HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/15/2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DISTRIBUTION DATE January 1~, ~1l08 TO Current Planning Staff G Karp, J Donovan, LIZ Miller, M Metzger,~ttIGale, -/ L Pauly, Tara Jones, Andy Llmblrd, Dave Reesor, Steve Hopklns~ly Markanan) Date Received: _./ .Matt Stouder, Englneenng - Public Works Department ~/ .Les Benoy, Engineer Group, EnglneennglPubllc Works ,./' .Chuck Gottfned, EnVIronmental Services t: Bnan Bamett, Traffic EnglneerlPE, Public Works Department (agenda only 2/02) .Gary McKenney, Transportabon Planning Engineer, Public Works Department .Gllbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department 0, ':m::' ~ubmltta' ~ Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only ........... .Pat French, Planner, Wlllamalane Park and Recreation Dlstnct '5E'" .Tamara Johnson, Spnngfield Utility Board (Electnc) '5!E:' .Bart McKee, Spnngfield Utility Board (Water) ~/ Jack Foster, Spnngfield Ubllty Board (Energy Conservabon) L Amy Chlnltz, Spnngfield Utility Board (Dnnklng Water) Jim Henry, Central Lane Communlcallons 911 (SubdIVISIons, Street name changes) Dave White, U S P S (Growth Mgmt Coordinator) Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for Parbbons/Subdlvlslons) .Cella Barry, Lane County Transportation Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility Dlstnct (EPUD) Jim Mann, Lane County Land Management [Urban Transrtlon Zone] George Ehlers, Lane County Sanrtanan turban Transrtlon Zone] (If applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water Dlstnct(. only If on the North Spfld area) (If applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollullon Authonty (if applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenzie Fire D.stnct (If applicable) Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable (If applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electnc) (.If on Glenwood) Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) (.If In Glenwood) Steve Moe, Glenwood Water Dlstnct (.If In Glenwood) Bill Gnle - Development Services Director (agenda) John Tamulonls, EconomiC & Community Development Manager Cindie Mott, Code Enforcement Inspector (agenda) .Dave Puent, BUilding OffiClal (agenda) Lisa Hopper, BUilding Services RepresentatIve (agenda) . Greg Ferschweller, Keith Mlyata, Bnan Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept .Cralg Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept George Walker, EnVironmental Works Dept , (agenda only) Deanna Buckem, Englneenng ASSistant, Public Works Dept Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda) "WIll Mueller, L TD Nonn Palmer, Quest Corporation (agenda Mike Wilbur, ODOT, State Highway DIVISion (agenda) Steve Barrett, Asst Supenn of Operations, Spnngfield School Dlstnct (agenda) William LeWIS, FlnanClal Services, Spnngfield School Dlstnct ( agenda) Jack Moran, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Spnngfield Beacon (agenda) Joe Leahy, City Attorney DenniS Ernst, City Surveyor Carole Knapel, PEACEHEAL THlJUSTICE CENTER/FIRE STATION ITEMS ~ 7' -7 -;;7 /' 2' ~ 7' ~ Z ~ -9 ~ 7"'" JAN 1 5 2008 jCL--- (agenda) (agenda) (agenda) A request for land use action, as descnbed on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development Services Office SpeClfic concerns of your diVIsion/department/agency should be addressed If you have comments or requirements of thiS proposal, please send them In wntlng to the assigned planner @ Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, OR 97477 If your wntten comments are not received by Fnday. January 25, 2008 speClfic concerns of your diVIsion/department/agency WIll not be addressed unless you attend the meet.ng on January 29, 2008 The Development ReView Committee holds staff review meellngs on Tuesday @ 8 00 -1000 a m You should also plan to attend the staff meellng on Tuesday If you have speClfic concerns so that the Planning representative can diSCUSS them pnor to meebng WIth the applicant If the Planner feels It IS necessary for you to partlClpate In the public meellngs he/she WIll let you know on Tuesday . WIll receive a full packet Date Received JAM t 5 2008 AGE N D A Ong.r<,l ~'lbmltta' DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff ReView: January 29, 2008 @ 8'00 - 9'00 a.m. 1 PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2008-00001 JANICE JACKSON 8-9 a m Assessor's Map 18-02-05-21 TL 9100 Address 875 So 43rd Street EXisting Use Residential Applicant submitted plans to partition one lot Into two parcels Planner Molly Markarian 1 JAN 1 5 2008 'City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision Date Recelveu anginal SubmIttal . .. Applicant Name: A: Phone: oS'''I/-N'7-zG.'''9' Icompany: .#//7 I Fax: #19 !.~~~re~s!:._;~Z~~ :{~;: 1l~0i' ~ ~. .~~S /;;_,SiJt!..7lLC!.ri~~.J2~L{ !.l1~~ ~~~....""~_' ,~_~_. .... , IAPplicant's Rep.: 7C"/',M ,y: ,s,.)J/fC.k. PL.S Phone:o-'f/-Z2'/-~<3'.~-::~-1 I Company: "";;11.<; ~6/kwv,chl)e. e;-.f, /olE Fax: /1/.4 ! IAddress: ,,('a.../em 0.1( 97'\f()~- I .= - >.' ~_""_~"'1.h\..""""""'~__ ~ ~ ~~.-~ -" __~...... ... u "__" --"""""="""''''-~'~~'''''''''''~__,,*.~A.- !propertvowner: ,;;::,711',-" II, ]n"'%<{'1/7 Phone: ,PIl-fJI7-2.Z.,T91 Icompany: Nil Fax: /'I/) J A~dr~!~Lll;J:_:.\L_:rI.~:_JAt.Lq9~~-2!l__Z21,Z.~._.._._ .__._..___ J ASSESSOR.SMAPNO: 18-()2-~S-ZJ I TAX LOT NOCS1: 9j()Q IPropertv Address: 87,,<"" ..5o"Il5I.J...?pL ,s;'?/J1f 0(., /rj (')/1 ISize of Property: Za &, &:. Z. Acres D Sauare Feet ,f'] I Proposed Name of Subdivision: N R I_"___.u~ ",_",~,ft'.'"""~..."",,..,,<>.m~",",~~"M"""'IWA '" _*~m""""__""'."'_m'_."'''''_<_''''~~~_7'<';".."..-,.m_^ I Description of If you are filling In thiS fonn by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to this application ProDosal:C/'f"",40, -AAA"o .?(1h'''''/S =;-rJ~ "1,,,, to/j.~f: Zt:J./m',,? -5F /9IJyr-,J I Existinq Use: /1,.,<; /~ ht'L- J . , I # of Lots/Parcels:? lAva. Lot/Parcel Size: /0.;J-J I sf I Density: du/acre Si natures: Please Sl nnt our name and date In the a nate box on the next ~ I . . - Associated Applications~ PR~OO'1--0a:>77 Siems: Ipre-sub Case No.:fK- '2&5f-~ I Date: ~</L\'61 Reviewed by: ~ Icase No.: &u3?crf.3~~( I Date: 1/1'\7io<f'l I Reviewed bv: ~ IAPPlication Fee: $ ITechnical Fe~:-$';" Ipostaae Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: ~ t)/Zo..'1c; .PROJECT NUMBER: (f'q ~ ~-t;OU+1- &;;:;-___"''">''7_....._~^'" __~.""'"""'''''''''''r~....~_'''''-'_..._--~.---..u....--''''.....-_.........-,'''..=.-.~.-___'>__~~~;L.,....______"" ,,.........::.. ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 1 of 10 Date ReceIVed. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00001 875 S 43rd Street JAN 1 5 2lI08 Original SUbffiltt"" " N p..1~~~ ~ -00 I 3=' i --1-- -1'--'- j ';;f I ~,~'. ~ ~ ! .=E d 2!: N ~'. . SITE Map 18-02-05-21 Tax Lot 9100 North + ....me;' (:'""b"II"S!. ~ -0 c..",,,II,.St ~ v,,,,,",.5l ... O~I"" 5l i; " ..MLJlra:ll:lll.&L. .n f"1WJECT ~-SITr J...p.,r""" VICI"lITYMI\/' m, LEGEND o ~O'tftll.rOlt #5 D~CIOUOU5TRff t>::W<""'''''' TO~fvr~ i:::::::::::::l CULV~ = CONcmJ" = OAA= =,~ '0000 o---o---<J ft"lCf @ SANl1' ARY MA"lHOLl' ~ G"-5M~~ " UND~Il.GItOUND e ",~o.rr @) UNOfRGROUNOGA5 ZONW LOWOfN5ITYRf510fNTITAl. TPJ(M,o.,p 1602 05 21 TMlDT,IDQ - , ~ ~ < II u TENTATIVE PARTITION FOR JANICE K JACKSON LOCATED IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN LANE COUNTY, SFRINGFIELD, OREGON DECEMBER 2007 VII~1 2~ O/N THf5A"ll1'AAYS~VICfCOM!:50UT0f'THf exiSTING SA"lITARY M""lHOLf GOII-lG 5 I05OlJll1 THfN ANGLES TO THf SOUTttEA5T TO 11110 RfSIOfNCf"T67SSOUTH<l3RD CrTYOl' SFR./NGrlflDPLANNII-lGHA5SAI0111ff'U6UC WORG 0~PAA1Mfm 'NlLL vrRll"YT11ffXl\CT LOCATION ONCf ~DCATW AND mOR; TO molAL /'LlTSU~ITTALAsANITARYf"'5fMrnrWIlLElE WRJffiN fOR THf BfNefiT Of PAALn ONE WATfR;SfRvrct Uponf"cel"""!lth"U"~\"""Pf'h".t",nO~Yol Spr"''l!'eld P........."'...II ",eI. .n..:tdr,,~~ lor P.",,,IT,,,, .ndt"".ppt"::..nIWlllt!>en'...t.nu..n".......t"''''''''''''' w"""dporctl ,~~~ "AAva. 5OJfH'301l f ~~,= 201," I -----1 ill I I 'I I o,~~~ ~~I /~'-'~ ~~~~.... I - "" ~CONCC'- J II :, z ~ ~ 1::II,',.",o=o~~ Ir l:. 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CH~OOJ~l" rWl"", ~NT~<S~!=3 to. ~= E~OO~_~..owN 2TH~15~TOrNlO'm'OI"CllfA"J'IJ.C~~ 3"'-l!X1,.,1'1....TI<fI'.5_,.,"OWI<O~DOl'oWlNG '''''-fl<ellNGI.ITJU1I~_3'''''''''O''DAAW'NG o.a,,"lJC.',I<1"'OCrTYorYl!J""r1!lO =1W1..~Al.OCA.TIONI'O~Afl:NWA11:R~ 'ORr.oaLTWONI~~~E""""u.etWMTl'Nlr .=, 'ANVCmiWlU.~CONCorn''>ONO~ ~"'o.<l:",....u.3!N=rOO<T""rOlmONO'TH! COH""""'r/oD""<Dt<10r""!~l5'f1NGrl~~Tt1A1 ~QJ"",,"'L'l'ONrAACl'LTWO , l'1'I'UC>#If""u.~rfl\f"'OVJu~rAtlUO ~1lt1C1IONP'ORrAVI""=~"TTO!It tm.A=UNTl1"'!or:;.o.J.t"O/I.rAvrTl1.~A~ .oo;Olt.tI1"GTOcm'or"'~1'lfUI51~ 7lJ11~""u.llfI"lAO'U~ODJ>.ClAND ~!~""'-11:1E'iI'I\m.N.0.55r<OM<ONO"""""" ~TH.wEll""'-'-ONlY3WJl:'''~OHI:.r.-...:::J:l 1WOWJU.....~...NtwWATf...'~Wt1fN .....,.UCAN1"'"'(;rfYO"5"..""'""'l.D~... ",_L.OC:'-TION '''''"I.ICAN1AN<>mJ.o.Cl:NT"~~_ ...w..."'O"rtNO:00I1~r'A5Tf"<>rX"H~rllOl'Zo::rr T""'~.o;I5INTON>JA(:f"'rn:>r'~......c~"'1L ~~ tJ:1"1""" """UC:1'o'OI<.I0 ITHfRJ:AAr.HO"1l:Of'05!:<>oo.~T1",,~l:ftl uG"'~OHO"'>lIJ.'a""0!ll11: ,rnfRJ:1<MHOrllOro5l'DOlt,.",""'flG50DfW.1<.0 ONO",~"'TO!ll11: RtNfWAL OATf JUN~ 3D 2DCll> TERRY J SCHIELE, PL5 4505 YELLOWSTONE COURT NE SALEM, OR 97305 (54 I) 22 I .0355 " Date Received -" JAN 1 5 2008 PROJECT NARRA TIVE/DESCRIPTION: c'- ~ ::' Submittal The current zomng of thiS parcells Residential Applicant proposes to convert one 0 46 acre parcel (20,159 sf) mto two parcels, there are residences on both proposed parcels at thiS time After the proposed land divIsIOn parcel one will be approximately 7,357 sf and parcel two Will be approxrmately 12,802 sf Parcel one has an eXlstmg well winch they Will contmue to use Currently South 43rd street IS an urumproved gravel road DRAINAGE PROPOSAL: EXlstmg roof drams dram to the eXlstmg ditch on the east Side of south 43 and mto dram fields as shown on the eXlstmg conditIOns drawmg No additIOnal dramage or gradmg plans are needed because no new constructIOn IS taking place at tins time Only 0 06 acres of the total area IS ImpervIOUS As you can see from the submitted eXlstmg conditions draWing the ground IS very flat ElevatIOns vary between 489 8' and 4903' allowmg water (except roof drams) to percolate m the ground