-37 E Length 48 06 North 9986 1152 East 10009 9879 L1De Course N 89-58-45 E Length 101 04 North 9986 1520 East 10111 0279 L1De Course N 00-01-37 E Length 7 00 North 9993 1520 East 10111 0312 Llne Course S 89-58-45 W Length 116 80 North 9993 1095 East 9994 2312 L1TIe Course S 00-01-37 W Length 71 16 North 9921 9495 East 9994 1978 L1De Course N 89-58-45 E Length 80 30 North 9921 9787 East 10074 4978 L1TIe Course N 00-01-37 E Length 6 39 North 9928 3687 East 10074 5008 Llne Course N 89-58-45 E Length 36 50 North 9928 3820 East 10111 0008 L1TIe Course N 00-01-37 E Length 5 00 North 9933 3820 East 10111 0031 Llne Course S 89-58-45 W Length 36 50 North 9933 3687 East 10074 5031 Llne Course N 00-01-37 E Length 3 56 North 9936 9287 East 10074 5048 Perlilleter 670 83 Area 3,078 SF 0 07 AC Mapcheck Closure - (Uses llsted courses, radll, and deltas) , Error Closure 0 0174 Course N 62-00-31 E Error North 0 00819 East 0 01541 Preclslon 1 38,554 02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- X \PROJE( TS\J740 Nathan Kecpcrs\Corrcspondence\Closllres doc Page5of5