HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUR 5/1/2008 L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Cc Subject ERNST Dennis Thursday, May 01, 2008 9 06 AM Danny Denning KNAPEL Carole, L1MBIRD Andrew, HUNTER Peggy K 2nd Review comments from City of Springfield Attachments RIVERBEND Phase II 2nd City Review of final Plat doc, Post Mon Plat Certificate doc, Post Mon Deposit doc, INFO-Post Mon doc Good Morning Danny, Attached 'are the City 2nd review comments We are working on the field check and should be getting that back to you next week I've also Include the posl-mon form for your use Dennis Ernst, L S , C W E City Surveyor --------------------------- --------------------------- 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Ph (541) 726-2095 Fax (541) 726-3781 ~ ~ ~ ~ RNERBEND Post Mon Plat Post Mon INFO--Post ,se II 2nd CIty R:ertlficate doc "POSit doc (40 K10n doc (36 KB 1 Date Received Planner: AL S//Zuc! II ~ RlVERBEND, PHASE II CITY COMMENTS May I, 2008 2nd RevIew General Comments 1 Please place the followmg note on each sheet where a publIc utIlIty easement IS shown No bUlldmgs, structures, trees, shrubbery or other obstructIOns shall be placed on or m a PublIc UtIlIty Easement 2 Record both the Peace Health nght of way dedIcatIOn deed for MLK and the CIty deed of the excess nght of way back to Peace Health before recordmg tills plat 3 Add a note alludmg to the fact that the area of the nver front lots has been calculated to the Ordmary HIgh Water marks shown, but not dImensIOned on this plat ThIs should be place on any sheet that shows the area of a waterfront lot as It IS ImpossIble to calculate the areas from the mformatlOn on the plat 4 The post monumentatlOn depOSIt IS $2800 + $120/ monument Attached are the forms for your use The depOSIt WIll need to be paJd at the tIme you bnng the mylars, all [mal documents and an updated tItle report m 5 We are currently workmg on the field check and WIll be returrung comments to you shortly Once both CIty and County comments have been addressed, please submIt a paper copy to both the CIty and the County Sheet 2 1 Add the found monument symbol to the legend for found monument Just west of the Pomt "A" monument along Game Farm Road 2 In the Found Monument Table No 25, the beanng needs to mdlcate that tills IS from monument 24 to 25 3 In the DetaIl for the vlcmlty of monument 84, the set monument IS not shown m the detaJl 4 The dIstance 347 61 that IS show along the southerly SIde of tax lot 600 does not add up Is this dImenSIOn really needed? Sheet 3 Date Received Planner: AL S!tk~i J J 1 It looks like monuments 54 and 55 were held Please IndICate that somewhere 2 You could remove the black square symbol from the legend as I don't see one on thiS page 3 You show you WIll set a monument In MLK at the centerlIne northerly of the west lIne of Lot 1 As tins IS no longer a outer boundary IntersectIOn pOInt you are not requued to set one 4 Show the set monument symbol for centerline monuments beIng set on St Joseph Place (Boundary IntersectIOn, PC and PT) Show all the outer boundary monuments at duectJons changes as set monuments 5 On the west, northerly lIne of Lot 11 the distance 347 61 doesn't add up You may want to remove thiS distance as It IS not a boundary drmenslOn or add crows feet to show were It goes Sheet 4 1 Indicate which found monuments are beIng held somewhere (In the table or by the monument) 2 Show the monuments beIng set along the outer boundary along MLK 3 In the Northwest corner, show the easement lIne of easement E32 mtersectIng the boundary If It does (see sheet 3 where It IS shown correctly) Sheet 5 1 Show the monuments on the outer boundary beIng set and the centerline monuments you are settmg as well 2 Add the symbol to the legend for the monuments set by Lane County on the Cardmal centerline Sheet 6 1 Monument 59 IS shown as beIng held but It IS not on any boundary What's It holdIng? 2 Show the centerline monuments you are settmg as found monuments 3 Please revise the tax lot note to read ThIs lme diVides Tax Lot 100 The un- surveyed remaInder of the lot IS north oftlus lIne Sheets 7, 8 & 9 DUl\::l ''<dcelved Planner. AL 5/J 1100,( / / 1 Show centerhne monuments you are settIng as set monument and amend your legend Sheet 10 1 Show the symbol for the monuments set by Lane County In the MLK centerhne 2 Show centerlIne monuments you are settIng as set monument and amend your legend 3 Show the easterly nght of way half WIdth near StatIOn 405+00 on MLK where the taper begInS Sheet 11 1 Set a pIn at the Southeast comer of Lot 8 or us a reference monument If you cannot set the actual comer 2 Show a tie distances for the IntersectIOns ofthe ConservatIOn easement and the Corp nght of way WIth the southerly boundary Sheet 12 1 Show the monuments on the outer boundary beIng set and the centerhne monuments you are settIng as well 2 Add the symbol to the legend for the monuments set by Lane County on the MLK centerlIne Sheet 13 I Specify the datum for your benchmark elevatIOn Sheet 14 1 Show and monument the center lIne of Baldy View Lane and Future Street 2 Set the Southerly corner conunon to Lots 8 and 9 Show set monument symbol In legend 3 Under the Future Street label place (Not Named) Sheet 15 Date ReceIved Planner: AL Sit/loot , I 1 Need to set the Baldy View Lane PC Is the monument to be set on the outer boundary Southwest of monument 62 the centerline PRC? If It IS show the statIOn If It'S the centerlme mtersectlOn pomt With the boundary check and see Ifthe PRC fall mSlde your property boundary 2 Monument 60 beanng and distance mdlcates It'S some distance from KPFF I'm not sure I know what that means Please find some other way to reference It'S locatIOn Sheet 16 1 Show a distance tie from the most easterly monument on the Ripanan Boundary on the easterly property lme to the Southeast corner of Lot 9 There should also be a tie distance for the mtersectlOn of the Corp nght of way and Conservations easement With the easterly boundary too Sheet 22 1 The narrative needs to mentIOn the dedicatIOns along MLK as It amends the boundary survey you cite (CS 39772) 2 Near the end of the thrrd paragraph after Together With , the descnptlOn states a compound curve and It should be a reverse curve Date ReceIVed.~/!2<loY' Planner: AL