HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 2/27/2008 PRE2007 -00088 PeaceHealth SubdivIsion Plat RlverBend Phase II Meeting on 2/26/08 at City Hall to review County and City Review Comments (Response column represents meetmg notes by Andrew Haliburton) (blue = Agenda Items, yel/ow = ReView Comments not yet resolved) Meetmo Attendees City of Spnngfield Carole Knapel, DenniS Emst, Les Benoy, Jim Donovan, Enc Walter Peace Health Philip Famngton KPFF Consultmg Engmeers Danny Denning, Andrew Haliburton No" tead~~~l:;)j StatUSl:i"2~'; 1 Reservabon Document for Public Trail Easement on LOT 9 JlmD open City Will review encumbrances on (draft review copy emalled to Carole 2/20108) Andy L proposed Lot 9 and decide whether sheet notes With reservation nnf"llmo"'+ .,...~ c:"'''fic.I:-,''+ ~':" ':" .hm1ttc.n 2 Reservabon Document for Game Farm Rd 30,foot Public Denms open City Will review proposed reservation Trail Easement across oftslte Parcel 1 ' (draft review copy Emst document and respond mII8ll.orl r.",r'l'<> ?l?omR\ 3 Public Way Use Agreement - (draft review copy emalled to Len open I City Will review proposed reservabon Carole 2120/(l81 Goodwm .dal:llm<>nt ~nrl resDond 4 On the plat drawmgs, the words "River Path" shall be CuI/en closed Annotations on plat sheets changed changed to "Riverside Trail" to be consistent with recorded as proposed mamtenance agreement and Lot 9 trail easement above 9 ' {In nrnnro~c rllllan pO~rT'v/n!::lnn\l n~nnln....\ 5 Decide where to draw the ROW line for the north edge of CuI/en / open Meellng agreed that the small Card mal way, between MLK and Game Farm Road ThiS Danny encroachment of Sidewalk onto PUE affects the area of subdivISion Lot 2 and of the area of the (about 13ft) IS acceptable and that entire subdivISion, which In tum affects the calculalion of KPFF would change the easement the Plat Final Application Fee (fee calculation to be type to Combined PUE and Sidewalk ---J:-----'-b.u...!b.c........... .\ '-_ 1.._ _1.._..._ __ __.,i- _..L.._.U_I 6 Decide how to depict the west edge of subdlvslon Lot 4 Danny open 1) Meellng accepted the PUE We have not shown the 25-foot,wlde MLK public trail wldenmg to 3D' m preference to easement because It IS not required Mamtam or change separate Owest easement thiS approach? I ~ ~ ~ :>,p~ '~1 ~~ ""~~;~-r<h-""* -j*j^ ""- 'C^* V***h- _",,,,*** 1 '.. JJ~,';,.;:,,;i,!iiil:J~;'-;;'~!0.""'~Fmal Plat CommentS:'L:ANE COUNTY 1St ReView j-d0 L0*':ij':;ili!0r'W:f~V2*?U!iT\/& JS4:,<-~d 7" ,^"""""::_",,, **~* *;/;~4** "'G:L~~Y-Y'::** ~} *~ _* * No 'ILead 2) Danny Will have survey crew map the MLK construcllon agamst the proposed nght-of-way and fO/ward to Owner & City for deCISion The concern IS whether the 10' PUE IS suffiCient for the Sidewalk or whether the Sidewalk reqUires a separate I (Recen/ed I Status :';.;;'1 ResDonse;z;Jv",J"yv :":",.'-,2, Date Received: '] /;; 7 /200/ Planner. AL -r-J Page 1014 080226,Meetlng-Notes 1 a General I) The nght,of-way of Martin Luther King, Jr Par1<way and the westerly portion of Cardinal Way should not be Included within the boundary of the subject property, as they have already been conveyed to the City and are not Included In the deeds of the subject property or the title report JlmD Andy L Carole open Danny Cullen 42 Sheet 15 Will there be additional dedlcallon for rlw to round out curve Andrew for Baldy View Lane? If so, It should be shown open u-,w-;JJ'1 nl" ~ "s. t:, oJO a-.-<- ;f Ii' -'_, ~u..J Planning Will discuss with City Attomey KPFF Will provide exhibit for discussion Meeting agreed that the full public ROW vacation process IS unfair penalty to Applicant given the good Intenlions at the time of early dedlcalion at City'S request, for the purpose of penmttlng the construction of City MLK Par1<way Emergency Ordlnanuas tabled as pOSSible mltlgalion for schedule None proposed, but KPFF Will seek c1anficatlon of the question from r.nrmtv I 1 Co'mments-from'th~CI+li'ofSI!-' nIlXfjeld",1sfRev;ew01Recelve(j11131jo8~~~' J1*4i!Ii!il~0:::_.riJl:111:-:'S1 *******_,_ '** ~ * ~.. *7 h."Z,,, *_** * _ tf!~* f", , _,.", ,,'***** ~.*",~~*,*"~",,,~="",,~EL~' 'd@''''''''rtrs'' "" *"',"t-"1 * ****** *** h, _...,.,,,,,,",., ___" ,. = '^'~ *-, 'F~ * "', _ "'* ~ _ ~ ~~M~. ,.. * * t;.AJj5ii" ~ ~ * *_ 1:J;.",'iE~~-:,,,;;,p-:r01-"-ir1Tliese'-commem.s'afftlri'8iJdltiaii1DrommelilltafOvlaij(J by.L'1ine:Co1JnNSur.;f;I;orr:offlCii.;rfiicelVoof1123!08tr!lli~::1+:'l',TQ;r I 1"0" Shee't> Co"m"'m--e'n' t "",i?'-2ii ""'"'"'''i7;",.p-,,,...',,,...-,,5'-,.t__''m'''a...,,,rs L:;'~d'''.r...-', Status" 'ili}b'Rt' Resp-on"se'~...:tf0'--'.'...__"'0rs.A,' I ''Ii .y * '""" 0'i.$10' m;&::T"",~ ~"S~< <*>***::**+,*~"\~ ~'f\4i1r_mt4!i~~~x~~ ~. ~~"'?2L'"4'~'4 ~r,:t\f ~f"~-"?0S~"'"'=""",,^'Z"'1W~,,",~J;( 4 Sheet 1 Show general location of common areas Note the cltallon Andrew open for the CC & R's to be recorded with the plat Each sheet Danny should show the speCific location of all common areas and a reference to the CC & R's 13 Sheet 2 Show location of easement 31 If you are creallng It at thiS Cullen open time (Do the same for any other sheets where thiS Andrew easement IS shown) 28 Sheet 13 What does the L=3251 82 feet go to? Cullen open 3CISheet 14 Please show correct name for the street segment gOing Northeasterlv off the end of Baldv V,pw I "np ConSider revIsing Notes 1 and 2 with the agreement or deed restnctlon document we talked about at the pre- .suhm1tt~1 mpohnn Dunng the field check an evaluation Will be made as to If additional monuments or reference monuments can be set along the slough 31 Sheet 14 38 Sheet 20 Cullen / AllitrPw JlmD Andy L open open 1) KPFF to forward to City copy of Common Areas Map Sent to DenniS Emst 2/27/08 2) Add to Plat Cover Sheet reference J._ .........nF""l_ KPFF Will change the easement note and graphically depict a temporary access easement across Lot 11 to detenllon pond Erase With dedication ...1...................""...+ "'.....""""'__'" DimenSion explained Will c1anfy on Plat and Will remove all beanngs and distances of boundary segments .....nln,..l~o.n+ "'1th tll-l\AI Meeting agreed to denote on Plat as ..:E.u11lrp.StrP.p.t" Similar to County comment 1A above See response to that comment KPFF Will site-Inspect for each of the proposed boundary monuments where the slough would prevent practical placement Will address With ("'Inl .."n~ u"fh ("'n, ....h, of"".. ....""..".."...."'......."" Fmal Plat C,ol!!ments fromjlleCifY'otSprlligfield,2IlJ:I Revle~~Rl!Ceived2l12108;;:, ~.;;; ~~ _ _~~_~~ ~L ._~ ~ ~ _ \ "11.,,, ~ ~~_~ -- These comments are generated from ievliXWlngUhe'AS~bUlltpiJb"c ImlJl'Ovement plane agamstthe plat'-?SJ0..IJjh,J,,,, N ISh t 7' Ie" 't-- ,_" -, '~'~ JJ'J",-II III___ "'~'IL' d'"JL IStatus IR -- J" '''.','..4S ' - O ee ~.J ommen' ,--.,',~~" '.. ',-- I"J~,-." '" ,--- ea --.. esponse Xhxx', --- . 1:!~ \ - ~ - * ~ '*-~:-~ --c~~ * h2~m 1* 'M' _~* 2:: _trl:::t:::"'.W" r;: , I 1,1 " "~1~ ~ . i Page 2 of 4 Danny DenniS open Date Received, Planner AL J./J7 IM( I / 080226,Meetlng,Notes 1 Sheet 2 The as-bullts show a pond on the westerly portion of Lot 11 Andrew with a spill way on the northerly side No easement has been provided to overflows to be conveyed to some other dramage facIlity 2 Sheet 3 The public acceSS easement to the pond needs to be show Andrew In a definite location unless It covers all of the lot and that clearly descnbe m the note You may want to provide a temporary easement and a deed restnctlon for the creation 3 Sheet 3 4 Sheet 3 5 Sheet 3 6 Sheet 3 7 Sheet 3 81 Sheet 3 ~ISheet 4 1C,Sheet 4 ...f..",... f..6-......... ...,............... There appears to be an un-labeled easement near the labellcullen fnr curve C123 Please labp.ll! ~nrl ~hnw !hp. rllmenslons Should line L3 be a curve? I Cullen It appears there may be utilities (pnvate?) out side of the Andrew I nght of way and not In an easement on both sides near Peter station 11 +00 of St Joseph Place There IS a storm drain line gOing to a catch basin In Lot 7 near station 12+04 68 This needs an easement (public or nn\l:)h:.?\ Is that a well on Lot 1? Is this to be abandoned or do you need easements for overhead power and other potential uses? Andrew I Peter Andrew I Peter open open IcomPleted I completed completed completed open lopen open City reqUires venficabon that flows will not exceed pre'development condllions The width of any easement should be dependent on topography and flow, not necessanly a constant width KPFF will provide a technical Similar to Comment 13 above from City 1 st Review Comments See response to that comment Plat has been revised Mp.p.hnn had no commen!~ I Plat has been revised Mpphnn h;:trl nn r.nmmpnts Pnvate ulllllles (Imgalion, electncal for signs) Meetmg agreed this explanallon IS rl,fFi.....ont SD connection from Lot 7, pnvate Meetmg agreed this explanation IS l::llffirlont Our survey file shows a well No acllon IS planned at this time Meellng agreed this explanation IS C""Uj",ont I Duplication of Comment 6 above !=;PP. rpsnnnsp. to th~t r.nmmpnt EXisting culvert that conveys pnvate ram runoff only, therefore no easement or further aclion required f.Aootrnn ~nroorl th,e av....l~n~..J^n 1(' completed Only one path In the Meadow IS a "public trail", the Plat depicts as Intended Meellng agreed thiS explanation IS sufficient 11 Sheet 5 The as,bUllt plans show easement E3 as mcludmg drainage Andrew I open as well Include drainage With thiS easement or change the Peter as,bUllt plans to match the plat There IS a ditch On Lot 7 With a Inlet structure Where IS the IAndrew I tll1hhr. nr nnv~!p. p.~~"ment for thiS? Ellli:r Near the northwest comer of Lot 2 there are storm dram Andrew I facIlities that drain to the north along Game Farm Road and Peter enter and easement provided on Lot 1 Provide public or nn\l~to o~comontc fnr r1r!:nn!::lna !:If"rnc:c I nt ') On lot 8 there IS a public trail easement (E-7) The recent site plans for lot 8 show more walkways through Lot 8 If these can be used by the public the nght for there use needs to be dedicated Please look at Lot 8 and see what public or pnvate easements may be needed or deed Andrew I Peter 12 Sheet 5 The as-builts mdlcate that there are street lights outSide the Andrew open easements along MLK Please review the street lights along all nght of ways and make sure they are In _.u _:.1._ ....l__ __ .___j._.J j._ .______ 1.1-___ ....II L_ .J_..I,__j._.J ._ .l.L_ O!llcomOn~ Dramage not mtended to be mcluded The source of the confUSion IS two remnant errors on the PIP "A" As, bUllts ' Sheets C12 3 and C7 4 KPFF Will ensure that the vellums are corrected by stnkmg through the words refemng to drainage easement Path lights are wlthm PUE Street lights are within street light light easement Date Received Planner AL -CJbL.ra,...,or-!-r t"'t"'.. IICC'r: rO\llDUI ~nrl :l /:1'7 )~OC( I / Page 3 of4 080226'Meetlng,Notes 13'Sheet 9 'There appears to be a utility vault on the west side of Rlverbend Dr that IS outside the PUE 'Andrew 14 Sheet 10 There IS a catch baSin located on Lot 4 With the as-bUllts Andrew Indicate to be pnvate Show pnvate drainage easements for all pnvate drainage Infrastructure 15 Sheet 13 There appears to be a detention pond located Northwest of Andrew the path on Lot 8 Show public or pnvate drainage easements for a drainage Infrastructure Please Include overflow route If there IS a spillway 16 Sheet 14 It looks like there IS a new power line gOing to the new Andrew structure bUilt near the nver on lot 8 Provide and easement for this and other utllilles that may serve It Page 4 of 4 open 'SUB was responsible for deSigning and Installing this vault No as-bUilt Infonnatlon was provided to KPFF or Peace Health City requests that KPFF investigate further Update After the meetmg, KPFF vlstfed the stfe and measured this vault location as extendmg to 29' from ROW Smce the PUE /s 10', the vault encroaches by as much as 19 feet mto onvate orooertv Will mvest/aate completed Lot 4 connection to stonn drainage Pnvate Meeting agreed this explanallon IS ~'offi"'ll3nt completed Either temp pond behind hospital or pnvate pond In front of hospital Neither IS public therefore of no further concem to plat Meellng agreed this explanation IS _--IW:w:-L open Appears to be power supply to River House Appears that a power easement IS required KPFF will l"'Io+o."n'u"o ~...... ~...... +... DI~+ ,f DataReceived ~ ~'7/20~f Planner AL --"'!/ OB0226,Meetlng,Notes > ""'"""'"_........ ....__,.."'...., 6 I . ~ ~ I I 00 SCALE o .1Il "n rIo.__ "",,".MI"UT TOTAL AREA OED 20596 BQ PT ICATEn TOTAL AREA VACATED '" l"'''t:l\,/YI , I,;n.,,,,,,"" ~i I MLK ROW DEDtvAC ............. 0'.l1:l8/08 "'^'"',"", Date Received, .y2 ~/,;oor Planner. AL c-- Page 1 of 1 L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Cc Subject Attachments KNAPEL Carole Wednesday, February 27, 2008 7 23 PM DONOVAN James, ERNST Dennis, BENOY Leslie, WALTER Eric L1MBIRD Andrew, STOUDER Matt FW PeaceHealth Final Plat, Meebng Notes and Action Items 080226,Meetlng,Notes xis Everyone, Attached are meeting notes prepared by KPFF from our diScussion on Tuesday Feb 26 I haven't reviewed them yet, but let me know If you Identify anything that needs clarification or correction Thanks again to all of you for staYing late for this meeting I think we accomplished a lot Carole From' Andrew Haliburton [mallto andrew hailburton@kpffclvllpdx com] Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 6 50 PM To: KNAPEL Carole Cc: FARRINGTON Phil (SMTP), Danny Denning, Rachel Griffith, Cullen Pearcy Subject: PeaceHealth Final Plat - Meetmg Notes and Action Items Carole, I've added my notes from yesterday's Plat ReView Meeting In the "Response" column of the attached matrix This IS the same list that we used for the meeting agenda I'll be uSing this as an action Item list, and It will form the baSIS of the Applicant's Response to the ReView Comments In the next submittal Please let us know If there's anything we missed or miss-characterized I'll follow up In a few days as we wrap up as many of these Issues as we can In preparation for the next submittal Jim D mentioned vellums for the next submittal That may be a bit optimistic but the deCISion will best be made after the major Issues from yesterday's meeting have been resolved Please forward any follow,up comments Thanks, Andrew Andrew Haliburton ASSOCIate CEng MICE PrEng MSAICE LEEDTM AP KPFF Consultmg Engmeers US Bancorp Tower 111 SW 5th Ave, SUite 2500 Portland, OR 97204,3628 Tel (503) 227,3251 Direct (503) 542-3807 Fax (503) 274-4681 andrew haliburton@koffclvllodx com Date ~ecelved. ~/:J-jtO()F Planner AL 3/3/2008 Page 1 of 1 L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Cc Andrew Haliburton [andrew hallburton@kpffclvllpdx com] Wednesday, February 27,20081051 AM ERNST Dennis DONOVAN James, FARRINGTON Phil (SMTP), KNAPEL Carole, L1MBIRD Andrew, Danny Denning PeaceHealth Final Plat, Map of Common Areas DWG,080215-PH-CommonAreasMap,KPFF pdf Subject Attachments DenniS, Following up on yesterday's meeting, attached IS a copy of the Common Areas Map relating to the CC&Rs This refers to your first set of review comments for the Final Plat review (Item 4 on Sheet 1) Please call If you have any questions Sincerely, Andrew Haliburton ASSOCIate CEng MICE PrEng MSAICE LEEDTM AP KPFF Consultmg Engmeers US Bancorp Tower 111 SW 5th Ave, SUite 2500 Portland, OR 97204-3628 Tel (503) 227,3251 Direct (503) 542,3807 Fax (503) 274-4681 andrew hallburton(ci)koffcrvrlodx com 3/3/2008 Date ReCeIVed.~/.1 7/;u; r Planner, Al / - __""_'<o'-~ =~_ -;-~;;1IV~~)'-;;~ "- \~~ j' o,~ ". ~ -t<-. o~ a l'- ~ .J> g 6c1; m~ ~ ~# ~~ /: -------:::::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~ gl~;! ~ ~;1) ~ ~I~ en::g ~~~~-~~~M__~_.~M__ .u .:{::!. ~ ---------- ~-~~~~~~=I~~m~m~~~~ ~- ~ffi~~O~~~N~NO Mm_ m~~V~vvmmM~m~~N~~~~ ~~~.~~~v~~~m~w~._ N ::2 ----------------- w ~ .------- M -_N _N _NM -N~_N~ ~__NMM.~~~W~~ __~ --______________-L \.,...~... .,,*-'Il/" ~'- ...'.""~'" c A YM lVNOU VNntNl ;) I I I ~--- / ...-/ " ii! >- m c il c " ~,Af"'''' - ,- ~~o ..~ ~~~ >w "0 ~ ~ ... ... .. 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