HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 3/6/2008
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L1MBIRD Andrew
From KNAPEL Carole
Sent Thursday, March 06, 2008 6 25 PM
To DONOVAN James, L1MBIRD Andrew, BENOY Leslie, WALTER Ene
SubJect FW Peace Health SubdIVISion Plat - 2/26/08 meetmg notes
Attachments. 080226-Meelmg-Notes_REV xis
Revised notes per Andy's suggested language
From: Rachel Gnffith [mallto Rachel Grlffith@kpffclvllpdx com]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 5 09 PM
To: KNAPEL Carole
Cc FARRINGTON PhIl (SMTP), Andrew Haliburton, Danny Oennmg, Cullen Pearcy
SubJect: RE Peace Health SubdivIsion Plat - 2/26/08 meeting notes
ReVised Meeting Notes attached
Carole - Will you please forward to the other attendees, they'were not listed In Andrew's onglnal emall
Thank you,
Rachel Gnffith
KPFF Consulting Engineers
S03-S42-3817 direct
From' Andrew Haliburton
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 9 15 AM
To: Rachel Gnffith
Cc 'Farrington, Phil'
Subject: FW Peace Health SubdIVISion Plat - 2/26/08 meeting notes
I agree With the proposed revISions Please check With Philip that he has no obJections to makmg the
changes suggested below (from the 2/26/08 meeting With City of Springfield) Assuming he
doesn't, redistribute the notes by resendlng the updated document per the distribution list on my emall of 2/27/08
From: KNAPEL Carole [mallto cknapel@C1 spnngfield or us]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 8 35 AM
To: Andrew Haliburton
Subject: FW Peace Health SubdiVISion Plat - 2/26/08 meeting notes
The plannmg staff has some concerns regardmg your notes of our meeting on Feb 26
Could you review Andy's suggested language below and, If acceptable, revise your notes and re-Issue?
Date Received. 3/,,/,Joof
Planner' AL I I
Page 2 of2
Let me know what you think
From: DONOVAN James
Sent. Thursday, March 06, 2008 8 11 AM
To: KNAPEL Carole, ERNST DenniS
Cc: UMBIRD Andrew
Subject: FW Peace Health SubdiVIsion Plat - 2/26/08 meeting notes
Please send along a suggested revIsion to the 2/26108 meeting notes (thiS was the vacation diScussion With
KPFF) I don't recall agreeing that compliance With the code would be an "unfair penalty" The resolutJon of the
Issue With Joe notwithstanding, I would like the supporting records to be as accurate as possible
From: UMBIRD Andrew
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 8 46 AM
SubJect: Peace Health SubdiVISion Plat - 2/26/08 meeting notes
Item 1 a of the meeting noles, under Lane County Final Plat Comments reads "Planning Will diSCUSS With City
Attorney KPFF Will provide exhibit for diSCUSSion Meeting agreed that the full public ROW vacation process IS
unfair penalty to Applicant given the good intentions at the time of early dedlcatJon at City'S request, for the
purpose of permitting the construction of City MLK Parkway
Emergency Ordlnancy was tabled as possible mitigation for schedule" ,
Suocested ReVISions "Meeting agreed that the full public ROW vacation process IS unwieldy because the
Vacation article of the CIty'S Development Code IS a 'one size fits all' procedure At present, there are no
provIsions m the City'S Code for a scaled-back vacation process to accommodate mmor adJustments to
public ROW Applicant and City staff Will research possIble mechamsms to adJust the ROW configuration
Without reqUlrmg the full vacation process
Emergency Ordmance was tabled as possible mitigation for schedule"
Date Received:
Planner AL
Jlt /~f
I /
I Revised 3/6/08
PRE2007 -00088 Peace Health SubdivIsion Plat
RlverSend Phase II
Meeting on 2126/08 at City Hall to review County and City Review Comments
(Response column represents meetmg notes by Andrew Haliburton)
(blue = Agenda Items, yellow = Review Comments not yet resolved)
Meebno Attendees
City of Spnngfield Carole Knapel, Dennis Emst, Les Senoy, Jim Donovan, Ene Walter
PeaceHealth Philip Famngton
KPFF Consulting Engineers Danny Denning, Andrew Haliburton
INoB ....'Coiiiirl'tn.
1 Reservation Document for Public Trail Easement on LOT 9
(draft review copy emalled to Carole 2/20/08)
. read~' Status" Resdc:mseJ1l!'!ll!ll!llli'~ ,l,1IIII!
Jim D open City will review encumbrances on
Andy L proposed Lot 9 and decide whether
sheet notes with reservation
Reservabon Document for Game Farm Rd 3D-foot Public
Trail Easement across offslte Parcel 1 - (draft review copy
pm::lIl,:::r.n r::llmlo ?J?nlnA\
Public Way Use Agreement - (draft review copy emalled to
r.arole 2/20/08'
On the plat draWings, the words "River Path" shall be
changed to "Riverside Trail" to be consistent With recorded
maintenance agreement and Lot 9 trail easement above 9 -
{In nrnnrorr (""lion pO~",\I(n~nn" nann,n...,\
Decide where to draw the ROW line for the north edge of
Cardinal way, between MLK and Game Farm Road ThiS
affects the area of subdiVISion Lot 2 and of the area of the
entire subdivIsion, which In tum affects the calculation of
the Plat Final Applicallon Fee (fee calculation to be
Cullen /
__",S___.... L.. ...1-_ ,.........\
Decide how to depict the west edge of subdlvslon Lot 4 Danny
We have not shown the 25-foot-wlde MLK public trail
easement because It IS not reqUired Maintain or change
thiS approach?
...^....n"Ilo.nJ ~ro r"{fj,..,on+ ~r r..hm.ttorf
City Will reView proposed reservabon
document and respond
City Will reView proposed reservation
document and resDonn
Annotallons on plat sheets changed
as proposed
MeeDng agreed that the small
encroachment of Sidewalk onto PUE
(about 13ft) IS acceptable and that
KPFF would change the easement
type to Combined PUE and Sidewalk
..- ...- _......cu&l...~.. ...~..._~ -..1.._......_1
1) Meeting accepted the PUE
Widening to 30' In preference to
separate Qwest easement
2) Danny Will have survey crew map
the MLK construcbon against the
proposed nght-of-way and forward to
Owner & CIty for deCISion The
concem IS whether the 10' PUE IS
suffiCient for the Sidewalk or whether
the Sidewalk reqUires a separate
1.'),.~'JSh ' -t=~AIC= ._..- t~l!f!l-"'1I!II!1II!II! .~_;;'JIf - d'>I~-'St' tu' ~'jR-'~"-''''__--#li:..!iii_,'I.y
RV_.': ee 2LtJ0 ommen _~=?E3l'\1T1b~~.",_Al __!KB _ ~___-G_~S20_l..ea 1\41EM:#:#:lS0i a s~ esDonSe~1tt%fk0~T'-I-",4
Page 1 of 5
Date Recelved.~~t
Planner. AL
1 a General
I) The nght-of-way of Martin Luther King, Jr Parkway
and the westerly portJon of Cardinal Way should not be
Included within the boundary of the subject property, as
they have already been conveyed to the City and are not
Included In the deeds of the subject property or the btle
Andy L
42 Sheet 15 Will there be additional dedlcallon for rfw to round out curve Andrew
for Baldy View Lane? If so, It should be shown
Page 2 of 5
Planning Will discuss with Crty
Atlomey KPFF Will provide eXhibit for
discussion MeeTIng agreed that the
full public ROW vacaTIon process IS
unwieldy because the Vacation article
of the City'S Development Code IS a
'one Size fits all' procedure At
present, there are no proVIsions In the
City'S Code for a scaled-back VaCaTIOn
process to accommodate minor
adjustments to public ROW Applicant
and City staff Will research possible
mechanisms to adjust the ROW
configuration Without reqUlnng the full
vacation process
Emergency Ordinance was tabled as
possible mitigaTIon for schedule
None proposed, but KPFF Will seek
clanficatlon of the question from
Date Raceived:~/,,200f
Planner AL
080226-Meetlng-Notes _REV
:~~d::;c~..;[~~~F1naf;piai:commentSYrrom0"the CUi,"'o{S'n',0?fleid' :I~t Rivlew Received 1131/08 :
~/*~****)0:Y0:W*<.{/1V,b'i:'EAi1h~~'71_Y*dX~-~L**~*^,,/~*-*-'0*#'*d:* w**L'Y~"~Y'ti'~\ul:!,*J:!9_mJ{;H "*%/40/** 1-'0~~ x_ *'V'"
:0%~~ I, [!iese ci5mmentS'8iTlmaCftiiItfiftfieommems'ltjroViiJettb\;;eane"'COuntViuiVeviliYcifflce.'JrlceweiJ1/2,V08Y:i;1*7f!1',
NiP- Sheet;F'!if. COiiimenfk~_"'hl'__l:'mm~~~ 8eilam'~ StitUS:~,,\,L ,I
4 Sheet 1 Show general location of common areas Note the citation Andrew open 1) KPFF to forward to City copy of
for the CC & R's to be recorded With the plat Each sheet Danny Common Areas Map Sent to Denms
should show the specific location of all common areas and Ernst 2/27/08
a reference to the CC & R's
13 Sheet 2
Show location of easement 31 If you are creallng It at this
time (Do the same for any other sheets where thiS
easement IS shown )
28 Sheet 13 What does the L=3251 82 feet go to?
30 Sheet 14 Please show correct name for the street segment gOing Cullen / open
Northeasterlv nil thp p.nd of Baldv View L"np Am/TAW
31 Sheet 14 Consider revIsing Notes 1 and 2 With the agreement or JlrnD open
deed restnctlon document we talked about at the pre- Andy L
C:llhmltt~1 mp,phnn
38 Sheet 20 Dunng the field check an evaluabon Will be made as to If Danny open
additional monuments or reference monuments can be set Denms
along the slough
2) Add to Plat Cover Sheet reference
.1_ ,..,..nn_
KPFF Will change the easement note
and graphically depict a temporary
access easement across Lot 11 to
detention pond Erase With dedication
",I- ,.......P'n'1...nnn. .............rn..........
DimenSion explained Will c1anfy on
Plat and Will remove all beanngs and
distances of boundary segments
",..,....",1"10""+ ,,"th nU\A'
I Meeting agreed to denote on Plat as
:Eu!l!1'P Stl'PP.t'
Similar to County comment 1 A above
See response to that comment
KPFF Will site-inspect for each of the
proposed boundary monuments
where the slough would prevent
practical placement Will address With
.......... ..._.... ....+h ('nun." in.. ....nn'" ,..................
Date Received
Planner AL
316 !:waf
I i
Page 3 of 5
,1'&'~t.~jftl~i~~~~~~~?{RFrlnal PfarCom&mentsGffom~~CI!Y~(slJrin~fieta~2fidRevletV;~ReCeiyid ii12108i-~~ifr%~kY1t~;
~ tjL..,,~;; Z-=""--~"'A~~_.."'J~",,,,,J7~y,,______~A:;mrP,,0J~\!"0;; ^",,,,j\;,,,,,,, _.4,_,_ _ ~~~Z""gm"'!' ''''''''~",,~?7i~~,x''A''-~ _~ ''''ikh"",,5h1SW4W7:R,~lli1%'!rt&
f:s.;+!i:V;iZ::lEi'P~TheSe"commelits"aro~aenerated,fi6"rreVleWliig fhefAs;bwlf (J1JbllC- iti1iiii5l1errieiit l?lane~a]iallist:tlfeTl}lat~..Jf"
N ': S'o.:'.'ftt "ffi;J;S ,.==- -" t"I1hI"fu1I1hfu1'lH'!fu10!'"P~:""";""~"ThJF,,~_"L_'1"$,,f?3"4 L" ~d""'''"" " S"''''--"~",, R' ""o"""s"",--"'''11_''
o ~ 1I~ ~~ \.rUlllmen i0i W'~-tillt8Pttkim11{Wl91$l\P;at->0";;;>EPS0,""Ji@;:ffili'~~-~' ea ~"":z--f ICfWS,,"^0$:,,",,~_ es on '~N."tttL%,"'ilif,egi1Z1
1 Sheet 2 The as-bUllts show a pond on the westerly porllon of Lot 11 Andrew open City requires venficalion that flows Will
with a spill way on the northerly Side No easement has not exceed pre-development
been provided to overflows to be conveyed to some other condlllons The Width of any
drainage faCIlity easement should be dependent on
topography and flow, not necessanly a
constant Width
KPFF Will provide a technical
. --
Similar to Comment 13 above from
City 1 st Review Comments See
response to that comment
2 Sheet 3
3 Sheet 3
4 Sheet 3
5 Sheet 3
6 Sheet 3
7 Sheet 3
8 Sheet 3
9 Sheet 4
10 Sheet 4
The public access easement to the pond needs to be show Andrew
In a definite location unless It covers all of the lot and that
clearly descnbe In the note You may want to proVide a
temporary easement and a deed restnctlon for the crealion
.....f +h..... f"t-"m n..."............
IThere appears to be an un-labeled easement near the label I Cullen
.!llu:lIM' (:1 n Plp.ase label It and show the dimenSions
I Should line L3 be a curve? I Cullen
It appears there may be utilities (pnvate?) out Side of the Andrew /
nght of way and not In an easement on both Sides near Peter
stallon 11 +00 of St Joseph Place
There IS a storm drain line gOing to a catch basin In Lot 7
near station 12+04 68 ThiS needs an easement (public or
Is that a well on Lot 1? Is thiS to be abandoned or do you
need easements for overhead power and other potenllal
Andrew /
Andrew /
I Plat has been revised
Meetlno harl no r.ollllllfillls
I Plat has been revised
Meetlno had no comments
Pnvate ulllllies (Imgatlon, electncal for
Meeting agreed thiS explanation IS
completed SD connection from Lot 7, pnvate
Meeting agreed thiS explanalion IS
Our survey file shows a well No
acllon IS planned at thiS lime
Meeting agreed thiS explanation IS
I Duplicalion of Comment 6 above
SP.P. resoonse to that comment
EXlsling culvert that conveys pnvate
rain runoff only, therefore no
easement or further acllon reqUired
~"QQ"nn !:lnrQort thlC: ovnl~:n"-::l"nn I~
completed Only one path In the Meadow IS a
'public tra]I', the Plat depicts as
Intended Meeting agreed thiS
explanation IS suffiCient
11 Sheet 5 The as-bUilt plans show easement E3 as including drainage Andrew / open
as well Include drainage With thiS easement or change the Peter
as-bUilt plans to match the plat
I There IS a ditch On Lot 7 With a Inlet structure Where IS the IAndrew /
oubllc or onvate e~sement fo! thl~? Petp.r
Near the northwest comer of Lot 2 there are storm drain Andrew /
facllllies that drain to the north along Game Farm Road and Peter
enter and easement proVided on Lot 1 ProVide public or
..D.DlL~"'O .o~romQntc: fnr r1r~:un!:lnQ !:ilf'rnc:c: I n'" ?
On lot 8 there IS a public trail easement (E-7) The recent
site plans for lot 8 show more walkways through Lot 8 If
these can be used by the publiC the nght for there use
needs to be dedicated Please look at Lot 8 and see what
public or pnvate easements may be needed or deed
Andrew /
__'-__'-.__ _.__'-_-''''_ _______ "1.._.. ....11 1.._ ..._....__'-_... ._ U..._
Date Received
Planner AL
Page 4 of 5
Drainage not Intended to be Included
The source of the confUSion IS two
remnant errors on the PIP 'A' As-
bUllts - Sheets C 12 3 and C7 4 KPFF
Will ensure that the vellums are
corrected by stnklng through the
words refemng to drainage easement
sh j;..,or
/ i
12 Sheet 5 The as-bUllts indicate that there are street lights outside the Andrew
easements along MLK Please review the street lights
along all nght of ways and make sure they are In
13 Sheet 9 There appears to be a utility vault on the west side of
Rlverbend Dr that IS outside the PUE
14 Sheet 10 There IS a catch basin located on Lot 4 with the as-bUllts Andrew
indicate to be pnvate Show pnvate drainage easements for
all pnvate drainage Infrastructure
15 Sheet 13 There appears to be a detention pond located Northwest of Andrew
the path on Lot 8 Show public or pnvate drainage
easements for a drainage Infrastructure Please Include
overflow route If there IS a spillway
16 Sheet 14 It looks like there IS a new power line gOing to the new Andrew
structure bUilt near the nver on lot 8 Provide and easement
for thiS and other utilities that may serve It
Page 5 of 5
Path lights are within PUE Street
lights are within street light light
rlty..t~nllo~k:- th~t LtDJ:r: roUIOlA1 ~nrt
SUB was responsible for designing
and Installing thiS vault No as-built
information was provided to KPFF or
PeaceHealth Crty requests that
KPFF investigate further
Update After the meetmg, KPFF
vlsded the sde and measured thiS
vault location as extendmg to 29' from
ROW Smce the PUE IS 10', the vault
encroaches by as much as 19 feet
mto pnvate properly Will mvestlgate
completed Lot 4 connection to storm drainage
Meeting agreed thiS explanation IS
completed Either temp pond behind hospital or
pnvate pond In front of hospital
Neither IS public therefore of no further
concern to plat
Meeting agreed thiS explanation IS
_. '.Hi.o.&.or~
open Appears to be power supply to River
House Appears that a power
easement IS required KPFF Will
...O.O""'....Q ":'...... ..,........ t" DI"". If
Date ReceiveCL}~/~Otf
Planner. AL
Page 1 of 1
L1MBIRD Andrew
Thursday, March 06, 2008 8 11 AM
KNAPEL Carole, ERNST Denms
L1MBIRD Andrew
FW Peace Health SubdivIsion Plat - 2/26/08 meeting notes
Please send along a suggested reVISion to the 2/26/08 meeting notes (thiS was the vacation discussion with
KPFF) I don't recall agreeing that compliance with the code would be an "unfair penalty" The resolution of the
Issue with Joe notwithstanding, I would like the supporting records to be as accurate as possible
From: UMBIRD Andrew
Sent Tuesday, March 04, 2008 8 46 AM
Subject: Peace Health SubdivIsion Plat - 2/26/08 meeting notes
Item 1 a of the meeting notes, under Lane County Final Plat Comments reads "Planmng Will discuss with City
Attorney KPFF Will provide exhibit for discussion Meeting agreed that the full public ROW vacation process IS
unfair penalty to Applicant given the good intentions at the time of early dedication at City'S request, for the
purpose of permitting the construction of City MLK Parkway
Emergency Ordlnancy was tabled as possible mitigation for schedule"
Succested ReVISions "Meeting agreed that the full public ROW vacation process IS unwieldy because the
Vacation article of the City'S Development Code IS a 'one size fits all' procedure At present, there are no
provIsions In the City'S Code for a scaled-back vacation process to accommodate mmor adjustments to
public ROW Applicant and City staff will research possible mechamsms to adJust the ROW configuration
Without reqUiring the full vacation process
Emergency Ordinance was tabled as pOSSible mitigation for schedule"
Date Received. 3/tI;20tJ/
Planner AL --"'7 /
<0 ~"''''
20 596SQi'T