HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/24/2008 Fmal SIte Plan EqUIvalent Map Project Name HeXlon Project Proposal Major sIte plaIl modIfICatIon for a chenucal processmg facility Case Number DRC2008-00016 Project Address 470 S "A" Street, 280 aIld 610 S 2nd Street Map and Tax Lot Number(s) 17-03-35-33 TL 5400, 5500, 500 & 300, 17-03-35-32 TL 7800 Zomng- LMI (LIght MedlUm IndustrIal), HI (Heavy IndustrIal), LDR (Low Density ReSIdentIal) Overlay DIStrlct(s) Greenway, floodplam, rIparIaIl Apphcable Refmement Plan downtown (northern portIon of sIte only) Refinement Plan DeSIgnatIon pubhc space, booth kelly Metro PlaIl DeSIgnatIon Heavy Industrial, LIght MedIUm IndustrIal MIxed Use, Parks aIld Opel1 Space, Low DenSIty Resldel1tIal Date of Decision' March 20, 2008 I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM I POSITION REVIEW OF I Project MaIlager Planrung I TransportatIon Planrung Engmeer Tral1sportatJon Pubhc Works EIT UtilitIes, Sarutary & Storm Sewer I Deputy Frre Marshall I Commuruty ServICes MaIlager I Frre aIld LIfe Safety I Bmldmg NAME PHONE Steve Hopkms 726-3649 Gary McKenney 726-4585 Jesse Jones 736-1036 Gilbert Gordon 726-2293 Dave Puent I 726-3668 Owner Jon Berger HeXlOn SpeCIalty Chenucal, Inc 470 S A Street SprIngfield OR 97477 Apphcant's RepresentatIve MIChael Howard Satre ASSOCIates, PC 101 E Broadway, SUIte 480 Eugene OR 97401 465-4721 DRC200B-00026 Hex/on SI'e plan doc HexlOn Case No DRC200B-000026 ~ 01 ~J Z+ JUL r- - - .,- ---.:::::: - I cO) o.c .- c x 0 ~N C>.. ~ " -fID '" u _ '0 (tI _ iii "'-~- a. .--.-rocuro VJCU E.~~'uEE I/) Q,l- Q.l.... 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(LIght MedIUm Industrial) al1d LOR (Low DenSity Resldenhal) ZOl1es do not allow chenucal processmg facllIhes The parkmg lots across 2nd Ave from the mam processmg area are part of the facility and are located m the LOR and LMI zones Taxlot 1500, wluch col1tams the laboratory bmldmg, IS split by the HI and the LOR zones, as well as the CIty Imuts Accordmg to the sIte plan, there are three pole lights on the sIte The Site IS subject to the WIllamette Greenway Overlay, the Floodplam Overlay and the Water Quality Protechol1 regulahons Accordmg to the Natural Resource Invel1tory, the site contams a npanan resource (Willamette River) and a non-slgruficant wetland (the Mill Race) The Willamette River Greel1way bOUl1dary is shown on the sIte map dated March 14, 2008 'flus map also shows the Greenway setback !me as established by Ord No 5261 (adopted and effechve 9/24/84) The setback !me generally follows the top of bank Only water-depel1dent or water-related uses are pernutted betweel1 the Willamette River and the Greel1way Setback Lme EXlshng uses and structures Withm that area are considered nonconformmg Accordmg to SDC 5 8-115, a non-conformrng use IS an achvity mvolvmg land, buIldmgs, and/ or structures for purposes wluch were legally established prIor to May 5, 1986, but wluch do not fully comply WIth the current development regulahol1s These achvlhes would 110t be pernutted by the SprmgfIeld Development Code as a new use m the zone It IS currently located For the subject property, any porhol1 of the chenucal processmg facility that IS not located m the HI zone is considered a nOl1conformrng use or structure Rouhne mamtel1ance and repalfs to 110l1conformrng shuctures are allowed SDC 5 8-125 applies to expansJOl1s and mochhcahons to nOI1-conformrng uses and/ or structures However, thIS Site is zoned LMI and HI and con tams a chenucal processmg facility ThIs IS not an allowed use m the LMI zone, but IS allowed m the HI zone The site also abuts resldenhal uses to the east and the south Because of this, SDC 5 8- DRC200B-00026 HexlOn sne plan dac Hex/on Case Na DRC200B-000026 6 140(B) IS apphcable It does not appear that SDC 5 8-140(A) IS apphcable because that subsecbon apphes onJy WIthm GIenwood Once a non-conformmg use IS dISconbnued for 6 months, or any non-conformmg bwldmg or structure IS 110t occupied or used for 6 months or more, It IS consIdered abandoned and loses Its status as a nOI1-conformmg use ' The SIte plan dated March 14, 2008, IS the approved site plan Procedural Fmdmgs . Apphcabons for Luruted Land Use DecISIons requue the nobhcabon of property owners/occupants Wlthm 300 feet of the subject property allowmg for a 14 day comment perIod 011 the apphcabol1S (SDC Secbol1S 51-130 and 52-115) The apphcant and parbes subrmtbng WrItten comments durmg the nobce penod have appeal rIghts and are mailed a copy of tlus decISion for col1SIderabon . Nobce was sent to adjacent property owners/occupants wlthm 300 feet of the subject sIte on January 30, 2008 . On February 19, 2008, the CIty's Development ReView Comnuttee reviewed the proposed plans CIty staff's reVIew comments have been reduced to fmdmgs and condlbons onJy as necessary for comphance With the Tentabve Site Plan CnterIa of Approval cOl1tamed m SDC 517-125 TIus deCISIOn was Issued on the day of the 120 days mandated by the state . In accordance With SDC 517-135, the Fmal SIte Plan shall comply WIth the reqUIrements of the SDC and the condlbol1S rmposed by the Duector m tlus deCISIon The Fmal Plat otherwIse shall be m substanbal conforrmty With the tentabve plan reViewed Porbons of the proposal approved as subrmtted durmg tentabve review cannot be substanbvely changed durmg Fmal Plan approval Comments ReceIved No wntten comments were received SDC 517-125 SIte Plan ReVIew Cntena of Approval The Duector shall approve or approve WIth conchbons a Type II SIte Plan ReVIew apphcabon upon deternumng that approval cntena A through E, below have been sabsf1ed If conchbol1S cannot be attached to sabsfy the approval cntena, the Duector shall deny the apphcabon A The zoning IS conSIstent WIth the Metro Plan chagram, and/or the applIcable Refmement Plan diagram, Plan DIStnct map, and Conceptual Development Plan Fmchng The sIte IS zoned HI (Heavy Industnal) ThIS area IS deSIgnated HI (Heavy Industnal) by the Metro Plan and the MId-Spnngf1eld Refmement Plan ConclUSIon The proposal comphes WIth SDC 517-125(A) DRC2008-00026 Hex/on site Plan doc Hex/on Case No DRC200IJ..000026 7 B Capacity requrrements of public and pnvate facdltIes, includIng but not lllTIlted to, water and electricity, sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilitIes, and streets and traffIc safety controls shall not be exceeded and the publIc improvements shall be aVaIlable to serve the site at the hrne of developmel1t, unless otherwise proVided for by tlus Code and other applIcable regulatIons The PublIc Works Director or a uhhty proVider shall detenmne capacity issues. $ANITARY AND STORM WATER :TRAFFIC PARKING ConclusIOn: As conchtIoned, the proposal complIes With SDC 517-125(B) C. The proposed development shall comply with all applIcable publIc and pnvate design and constructIon standards contained In thiS Code and other applIcable regulatIons ConclusIOn The proposal complIes With SDC 517-125(C) o Parkmg areas and Ingress-egress pOInts have been deSigned to facdltate vehicular traffiC, bicycle and pedestnan safety to avoid congestIon, proVide connectiVity wIthIn the development area and to adjacent residentIal areas, transit stops, neighborhood actIvity centers, and commerCial, Industnal and publIc areas, mmnnlze dnveways on artenal and collector streets as specIfied In tlus Code or other applIcable regulatIons and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways Conclusion As conchtIol1ed, the proposal complIes With SDC 517-125(0) E Physical features, Incluchng, but not lImited to steep slopes With unstable sod or geolOgIC conditIons, areas WIth susceptIbilIty of flooding, SIgnIfIcant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and theIr associated npanan areas, wetlands, rock outcroppIngs, open spaces, and areas of lustonc and/or archaeolOgIcal significance, as may be specIfied In Section 33-900 or ORS 97740-760, 358905-955 and 390 235-240, shall be protected as specIfied In tlus Code or In State or Federal law ConclUSIOn As conchtIoned, the proposed tree felhng compl1es With SDC 5 19-125 DETERMINATION Based on the eVidence In the record. the DIrector determInes the sIte plan comDlIes with SDC 517-125(AI-(EI. sublect to the ConchtIons of ADDroval attached to thiS reDort What Needs To Be Done' SDC 517-135 states "Wltlun 90 days of an affmnatIve deCISIOn by the Approval Authonty, a complete FInal SIte Plan shall be submitted to the Development Semces Department The FInal SIte Plan submittal shall Incorporate all approval conchtions lIsted In the staff report. The DRClOOB-00026 HexlOn SIte plan doc Hex/on Case No DRClOOB-000026 8 Fmal Site Plan shall become null and VOId If constructIon has not begun wlthm two years of the slgnmg of the Development Agreement reqwred m Section 517-140" A Fmal Site Plal1 applIcatIon IS charged upon subrmttal of the complete applIcatIon and all reqUIred documel1ts and after all conditIons of approval are met, mcludmg the constructIon of publIc and prIvate unprovements and extenslOl1 of utilitIes reqUIred through \:lus deClslO11 The Fmal Site Plan shall comply WIth the requIremel1ts of the SDC and the conditIons unposed by the Dlfector m thiS deCISIon The Fmal Site Plan otherwise shall be m substantIal conforrmty With the tentatIve plan reviewed PortIons of the proposal approved as subrmtted durmg tel1tatIve review cannot be substantIvely changed durmg fmaI SIte plan approval Approved Fmal SIte Plans (mcludmg Landscape Plans) shall not be substantIvely changed dunng BUIldmg Perrmt ReView WithOUt an approved Site Plan DeclS1011 ModifICatIon DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT In accordance With SDC 1517-140, a DeveIopmel1t Agreemel1t IS reqwred to ensure that the terms and conditIons of site plan review are bmdmg upon both the applIcant and the City Tlus agreement will be prepared by Staff UpOI1 approval of the Fmal SIte Plan and must be Signed by the property owner prIor to the Issuance of a bUlIdmg perrmt SECURITY AND ASSURANCES All reqUIred unprovements shall be mstalled prIor to the Issuance of a cerl:1b.cate of occupal1cy or fInal bUIldmg mspectIon Refer to SDC 517-150 for details regardmg bondmg for reqUIred unprovemel1ts Summary of ConditIons of Aooroval AdditIonal InformatIon The applIcatIol1, all documents, and eVidence relIed upon by the applIcant, and the applIcable cnterIa of approval are available for free mspectIon and copies are available for a fee at the Development ServICes Department, 225 FIfth Street, SprmgfIeId, Oregon Appeal This Type II Tel1tatIve deCISIOn may be appealed to the Planrung ComrrusslOn The appeal may be filed With the Development ServICes Department by an affected party The appeal must be m accordance WIth SDC, SectIon 53-100, Appeals An Appeals applIcatIol1 must be subrmtted to the City With a fee of $250 00 The fee will be returned to the appellant If the Plannmg ComrrusslOn approves the appeal applIcatIon In accordance WIth SDC 53-115(B) wluch proVides for a 15-day appeal penod and Oregon Rules of CIvil Procedures, Rule 10(c) for service of 110tIce by mall, the appeal perIod for thiS declsJOI1 explfes at 500 p.m. on QuestIons. Please call Steve Hopkms m the Plannmg DIVlSIOI1 of the Development Services Departmel1t at (541) 726-3649 If you have al1Y questIons regardmg tlus process DROOOB-00026 Hex/on sne plan doc Hex/on Case No DROOOB-000026 9 Prepared by Steve Hopkms, AICP Planner II Development ServICes - Urban Planrung DIVISIOn DRC200B-00026 Hex/on site Plan dac HexlOn Case Na DRC200B-000026 10