HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed PLANNER 5/15/2008 L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Cc Subject ERNST Dennis Thursday, May 15, 2008 10 50 AM Danny Denning LEAHY Joe (HL), KNAPEL Carole, L1MBIRD Andrew MLK Deed Attachments Deed from the City to Peace Health for R-W along MLK doc, Rlverbend - MLK additional R-W dedication doc Good Morning Danny, Please review the attached deed for the MLK right of way If the deed from Peace Health to the City meets your approyal please sign It and send to me for acceptance along with a check for the recording fees Please let both Joe and I know If the Deed from the City to Peace Health meets your approval and Joe can review It before he sends It to GinO for his signature As per our phone conyersatlon thiS morning, please attach the exhibit maps to each document Thanks for you help with thiS, Dennis ~ ~ E:;J Deed from the RlVerbend- Ity to Peace HeX additional R,V 1 Date Received S-~0oo,f' Planner AL \ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED DRAFT Tax Map & Lot Numbers 17-03-22 (on the date of execution) KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that the City of Springfield, a mUnicipal corporation, In Lane County, Oregon, Grantor, In Conslderalion of the acceptance by Wlllamalane Recreation District, a special district of the State of Oregon, Grantee, and the use or holding of said property for present or future public park and recreation use by Grantee, Grantor acting by and through Its City Manager authorized by Its City Council, hereby grants, bargains, sells and conyeys unto the said Grantee, ItS successors and assigns, all the follOWing real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, situated In the County of Lane and State of Oregon, described as follows SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above described and granted premises unto the said Grantee, ItS successors and assigns foreyer THE TRUE CONSIDERATION for thiS conyeyance IS other than monetary and Includes the use or holding of said property for present or future park and recreation uses, and for no other purposes without the mutual agreement of City APPROVED thiS , day of . 200 by the City Manager of the City of Springfield being duly authorized by the City Council to represent the City of Springfield In the above matter GINO GRIMALOI-GITY MANAGER AMY SOWA-CITY RECORDER STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE } 55 BE IT REMEMBERED that on thiS day of , 200 before me, the underSigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally appeared the Within named GinO Grimaldi whose Identity was proyed to me on the basIs of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he IS the City Manager of the Within named mUnicipal corporation and does acknowledge Said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said mUnicipal corporation, and that the seal affixed to said Instrument IS the Corporate seal of said mUnicipal corporation, and that said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said mUnicipal corporation by authOrity of ItS City Council IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I haye hereunto set my hand and affixed my ottlclal seal the day and year last aboye written NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON MY COMMISSION ExPIRES THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 (BAR CODE STICKER) RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT ,225 FIFTH STREET - SPRtNGFIELD, OREGON 97477 (' \Documents llJ1d Scltmgs\hmb0967\Loca1 Setlmgs\Temporary Internet Flles\OLK9C\Deed from the CIty to Peace llea1lh for R-W along MLK doc RhVlIiED May 2005 '" (l ~ 1.." ~ \; , '0 <IJ ~;t 'Il... "'<IJ :: c: ~~ C "::Ill! nO: \ EXHIBIT A DRAFT A portion of that certain tract of land described In Bargain and Sale Deed recorded June 06, 2003 as Recepllon Number 2003-053912, Lane County Deed Records, being a tract of land located In the Northeast and Southeast quarters of Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Wlllamette Meridian, City of Springfield, County of Lane, State of Oregon, also being a portion of the land conveyed to PeaceHealth, a Washington Non-profit Corporation In the Statutory Warranty Deeds recorded December 31,2001 In Documents 2001-088567,2001- 088571 and 2001-088572 In the Recorder's Office of said Lane County, more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at the southwest corner of the said Statutory Warranty Deed recorded as Document 2001-088567, said corner also being the northwest corner of Lot 11 as shown on the SubdivIsion Plat enlltled "First Addlllon to Buena Vista" recorded In Book 20, Page 25 of Lane County, Oregon Plat Records and being marked by a 5/8" Iron rod as shown on the Record of Survey for Arlie and Company flied In the Office of the Lane County Surveyor on October 16, 2001 C S File No 37241, thence South 89058'00" East 24 46 feet along the north line of said Lot 11, thence leaving said North line North 13042'52" West 28 13 feet to the beginning of a 763 OO-foot radiUS non-tangent curve concave easterly, the radial bearing of which IS North 76048'43" East, thence northerly 14465 feet along said curve through a central angle of 10051'43" to the beginning of a 1055 50-foot radiUS non-tangent curve concave easterly, the radial bearing of which IS North 84046'23" East, thence northerly 17070 feet along said curve through a central angle of 09015'59", thence along the follOWing five (5) courses and distances 1) North 05024'56" East 132 65 feet, thence 2) North 05034'50" East 177 57 feet, thence 3) North 04032'09" East 191 97 feet, thence 4) North 06051 '14" East 382 50 feet, thence 5) North 05034'50" East 625 44 feet to the beginning of a 727 OO-foot radiUS non-tangent curve concave westerly, the radial bearing of which IS North 84040'12" West, thence northerly 16405 feet along said curve through a central angle of 12055'43" to the beginning of a 828 OO-foot radiUS non-tangent curve concave southwesterly, the radial bearing of which IS South 82009'03" West, thence northwesterly 977 33 feet along said curve through a central angle of 67037'45" to the easterly right-of-way line of Game Farm Road (County Road No 3), which IS 35 00 feet from the centerline of Game Farm Road when measured at a right angle, thence South 04011 '56" East 94 99 feet along the said easterly right-of-way line to a 5/8" Iron rod, thence South 89021'57" West 5 00 feet along said easterly right-of-way line to a 5/8"lron rod 30 00 feet from the centerline of said Game Farm Road when measured at a right angle, thence South 04011 '56" East 34 16 feet along the said easterly right-of-way line, thence leaVing said easterly right-of-way line North 48045'26" East 25 09 feet to the beginning of a 727 OO-foot radiUS non-tangent curve concave southwesterly, the radial bearing of which IS South 18031'19" West, thence southeasterly 325 43 feet along said curve through a central angle of 25038'51" to the beginning of a 789 OO-foot radiUS compound curve, thence southwesterly 363 98 feet along said curve through a central angle of 26025'53" to the beginning of a 734 OO-foot radiUS non-tangent curve concave westerly, the radial bearing of which South 72045'20" West, thence southerly 33 85 feet along said curve through a central angle of 02038'32" to the beginning of a 563 OO-foot radiUS compound curve, thence southerly 198 32 feet along said curve through a central angle of 20010'58", thence South 05034'50" West 152 43 feet to the beginning of a 289 OO-foot radiUS concave northwesterly, thence southwesterly 57 90 feet along said curve through a central angle of 11028'42" to the beginning of a 311 OO-foot radiUS reverse curve, thence southwesterly 6230 feet along said curve through a central angle of 11028'42" , thence along the follOWing SIX (6) courses and distances 1) South 05034'50" West 10820 feet, thence 2) South 00040'09" West 140 16 feet, thence 3) South 04025'05" West 517 55 feet, thence 4) South 05034'50" West 37 89 feet, thence 5) South 06052'55" West 154 09 feet, thence 6) South 05034'50" West 281 83 feet to ~I \.'- ~ l.; , the beginning of a 1144 50-foot radiUS curve concave easterly, thence southerly 208 91 feet along said curve through a central angle of 10027'30" to the northerly line of an abandoned 60 OO-foot Wide Southern PaCific Railroad right-of-way, and being the beginning of a 985 04-foot '0 ~ ~<t j) .. YG) :: c: ..-r c: , Cll 00: RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, PUBLIC WORKS DEPT ,225 FIFTH STREET, SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 C \Documents and Scttrngs\hmb0967\Loca1 SettLng~\Temporary Internet Ftles\Ol K9C\Deed from the CIty to Peace Health fur R W along MI K doc REVTSFD May 2005 \ DRAFT non-tangent curve concave southwesterly, the radial bearing of which IS South 56009'13" West, thence southeasterly 192 45 feet along said curve through a central angle of 11011 '38" to the pOint of beginning ACCEPTING THEREFROM A tract of land located In Sechon 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 East, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon and being more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at a 5/8 Inch Iron rod With a yellow plastiC cap marked "KPFF INC " set per Lane County Survey Number 39772, being the most northerly right-of-way monument set on Game Farm Road per said survey (said pOint being 3500 feet easterly of the centerline thereof, measured perpendicular thereto), on the south line of that certain tract of land conveyed to Kay A Renken March 7th, 2002 recorded In Lane County Deed Document Number 2002-017959, thence along said south line South 880 13' 23" East, 8 99 feet, thence leaVing said south line South 240 50' 56" East, 40 39 feet to the beginning of a 826 50 foot radiUS non-tangent curve to the right from which pOint the center of curve bears South 180 08' 31" West, thence 399 92 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 2r 43' 25", With a long chord of South 5r 59' 46" East, 396 03 feet, thence North 760 08' 23" East, 32 92 feet, thence South 400 39' 26" East, 76 00 feet, thence South 220 17' 10" West, 33 41 feet to the beginning of a 828 00 foot non-tangent curve to the right from which pOint the center of curve bears South 530 03' 54" West, thence 220 35 feet along the arc said curve through a central angle of 150 14' 53", With a long chord of South 290 18' 40" East, 219 71 feet, thence South 210 30' 30" East, 28 54 feet to the beginning of a 728 00 foot radiUS non-tangent curve to the right from which POint the center of curve bears South 680 30' 26" West, thence 366 74 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 28051' 47", With a long chord of South or 03' 41" East, 362 87 feet, thence South or 22' 13" West, 32040 feet, thence South 460 36' 12" East, 103 72 feet, thence South 1r 52' 01" West, 10700 feet, thence South 550 59' 52" West, 73 81 feet, thence South or 22' 10" West, 34959 feet, thence South 090 36' 24" West, 461 07 feet, thence South 400 54' 42" East, 71 68 feet, thence South 030 42' 08" West, 244 feet, thence South 030 50' 47" West, 9500 feet, thence South 030 43' 52" West, 2 81 feet, thence South 5r 12' 51" West, 5430 feet, thence South 110 02' 22" West, 20 85 feet to the beginning of a 1320 58 foot radiUS non-tangent curve to the left from which POint the center of curve bears South 850 23' 52" East, thence 15123 feet along the arc of said through a central angle of 06033' 41", With a long chord of South 01019' 18" West, 151 15 feet to the beginning of a 139695 foot non-tangent compound curve to the left from which pOint the center of curve bears North 880 02' 27" East, thence 93 39 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 03049' 49", With a long chord of South 050 43' 53" East, 93 37 feet, thence South 3r 29' 22" East, 3 98 feet, thence South 060 41' 41" East, 20 71 feet, thence South 030 29' 25" West, 26 35 feet to a pOint on the North line of Lot 11 per the Plat of First Addition to Buena Vista filed In Book 20, Page 25, Lane County Plat Records, thence along said north line North 88010' 40" West, 2669 feet to a pOint on the northeasterly line of that certain abandoned Southern PaCific Railroad Right-of-way described In Deed Document Number 9307441, Lane County Deed Records, said POint being further described as a pOint of cusp of a 985 04 foot radiUS non-tangent curve to the left from which pOint the center of curve bears South 690 08' 11" West, thence 205 72 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 110 57' 58", With a long chord of North 260 50' 48" West, 205 35 feet to the beginning of a 899 59 foot radiUS non-tangent curve to the right from which pOint the center of curve bears South 5r 10' 13" West, said pOint being further described as a pOint on the westerly right-of-way line of Martin Luther King Parkway as shown on Land Partlhon Plat Number 2006-P2030 recorded In Lane County Survey File Number 39968, thence along said westerly flght-of-way line the follOWing eight (8) courses and distances 1) 104 93 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 060 40' 58", With a long chord of North 010 09' 39" East, 104 86, thence 2) North 150 04' 44" West, 84 25 feet to the beginning of a 1177 50 foot radiUS non-tangent curve to the right from which pOint the center of curve bears South 830 22' 55" East, thence 3) 1546 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 00045' 09", With a long chord of North 060 59' 39" East, 15 46 feet, thence 4) North or 22' 15" East, 7655 feet, thence 5) North 360 01' 06" East, 61 53 feet, thence 6) North or 22' 15" East, 527 00 feet, thence 7) North 060 05' 52" East, 135 03 feet, thence 8) North or 22' 15" East, 177 00 feet to a pOint on the southerly right-of-way line of Cardinal Way as shown on said Land Partition Plat Number 2006-P2030, thence along said southerly right-of-way line the follOWing seven (7) courses and distances RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, PUBLIC WORKS DEPT ,225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 t. \Documents IlDd <;cttmgs\hmb0961\Local <;ettmgs\Temporary Internet Flles\OI K9C\Deed from the CIty to Peace Health for R W along Ml K doc REVISED May 2005 ",-' <> f ~! \:~ ~ 'C:j '0 ~ &:a! 0... !l(<D -PJe ~cf \ DRAFT 1) North 420 08' 08" West, 68 80 feet to the beglnmng of a 342 50 foot radius non-tangent curve to the right from which POint the center of curve bears North 120 22' 15" East, thence 2) 14952 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 25000' 48", with a long chord of North 650 07' 21" West, 14834 feet, thence 3) North 480 31' 25" West, 8408 feet, thence 4) North 530 12' 35" West, 6 12 feet to the beglnmng of a 263 00 foot radiUS non-tangent curve to the left from which pOint the center of curve bears South 400 18' 59" West, thence 5) 11844 feet along the arc of said curve through a central 250 48' 06", with a long chord of North 620 35' 04" West, 117 44 feet to the beglnmng of a 267 28 foot radiUS non-tangent compound curve to the left from which pOint the center of curve bears South 100 14' 40" West, thence 6) 2065 along the arc of said compound curve through a central angle of 040 25' 39", with a long chord of North 810 58' 09" West, 20 65 feet, thence 7) South 61022' 50" West, 1843 feet to a pOint on the easterly right-of-way of Game Farm Road South (said pOint being 35 00 feet easterly of the centerline thereof measured perpendicular thereto), thence cOincident with said easterly right-of-way line North 010 49' 36" West, 86 60 feet, thence leaving said easterly right-of-way line South 530 07' 05" East, 25 18 feet to the beglnmng of a 329 50 foot radiUS non-tangent curve to the right from which pOint the center of curve bears South 040 54' 22" West, thence 31 75 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 05031' 17", with a long chord of South 82019' 59" East, 3174 feet to the beglnmng of a 334 54 foot radiUS non-tangent compound curve to the right from which pOint the center of curve bears South or 01' 20" West, thence 157 53 feet along the arc of said compound curve through a central angle of 260 58' 45", with a long chord of South 690 29' 18" East, 156 08 feet, thence South 560 22' 10" East, 84 04 feet to the beglnmng of a 250 00 foot radiUS non-tangent curve to the left from which pOint the center of curve bears North 3r 22' 58" East, thence 109 14 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 250 00' 48", with a long chord of South 65007' 26" East, 10828 feet, thence North 46016' 21" East, 5933 feet, thence North or 22' 10" East, 348 74 feet to the beglnmng of a 600 00 foot radiUS non-tangent curve to the left from which pOint the center of curve bears North 820 37' 50" West, thence 239 69 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 220 53' 21 ", with a long chord of North 040 04' 31" West, 238 10 feet to the beglnmng of a 727 00 foot radiUS non-tangent compound curve to the left from which pOint the center of curve bears South 740 28' 49" West, thence 687 26 feet along the arc of said compound curve through a central angle of 54009' 49", with a long chord of North 420 36' 06" West, 661 95 feet, thence South 500 32' 40" West, 25 18 feet to a pOint on the easterIY-rlght-of-way line of Game Farm Road South (being 30 00 feet from the centerline thereof, measured perpendicular thereto), thence cOincident With the said easterly right-of-way line the follOWing three (3) courses and distances 1) North 020 24' 36" West, 34 24 feet, thence 2) South 8r 34' 37" East, 5 02 feet (said pOint being 35 00 feet easterly of the centerline thereof, measured perpendicular thereto), thence 3) North 020 24' 36" West, 12268 feet to said POINT OF BEGINNING RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET, SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 C \Documents and Settmgs\limb0967\Local Settlngs\Ternporary Internet Fllell\OI K9C\Decd from the CIty to Peace Health for R W along MLK doc REVTSED May 2005 .... ~i 1.,'1---... ~ '0 Ql ~....,j &<t' lD..; QCQl .$12 lIJ,,!g 00.. .' BARGAIN AND SALE DEED DRAFT Tax Map & Lot Numbers 17-03-22 (on the date of execulion) KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that Peace Health, a WashlnQton Non-Profit Corooratlon Grantor(s), In ConSideration of the acceptance by the City of Springfield, Oregon, Grantee, and the use or holding of said property for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conyeys unto the said Grantee, ItS successors and assigns, all the following real property, With the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, situated In the County of Lane and State of Oregon, bounded and desCribed as follows SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THE SAME IS HEREBY and forever dedicated to the public to be used as PUBLIC ROAD TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above desCribed and granted premises unto the said Grantee, ItS successors and assigns foreyer THE CONSIDERATION for thiS conyeyance IS other than mOnltarv IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors aboye named have hereunto set their hands and seals thiS , day of , 20 Signature Print name (Title & Company) Signature Print name (Title & Company) STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF } SS . BE IT REMEMBERED that on thiS day of , 20 before me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally appeared the Within named whose Identity was proyed to me on the basIs of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that Islare the of and does acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said Instrument IS the Corporate seal of SBld Corporalion, and that said Instrument was Signed and sealed In behalf of said Corporalion by authOrity of ItS Board of Directors IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiCial seal the day and year last aboye written Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Explfes THE CONVEYANCE set forth In thiS Instrument conveYing title or Interest to the City of Springfield, a MUnicipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, IS hereby approved, and the title or Interest conyeyed therein IS hereby accepted CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By Dennis P Ernst - City of Springfield Surveyor Date 5' /,~/)lJot Date RecelvecJ,~ Planner. AL , \lfll '\~, " (BAR CODE STICKER) RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, PUBLIC WORKS DEPT ,225 FIFTH STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT ,225 FIFTH STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 C \Documents and <;:;ettlogs\hmb0961\Loca1 Settmgs\Temporary Internet FIJes\OLK9C\Rlverocnd MLK additIonal R W d,xhcallon doc REVISED September 2004 EXHIBIT A DRAFT A tract ot land located m SectIOn 22, TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 East, WIllamette Mendlan, Lane County, Oregon and bemg more particularly descnbed as follows BEGINNING at a 5/8 mch Iron rod with a yellow plastic cap marked "KPFF lNC " set per Lane County Survey Number 39772, bemg the most northerly nght-of-way monument set on Game Farm Road per said survey (said pomt bemg 35 00 feet easterly of the centerlme thereof, measured perpendicular thereto), on the south Ime of that certam tract of land conveyed to Kay A Renken March 7th, 2002 recorded m Lane County Deed Document Number 2002-017959, thence along Said south Ime South 88013' 23" East, 8 99 feet, thence leavmg Said south Ime South 24050' 56" East, 40 39 feet to the begmnmg of a 826 50 foot radIUS non-tangent curve to the nght from whIch pomt the center of curve bears South 18008' 31" West, thence 399 92 feet along the arc of Said curve through a central angle of270 43' 25", With a long chord of South 570 59' 46" East, 396 03 feet, thence North 760 08' 23" East, 32 92 feet, thence South 400 39' 26" East, 76 00 feet, thence South 220 17' 10" West, 33 41 feet to the begmmng of a 828 00 foot non-tangent curve to the nght from which pomt the center of curve bears South 530 03' 54" West, thence 220 35 feet along the arc said curve through a central angle of 150 14' 53", With a long chord of South 290 18' 40" East, 219 71 feet, thence South 210 30' 30" East, 28 54 feet to the begmmng of a 728 00 foot radIUS non- tangcnt curve to the nght from which pomt the center of curve bears South 680 30' 26" West, thence 366 74 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of280 51' 47", With a long chord of South 070 03' 41" East, 362 87 feet, thence South 070 22' 13" West, 320 40 feet, thence South 46036' 12" East, 103 72 feet, thence South 17052' 01" West, 10700 feet, thence South 550 59' 52" West, 7381 fect, thence South or 22' 10" West, 349 59 feet, thence South 090 36' 24" West, 461 07 fect, thence South 400 54' 42" East, 71 68 feet, thence South 030 42' 08" West, 2 44 feet, thence South 030 50' 47" West, 95 00 feet, thence South 030 43' 52" West, 2 81 feet, thence South 570 12' 51" West, 5430 feet, thence South 11 002' 22" West, 20 85 feet to the begmmng of a 1320 58 foot radIUS non-tangent curve to the left from which pomt the center of curve bears South 85023' 52" East, thence 151 23 feet along the arc of Said through a central anglc of 060 33' 41", With a long chord of South 010 19' 18" West, 151 15 feet to the begmmng of a 1396 95 foot non- tangent compound curve to the left from whIch pomt the center of curve bears North 880 02' 27" East, thence 9339 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 030 49' 49", With a long chord of South 050 43' 53" East, 93 37 feet, thence South 370 29' 22" East, 398 feet, thence South 060 41' 41" East, 20 71 feet, thence South 030 29' 25" West, 26 35 feet to a pomt on the North Ime of Lot 11 per the Plat of Fust AdditiOn to Buena Vista filed m Book 20, Page 25, Lane County Plat Records, thence along said north 1me North 880 10' 40" West, 26 69 feet to a pomt on the northeasterly Ime ofthat certam abandoned Southern Pacdic Railroad Right-of-way descnbed m Deed Document Number 9307441, Lane County Deed Records, Said pomt bemg further descnbed as a pomt of cusp of a 985 04 foot radIUS non-tangent curve to the left from which pomt the center of curve bears South 690 08' 11 " West, thence 205 72 feet along the arc of Said curve through a central angle of 11057' 58", With a long chord of North 260 50' 48" West, 205 35 feet to the begmnmg of a 899 59 foot radIUS non-tangent curve to the nght from which pomt the center of curve bears South 57010' 13" West, said pomt bemg further descnbed as a pomt on the westerly nght-of-way Ime ofMartm Luther Kmg Parkway as shown on Land PartitiOn Plat Number 2006- P2030 recorded m Lane County Survey File Number 39968, thence along said westerly nght-of- way Ime the followmg Clght (8) courses and distances I) 104 93 feet along the arc of Said curve through a central angle of 060 40' 58", With a long chord of North 01009' 39" East, 10486, thence 2) North 150 04' 44" West, 8425 feet to the begmmng of a 1177 50 foot radIUS non-tangent curve to the nght from which pomt the center of curve bears South 830 22' 55" East, thence 3) 15 46 feet along the arc of Said curve through a central angle of 000 45' 09", With a long chord of North 06059' 39" East, 1546 feet, thence 4) North 07022' 15" East, 76 55 feet, thence 5) North 360 01' 06" East, 61 53 feet, thence 6) North 070 22' 15" East, 527 00 feet, thence 7) North 060 05' 52" East, 135 03 feet, thence 8) North or 22' 15" East, 177 00 feet to a pomt on the southerly nght-of-way Ime of Card mal Way as shown on Said Land Partition Plat Number 2006-P2030, thence along Said southerly nght-of-way Ime the followmg seven (7) courses and distances RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT -225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET -SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 C \Documents and <;ettmgs\hmb0967\Local Settltlgs\ femporary Internet Fllcs\OLK9C\RlVerbend MLK additional R W dClilcallon doc RFVISED September 2004 .... <> ~ 1.,- -.:::. 10' -ci Q) ~<t o $Qj ~c: CDc: "SJ!! Da. 1) North 420 08' 08" West, 68 80 feet to the begmmng ofa 34250 foot radIUs non-tangent curve to the fight from which pomt the center of curve bears North 12022' 15" East, thence 2) 14952 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of250 00' 48", With a long chord of North 650 07' 21" West, 14834 feet, thence 3) North 480 31' 25" West, 84 08 feet, thence 4) North 530 12' 35" West, 6 12 feet to the begmmng of a 263 00 foot radIUS non-tangent curve to the left from which pomt the center of curve bears South 400 18' 59" West, thence 5) 118 44 feet along the arc of Said curve through a central 250 48' 06", With a long chord of North 620 35' 04" West, 11744 feet to the begmmng of a 26728 foot radIUs non-tangent compound curve to the left from which pomt the center of curve bears South 100 14' 40" West, thence 6) 2065 along the arc of said compound curve through a central angle of 040 25' 39", With a long chord of North 810 58' 09" West, 20 65 feet, thence 7) South 61022' 50" West, 1843 feet to a pomt on the easterly nght-of-way of Game Farm Road South (Said pOInt bemg 35 00 feet easterly ofthe centerlme thereof measured perpendicular thereto), thence comcldent With Said easterly nght-of-way lme North 01049' 36" West, 86 60 feet, thence leaVIng Said easterly nght-of-way lme South 530 07' 05" East, 25 18 feet to the begmnmg of a 32950 foot radIUS non-tangent curve to the nght from whIch pomt the center of curve bears South 040 54' 22" West, thence 31 75 feet along the arc of Said curve through a central angle of 050 31' 17", With a long chord of South 820 19' 59" East, 31 74 feet to the beglmung of a 334 54 foot radIUS non- tangent compound curve to the nght from which pOInt the center of curve bears South 070 01' 20" West, thence 15753 feet along the arc of said compound curve through a central angle of260 58' 45", With a long chord of South 690 29' 18" East, 15608 feet, thence South 560 22' 10" East, 84 04 feet to the begmmng of a 250 00 foot radIUS non-tangent curve to the left from which pOInt the center of curve bears North 370 22' 58" East, thence 109 14 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of250 00' 48", With a long chord of South 650 07' 26" East, 10828 feet, thence North 460 16' 21" East, 59 33 feet, thence North 070 22' 10" East, 348 74 feet to the begmmng of a 600 00 foot radIUS non-tangent curve to the left from which pOInt the center of curve bears North 820 37' 50" West, thence 239 69 feet along the arc of Said curve through a central angle of220 53' 21 ", With a long chord of North 040 04' 31" West, 238 10 feet to the begmmng of a 727 00 foot radIUS non-tangent compound curve to the left from which pomt the center of curve bears South 740 28' 49" West, thence 687 26 feet along the arc of Said compound curve through a central angle of 54009' 49", With a long chord of North 42036' 06" West, 661 95 feet, thence South 500 32' 40" West, 25 18 feet to a pomt on the easterly-nght-of-way Ime of Game Farm Road South (beIng 30 00 feet from the centerline thereof, measured perpendicular thereto), thence comeldent With the said easterly nght-of-way lme the followmg three (3) courses and distances 1) North 02024' 36" West, 34 24 feet, thence 2) South 870 34' 37" East, 5 02 feet (Said pomt beIng 35 00 feet easterly of the centerline thereof, measured perpendicular thereto), thence 3) North 020 24' 36" West, 12268 feet to Said POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM That certaIn tract ofland descnbed m Bargam and Sale Deed recorded June 06, 2003 as ReceptiOn Number 2003-053912, Lane County Deed Records, bemg a tract ofland located m the Northeast and Southeast quarters of Section 22, TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Mendlan, City ofSpnngfield, County of Lane, State of Oregon, also bemg a portiOn of the land conveyed to PeaceHealth, a WashIngton Non-profit CorporatiOn In the Statutory Warranty Deeds recorded December 31, 2001 In Documents 2001-088567, 2001-088571 and 2001-088572 m the Recorder's Office of Said Lane County, more particularly descnbed as follows BEGINNING at the southwest corner of the Said Statutory Warranty Deed recorded as Document 2001-088567, said corner also bemg the northwest corner of Lot 11 as shown on the SubdlVlsiOn Plat entitled "FlfSt Addition to Buena ViSta" recorded m Book 20, Page 25 of Lane County, Oregon Plat Records and bemg marked by a 5/8" Iron rod as shown on the Record of Survey for Arlie and Company filed In the Office ofthe Lane County Surveyor on October 16, 2001 C S File RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET -SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 C \Documents and Setbngs\hmb0967\Loca.l Settmgs\TemporllJ}' Internet Flles\OLK9C\Rtverbend MLK addlllonal R W dahcallOn doc RI:VlSED September 2004 DRAFT "0 ~ \., " \", as ~<i (I)...: a::Q) IDC _C lllJ!! Qa. DRAFT No 37241, thence South 89058'00" East 24 46 feet along the north lIne of said Lot 11, thence leaving said North Ime North 13042'52" West 2813 feet to the beglmung ofa 763 OO-foot radIUs non-tangent curve concave easterly, the radial beanng of which IS North 76048'43" East, thence northerly 144 65 feet along Said curve through a central angle of 10051' 43" to the beginnIng of a 1055 50-foot radIUs non-tangent curve concave easterly, the radial beanng of which IS North 84046'23" East, thence northerly 170 70 feet along said curve through a central angle of 09015'59", thence along the follOWIng five (5) courses and distances I) North 05024'56" East 13265 feet, thence 2) North 05034' 50" East 177 57 feet, thence 3) North 04032'09" East 191 97 feet, thence 4) North 06051 '14" East 38250 feet, thence 5) North 05034'50" East 62544 feet to the beginning of a 727 OO-foot radIUS non-tangent curve concave westerly, the radial bearing of which IS North 84040' 12" West, thence northerly 16405 feet along said curve through a central angle of 12055'43" to the beginning ofa 828 OO-foot radIUS non-tangent curve concave southwesterly, the radial beanng of which IS South 82009'03" West, thence northwesterly 977 33 feet along Said curve through a central angle of 67037'45" to the easterly nght-of-way line of Game Farm Road (County Road No 3), which IS 35 00 feet from the centerline of Game Farm Road when measured at a nght angle, thence South 04011 '56" East 94 99 feet along the Said easterly nght-of-way lIne to a 5/8" Iron rod, thence South 89021 '57" West 5 00 feet along Said easterly nght-of-way line to a 5/8"lfon rod 30 00 feet from the centerline of Said Game Farm Road when measured at a nght angle, thence South 04011 '56" East 34 16 feet along the Said easterly nght-of-way line, thence leaVing Said easterly nght-of-way lIne North 48045'26" East 25 09 feet to the begInlllng of a 727 OO-foot radIUS non-tangent curve concave southwesterly, the radial bearing ofwhlLh IS South 18031 '19" West, thence southeasterly 32543 feet along Said curve through a central angle of25038'51" to the begInmng ofa 789 OO-foot radIUS compound curve, thence southwesterly 36398 feet along Said curve through a central angle of26025'53" to the begmlllng ofa 734 OO-foot radIUS non-tangent curve concave westerly, the radial beanng of which South 72045'20" West, thence southerly 3385 feet along Said curve through a central angle of 02038'32" to the beglmung of a 563 OO-foot radIUS compound curve, thence southerly 19832 feet along Said curve through a central angle of2001O'58", thence South 05034'50" West 15243 feet to the beglmung of a 289 OO-foot radIUS concave northwesterly, thence southwesterly 57 90 feet along Said curve through a central angle of 11028'42" to the beglmung of a 311 OO-foot radIUS reverse curve, thence southwesterly 62 30 feet along said curve through a central angle of 11028'42" , thence along the follOWing SIX (6) courses and distances I) South 05034'50" West 10820 feet, thence 2) South 00040'09" West 140 16 feet, thence 3) South 04025'05" West 517 55 feet, thence 4) South 05034'50" West 3789 feet, thence 5) South 06052'55" West 15409 feet, thence 6) South 05034'50" West 281 83 feet to the beginning ofa 1144 50-foot radIUS curve concave easterly, thence southerly 20891 feet along Said curve through a central angle of 10027'30" to the northerly line ofan abandoned 60 OO-foot Wide Southcrn PaCific Railroad nght-of-way, and being the begInnIng of a 985 04-foot non-tangent curve concave southwesterly, the radial bearing of whIch IS South 56009'13" West, thence southeasterly 192 45 feet along Said eurve through a central angle of 11011 '38" to the pOint of beginning ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM That certaIn tract of land desenbed In Bargain and Sale Deed recorded January 11, 2005 as ReceptiOn Number 2005-002303, Lane County Deed Records, beIng a tract ofland located In the northeast quarter of SectIOn 22, TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Mendlan, Lane County, Oregon and beIng more particularly descnbed as follows Commencing at the southwest corner of that certaIn tract ofland conveyed to the City of Spnngfield In the Deed recorded under Reel 843, Reception No 77-22531, Lane County Deed RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 C \Documents and Selhngs\llmb0967\Loca1 <;ethngslTemporary Internet Fllcs\OLK9C\Rlverbend MLK addItIOnal R W dedlcatlon doc REVlS!:D September 2004 I ~ -0 II> >-1 Bq: CD..; !:!co> S2 lllJ!! Oa. Records, said pOint bears South 46001'08" West 2066 22 feet from the northeast corner of the William M Stevens Donahon Land Claim No 46, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Wlllamette Mendlan, said pOint being further descnbed as a pOint on the east nght-of-way lIne of Game Farm Road (County Road No 3) lYing parallel With and 30 00 feet easterly of the centerlme of Game Farm Road, thence cOIncident With Said east nght-of-way lIne the follOWing two (2) courses and distances 1) South 0 I 007'36" East 28 16 feet, thence 2) South 01049'36" East 9325 feet to the True Pomt of Begmnmg of thiS descnptlOn, thence leavIng Said east nght-of-way line South 53001'05" East 2518 feet to the begInlllng ofa 329 50-foot radIUS non-tangent curve concave southerly, from which the radIUS pOint bears South 04054'22" West, thence easterly 31 75 feet along the arc of Said curve through a central angle of 05031' 17", With a long chord of South 82019'59" East 31 74 feet to the beglmung of a 334 54-foot radIUS non-tangent curve concave southwesterly, from which the radIUS pOint bears South 07001 '20" West, thence southeasterly 15753 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of26058'45", With a long chord of South 69029'18" East 15608 feet, thence South 56022'10" East 84 04 feet to the beginning ofa 250 OO-foot radIUS non-tangent curve concave northeasterly, from which the radIUS pOint bears North 37022'58" East, thence southeasterly 109 14 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 25000' 48", With a long chord of South 65001'26" East 108 28 feet, thence North 46016'21" East 50 58 feet to a pOInt on the westerly nght-of-way line of PIOneer Parkway as descnbed In Road DedicatIOn Document filed In Document No 2003-053912, Lane County Deed Records, thence COInCident With said westerly nght-of-way line the follOWing three (3) courses and distances I) South 07022'10" West 1487 feet, thence 2) South 02021'29" West 140 16 feet, thence 3) South 06012'25" West 21 61 feet, thence leavIng Said westerly nght-of-way line North 38004'42" West 68 14 feet, thence North 77031'50" West 341 feet to the beginnIng ofa 339 OO-foot radIUS curve concave northeasterly, thence northwesterly 14800 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of25000'48", With a long chord of North 65001'26" West 146 82 feet, thence North 48031 '30" West 84 08 feet to the begInmng of a 274 21-foot radIUS non-tangent curve concave southwesterly, from which the radIUS pOInt bears South 41002'26" West, thence northwesterly 125 39 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of260l1 '57", With a long chord of North 62003'32" West 12430 feet, thence North 81052'08" West 21 78 feet, thence South 58009'34" West 1961 feet to a pOint on Said east nght-of-way line of Game Farm Road, thence COinCident With Said east nght-of-way line North 01049'36" West 84 68 feet to the Pomt of Begmnmg The basis of bearIngs for thiS desenptlOn IS the beanng between the found monuments markIng the northeast and northwest corners of the William M Stevens DonatIOn Land Claim No 46, being North 880 16' 40" West, Oregon State Plane Coordinate System (South Zone) End of descnptlOn RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT -225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 C \Document~ and Setlmgs\ltmb0967\Loca1 <;ettmgs\Temporary Internet nles\OLK9C\RlVCfbend Ml K addltlOna] R W dedIcatIOn doe REVIseD September 2004 DRAFT "0 ~ \.,...... q "0 ~ 2I<t CIl.. a:::CIl $2 lllJ!! Cla. L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Cc Subject ERNST Denms Thursday, May 15, 2008 8 07 AM LEAHY Joe (HL) KNAPEL Carole, L1MBIRD Andrew Rlverbend - MLK RfW Dedication Good Morning Joe, After a bit of phone tag With Danny I had a chance to talk With him this morning I think we have worked out the details of how to proceed I Will use our City standard forms and prepare a deed for Peace Health to the City and a second one for the City to Peace Health I Will emall them to both you and Danny for review and comments Danny Will be preparing and exhibit map to go With each of them to make It easier to see what IS being conveyed Once we are In agreement Danny Will get the Peace Health to the City deed Signed and returned to me and you can approve the City to Peace Health for GinO'S signature It IS my intention to get both documents to Danny today and I would hope we can get these documents recorded next week Thank for you patience With the process, Denms I Date Received s!,!utJr Planner AL Page 1 of 1 L1MBIRD Andrew From L1MBIRD Andrew Sent Wednesday, May 14, 2008 5 01 PM To KNAPEL Carole Subject RE Plat Issues HI Carole, not since a couple of weeks ago when It first came In, so I need to revIsit thiS now that the final paper copy IS being submitted and some Issues with the County have been resolved I'm ramping up for a series of meetings tomorrow, so It should get my attention on Friday Andy From: KNAPEL Carole Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 4 40 PM To' UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Plat Issues Andy, Have you had the chance to look at the list of Items that Peace Health submitted along With the Plat applicatIOn? Do they need to proVide anything else? Thanks, Carole Date ReceIved o/;1:>coif Planner AL 5/14/2008 k ff US Bancorp Tower, 111 SW 5th Avenue, SUite 2500 Porlland, OR 97204 (503) 227-3251 FAX (503) 274-4681 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Page 1 of 2 ConsulllngEnglnsers ATTN TO Andy Lrmblrd, Planning Department Clly of Spnngfield 225 Fifth Avenue Spnngfield, OR 97477 WE ARE SENDING YOU VIA D Messenger D 3 Hour DShop Drawings DCopy of Letter I Copies . I 1 I 1 I I I I I Date 05/14/08 05/14/08 DATE JOB# RE May 14, 2008 30114078 PeaceHealth RlverBend Final Plat DEma11 D 2 Hour DPnnts DChange Order D Fax 0 U SMail D 1 Hour D 30 Min DSamples DPlans C8J Overnight Couner D Hand Delivery DSpeClficatlons DAppllcatlon No Descnptlon Plat Drawings I Applicant Response to Commenls from 2nd review (submitted 04/14/08) I I I These are transmitted as checked below DFor your use DApproved as submitted C8JFor your approval DApproved as noted DAs requested DApproved as Noted DFor review & comment D DResubmlt _ copies for approval DSubmlt _ copies for dlstnbutlon DReturn _ correcled pnnts DFor BIDS DUE _ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Copies have also been provided to Dennis Ernst and Carole Knapel Thanks, Rachel I Copy to I file I::la!e ~elv~,/' I\j Planner j:I;( - - I! /l J) I Signed ~~IIJr /;;,111 Rachel Gnffith~ pr6ftf Kdmlnlstrator Date Received Planner AL s-/rhoo;- , / RlverBend Phase II Plat Applicant Response te j and County Comments from 3rd Review (; "tted on May 8, 2008) No I sheetl~omment JResponse ~ -', j ,-\RlverBend Pha.eUrPlafCommenls'from:tne City 'of Spnngfield;~r(HRevlew and'lield,check, dated MaYc12, 2008 J ~",~'~~~, -~ j~J1",~~~_l,~_,,~,~' **' * 1 5!Show a set monument at the PT at SatlOn 12+6562 on Cardinal IPlat has been revised IWay , - ----- - 2 BIShow a set monument at the PC at Station 22+1246 on Rlverbend'Plat has been revised I Dnve 3 14 There IS a dimenSion shown, jusl northwest ofthe Intersection of 'Pial has been revised Baldy View Lane and the Future Street, that IS light on top of the I centerline Please move so that It IS more readable I Field Check - The purpose of the field check IS to venfy that what I Plat has been revised and monuments vellfied I has been found and set In the field matches what IS shown on the 'Please consider thiS a request for the field check ,plat There area are an unusually high number of descrepancles and specific comments will not be made until correcllons have Ibeen made Do not request another field check until you are very 'sure It IS correct Every pOint set or found monument needs to be freshly marked up In advance of calling for a field check I Resubmit a new paper copy of the plat with your request for a field check 4' F,eld'You have set two types of monuments andhaveonly Indicated I Both types have been Identified on Ihe plat--- , I , Checklone type on the plat You will need fa Idenflfy each one and create I a new symbol to distinguish the two 5 Field There are numerous lound monuments that are no longer In Check eXistence While It IS fine to show what you found, you need to Ilndlcate which monuments actually eXist on the ground and which ones have been removed, at the time the plat IS filed I Found monuments shown have been vellfied and those I destroyed have been replaced 6 Field All line fences or encroaching fences must be shown If they will Check, sllll be In eXistence at the time the plat IS filed I -- - --- Other Easemenl E13 I I Fences that encumber Ihe site are shown 7 IThls easement has been changed to a Temporary Access Easement and will be recorded as a separate document ,KPFF IS In the process of prepanng thiS document and will , I submit to the City for approval separate from thiS 'submittal Page 1 of 1 Date Received Planner AL 1r/XOJ> 05/14/08