HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 3/24/2008 \ ~ Date ReceIved: AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE MAR 2 4 2008 Jt<ec<!-lu2..d : r'1l!tue-~ ~ STATE OF OREGON) )ss County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows, 1 I state that I am a Program Techmclan for the Planmng DIVISion of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon 2 I state that In my capacity as, Program Techmcian, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of '\)R.c. '2C03-ocolt-, ;p,iiUU ,(), IluL-4LflYL -I.1J1td~E".u...L""~- (See attachment "A") on 3/dl . 2d68 addressed to (see 'f:,kfJ.-tJrL, Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S mall box With postage fully prepaid thereon ~~uR0~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~Ch ;}1, ,2008 Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Program Tech'mclan, who acknowledged the foregOing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me ----~--~====~--=~=:~: \.., OFFICIAL SEAL , ( BRENDA JONES " ,'" NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON '; j COMMISSION NO 379218 ," 1- L:_~~O~~~~~ ~1~E~~:_2!: ~QO~, ~~ My CommiSSion Expires ~ ~1 :JwJ)' \ Fillal SIte Plan EqUIvalent Map Project Name HexlOn Project Proposal Major slte plan modIDcatIon for a chenucal processmg facility Case Number DRC2008-00016 Project Address 470 S U AU Street, 280 and 610 S 2nd Street Map and Tax Lot Number(s) 17-03-35-33 TL 5400, 5500, 500 & 300, 17-03-35-32 TL 7800 Zorung- LMl (Llght MedlUm Industnal), H1 (Heavy Industnal), LDR (Low Denslty ResldentIal) Overlay DIstnct(s) Greenway, floodp1am, npanan Apphcab1e Refmement Plan: downtown (northern portIon of site only) Refinement Plan DeSIgnation' pubhc space, booth kelly Metro Plan DesignatIon Heavy IndUStrIal, Llght Memum Industnal MIxed Use, Parks and Open Space, Low Denslty ResldentIal Date of DeclslOn March 20, 2008 I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM I POSITION I REVIEW OF I Project Manager I P]anrung I TransportatIon Planrung Engmeer TransportatIon Pubhc Works EIT UtilitIes, Samtary & Storm Sewer I Deputy FIre Marshall I Commuruty Servlces Manager I FIre and We Safety BUl1dmg Owner Jon Berger HeXlon SpecIalty Chenucal, Inc 470 S A Street SprmgfIe1d OR 97477 NAME PHONE Steve Hopkms 726-3649 Gary McKenney 726-4585 Jesse Jones 736-1036 Gilbert Gordon 726-2293 Dave Puent 726-3668 Apphcant's Representative Mlchae] Howard Satre Assoaates, PC 101 E Broadway, SUlte 480 Eugene OR 97401 465-4721 HexlOn Case No DRC100B-OOOO /6 Date Received MAR 2 4 2008 Original Submittal N + 200 o 200 400 Feel o ~ <0 :; !!!. C/l c: 0" 3 ;:;. . ~ .r-- - ---- ~ ,I -i'f " r- "(.,...~. b' f't .- [' IV City limits J D Hexlon 0_ tax lots /V Streets Streets ~ Zones ~ Low Density Residential o Mixed Use Residential j:I) Communlly Commercial r+ Mixed Use Commercial . ~ Neighborhood Commercial !lI:JD Light Medium Industrial llm!] Heavy Industrial ~'i1 pu. bIlC.. L. .and & Open Space ~ :;:: Booth Kelly Mixed Use \ ~I''i--rr:'" I ~ I~III~' mJ - .~ / \ Hexlon Case No DRGOOB-{)OOO/6 3 ... ! z+ ~ :~ '" <::0 <::0 <::0 <::0 cO <::0 <::0 Cj 0:: Cl o Z ~ ~ (l " o l< ~ J: Hex/on ~F "" - - -I ~ ~~ ~:_ ~~.f~ ....'>'1' ~"'\.~~>;"P' !>,~ 't?~1rl' ~: , ~ I I /'V City hmrts I D HeXlon ~ 0 tax lots , /V Streets 1 r Streets , ~des_040804ShP :ll: Heavy I ndustnal . ):l , ~ [ LIGHT MED IND MIXED USE ::011 I -:;:::] Light Medium Induslnal --- .... , l- c a Low DenSity ReSldenllal .. ' L l - Parks and Open Space -- - ~ -\\\ o :J .Q '3 ~ .n <:: v 3 ::j: '!!. Case No DRC200B-OOOO /6 II II I/LllJJJJUWLJIWJill1J111 1/11111 LJU fUllJ I -C- Hexlon Metro Plan DeSignations TI ------- .~ . I Ii I j 5 Summary of proposal. A Fmal Slte Plan EqUIvalent Map for a chermcal processmg faahty DeClSlon' Approval, as of the date of tills letter The standards of the Spnngfle1d Development Code (SDq apphcab1e to each cntenon of approval are hsted herem and are sabsned by the subrmtted plans and notes unless specIfIcally noted WIth fmdmgs and conmhons necessary for comphance Other Uses Authorized by the DeCISiOn None Future development will be ill accordance WIth the proV15lOns of the SOC, flled easements and agreements, and all apphcab1e local, state and federal regulahons ReVIew Process ThIs apphcahon 15 reVIewed under Type I procedures hsted ill SDC 51-125 and the Fmal Slte Plan EqUIvalent cntena m SOC 517-135 ~DC 517-135 B. Fmal Slte Plan EqUIvalent Map In the case of developed or partially developed industrial propertIes of more than 5 acres m size that dId not receIve Fmal SIte Plan approval prior to the adoption of Hus Code, the Duector may approve a Final SIte Plan EqUIvalent Map to allow the property owner to use the Site Plan MochfIcation process specifIed in Section 517-145 for future addItions or expanSiOns, 1 Final Site Plan EqUIvalent Map - ReVIew a Fmal Site Plan EqUIvalent Map apphcations are reviewed under Type I Procedure, b. The approval crIteria is comphance with the submittal reqUU'ements of Subsechon 2" below, c, In the staff report, the Duector shall condIhon the approved Final Site Plan Equivalent Map to require ltS submittal WIth any future Site Plan Mochflcation apphcation, 2 Fma1 SIte Plan Equivalent Map - Subrmtta1 requuements The Fmal Site Plan EqUIvalent Map apphcahon may be subnutted concurrently WIth a Site Plan Review MochfIcation applicahon, The applicant shall subnut a map based on CIty Government Information System maps at a scale not less than 1" "100' that contams the followmg mformahon: a. The property lines, b, The 10cahon of all existing buildings to include theu use and dimensions, c. Paved parking areas to include the number of parkmg spaces, d. The location of public uhhties on the property, specIfIcally stormwater, samtary sewer, electricity and water; e The 10cahon and Idenhflcahon of all outfalls, If there are waterways that abut the property, For properties that abut Water QUalIty Lmuted Watercourses the approximate location Hex/on Case No DRQOOB-OOOO /6 6 of top of bank, and the 150 foot reqUIred setback from top of bank; f. Exishng landscaping along the frontage of abutting publIc nghts-of-way; and g Any additional informahon required by the DIrector that may be specIfic to a parhcular property The eXlstmg facility covers approxunately 19 acres and contaIns three zorung dIstncts The HI (Heavy Industnal) allows chenucal processmg facilitIes The LMl (ught MedlUm Industnal) and LDR (Low Denslty ResIdenbal) Zones do not allow chenucal processmg facilitIes The parkmg lots across 2nd Ave from the mam processmg area are part of the facility and are located m the LDR and LMl zones Tax10t 1500, wluch contaIns the laboratory bmldmg, 15 spht by the HI and the LDR zones, as well as the aty hrruts Accordmg to the slte plan, there are three pole hghts on the Slte The SIte 15 subject to the Willamette Greenway Overlay, the F100dp1am Overlay and the Water Quahty ProtectIon regulatIons Accordmg to the Natural Resource Inventory, the slte contaIns a npanan resource (Willamette Rlver) and a non-slgruhcant wetland (the Mill Race) The Willamette Rlver Greenway boundary 15 shown on the SIte map dated March 14, 2008 TIus map also shows the Greenway setback hne as estabhshed by Ord No 5261 (adopted and effectIve 9/24/84) The setback hne generally follows the top of bank Only water-dependent or water-related uses are pernutted between the Willamette Rlver and the Greenway Setback Lme EXlStmg uses and structures WIthm that area are consIdered nonconfornung Accordmg to SDC 5 8-115, a non-conformmg use lS an actIVIty mvo1vmg land, bmldmgs, and/ or structures for purposes wluch were legally estabhshed pnor to May 5, 1986, but wluch do not fully comply WIth the current development regulatIons These actIVltIes would not be pernutted by the Spnnghe1d Development Code as a new use m the zone lt 15 currently located For the subject property, any porbon of the chenucal processmg facility that 15 not located m the HI zone 15 consIdered a nonconformmg use or structure Routme mamtenance and reparrs to nonconformmg structures are allowed SDC 5 8-125 apphes to expanslOns and modilicatIons to non-conformmg uses and/ or structures However, tlus slte 15 zoned LMl and HI and contams a chenucal processmg facility Tlus lS not an allowed use m the LM1 zone, but 15 allowed m the HI zone The SIte also abuts reSIdentIal uses to the east and the south Because of tlus, SDC 5 8- 140(B) 15 apphcab1e It does not appear that SDC 5 8-140(A) 15 apphcab1e because that subsectIon apphes only WIthm G1enwood Once a non-confornung use 15 chscontmued for 6 months, or any non-conforrrung bmldmg or structure 15 not occupIed or used for 6 months or more, It 15 consIdered abandoned and loses lts status as a non-conformmg use The SIte plan dated March 14, 2008, lS the approved slte plan DETERMINATION Based on the evidence in the record, the Director deternunes the fll1~ SIte ?lan e~U1vaIent ma? com~hes WIth SDC 517-135 DatG Hecel\lt> MAR 2 4 2008 Hex/on Case Na DRC200B-OOOO /6 On::1II"(:'1 ~lll1m~tal Addthonallnformation The apphcahon, all documents, and eVIdence rehed upon by the apphcant, and the apphcab1e cntena of approval are available for free mspechon and copIes are available for a fee at the Development SerVIces Deparhnent, 225 F1fth Street, Spnngfle1d, Oregon Questions Please call Steve Hopkms m the P1anrung DlVlSlon of the Development SerVIces Deparhnent at (541) 726-3649 Jf you have any queshons regardmg flus process Prepared by, 0-1::.- Jf/L- Steve Hopkms, AICP Planner II Development SerVIces - Urban P1anrung D1VlSlOn Hexlon Case No DRGOOB-OOOO /6 8 : . . ~ ~.~. - ~.._- ~.,-..I.I_..... "... .... , 'oJ., .. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Jon Berger Hexlon Spec laIty Chemlcal Inc 470 S A Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 ~'I.._.'.I" . ,_.... .. .'~::~-,..- --.- ---'---'--- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Mlchael Howard Satre ASSOclates, PC 101 E Broadway, SUlte 480 Eugene, OR 97401 ~~6 .. " ,-, ') --... ...JJ......, .~