HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 5/14/2008 Page I of 1 L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To SubJect Andy, KNAPEL Carole Wednesday, May 14, 2008440 PM L1MBIRD Andrew Plat Issues Have you had the chance to look at the list of Items that PeaceHealth submitted along with the Plat application? Do they need to provide anything else? Thanks, Carole 5/14/2008 Date Received s-f'l:JuoI Planner AL RIverbend - Thrrd RevIew Page 1 of I L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Cc SubJect Danny Denning [Danny Dennlng@kpffclvllpdx com] Wednesday, May 14, 20084 27 PM ERNST DenniS KNAPEL Carole, L1MBIRD Andrew, MOORHEAD Chris, Andrew Haliburton RE Rlverbend - Third ReView DenniS, We have completed a verrficatlon of the found and set monuments and taken the approprrate actions to see that the plat complies with the field condllions I would like to request a field check of the monuments at this time Thank you Danny M Denning, PLS Senior Project Manager KPFF Consulting Engmeers 111 SW Fifth Avenue, SUite 2500 Portland, OR 97204 503-542-3838 direct 5/I 4/2008 Date ReceIved Planner. AL .r jJ,/or Page 1 of I L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To SUbJect L1MBIRD Andrew Wednesday, May 14, 2008223 PM 'Rachel Griffith' RE RlverBend Phase II Plat HI Rachel, please send me a paper copy for our files Thanks Andy Llmblrd City of Springfield From: Rachel Griffith [mallto Rachel Grlffith@kpffclvllpdx com] Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 2 23 PM To: KNAPEL Carole, ERNST Dennis, LJMBIRD Andrew Cc: Andrew Haliburton Subject: RlverBend Phase II Plat Carole and Andy - We are planning to submit another paper copy of the plat to Dennis, gOing out today for delivery tomorrow Please let me know If you both want copies as well, and If possible, I will Include them In the package Dennis - should I submit a copy to Peggy at Lane County also? Thanks, Rachel Griffith KPFF Consulting Engmeers 111 SW Fifth Avenue, SUite 2500 Portland, OR 97204 503-542-3817 direct ..4 Please consider the envIronment before pnntmg this e-mail 5/14/2008 Date Received ~-;;~J' Planner. Al Page I of 1 L1MBIRD Andrew From Rachel Griffith [Rachel Gnffith@kpffclvllpdx com] Sent Wednesday, May 14, 2008 2 23 PM To KNAPEL Carole, ERNST Dennis, L1MBIRD Andrew Cc Andrew Haliburton SubJect RlverBend Phase II Plat Carole and Andy - We are planning to submit another paper copy of the plat to DenniS, gOing out today for delivery tomorrow Please let me know If you both want copies as well, and If possible, I Will Include them In the package DenniS - should I submit a copy to Peggy at Lane County also? Thanks, Rachel Griffith KPFF Consulting Engineers 111 SW Fifth Avenue, SUite 2500 Portland, OR 97204 503-542-3817 direct ~4 Please consider the enVironment before pnntmg this e-mail 5/14/2008 Date Received Planner: AL S/I'// )/joY FW RJVerbend Plat Page 1 of3 L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Cc SubJect KNAPEL Carole Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5 37 PM ERNST Dennis L1MBIRD Andrew FW Rlverbend Plat - response to County comments Dennis, FYI - The latest update Carole From: Andrew Halrburton [marlto andrew hahburton@kpffClvllpdx com] Sent, Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5 24 PM To, KNAPEL Carole Cc Danny Denning, Rachel Grrffith, Tod Kelso, FARRINGTON Phil (SMTP), Moulds, Chip Subject: Rlverbend Plat - response to County comments Carole, responses to your comments and the County's replies Sheet 6 We Will comply With the direction to change the E13 easement to TEMPORARY ACCESS EASEMENT and recording by separate document We think this Will require us creating and recording another deed With reference number on the plat Danny IS working this up Immediately Sheet 14 The south end of Baldy View should be monumented unless It Will be vacated before the recordmg of the plat DenniS belreves that this IS being done by KPFF this week We belreve we misunderstood the comments KPFF has monumented the centerllnes of new Baldy View Lane and of the Future Street After diSCUSSing today With DenniS, Danny belreves we are complete and In full complrance on this Item Sheet 19 KPFF has shown Baldy View Lane as directed by the City The City IS satisfied With how It IS currently shown We Intend to take no further action In response to Peggy's comment In green Field Check Restoration of damaged/lost monuments Will be completed by KPFF tomorrow All others have been freshly marked We belreve thiS Will close the review section entitled Field Check, and allow US to request the final field check Paper Submittal Paper copies Will be finalrzed tomorrow and we Intend to overnight to the City for Thursday delrvery direct to DenniS Ernst Please pass on our appreciation to DenniS for the effort and level of detail that DenniS has had to apply to perform simultaneous plan-based and field-based checks on thiS 150-acre plat Please indicate If any questions or difference Thanks, Andrew From: KNAPEL Carole [mallto cknapel@cl springfield or us] Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 11 10 AM To' Andrew Haliburton 5/I 4/2008 Date Received .r/;<{/:LPor , , Planner AL FW RIverbend Plat Page 2 of3 , SubJect: FW Rlverbend Plat Andrew Here IS the response from Dennis and Peggy's responses Carole From ERNST Dennis Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 954 AM To: KNAPEL Carole Cc' UMBIRD Andrew SubJect: FW Rlverbend Plat From HUNTER Peggy K rm;:ultn PPqgy HUNTER(ci)CO Lane OR US] Sent Tuesday, May 13, 2008 9 53 AM To ERNST Denms Subject RE Rlverbend Plat HI Dennis, I've responded to these two comments below (In green) I'll let you forward them on to Danny as you see fit It looks like they've address most of the other concerns but I haven't gone through each Individual comment yet I'll let you know If I have any other questions or concerns Thanks -Peggy Good Morning Peggy, As you may have guessed the Rlverbend plat IS becoming a higher priOrity over here Peace Health would like to get It filed so they can get the roads open to the public KPFF IS working on getting the plat and what's on the ground to match up I would expect we'll see a new paper copy by the end of the week or first of next week There are a couple Issues that they are not sure have been taken care of from your last comments Here are the excerpts from a emall from Carol Knaple, project manager, who IS trying to get thiS wrapped up before she leaves the City at the end of the month Sheet 6 1 It IS stili unclear what the easement E13 IS Is It for access to the dramage easement? If so, can a note be added as to ItS purpose-to dlstmgUlsh It from publIC nght of way? [This IS unrelated to Baldy View Lane but IS sornethlng With which the City IS qUite familiar, while the county has no knowledge of the details] 5/14/2008 FW RlVerbend Plat Page 3 of3 ThIS Issue has been addressed In a separate document (RIght-of-way use permit) which IS between the City and Peace Health ThiS document clearly explaIns the purpose ofthe easement Dennis Will convey to the County that thiS has been addressed and no further response IS needed by KPFF The access easement allows for public access to Baldy View until St Joseph Place has been constructed There IS stili some diSCUSSions that need to happen as to what that intersection Will look like Even though KPFF did not call thiS a temporary easement I believe that It was their Intent As thiS IS a lane through a parking area, It Will never be a typical road way If It would help, KPFF could make thiS a temporary easement and add some sunset language to make It terminate at such time St Joseph IS complete and accepted o I thmk refemng to It as a Temporary easement on the plat would be very helpful along a note Similar to what IS shown on Sheet 14 With a reference to the recordmg number of the separate document ThiS would alert someone lookmg at the plat m the future that thiS easement may no longer eXist and If they want more specifics they can look up the document Page 19 I Should the area for excludmg Baldy View right-of-way also be noted on the plat? DenniS WIll dISCUSS With Peggy and resolve the Issue He WIll adVise her that the City requested that KPFF prepare the documents as they have been prepared It IS the City'S IntentIOn to resolve the matter of the final alIgnment of Baldy View at some pOInt In the future and that no further response from KPFF IS needed As far as the City IS concerned, the way KPFF has show the Baldy View right of way IS acceptable to us We would rather have them deal With the dedication Issue when they replat the lands east of Baldy View and we know a lot more about what the development plan looks like We would like to aVOid haVing Peace Health dedicate some right of way now and know that It Will change before too long and need to vacate or reconvey It We know that Peace Health has bought some of the lands inSide the "hole" and may end up With all of It and that Will play Into what the final road location Will be o The way Baldy View IS shown IS the city's call I was refemng to notmg the "area" With both 'Total Area" and "Area excludmg R/W" (Ex Lot 9 Total Area =45216 acres, Area Excludmg Right of Way=44 ??? acres Agam, thiS IS the City's call It was Just a suggestIOn Please respond to both of these Issues when you can You may want to send your response to me and Danny Denning and I'll keep Carol In the loop Thanks for your help I DenniS 5/14/2008 DatEl Received Planner, AL ,- /;r/Joof RlverBend Final Plat Supporting Documents 30114078 5/12/2008 Document Title 1 Improvement Agreement (Lot 8) 2 Improvement Agreement (Deadmond Ferry Rd ) 3 Public Areas Maintenance Agreement 4 Reservation Document for Public Trail Easement (Lot 9) 5 Dedication Document for 30-foot Public Trail Easement (off site parcel 1) 6 Memo - Re SUB2005-00012 #32 7 Permit - 353 Deadmond Ferry Rd (Lot 10) 8 Pumping report - 353 Deadmond Ferry Rd 9 Escrow Agreement 10 Memo - Lot 11 Pond Criteria 11 Memo - NW Detention Ponds 12 Memo - PIP Mitigation for NW Dralnageway 13 Right of Way Use Agreement 14 Improvement Agreement (Lot 8 & 9) Related Case and Condition No SUB2005-00012 - #7 and #34 SUB2005-00012 - #9 SUB2005-00012 - #21 SUB2005-00012 - #26 SUB2005-00012 - #29 SUB2005-00012 - #32 SUB2005-00012 - #35 SUB2005-00012 - #35 SUB2005-00012 - #66 SUB2005-00012 - #74 SUB2005-00012 - #74 SUB2005-00012 - #74 SUB2006-00044 - #5 SUB2006-00044 - #6 Plat_ Supporting_Documents 1 of 1 Date Received. >,/;;f;JorJ1 Planner. AL