HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 1/2/2008 MEMORANDUM City of Spnngfield To RevIew Team From: Tara Jones Date: January 2, 2008 Subject: DRC2007-00085 MDS for Hole m the Wall BBQ We1come to the New Yearl Please revIew the attached Type I MDS applIcatIOn for any Issues or concerns and return comments to me by Wednesday January 16th. ThIs applIcatIon IS for a 960 sf addItIon to the old Carrow's Restaurant located on the SE comer of OlympIC and 18'" Streets No new ImpervIOUS surface IS proposed There are two buddmg pernllts currently covenng the project C0M2007-01732 (mtenor remodel) and COM2007-01932 (addItIOn) Thanks everyone for your tImely revIew' cc Matt Stouder GIlbert Gordon Dave Puent ) Gary McKenney Date Received Planner: T J I 107_ / nco . ,