HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/26/2007 (5) 1 MAR-t9-2007 14 40 (' 'Cordell 541 485 0307 P Ot . , " \ IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT INCLUDING NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT UEN (In Lieu cllmmedlale Construction of Public Improvement. loo!ude.s Waiver of Right to Remonstrate) iN CONSIOERA TlON the _enenls herein ree,Ie<!, the City or Sprlngf/Old. hereln(l/ter referred to a~ Cdy, and ( IV AI I herell'iafler referred 10 as Appllcanl(s), do covenanl and alJl'Oa wllh r..peel to the reat property doscnbe<l below as follows 1 Appflcant(s) walrants end represent!; to the City 0' SprIngfield thalli Is the owner of the property more partlcularty d8SC11bed and set forth In Paragraph? below and, as owner, has lhe authonty to enter ;nto this Improveman( Agreamanl with the CIty of SptJngfiald 2 Applicant(s) desIres 08\letopment Approval from the City with respect to the following Development ApptlcaUon 3 The development wlll cause both an Immediate and long term demand on the varloua public 1ilCJhtles of City and Lane County Including the SPeeJf!c public Improvemente neceesltsted by the deVelopment as Gel forth In paragraph 6 4 Thnllmprovement Agreement 's an a/lemaUve 10 ,mposlng a condlllon on Applicant'. development approval that the ApplICant make Immediate constructIon of any public bnprovement thallhe oj8v8lopment necessitates The obfeetlvels to promote effidency, coordlnallon, and spread costs by .providing an opportunity for a district wide Improvement mechanism wl'1ere constructIon occurs In a coordinated project wIth the participation of adjacent and olhtlr properties In the area, Inst9ad of r8Clulrlng immediate Improvement In conjunction with each development appUeallon There fs no guarantee however, that !Such a coordinated projecl wUl bs posslbfe and the Clly reserves the right to requtre oonstrucUon of the Improvements In the future at CIty dlscretlon 5 (a) ApplICant end City agree lhat Applicant Will pay Ihe COslOr lIle follOWIng publle facu.ty mprovemanta d~bed 10 PSrlIgrsph 6 In Bccord~nce with respective C06t ~sumpUon pQJtcy established by Clly at the tune the City detarmlllB8lo undaTtl;l:lc;e and cornpfote such pubJIo ImprQVements (b) Applicant and elry acknowledge and agrae that tl'la cosl of such lmptovements and the 1~r1.lQn thereof to be paId by Applicant are presently unknown and may be greater thaI the costs that NOUld be apportioned If the Improvoments were constructed Immedlalely or by Appllcant nc:JrN or lalOt (e) Appllcanl acknowledges thallha liming of the construction of such Improvaments I. within Ihe sole and 8xcluslva dlreeUon of the Clty l (a) S]:REET IMPROVEMENTS along the fronl"lle of ht~ ;2,~ hoe'" 10 ncIuda ~.ulfaca paving, (...,..,'orm jowers, ( ) oanlWY sawers, ( ""rbS, (""'-gult.,., j.o1 planter s~lps, (...,...Iroo' tr.e., ~ SV..1IIghl$, '(...r.ldewalk. (b) TRAFFIC SIGNALS alth. Inl.rs.cllon of (c) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS ~ppllcant acknowlGdg9s that th" hst of mSl'kOd improvements reflect those that would currently be requIred under the appropriate City codes and ordmar.ees Applicant ~cknowledgeB hit It understands lhellho Improvemenbi mado wm be those required lo bring Ihe weel to fulll,ltbaJ'J &landar~ for the then current funcUonaf c:lasa1ficebon rA the 8lreelas lhase standards ex1s1 at the Ume tho Improvements ere rnede and may, therefore, differ from (he Il$t of Improvements check,e(I herein r Dlvl.lon of Chi.' Doput, CI...k ~OO6JlnU71 wna Counly D..dlll end R~. ''''\IY'M Ilmlll~I""I)lllIIlIIllIIlIIllllmllllm~1 $51,00 lII01747312l!Jll6_77e~0Il57 01120/200& 01:55:34 PII RPR-AGRE Cn\.z S\n~15 CASHIER 06 $9 00 $2! 00 $10 00 stl.OD LEGAL DESCRIPTION (SEE EXHlerr "A") Mr,;/I. KCCOltP'N" J/lrru"" 7r> C/T' .F Sp"..."r,al.O- PuS"'," I>J<<<,<. PoPT zz. ",,..rH Sr, -~"""F""""I 01'. ""mte Received Planner AL /l-/,Jj,1Q#7 / / MAR-19-2007 14 40 54t 485 0307 W Cordell . ~KA .JJ.H ~ A.tP proporty Addte.. TaxL.otNo /llJtJ, IY~ ,fJJ6fJ<1<J M1f" 17-()J -..1.- ! City og_ thel AppRoenre execuUon and pem,nnance of the terms of the Ag,.om.n1 will b. ~eemBd to be In compliance with CIty's polICy pertaining to Improvement requirements. and H Ap~lIeanl :ompUesln <N.ry ""peel wlll\ all Qlhet eppl,oeblalaws of lhe Sial. of Oregon, Lana County, and City, I\pplleanr &hall b9 BntltJ9d 10 Dav910ptnent AppriMIl, subject to the terms and condlUons of approval &et, rQrth 'herein ~ This agrnemenlls Bnfo~ by \he Slate Q' Oregol'l, LSl'le County Of City 10 APPLICANT AGREES TO SIGN AN'{ ANO AI.\. WAM!RS, PEmlONS, CONSENTS AND AlL OTHER DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO OBTA'N THE ABOVE LISTED IMPROVEMENTS UNOER AN'{IMPROVE;MEm ~CT OR PROCEWING OF THE STATE OF OREGON, LANE COUNTY, OR CITY ANO TO WNVE All RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE AGAINST SUCH IMPROV~MeNTS Applle.ant does not waive any I'i9ht to pmtasl the amount or rnsrmer of spreading the assessment thereof. 11lhe tame 5hall appear to the AppDcant to besr IneQul1~ly or un1alr Llpon aa1d property of Applicant, ApplIcant'. aeceplllnce of lh8 non-l'Qmcnattance condiUon 18 In CQfllllderat/Qo for the City'a waIVer of ttIe requlremeot fQr the Immediate constnJctlon 01 !tilt public ImptoWlrl'lanl.$ thal tni:t development ru~eMWlat Thla Impnwemanl.e.glWment waNes the property owner's right to rile 8 written f'ltmonsll'allon It dooa 1'101 walVa a ptoparty owner"v right \1;1 comm911t on the proposed dlslrtcl or any ntlalGd l'natJl!l't ornlly Or m writing 11 II Is the 1n1anUon ollhe partle6 hereto thai the covenants herein contalned shall Nfl with IJ1I8Iand hSn!Jm ~bod, 81"ICf sMb bO bll'l(fmg upon tha hi:tlrt:l, ex~, as~l9ns. 8dmlnl$Uators. end sueceuors 0' tna parties r\efeto end .hall be construed 10 b9 B benefit and a burden ~n ltle prtlperty ttereln described ThIs Agreement NOTICE TO APPLICANT/PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER If you are th~ eppllcant Qf if ,Pfospectlve purchaser of thts property, you BrB edvcaad to dl$CUeu thle Agreoment with an Allorney of your cho,ce ElceaJbon and r.cordallon of 1/11. Agreernanl wRl place requirements on the Owner and any subsequent purchaser of the Real Property des en bed A"I Sectlon 7 and their heirs. 8UCCe5S<n and :assigns These requlrll!lMMt& Include but are not llrrnted to the payment for the pubhc: b'nprovements de:&aibed In Section 6 This may I'e$Ullln en assessment lien on the Re:aI Property described In SeeUon 7 and SlQndicant c:wts to the Owner and Purchas9r&, and theIr ht!lra. $~eeessors end assJgna An Applicant's signature on this Agreement IndICates that the Applicant h3~ thorol,lghly read thiS Agreement, understands It, has had lhe OI)Porwr''IIty lo cCfl3ulllegal counsel prior to It~ executiOn. and understands that executIon of the Agreement may result In s1gnllleanl flnanc,.1 obligabons ImpllSed upon Ih. Owner 01 tho Rool Property My prospeollve Purchaser of the prnperty bul'tlened by tMllmprovement Agreement should e1&o thOroughty reView this Agr.emen~ COl1SIJn wlln Iego! counoel po->Or tQ """,,,,",Ing the property, and und.rstend thallhia Agreement may resullln a slgnlficanl financial Obl'gatlon Imposed upon any OWner of Ih RealtProperly doscrlb.d In SllClIon 7 . 200.f WHEREFORE ~ve..1 /holr 9y~.4j". Af>pllcar4,f1n.J'fJJt, <N"~ A 1!N/IVI4;1W ,<W-iW/Ir C1/'/N_'''; $TATE OF OREGON );9ftiM^/ )..jJ~. , COUNTY OF lANE ) ~ Onl>>> 1"'-' dayol A9,CUr10w' ,20~ t>efm..mOOlJpoe"" "~f r_~.,., .. Whobemgswomd1d$ayttlaltMy2lntIMPl'O&ldentsndSecmtary nfB ottho ~, and thai the e8sfaMlced htrtto Is: Us IlBa1, and thai thle deedwe.e votvnt8rUy slgned! 3nd sealod bl behalf of lt10 I;Orporatlon by AulhOrity of 1ls Boerd of Olrecolors Bofore m& By Applicant / tf4"JM DONNA?~;;;';"dl NOTMYPIJlIUO-_ CPlf,itlllIOHNO.lIIGSI NOIsry PubUQ fgr Otegor't My Commission...... /tiPrCJI f, :ZOO"! jBy I\) 'J _ ..zllI~~_. f,-IIIZt..3'"jJSI,.......A:i IUITURN TO CITY OF BPIUNOFltLD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. Z2S FIFTII smEBT _ SPRINOFlELD. OREGON .7477 1 P 02 , , MAR-t9-2007 t4 40 r j Cordell 541 485 0307 ~YOt STATE OF OREGON ) ).. COUNTY OF LANE ) On this L8'1'"", dsy 01 ~""AA.lUAJt,y ,2Od40, there peraonally eppearedbefor~ me ;Jannls P Ernst. the City Surveyor, for the City of Springfield and signed the above document. (I 0I'<1CW....... liU"! R DENT rgr~~~i\~ MY COWotISSlON E.\I>iRfs tIJV , 2009 NQwrv Public fo~ Oregon My CQmml"'Qn~'pl",. ,jau. 11-/ L~!jf hR Q.....r, I EXHIBIT "A" REnn'N TO CITY OF SrRINGFlELD. PUBLIC WORKS DEn .lll FlI'IH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97417 Date Received Planner AL P 03 JJ).2/,/:2P07 / / 1 MAR-19-2007 14 40 . Cordell 541 485 0307 P 04 , . EXHIBIT A A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, WILlAMETIE MERIDIAN, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE FIRST ADDITION TO BUENA VISTA SUBDIVISION, FILED IN BOOK 20, PAGE 25, LANE COUNTY PLAT RECORDS, SAID POINT BEING FURTHER DESCRIBED AS A POINT ON THE NORTHEASTERlY LINE OF THE VACATED SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY; SAID POINT BEING FURTHER DESCRIBED AS A POINT ON 985 04 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOU1HWESTERLY. FROM WHICH POINT THE CENTER OF ARC BEARS SOUTH 57010'10' WEST, THENCE COINCIDENT WITH SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 205,72 FEST, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11'57'58', WITH A LONG CHORD OF NORTH 26'50'48' WEST 20535 FEET TO THE INITiAl POINT OF THE lANDS HEREIN DESCRIBED, SAID INITIAL POINT MARKED BY A 518 INCH IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED 'KPFF INC,'; THENCE CONTINUING NORTHWESTERLY COINCIDENT WITH SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THE FOLLOWING TWO(2) COURSES AND DISTANCES 1) NORTHWESTERLY 12469 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 07015'10', WITH A LONG CHORD OF NORTH 36'27'22' WEST 12461 FEET, THENCE 2) NORTH 40'(14'57' WEST 229 02 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST MARGIN OF GAME FARM ROAD (COUNTY ROAD NO,3),THENCE ALONG SAID EAST MARGIN LINE OF GAME FARM ROAD THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES AND DISTANCES 1) NORTH 01'49'36' WEST 123 21 FEET; THENCE 2) NORTH 87'39'55' WEST 5 01 FEET, THENCE 3) NORTH 01'49'36' WEST415,58 FEET; THENCE 4) SOUTH 88018'32' EAST 5,01 FEET, THENCE 5) NORTH 01'49'36' WEST 566,86 FEET, THENCE lEAVING SAID MARGIN LINE COINCIDENT WITH THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF CARDINAL WAY AS DEDICATED IN DOCUMENT NO 2005-002303, LANE COUNiY DEED RECORDS THE FOLLOWING SEVEN (7) COURSES AND DISTANCES, 1) NORTH 58009'34' EAST 19 61 FEET: THENCE 2) SOUTH 81052'OS' EAST 21,78 FEETTO THE BEGINNING OF A 274 21 FOOT RADIUS NON- TANGENT CURVE, FROM WHICH POINT THE CENTER OF ARC BEARS SOUTH 14050'29" WEST: THENCE 3) SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 125,39 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26"11'57', WITH A LONG CHORD 01' SOUTH 62"03'32' EAST 12430 FEET, THENCE 4) SOUTH 48031'30' EAST 84,08 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 339 00 FOOT RADIUS NON- TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERlY, THENCE 5) SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 148.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 25'00'48', WITH A LONG CHORD OF SOUTH 65'07'26' EAST 146.82 FEET, THENCE 8) SOUTH 77'37'f:l)' EAST 3 41 FEET; THENCE \ MAR-19-2007 14 40 Cordell 54t 485 0307 P 05 . '. iii 7} SOUTH 38'04'42' EAST ea 14 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF.WAY UNE OF MLK PARJ<iNAY AS DEDICATED IN DOCUMENT NO 2003-053912, LANE COUNTY DEED RECORDS, THENCE COINCIDENT WITH SAID WESTERLY RIGHT -OF.WAY UNE THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES AND DISTANCES - 1) SOUTH 06"12'25' WEST 495 94 FEET, THENCE 2) SOUTH 07'22'10' WEST 37,89 FEET; THENCE 3) SOUTH 08'40'15" WEST 154 09 FEET, THENCE 4) SOUTH 07"22'10' WEST 281.83 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 1144,50 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, THENCE 5) SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 208.91 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1 O'2T30', WITH A LONG CHORD OF SOUTH 02008'25' WEST 208 62 FEETTO A POINT ON SAlD NORTHEASTERLY UNE OF THE VACATED SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RlGHT- OF.WAY, SAID POINT BEING FURTHER DESCRIBED AS A POINT OF CUSP OF A 89959 FOOT RADIUS NON.TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, FROM WHICH POINT THE CENTER OF ARC BEARS SOUTH 57056'33' WEST, THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 1328 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00'46'20', WITH A LONG CHORD OF NORTH 32'26'37' WEST 13,28 FEETTO THE INITIAL POINT CONTAINING 366,942 SQUARE FEET (8 42 ACRES), MORE OR LESS Date Received Planner AL l.2b6k7 / / TOTAL P 05