HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 4/1/2008 Message Page 1 of4 L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Cc Subject Importance KNAPEL Carole Tuesday, April 01, 2008741 PM VOGENEY Ken, ERNST Dennis, BENOY Leslie, L1MBIRD Andrew Andrew Haliburton FW Baldy View Lane & Deadmond Ferry Road High Everyone, FollOWing the telephone conversation you had With KPFF on March 25, Danny Denning contacted the County Surveyor and got the follOWing response As I understand It, the City has suggested that KPFF show the areas along Baldy View as eXisting easements With vacations (or whatever) to be addressed at some pOint after the plat IS approved ThiS emall seems to suggest that the County IS OK With thiS option Do you all agree? Shall we tell KPFF to proceed on thiS basIs? Please let me know If any of you have any concerns by tomorrow (Wed) aftemoon If we are OK With thiS I Will adVise KPFF Wed late afternoon Thanks for all of your help Carole From: JACKSON Michael [mallto Michael Jackson@co lane or us] Sent" Tuesday, April 01, 2008 9 18 AM To: Danny Denning Subject: RE Baldy View Lane & Deadmond Ferry Road Danny, I'm suspecting by now that you are having some difficulties With pOSSibly the City of Springfield and their stance on who IS responsible for what So to make It as clear as I may I Will try to give you thiS office's stance I would Imagine If someone were requesting a statement from you or your office, that would be needed to pursue some act, that you would measure your words ThiS Will be my course as well, because no matter how much we try to be exact or accurate there IS always some obscure document or missing piece that may change the picture Baldy View IS a public road (local access road, LAR), from our records It has never been a County Road, by saYing that, Lane County would not have any authonty for a Vacallon Any right of way acqUired by Lane County for publiC road purposes that IS rlOW Within the City limits would be the cities responsibility for vacations It IS our belief that Baldy View fits thiS model As I mentioned before, Deadmond Ferry Road does not fit thiS model and would be Lane County's responsibility -----Onglnal Message----- From: Danny Denning [mallto Danny Dennlng@kpffclvllpdx com] Date ~ecelved ~//.200 r Planner AL 4/2/2008 Message Page 2 of 4 Sent: Tuesday, Apnl 01, 2008 8 46 AM To JACKSON Michael Subject RE Baldy VIew Lane & Deadmond Ferry Road Michael, I didn't receive a reply or confirmation from you concerning my statement below Please confirm or restate Thank you Danny M Denning, PLS Survey Manager KPFF Consulting Engmeers 111 SW Fifth Avenue, SUite 2S00 Portland, OR 97204 503-S42- 3838 direct From: Danny Denning Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 2 11 PM To: 'JACKSON Michael' Subject: RE Baldy View Lane & Deadmond Ferry Road Michael, Thank you for taking the time to clarify the county's view on the roadway easements along Baldy View Lane To confirm I understood our conversation It IS your position that the City of Springfield has JUriSdiction concerning the ex1lngUlshment of all easements for Baldy View Lane Regards, Danny M Denning, PLS Survey Manager KPFF Consultmg Engineers 111 SW Fifth Avenue, SUite 2500 Portland, OR 97204 S03-S42-3838 direct From: JACKSON Michael [mallto Michael Jackson@co lane or us] Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 1 53 PM To. Danny Denning Subject: RE Baldy View Lane & Deadmond Ferry Road my second transmiSSion failed so here It IS again The portion along Deadmond Ferry Will be In the County's JUriSdiction -----Onglnal Message----- From: JACKSON Michael Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 1 27 PM To: 'Danny Denning' Subject: RE Baldy View Lane & Deadmond Ferry Road Danny, I should be by my phone at 1 30, however today has not been a good day so far and who knows where I Will be asked to be nex1 I did ask about Peggy's statements and here IS how I understand It The City does have JUrisdiction over these ~}/~f 4/2/2008 Date Received Planner AL . Message Page 3 of4 area's There are a few lots which have been taxlotted by the Assessors Office, they should not have been lotted but opened up for road purposes like the deeds stated I just spoke with my office manager and he agrees that the City Will have the JUriSdiction for any vacations along this area -----Onglnal Message----- From' Danny Denning [mallto Danny Dennlng@kpffclvllpdx com] Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 9 47 AM To' JACKSON Michael SubJect: FW Baldy View Lane & Deadmond Ferry Road Michael, I am a little confused by Peggy's statement below concerning Baldy View Lane I would like to diSCUSS this With you May I call you after lunch say about 1 3D? If you could review the Baldy View and Deadmond Ferry dedication/easement documents before then It might make the diSCUSSion move qUickly Thanks Danny M Denning, PLS Survey Manager KPFF Consulting Engineers 111 SW Fifth Avenue, SUite 2S00 Portland, OR 97204 503-542-3838 dIrect From: ERNST DenniS [mallto dernst@C1 springfield or us] Sent Thursday, March 20, 2008 4 44 PM To: KNAPEL Carole, Danny Denning Cc: BENOY Leslie, VOGENEY Ken, UMBIRO Andrew SubJect: FW Baldy View Lane & Oeadmond Ferry Road Here IS an emall from the County Surveyor's office confirming that Baldy View Lane IS In City junsdJCtlon and could be vacated by a City process Please note that the lots not Included In the annexation are stili In the county and the county has junsdlctlon so would need a County vacation process DenniS Ernst, L S , C W E City Surveyor --------------------------- --------------------------- 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Ph (541) 726-2095 Fax (541) 726-3781 From. HUNTER Peggy K fmallto Peaav HUNTER(q)CO Lane OR USl Sent Thursday, Mard120, 2008 4 17 PM To ERNST Denms SubJect Baldy View lane & Deadmond Feny Road Denms, 4/212008 Date Received i-{ /j~po Planner AL 'j ~ . Message Page 4 of 4 The variOUS portIons of Baldy View Lane were dedicated as public road easements, but not as "County Road", therefore any portion that has been annexed Into the City IS now under the jUrisdiction of the City of Springfield Any vacations of publiC easements Within the City limits would be processed through the City Deadmond Ferry Road was established as a County Road A portion of Deadmond Ferry Rd , from Game Farm Road to Intematlonal Way was surrendered to the City In 1997 The portion continUing northeasterly from that pOint IS stili County Road and any proposed vacations of that portion would have to be processed through the Cou nty Peggy Hunter Lane County Surveyor's Office 682-3633 4/2/2008 Date Recelved.-4/.Mol Planner. AL