HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 2/4/2008
County of Lane )
I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows:
1 I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning DIvIsion of the
Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon
2 I state that In my capacity as, Program Jechnlclal), I prepared and c~used to b", ~ k.~
mailed copies ofSueZOO'l!. =\ -1\.6tu.e ohQ....... . -.... - ~.J-w:t -1 u ~
(See attachment nAn) on ~ L/-- , 2008 addressed to (see
Attachment Bn), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S mall box With
postage fully prepaid thereon
~R~ LaFLEUR'---" )'
STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane
. 2008 Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur,
Program TechniCian, who acknowledged the foregOing Instrument to be their voluntary
act Before me
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\ ' ; COMMISSION NO 414703
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My Commission Expires ;:( / ;)- 7 /11
,City of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Staff Report & Decision
PrOject Name Jackson Partition
Project Proposal DIvide one lot (47 acre) Into two parcels
Case Number SUB2008-00001
Project Location 875 S 43rd Street
18-02-05-21, TL 9100
Zonmg Low DenSity Resldenlial (LDR)
Overlay Dlstnct(s) N/A
Applicable Refinement Plan N/A
Refmement Plan DeSignation N/A
Metro Plan DeSignation Low DenSity Resldenlial (LDR)
Pre-Submittal Meetmg Date September 14, 2007
Application Submittal Date January 2, 2008
DRC Meeting Date January 29, 2008
DecIsion Issued Date February 4, 2008
Recommendation Approval with Conditions
Appeal Deadline Date February 19, 2008
ASSOCiated Applications PRE2007-00060
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I Planner II Land Use Planning
I Transportation Planning Engineer I Transportation
Public Works CIVil Engineer I Ulilitles, Sanitary & Storm Sewer
I Deputy Fire Marshal I Fire and Life Safety
I Engineering TechniCian I SUB ElectriC Utilities
I CIVil Engineer SUB Water Utilities
Janice Jackson
875 S 43rd Street
Spnngfleld, OR 97478
Molly Markarian
I Gary McKenney
EriC Walter
I Gilbert Gordon
I Guenter Matyszak
Rebecca Temolin
I 726-2293
Applicant's Representative
Terry Schiele, PLS
4805 Yellowstone Court, NE
Salem, OR 97305
Case No SUB200S-00001
This staff report and decIsion grants approval with conditIOns to the subject appllcalion, as of the date
of this decIsion The standards of the Spnngfleld Development Code (SDC) applicable to each cntenon
of approval are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans and notes (see AppendiX A)
unless speCifically noted In this deCISion With findings and conditions necessary for compliance The
plat, as well as the Installahon of publiC and pnvate Improvements, must conform to the approved
tentative plan or as conditioned herein ThiS IS a limited land use deCISion made according to city code
and state statutes Unless appealed, the decIsion IS final Please read thiS document In ItS enlirety
ThiS application has been reViewed under the procedures listed In SDC 5 1-130, Type II Applications,
and SDC 512-100, Land DIVISions - Partitions and SubdivISions ThiS application was accepted as
complete on January 2, 2008, and thiS deCISion IS Issued on the 33rd day of the 120 days permitted per
ORS 227 178
Applicalions for Type II limited land use deCISions require notification of property owners and occupants
Within 300 feet of the subject property and any applicable neighborhood aSSOCiation, allOWing for a 14-
day comment penod on the application per SDC 5 1-130 The property owner, applicant. If different,
and parties submitting wntten comments dunng the comment penod have appeal nghts and are mailed
a copy of thiS deCISion for conSideration In accordance With SDC 5 1-130, nolice was mailed to the
property owners and occupants Within 300 feet of the subject property on January 3, 2008
No wntten comments were received dunng the comment penod
The subject property IS a 47 acre (20.662 square feet). rectangular-shaped lot on the east side of S
43rd Street between Mt Vernon Road and Jasper Road and IS located Inside the City limits The
property IS relalively flat, and SOils are mapped as Coburg-Urban Land Complex-32 and
Malabon-Urban Land Complex-76 Currently, the property contains two residences, as well as a
garage/pump house, on the west Side of the property that are all proposed to remain, faCing and taking
access from S 43'd Street While property In the VICInity of the site to the north IS zoned Public Land
and Open Space, the property IS zoned and deSignated Low DenSity Resldenlial, and land Immediately
surrounding the property on all Sides IS zoned Low DenSity ReSidential
SDC 512-125 states that an application shall be approved or approved With condllions upon
determination that the cntena listed In SDC 512-125 A through J have been satisfied and that If
conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval cntena, the application shall be denied
Cnterlon 1 ISDC 5 12-125 A I,
The request conforms to the provIsIons of thiS Code pertammg to lot/parcel sIze and dimenSions
Fmdmg' SDC 32-215 states that on standard parcels on north-south streets In all residential zOning
dlstncts, the minimum area shall be 5,000 sq ft, and the minimum street frontage shall be 60 ft In
addition, It states that on panhandle parcels In all resldenlial zoning dlstncts, the minimum area In the
pan portion shall be 4.500 sq ft, and the minimum street frontage shall be 20 ft for a Single panhandle
I Parcel '
I 1
I 2
The applicant proposes to create two parcels as follows
Parcel Type Area Street Frontage
Standard 7,358 sq ft 69 ft
Panhandle 12,802 sq ft 31 ft
Street Name
S 43ra
S 43'0
Street T YDe I
North-South I
Fmdmg, ThiS application meets the requirements of SDC 3 2-215
Case No SUB2008-00001
ConclusIon" This applicatIOn satisfies Criterion 1 (SDC 5 12-125 A)
Criterion 2 ISDC 5 12-125 B \
The zonmg IS consistent with the Metro Plan dIagram and/or applicable Refmement Plan diagram, Plan
Dlstnct map, and Conceptual Development Plan
Fmding" The subject property IS zoned Low Density ReSidential and IS designated
Low DenSIty ReSidential by the Metro Plan diagram, and there IS no applicable refinement plan There
are no applicable Plan District maps or Conceptual Development Plans for thiS property, and no change
to the zOning deslgnalion or boundaries IS proposed
ConclUSIon" ThiS applicatIOn sallsfles Criterion 2 (SDC 5 12-125 B)
Criterion 3 ISDC 5 12-125 C I,
Capacity reqUirements of pUblIC and pnvate faCIlities, mcludmg but not limited to water and electnclty,
samtary sewer and storm water management facliltles, and streets and traffiC safety controls shall not
be exceeded and the publiC Improvements shall be avaIlable to serve the site at the tIme of
development, unless otherwIse proVided for by thiS Code and other applIcable regulatIons The PubliC
Works Director or a ufl/dy proVider shall determme capacity Issues
Findmg" The Development Review Committee (DRC), including representatives from the City'S
Development Services Department, Public Works Department, and Fire and Life Safety Department, as
well as the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) reviewed the application, and their comments have been
Incorporated Into the findings and conditions below
Findmg" Criterion 3 contains two categories of development standards With sub-sections The
application as submitted complies With any applicable sub-sections of the development standards
unless otherwise noted With speCifiC findings and conditions The development standards relating to
Criterion 3 Include but are not limited to the Infrastructure standards discussed In SDC 4 1-100, 42-
100, and 4 3-100
42-100 Infrastructure Standards-
42-105 Public Streets
4 2-110 Private Streets
4 2-115 Block Length
42-120 Site Access and Driveways
42-125 Intersections
42-130 VIsion Clearance
42-135 Sidewalks
42-140 Street Trees
42-145 Street Lighting
42-150 Bikeways
4 2-155 Pedestrian Trails
42-160 Accessways
43-100 Infrastructure Standards-
4 3-105 Sanitary Sewers
4 3-110 Stormwater Management
4 3-115 Water Quality Protecllon
43-120 Utility ProVider Coordlnalion
43-125 Underground Placement of UlIlitles
43-130 Water Service and Fire Protection
43-135 Major Electrical Power Transmission Lines
43-140 Public Easements
43-145 Wireless TelecommUnications Systems FaCilities
PublIC Streets
Fmdmg: Abutting the subject property to the west IS S 43rd Street, an 18-foot Wide gravel two-lane
local street Within a 25-foot right-of-way The street IS not fully Improved to urban standards With curb,
gutter, Sidewalk, street trees, or street lighting ThiS secllon of S 43'd Street between Mt Vernon Road
and Jasper Road IS approximately 1100 feet long, and average dally traffiC along thiS section of S 43rd
Street IS estimated to be fewer than 300 vehicle tripS per day
Case No SUB2008-00001
30f 13
Finding: SDC 4 2-105 G 1 states that whenever an eXlsling street of Inadequate width IS abutting or
Within a development area reqUiring development approval, additional right-of-way IS required SDC
4 2-105 C states that street right-of-way widths are as specified In Table 4 2-1, unless otherwise
Indicated In TransPlan, the Conceptual Local Street Plan, or where necessary to achieve right-of-way
and street alignment
According to Table 42-1, the minimum right-of-way on S 43rd between Mt Vernon Road and Jasper
Road shall be 40 feet and the minimum curb-to-curb Width shall be 28 feet since this segment of S 4310
Street IS a local street less than 1200 feet In length With fewer than 1000 vehicle tripS per day
Findmg. The applicant has proposed a 25-foot right-of-way dedication along the S 43'd Street
frontage of the property to comply With SDC 4 2-105 G 1
CondItIon 1 Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall dedicate as right-of-way a strip of land 25 feet
Wide by 100 feet long along the S 43rd Street frontage of the property In compliance With SDC 4 2-105
Finding' As condllioned above, thiS applicalion meets the requirements of SDC 4 2-105 G 1
Fmdmg. Based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Land Use Code
210 (Single Family Detached). full development of Parcel 2 With Single family detached dwellings would
generate 10 weekday vehicle tripS and 1 afternoon peak-hour vehicle tripS onto the surrounding street
system In addition, assumed development may generate pedestrian and bicycle tripS According to
the LCOG household survey from 1994, 126% of household tripS are made by bicycle or walking and
1 8% are made via public transit These tripS may have their origins or destinations at a variety of land
uses, Including the subject property Pedestrian and bicycle tripS create the need for Sidewalks,
pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking, and bicycle lanes
Fmdmg, SDC 42-105 G 2 states that whenever a proposed land diVISion or development Will
Increase traffiC on the City street system and the development site has unimproved street frontage, that
street frontage shall be fully Improved to City specifications In accordance With the criteria listed In SDC
42-105 G 2 a through d
SDC 42-105 G 2 Exception I states that In all cases other than a through d of thiS section, an
Improvement Agreement shall be reqUired as a condition of development approval, postponing
Improvements unlil the time that a City street Improvement project IS Initiated
Fmdmg SDC 4 2-105 G 2 Exception I applies to the subject property Since 4 2-105 G 2 a through d
do not
CondItion 2' Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall execute and record an Improvement Agreement
for for paving, curb, gutter, Sidewalk, street trees, and street lighting
Finding. As conditioned above, thiS applicalion meets the reqUirements of SDC 4 2-105 G 2
Street Trees
Finding 42-140 B 1 states that eXisting trees may meet the requirement for street trees (I e trees on
the City Street Tree List specified In the EDSPM) If excavation or filling for proposed development IS
minimized Within the drlpline of the tree
Fmding' SIX trees eXist along the proposed west property line of Parcels 1 and 2, all of which are
proposed to remain Although the genus and species are not Identified on the application, these trees
may be considered street trees
CondItIon 3. Excavation or filling In the VICInity of the eXisting street trees, as well as any future
removal of these trees, must conform to the standards of the SDC and EDSPM Since these street
Case No SUB2008-00001
4 of 13
trees are located on private property, maintenance of the trees shall be performed by the property
owner as per SDC 4 2-140 C 2
Finding. As conditioned above, thiS applicalion meets the reqUirements fo SDC 4 2-140
Sanitarv Sewers
Finding: SDC 4 3-105 A states that sanitary sewers shall be Installed to serve each new development
within the city limits and to connect developments to eXisting mains
Finding_ The application indicates that the eXlsling residence on Parcel 1 IS currently served by a
lateral from the eight-Inch sanitary sewer main In the right-of-way to the northwest of the property, and
the applicant has proposed continUing to serve Parcel 1 via thiS sewer lateral However, the exact
location of the sewer lateral has yet to be determined In addllion, the applicant has proposed a private
utility easement adjacent to the sewer lateral on Parcel 2 once ItS location IS determined to benefit
Parcel 1
The application does not Indicate If the residence on Parcel 2 IS also served by a sewer lateral
CondItIon 4' Prior to plat approval, the location of the private sanitary sewer lateral(s) serving Parcels
1 and 2 shall be located
ConditIon 5- Prior to plat approval, Parcel 2 shall be serviced With a private sanitary sewer lateral from
the eight-inch sanitary sewer main In the right-of-way to the northwest of the property If a lateral to
Parcel 2 does not already eXist
NOTE Plumbing permits are reqUired to Install thiS private sanitary sewer lateral
CondItIon 6' Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall record and document a private utility easement
adJacent to the sewer lateral on Parcel 2 to benefit Parcel 1
Finding' EXisting faCilities, as well as the above conditions, are adequate to meet the requirements of
SDC 4 3-105 A
Stormwater Manaaement
Finding- SDC 43-110 B states that development approval shall only be granted where the Public
Works Director has determined that adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems
proVISions, consistent With the EDSPM, have been made
Finding- SDC 43-110 D states that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved
stormwater management system With suffiCient capacity to accept the discharge
Finding SDC 4 3-110 E states that new developments are required to employ drainage management
praclices that minimize the amount and rate of surface run-off Into receiving streams and that promote
water quality
Finding, The application indicates that the eXisting reSidences on the subject property currently pipe
roof run-off via a stormwater lateral to an eXisting ditch on the east Side of S 43,d Street or to a wet well
near the southwest corner of Parcel 1, and the applicant has proposed continuing to serve Parcels 1
and 2 In thiS fashion
Finding' EXisting facllilies are adequate to meet the requirements of SDC 4 3-110
UtllltV PrOVIder CoordinatIon
Finding_ SDC 43-120 states that all utility prOViders shall be responsible for coordinating utility
installations With the City and the developer through the Development ReView Committee or by
Case No SUB200B-OOOOl
separate written correspondence and that the developer shall be responsible for the design, installation,
and cost of utility lines and facIlities to the salisfactlon of the utility provider
Fmdmg: The application indicates that the subject property IS currently served by SUB ElectriC via
overhead lines from Pole # 58164 In the northwest corner of the property The applicant has proposed
serving Parcel 1 with underground lines along the north Side of the house and serving Parcel 2 with
overhead lines from Pole # 58164
Finding' SUB ElectriC adVises that both eXlsling structures are required to underground their electriC
utility service SUB also proposes plaCing a Junction box on the property line between Parcels 1 and 2
within the proposed seven-foot frontage PUE to minimize the need for new easements and the distance
both homes need to trench to
CondItIon 7, Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall extend electriC service from Pole # 58164 In the
northwest corner of the property as per SUB ElectriC standards Placement of such facilities shall be In
the proposed seven-foot frontage PUE and shall be underground as conditioned In the Underground
Placement of Utilities section below
Findmg' The applicant has proposed a seven-foot private utility easement In between the two parcels
extending approxImately 45 feet east from the west property line to accommodate new utility lines
CondItIon 8 Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall record and document a seven-foot private ulillty
easmentln between the parcels extending east approximately 45 feet from the west property line
Findmg' As conditioned above, thiS application meet the requirements of SDC 4 3-120
Underaround Placement of UtIlIties
Fmding SDC 4 3-125 states that wherever pOSSible, all utility lines shall be placed underground
Findmg' The appllcalion indicates that power and telephone utllllies currently serve the subject
property via above-ground lines from an eXisting utility pole on the northwest corner of the property
CondItIon 9 Prior to plat approval, all ulillty lines to serve Parcels 1 and 2 shall be placed
Fmdmg" As conditioned above, thiS application meets the requirements of SDC 4 3-125
Water SerVIce and F"e ProtectIon
Findmg' SDC 4 3-130 states that each development area shall be prOVided With a water system haVing
suffiCiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish an adequate water supply to the development and
that fire hydrants and mains shall be Installed by the developer as required by the Fire Marshall and the
utility prOVider
Fmdmg, The application Indicates that the two residences on the subject property currently receive
water service via a private well on the property, and the applicant proposes continuing to serve Parcel 1
via thiS well The applicant has proposed serving Parcel 2 from a new water lateral to the water main In
the right-of-way to the west of the property ,
CondItIon 10 Prior to plat approval, Parcel 2 shall be serviced With a private water lateral from the
water main In the right-of-way west of the subject property and a water meter located as per SUB Water
standards In addition, Parcel 2 shall be disconnected from the eXisting well, and the disconnection
shall be Inspected and verified In compliance With SUB Water standards
NOTE Plumbing permits are required to Install thiS private water lateral
Case No SUB2008-00001
Finding" Springfield Fire Code (SFC) 508 states that an approved water supply capable of supplYing
the required fire flow for fire protection shall be provided to premises upon which a residence Will be
constructed where any portion of that residence IS more than 600 feet from an eXisting fire hydrant
Finding SUB water map 14H Indicates that fire hydrant H207 IS located on the southwest corner of S
43'd and Holly Streets, and thiS hydrant IS within 575 feet of the furthest pOint of the eXisting house on
Parcel 1 Therefore, no action IS required at this time on the part of the applicant with respect to water
supply for fire protection However, the furthest pOint of future construction on Parcel 2 Will likely occur
more than 600 feet from an eXisting fire hydrant Thus, the Fire and Life Safety Department adVises
that an approved water supply capable of supplYing the required fire flow for fire protection Will likely
need to be prOVided at such a time when Parcel 2 IS fully developed
Finding' EXisting facilities and the above condition are adequate to meet the reqUirements of SDC 4 3-
Public Easements
Finding. SDC 43-140 A states that the applicant shall make arrangements With the City and each
utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development or land
beyond the development area ThiS policy dictates that the mlmmum Width for Public Utility Easements
(PUE) adjacent to street nghts-of-way, as well as all other PUEs, shall be seven feet, unless otherwise
Finding: The applicant has proposed a seven-foot Wide PUE along the frontage of Parcels 1 and 2
Condition 11 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall record and document a seven-foot Wide PUE
along the frontage of Parcels 1 and 2
Finding As conditioned above, thiS application meet the requirements of SDC 4 3-140 A
Conclusion' ThiS application satisfies Criterion 3 (SDC 512-125 C) as conditioned herein
Criterion 41SDC 5 12-125 0 \
The proposed land dIVISion shall comply With all applicable publiC and pnvate design and constructIOn
standards contamed m thiS Code and other applicable regulations
Finding Cnterlon 4 contains four categones of development standards and requirements As such,
the application must comply With the development standards of SDC Chapter 4 not addressed by
Cnterlon 3, as well as the development standards for the applicable zoning dlstnct not addressed by
Criterion 1 In addition, the application must comply With the requirements of any applicable overlay
dlstnct andlor refinement plan The application as submitted complies With the applicable development
standards and requirements unless otherwise noted With speCifiC findings and conditions The
development standards and requirements relating to Cnterlon 4 Include but are not limited to the
Chapter 4 - Development Standards
44-100 Landscaping, Screemng, & Fence
45-100 On-Site Lighting Standards
46-100 Vehicle Parking, Loading, & Bicycle
Parking Standards
47-100 SpeCifiC Development Standards for
Certain Uses
48-100 Temporary Uses
Applicable Overlay Dlstnct
Case No SUB2008-00001
3 2-200 ReSidential Zonmg Dlstncts
32-215 Base Zone Development Standards
3 2-220 Additional Panhandle LoUParcel
Development Standards
3 2-225 Base Solar Development Standards
3 2-230 Cluster SubdiVISions
3 2-235 ReSidential Manufactured Dwellings
3 2-240 Multl-Umt DeSign Standards
Applicable Refmement Plan
I No overlay districts apply to the subject property
I No refinement plans apply to the subject propert~
LandscaDina. Screenina & Fence Standards
Fmding' SDC 4 4-105 D states that all required setback areas shall be landscaped SDC 4 4-105 E
states that at least 65% of each reqUired planting area shall be covered With living plant material
Fmding' The side yard setback on the north side of Parcel 1 adJacent to the reSidence, as well as the
adjacent side yard setback on the south side of Parcel 2 are not landscaped I n addition, the side yard
setback on the north side of Parcel 2 extending approximately 95 feet from the proposed west property
line IS not landscaped
ConditIon 12' Prior to plat approval, all setback areas on Parcels 1 and 2 shall be landscaped In
accordance With SDC 4 4-105
VehIcle Parkma. Loadma. & Bicvcle Parkma Standards
Fmdmg SDC 4 6-125 states that a minimum of two off-street parking spaces are required for slngle-
family and duplex dwellings
Fmdmg' The application Indicates that the eXisting reSidence on Parcel 2 IS currently served by a one-
car attached garage and a gravel driveway and that these faCilities Will conlinue to serve Parcel 2
Fmdmg, SDC Chapter 6 defines a parking space as a permanently maintained paved surface With
proper access for one standard size or compact vehicle
CondItion 13' Future development of Parcel 2 Will require off-street parking In conformance With SDC
4 6-125
Finding' EXisting faCilities, as well as the above condition, are adequate to meet the requirements of
SDC 4 6-125
ConclUSIon' ThiS application satisfies Criterion 4 (SDC 512-125 D) as conditioned herein
Criterion 5/SDC 5 12-125 E ,
PhYSIcal features, mcludmg, but not limited to steep slopes With unstable sailor geologiC conditIons,
areas WIth susceptlb1l1ty of floodmg, SIgnificant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the
WQLW Map and theIr associated npanan areas, wetlands, rock outcroppmgs, open spaces, and areas
of hlstonc and/or archaeological Significance, as may be specified m SectIOn 33-900 or ORS 97740-
760, 358 905-955 and 390 235-240, shall be protected as specIfIed m thiS Code or m State or Federal
Fmdmg: The Metro Plan and any applicable refinement plans, Water Quality Limited Watercourses
Map, State DeSignated Wetlands Map, HydriC SOils Map, Natural Resources Map, Wellhead Protection
Zone Map, FEMA Maps, Wlllamalane Park and Recrealion Comprehensive Plan, and the list of HistOriC
Landmark sites have been consulted, and there are no features needing to be protected or preserved
on the subject property
Fmdmg If any histOriC or archaeological artifacts are discovered dUring construction, ORS 97740-
760, 358 905-955, and ORS 390235-240 may apply If any human remains are discovered dUring
construction, It IS a Class C felony to proceed under ORS 97 745
ConclUSIOn' ThiS application satisfies Criterion 5 (SDC 5 12-125 E)
Case No SUB2008-00001
Criterion 6 ISDC 5 12-125 F_~
Parkmg areas and mgress-egress pomts have been designed to facIlitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and
pedestnan safety to avoid congestion, provide connectiVity within the development area and to adjacent
reSidential areas, tranSIt stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, Industnal and publiC
areas, minimize dnveways on arlenal and collector streets as specified In thiS Code or other applicable
regulatIOns and comply with the OOOT access management standards for State highways
Finding' The DRC, including representallves from the City's Public Works Department, reViewed the
application, and their comments have been Incorporated Into the findings and conditions below
Finding Installallon of driveways on a street Increases the number of traffic conflict pOints The
greater number of conflict pOints Increases the probability of traffic crashes Therefore, SDC 4 2-120
A 1 states that all developed parcels shall have an approved access to a public street or alley along
the frontage of the property, a private street that connects to the public street system, or a public street
by an Irrevocable JOint uselaccess easement serving the subject property
Finding. SDC 42-120 C states that driveways shall be deSigned to allow safe and effiCient vehicular
Ingress and egress as speCified In Tables 4 2-2 through 4 2-5, the City's EDSPM, and the Public Works
Standard Construction SpeCifications According to Table 42-2, Single-family and duplex dwellings
must conform to a one-way driveway minimum and maximum Width of 12 feet and 16 feet, respectively
SDC 3 2-220 5 a states that the paving standards for panhandle driveways are 12 feet Wide for a
Single panhandle driveway from the front of the property line to a distance of 18 feet, where there IS an
unimproved street
Finding' The application Indicates that eXisting access to Parcel 2 IS via a 25-foot Wide gravel
driveway onto S 43rd Street, and the applicant has proposed keeping thiS access for Parcel 2
Condition 14, Future development of Parcel 2 Will require paved panhandle driveways
Finding EXisting faCilities, as well as the above condition, are sufficient to meet the requirements of
SDC 3 2-220 Band SDC 4 2-120 C
Finding: SDC 42-130 A states that all parcels shall maintain a clear area at each access to a public
street In order to proVide adequate Sight distance for approaching traffic
Finding SDC 4 2-130 B states that no screen or other phYSical obstruction IS permitted between two
and a half feet and eight feet above the established height of the curb In the triangular area SDC 4 2-
130 C states that the triangular area for driveways IS ten feet along each property line
Condition 15. VIsion clearance areas shall be maintained at each access to a public street as per
SDC 4 2-130
Finding As conditioned above, thiS application meets the requirements of SDC 4 2-130
Conclusion' ThiS applicallon satisfies Criterion 6 (SDC 5 12-125 F) as condllloned herein
Criterion 7 IS DC 512-125 G}
Development of any remainder of the properly under the same ownership can be accomplished as
speCified In thiS Code
Finding No property under the same ownership remains Therefore, Criterion 7 IS not applicable
ConclUSion. ThiS application satisfies Criterion 7 (SDC 5 12-125 G)
Criterion 8 ISDC 5 12-125 H I,
Adjacent land can be developed or IS proVided access that Will allow ItS development as speCified In thiS
Case No SUB2008-00001
9 of 13
Finding Adjacent land IS currently developed with reSidential dwellings and has access to public
streets by way of direct frontage
ConclusIon' ThiS application satisfies Cntenon 8 (SDC 512-125 H)
Criterion 9 ISDC 5 12-1251 \
Where the Partlllon of property that IS outside of the city limits but wllhm the City's urbamzable area and
no concurrent annexation application IS submitted, the standards specified m SDC 512-1251 1 and 2
shall also apply
Findmg' The subject property IS located Inside the city limits Therefore, Cntenon 9 IS not applicable
ConclusIon' ThiS application satisfies Cntenon 9 (SDC 512-1251)
CrIterIOn 10 ISDC 5.12-125 J \
Where the SubdivIsion of a manufactured dwellmg park or mobile home park IS proposed, the approval
cntena m SDC 5 12-125 J 1 through 7 apply
Findmg The application does not propose the subdivIsion of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile
home park Therefore, Cntenon 10 IS not applicable
Conclusion, ThiS applicallon satisfies Cntenon 10 (SDC 5 12-125 J )
NOTE ThiS summary of the condlllons of approval IS provided as a courtesy to the applicant The
applicant should, however, carefully read the decIsion m ItS entirety to understand the basIs for each
condition In addition, as stated earlier, the applicant must comply With the entire decIsion, and the plat,
as well as the mstallatlon of publiC and pnvate Improvements, must conform to the approved tentative
plan or as conditioned herem
1 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall dedicate as nght-of-way a stnp of land 25 feet Wide by
100 feet long along the S 43rd Street frontage of the property In compliance With SDC 4 2-105
2 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall execute and record an Improvement Agreement for
for paving, curb, gutter, Sidewalk, street trees, and street lighting
3 Excavation or filling In the VICinity of the eXlsllng street trees, as well as any future removal of
these trees, must conform to the standards of the SDC and EDSPM Since these street trees
are located on pnvate property, maintenance of the trees shall be performed by the property
owner as per SDC 4 2-140 C 2
4 Pnor to plat approval, the location of the pnvate sanitary sewer lateral(s) serving Parcels 1 and
2 shall be located
5 Pnor to plat approval, Parcel 2 shall be serviced With a pnvate sanitary sewer lateral from the
eight-Inch sanitary sewer main In the nght-of-way to the northwest of the property If a lateral to
Parcel 2 does not already eXist NOTE Plumbing permits are required to Install thiS pnvate
sanitary sewer lateral
6 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall record and document a pnvate utility easement
adjacent to the sewer lateral on Parcel 2 to benefit Parcel 1
7 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall extend electnc service from Pole # 58164 In the
northwest corner of the property as per SUB Electnc standards Placement of such faCilities
Case No SUB2008-00001
shall be In the proposed seven-foot frontage PUE and shall be underground as condllloned In
the Underground Placement of Utilities section below
8 Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall record and document a seven-foot private utility
easment In between the parcels extending east approximately 45 feet from the west property
9 Prior to plat approval, all utility lines to serve Parcels 1 and 2 shall be placed underground
10 Prior to plat approval, Parcel 2 shall be serviced With a private water lateral from the water main
In the right-of-way west of the subject property and a water meter located as per SUB Water
standards In addition, Parcel 2 shall be disconnected from the eXisting well, and the
disconnection shall be Inspected and verified In compliance With SUB Water standards NOTE
Plumbing permits are required to Install thiS private water lateral
11 Prior to plat approval. the applicant shall record and document a seven-foot Wide PUE along
the frontage of Parcels 1 and 2
12 Prior to plat approval, all setback areas on Parcels 1 and 2 shall be landscaped In accordance
With SDC 44-105
13 Future development of Parcel 2 Will require off-street parking In conformance With SDC 4 6-
14 Future development of Parcel 2 Will require paved panhandle driveways
15 VIsion clearance areas shall be maintained at each access to a public street as per SDC 4 2-
The applicallon, as submitted and conditioned herein, complies With the ten criteria listed In SDC 5 12-
125 A through J The tentative plan approved as submitted and conditioned herein may not be
substantively changed dUring the platting process Without an approved modification application In
accordance With SDC 512-145
SDC 5 12-140 A states that for partlllons, a plat pre-submittal meeting shall be held Within one year of
the tentative plan approval Therefore, the applicant has up to one year from the date of thiS deCISion
to meet SDC standards and the conditions of approval contained herein and to submit a plat application
for pre-submittal SDC 512-140 A also states that the applicant shall submit the mylars and
application fee Within 180 days of the pre-submittal meeting If, however, the applicant has not
submitted the plat application Within these tlmeframes, the tentative plan approval shall become null
and VOId and re-submlttal IS required Please refer to the plat application packet available at the
Development Services Department, as well as 512-135 through 512-150, for more detailed
Information on the platllng process
Please note that the plat, as wel/ as the mstal/atlOn of publiC and pnvate Improvements, must conform
to the approved tentatIVe plan or as conditioned herem In addition, please note that no mdlvldual
parcels may be transferred and no bUlldmg permits WII/ be Issued until the plat has been recorded at
Lane County and the applicant has submitted five (5) recorded, rol/ed paper caples of the plat and three
(3) caples of reqUired documents to the Development Services Department
Case No SUB2008-00001
11 of 13
The application, all documents, and supporting eVidence are available for free Inspeclion (caples are
available for a fee) at the Development Services Department
This decIsion IS considered a Director's Type II decIsion and as such, may be appealed to the
Planning CommiSSion SDC 53-115 states that only the property owner, applicant, If different, and
those persons who submitted wntten comments within the 14-day comment penod have standing to
appeal this deCISion SDC 5 3-115 also states that an appeal application In accordance with 5 3-100
shall be filed with the Development Services Department within 15 calendar days of the Director's
decIsion (the date of thiS decIsion) In accordance with thiS policy and the Oregon Rules of CIVil
Procedures, Rule 10(c), the appeal penod for this deCISion expires at 5 OOpm on February 19, 2008
Please call Molly Markanan In the Development Services Department Planning DIVIsion at 726-4611 or
email her at mmarkanan@cl spnngfleld or us If you have any questions
Molly Markanan
Planner II
Urban Planning Section
Case No SUB2008-00001
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5ALEM. OR 97305
(54 J) 221-0355
City of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
To: Janice Jackson
From: Molly Markarian, Planner II
Date: February 4, 2008
Subject: SUB2008-0000l Jackson Partition
The City's BUilding DIVISion has Issued a new address for Parcel 2 so that the applicant of
SUB2008-0000l can Install required utilities prior to final plat The new address for Parcel 2 IS
871 S 43rd Street
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 726-4611 or emall me at
mmarkarlan@C1 springfield or us
cc Terry Schiele
225 5th ST
Janlce Jackson
875 S 43rd Street
Spr~ngf~eld, OR 97478
225 5th ST
Terry Sch~ele, PLS
4805 Yellowstone Court, NE
Salem, OR 97305
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