HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/26/2007 . PRE-SUBMITTAL PLAT DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: J:A -;;u, -0 7 / Dave Puent - Building ,/ Gilbert Gordon/Melissa Fechtel- Fire V Gary McKenney - Traffic V Matt Stouder- Public Works/Engineering v< Les Benoy - Public Works/Engineering v Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying c/ Bart McKee, Spfld Utility Board (Water) ,/Tamara Johnson, Spfld Utility Board (Electric) Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District Planner, rxftA d.lA /-C~1;~ City of Spnngfield Development Semces Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2007-00088 Date Submitted: 12/26/2007 APPLICANT PEACEHEALTH - RIVERBEND HOSP EAST GAME FARM RD SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 PrOJect Name: PEACEHEALTH Project Description: Pre-Submittal Meeting for Subdivision Plat - 12 lot subdiviSIOn Application Type: SubdIVision Plat Job Address: 3333 ~\VERlt.e/"')D DR Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1703220000902 DISCLAIMER Apphcanons WIll not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the tune of the Pre-Submittal Meetmg and Submittal of the Apphcanon for Development ReView Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 WIth any questions or concerns A Planner WID be aSSIgned tbe foDowmg busmess day and will contact you to confirm the meetmg date and time. Date ReceIved Planner AL /~/.:1h ;J()07 / PlanJobPnn1.rpI 12/2612007 4 05 49PM Pre-Submittal ~eeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Tuesday, January 15,2008 1 PRE-SUBMIITAL MTG #PRE2007-00088 (SUB PLAT) PEAl.,~tlJ!,ALTH $336 Assessor's Map 17-03-14-00 TL 1200, 1600, 1800 Assessor's Map 17-03-15-40 TL 2200 Assessor's Map' 17-03~22-00 TL 100,300, 700, 800, 900, 902, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1203, Assessor's Map 17-03-23-22 TL 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 1400 Existing Use Vacant - future R1verBend HOSpItal Address: 3333 RiverBend Drive Applicant subnutted plans to plat a 12-lot subdlVlslOn, R1verBend, Phase II MeetIng DatefTrme: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 DSD 616 10:00 - noon Planner Andy Limbird Date ~ecelved /J.,/.l-6~07_ Planner AL' r City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Application, Type I . -. . . . . . . .. Subdivision Plat: Applicant Name: PhiliP Farnngton, AICP Company: IPeaceHealth Address: 1123 International Way, Spnngfield, OR 97477 Applicant's Rep.: !Andrew Haliburton I Phone: [503-227-3251 Company: IKPFF Consulting Engineer IFax: 1503-274-4681 Address: 1111 S W Fifth Avenue, SUite 2500, Portland, OR 97204 Property Owner: ISame as Applicant Iphone: Company: I I Fax: Address: I 541-686-3828 1541-335-2595 Description of Final Plat Proposal: TAX LOT NOTS}:/- See attached Spnngfield, Oregon Acres [8:]~ Square Feet 0 RlverBend, Phase II Il.03-Z3.Ull. ~ _ ~ ll'03-I'j'oolt. 120q "",,18m' _ 1.00'100 11 ~'15'~D 'l1.:l.U>o NDTE' J I '1aO~-Z.Z-ClO1LIOOJ.b,700:oo "-.,-u."".....ooI,...u.n.ekoc.lc.-,,.,..1:l '1~,~~~,'0D! 1t.11.ac:I'" ... n 'k~'1L""OS) I'1cDJ ~~J IYOI., . SUB200S-00012 and Tentative Case #: SIIR?nnfi-nnM" Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: vanes sf ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: See attached Property Address: 3333 R\Ver~ "bv-!\1e,. Size of Property: 157 964 Proposed Name of Subdivision: Existing Use: Vacant , '# of Lots/Parcels: 12 . -. . . Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits 0 Associated Applications: Pre-Submittal {] v Case No.: rW-ftJ1-bf1KCDate: Case No.: Date: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ TOTAL FEE'S $ Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 Reviewed by: ReViewed by: Postage Fee: $ r fLJ :;'COl- - /Y)O I \ ReVIsed 11/20/2006 bJ JetE r\:;.\'81'1'9d. ;::"81"'-11 \c IJ/:;~/.2007 , / I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted This statement serves as wntten notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner. Date Signature Pnnt Name Plat applications will be processed as follows: (See attached Plat Review Process Flow Chart) 1. The applicant submits a Pre-Submittal meeting application. 2. Within five to seven working days, the applicant and the City conduct a pre-submittal meeting 3. The applicant coordinates any additional review of the plat and other required documents with representatives from the City's Planning, Public Works Englneenng, and SurveYing Section. 4. The City SurveYing Section Will notify the applicant's Surveyor when the plat and other documents are suffiCiently refined to allow for the submittal of the plat mylars 5. The applicant submits. a. The Mylars and all final documentation to the SurveYing Section located In the NW Quad Section of City Hall b. If document set IS complete, applicant submits to Planning the Plat application, a copy of the mylar and final documents as well as financial secuntles Including the application fee. 6. The City Surveyor and Development Services Director may sign the final plat If all other conditions and requirements are fulfilled 7. The plat mylars may be delivered to Lane County for recording by the applicant's Surveyor or whomever the Surveyor authonzes AFTER RECORDING: 8. The applicant shall deliver Five (5) recorded rolled plat paper copies, along with Three (3) cOpies of any other recorded required documents to the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. Date ReceIved / .Jj:u 40,7 Planner. AL ! - ReVISed 11/30/2006 bJ - 3- RlVERBEND, PHASE II eATED IN THE NE QUARTER OF SECTION 22, NW QUARTER [ON 23, BE QUARTER SECTION 15, SW QUARrER SECTION 14, VNSHlP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, WILlAME'ITE MERIDIAN Y OF Srn.uluru:.l.D, COUNTY OF LANE, STATE OF OREGON DECEMBER 20, 2007 RECORDED LANE COU~TY SURVl DATE C011H'fY CLERK C8.VILltNO BY P1UNG DA'P )/~1 ~ /): YO~~aI!:Dor~O"6~~O-;1'\16~D V f~1 BASIS OP' BEARlNcs \ .... "'~11540"E/ -t'-" ...~' ~YDMONI vERRYRD , \ "---. ?~ "- " '-.9 \.~ ~ ~ \ '. ". \"... \, \ \ \. \ \ \ \ LOT. p~ maN PU'l'NQ lJjP'~7 LOT 0 ~ LOT' EAST LINI!: OF WlU.IAM M.-' BTKYENB D L C NO 46 BASIS 0' BBARlNOB 888 16'40"8 ~s~ ~ PAR1TllON PLAT NO ~6-P2030 P~1 LOT. I~ '------::> (/ , / / , , ' (\...~/ r i '-.. ';l\ 'rJl'LOODWAY REF FKMA - , / ..-n' FIRM MAP PUR lANK QV COUHTTDATBDJ1J1OC ,... ~- l \Date Received '\, Planner AL :1)~ +-~0 ~G VIC.INITY MAP I PARCB:L2 PARCEL 3 NOTE 4 TABLE (SEE NOTE 4, TIn ~ DOCUMRffJ' ~g:=~ ~~~~~~ ~ IMPROVF.MJr.NT AOREEMENI' ~WJK a.Vll:llI tlI I ALL IPUBUC AREAS MAINlENANCB: AGRlCB:MENT I I, I;;'/:U, /,)d{J7 , . I11!lII Consultmg En~ mSKt'FlII~&*HDFb1IJn1(}l.97Zlf-,l rrm I!2H251 OK Fox rrm 21-"- Denrill' Eugen. La. Angt1Ia 1'MIrh1mI PhoenIx Poi &a-MIIIrJtu S.mDlttgo s.nFnlndsr:o Sam. JOSNO 3011..078 8HKETIO II PeaceHealth December 26, 2007 Carole Knapel, PIOJect Manager CIty of Spnngfield 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Re RlverBend/ Land DIvIsIOn Plat Pre-SubmIttal ReqUIrements Dear Ms Knapel The purpose of thIS letter IS to confirm that PeaceHeaIth has not granted a tmst deed, mortgage or other secunty mterest m any of the Real PlOperty whIch WIll be subject to the RIvelBendlLand DIVISIOn Plat The PeaceHealth RIverBend ploJect has been financed tluough tax-exempt bonds, whIch do not encumber the land, and by PeaceHealth capItal Please feel free to d1fect any questIOns concernmg thIS aspect of the Plat submIttals to the underslgneO RS dl cc Pluhp Farnngton Date Received Planner AL /;j.2'/MJ7 I Phone (541) 686-3660 fax (541) 686-3699 PO Box 1479 Eugene, OR 97440-1479 www peacehealth orgloregon Ded,cated to ExceptIOnal Medlcme and CompassIOnate Care SUB2005-00012 Condition #1 32005-00012 Condition #2 SUB2005-00012 Condition #3 :.. .32005-00012 Condition #4 12/21/07 The Applicant has reviewed prevIous land Use DecIsions and Condlllons of Approval for Issues pertaining to the Final Plat for the RlverBend SubdivIsion The following worksheets list the applicable condlllons by case number and Include the Applicant's response to each condition RlverBend SubdivIsion Tentative Plan - Approved With Conditions dated May 10, 2005 The lot area of lot 8 IS Identified twice on Sheet T1 4 With different acreage calculations In the SubdiVISion Plat, provide the correct lot acreage for each proposed lot In accordance With RlverBend Master Plan Condition 35, pnor to Final Site Plan Approval for the hospital. the applicant shall sign a non-remonstrance agreement covenng Improvements to the sections of RlverBend Dnve north of Maple Way as descnbed In RlverBend Master Plan Condition 35 The non-remonstrance agreement shall be submitted as part of the Development Agreement To allow for construction of the City'S preferred future transportation system Improvements and to accommodate mcreased traffic volumes at the Intersection of RlverBend Dnve and Cardinal Way East. no above-ground utility structures or below-ground utility vaults shall be located Within a 65-foot radius as measured from the Intersection of the centerlmes of RlverBend Dnve and Cardmal Way nghts-of-way Provide a 12-foot median width to accommodate the future median BRT split station platforms at RlverBend Dnve and Cardinal Way ThiS condition IS the mlnrmum necessary to assure the system's accessibility for passengers uSing wheelchairs 10116 '. 1'v' "18UUeld (~.9y/r/ . pa^Jaoe~ e~ea PRE.SUBM!TT~t REC'O DEe 2 (5 2007 Applicant's Response Plat meets requirements of thiS condition . ThiS condition IS not applicable to the plat The reqUired agreement was signed and recorded With Lane County (Reception No 2005- 048788, dated June 30, 2005) ThiS condition IS not applicable to the plat There are no above- ground utility structures or below- ground vaults Within a 65-foot radiUS of the center of the mtersectlon of RlverBend Dnve and Cardmal Way The recently- completed public Improvements are In compliance With thiS condition ThiS condition IS not applicable to the plat The recently-completed public Improvements meet thiS condition A 12-foot Wide median was provided for future BRT stations In RlverBend Dnve m compliance With thiS condition Frnal RlVerbend Plat ApplIcant Response SUB200S-D0012 SUB2005-00012 Condition #5 SUB2005-00012 Condition #6 SUB2005-00012 Condition #7 SUB2005-00012 r 'dltlon #8 SUB2005-00012 Condition #9 12121/07 c . &""r~.:;y-.../ 1'v' JaUueld pa^laOe~ Ellea PRE-SlIBM/1TAL REC'D DEC 2 (; 2007 RlverBend SubdiVISion Tentative Plan. Approved with ConditIOns dated May 10, 2005 The final subdivIsion plat shall consistently depict street nghts-of-way as follows . RlverBend Dnve - 95 feet ~ ~ . Cardrnal Way at RIverBend Dnv - 112 feet . McKenzie Way - 76 feet from ML 'Jr-Pa ay to Maple Way This IS the minimum necessary to accommodate a future 12-foot center turn lane through the segment of McKenzie Way between MLK Jr Curb extensions on St Joseph Parkway and Maple Way Curb/sidewalk bulb-out extensions shall be provided at both ends of McKenzie Place (formerly McKenzie Way) Way A landscaped median with a mrnlmum of one mid-block pedestnan crossrng shall be constructed In the met future turn lane with the subdivIsion Improvements and shall be shown rn the Public Improvement Plans Curb/sidewalk bulb-out extensions shall be provided at both ends of McKenzie Way Any modification of street designs shall be In accordance With the approved Public Improvement Plans On future submittals to the City, Including the Public Improvement Plans and Final Plat, the 70-foot wide eastward extension of the loop road Within Lot 8 labeled as a reserve stnp' shall be shown as nght-of-way The dedication of thiS nght-of-way shall occur With the final plat Pnor to or concurrent With the Final Plat, the applicant shall record agarnst Lot 8 an Improvement Agreement for the full Improvement of the loop road from the terminus of the proposed Improvements to the eastern property line In accordance With SDC Article 32 020 (10) (b)(4) and RlverBend Master Plan Condition of Approval 41, the applicant shall execute Improvement Agreements for Lots 1, 2 and 3 for full urban Improvements along the east side of Game Farm Road South abuttrng the site pnor to approval of the final plat . Apphcants Response The plat meets the requirements of thiS condition Right-of-way widths met The requirement for landscaped median superseded by Condition #8 of SUB2006-00044 ThiS condition IS superseded by Condition #9 In SUB2006-00044 Please refer to Applicant Response to that condition Proposed Improvement Agreement IS Included With thiS application Improvement Agreement will be recorded concurrent With the plat Condition Met Improvement Agreement for Game Farm Road Lane Co Reception #2006-004477 and Improvement Agreement for Game Farm Road South Lane Co Reception #2006-0907044 In accordance With SDC Article 32 020 (10) (b)(4), the applicant shall execute an Improvement Agreement for Proposed Improvement Agreement full urban Improvements along the frontage of Deadmond Ferry Road abutting Lot 9 IS Included With thiS application and will be recorded upon recordation of Final Plat ThiS condition mirrors Condition #12 In SUB2006-00044 20f16 F,nal Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response 5UB2005-00012 SUB2005-00012 Condition #10 SUB2005-00012 Condition #11 SUB2005-00012 Condition #12 SUB2005-00012 r iltlon #13 12/21/07 I' , L: '"'''''9''' "</' '"/ Tv' JaUUBld .'p.Mfaoel;;j elBa PRE-SlIRMlTTAl REC'D DEe 2 (.; 2007 'RlVerBend Subdivision Tentative Plan - Approved with Conditions dated May 10,2005 Pnor to or concurrent with the Fmal Plat, the applicant shall record an Improvement Agreement, Includmg a provIsion for replacement of required parkmg spaces, for the Improvement of the eastern side of Maple Way along the unimproved frontage of Maple Way of Lot 8, north of the mtersectlon of Maple Way and the loop road ApplIcant's Response An Improvement Agreement IS not reqUIred from the Applicant because SIX parking spaces have been provided In the recently- constructed PIP Section B To Implement Master Plan Condition #28, the Public Improvement Plans shall provide at least 3 additional on- This condItion has been met The street{or bay) public parking spaces along Maple Way, Baldy View Lane andlor the loop road east of Baldy recently completed public View Lane to proVide a minimum of SIX total vehicle parking spaces to accommodate citizens who wish to Improvements (PIP B) mcluded the access the McKenzie River via the nverslde multi-use path constructIon of SIX (6) vehicle parkmg spaces along Baldy View Lane This IS consistent with Master Plan Condition #28 and the subdiVISion Condition #11 Pursuant to RlverBend Master Plan Condition of Approval #45, the RlverBend/CardInallntersectlon shall be constructed with underground condUIt crossings of all approaches that are adequate to accommodate future traffic signal faCIlities ProvIsion for condUIt crossings shall be Included In the Public Improvement Plans This condition has been met As part of the approved and completed PIPs, underground condUIt crossings were mstalled on all approaches of the RlverBend Dnve/Cardmal Way Intersection consistent with this Master Plan condition of approval Pursuant to RlverBend Master Plan Condition of approval #81, construct the accessway from Mallard Ave to This condition has been met MLK Jr Parkway with the Initial subdivIsion Improvements to the standards of SDC 32 040(I)(d)2 Top of These Improvements have been curb elevations shall be clearly shown on the Public Improvement Plans, and shall be at an elevation equal to mstalled per approved PIPs, or greater than the 500-year flood elevation To assure a safe and efficient Interface with the signalized consistent with this Master Plan MLKlRlverBend Dnve Intersection, which IS to be constructed by the City, as part of the RlverBend public condition of approval Improvement plan review process, the final deSign for this multi-use accessway shall be as approved by the Spnngfield City Engineer The required lighting for the accessway shall be shown In the lighting plan 3 of 16 Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2005-00012 SUB2005-00012 Condition #14 SUB2005-00012 Condition #15 SUB2005-00012 Condition #16 SUB2005-00012 Condition #17 ~ '2005-00012 C,undltlon #18 12/21/07 PRE.SUBMlTTII,t Rr:C'D DEe 2 " 2007 'RlverBend SubdivIsion Tentative Plan - Approved with Conditions dated May 10, 2005 'Applicant's Response Provide a street tree/street Iightmg easement along the east side of Martm Luther Kmg Jr Parkway through This condition has been met The the RlverBend site The easement shall be a minimum of 8 feet wide and shall be located 1 5 feet east of the required 8-ft easement has been curb The street tree easement may overlap the 25' public trail easement as shown m the City's cross-section located on the plat consistent With as updated 4/26/04 (see Condition 59, Exhibit A) The easement as described In this condition shall be the condition shown m the final plat The applicant shall provide landscapmg, mcludmg street trees, for the entirety of the applicant's property This condition has been met frontage along the eastern side of MLK Jr Parkway Street trees shall be placed wlthm the street tree easement All street tree species and street tree spacmg shall be pre-approved by the City In the PubliC Improvement Plans, the street tree species shall be as previously approved by the City This condition has been met Northern red oak m the RlverBend Drive planter stripS and Armstrong red maple m the median, 'Urbanite' green ash In the planter stripS and 'Greensplre' Imden m the median on Card mal Way East, 'Junglnger' American ash m mdlvldual tree pitS on McKenZie Way, 'Armstrong' red maple In the planter strip on Maple Way, 'Redmond American linden, Zelkova 'VIllage Green' and 'Green Vase' street trees along the east side of MLK Jr Parkway frontage Any changes to the proposed street trees species and tree spacing (for the east side of MLK Jr Parkway) shall be reviewed by the City dUring Public Plan review Street tree spacmg along RlverBend Drive, Martm Luther King Jr Parkway and Cardmal Way shall not This condition has been met exceed 45 feet Tree plantmg shall be contmuous for the entire length of the streets Trees shall be placed not closer than 35 feet from the perpendicular curb line of mtersectlons of streets, nor Within 5 feet of alleys, Private driveways or fire hydrants Street trees along McKenzie Way and Maple Way, shall be spaced at a minimum of 30-foot mtervals m This condition has been met accordance With SDC 32 050 (2) Tree plantmg shall be continuous for the entire length of the streets Trees shall be placed not closer than 35 feet from the perpendicular curb Ime of Intersections of streets, nor wlthm 5 feet of alleys, private driveways or fire hydrants 40116 Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB200S-00012 SUB2005-00012 Condition #19 SUB2005-00012 Condition #20 SU B2005-00012 Condition #21 SUB2005-00012 Condition #22 SUB2005-00012 Condition #23 12/21/07 P~~.SUBMIl1Al REC'D DEe 2 ~ 2007 RlverBend SubdivIsion Tentative Plan - Approved with Conditions dated May 10, 2005 In the Final Plat, the proposed individual tree pits on McKenzie Way shall allow at least 64 square feet per tree, with a minimum width of 45 feet [SDC 40100 (4)(a)] Space between the tree and paving may be covered by an approved non-permanent hard surface including, but not limited to grates, bricks on sand, paver blocks or cobblestones In the Public Improvement Plans, all street trees shall be In conformance With the standards of SDC 32 050 (5) Space between the tree and paving may be covered by an approved non-permanent hard surface Including, but not limited to grates, bricks on sand, paver blocks or cobblestones Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant and the City shall enter Into an agreement providing for the long- term access and maintenance of the proposed public landscaping areas, public access ways and paths, and open publiC storm drainage systems In the Public Improvement Plans, the applicant shall provide final Irrigation system design drawings for all Irrigation placed Within the public rights of way and to maintain the landscaping and street trees on the east side of MLK Jr Parkway, for the entirety of the subdivIsion area In addition to the Information shown In sheets LS2 0-LS2 24, plans shall Include pOint of connection to potable water system, backflow devices, Springfield Utility Board (SUB) water meters, sleeves under roadways to connect medians and planters stripS, timers and locations In the Public Improvement Plans, Include/amend the following street tree planting specifications In addition to or other than those Indicated In the subdiVISion landscape plans . All street trees shall be 2" caliper or greater [Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, 6023J . In the wider planter stripS on RlverBend Drive and Cardinal Way, place the trees In the back half of the planter strip closest to the sidewalk [Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, 6 02 5 5] . A 3 Inch layer of mulch shall be placed around the tree and kept 6" away from the trunk [Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, 6 02 5 7] 5 of 16 Applicant's Response ThiS reqUirement has been met Due to changes reflected In the approved subdivIsion modification (SUB2006-00044), thiS condition was applicable to St Joseph Place rather than McKenzie Way Construction of Improvements for St Joseph Place comply With thiS condition and are reflected In the approved PI Ps, but plat standards prevent compliance from being reflected on the Final Plat ThiS condition IS not applicable to the plat Compliance With thiS condition IS shown on the approved PIPs ThiS agreement was signed (a copy IS Included With our supporting documents) and recorded With Lane County (Reception No 2006-032093, dated May' 10, 2006) ThiS condition IS not applicable to the plat The approved PI Ps met thiS condition of approval ThiS condition IS not applicable to the plat The approved PIPs met thiS condition of approval Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2005~00012 SUB2005-00012 Condition #24 SUB2005-00012 Condition #25 SUB2005-00012 (' 11tlon #26 12/21/07 PRE-5IJBMITiAL ~;:(.'D DEe 2 (; 2007 RlverBend SubdiViSion Tentative Plan - Approved with Conditions dated May 10, 2005 Appllcant's Response In the Public Improvement Plans, provide a lighting plan for the Game Farm Road and Martin Luther King Jr This condition IS not applicable to Parkway off-street multi-use paths which demonstrates that lighting levels are consistent with the illumination the plat The approved PIPs met standard of I E S recommended Practice RP8 Lighting plans shall consider the effects of adjacent tree this condition of approval canopies on lighting levels In cases where the applicant proposes to utilize adjacent street lighting to provide path lighting, such as on the east side of Martin Luther King Jr Parkway, submit documentation from the lighting engineer which verifies that tree canopies between the street and the path will not reduce lighting levels below the reqUired standard Light standards shall be Installed outside of the 2 foot clear zone on each side of the path The City will be responsible for maintaining the path lighting on Game Farm Road and Martin Luther King Jr Parkway In the Final Plat, a 25-foot wide publiC trail easement tor the river path shall be shown extending north along the McKenzie River frontage for the entirety of subdivIsion Lot 8, to the common property line With Lot 9 The path shall be constructed With the Site Plan Improvements In conformance With SDC 32 090 and the approved Master Plan The path shall be 12 feet wide With a 2-foot clear area on each side of the path free of above-ground obstructions The route alignment shall be staked In the field and approved by the project arborlst and an authOrized representative of the City of Springfield prior to surveYing for the easement The route through the riparian area shall be sited In conformance With Master Plan Condition of Approval #53 and SubdivIsion Condition 63 A 25-foot wide public easement shall be dedicated/reserved through the SubdivIsion Plat process or through another Intrument approved by the designee of the dedication (City of Springfield or WllIamalane) and shall be recorded prior to or concurrently With the plat Submit easement dedication documents for review by the City Surveyor prior to filing In the Final Plat, a 25-foot wide public trail easement for the river path shall be shown extending along the McKenzie River frontage for the entirety of subdivIsion Lot 9 The route shall be In conformance With Master Plan Condition of Approval #53 The route alignment shall be sited In conformance With Master Plan Condition of Approval #53 and SubdivIsion Condition 63 and staked In the field and approved by the project arborlst and an authOrized representative of the City of Springfield prior to surveYing for the easement A 25- foot wide publiC easement shall be dedicated/reserved through the SubdivIsion Plat process or through another Instrument approved by the designee of the dedication (City of Springfield or WllIamalane) and shall be recorded prior to or concurrently With the plat Submit easement dedication documents for review by the City Surveyor prior to filing 6 of 16 All criteria relating to the alignment and construction have been met ThiS easement IS shown on, and will be recorded With the plat Condition not met ThiS easement shall be dedicated to the City through a reservation document (not through the Plat Itself) A note referencing the reservation document has been shown on the plat, With a space left open to add the Reception Number, prior to plat recording Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2005-00012 SUB2005-00012 Condition #27 SUB2005-00012 Condition #28 SUB2005-00012 Condition #29 SUB2005-00012 Condition #30 12/21107 PRE-SUJMIIT41 P:~C'D DEe 2 6 2007 RlverBend SubdiViSion Tentative Plan - Approved with Conditions dated May 10, 2005 A Public trail easement with a minimum width of 25 feet IS reqUired to accommodate the MLK Jr Parkway multi-use path through subdiVISion Lots 4,5,6,7,8 and 11 and shall be shown In the SubdiVISion Plat Plans for the MLK Jr Parkway multi-use path construction shall be submitted with the Public Improvement Plans, and constructed with the subdiVIsion Improvements In conformance with SDC 32 909 and the approved Master Plan The path easement shall run Immediately east of the 8-foot street lighting/street trees easement The path shall be 12 feet wide with a 2-foot clear area on each side of the path free of above- ground obstructions A 25-foot wide public easement shall be dedicated/reserved through the SubdiVIsion Plat process or through another Instrument approved by the City of Springfield and shall be recorded prior to or concurrently With the plat Submit easement dedication documents for review by the City Surveyor prior to filing A public trail easement With a minimum width of 25 feet IS reqUired for the Game Farm Road multi-use path through subdiVIsion lots 1, 2 and 3 The easement shall run east of the right of way such that It IS setback from the future right of way location on Game Farm Rd Plans for the path construction shall be submitted With the Public Improvement Plans and constructed With the subdiVIsion Improvements In conformance With SDC 32 090 and the approved Master Plan The path shall be 12 feet wide With a 2-foot clear area on each side of the path free of above-ground obstructions A 25-foot wide public easement shall be dedicated/reserved through the SubdiVISion Plat process or through another Instrument approved by the City of Springfield and shall be recorded prior to or concurrent With the plat Submit easement dedication documents for review by the City Surveyor prior to filing Appltcant's Response This condition IS met by showing the required easement on the plat As allowed In subdiVISion condition #14 above, the reqUired trail easement and street tree/lighting easement have some overlap ThiS condition has been met The required easement IS shown on the plat and will be dedicated as 30' wide The additional width (beyond the 25' reqUirement) was necessary to accommodate the trail design Dedicate a 25-foot Wide public trail easement along the frontage of the property located at 17-03-22-00-903 The reqUired easement shall be (west of the SUB station) through separate Instrument prior to or concurrent With subdiVIsion plat approval recorded by the Applicant, by The construction specifications for thiS portion of the multi-use path shall be Included In the subdiVIsion PubliC separate Instrument, concurrent Improvement Plans , With thiS City review of the plat It lies entlfely beyond the boundary of thiS plat In the Public Improvement Plans, tree species selection and placement Within the Game Farm multi-use path buffer shall be designed such that the mature trees shall meet vegetation clearance standards for the overhead electrical transmission and distribution lines as follows . Transmission lines - 22' minimum clearance . Distribution lines - 15' minimum clearance 7 of 16 ThiS condition IS not applicable to the plat The approved PI Ps met thiS condition of approval Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2005.00012 SUB2005-00012 Condition #31 SUB2005-00012 Condition #32 SUB2005-00012 Condition #33 PRE-SUBMIIT4L Df.C'D DEe 2 6 2007 RlverBend SubdivIsion Tentative Plan. Approved with Conditions dated May 10, 2005 In order to minimiZe sanitary sewer service lateral connections to the Trunk Sewer line, the Public Improvement Plans shall demonstrate that the sanitary sewer system designs have been modified to . Relocate the northern lateral serving Lot 5 to the Cardinal Way sewer main . Eliminate the eastern lateral serving Lot 7, and use the proposed lateral approximately 200 feet south as a common lateral serving Lots 7 and 8 Record the necessary easement(s) for each lot to gain access to the lateral on the Final Plat Prior to recording the final plat, the applicant shall provide the City With a memorandum which states the maximum peak flow rate allowed to each sanitary lateral serving Lot 8 At the time of development for Lot 8, If the flow rate Increases to any of the laterals over the values stated, an evaluation of the downstream system capacity and/or rerouting of on-site flows to alternate laterals may be reqUired - Within 60 calendar days of City Council acceptance of the public sanJtary sewer Improvements constructed by the applicant to serve the subdiVIsion, the applicant shall obtain the necessary permits from the City and shall complete the work necessary to connect each of the eXisting structures labeled "To Remain" Within the subdiVISion, that has plumbing fixtures Within the structure, to the public sanitary sewer The location of each structure and ItS connection to the public sanitary sewer shall be shown on the Public Improvement Plans for the subdiVIsion, Or As an alternative, the applicant may remove all structures from the property that have plumbing fixtures, or may proVide a certification to the City'S BUilding OffiCial and the City Engineer that these structures are no longer used for human habitation and Will not be used for human habitation until such time as they are connected to the public sanitary sewer SUB2005-00012 Condition #34 12/21/07 _. . .. . Prior to or concurrent With the Final ~Ial, me applicant shall record an Improvement Agreement for Lot B to participate In the construction of the public sanitary sewer line extension In the loop road from the terminus of the proposed Improvements to the eastern property line In the event thiS sanitary sewer line extenSion IS necessary for compliance With Condition 33, then thiS public sanitary sewer main shall be constructed With the PubliC Improvement Plans 80116 Appltcant's Response ThiS condition has been met The reqUired easement IS shown on Sheet 7 of 23 on the Final Plat ThiS condition has been met The reqUIred memorandum (dated 2/20/07) was submitted to the City on July 6, 2007 A copy IS Included With thiS application Not applicable to plat Proposed Improvement Agreement IS Included With thiS application Improvement Agreement Will be recorded upon recordation of Final Plat Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2005-00012 SUB200S-00012 Condition #35 SUB2005-00012 Condition #36 ~v13200S-00012 Condition #37 SUB200S-00012 Condition #38 SUB200S-00012 Condition #39 12/21/07 fj~F.3um/lm~l ~~C 'D DEe 2 6 2007 'RlverBend SubdiVISion Tentative Plan - Approved with Conditions dated May 10,2005 The applicant shall Install a sanitary sewer lateral serving Lot 10 from the mainline In Deadmond Ferry Road, and the eXisting on-site sewerage disposal system shall be decommissioned pnor to Final Plat approval The eXisting on-site sewerage disposal systems for the eXisting structures labeled "To Remain" shall be decommissioned Within 60 calendar days of City Council acceptance of the public sanitary sewer Improvements constructed by the applicant to serve the subdivIsion The final deSign of the sanitary system shall be In accordance With reqUirements outlined In EDSP Section 2 02 11 Any vanatlons from these standards shall be approved on a case-by-case baSIS at the sole discretion of the City Enqlneer The applicant shall record With the subdivIsion plat a sanitary sewer easement on Lot 9 that prOVides off-site properties, Tax Lots 1802 and 90000, access to the future sanitary sewer lift station on Deadmond Ferry Road, or the sewer baSin mapping shall be revised to show these off-site properties being served by an alternate system The applicant shall Install With the subdivIsion Improvements a publiC 8-lnch sanitary sewer line extending from MLK Jr Parkway at RlverBend Drive to Game Farm Road Within the proposed public accessway 9 of 16 'Applicant's Response This condition has been met The sanitary sewer has been connected and the on-site system decommissioned Copies of City Permit # COM 2007-00894 and Pumping Report dated 6/20/07 are Included With this application This condition IS not applicable to the plat This condition IS not applicable to the plat The reqUIrements of this condition have been met by an alternate system, so no such easements are shown on the plat The subject properties are accounted for [Basins SE(2) and 5E(3)] In the current reVISion of the sanitary sewer study for RlverBend SubdiVISion Springfield, OR (updated 10/20/06 and IS In the public record) The subJect tax lots can be served by the future extension of the sanitary sewer line northward along Baldy View Lane The southern-most portion of this line has already been constructed under Section B of City ProJect #PS0247 (and shown on Sheet C40) This condition IS not applicable to the plat Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2005-0001 2 SUB200S-00012 Condition #40 SUB2005-00012 ( j,t,on #41 SUB200S-00012 Condition #42 SUB2005-00012 Condition #43 12/21/07 FRtoSU3Ml1TuL 1<~C'D DEe 2 6 2007 RlverBend SubdivIsion TentatIve Plan - Approved with CondItions dated May 10, 2005 Pursuant to RlverBend Master Plan ConditIons of Approval 74 and 78, the applicant shall provide final details and calculations for the selected stormwater detention methods or by-pass system, to mitigate a 2S-year storm peak discharge rate greater than 4S cfs from the Western Basin and It'S tributary areas This condition shall be satisfied prior to the approval of the Public Improvement Plans In the event compliance With this condition results In modifications to the Tentative Plan, revIsions to the Plan shall be In accordance to the Master Plan Conditions of Approval, Springfield Development Code, and the EDSP as determined by the City Engineer Prior to approval of the Public Improvement Plans for the subdiVISion, the City and the applicant shall select the preferred stormwater alignment for connecting the western basin and It'S tributary areas With the Deadmond Ferry Road stormwater system In the event compliance With this condition results In modifications to the Tentative Plan, reVISions to the Plans shall be In accordance to the Master Plan Conditions of Approval, Springfield Development Code, and the EDSP as determined by the City Engineer The City reserves the right to reqUire the applicant to revise the approved Stormwater Drainage Report to reflect the as-bUilt conditions If the constructed system varies from the approved design Applicant's Response This condition IS not applicable to the plat This condition IS not applicable to the plat This condition IS not applicable to the plat On the Final SubdivIsion Plat, the proposed 50-feet wide public drainage easement located on the north and This condition has been met east sides ofLot 9 shall terminate at the upstream end of the eXisting natural swale (approximately 1,300 feet Consistent With the condition, the south of the north property line) The extension of this public easement beyond the natural swale Will be plat shows the SO-ft Wide easement reviewed at the time of a future development application for Lot 9 The Final Plat shall Include temporary terminating 1,300 ft south of the private drainage easements on Lot 9 for the benefit of Lot 8 and off-site properties located east of Baldy View north property line The second Lane and west of Lot 9 to provide drainage access to this SO-feet Wide publiC drainage easement reqUirement that the plat Include "temporary private drainage easements" was revised by Staff (meeting 3/20/07) such that the plat should reference the reqUired easements but not show them 100f16 Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2005-Q0012 SUB200S-00012 Condition #44 SUB200S-00012 Condition #4S SUB2005-00012 Condition #46 SUB2005-00012 Condition #47 SUB2005-00012 Condllion #48 f '2005-00012 c,_ ,dltlon #49 SU B200S-000 12 Condition #SO 12/21/07 PRE.SUGfifgli)T~1 r,;:'!~'fi I, "'I ".\._ tJ DEe 2 G 2007 RlverBend SubdiViSion Tentative Plan - Approved with Conditions dated May 10, 2005 Private drainage easement(s) across Lot 9 for the benefit of off-site properties shall be a minimum of 14-feet wide and shall be In a logical location to provide service to the property as determined by the City Engineer The easement(s) may be written as a temporary easement(s) subJeGt to relocation With the approval of future development plans for Lot 9 At the time of future development for Lot 9 or the off-site properties, whichever occurs first, the stormwater Infrastructure shall be constructed In the easement 'Applicant's Response This condition has been met One 15-foot wide private drainage easement on Lot 9 IS shown on the plat, In a logical location to serve the adJacent off-site Tax Lot 1802 Connection across Lot 9 for access to the public drainage easement IS handled by language on the plat This has been agreed With Staff as a more deSirable approach since the layout of Lot 9 has not yet been planned The City Engineer Will determine on a case-by-case baSIS If any proposed addllional city maintained curb Inlets that are not regUlred by the City of SPrlnpfleld's EDSP are warranted Prior to approval of the Public Improvement Plans, the applicant shall provide a proposal, acceptable to the City Engineer, for handling drainage from the public SOO-year flood emergency accessway between Game Farm Road and MLK Jr Parkway Prior to Final Plat approval the applicant shall provide Lots 10 and 11 With access to an approved stormwater system On the Final Plat, a private drainage easement shall be recorded across Lot 11 to proVide Lot 10 With access to the public system, or alternate drainage prOVIsions to serve Lot 10 acceptable to the City Enqlneer shall be provided Any fill sections reqUired to constructed the future open channel on Lot 9 Will reqUire certification by an engineer demonstrating encroachments Will not result In any Increase In flood levels per FEMA's "no rrse" certification qUldellnes The construci,on plans for the publiC pathway Within the floodway of the McKenZie River shall clearly Indicate a finished grade of the pathway Will be at, or below, eXisting ground elevations, or the applicant shall submit cerllftcatlon by an engineer demonstrating the encroachment Will not result In any Increase In flood levels per FEMA's "no rrse" certification qUldellnes 1 OO-year flood elevation data shall be provided and shown on the Final SubdiVISion Plat, including the boundaries of the 1 OO-year flood plain and floodway This condition IS not applicable to the plat This condition IS not applicable to the plat This condition has been met The required easement IS shown on Sheet 2 of 23 on the plat This condition IS not applicable to the plat This condition IS not applicable to the plat This condition has been met The reqUired information IS shown on the plat The subsequent Condition #6 of SH R2006-00005 proVided further direction regarding areas of special flood hazard Refer to that condition for more information 110116 Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SU82005-Q0012 SUB200S-00012 Condition #S1 SU B2005-00012 Condition #52 SUB200S-00012 Condition #53 SUB200S-00012 ( dltlon #54 SU B200S-00012 Condition #S5 12/21/07 - "ft", r'"( '" ~I ;--F ~~ ~ijh1!i~' liilt ,... _ t.1 LI Ar\c"\J\,IL)HtI! \ - DEe 2 G 2007 RlverBend SubdiViSion Tentative Plan - Approved with Conditions dated May 10, 2005 The proJect construction englneenng team shall include a geotechnical engineering firm which Will be reqUired to have a representative on-site to observe trenching, excavalion, cut and fill operations dunng the development of the proJect as may be the Public Works Director or the City'S BUilding OffiCial Applicant's Response Not applicable to plat ThiS condition has been met through construction of public Improvements and pnvate site Improvements Pnor to the submittal of Public Improvement Plans, the applicant and the utility providers shall coordinate the ThiS condition has been met :flnal utility deSigns and shall submit an Overall Utility Plan which demonstrates that all utilities shall be through the process of permitting Iprovlded In a manner which IS not In conflict With any reqUirements or conditions of thiS land use deCISion, the and construction of the public RlverBend Master Plan, or the other land use deCISions for the subJect property Utilities shall be Installed Improvements The utilities were pnor to Final Plat Approval Installed With the public Improvements ThiS con dill on has been met All known above-grade utilities have documented landscape plans which show screening All PI P and SPR draWings submitted for approval from the City reflect thiS requirement Additionally, Peace Health has confirmed that If any new above grade utilities are Installed With future development, these utilities Will be screened as outlined In Condition 53 The applicant shall coordinate With the utility prOViders to ensure that all ground-mounted utility eqUipment shall be placed to reduce Visual Impact All backflow deVices, utility vaults and transformers, natural gas Ipressure regulators and relief valves and other equipment shall be screened With landscaping from nghts of way and adJacent properties and located outSide of VISion clearance areas, multi-use path clear zones, and stormwater management areas Landscape plans shall be amended as necessary and additional planting Installed as necessary to prOVide screening ThiS condition shall be met prior to for Final Plat approval A slope easement on adJacent properties IS preferred over the retatnlng wall deSign concept for the Maple Way street Improvement If obtaining a slope easement IS not Viable then the retatnlng wall shall have a minimum 100-year deSign life and shall be constructed of a low maintenance material acceptable to the City Enqlneer Slope easements shall be recorded on the Final Plat or by separate document where fill sections are necessary for the stability and long-term maintenance of the elevated roadway extend beyond the public nghts-of-way The easement may be extingUished upon future development applications that prOVide measures to ensure long-term roadway stability as determined by the City Engineer 12 of 16 Not applicable to plat Maple Way was eliminated No retaining wall was needed or bUilt ThiS condition has been met Where reqUired for the protection of public Improvements, slope easements are shown on the plat Language on the plat allows these to be extingUished automatically when they are no longer needed Final Rtverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2005-00012 SUB200S-00012 ConditIon #S6 SUB200S-00012 Condition #57 , .3200S-00012 Condition #S8 SUB2005-0D012 Condition #59 SUB200S-00012 Condition #60 ~ J200S-00012 Condition #61 SUB200S-00012 Condition #62 SUB200S-00012 Condition #63 12/21/07 Elf'l!; SU"lI\'"!ITAl pc-n'D j-rtCa YUnft n.~' Itt:l.- DEe 2 6 2007 .Appllcant's Response This condition has been met The easement was relocated to west edge of property and recorded with Partition Plat of Lot3 Refer to City Reception Number 2006-00023, County Recording No 2006- P2030 This condition has been met The easement was eliminated because It was not needed In the SubdivIsion Plat, the location of the PUE and 25 foot public trail easement along the east side of Martin This condition has been met The Luther King Jr Parkway through the applicant's property shall be as shown In the alternative design approved easements have been aligned per by the City, IdentIfied as Exhibit A "Northern Segment of Parkway (TYPical Cross Section)", Updated 4/26/04 the referenced cross-seclion The diagram IS reproduced below (not to scale) See Exhibit A In DecIsion . RlverBend SubdivIsion Tentative Plan - Approved with CondItions dated May 10, 2005 The proposed 14-foot wide sanitary sewer easement oriented In the north-south direction on the southern portion of Lot 3 shall be removed from the SubdivIsion Plat or recorded as a private easement The proposed 14-foot wide public drainage easement oriented In the north-south direction at the southeast corner of Lot 1 shall be removed from the SubdivIsion Plat or recorded as a private easement Water, power, gas, and telecommunications lines shall be located within PUEs and In accordance with company specifications Not applicable to plat The approved PIPs met this condition of approval In the Final Plat, Public Utility Easements shall be located as follows OR submit additional documentation This condition has been met from the utility providers which explains where additional or alternate PUEs or PUE widths are reqUired Final PUEs have been delineated In design of the Publrc Improvemenlis may reqUire additional PUE widths or locations that are not apparent as accordance With those referenced part of the Tentative Plan review Said PUEs, If any, shall be dedicated to the public prior to or concurrent In table Where the PUE on the With the City'S acceptance of the RlverBend SubdivIsion PubliC Improvements or the City'S approval of the plat IS wider than that specified, Final Plat, whichever comes first (See Table In Conditions) this was mutually agreed and approved through the PIP e.ermlttlnq process Approval of access POints IS limited to the locations a, b, c, f, h, I, J, k, I, m, and n as Indicated In the following Not applicable to plat The table (See Table In Conditions) Approval of additional access pOints shall be determined In conJunction With approved PIPs met this condition f~!~r~ ~I!~ rlevelopment proposals of approval _ In accordance With RlverBend Master Plan Condition of Approval #2, The riparian area boundary must be This condition has been met The shown In the Final Plat and on all future plans submitted to the City The variable width setback shall be McKenzie River RIparian Area IS labeled "McKenZie River Riparian Area" shown on the plat In accordance With RlverBend Master Plan Condition of Approval #2, the entire McKenzie River Riparian Area ThiS condition has been met The boundary shall be demarcated on site With a permanent monumentatlon system or otherwise delineated With permanent monumentatlon set In permanent sIte design features, In a manner approved by the City of Springfield, prior to Final Plat June 2007 and all monument pOints are denoted on the Plat 130116 Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB200S-00012 f~nF'" C'~ '01 A"o;=':1l ~--> ~~ n n:r:<:\A..'~~IVq~ H4~ ,~ l., l} DEe 2 6 2007 RIVerBend SubdIVISion Tentative Plan - Approved with Conditions dated May 10, 2005 Pursuant to Master Plan Condition of Approval #S3, the routing of the path and/or path easement through the npanan area across subdivIsion Lot 8 and 9 shall be established after a detaJled site analYSIS of topography, location of trees and other npanan vegetation and other eXisting conditions I n order to preserve and protect the npanan area natural functions to the maximum .extent while balancing the need for recreation and resource protection, and In order to preserve future riverbank restoration options, the Final Plat shall show the location of the easement for the river multi use path across subdivIsion Lots 8 and 9 which IS generally located along the outer edge of the required rlpanan area away from the watercourse, or upland of the rlpanan area, With the path drainage falling away from the watercourse [SDC 31 240 (2)(g)], except where eXisting tree groves require an alternate sIting to avoid Impacts Any segment meandenng east of the For Lot 9, the requirements of the westernmost portion of the nparlan area to avoid conflicts With the eXisting Douglas fir and maple groves shall condition Will be applied at the time be setback a minimum of 25 feet from top of bank of route selection The path alignment through Lot 9 Will be established at a future date COinCiding With the development planning of the property Language IS proposed on the plat (Lot 9) to require dedication of this easement to COinCide With the future planning of Lot 9 SUB2005-00012 Condition #64 #64 continued Additional minor pedestrian & wheelchair accessible paths constructed With pervious matenals such as compacted gravel and/or bark may be Installed to provide additional recreational access to the river's edge and/or nver overlook platforms The path/easement alignment shall be staked In the field and approved by the project arborlst and an authOrized representative of the City of Springfield prior to Final Plat submittal A 2S-foot Wide path easement shall be dedicated In the subdivISion Final Plat or shall be recorded through separate Instrument prior to Final Plat approval SUB200S-00012 Condition #65 The riparian area restoration/enhancement landscaping on the entirety of Lot 8 shall be Installed With the Site Plan Improvements, prior to Issuance of Final Occupancy for the hospital 12/21/07 14 of 16 Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response 8UB2005-00012 Appl1cant's Response ror Lot 8, this condition has been met The path alignment was agreed per the process outlined, and approved through the permitting of the Improvements Construction of the trail IS complete See above Not applicable to plat The reqUirements of the condition have been met through the site Improvement process Restoration landscaping has been Installed and IS complete SUB200S-00012 Condition #66 SUB2005-00012 1dltlon #67 SUB200S-00012 Condition #68 SUB2005-00012 Condition #69 , 1200S-00012 l-~"dllion #70 SUB2005-00012 Condition #71 12/21/07 I~"-' "'J"" ol~'i ~n~lD "'1"-'1.:, ,c '1'1' ,-,:\ IJ" . t1..IILh<.Vi;,.j,~, .1\;/ DEe 2 G Z007 RlverBend SubdiVISion Tentative Plan - Approved With Conditions dated May 10, 2005 To comply With RlverBend Master Plan Condition #S, the reqUired riparian area restoralion/enhancement landscaping on subdiVIsion Lots 4 and 9 shall be completed or bonded or Insured through other financial security approved by the Development Services Director prior to final plat approval The riparian planting plans shall be modified to proVide additional tree canopy on or adJacent to the bank throughout the entire COrridor, except where eXisting large canopy trees already eXist A mixture of high canopy deCiduous species and evergreens may be utilized to preserve Sight lines to the fiver Trees shall be spaced a maximum of 10' apart Tree planting shall be a minimum of two trees deep throughout the riparian area bank or top of bank to create a continuous fringe of riparian vegetation along the river's edge This condition may not be satisfied by increasing the quantity of Scoular Willow (Salix scoulerlana) live stakes See "ReqUIred Riparian Tree Planting" diagram In Conditions 'Applicant's Response This condition has been met Although a financial security for the required Improvements was prOVided (copy of Escrow Agreement Included With this application), the Improvements along the length of the project have been completed This condition IS not applicable to the plat Any modification to the riparian planting plans reqUired by other conditions of approval shall retain a minimum This condition IS not applicable to of 49 COniferous evergreen trees With a mature height equal to or greater than the bUilding height Trees the plat shall be placed to prOVide a Visual and nOise buffer between the riparian COrridor and the developed areas of the site In conformance With Master Plan Condition of Approval #25 Ten percent of the total number of trees In the final riparian restoration planting plan for the subdiVIsion portions of the riparian area shall be cottonwood (Populus tnchocarpa ssp Balsamifera) Cottonwoods may be clustered In the northern, Wider end of the riparian area to augment the eXisting cottonwood grove ThiS condition IS not applicable to the plat All areas seeded With native grasses shall be mOnitored and maintained by the applicant to prevent InvaSion ThiS condition IS not applicable to by non-native grasses and forbs, to prevent the need for routine mowing Within the riparian area Any seeded the plat areas which fall and revert to tall InvaSive grasses shall be In Violation of the Code and shall be replanted With a drought resistant dwarf turf mix which IS capable of outcompetlng InvaSive weed species and which does not require routine mowing, Irrigation or application of fertilizers and herbiCides ProVide notes In Riparian Planting Detail Sheets LSS Sand LSS 6 which specify a minimum of 2" certified comoost amendment for all plantlnq 15 of 16 ThiS condition IS flat applicable to the plat Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2005.Q0012 SUB200S-00012 Condition #72 SUB2005-00012 Iii ~~dltlon #73 ~2005-00012 Condition #74 SUB200S-00012 Condition #75 SUB2005-00012 dltlon #76 12/21/07 FREc.SuB;lj~171'1 r1J }~'~D DEe 2 G 2007 RlverBend SubdivIsion Tentative Plan - Approved with Conditions dated May 10,2005 'Applicant's Response All construction, grading, trenching, removal of invaSive vegetation and planting In the riparian area and within This condition IS not applicable to or adJacent to the eXisting tree groves shall be done In a manner which avoids/reduces sOil compaction to the the plat maximum extent practicable Upon completion of on-site staking of the river multi-use path and pedestrian paths within the riparian area, and prior to commencement of work, PeaceHealth's construction manager shall arrange a site meeting to Include the project arborlst, all contractors performing work Within the riparian area and tree groves, and a representative from the City of Springfield Planning DIvISion to discuss the work to be performed and the methods to be used to aVOid SOil compaction Any additional tree felling necessary to construct the subdivIsion public Improvements shall require another Tree Felling permit from the City , . _ H In order to ensure that me conSlrUCllon ana planting ot tnlS stormwater management facility Will fulfill the Intent of GRP and SDC poliCies and RlverBend Master Plan Condition #26, the final selection of the off-site drainage alternative shall Include mitigation measures which replace the loss of GRP Natural Asset #4/NW Dratnageway as follows . The mitigation shall provide an eqUivalent replacement hydrologic function/capacity . The mitigation shall provide an eqUivalent replacement of tree canopy and vegetation type . The mitigation shall restore native vegetation The applicant shall submit a mitigation plan for approval by the City prior to Final Plat submittal The approved mitigation shall be Installed or bonded prior to Final Plat approval Prior to Final Plat submittal, the applicant shall submit documentation of required permits, If applicable, In conformance With SDC 35 060 (9) In the case that a federal or state agency Issues a permit that substantially alters the approved Tentative Plan, the applicant shall resubmit the Tentative Plan for additional review If construction of the drainage system to serve the subdiVISion reqUires alteration of eXisting wetlands, the applicant may be required to submit an approved Army Corps/DSL permit for the proposed wetland fill for review With the Public Improvement Plans and prior to approval of the subdivIsion Final Plat 16 of 16 This condition IS not applicable to the plat This condition has been met The required mitigation plan dated November 3, 2005 was submitted by the Applicant as a memorandum from Colleen Wolfe of Walker Macy, addressed to Carol Knapel/ Ken Vogeney / EriC Walter and IS In the public record A copy IS Included With this application ~ This condition has been met We have no federal or state permits that would alter the Tentative SubdivIsion Plan This condition has been met No alterations of eXisting wetlands were reqUired to construct the public drainage system None was required for PIPs and no fill permits are needed prior to Plat approval Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2005-0001 2 SUB2006-00044 Condition #1 SUB2006-00044 Condition #2 SUB2006-00044 'ndltlon #3 SUB2006-00044 Condition #4 SUB2006-00044 Condition #5 , SUB2006-00044 Condition #6 SUB2006-00044 Condition #7 12/21/07 DEe 2 (5 Z007 t hi.:'.,U ')rllllllhL i\L...... U Applicant's Response This condition has been met The required zOning boundary IS shown on a map of land use zOning Included with the plat The applicant shall malntatn the continUity of the Baldy View Lane COrridor over the eXisting street The reqUirement to malnlaln the continUity of alignment The traffiC barrier proposed on Sheet ST1 3 IS not approved The on-site drlvevtay Baldy View Lane has been met The shall be constructed as depicted to create an intersection With Baldy View Lane Install a stop reqUIrements relating to public Improvement sign to control southbound driveway traffic at the Intersection design and site Improvements are not applicable to the plat, and have been met through those respective permit approvals The Applicant shall dedicate public street right of way for future construction of St Joseph's Place This condition has been met The right-of-way and Baldy View Lane as follows requirements are shown on the Plat 1 St Joseph's Place 76-feet Wide, extending eastward from RlverBend Drive to Baldy View Lane 2 Baldy View Lane a) 25-feet Wide, extending southeastward along the subdivISion boundary from St Joseph's Place to the north line (extended) of Tax Lot 200 (straight alignment) b) 50-feet Wide, extending southeastward from the north line (extended) of Tax Lot 200 to the south rlqht-of-way line of the IJ.lanned Loo,? Road (curved aliqnment) The southern portion of Baldy View Lane (located entirely Within the applicant's property and including the publiC parking spaces required by RlverBend Master Plan Condition 28 shall be constructed as a public street The publiC Improvements shall be Included In the Public Improvement ProJect (PIP) for the SubdivISion Improvements, and shall Include proVISion for public storm dralnaG.e Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall obtain City CounCil approval of a Right of Way Use Agreement permit which authOrizes the construction and use of private Improvements In the St Joseph Place and Baldy View rights of way Modifications to SubdivISion Tentative Plan - Approved With Conditions dated 9/7/06 In the SubdivIsion Plat, show the location of the MDR/MS zoning district boundary on Lot 8 Execute and record Improvement Agreements against Lots 8 and 9 for paving, curb/gutter, Sidewalks, storm drainage, street lighting and street trees on St Joseph's Place and Baldy View Lane The Improvement Agreement shall be submitted to the City Survey for review and recorded orlor to Plat approval In accordance With RlverBend Master Plan Condition 35 5, the applicant's Public Improvement Plans for the River Bend/St Joseph Place intersection shall allow for a range of alternate Intersection forms by constructing underground condUit crossings of all approaches that are adequate to accommodate future traffiC Signal faCilities 1013 , Not applicable to Plat ThiS condition has been met In the recently completed public Improvements Condition not met ThiS permit has not yet been secured, however It IS being sought concurrent With thiS application, and shall be submitted In support of thiS application prior to completion of City review ThiS condition has been met Copies of the Improvement Agreements are Included With thiS application Improvement Agreement Will be recorded concurrent With the plat Not applicable to Plat The reqUIrements of thiS condlllon have been met through the permitting of the recently completed PIPs (P50247) Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2006-00044 SUB2006-00044 Condition #8 SUB2006-00044 Condition #9 , >'1B2006-00044 " Condition #10 SUB2006-00044 Condition #11 SUB2006-00044 condllion #12 SUB2006-00044 Condition #13 SU B2006-00044 Condition #14 SUB2006-00044 Condition #1S 12/21/07 ;'T- o,"i,C:',,1rM",1 !if'A'D ' ~ j 1,,_, ...., ',,,, Modifications to SubdivIsion Tentative Plan - Approved with Conditions dated 9n/06 The Public Improvement Plans for St Joseph Place along the frontage of Lots 7 and 11 shall be deSigned to support a pedestrian friendly environment Within the Mixed Use Commercial DiStriCt, consistent With the purpose of the Nodal Development Overlay District In a location that IS compatible With the anticipated deSign of the future 12-foot lanes The deSign details for the pedestnan refuge and crossing deSign shall be determined dUring the PIP review and approval process This condition supersedes the reqUirement for a landscape median In this location reqUIred through SubdiVIsion Tentative deCISion SUB200S-00012 Condition S On the Final Plat, the applicant shall dedicate right of way for Loop Road from Baldy View Lane across Lot 8 to the property line between Lot 8 and Lot 9 The right of way dedication shall be 50 feet wide Prior to or concurrent With the Final Plat, the applicant shall record against Lot 8 an Improvement Agreement for the full Improvement of Loop Road from the terminus of Baldy View Lane to the eastern property line In accordance With SDC Article 32 020 (10) (b)(4) and RlverBend Master Plan Condition of Approval 41 , the applicant shall execute an Improvement Agreement for Lots 1 and 2 for full urban Improvements along the east Side of Game Farm Road South abutting the site The Improvement Agreement shall be submitted to the City Surveyor for review and recorded prior to Plat approval In accordance With SDC Article 32 020 (10) (b)(4), the applicant shall execute an Improvement Agreement for full urban Improvements along the frontage of Deadmond Ferry Road abutting Lot 9 The pedestrian crossing of RlverBend Drive located near the northern boundary of Lot 8 shall be constructed With a deSign where the crossing of the northbound lanes IS offset to the south from the crossing of the southbound lanes DeSign details for thiS crossing shall be determined dUring the Public Improvement Plans (PIP) review process To faCilitate construction of flashing beacons and/or other warning deVices, should they be warranted In the future to accommodate a safe pedestnan/blcyclist crossing of RlverBend Dnve, the applicant's PubliC Improvement Plans shall proVide for the installation of electrical condUits across RlverBend Dnve at crosswalk locations DeSign details for these condUit faCilities shall be determined dUrlnq the PubliC Improvement Plans (PIP) review process In the SubdiVIsion Plat, the public access easement connecting the publiC right of way east through the site to the publiC parking spaces and to the multi-use path shall Include the Sidewalk 2013 DEe 2 6 2007 Appllcant's Response Not applicable to Plat The reqUIrements of thiS condition have been met through the permitting of the recently completed PIPs (P50247) ThiS condition has been met The required rlght- of-way IS shown on the plat ThiS condition has been met ThiS condition duplicates Condition #7 of SUB 200S-00012 - please refer to Applicant's Response to that condition ThiS condition has been met ThiS condition duplicates Condition #8 of SUB 2005-00012 - please refer to Applicant's Response to that condition ThiS condition has been met ThiS condition duplicates Condition #9 of SUB 2005-00012 - please refer to Applicant's Response to that condition Not applicable to Plat The reqUirements of thiS condition have been met through the permitting of the recently completed PIPs (P50247) Not applicable to Plat The reqUirements of thiS condition have been met through the permitting of the recently completed PIPs (PS0247) ThiS condition has been met ThiS reqUired easement, which Includes the Sidewalk, IS shown on the plat Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2006-00044 SUB2006-00044 Condition #16 SUB2006-00044 Condition #17 SUB2006-00044 " ,,)nd,t,on #18 SUB2006-00044 Condition #19 SUB2006-00044 Condition #20 #20 continued \ #20 continued SUB2006-00044 Condition #21 12/21/07 PRE-8!1B1\J1Il7N, RI~C'D DEe 2 6 2007 Modifications to SubdivIsion Tentative Plan - Approved with Conditions dated 9fi/06 Pnor to Plat approval, the applicant shall provide a maintenance agreement for the area covered by the publiC access easement The maintenance obligations of the pnvate Improvements shall be clearly Identified as being performed and paid for by the applicant (unless other arrangements have been made) The timing and enforcement of the maintenance agreement shall be Included In the aQreement In accordance With the RlverBend Master Plan, the Final Site Plan shall proved a sidewalk connecting St Joseph Place/RlverBend Dnve With the nverslde multi-use path northeast of the site and shall Illustrate an acceptable grade transition from the street to the multi-use path Applicant's Response This condition has been met This agreement was signed and recorded With Lane County (Reception No 2006-032093, dated May 10, 2006) Not applicable to Plat This condition has been met through the PIP and site plan permit approvals The public Improvement plans shall Include a Single sanitary sewer lateral to Lot 12 from the proposed 8-lnch line In St Joseph Place or from an eXisting sanitary sewer manhole along the adlacent trunk line TapPlnQ of the trunk sewer Will not be ~ermltted At the St Joseph Place/RlverBend Dnve intersection, gravity sewer lines shall be extended to the Not applicable to Plat This condition has been north and east to outside the publiC Improvement paving limits The gravity lines shall be met through PIP permit approval constructed at a size and depth necessary to serve full bUild out of the off-site baSinS to be served by the lines The storm drainage system wlthlO the southern portion of Baldy View Lane (located entirely Within This condition has been met The plat shows a the boundary of the subJect application on the applicant's property) shall be constructed to City of 10-foot Wide public drainage easement to be Springfield PubliC Works Standards In addition, a temporary storm line shall be constructed to extingUished upon acceptance of an alternate connect the public storm system In the southern portion of Baldy View Lane With the public storm public stormwater system constructed With the system In RlverBend Drive extension of St Joseph Place and Baldy View Pnor to PIP approval, the applicant shall submit the proposed deSign and construction plans for Lane the temporary pnvate storm drain connection and a preliminary deSign showing the proposed Size, depth and location for the permanent publiC storm drainage system for approval by the City Engineer The temporary system shall be deSigned and constructed such that the future permanent system can be connected to the public systems In St Joseph Place and Baldy View Lane With minimal cost or reconstruction of the public Infrastructure Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall record a temporary public drainage easement for the installation of this pipe The temporary drainage easement shall be extinguIshed at the time an alternate public stormwater system IS constructed With the extension of St Joseph Place and Baldy View Lane The dnveway proposed at the east end of St Joseph's Place shall be constructed uSing a curb Not applicable to Plat This condition has been return deSign DeSign details for this crossing shall be determined dunng the Public Improvement met through PIP permit approval Plans (PIP) review process 30f3 Not applicable to Plat This condition has been met through PIP permit approval Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SUB2006-00044 SHR200S-00001 Condition #4 SHR2005-00001 Condition #5 12/21/07 t",~<;l]GI\iilnAL REC'O DEe 2 e 2007 Floodplain Overlay District Type I - Approval with Conditions dated April 15, 2005 The RlverSend SubdivIsion Plat shall show the 1 OO-year flood elevation data In accordance With SDC 27040(1)(d)4 App/lcant's Response This condition has been met This condition duplicates the reqUIrements of Condition #50 of SUB200S-00012 - please refer to Applicant's Response to that condition pnor to RlverSend SubdIVIsion Final Plat approval the applicant shall establish a permanent This condition has been met monument on the subdlV1slon site showing the elevation In leet above mean sea level The location 01 the monument shall be shown on the final subdivIsion plat In accordance With SDC 27 040(1)(d)5 1 of 1 Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SHR2005-00001 SHR2006-0000S Condition #4 SHR2006-00005 Condition #S R2006-00005 \"ondltlon #6 1 2/21/07 UI:.L ~ 6 L007 < Floodplain Overlay Dlstnct Type 1- Approval with Conditions dated August 25, 2006 The RlverBend SubdiVISion Final Plat shall show the 1 OQ-year flood elevation data In accordance With SDC 27 040 (1)(d)4 Applicant's Response This condition has been met This condition duplicates the reqUIrements of Condition #4 of SHR 200S-00001 - please refer to Applicant's Response to that condition Prior to RlverBend SubdivIsion Final Plat approval the applicant shall establish a permanent This condition has been met This condition monument on the subdIVIsion site shOWing the elevation In feet above mean sea level The location of duplicates the reqUirements of Condition #5 of the monument shall be shown on the final subdivIsion plat In accordance With SDC 27 040(1)(d)5 SHR 2005-00001 - please refer to Applicant's - Response to that condition The RlverBend SubdiVision Final Plat shall Identify the areas of special flood hazard where the specific This condition has been met The Flood Hazard construction standards 01 SDC 27 040(2)(a) and (b) are applicable Boundary IS shown on the plat and IS defined In Note 3 on Plat Sheet 1 of 23 U1.I';, ;,7 ~1""I~1 pr.:C'D r \b I, ' I t J\b DEe 2 6 2007 10f1 Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response SHR2006-00005 DRC200S-00019 Condition #36 12/21/07 Site Plan Review - Approval with Conditions dated Aprt113, 2005 Applicant's Response This condition has been met, and IS reflected on Prior to submrttal 01 the RlverBend SubdivIsion Plat and after City approval of the staked pedestnan the tree preservation plan drawings prepared by paths accessways and multi-use path alignments through the eXlstlng tree groves the applicant shall Walker Macy submit a list of eXisting trees to be monitored for survIVal The continued presence of these trees shall be considered part of the approved site plan and tree felling land use deCISions and shall be considered as planting to be maintained by the owner In accordance With SDC 31 120 (2) If monitored trees decline In health such that removal IS necessitated the applicant Will provide replacement trees In the Immediate vICinity Replacement trees shall be 01 suffiCient size and/or quantity to provide an equivalent square footage of replacement canopy area Within 10 years 01 planting PRE-5UC:li,~1:\l REC'D DEe 2 6 2007 1011 Final Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response DRC2005-0001 9 RlverBend Final Plat Applicant Response Supporting Documents Document Title 1 Improvement Agreement (Lot 8) 2 Improvement Agreement (Deadmond Ferry Rd ) 3 Public Areas Maintenance Agreement 4 Reservalion Document for Public Trail Easement (Lot 9) 5 Dedlcalion Document for 30-foot Public Trail Easement (off site parcel 1) 6 Memo - Re SUB2005-00012 #32 7 Permit - 353 Deadmond Ferry Rd (Lot 10) 8 Pumprng report - 353 Deadmond Ferry Rd 9 Escrow Agreement 10 Memo - Lot 11 Pond Criteria 11 Memo - NW Detention Ponds 12 Memo - PIP Mitigation for NW Drarnageway 13 Right of Way Use Agreement 14 Improvement Agreement (Lot 8 & 9) 15 Dedication Document for Qwest Easement on Lot 4 ,-; -,,,; -I~'l Ri"C'D ; )n, ,'"),,IIIIA ,l: DEe 2 6 2007 12/21/07 1 of 1 Related Case and Condition No. 8UB2005-00012 - #7 and #34 8UB2005-00012 - #9 8UB2005-00012 - #21 8UB2005-00012 - #26 8UB2005-00012 - #29 8UB2005-00012 - #32 8UB2005-00012 - #35 8UB2005-00012 - #35 8UB2005-00012 - #66 8UB2005-00012 - #74 8UB2005-00012 - #74 8UB2005-00012 - #74 8UB2006-00044 - #5 8UB2006-00044 - #6 no condltJon Fmal Rlverbend Plat Applicant Response Supportmg Docs