HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 2/26/2008 '- - . () I ~5 0) 1Jv~ I d@ __._A-L, r _____l/ I be !>Iat 2-/2-io/tJ8 ~_ 33D-J'VLJc~ (Jq;,n'/ ~'p. J~ J,e- __ v i(~ 1r~^.IJ /' ~ ---------- NP; ~ ~mm;tJl- ) 'j /, Lead Sta!"s Response ~ ( General <'\ Vd-((1-k () ".. C I) JThe nght-of-way of Martin Luther King, Jr ParKway _ \ and the westerly portion of Cardinal Way should not be ~IL Ire /-,. : ' bu~ \. ___ ~ Included within the boundary of the subject property, as 'i ,'Y? ,d,u,("uef-e , they have already been conveyed to the City and are not DISCUSSion with DenniS Emst Included In the deeds of the subject property or the title concemlng vacating tracts dedicated report Danny open te,the City / Will there be additional dedication for rlw to round out curve ---- --- for Baldy View Lane? If so, It should be shown Andrew open 1a Sheet 15 42 I I, I I I li~~I\:F~~~;r~~:.i!f!m~I_J>lat~.!~:,:~~.;;fromJ-'i~~CitY=Q..tSRri~9f!SJ!1;',!~tR~vil!~lR~pml!e,d.s;1~Ug~~~_A~iw;1!z 1~'t31lillliii,~!lr;;:These''qJ1FlIiems'aie;,n''!IfJlii/l9fl:to'c(i;{tfnMfsprovrae1J,'bi'[ane'COUi1iY'SuTVeYW!f'oljjce:;re~tV(rJIiI23LO~~*~~ No Sheet Sheet 1 4 Sheet 2 13 28 Sheet 13 Sheet 14 30 Sheet 14 31 Sheet 20 38 Comment Lead Status open open lopen open open Response -~ / ';-,r::":l:i~ RAl/Z II!;; -'> I A-f.fDf2e:w!DCKJ6 / ~ ( a.c1~ ", 3 ,Ib .r Cl-tt e4h.l-Y"; ? -\-,'1- {Yle'!;+- -:w~ t"fV-l To be addressed after field check evaluatIon open I I I I Jil!!~IJ'la(C9j1]l!!el1~!!:o'!!i'pik9.1tY~clf~pl:II'-gfi\lld, 2nd ,ReVlew, Recel\'e.!l_~_2/0~:~?t';:~3ilo;.,~:;';'~"F~:llt~:;~t. I,'''~fl-'i.~~'mese epmjneiits'fiarcrgeneiatedJrcin;;;evlew.mg'tAe1},s:buJti public'lmprOVement plaij'irliriatnsfth(rpfit.;o-~r;..~~-i[-;;.lr~~fiiflilr.{ No Sheet Sheet 2 1 Show general location of common areas Note the citation for the CC & R's to be recorded With the plat Each sheet should show the speCific location of all common areas and a reference to the CC & R's Show location of easement 31 If you are creating It at thiS time (Do the same for any other sheets where thiS easement IS shown) What does the L=3251 82 feet go to? Please show correct name for the street segment gOing Northeasterly off the end of Baldy View Lane Andrew Cullen / Andrew I Cullen Cullen / Andrew ConSider revlsmg Notes 1 and 2 With the agreement or deed restnctlon document we talked about at the pre- submittal meeting Dunng the field check an evaluation Will be made as to If additional monuments or reference monuments can be set along the slough Andrew Comment Lead The as-bUilts show a pond on the westerly portion of Lot 11 With a spill way on the northerly Side No easement has been prOVided to overflows to be conveyed to some other drainage facility Andrew Date Received, l.2~ ha,,p Planner AL Page 1 of 3 Status open Response \.l )-l<Z'"' IIJ 6re,-As..r ON ~;;''!;t; foJO N t:E r 7 Add 25' Easement Agenda-ltems080226 xis ~ ~ ,~ I Q \ v ~ .L-- I '~ ''--- -J ----- (' \. ----~ - ----- T- - o D \'I V ----- " ~, k. --l ------- ----- \ ~ !: ~ ~ .. I \ J--- ) \- . , Fmal Plat Comments from the City of Spnngfield;2nd Review, Received 2/12/08 ' " "i,E~,These,Comments,are generated from reViewmg fI]!I As-bUlltpubllc Imjji6vement plane agamst the plati;!'#i!~-- :- Sheet 3 2 Sheet 3 3 41 Sheet 3 Sheet 3 5 Sheet 3 6 Sheet 3 7 Sheet 3 8 Sheet 4 9 Sheet 4 10 Sheet 5 11 Sheet 5 12 The public access easement to the pond needs to be show In a definite locabon unless It covers all of the lot and that clearly descnbe In the note You may want to provide a temporary easement and a deed restnctlon for the creabon of the future perman Andrew There appears to be an un,labeled easement near the label for curve C123 Please label It and show the dimensions Cullen 1 Should line L3 be a curve? i:K-5 1 Cullen v It appears there may be utllilies (pnvate?) out side of the nght of way and not In an easement on both sides near station 11 +00 of St Joseph Place Andrew I Peter There IS a storm drain line gOing to a catch baSin In Lot 7 near station 12+04 68 This needs an easement (public or Andrew I pnvate?) Peter Is that a well on Lot 1? Is this to be abandoned or do you need easements for overhead power and other potential Andrew I uses? Peter There IS a ditch On Lot 7 With a Inlet structure Where IS the Andrew I public or pnvate easement for thiS? Peter Near the northwest comer of Lot 2 there are storm drain facllilies that drain to the north along Game Farm Road and enter and easement provided on Lot 1 Provide public or Andrew I pnvate easements for drainage across Lot 2 Peter On lot 8 there IS a public trail easement (E,7) The recent site plans for lot 8 show more walkways through Lot 8 If these can be used by the public the nght for there use needs to be dedicated Please look at Lot 8 and see what public or pnvate easements may be needed or deed restnclion created to Insure they Will be dedicated In the future Andrew I Peter The as-bUilt plans show easement E3 as Including drainage as well Include drainage With thiS easement or change the Andrew I as-bUilt plans to match the plat Peter The as-bUllts indicate that there are street lights outside the easements along MLK Please review the street lights along all nght of ways and make sure they are In easements Andrew Date Recelved.~41.<U'oL Planner AL Page 2 of 3 open J I (/~~ l--I"A Y-y- f6 Agenda Item completed Plat has been reVised completed 1 Plat has been reVised C:1.f. So. v Pnvate utilities (imgatlon, electncal for completed signs) pvl completed SD connection from Lot 7, pnvate COA~ tJ6-pVt open Our survey file shows a well fV/ open not sure what IS being referenced PfT pI Pvl- /L,let?~,.,r open EXisting culvert oK- - ~Vl completed Only Meadow Path IS a "public trail" )(-0 wi- J:ytLI ~ 'I. od, t 5/-r.eRf IIr/t-f /Sfr-ecH-r6- D,ralnage not InCIUd(G])eL - ~ ' ( l5~T C12 3 J~IP A) C74 completed completed Path lights are Within PUE Street lights are Within street light light easement Agenda,IlemsOB0226 xis , , Final Plat Comments from the City of Spnngfield, 2nd RevIew, ReceIVed 2/12108 These comments are generated from revlewmg the As-bUilt public improvement plane against the plat There appears to be a utility vault on the west Side of I I ea~ Rlverbend Dr that IS outside the PUE Andrew completed Don't know SUB designed this vault e,Iv', I - Ptt- - f-fltJ- Swrv<-td-~ - ?tf , -d~U(G5 ~;J W{/!TI~0 '" r-a - {I plc<< 117 <!f:<. (! . '7 - /'....----- - " " k~....ern,lTA-t.- ,l)A--,6 C ~ -L< f- r 1-01-- 'i ~ .;rdltblo",---- I;- '0~ /: -> 5d- t:-' ) S -z cwlcl- ~,(!.ei (_~ u.~-();C... (!a (aVcJle/z.-/z%8' .,. ro /)J use "'-of -"u;,l-d..' r7 ' /. -- - -- - -' ('~ '-(- I'-i~.- Sf j).{ flU2-~-~ , f/~ ftt.-12 N C",rd.~ (fILK----G,1='" S (Cffl.-hr,ue ,;,rUU:W-<- 1'-'. ,-- af5tJt'NW (, ~7+ OK. cvf ~f cj w/ t~f 0",1- ?u.c:- ,;--/A~-) 7 S LV Lof '-I I' VoiLVrv+<t vi/r 1M fk--!-lt, IN (trrrha PiLC;.~' ~ Sheet 9 13 Sheet 10 There IS a catch basm located on Lot 4 with the as-bullts mdlcate to be pnvate Show pnvate dramage easements for all pnvate drainage mfrastructure Andrew There appears to be a detention pond located Northwest of the path on Lot 8 Show public or pnvate drainage easements for a dram age mfrastructure Please mclude overflow route If there IS a spillway Andrew It looks like there IS a new power line gomg to the new structure bUilt near the nver on lot 8 ProVide and easement for this and other utlllbes that may serve It Andrew 14 Sheet 13 15 Sheet 14 16 4ftd~ - J)~11 '1 I 8 S c~ - :i)..'<.K- ":ufTE Date Recelved,~~OOJ' Planner' AL Page 3 of 3 OK - PVI completed Lot 4's connection to stonn drainage i.--dt;tqjU fJa~ Either temp pond behind hospital or completed pnvate pond In front of hospital OHPg~ open Utilities to River House? /' ---~ Agenda,Items080226 xis Page 1 of2 . DONOVAN James - l_'~ From Sent To Subject Attachments KNAPEL Carole Monday, February 25, 2008 5 11 PM BENOY Leslie, WALTER Enc, ERNST Dennis, DONOVAN James, STOUDER Matt FW PeaceHealth Final Plat, Meeting to resolve outstanding Items Agenda-ltems080226 xis Everyone, Attached are Issues which we will be diSCUSSing at tomorrow's 3 30 meeting Again, thanks to you all to be will to be so fleXible to conduct thiS meeting tomorrow Carole From: Rachel Gnffith [mallto Rachel Gnffith@kpffClvdpdx com] Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 4 50 PM To' KNAPEL Carole Ce. FARRINGTON Ph, I (SMTP), Danny Denning, Andrew Haliburton Subject: RE PeaceHealth Final Plat - Meeting to resolve outstanding Items HI Carole, In addition to the Items Andrew has listed below, please see the attached spreadsheet for the list of review comments that Andrew and Danny would like to diSCUSS at tomorrow's meeting Please let me know If you have any questions or need addltlonallnformallon Thank you, Rachel Griffith KPFF Consulting Engineers 503-542'3817 direct From: Andrew HaiJburton Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 2 59 PM To: 'KNAPEL Carole' Ce: 'Farnngton, Phil', Danny Denning, Rachel Griffith Subject: PeaceHealth Final Plat, Meeting to resolve outstanding Items Carole, You are arranging a meeting (hopefully for Tuesday next week) With a few key staff members to review the plat review and update PeaceHealth on . Remaining plat review schedule & anllclpated approval date . Confirm Final Plat Application Fee and due date . Agree a submittal date for the Final Plat Application . DeCISions on unresolved Items regarding the plat For the last pOint, the Items on my list stili needing resolution are 1 2 Reservation Document for PubiJc Trail Easement on LOT 9 - (draft review copy emalled to Carole today) Reservation Document for Game Farm Rd 30,foot Public Trail Easement across offslte Parcel 1 ,(draft review copy emalled to Carole today) Public Way Use Agreement, (draft review copy emalled to Carole today) Date Received Planner AL J./:U/:1..o00 I 3 2/26/2008 Page 2 of2 ft O'l-the plat drawmgs, the words "Ft. _r Path" shall be changed to "Riverside Tr ~ [0 be consistent with the recorded mamtenance agreement and Lot 9 trail easement above, (m progress Cullen Pearcy/Danny Denning) 5 Decide where to draw the ROW line for the north edge of Cardinal Way, between MLK and Game Farm Road This affects the area of subdivIsion Lot 2 and of the area of the entire subdivIsion, which m turn affects the calculation of the Plat Fmal Application Fee (fee calculation to be performed by the City) 6 Decide how to depict the west edge of subdiVISion Lot 4 We have not shown the 25-foot-wlde MLK public trail easement because It IS not required Mamtam or change this approach Danny Denning has been working through the review comments received from both City and County, and has been Incorporatmg corrections and preparing a coord mated written response to all Items It would be helpful to add to my list above, any Items that require diSCUSSion I believe some comments are contradictory and some have generated further questions I Will ask Rachel to submit Danny's agenda Items directly to you Please mform us of the confirmed meetmg time and date Many thanks, Andrew Date Received: ,,1.2(,/~i Planner. AL -+7 2/26/2008