HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/14/2008 (3)
City of Spnngfleld
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Spnngfleld, OR 97477
Land Division Plat Application, Type I
Applicant Name:
Philip Farnnqton, AICP
I PeaceHealth
1123 International Way, Spnnqfield, OR 97477
541-686- 3828
Applicant's Rep,: Andrew Haliburton IPhone: 1503-227-3251
Company: KPFF Consultlnq Enqlneer I Fax: 1503-274-4681
Address: 1111 S W Fifth Avenue, SUite 2500, Portland, OR 97204
Property Owner: Isame as Applicant Iphone: I
Company: I 1 Fax: I
Address: I
\1-D"3-15-4D 11.. 7.2cO; 11-o3-H-w TL 12DO, 1(,,=, 1800; n-D~'23''l.2. TL ~?=;400,Soo, b~ 700
ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: \1-03-1...7..-DO TAX LOT NO(S}:"1L3oo.7oo-/tfDO
Property Address: 3333 Game Farm Road, Spnngfield, Oreqon
Size of Property: 149 139 Acres IZI Square Feet D
Proposed Name of SubdiVISion: RlverBend, Phase II
Description of Final Plat
EXisting Use: Vacant
# of Lots/Parcels: 12
. SUB200S-00012 and
Tentative Case #: SIIR7006-rnnM
Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: vanes sf Density: NjA
Applicable Refinement Plan:
Location: City Limits D
Associated Applications:
Case No.:
Case No.: 5())f!;,7fJ>.(>;- &i1i\q
Application Fee: $
. III ~ r.' ..
Overlay District:
Plan Designation:
Urban Growth Boundary 0
'1/1 Lf/oCb
Reviewed by:
Reviewed by:
Postaqe Fee:
,\i-R I ; 2UUO
ReVISed 11/20/2006 bJ
Onglnal Subm.ttaL_a;e
p\j~L. - ~Dl \
Steps in the Process.
1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg Application
The Pre-Submittal Application IS mandatory Please refer to the Fee Schedule for the current
application fee The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist
attached to this form Please refer to Page 4 for the Pre-Submittal requIrements. Pre-
submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Fnday between 10 00 a m and noon
We will stnve to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving
the application
2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting
We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team, to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting
The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Englneenng and Transportation,
Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning DIVISion The meeting will
be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes The Planner will provide you With a Pre-Submittal Checklist at
the end of the meeting speCifying the Items reqUired to make the applicatIOn complete-If It Isn't
already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal
and acceptance by the City
3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application
When you have addressed all of the Items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit a
complete application to the Survey Section located at the NW Quad of City Hall Refer to page 5
for the submittal requIrements. The plat application fee will be collected at that time If the
application has been deemed complete After SurveYing and Planning staff checks and signs the
mylars the plat may then be recorded by the applicant's surveyor at Lane County
Submit Five (5) recorded rolled paper copies of the plat along With Three (3) copies of reqUired
documents delivered to the Development Services Department pnor to the Issuance of any
bUilding permits
Owner's Signature
ThiS application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete
application submittal Owner's signatures are required at both stages In the application process
An applicatIon WIthout the Owner's origmal signature will not be accepted.
The undersigned acknowledges that the Information In thiS application IS correct and accurate for
scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting
~ Date Received:
APR 1 4 20~8
Pnnt Name
ReVised 11/30/2006 bJ
- 2-
Ongm~l sLi"m-"I~<:'I~
Case Number: SulS 2fuC6 -- ml f1 Date Submitted: .t..J /4/ oC{:,
I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent with the
completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the
information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or
the information will not be provided If not otherWise contained within the submittal, and the City may
begin processing the application with the information as submitted This statement serves as wntten
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slg~a~l~ v I/"/~
Philip Farnnqton
Pnnt Name
Plat applications will be processed as follows: (See attached Plat Review Process Flow Chart)
1. The applicant submits a Pre-Submittal meeting application
2. Within five to seven working days, the applicant and the City conduct a pre-submittal meeting
3, The applicant coordinates any additional review of the plat and other required documents with
representatives from the City's Planning, Public Works Englneenng, and SurveYing Section
4. The City SurveYing Section Will notify the applicant's Surveyor when the plat and other
documents are suffiCiently refined to allow for the submittal of the plat mylars
5. The applicant submits
a. The Mylars and all final documentation to the SurveYing Section located In the NW Quad
Section of City Hall
b. If document set IS complete, applicant submits to Planning the Plat application, a copy
of the mylar and final documents as well as financial secunties including the application
fee l
6. The City Surveyor and Development Services Director may sign the final plat If all other
conditions and requirements are fulfilled
7. The plat mylars may be delivered to Lane County for recording by the applicant's Surveyor or
whomever the Surveyor authonzes
8. The applicant shall deliver Five (5) recorded rolled plat paper copies, along with Three (3)
copies of any other recorded required documents to the Development Services Department
prior to the Issuance of any building permits.
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Original SubmIttal a f1
RevIsed] 1/30/2006 bJ
- 3 -
Page 1 of 1
L1MBIRD Andrew
Rachel Gnffith [Rachel Gnffith@kpffclvllpdx com]
Monday, Apn114, 2008415 PM
KNAPEL Carole, L1MBIRD Andrew, ERNST Dennis
FARRINGTON Phil (SMTP), Andrew Haliburton
RE PeaceHealth - RlverBend Phase II plat submittal
Carole, Andy, and Dennis
I am sending this emall to confirm that Andrew hand-dellvered the revised plat including supporting documents
and application fee to the City today
If you have questions or need any additional information, please contact us We'd like to keep things moving and
get the mylars submitted for recording as soon as we have City approval
Thank you,
Rachel Griffith
KPFF Consulting Engmeers
503-542-3817 direct
Date, Received 1/ /;'1 ~
Planner, AL -;-'J
L1MBIRD Andrew
Andrew Haliburton [andrew haliburton@kpffclvllpdx com]
Monday, Apn114, 2008 11 16 AM
KNAPEL Carole, L1MBIRD Andrew
FARRINGTON Phil (SMTP), Rachel Gnffith, Danny Denning
Peace Health - RlverBend Phase II plat submittal today before 3pm
Page ] of]
Due to some technical difficulties, the plat Will be submitted today I am personally delivenng It, Will be setting off
In a few minutes
I need to stop by Philip's office for the big check and his signature on the application form
If you need to reach me, please call my cell 503-319-8946
Many thanks,
4/] 4/2008
Data Mecelved
Planner. AL
q;j 'I p(}Of
I i
RlverBend Final Plat
closed City WJII review encumbrances on proposed Lot 9
and decide whether sheet notes WJth reservation
document are sufficient as submitted
Reservation Document tor Public Trail Easement on LOT 9 -
(draft reVlew copy emailed to Carole 2/20108)
Andy L
No response has been received from Staff
Applicant assumes the documents are acceptable
as submitted No further action required
City has approved proposed reservation document
Reservation Document lor Game Farm Rd 30-fool Public T Tall
Easement across off site Parcell - (draft review copy emalled
Carole 2/201081
Public Way Use Agreement - (draft review copy emalled to
Carole 2/20108)
City has reviewed ROW Use Agreement Carole
confirmed approval on 3/5/08
Annola\1ons on pial sheets changed as proposed
On the plat draWJngs, the words "River Path" shall be changed Cullen
to "Riverside Trail" to be consistent with recorded Maintenance
Agreement and Lot 9 trail easement above 9 - (In progress
Cullen PearcvlDannv Dennlnq)
Decide where to draw the ROW line lor the north edge of
Cardinal way, between MLK and Game FarmRoad This
affects the area 01 subdivIsion Lot 2 and 01 the area of the
entire subdivIsion, which In turn affects the calculation of the
Plat Final Application Fee (fee calculation to be performed by
the City)
Meeting agreed that the small encroachment of
Sidewalk onto PUE (about 13ft) IS acceptable and
that KPFF would change the easement type to
"Combined PUE & Sidewalk Easement" to be showr I
on next submittal
Cullen I
1) Meeting accepted the PUE Widening to 30' In
preference to separate Owest easement
DeCide how to depict the west edge of subd,vs,on Lot 4 We Danny
have not shown the 25-foot-WJde MLK public trail easement
because It IS not required Maintain or change thiS approach?
2) KPFF Will have survey crew map the MLK
construction against the proposed nght-ot-way and
torward to Owner & City tor deCISion The concern
IS whether the 10' PUE IS suffiCient for the Sidewalk
or whether the Sidewalk requires a separate
3) Mapped & venfied by KPFF Plat reflects
situation on the ground
Applicant's surveyor set Permanent Monument on
Plat needs to show permanent monument shOWing elevation Danny
Date Received'
APR 1 4 2008
Qngmal SUbmlttal-L2.~
Page 1 0112
"/Qo"mmelJt=" "IResponse
~ol1'lm~IlW~LANE COUNT:Y;1st[fey!~'{i'fflRec"iJvecf1i231tf8r:;~,
n ~~r-~%tr~ _"'_~ -~ '__/__ ",,--r';t''''_ \j'1:;rl_~, ~ 'm ~ ~j -~-_ -
1 General Only the property owned by Peace Health should be Included Danny closed 1) DISCUSSions with DenniS Ernst concerning
Wlthln the plat ReVise the extenor boundary lines and vacating tracts previously dedicated to the City for
Surveyor's Certificate to depict what IS Included In the deeds MLK
and title report
RlverBend Final Plat
I) The fight-at-way of Martin Luther King, Jr Parkway and
the westerly portion of Cardinal Way should not be Inctuded
Wlthln the boundary of the subject property, as they have
already been conveyed 10 Ihe City and are nol Included In the
deeds of the subject property or the title report
Andy L
1 b General II) Deadmond Ferry Road, along the north boundary at Lot Danny
g, IS a County Road and the boundary of the plat should run
along the southerly boundary of the flght-of-way
1c General III) A 25' flght-of-way Baldy View Lane has also been Danny
formerly dedicated to the public It appears that former
dedications at Baldy View Lane extend slightly farther south
than what IS shown Has this portion been vacated?
Date R ~celvec ,
APR ~ 2006
OnglOal submittal If ~
Page 2 of 12
2) Plat Boundary and Certificate have been revised
10 show that nght-of way for MlK Jr Parkway IS
excluded from plat
1) Planning Will diSCUSS Wlth City Attorney KPFF
Will proVide exhibit for diSCUSSIon Meeting agreed
that the full public ROW vacation process IS
unwieldy because the Vacation article of the City'S
Development Code IS a 'one size fits all' procedure
At present, there are no provIsions In the City'S
Code for a scaled-back vacation process to
accommodate minor adjustments to publiC ROW
Applicant and City staff Will research possible
mechanISms to adjust the ROW configuration
Without reqUlnng the tull vacation process
Emergency Ordinance was tabled as possible
mitigation for schedule delay
2) Updated MLK legal descflptlon submltled to City
on 3/27/08 Plat draWlngs updated fo reflect current
legal descflptlon
3) On 4/3/08 City confirmed Applicant to proceed
With plat as updated
Plat Boundary and Certificate have been adjusted to
exclude dedicated flght-of-way for Deadmond Ferry
county road
ThiS plat submittal shows the corrected boundary
ThiS sutlmlttallncludes reVlsed lot closures With Lot
9 and Ihe overall subdiVISion closures corrected to
reflect thiS boundary change
Applicant believes these are granted easements, not
dedicated flght-of-way
County confirmed In wfltlng (Michael Jackson,
4/1/08) that they have no record of any dedications
for Baldy View Lane
No fight-at-way vacation applications have been
made by the Applicant
RlverBend Final Plat
L General
3 General
The extenor monuments, where there are changes In the Cullen
dlfectlon of the boundary, must be set pnor to recording per
ORS 92 060(5) The Post Monumentallon certificate on Page
22 seems to Indicate that these Will be set at a later date
Please use a different symbol for the monuments set pnor to
recording, and the ones set after recording, and revise post-
man certlfic:::Ite
Can the boundary of Lot 9 along the northerly portion of the Cullen
slough be monumented? It seems that If there are found
monuments In that area others could be set
4 General The centerlines of nght-of-ways must be monumented per Cullen
ORS 92 060(2)
5 General Please make a note on each page that the dimensIOns shown Cullen
along boundary are record per CSF 39772 or LPPN 2006-
P2030 Perhaps the dimensions should be In parenthesIs or
shown with a.'" Wlth applicable reference, so that It IS clear
the dimensions are not necessanly the measured distance
hetween monuments
6 General It would be helpful to have a legend on each page showing the Cullen
monument svmbols used on that particular paoe
7 General There are several eXisting easements noted In the title report Cullen I
that are not shown on the plat These should be shown With as
recording numbers given If they are to be extinguished,
please proVide documents shOWing they have been vacated,
or updated title report Wlth easement references removed
8 General
The DeclaratIOn appears to be a duplicate of Phase 1 and
refers to some, but not all, of the newly created easements
They should either all be listed, or stated generally (Ie
dedicate all PUE's as shown, all Public Storm Drainage
Easements, all Slope Easements, etc) It they are to be
created by separate documents, Indicate that In the
declaration, also (Ie create by separate documents the
nnv:::It? easf!mE!nts as shnwl1 on the plat etc.'
Does the Floodway Information need to be on all sheets? If It
were only on Sheet 11t would make areas With a lot of detail
easier to read Recommend uSing different Ilnotypes for Flood
Hazard Boundary and Floodway (or pOSSible a light hatching
on Sheet 1 to Indicate which IS what IS "In" those areas
Cullen I
9 General
Page 3 of 12
Status ~ '~~rrf
closed Symbols have been changed on the Plat
Applicant's surveyor IS planning to set monuments at
these locations pnor to recording plat
closed Symbols have been changed on the Plat
Applicant's surveyor believes monuments can be set
at the indicated locations, and IS planning to set
these pnor to the plat recording
Plat has been reVised Planning to set monuments
at these locallons
Note has been added to all sheets stating that" The
extenor boundanes on thiS plat and thelf measured
dimenSions as shown hereon, are per County
Survey File No 39772"
A symbol legend has been added to all sheets
These eXisting easements have been added to the
plat, to be consistent With the title report
Concurrent With thiS plat reView, the Applicant IS
working With Cascade Title to remove some
easements that have been qUltcla(med, and
requesting release or dissolutIOn of Interest In
others If these are successfully dlsolved pnor to the
plat recording, the relevant plat sheets Will be
reVised to reflect the easement dissolution
Declaratalon has been reVised to address thiS
review comment
Plat has been reVised
Date Received
APR 1 4 2008
OnglOal Submittal i(J'?
RlverBend Final Plat
I 101 General
11 General
Lead;l~;;E'~ Status:j];:;;l;
Cullen closed
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
13 Sheet 1
14 Sheet 1
15 Sheet 1
16 Sheet 1
17/ Sheet 1
18 Sheet 1
19 Sheet 1
20 Sheet 1
21 Sheet 1
'22 Sheet 1
23 Sheet 2
24 Sheet 2
25 Sheet 2
261 Sheet 3
27 Sheet 3
281 Sheet 3
29 Sheet 3
30 Sheet 3
31 Sheet 3
32 Sheet 4
33 Sheet 4
34 Sheet 5
35 Sheet 6
Include SE Quarter of Section 22 In Title Block on all paaes
Make changes on all pages to Tax Lot Informatron In lower left
corner (edits are noted m bold)
17-03-14 TL's 1200, 1600& 1800
IUpdate exprratlon date on Survevor's Stamp
ReVise boundanes (bold lines) as noted In #1 above
Give descrrptlon of monument found at Northwest corner of
DLC 46 Label NE Corner of DLC as Initial POint
Remove "Exact CoPY" statement
Label AdjoIning subdivIsions (Ie Frrst Add to Buena Vista and
Baldy View Condo)
Label southeasterly boundary as Ordinary High Water Line
and easterlv boundarv as Sprrno Slouah
Include recording numbers for Improvement agreements In
Note 4 Table
Cullen closed
Cullen closed
Cullen closed
Cullen closed
Cullen closed
Cullen closed
Cullen open
(a) Legend Add a symbol Indicating monuments to be post- Cullen
(bl Leaend Typo "Partition"
(c) Legend Include "IN" abbreviation for Index Number of
Lane Countx Comer Records
IShOW r/w width along Deadmond Ferry Road
Beanng along west side of Lot 10 does not match Surveyor's
Separate table below for Curve 3 can be eliminated Are C119- Cullen
C122 shown on thiS page?
Cullen I
IMake lines along MLK, Jr Pkwy nght-of way bold, since It IS not Danny
~art of platted prop_er)v
The alignment of MLK, Jr Pkwy does not match the deed or Danny
what the county surveyed (CSF #40328) Has there been a
recorded reVISion, or are there portions being dedicated on thiS
plat? If so, It should be delineated on the plat
IIndlcate that St Joseph Place IS belno dedicated
Initials for cll c/I Intersection should be MLK and ST J
Move "L -5" and "L -6" to base of arrow
Include the portion of E-19 where It meets St Joseph Place
(NE corner of map)
What does the chord mformatlon pertain to on the left side of
Curve Table?
Distance of tangent along MLK, Jr Pkwy, between Cardinal
Way and a pOint near SE corner of LPPN 2002-PI627, IS
shown as 235 11 on Pg 4. but on Po 5 It IS shown as 232 80
Info for C29 In Curve Table IS Incorrect
[What IS E-13? If It IS road r/w, It should be rnonumented,
shown with a solid line and named
Page 4 of 12
- 1
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
The Applicant plans to record three (3) Improvementl
Agreements concurrent Wlth plat
The Applicant plans to Insert these Recordmg
Numbers by hand m the spaces provided on the
plat, at time of recording the plat
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised to eliminate redundant table
Curves C 119 and C 122 are shown on thiS sheet
(lower rrght)
Plat has been revised per review comment
A dedication deed for the new/proposed ROW of
MLK & Cardmal Way has been submitted to the City
for recording and matches what IS shown on plat
Refer to Applicant Response to County Comment
1 A above
Plat has been reVised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
ThiS was an errant label, Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised, Sheet 5 has been corre1ted
toshow23511 Date Recelvea:
Plat has been revised ,\PR 1 4 2008 I
Plat has been revised I
..., 1'"
Onglnal Submlttal-d:r-
RlverBend Final Plat
fiB:d, ~~iJ0!!1 Status ~~
Plat has been revised
361 Sheet 6
371Sheet 7
381 Sheet 10
391 Sheet 12
401 Sheet 12
41 Sheet 14
To avoid confusion, please use a different line type than that of CuI/en
easements to distant found monuments Jle monument "59")
IC50 IS listed twice In Curve Table, but CM IS not Included CuI/en
IDlstances between monuments along LPPN 2006-P2030 do I CuI/en
not match what IS shown on ~Iat
ILabel First Add to Buena Vista I CuI/en
Move "L54" and "L55" to base of arrow I CuI/en
The limits of E13 are unclear "L59", "L60" & "L61" are I CuI/en
Will there be additional dedication for rlw to round out curve for Andrew
Baldy View Lane? If so, It should be shown
42 Sheet 15
I closed
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
I Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
1) None proposed, but KPFF Will seek clanficauon
of the question from County
2) C~unty confirmed In wntlng (Michael Jackson,
4/1/08) that County has no junsdlctlon over Baldy
View Lane and that "Lane County would not have
any authonty for a Vacation"
3) City confirmed that all easements for Baldy View
Lane should be shown on the plat
43 Sheet 15 Check limits of dedications It appears that It should be Reel CuI/en closed Plat has been revised
279/32298 (not 8544777) that ends at the south line of TL
44 Sheet 15 CSF 39772 shows the Waterline Easement continuing Danny closed Waterline Easement has been revised on plat
southerly, but plat shows It terminating at boundary line Give
Recordln<i. number of Waterline Easement
45 Sheet 16 I "L47", "L50" & "L51" are displaced CuI/en Iclosed I Plat has been revised
46 Sheet 16 ILabel "Ordinary Hloh Water Line" and "Spnno Slouoh" I Cullen Iclosed I Plat has been revised
47 Sheet 16 Lot 9 River Frontage note IS on thiS page twice (see comment I CuI/en closed Plat has been revlSM
"c" on paoe 23 recardlno thiS easement)
48 Sheet 17 Note reoardlno Lot 9 Dralnaoe easement IS on there tWice I CuI/en closed Plat has been revised
49 Sheet 18 Ilnclude beannq of southeasterlv boundary alono TL 1300 CuI/en closed Plat has been revised
501 Sheet 19 I Label Initial POint I Cullen closed I Plat has been revised
511!,heet 19 IShow full RfW of Deadmond Ferry Road Give Width of RfW I CuI/en closed I Plat has been revised
52 Sheet 19 The 10' easement Rec 88-41977 should be pOinting to the CuI/en closed Plat has been corrected to show easement per
more southerly dashed lines The Book 136/Page1097 are the revIew comment
reference of the Commissioners Journal accepting that deed
53 Sheet 19 ISeveral "L#'s" are displaced In the northeasterlv corner CuI/en closed Plat has been revised
54 Sheet 19 IG,ve recordlno number for waterline easement CuI/en I closed Plat has been revised
55 Sheet 19 IThe recording #'s listed near monument 19, should be "End of CuI/en 1 closed Plat has been revised
#854477, BeO.lnnlng of #32298
561 Sheet 20 I Label Spnno Slouoh I CuI/en Iclosed I Plat has been revised
57 Sheet 20 Check beanng west of monument 73 Surveyor's Certificate CuI/en closed Plat shows correctly Beanng corrected to 71-14'-
calls It 74' 51" In SUrleyor's Certificate
58 Sheet 21 Is thiS page needed? Are the Zones likely to change In the Andrew closed ThiS sheet IS required per a City condition of
future? , approval from the subdiVIsion Refer to #1 of
Page 5 of 12
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal SUbm,ttaLUf
RlverBend Final Plat
'" f" , "&",. _0 , ~ ~ --- - ~~** - *
l:.ead.,,~t:! Gi StatuSt5i;flbt~ ReSP9nse~;;ff;J!0~::r7:
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
I 59 Sheet 21
I 60 Sheet 22
I 61 Sheet 22
I 62 Sheet 22
63 Sheet 22
64 Sheet 22
Remove Exact COpy statement Dannv
Surveyor's certificate Paragraph 2 Indicate that the Northeast Cullen
Comer of DLC #46 IS the Inrtlal POint
Isurveyor's certltlcate Descnptlon should be along the
southerlv boundarv of Deadmond Ferrv Road
I Surveyor's certificate Check course 10 along Spnng Slough Cullen
Mao has different beannp_
Surveyor's certificate "15 Courses" list (last paragraph of first Cullen
column) Course lis not the same as shown on Map, Course
6 Distance IS different than map, Course 13 chord beanng IS
Surveyor's certificate "6 Courses" list (middle column) The Cullen
second course IS missing After the 11062' course, there
should be a course of N02'24'36W 19237, before the curve
(shown on page 3 ), Spelling of northerly In course 2 & 3
65 Sheet 22 Surveyor's certificate "3 Courses" list (after "Along the Danny
west ") Course 1, Map shows N1 '46' 43"E, Course after
Course 3. Map shows 137 31
66 Sheet 22 Narrative The narrative states that the boundary resolution IS Danny
as shown on CSF # 39772, except for TL 100 and Lot 3 What
IS TL 100? What Tax Map? The boundary shown IS notthe
same as CSF # 39772 along Deadmond Ferry and Baldy Lane
In Lot 9
67 Sheet 22 Post Man Certificate The Pen meter of the plat must be Cullen
monumented before the recording of the plat If open CIIcle
symbols are to Indicate monuments set after recording make
the monuments set before a different svmbol
68 Sheet 22 References I don't see any reference used from the county Danny
survey of MLK, Jr Pkwy (CSF# 40328) It seems that Since the
road cuts through the middle of the plat that there should be
some references used from that survey
69 Sheet 23 Declaration (see note 8 In general comments)
70 Sheet 23
71 Sheet 23
IQuestlon marks after word "Acknowledqement"
Recommend putting recording information for easements on
the plat Just once and making a cross reference note to see
Sheet 23 (Ie Lot 9 River Frontage Reservation) Cross
reference on the last page Wlth the easements "E#" shown on
Page 6 of 12
I closed
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been .evlsed
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised
Narrative has been revised
Plat has been revised
Plat has been revised to show reference to Survey
CSF# 40328
Declaratalon has been revised
Plat has been revised I
Declaration and pertinent sheets have been revised
per comment
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal ~
RlverBend Final Plat
IResponse~~ ,
comments are~m"adddlonTto'/jommelifs ?rovlded bv LanifCoun.tlrSorvevors'office: recelVifd 1123108" .
1 General Please send me copies of documents extinguishing eXisting Danny closed Documents have been sent
easements of record
2 General Please send me the CAD file for this plat as we discussed at Cullen closed CAD file has been sent
the ore,submlttal meeMo.
3 General Once the county surveyor's office comments and these Danny open To be completed affer all comments have been
comments have been addressed, please send both of us a addressed
reVised copy of the plat At this time no field Issues have been
addressed, no check made on the calculallons or checks made
on the eXlstln\l, easements of record
4 Sheet 1 Show generallocallon of common areas Note the citation for Andrew open 1) KPFF to forward to City copy of Common Areas
the CC & R's to be recorded Wlth the plat Each sheet should Danny Map Sent to Denms Ernst 2/27/08
show the speCific location of all common areas and a reference
to the CC & R's 2) Reference to CC&Rs added to NOTES on Plat
Cover Sheet The CC&Rs contain a map
delineating the Common Areas referenced In the
Maintenance Agreement
5 Sheet 1
6 Sheet 1
j Sheet 1
,:Sheet 1
r Sheet 1
10 Sheet 1
11 Sheet 2
12 Sheet 2
13 Sheet 2
14 Sheet 3
15 Sheet 3
Label Initial POint
Use a different line type for Flood Hazard Boundary and
Comolete olannlnq IOU mal number (All sheetsl Cullen
Show distance between DLC corners Cullen
All eXisting easements must be show or noted on the final plat Cullen
Remaining easements Will be checked against the updated title
report that you Will be prOViding later (Applies to all sheets)
You may want to conSider shOWing your sheet gnd to make It
easier for someone to find the noht sheet
Show nqht of way Widths on Game Farm Road
Monument 85 not noted In table
Show location of easement 31 If you are creating It at thiS lime
(Do the same for any other sheets where thiS easement IS
The label for the MLK.SJP has an Incorrect abbreViation for
station 10+00 (ST J not COW)
There are a lot of dashed line types on the street sheets I
would suggest uSing more different line types to make easier
to tell which easement IS which ConSider a publiC line type, a
pnvate line type and maybe a temporary line type (00 the
same for all sheets)
Page 7 of 12
Plat has been reVised
Plat has been reVised
Plat has been reVised
Plat has been reVised
These eXisting easements have been added to the
plat, to be consistent With the title report
Concurrent Wlth thiS plat reView, the Applicant IS
working With Cascade Title to remove some
easements that have been qUitclaimed, and
requesting release or dissolutIOn of Interest In
others If these are successfully dlsolved pnor to the
plat recording, the relevant plat sheets Will be
reVised to reflect the easement dissolution
Plat has been reVised
Plat has been reVised
Plat has been reVised
A temporary public access easement has been
added to the plat It Will automatically erase Wlth
dedication of permanent easement concurrent With
future site development
Plat has been reVised
Plat has been reVised
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal dr
RlverBend Final Plat
INo t:eadrlL~'!ft?*, I Status~~:;;.~~i , ~.I
I 16 Sheet 4 the beanno on the centerline of Game Farm Road Cullen closed Plat has been revised I
I 17 Sheet 4 IMove label L5 so that It'S more readable Cullen closed Plat has been revised \
18 Sheet 5 The square found monument symbol by Ihe legend leads me Cullen closed Plat has been revised
to believe these monument were set by P2030 You need to
differentiate monuments set by the Rlverbend , Phase I plat
from those set In the later oartltlon pJat
19 Sheet 6 What IS the dashed line from Man 59 to the East PT man on Cullen closed Plat has been revised
Rlverbend Dnve? If this IS Just a tie, use a different line type
that the easement line tyoe
20 Sheet 6 IThere IS a dashed line running Southeast parallel with Baldy Cullen closed IThls IS the east line of road easement per Receplton
View Lane In the vIcinity of Man 18 What IS this? No 32290
211Sheet 6 ILabel easement oarallel Wlth the line Man 18 IS on Cullen Iclosed I Plat has been revised
221Sheet 9 IMove labels L23 and L 24 so thev are more readable Cullen I closed I Plat has been revised
23 Sheet 10 The distances along the westerly nght of way of MLK do not Cullen closed Plat has been revised
match fhe Partition plat If they are different, show both
distances (Also see note for sheet 5. note 1\
241sheet 11 Iset Rlpanan boundary monument where It Intersects the I Cullen Iclosed IPlat has been r~V1sed
Southerlv oroo~rtv line and show tie to the Southeast corner
25 Sheet 11 The McKenZie River Conservation easement (2005-064895) Cullen closed Plat has been revised
has a certain location descnbed In the document DimenSion
It'S location like you would for any other easement (Do the
same for all other sheets where It IS shown)
26 Sheet 11 Show the dimenSions of the localion of the nght of way Cullen I closed Plat has been revised
easement to the USA Vol 353. Paoe 220
27 Sheet 13 IMove L 37 to end of leader I~ullen I closed Plat has been revised
28 Sheet 13 What does the L=3251 82 feet go to? Cullen closed Direct lie from the end of the Spnng Slough Course
to the Southeast Corner of the Plat All beanngs
and distances of boundary segments cOincident With
OHW have been removed
291 Sheet 13 I Move label L 31 so that It'S more readable I Cullen I closed IPlat has been revised
30 Sheet 14 Please show correct name for the street segment gOing Cullen I closed Meeting (2/26/08) agreed It would be suffiCient to
Northeasterly off the end of Baldy View Lane Andrew denote on Plat as "Future Street" Plat has been
revised as agreed
31 Sheet 14 Consider revIsing Notes 1 and 2 With the agreement or deed J/mO closed Similar to County comment 1A above See
restnctlon document we talked about at the pre submittal Andy L response to that comment
321 Sheet 15
33 Sheet 15
ILabel Baldy View Lane I Cullen
You Will need to set the most Northerly corner of lot 8 and the Cullen
pOint where the easterly n9ht of way of Baldy View Lane
Intersects the Northwesterly line of Lot 8
A monument must be set at the centerline intersection of BaldY! Cullen
View With the outer boundary
Show the beanng of the line In the Northwest corner of the I Cullen
Move label L 63 and L67 to the ends of the leaders I Cullen
IMove the L -labels along the Southwest Side of tax lot 1201 tal Cullen
the ends of the leaders and so they are readable
1 closed
IPlat has been reVised
Plat has been reVised
34 Sheet 15
Plat has been reVised
35 Sheet 18
Plat has been reVised
36 Sheet 19
37 Sheet 19
I Plat has been rev'1'ed .
IPlat has been revlSisUe "-ecelveo:
APR t 4 2008
080226-~llJl.l$ubmlt't~e_0414 t?;C:>
Page 8 of 12
INo ~
38 Sheet 20
39 Sheet 22
RlverBend Final Plat
Comment ,~
Durmg the field check an evalua\lOn will be made as to If
addll\onal monuments or reference monuments can be set
alon9 the slough
As per the county surveyor comments to exclude dedicate
roadways from the plat, please amend the deSCription and
diSCUSS In the narrative
Page 9 of 12
KPFF Will site-Inspect for each of the proposed
boundary monuments where the slough would
prevent practical placement Will address With City
and With County for conCurrence at time of setting
DeSCription and narrative have been reVised
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal tl';:?
RlverBend Final Plat
-- -1
reqUires verlficallon that flows will not exceed
pre-development condlllons
1'Sheet 2 The as bUllts show a pond on the westerly portion of Lot 11 Andrew
with a spill way on the northerly side No easement has been
provided to overflows to be conveyed to some other drainage
, Sheet 3 The public access easement to the pond needs to be show In Cullen
a definite location unless It covers all of the lot and that clearly
describe In the note You may want to provide a temporary
easement and a deed restrlcllon for the creation of the future
permananent easement
3 Sheet 3 There appears to be an un-labeled easement near the label for Cullen
curve C123 Please label It and show the dimensions
4 Sheet 3 Should line L3 be a curve?
5 Sheet 3
It appears there may be utilities (private?) out side of the right
of way and not In an easement on both sides near station
11 +00 of St Joseph Place
Andrew /
6 Sheet 3
There IS a storm drain line gOing to a catch baSin In Lot 7 near Andrew /
stallon 12+04 68 This needs an easement (public or private?) Peter
7 Sheet 3
Is that a well on Lot 1? Is this to be abandoned or do you Andrew /
need easements for overhead power and other potential uses? Peter
8 Sheet 3
There IS a ditch On Lot 7 With a Inlet structure Where IS the
public or private easement for this?
Andrew /
9 Sheet 4 Near the northwest corner of Lot 2 there are storm drain
faCilities that drain to the north along Game Farm Road and
enter and easement provided on Lot 1 ProVide public or
pnvate easements for drainage across Lot 2
Andrew /
10 Sheet 4 On lot 8 there IS a public trail easement (E-7) The recent site Andrew / closed
plans for lot 8 show more walkways through Lot 8 If these can Peter
be used by the publiC the right for there use needs to be
dedicated Please look at Lot 8 and see what public or private
easements may be needed or deed restriction created to
.Insure they Will be dedicated In the future
Page 10 of 12
On 3/18/08 KPFF submitted a Memo (dated 3/3/08)
to the City, verifying that spillway flows are tor
extreme events only, and that flows cannot exceed
pre-development conditions Addlllonally, a public
drainage easement has been added to the plat, to
address the review comment
()n l/1Q/0R r.ltv mnfirmprl ;:mnrov;::!1 of the Mpmn
Similar to Comment 13 above from City 1 st ReView
A temporary public access easement has been
added to the plat It Will automatically erase With
dedlcallon of permanent easement concurrent With
future site development
Plat has been revised Easement line type was
changed to better Identify the easement
Line segment "L3" IS a tangent
Meeting (2/26108) agreed this explanation IS
Private utilities (irrigation, electrical for Signs)
Meeting agreed this explanation IS sufficient
SD connection from Lot 7, private
Meeting agreed this explanation IS sufficient
Our survey file shows a well No action IS planned
althls time
Meeting (2/26108) agreed this explanallon IS
Duplication of Comment 6 above
See response to that comment
EXisting culvert that conveys private rain runoff only,
therefore no easement or further action required
Meeting (2/26/08) agreed this explanation IS
Only Meadow Path IS a "public trail"
Meeting (2/26/08) agreed this explanation IS
Date Received:
APR 1 4 ZUU8
Onglnal SUbmlttalJ/
RlverBend Final Plat
11 Sheet 5
lJ." d""'''l4rn S!'!l;!~"
'ea ~#"" !Pflt',,'fb a US!?)", r j
The as-built plans show easement E3 as Including drainage as Andrew / closed
well Include drainage with thiS easement or change the as Peter
built plans to match the plat
12 Sheet 5 The as-bUllts Indicate that there are street lights outside the Andrew
easements along MLK Please review the street lights along all
right of ways and make sure they are In easements
13 Sheet 9 There appears to be a utility vault on the west side of
Rlverbend Dr that IS outside the PUE
14 Sheet 10 There IS a catch basin located on Lot 4 with the as-bullts Andrew
Indicate to be private Show private drainage easements for all
private drainage Infrastructure
Page 11 a! 12
Drainage not Intended to be Included The source 0 ;
the confUSion IS two remnant errors on the PIP "A"
As-bUilt Sheets C12 3 and C7 4
Corrections were made to the vellums at the City on
Plat sheets depict the easelnents correctly
Meeting (2/26/08) requested that KPFF review and
comment further on thiS Issue
1) Applicant assumes review comment IS directed at
pathway lighting because they are the only lights
shown alon9 MLK on the RlverSend Public
Improvement Plans
2) Path lights are Within the 14' PUE (ref Detail 6 on
Sheet C12 3)
3) Street lighting for MLK was the responsibility of
that County project and the lighting fixtures have not
been surveyed by the Applicant They should be :
located Within 8' of the curb of MLK, which IS being I
platted as an "8-foot Street Tree & Street Light
Easement" (per the detail Identified above) NOTE,
Der reSDonse to the comment above. that an error
on the as-bUlffs In thiS detail was corrected on
The City ReView correctly Identifies vaults that are
outside of the 10-foot PUE KPFF vIsited the site
and surveyed the location of the vaults (29' from
ROW) The vaults Identified are specifically for
TEMPORARY POWER to the construction site
trailers These vaults are the responsibility of the
Contractor and Owner
Private connection to storm drainage for LOT 4
Meeting (2/26/08) agreed thiS explanation IS
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal t?X
15 Sheet 13
RlverBend Final Plat
Comment ~ Lead~ ' ~,
There appears to be a detention pond located Northwest of the Andrew
path on Lot 8 Show public or pnvate drainage easements for a
drainage Infrastructure Please Include overtlow route If there
IS a spillway
16 Sheet 14 It looks hke there IS a new power hne gOing to the new Andrew
structure bUilt near the nver on lot 8 Provide and easement for
thiS and other utilities that may serve It
Page 12 of 12
There IS a temporary stormwater Infiltration pond
(for the duration of construction) between the
hospital and the nver There IS a pnvate stormwater
detention pond between the hospital and RlverBend
Dnve It's not clear which one IS being referred to,
but both are pnvate and are adequately served
Meeting (2/26/08) agreed thiS explanation IS
Review comment appears to be dlrecled at service
to the River House EXisting electnc power and
telephone line easement (Reception No 22343)
has been qUitclaimed by SUB
SUB has confirmed (Ed Head, 4/9/08) that they
have no Interest or need for any easements In thiS
VICInity The power feed to the River House IS a
Single, pnvate supply to a PeaceHealth~owned
lacllity and as such does not reqUire an easement
Date Received,
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal ti):'!
080226~Applicant ~Response080414
, .
, ,
FAXNO 503-274-4681
MARCH 25. 2008
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal SUbmlttaLa/
811 Wlllamette St.eet . Eugene, Oregon 97401
phone (541) 687-2233 . fax (541) 485-0307 . emaIl mfo@cascadelItle com
I 190] Hwy 101 -SUite 2 . FIOlence, Oregon 97439
phone (541) 997-8417 . fax (541) 997-8246 . emall flOlence@cascadetltlecom
FAX NO 541-434-7486
Our No CT-0239830
Date MARCH 25, 2008
Charge $200 00
Government SerVlce Fee
$25 00
As requesLed, Cascade Tltle Co has searched our tract lndlces as to the followlng
descrlbed real property
( A T T A C H E D
and as of
MARCH 17, 2008, at 8 00 A M we flnd the followlng
a Washlngton Corporatlon
Sald property' 15 subJect to the followlng on record matters
1 Lane County Real Property Tayes, If any, for WhlCh no search was made
2 The rlghts of the publlC 111 and to that portlon of the premlses herelD descrlbed
lYlng wlthlD any publlC road or hlghway
3 Any adverse clalffi based upon the assertlon that sald land or any portlon thereof 15
now, or at any tlffie has been below hlgh water mark of the McKenz~e Rlver
4 Any adverse clalffi based on the assert~on that the locatlon of the McYenzle R1ver has
5 Any adverse cla1m based upon the assertlon that sald land or any portlon thereof 15
noy', or at any tlme has been below hJ-9h water mark of the Spr1ng Slough
Easement for a 20 foot roadway reserved 1n the deed from J M
Hockett, hlS wlfe, to 011ver J Andrews recorded October 18,
95, Lane County Oregon Deed Records
Hockett and Sarah B
1917, In Book 118, Page
Easement for a roadway, set forth 10 deed from J M
Peterson, dated February 13, 1912, recorded at Page
Deed Records
Hockett and wlfe to Bertha t1
591, Book 93, Lane County Oregon
FLORENCE . 1901 HWY 101 - S 2
EUGENE FAX 485-0307 * E-MAIL
. EUGENE, OREGON 97401' PH (541) 687-2233
. FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH (541) 997-8417
~nfo@cascadet~t1e com * FLORENCE fAX ~i46-
APP , 1 !J~'j
Original:: ,
8 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted Mountaln States Power
Company, by lTIstrument recorded October 16, 1946, Book 333, Page 653, Lane COUDt~
Oregon Deed Records (Eyact locatlon not deflned)
9 Lasement, lncludlng the terms and prOV1Slons thereof, granted Dnlted States of
Amerlca, by lnstrument lecolded August 6, 1947, Book 353, Page 220, Lane County
Oregon Deed Records
10 Easement, lDcludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted Dnlted States of
Amerlca, by lnstrument recorded August 6, 1947, BODY 353, Page 224, Lane County
Oregon Deed Records
11 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted Unlted States of
Amerlca, by lnstrument recorded August 6, 1947, Book 353, Page 232, Lane County
Oregon Deed Records
12 Easement, lncludlng the terms and prOV1S10TIS thereof, granted MountalD States Paver
Company, by lnstrument recorded October 28, 1947, Book 359, Page 450, Lane County
Oregon Deed Records
13 Easement, lDc1udlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted Unlted States of
Amerlca, by ~nstrument recorded August 9, 1950, Book 420, Page 531, Lane County
Oregon Deed Records
Easement, lncludlng the terms and prOV1S10TIS thereof, granted
Amerlca, by lnstrument recorded August 9, 1950, Receptlon No
Oregon Deed Reco~ds
Unlted States or
25660, Lane County
Easement, lncludlng the terms
lTIstrument recorded ~prll 25,
and provlslons thereof, granted c~ty of Eugene, by
1968, Receptlon No 22343, Lane County Offlclal
Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof,
by lnstrument recorded November 3, 1968, Receptlon No
Oakway Water Dlstrlct,
Lane County OfflClal
17 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted Clty of Eugene, by
~nstrument recorded December 29, 1976, Receptlon No 7668984, Lane County Offlclal
18 Lasement, lDc1udlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted Clty of Eugene, by
lnstrument recorded December 29, 1976, Receptlon No 7668985, Lane County Offlclal
19 Terms and provlslons of Boundary Agreement, recorded Pprll 1, 1977, Receptlon No
7718900, Lane County Offlclal Records
20 Terms and provlslons of easement, lncludlng obl~gatlons for malntenance as
establlshed by Oregon law or as contalned In lnstrument between the Clty of
Sprlngfleld recorded Aprll 18, 1977, Receptlon No 7722531, Lane County Offlclal
Date Received.
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal subm,ttal-L?L
21 Permlt and Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereat, granted by Marlon
F Mosher, to the Clty of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, for the use and beneflt of
the Eugene Water and Electr,c Board, dated July 18, 1977, recorded July 25, 1977,
Reel 857R, Receptlon No 7745785, Lane County Offlclal Records
22 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted Cugene Water and
Electrlc Board, by lustrument recorded January 24, 1979, Receptlon No 7904708, La~e
County Offlclal Records
23 Optlon to Re-Purchase a portlon of thlS property by Joseph D Bando and Leonora P
Bando, as dlsclosed by Statutory Warranty Deed, recorded December 4, 1985, Receptlon
No 8543722, Lane County Off~clal Records
24 Dedlcatlon of Publ1C Road Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof,
recorded December 13, 1985, Receptlon No 8544777, Lane County Offlclal Records
25 Dedlcatlon of Publlc Road Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof,
recorded December 13, 1985, Receptlon No 8544778, Lane County Offlclal Records
26 Any gaps or overlaps In surveys as dlsclosed by Recltals recorded May 19, 1988, Reel
1514R, Recept~on No 8819637, Lane County Off~c~a1 Records
27 Dedlcatlon of PubllC Road Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof,
between Llnda Burnett, Trustee of the Tyee Trust and Lane County, a polltlcal
subdlvlslon, recorded October 6, 1988, Receptlon No 8841977, Lane County Offlclal
Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof,
by lDstrument recorded October 11, 1988, Recept~on No
granted Clty of Sprlngfleld,
884~601, Lane County Offlclal
29 Easement, ~ncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted Clty of Sprlngf~eld,
by lllstrument recorded December 14, 1990, Receptlon No 9059952, Lane County
Offlclal Records
30 Easement, lncludlng the terms and prOV1Slons thereof, granted Clty of Sprlngfleld,
actlng by and through lts Sprlngfleld Utlllty Board, by lnstrument recorded December
14, 1990, Receptlon No 9059954, Lane County Offlclal Records
31 Easement, lDCludlDg the terms and prOV1Slons thereof, granted Clty of Sprlngfleld,
actlng by and through lts Sprlngfleld Utlllty Board, by lnstrument lecorded December
14, 1990, Receptlon No 9059955, Lane County Offlclal Records
32 Easement, 4ncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted Clty of Sprlngfleld,
actlng by and through ltS Sprlngfleld Utlllty Board, by lnstrument recorded December
14, 1990, Receptlon No 9059956, Lane County Off~clal Records
33 Easement I ~ncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted C~ty of Sprlngf~eld,
actlng by and through ltS Sprlngfleld Ut~llty Board, by lnstrument recorded Decemoer
14, ~990, Receptlon No 9059957, Lane County Offlclal Records
Date Received
APR I 4 2008
Ongmal Submittal ();/
34 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provls~ons thereof, granted Clty of Spllngfleld,
by lllstlument recorded February 28, 1991, Receptlon No 9109965, Lane County
Offlclal Records
35 Easement, lncludlTIg the terms and provlslons thereof, granted Clty of SprlDgfleld,
by lnstrument recorded Malcn 5, 1991, Receptlon No 9110574, Lane County Offlclal
36 Terms and provlslons of easement, lncludlng obllgatlons for malntenance as
establlshed by Oregon law Ol as contalned In lDstrument between Rov C Gray, Jl and
Betty Huff and Marlon Huff dated Aprll 3, 1991, recorded Pprll 5, 1991, Receptlon
No 9115745, Lane County Offlclal Records
Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof,
by lnstrument recorded October 22, 1991, Receptlon No
granted Clty of Spllngfleld,
9150861, Lane County Offlclal
38 Improvement Agreement - Walver of Rlght to RemonstraLe (In Lleu of Immealate
Constructlon of PubllC Improvement), recolded August 9, 1996, Receptlon No 9654265,
Lane County Offlclal Records
39 Easement for lngress and egress as set forth lD BargalD and Sale Deed lecorded Aprll
10, 2001, Receptlon No 2001-020394, Lane County Offlclal Records, and as set forth
lTI Indlvldual Warranty Deed recorded Aprll 11 2001, Receptlon No 2001-020720, Lane
County Offlclal Records
40 Annexatlon Agreement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, between the Clty
of Sprlngfleld and Arl1e & Company, an Oregon corporatlon, recorded June 8, 2001,
Receptlon No 2001-034714, Lane County Offlclal Records
Asslgnment of Anne~atlon Ag~eement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof,
from Arlle & Company, an Oregon corporatlon, to PeaceHealth, a Washlngton non-proflt
corporatlon, reco~ded December 31, 2001, Receptlon No 2001-088566, Lane Count}
Offlclal Records
41 Easements set forth In that certalD Lot Llne AdJustment Deed recorded October 2,
2001, Receptlon No 2001-064919, Lane County Offlclal Records
42 Easement for bank protectlon and channel lmprovement, lncludlng the terms and
prOV1Slons thereof, granted Unlted States of Amerlca by lnstrument recorded August
9, 1950, Book 420, Page 535, Lane County Oregon Deed Records (Affects McKenZle
43 Easement for bank protectlon and channel lmprovement, lncludlng the terms and
provlslons thereof, granted Unlted States of Amerlca, by lnstrument recolded August
6, 1947, Recorder's No 353, Baal 216, Lane County Oregon Deed Records (Affects
McKenzle Rlver)
44 AnneAatlon Agreement, lTIcludlng the terms and prOV1Slons thereof, between
PeaceHealth, a Washlngton corporatlon and the Clty of Sprlngfleld, recolded Decembel
06, 2002, Peceptlon No 2002-035013, Lane County Offlclal Records
Date Received
APR I 4 2008
Onglnal SubmIttal d~
45 Amendment to the PeaceHealth/Clty of Sprlngfleld Anne}atlon Agreements, lncludlng
the terms and provlslons thereof, recorded October 08, 2003, Receptlon No 2003-
098507, Lane County Offlclal Records
46 Annexatlon Agreement, lllcludlng the terms and provlslons thereof between
PeaceHeaIth, a Washlngton corporatlon and the Clty of Sprlngfleld, recorded June 05,
2002, Receptlon No 2002-043161, Lane County Offlclal Records
47 Improvement Agreement, lncludlng the telms and provlslons thereof, between the Clty
of Sprlngfleld and Peacehealth, recorded June 30, 2005, Receptlon No 2005-048788,
Lane County Offlclal Records
48 Easement Agreement, lDcludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, between peaceheaIth,
Ine , and John E Jacqua and Rosamond R Jacqua, recorded August 19, 2005, Receptlon
No 2005-064895, Lane County Offlclal Records
49 Declaratlon of Access and Malntenance Agreement for publlC landscape areas publlC
accessways and paths and open pubI1C storm dralnage systems, lncludlng the terms apd
prov~slons thereof, recorded May 10, 2006, Receptlon No 2006-032093, Lane County
Off~clal Records
50 Declaratlon of Restrlctlons, Includlng the terms and provlslons thereof, recorded
December 1, 2006, ReceptIon No 2006-086565, Lane County Offlclal Records
51 Lease Agreement dated December 28, 2005, Peacehealth, lessor, NSC PropertIes, LLC,
Lessee, memorandum of WhICh was recorded August 7, 2007, ReceptIon No 2007-055315,
Lane County OffICIal Records (Affects a portlon)
Securlty Asslgnment, Asslgnment of Rents and UCC FInanCIng Statement, for
securlty purposes from the lessee to Umpqua Bank, recorded August 7, 2007, ReceptIon
Nos 2007-0553l7, 2007-0553l8 and 2007-0553l9, Lane County Offlclal Records
52 Deed of Trust (L1De of CredIt), IDcludlng the terms and provIslons thereof, evecuted
by NSC Propertles, LLC, an Oregon lImIted llablllty company, Grantor, to Flrst
Amerlcan Tltle Insurance Company, Trustee, for the beneflt of Umpqua Bank,
Beneflclary, dated August l, 2007, recorded ~ugust 7, 2007, ReceptIon No 2007-
0553l6, Lane County Offlclal Records, to secure pay~ent of a note In the amount of
$30,000,000 00 (Affects the leasehold lnterest)
53 Improvement Agreement IncludIng notIce of potentlal assessment llen, lDcludlng the
terms and provlslons thereof, between Peacehealth, a Washlngton non-proflt
corporatlon, and the Clty of Sprlngfleld, recorded January 20, 2006, Receptlon No
2006-004477, Lane County Offlclal Records
54 Gas Plpellne Easement, l.ncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted NOl th.....est
Natural Gas Company and ltS successors and asslgns, Lecorded January 23, 2006,
Receptlon No 2006-004903, Lane County OffIclal Records
55 F clalm of llen for labor and/or mateLlal, flIed by Advanced Technology Group, Inc ,
recorded March 6, 2008, ReceptIon No 2008-012620, Lane County Offlclal Recolds, ~p
the amount of $231,088 37
Date Received
, ,
APR 1 4 2008
Ongmal SUbmlttal_W-
Th1S report lS to be ut1l1zed for 1nformat1on only Th1S report 1S not to be used as a
bdSlS for transfe~r1ng, encumber1ng or forecloslng the real property descr1bed
The llab1l1ty of Cascade T1tle Co 18 Ilm1ted to the addressee and shall not e.ceed the
prem1um pa1d hereunder
sm/T1tle off1cer BOYD STEELE
FAX NO 503-274-4681
Date Received'
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal SubmlttaLff r
PARCEL 1 (Orlglnal purchase parcell
A parcel of land located lTI the Northeast and Southeast quarters of Sectlon 22 and the
Northwest and Southwest quarters of Sect~on 23, all of Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West,
Wlllamette Merldlan, and belng a portlon of the Wllllam fl Stevens Donatlon Land Clalm
No 46, more partlcularly descrlbed as follows Commenclng at the Northeast corner of
Wll11am M Stevens Donatlon Land Clalm No 46, 1TI Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West,
Wlllamette Merldlan, thence South 260 39' 56" East along the East llTIe of sald tlllllam
M Stevens DonatlOTI Land Clalm No 46, 1426 47 feet, thence South 630 18' 39H West,
225 00 feet to the Northwest corner of that property descrlbed on Reel 1747, Instrument
No 92-11169, Lane County Oregon Deed Records and the true pOlnt of beglnnlng, thence
South 260 39' 56u East, parallel wIth the East llne of sald Wl1llam M Stevens Donatlon
Land Clalm No 46, 959 30 feet to a pOInt on the South lIne of that certaIn tract of
land conveyed to L Slmmons by deed recorded Septembel 28, 1898, In Book 46, Page 179,
Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence East along saId South lIne, 60 38 feet, more 01
less, to a pOInt WhIch IS West, 191 4 feet from the East lIne of saId WIllIam M Stevens
DonatIon Land ClaIm No 46, thence South 510 49' 18" West 716 90 feet, mo~e or less, to
a pOInt Whlch 1S 1750 00 feet East of the Northwest corner of that certaIn tract of land
conveyed to Tom R Wester, et u), by deed recorded July 3, 1964, ReceptIon No 61726,
Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence West along sa~d Wester llne, 189 64 feet to a
pOInt on the West bank of the McKenZle Rlvel, thence Southwesterly along sald West bank
of the McKenZle R1Ver the followlng courses South 250 45' 25' West, 61 79 feet, thence
South 240 04' 33' West, 118 20 feet, thence South 140 35' 19" West, 92 91 feet thence
South 170 16' 35" West, 69 99 feet, thence South ]0 36' 10' East, 64 50 feet, thence
South 10 28' 52" West, 75 75 feet, thence South 20 12' 55" East 101 88, more or less to
a pOInt on the Easterly extenslon of the North llne of a tract of land conveyed to F G
Young by deed recorded ~n Book 73, Page 508, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence
leavlng saId West bank of the McKenZIe Rlver North 890 58' 00" West, 101 75 feet to the
Northeast corner of sald F G Young tract, thence North 890 58' 00" West, 994 81 feet to
a 5/8 lnch lron rod on the Easterly margIn of the vacated Southern Paclflc Ral1road
rlght of way, thence Northwesterly, 330 41 feet along the arc of a 985 04 foot radIUS
curve left, (the chord of WhlCh bears North 320 15' 43" West, 328 87 feet) to a 5/8 Inch
1ron rod, thence contlnu~ng along sald Easterly margln of the vacated Southern Paclflc
RaIlroad rlght of way NOlth 410 52' 17" West, 229 02 feet to a 5/8 Inch Iron rod on the
Easterly margln of Game Farm Road (County Road No 3) sald pOInt beIng 35 00 feet from,
when measured at rlght angles to, the centerllne of sald Game Farm Road as establ1shed
In County Survey Flle No, 33854, thence North 30 36' 56' West along sald Easterly margln
of Game Farm Road, 123 21 feet to a 5/8 lnch lron rod, thence contlnulng along sald East
margIn NorLh 890 27' 15" West, 5 01 feet to a 5/8 lTIch lron rod, sald lron rod belog
30 00 feec from, when measured at rIght angles to the centerllne of saId Game Farm Road
thence contlnulng along saId East marglD North 030 36 56' West, 110 15 feet, thence
leaVIng sald East margIn East, 279 43 feet, thence North 40 31' 37" East, 1082 06 feet
to a 5/8 Inch lron rod markIng the Southeast cornel of that property conveyed to the
CIty of Sprlngfleld as descr1bed 1n that deed recolded on Peel 843, Instlument No 77-
22531, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence North 30 53' 37" West along the East llne
of sald Clty of Spr~ngfleld property, 19 94 feet, thence leavlng saId East llne South
890 58' 00" East, 1012 99 feet, thence South, 18 21 feet, thence South 890 58' 00" East,
322 04'feet, thence Northeasterly 106 97 feet along the arc of a 105 74 foot radlus
curve left (the chord of WhICh bears North 520 45' 21u East, 102 47 feet), thence North
31 36' 21" East, 42 87 feet, thence North 350 11' 42" East, 13 52 feet, thence South
48 25' 14" East, 13 20 feet to the pOlnt of beglnnlng, all In Lane County, Oregon
EXCEPT all that portIon descrlbed ~n deed to the
13, 2003, ReceptIon No 2003-053912, Lane County
CIty of Sprlngfleld recorded June
Deeds and t1~tedReceIVed
cont1nued -
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal SUbmlttal~-
PARCEL 2 (Parcel A per survey)
A parcel of land located In the Northeast 1/4 of Sectlon 22, and the North\',est 1/4 of
Seetlon 23, Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West, Wll1amette Merldlan, more partlcularly
descrlbed as follows Commenclng at the Northeast corner of the Wllllam M Stevens
Donatlon Land Clalm No 46, Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West, Wlllamette Melldlan, thence
South 260 39' 56" East along the East llne of sald Wllllam fvl Stevens Donatlon Land
Clalm No 46, 981 30 feet to the true pOlnt of beglnnlng, thence South 260 39' 56" East
along sald East llne, 445 17 feet to the Northeast corner of that property as descllbed
ln that deed recorded on Reel 1747, Instrument No 92-11169, Lane County Oregon Deed
Records, thence leavlng sald East llne South 630 18' 39" Hest, 225 00 feet to the
Northwest corner of that property desc~lbed 1n sald deed recorded on Reel 1747,
Instrument No 92-11169, thence North 480 25 14' West, 13 21 feet, thence South 350 11'
42' Wesc, 13 52 feet, thence South 310 36' 21." West, 42 87 feet, thence Southwesterl),
1.06 97 feet along the arc of aIDS 74 foot radlUs cUrve rlght, (the chord of WhlCh bears
South 520 45' 20" West, 10247 feet), thence North 89058' 00" West, 32:: 04 feet, thence
North, 18 21 feet, thence North 890 58' 00" West, 1012 99 feet to a pOlnt on the East
llne of that property conveyed to the Clty of Sprlngfleld as descrlbed ln that deed
recorded on Reel 843, Instrument No, 77-22531, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, thence
along sald East Ilne North 30 53' 37" West, 391 66 feet to a 5/8 lnch lron rod marktng
the Northeast corner of sald Clty of Sprlngfleld property, thence South 890 56' 00" vTest
along the North 11ne of sald Clty of Sprlngfle1d property, 425 58 feet to a 5/8 lnch
lron rod on the East margln of Game Farm Road (County Road No 3), 30 00 feet from, t'hef'
measured at rlght angles to, the centerllne of sald Game Farm Road, thence North 20 54'
56" West along sald East margln, 110 62 feet to a 5/8 lnch lron rod, thence Nortn 40 11'
55" West along sald East margln 320 76 feet to a 5/8 lTIch lron rod, thence contlnulng
along sald East marglTI North 890 21' 57" East, 5 00 feet to a pOlot, 35 00 feet from,
when measured at rlght angles to the centerllne of sald Game rarm Road, thence
contlnulng along sald East margln North 4 11' 56" West, 122 68 feet to a 5/8 lnch lron
rod, thence leavlng sald East marglTI North 890 59' 16" East, 347 61 feet to a 5/8 lnch
lron rod, thence North 000 09' 13 East, 65 02 feet to a 5/B lTIch lron rod thence North
000'06' 43" East, 15620 feet, thence North 890 59' 16" East, 30B 00 feet, 'thence Sout~
260 43' 44" East, 654 70 feet, thence North 890 56 00" East, 992 70 feet to the pOlnt
of beglnnlng, In Lane County, Oregon
EXCEPT all that port1on
13, 2003, Receptlon No
County, Oregon
descrlbed ln deed to the Clty of Sprlngfleld recorded June
2003-053912, Lane County Deeds and Records, In Lane
Date ReceIved
APR I 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal ~
PARCEL 3 (Westerly parcel)
A parcel of land located In the Northeast 1/4 of SeetloD 22, Townshlp 17 South, Range 3
West, Wlllamette Merldlan, more partlcularly descrlbed as follows Commenclng at the
Northeast corner of the Wllllam M Stevens Donatlon Land Clalm No 46, Townshlp 17
South, Range 3 West, wlllamette Merldlan, thence South 260 39' 56" East along the East
Ilne of sald Wllllam M Stevens Donatlon Land Clalffi No 46, 981 30 feet, thence South
890 56' 00" West, parallel wlth the North llne of sald Wllllam M Stevens Donatlon Land
Clalffi No 46, 1484 63 feet, thence South 00 00' 58" East, 188 22 feet to a 5/8 lnch 1.2-0n
rod marklng the Northeast corner of that property conveyed to the Clty of Sprlngfleld as
descrlbed lD that deed recorded on Reel 843, Instrument No 77-22531, Lane County Oregon
Deed Records, thence South 30 53' 57# East along the East llne of sald Clty or
Spr~ngfleld property, 411 60 feet to a 5/8 lTIch lron rod marY-lug the Southeast corner of
sald Clty of Sprlngfleld property and the true pOlnt of beglnnlDg, thence South 40 31'
37' West, 1082 06 feet, thence West 279 43 feet to a pOlnt on the East margln of County
Road No 3 (Game Farm Road), 30 00 feet from, when measured at rlght angles to the
centerllne of sald Game Farm Road, thence North 30 36' 56# West along sald East margln
of Game Farm Road, 305 43 feet to a 5/8 lDCh lron rod, thence North 890 54' 08" East
along sald East marglTI of Game Farm Road, 5 01 feet to a 5/8 lDCh lron rod, sald pOlnt
belng 3S 00 feet from, when measured at rlght angles to the centerllne of sald Game Farm
Road, thence North 30 36' 56" West along sald East margln of Game Fa~m Road, 746 71 feet
to a 5/8 lnch lron rod, thence North 20 54' 56# West along the East margln of Game Farm
Road, 28 16 feet to a 5/8 lnch lron rod on the South Ilne of the aforementloned Clty of
Sprlngfleld property, thence North 890 56' 00" East along sa1.d South Ilne, 427 60 feet
to the pOlnt of beglnnlng, all In Lane County, Oregon
PARCEL 4 (38+/- acres East of Baldy Vlew)
A parcel of land located 1.ll the Southwest 1/4 of SeetloD 14 and the Northwest 1/4 of
Seetl.OD 23, all of Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West, Wlllamette Merldlan, more
partlcula11y descrlbed as follows Commenclng at the Lane County Brass Cap marklng the
Northeast corner of the Wllllam M Stevens Donatl.on Land Clalm No, 46, TOwTIshlp 17
South, Range 3 West, Wlllamette Mer~dlan, thence South 260 39' 56" East along the East
IlDe of sa~d Wllllam M Stevens Donatlon Land Clalm No 46, 18 58 feet, thence leavlng
sald East llDe NOlth 630 20' 04" East, 25 00 feet to a pOlnt on the East margln of Baldv
Vlew Lane and the true pOlnt of beglnnlng, thence South 260 39' 56' East along sald East
margln of Baldy Vlev' Lane, 609 58 feet, thence leavlng sald East marglll of Baldy Vl.ew
Lane North 650 31' 04# East, 664 70 feet, thence South 260 39' 56" East, ISO 24 feet to
a pOlnt on the ,North Ilne of BALDY VIEW CONDOMINIUMS as platted and recorded on Flle 75,
Slldes 102-105, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence South 650 30' 31" West along
sa~d North Ilne of BALDY VIEW CONDOMINIUMS, ~90 87 feet to a 5/8 lnch lron rod marklng
the Northeast corner of the Varlable Property per BALDY VIEW CONDOMINIUMS SUPPLEMENT~L
PLAT as platted and recorded on Flle 75, Slldes 1112 and 1113, Lane County Oregon Plat
Records, thence South 240 13' 03# East along the East Ilne of sald Varlable Property,
101 79 feet to a 5/8 lDCh lron rod, thence South 310 21' 41" West along the East l~ne of
sald Varlable Property, 67 76 feet to a 5/8 lnch lron rod, thence South 270 44' 34' East
along the East llne of sa~d Varlable Property, 174 70 feet to a 5/8 lnch lron rod,
thence South 660 16' 24" West along the East Ilne of sald Varlable Property, 20 35 feet
to a 5/8 lnch lron rod marklng the lnterlor ell of aforementloned BALDY VIEW
CONDOMINIUMS, thence South 260 39' 52" East, 217 83 feet to a 5/8 lnch lrOn rod marYlng
the Southwest corner of sald BALDY VIEW CONDOMINIUMS, Date ReceIved,
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal
PPOPERTY DESCPIPTION - contlnued - (Parcel 4)
thence South 650 31' 25" West, 394 90 feeL to a pOlnt on the East margln of Baldy Vle,
Lane, sald pOlnt belng 25 00 feet from, when measured at llght angles to, the East Iln€
of the aforementloned Wlll1am M Stevens Donatlon Land Clalffi No 46, thence Soutn 260
39' 56" East along sald East marglD, 217 08 feet, thence leavlng sald East margln of
Baldy VIew Lane North 650 30' 04" East, 1189 98 feet, thence South 260 39' 56' East,
296 80 feet, more or less, to the meander lIne of the McKenZIe RIver, thence
Northeasterly along sald meandel lIne to a pOInt In the center of SprIng Slough, sald
pOInt beIng North 330 20' 14' East, 281 18 feet from the last descrIbed pOInt, thence
leaVIng sald meandel lIne along the centelllDe of sa1d Slough the follOWIng courses,
NOlth 310 08' 33" Ylest, 190 50 feet, thence North 310 08' 33" West, 127 SO feet, thence
North 43 50' 53" v.]est, SO 64 feet to a 5/8 'Inch Iron rod markIng the Southeast COIner
of the aforementIoned BALDY VIEW CONDOMINIUMS, thence North 300 ll' 41" West along the
lIne descr~bed In that Boundary Agreement recorded on Reel 840R, Instrument No 77-
18900, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, 534 19 feet to a 5/8 Inch Iron rod markIng the
Northeast corner of saId BALDY VIEH CONDOMINlur-1S, thence along the centerlIne of
aforement1oned SprIng Slough the follo\Jlng courses North 37 37' 30" West, 202 46 feet,
thence North 210 44' 14" West, 168 98 feet, thence North 510 23' 53" West, 174 98 feet.,
thence NOlth 730 02' 12" West, 82 62 feet, thence South 840 54' 33" i<Jest, 59 91 feet,
thence South 760 25' 04" West, 50 72 feet, thence South 720 56' 03" West, 94 53 feet,
thence South 660 19' 1.9" ~"1est, 77 47 feet, thence North 590 59' 46" west, 19 89 feet,
thence North 510 59' 47" West, 82 30 feet, thence North 470 51' 24" West, 113 61 feet,
thence North 390 19 59' West, 94 07 feet, thence North 570 05' 08' West, 46 86 feet,
thence leav~ng sald centerlIne of SprIng Slough South 400 50' 53" West, 593 52 feet,
thence North 350 38' 07" West, 166 74 feeL to a pOlnt WhICh lS 30 00 feet from, when
measu~ed at rIght angles to, the centerl1ne of County Road No, 90 (Deadmond Ferry Road) ,
thence South 400 50' 53" West, parallel ~llth saId centerllne of County Road No 90,
239 58 feet to the pOlnt'of beglnnlng, all 1n Lane Count}, Oregon
PARCEL 5 (Rhoads parcel)
Beglnnlng at a pOInt lD the East Ilne of the Wllllam M Stevens Donatlon Land Clalm No
46, 1n Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West of the W1llamette Merldlan, South 260 08' East
1526 44 feet from the Northeast corner of the above clalm, thence South 260 08' East
623 18 feet to the meander lIne of the McKenzle Rlver, thence Northeasterly 1320 0 feet
along above meander Ilne, thence North 260 08' West 185 0 feet, thence South 66Q 02'
West 1215 0 feet to the pOlnt of beg~nnlng, all lTI Lane County, Oregon
EXCEPTING that portIon of the above property conveyed to Frank D CrOTIIn and
VIrg1TIla C CronIn by Statutory Warranty Deed recorded on AprIl 24, 1984 In the
Lane County OffICIal Records, Receptlon No 84-17725, WhlCh IS more pa~tlcularly
descrlbed as follows Beglnnlng at a pOlnt In the East Ilne of the Wllllam M
Stevens DonatlOTI Land ClaIm No 46, Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West of the
W~llamette MerIdIan, South 260 08' East 1526 44 feet from the Northeast cornel of
the above clalm, thence North 660 02' East 226 0 feet, thence South 260 08' East
110 0 feet, thence South 660 02' West 226 0 feet, thence North 260 08' West 110 0
feeL to the place of begInnIng, lfi Lane County, Oregon
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal d~
PARCEL 6 (Jacobson parcel)
Beg~nnlng at a pOInt In the Easterly Ilne of the WIll lam N Stevens and wIfe DonatIon
Land ClaIm No 46, Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette MerIdIan, 1426 4~
feet South 260 38' East from the Northeast corner of sald ClaIm No 46, thence
contlnulng along sald Easterly llne South 260 38' East 973 66 feet, more or less, to the
Southeast corner of that tract conveyed to C B Conley and Lola Barl Conley, husband
and wlfe, by deed recolded October 14, 1938, In Book 197, Page 28, Lane County Oregon
Deed Records, thence West 251 71 feet along the South Ilne of sald Conley tract, the~ce
North 260 38 West parallel WIth the Easterly lIne of saId ClaIm No 46 to a pOInt WhlCh
bears South 630 22' West 225 0 feet from the pOInt of begInnIng, thence NOLth 630 22'
East 225 0 feet to the pOInt of begInnIng, ln Lane County, Oregon
PARCEL 7 (Deadmond Ferry parcel)
Beglnnlng at a po~nt on the South lIne of County Road No 90, saId pOlnt belng 489 0
feet North 890 55' West from an lron p~pe, whICh accordIng to records IS 16 S feet South
260 38' East and 57 34 chaIns South 890 55' East from the Northwest corner of the
Wllllam M Stevens DonatIon Land Clalm No 46 In Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West of the
Wlllamette Merldlan, and runnlng thence NOlth 890 55' West palallel to the North Ilne of
saId clalm, 169 8 feet more or less to the East lIne of that certaln tract conveyed by
John Haxby and Esther Ha~/, to Earl H Brown and Eva L Brown, thence South along the
East lllle 274 2 feet, thence East 169 8 feet, more or less, to the West llne of the
tract conveyed by John Haxby and Esther HaAby to Opal Irene Allen, thence North 274 2
feet to the place of begInnIng, all belng In Sectlon 15, of saId Townshlp and Range, In
Lane County, Oregon
Beglnnlng at a pOInt 20 feet North 660 02' East from a pOInt In the East IlDe of the
Wllllam M Stevens DonatIon Land Clalm No 46, In Townshlp 17 South Range 3 West of
Wlllamette Merldlan, South 260 08' East 16 54 chaIns from the Northeast corner of sa~d
clalm, and runnIng thence North 660 02' East 400 feet, thence South 260 08 East 217 8
feet, thence South 660 02' West 400 feet, thence North 260 08' West 217 8 feet to the
place of beglnnlng, In Lane Countj, Oregon
A portIon of Govelnment Lot II lYlng In the No~thwesterly portlon of SectIon 23,
TownShIp l7 South, Range 3 West of the W~llamette Merldlan, more partlcularly descrlbed
as follows BegInnIng at a pOInt on the East llne of the Wllllam M Stevens DonatIon
Land ClaIm No 46, TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mer~dlan, WhICh 13
South 260 08' East 1526 44 feet from the Northeast corner of saId Donatlon Land Clalm
No 46, thence North 660 02' East 226 feet, thence South 260 08' East 110 feet, thence
South 660 02' West 226 feet, thence North 260 08' West 110 feet to the pOlnt of R cewed
begInnIng, In Lane County, Oregon Date e
~PR , ~ 100S
\ SUbmittal-*-
PROpeRTY DESCRIPTION - contlnued - (Parcel 9)
conveyed to the Clty of Sprlngfleld by deed recorded January
No 2005-002303, Lane County Offlclal Records
All that portlon
11, ~005, Receptlon
descrlbed In deed to the Clty of Sprlngfleld lecorded June 13, 2003, Receptlon No
2003-053912, Lane County Offlclal Pecords
descllbed In the plat of RIVEPBEND, PHASE 1, as platted and recorded flay 10, 2006,
Receptlon No 2006-032092, Lane County Deeds and Records
deSCYlbed lD deed to the Lane County, a polltlcal subdlvlslon of the State of
Oregon, recorded September 28, 2006, Receptlon No 2006-070659 Lane County
Offlclal Recolds, all lD Lane County, Oregon
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal SUbmlttal~
'" .
THIS AGREEMENT entered mto by and between PEACEHEALTH, a Washmgton non-
profit corporatIon, heremafter referred to as "Grantee," and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a
mUnIcipal corporatIOn organIzed and eXlstmg under the laws of the State of Oregon, heremafter
referred to as "Grantor" or "City"
SectIOn 1 DefimtlOns
Section lIAs used m thiS Agreement, all words and phrases shall have their
customary usage and meanmg, proVided, however, that the terms defined m
SectIOn 4 600 of the Spnngfield MUnicipal Code shall have the meanmg set forth therem,
and the followmg terms shall be defined as follows
Section] ] 1 "CIty" shall mean the CIty of Spnngfield and all areas wlthm Its
corporate boundanes, mcludmg as those boundanes may be changed from tIme to
tIme m the future
SectIOn I 1 2 "Council" shall mean the common council of City as set forth m
Article III of the Spnngfield Charter
SectIOn I 1 3 "Person" shall mclude an mdlvldual, corporatIon, associatIOn, firm,
or any other busmess entIty havmg the legal authonty to do busmess wlthm the
state of Oregon
SectIon I 2 As used herem, the smgular number may mclude the plural and the plural
number shall mclude the smgular
Section 1 3 Unless expressly provided to the contrary herem or m the Sprmgfield
MUniCipal Code, any actIOn authonzed or required to be taken by CIty pursuant to thIS
Agreement may be taken by the CouncIlor by the City Manager or any offiCial or agent
deSignated by the CouncIlor the CIty Manager
SectIOn 2 RI!!hts Granted.
SectIOn 2 1 Grantor hereby grants to Grantee the nght to use the pubhc way
deSIgnated as St Joseph Place as shown on the RlverBend Phase II plat recorded
("Pubhc Way")
SectIon 2 2 Subject to the conditIons and reservatIOns set forth herem, and the
prOVISions of the Spnngfield MUniCipal Code, City grants to Grantee the nght, pnvIlege
and power to construct, use and mamtam a pnvate dnve and SIdewalks ("FacilItIes") on
the Pubhc Way and further grants Grantee all other nghts, pnvIleges and powers
necessary or mCldent to the use, construction and mamtenance of such FacIlItIes
Date Received
Page 1 of5
APR 1 4 2aOS
Ongmal Submlttal-dl'
. ~
SectlOn 2 3 The rIghts granted herem shall not confer on Grantee any right, tItle or
mterest m any PublIc Way beyond that expressly conferred by the provIsions of this
SectlOn 2, nor shall It confer any right or prIVIlege to use or occupy any other property of
City or any other enllty
SectIOn 3 Reserved RI!!hts
SectlOn 3 1 City reserves the right, wIthout IImltatlOn, to
Section 3 1 1 construct, mstall, mamtam and operate any publIc unprovement,
work or facIlIty 10, on, over or under the PublIc Way,
SectIOn 3 1 2 perform or authorize or direct the performance of any work that
City may find deSIrable or convement m, on, over or under any PublIc Way, or
SectlOn 3 1 3 vacate, alter, or close any PublIc Way
SectIOn 3 2 Whenever CIty shall perform or cause or permIt to be performed, any
work m the PublIc Way or the vlcmlty of the PublIc Way where such work may dIsturb
or mterfere wIth the FacIlIties, City shall, or shall requIre ItS permIttee, to nOllfy, m
wrItmg, Grantee sufficIently m advance of such contemplated work to enable Grantee to
take such measures, mcludmg removal or relocallon of such FacIlIties, as may be deemed
necessary to protect such FacIlllles, at ItS own expense
SectlOn 3 3 Whenever CIty shall vacate any PublIc Ways for the conve~lence or
benefit of any person or governmental agency and mstrumentalIty other than City,
Grantee's rIghts shall be preserved as to any of ItS FacIlIties then eXlsllng m such PublIc
SectIOn 4 Care of Facilities
SectIOn 4 1 The FaCIlItIes shall at all limes be mamtamed and operated m a safe,
substantial and workmanlIke manner
SectIOn 4 2 For the purpose of carrymg out the provISIOns of thIs sectlOn, City may
proVIde such specificatIons relatmg thereto as may be necessary or convement for the
publIc health, safety and welfare, or for the orderly development of City City may
amend and add to such specIficatIOns from tIme to tIme
SectIOn 5 ActiVIties ID the Pubhc Wav
SectIon 5 1 Grantee shall obtam such penmts as may be requIred by law prIor to
commencmg the construcllon, extensIOn or relocatlOn of any of ItS FacIlllles m the PublIc
SectlOn 5 2 PrIor to commencmg any constructIon, extenslOn or relocatIon of FacIlItIes
m the PublIc Way, Grantee shall file drawmgs, m such form as may be acceptable to the
CIty Engmeer-, showmg the locatIOn of eXlstmg faCIlItIes and faclhtles to be constructed,
mamtamed, or relocated Followmg completIOn of such constructIon, extensIon, or
Date ReceIVed
APR 1 4 2008
OnglOal submittal (JI-
Page 2 of5
relocatIOn, Grantee shall file drawlOgs and maps, 10 such form as may be acceptable to
the City EnglOeer, showlOg the FacilItIes as actually constructed, extended, or relocatcd
SectIOn 5 3 Except 10 an emergency, Grantee shall make no excavation, openIng, or
other lOtruslOn mto the Public Way Without havlOg first obtamed such permit as may be
reqUIred by law
Section 5 4 In perfonmng all work 10 the Public Way, Grantee shall, at all times,
conduct such work 10 accordance With the Standard ConstructIOn SpeCifications of City
as they shall eXist from tIme to time
Section 5 5 If at any tIme Grantee shall make any open 109, excavatIOn or other
mtruslOn lOto the Public Way, Grantee shall promptly restore the Public Way to the same
conditIOn 10 which It was pnor to the openmg, excavatIOn or lOtruslon, all 10 accordance
With CIty Standard ConstructIOn SpeCifications as then 10 effect, provided, however, that
at any time City may effect such restoration, the full cost thereof shall be patd by
Section 5 6 Should Grantee fall to promptly make such restoratIOn or fall to make such
restoration 10 accordance With CIty Standard ConstructIOn SpeCificatIOns, City may, at Its
electIOn, cause such restoratIOn to be made In such event Grantee shall reimburse CIty
for the full cost of such restoratIon and, m addItIOn pay a penalty equal to two times the
full cost of such restoratIOn
SectIon 6 Safety Standards and Work SpeCIficatIons.
Section 6 I The FacilitIes of Grantee shall at all times be mamtamed 10 a safe,
substantial and workmanlike manner
Section 6 2 For the purpose of carrymg out the proVISIons of thIs section, City may
provide such speCifications relatlOg thereto as may be necessary or convenIent fO! public
safety or the orderly development of City City may amend and add to such speCIficatIOns
from time to tIme
SectIOn 7 JndemmficatlOn and Insurance
SectIOn 7 I Grantee shall defend, lOdemnIfy and hold harmless CIty, ItS agents,
servants and employees from and agalOst all claims, demands and Judgments (lOcludIng
attorney fees) made or recovered agaInst them IncludlOg but not limited to damages to
real or tangible personal property or for bodily Injury or death to any person, anSIng out
of, or 10 connectIOn With thIS Agreement, to the extent of such damage, lOJury or death IS
caused or sustaIned In connectIOn With the performance by Grantee or ItS employees,
servants or agents
SectIon 7 2 Grantee Will, at all tImes, carry a CommerCial General Liability lOsurance
polIcy for at least $1,000 000 comblOed smgle limits per occurrence and at least
Date Received
APR 1 4 2008
OnglOal SUbmlttal-t2~
. .
$2000000 In the aggregate, for BodIly InJury, Property Damage, and Personal Injury
City, Its agents, employees and offiCials, all whIle actll1g wlthll1 their official capacity as
such, shall be named as an additional Insured on the policy of Insurance A current
certificate of Insurance eVidencIng any poliCies reqUired by thiS Agreement shall be on
file With City at all times A 3D-day notice of cancellatIOn clause shall be Included In said
certificate CIty has the nght to reject any certIficate for unacceptable coverage and/or
SectIOn 8 Assllmment of RI!!hts
Section 8 I Except as provided In thiS sectIOn, Grantee shall not assign or otherWise
transfer thiS Agreement or all or any portIon of ItS nghts or obligations hereunder to any
entity, except an entity wholly owned by Grantee or by any parent of Grantee, WIthout
the pnor wntten consent of City, which consent shall not be unreasonably WIthheld or
delayed Grantee shall give City not less than thIrty (30) days' wntten notIce of any such
transfer or assIgnment For the purpose of determining whether or not It Will consent to
such transfer or assIgnment, City may, WIthin thlrty (30) days of receiving notice of the
proposed transfer or assignment, conduct a review of the financial or technical ability of
the proposed transferee or assIgnee
Secllon 8 2 ThIS Agreement and each ofthe partIes' respective nghts and obligatIOns
under thiS Agreement, shall be binding upon, and Inure to the benefit of, the partIes
hereto and each of theIr successors and assigns
SectIOn 9 TermmatlOn of A!!reement,
SectIOn 9 I ThIS Agreement shall termmate at such llme as CIty constructs a public
roadway on the Public Way
SectIOn 9 2 Upon the faIlure of Grantee, after SIXty (60) days' notice and demand In
wntmg, to perform promptly and completely each and every term, condlllon or obligation
Imposed upon It under or pursuant to thIS Agreement, City may terminate thiS
SectIOn 10 Remedies
Section 10 I All remedies and penalties under thiS Agreement, includIng termInatIOn of
the Agreement, are cumulative, and the recovery or enforcement of one IS not a bar to the
recovery or enforcement of any other such remedy or penalty The remedies and penalties
contaIned In thiS Agreement, includIng termInatIOn of the Agreement, are not exclUSive,
and City reserves the nght to enforce the prOVISiOnS of any ordinance or resolutIOn and to
avaIl Itself of any and all remedies avaIlable at law or In equity FaIlure to enforce shall
not be construed as a waiver of a breach of any term, condItion or obligatIOn Imposed
upon Grantee by or pursuant to thiS Agreement A speCific waIver of a particular breach
of any term, condlllon or obligatIOn Imposed upon Grantee by or pursuant to thIS
Agreement shall not be a W3lver of any other or subsequent or future breach of the same
Date ReceIVed
APR H 2006
Onglnal submlttal-
" .
or of any other term, conditIOn or obhgatlOn or a waIver of the term, conditIon or
obhgatlOn It,elf
SectIOn 11 Comolete Agreement
SectIOn II I ThiS Agreement represents the whole agreement between the parties and
shall supersede all other agreements and understandIngs, whether oral or In WritIng,
between the parties With respect to the subjects covered by thIS Agreement ThiS
Agreement may not be modified except by a writIng executed by both partIes to the
Agreement '
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties, by theIr duly desIgnated representatives have executed
thiS Agreement as of thIs _ day of ,2008 I
City of Sprmgfield
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal SUbmlttaLff~
Page S oes
c .. ~-..
After recordmg, please return to
Donald A Gallagher, Jr
Arnold Gallagher Saydack, et al
800 WIllamette Street, SUIte 800
Eugene, OR 97401
THIS AGREEMENT entered mto by and between PEACEHEALTH, a Washmgton non-
profit corporatIon, heremafter referred to as "Grantor," and WILLAMALANE, an Oregon non-
profit corporatIon, heremafter referred to as "Grantee"
A As a condItIOn of the tentatIve subdIvIsIOn approval (CondItIon #26 of SUB200S-000 12),
Grantor IS oblIgated to grant Grantee a publIc trail easement under the terms contamed herem"
B Grantor owns Lot 9 as shown on the plat for RlverBend Phase 2, recorded m the officIal
records of Lane County on . ReceptIOn No ("Plat"),
C The path IS referred to on the Plat as part of the RIversIde Trail,
D The portIOn of the RIversIde Trail located on Grantor's Property has not been
E The partIes shall agree upon the exact locatIOn of the portIOn of the RIversIde Trail to be
located on Grantor's Property and shall amend thIs Easement to proVIde the legal descnptlOn of
the actual locatIOn of the RIversIde Trail on Grantor's Property
1 Grantor grants to Grantee a perpetual non-exclusIve 25-foot publIc trail easement
on that portIon of Grantor's Property mutually agreed upon by Grantor and Grantee
2 The RIversIde Trail shall be available for the publIc to use as a multI-use path
3 When the locatIon of the RIversIde TraIl on Grantor's Property has been agreed
upon by the parties, Grantor shall construct a multI-use path 12-feet WIde WIth a 2-foot clear area
on each SIde of the path free of aboveground obstructIOns The path shall be constructed to the
same speCIficatIons as the developed portIon of the RIversIde TraIl
4 The Riverside Trail shall be repaIred and mamtamed by the partIes m accordance
WIth Section 5 of the DeclaratIon of Access and Mamtenance Agreement for PublIc Landscape
Date Received.
APR 1 4 2008
Ongmal Submittal a~
. . ..
Areas, Publtc Accessways and Paths, and Open Publtc Storm Dramage Systems m Order to
Comply with Condition 21, Conditions of Approval, R[verBend SubdIVISIOn Tentat[ve Plan SUB
2005-00012, of the City of Spnngfield dated May 10, 2005, and recorded on May 10, 2006,
ReceptIOn No 2006-032093
County of Lane
The foregomg mstrument was acknowledged before me thiS
. 2008, by as
PeaceHealth, a Washmgton non-profit corporallon
day of
Notary Publtc for Oregon
My CommiSSIOn Exp[res
County of Lane
The foregomg mstrument was acknowledged before me this day of
. 2008, by as of
Wtllama1ane, an Oregon non-profit corporallon organized and ex[stmg under the laws of the
State of Oregon
Notary Publtc for Oregon
My CommiSSIOn Exp[res
Date ReceIved,
APR 1 4 2008
Ongmal Submittal 01.
(In lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement, Includes Waiver of Right to Remonstrate)
I SUB2005-00012
I SUB2006-00044
#7 and #34
IN CONSIDERATION of the covenants herein recited, the City of Springfield, hereinafter
referred to as City, and PeaceHealth, a Washington Non-Profit Corporation, hereinafter
referred to as Appllcant(s), do covenant, and agree with respect to the real property
described below as follows
1 Appllcant(s) warrants and represents to the City of Springfield that It IS the owner of
the property more particularly described and set forth In Paragraph 7 below and, as
owner, has the authOrity to enter Into this Improvement Agreement With the City of
2 Appllcant(s) desires Development Approval from the City With respect to the following
Development Application SUB 2005-00012 and SUB2006-00044
3 The development will cause both an Immediate and long-term demand on the various
public facIlities of City and Lane County including the speCifiC public Improvements
necesSitated by the development as set forth In paragraph 6
4 This Improvement Agreement IS an alternative to Imposing a condition on Applicant's
development approval that the Applicant make Immediate construction of any public
Improvement that the development necessitates The objective IS to promote
effiCiency, coordination, and spread costs by prOViding an opportunity for a district
wide Improvement mechanism where construction occurs In a coordinated project
With the parliclpatlon of adjacent and other properties In the area, Instead of reqUiring
Immediate Improvement In COnjUnction With each development application There IS
no guarantee, however, that such a coordinated project will be pOSSible and the City
reserves the right to require construclion of the Improvements In the future at City
5 (a) Applicant and City agree that Applicant will pay the cost of the following public
faCIlity Improvements desCribed In Paragraph 6 In accordance With respective cost
assumption policy established by City at the time the City determines to undertake
and complete such public Improvements
(b) Applicant and City acknowledge and agree that the cost of such Improvements
and the portion thereof to be paid by Applicant are presently unknown and may be
greater than the costs that would be apportioned If the Improvements were
constructed Immediately or by Applicant now or later
(c) Applicant acknowledges that the timing of the construction of such Improvements
IS Within the sole and exclusive direction of the City
6 (a) STREET IMPROVEMENTS along the frontage of Loop Road from Baldy View
Lane to the east property line of Lot 8 to Include
L8J surface paving, L8J storm sewers, L8J sanitary sewers, L8J curbs,
L8J gutters, L8J planter stripS, L8J street trees, L8J street lights, L8J Sidewalks
Date Received,
APR 1 4 2008
ongmal SUbmlttal~"t7
(Bar Code Sticker)
Page 1 of3
(b) TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the intersection of N/A
Applicant acknowledges that the list of marked Improvements reflect those that would
currently be required under the appropriate City codes and ordinances Applicant
acknowledges that It understands that the Improvements made will be those required to
bring the street to full urban standards for the then current functional classification of the
street as those standards eXist at the time the Improvements are made and may,
therefore, differ from the list of Improvements checked herein
The real property described as Lot 8 of RlverBend, Phase II, dated
and recorded In Land County on
8 City agrees that Applicant's execution and performance of the terms of the
Agreement WIll be deemed to be In compliance With City's policy pertaining to
Improvement reqUirements, and If Applicant complies In every respect With all other
applicable laws of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and City, Applicant shall be
entitled to Development Approval, subject to the terms and conditions of approval set
forth therein
9 ThiS agreement IS enforceable by the State of Oregon, Lane County or City
right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, If the same
shall appear to the Applicant to bear IneqUitably or unfair upon said property of
Applicant Applicant's acceptance of the non-remonstrance condition IS In consideration
for the City's waiver of the requirement for the Immediate construclion of the publiC
Improvements that the development necessitates ThiS Improvement agreement waives
the property owner's right to file a written remonstration It does not waive a property
owner's right to comment on the proposed district or any related matters orally or In
11 It IS the Intention of the parties hereto that the covenants herein contained shall run
With the land herein described, and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns,
administrators, and successors of the parlies hereto, and shall be construed to be a
benefit and a burden upon the property herein described ThiS Agreement shall be
recorded In the Lane County Deed Records
If you are the applicant or a prospective purchaser of thiS property, you are adVised to
diSCUSS thiS Agreement With an Attorney of your chOice Execution and recordation of
thiS Agreement Will place requirements on the Owner and any subsequent purchaser of
the Real Property described In Section 7 and their heirs, successors and assigns
These requirements Include but are not limited to the payment for the public
Improvements described In Section 6 ThiS may result In an assessment lien on the
Real Property described In Section 7 and significant costs to the Owner and
Purchasers, and their heirs, successors and assigns An Applicant's signature on thiS
Agreement Indicates that the Applicant has thoroughly read thiS Agreement,
understands It, has had the opportunity to consult legal counsel prior to ItS execution,
and understands that execution of the Agreement may result In significant financial
obligations Imposed upon the Owner of the Real Property Any prospective Purchaser
of the property burdened by thiS Improvement Agreement should also thoroughly review
thiS Agreement, consult With legal counsel prior to purchaSing the property, and
understand that thiS Agreement may result In a significant financial obligation Imposed
upon any Owner of the Real Property described In Section 7 Date Received.
Page 2 013
APR I 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal ifbt!-
. ,
WHEREFORE, the parties have hereunto set their hand this
day of , 20~
} 55
BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of ,200_before
me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said' County and State, personally
appeared the Within named
whose Identity was proved to me on the baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who by me
duly sworn, did say that Is/are the
of and does
acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation, and that
the seal affixed to said Instrument IS the Corporate seal of said Corporalion, and that
said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said Corporation by authOrity of ItS
Board of Directors
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiCial seal
the day and year last above written
Notary Public for Oregon
DenniS P Ernst - City Surveyor
} 55
BE IT REMEMBERED that on thiS day of , 200_before
me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally
appeared the Within named DenniS P Ernst whose Identity was proved to me on the
baSIS of salisfactory eVidence and who executed the Within Instrument and
acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiCial seal
the day and year last above written
Notary Public for Oregon
Date Received
APR 1 4 2008
Original SUbmlttaL_~
Page 30f3
, ,
(In Lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement, Includes Waiver of Right to Remonstrate)
I SUB2005-00012
IN CONSIDERATION of the covenants herein recited, the City of Springfield, hereinafter
referred to as City, and PeaceHealth, a Washington Non-Profit Corporation, hereinafter
referred to as Applicant(s), do covenant, and agree With respect to the real property
described below as follows
1 Applicant(s) warrants and represents to the City of Springfield that It IS the owner of
the property more particularly described and set forth In Paragraph 7 below and, as
owner, has the authOrity to enter Into this Improvement Agreement With the City of
2 Applicant(s) deSires Development Approval from the City With respect to the follOWing
Development Application SUB2005-00012
3 The development Will cause both an Immediate and long-term demand on the various
publiC faCilities of City and Lane County Including the speCifiC public Improvements
necessitated by the development as set forth In paragraph 6
4 This Improvement Agreement IS an alternative to Imposing a condition on Applicant's
development approval that the Applicant make Immediate construction of any public
Improvement that the development necessitates The objective IS to promote
effiCiency, coordination, and spread costs by prOViding an opportunity for a district
Wide Improvement mechanism where construction occurs In a coordinated project
With the participation of adjacent and other properties In the area, Instead of requIring
Immediate Improvement In conjunction With each development applicalion There IS
no guarantee, however, that such a coordinated project Will be pOSSible and the City
reserves the right to reqUire construclion of the Improvements In the future at City
5 (a) Applicant and City agree that Applicant Will pay the cost of the follOWing public
faCility Improvements deSCribed In Paragraph 6 In accordance With respective cost
assumption poliCY established by City at the time the City determines to undertake
and complete such publiC Improvements
(b) Applicant and City acknowledge and agree that the cost of such Improvements
and the portion thereof to be paid by Applicant are presently unknown and may be
greater than the costs that would be apportioned If the Improvements were
constructed Immediately or by Applicant now or later
(c) Applicant acknowledges that the timing of the construction of such Improvements
IS Within the sole and exclUSive direction of the City
6 (a) STREET IMPROVEMENTS along the frontage of Deadmond Ferry Road
to Include [g] surface paving, [g] storm sewers, [g] sanitary sewers, [g] curbs,
[g] gutters, [g] planter stripS, [g] street trees, [g] street lights, [g] Sidewalks
(Bar Code Sticker)
, Date Keceived
Page 1 013
APR 1 4 2008
Original Submittal ar:-
(b) TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the Intersection of N/A
Applicant acknowledges that the list of marked Improvements reflect those that would
currently be reqUired under the appropnate City codes and ordinances Applicant
acknowledges that It understands that the Improvements made Will be those reqUired to
bnng the street to full urban standards for the then current functional claSSification of the
street as those standards eXist at the time the Improvements are made and may,
therefore, differ from the list of Improvements checked herem
The real property descnbed as Lot 9 of RlverBend, Phase II, dated
and recorded In Lane County on
8 City agrees that Applicant's execution and performance of the terms of the
Agreement Will be deemed to be In compliance With City's policy pertaining to
Improvement requirements, and If Applicant complies In every respect With all other
applicable laws of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and City, Applicant shall be
entitled to Development Approval, subject to the terms and conditions of approval set
forth therem
9 ThiS agreement IS enforceable by the State of Oregon, Lane County or City
nght to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, If the same
shall appear to the Applicant to bear mequltably or unfair upon said property of
Applicant Applicant's acceptance of the non-remonstrance condition IS In conSideration
for the City's waiver of the requirement for the Immediate construction of the public
Improvements that the development necessitates ThiS Improvement agreement waives
the property owner's nght to file a wntten remonstration It does not waive a property
owner's nght to comment on the proposed dlstnct or any related matters orally or In
11 It IS the mtenlion of the parties hereto that the covenants herem contained shall run
With the land herem descnbed, and shall be bmdlng upon the heirs, executors, assigns,
administrators, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be construed to be a
benefit and a burden upon the property herem descnbed ThiS Agreement shall be
recorded In the Lane Coun'ty Deed Records
If you are the applicant or a prospective purchaser of thiS property, you are adVised to
diSCUSS thiS Agreement With an Attorney of your chOice Execution and recordation of
thiS Agreement will place reqUirements on the Owner and any subsequent purchaser of
the Real Property descnbed In Section 7 and their heirs, successors and assigns
These requirements Include but are not limited to the payment for the public
Improvements descnbed m Section 6 ThiS may result In an assessment lien on the
Real Property descnbed In Section 7 and Significant costs to the Owner and
Purchasers, and their heirs, successors and assigns An Applicant's signature on thiS
Agreement mdlcates that the Applicant has thoroughly read thiS Agreement,
understands It, has had the opportunity to consult legal counsel pnor to ItS execution,
and understands that execution of the Agreement may result m Significant finanCial
obligations Imposed upon the Owner of the Real Property Any prospective Purchaser
of the property burdened by thiS Improvement Agreement should also thoroughly review
thiS Agreement, consult With legal counsel pnor to purchaSing the property, and
understand that thiS Agreement may result In a Significant finanCial obligation Imposed
upon any Owner of the Real Property descnbed m Section 7 Date Received
Page 2 013
APR 1 4 2008
Original SUbmlttaLa~
WHEREFORE, the parties have hereunto set their hand this
day of , 20~
} 55
BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of ,200_before
me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally
appeared the Within named
whose Identity was proved to me on the baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who by me
duly sworn, did say that Is/are the
of and does
acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation, and that
the seal affixed to said Instrument IS the Corporate seal of said Corporation, and that
said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said Corporation by authonty of ItS
Board of Directors
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal
the day and year last above wntten
Notary Public for Oregon
DenniS P Ernst - City Surveyor
} 55
BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of , 200~before
me, the undersigned, a notary publiC In and for said County and State, personally
appeared the Within named DenniS P Ernst whose Identity was proved to me on the
baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who executed the Within Instrument and
acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntanly
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal
the day and year last above wntten
Notary PubliC for Oregon
Date ReceIved
APR 1 4 2008
Ongmal SUbmlttaL2;?
Page 3013
(In Lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement, Includes Waiver of Right to Remonstrate)
I SUB2006-00044
IN CONSIDERATION of the covenants herein recited, the City of Springfield, hereinafter
referred to as City, and PeaceHealth, a Washington Non-Profit Corporation, hereinafter
referred to as Applicant(s), do covenant, and agree with respect to the real property
described below as follows
1 Applicant warrants and represents to the City of Springfield that It IS the owner of the
property more particularly described and set forth In Paragraph 7 below and, as
owner, has the authority to enter Into this Improvement Agreement with the City of
2 Applicant(s) desires Development Approval from the City with respect to the following
Development Application SUB2006-00044
3 The development will cause both an Immediate and long-term demand on the various
public facilities of City and Lane County Including the speCific public Improvements
necessitated by the development as set forth In paragraph 6
4 This Improvement Agreement IS an alternative to Imposing a condition on Applicant's
development approval that the Applicant make Immediate construction of any public
Improvement that the development necessitates The objective IS to promote
effiCiency, coordination, and spread costs by prOViding an opportunity for a district
wide Improvement mechanism where construction occurs In a coordinated project
with the partiCipation of adjacent and other properties In the area, Instead of requIring
Immediate Improvement In conjunction With each development application There IS
no guarantee, however, that such a coordinated project will be pOSSible and the City
reserves the right to require construction of the Improvements In the future at City
5 (a) Applicant and City agree that Applicant> will pay the cost of the following public
facility Improvements desCribed In Paragraph 6 In accordance With respective cost
assumption policy established by City at the time the City determines to undertake
and complete such public Improvements
(b) Applicant and City acknowledge and agree that the cost of such Improvements
and the portion thereof to be paid by Applicant are presently unknown and may be
greater than the costs that would be apportioned If the Improvements were
constructed Immediately or by Applicant now or later
(c) Applicant acknowledges that the timing of the construction of such Improvements
IS Within the sole and exclusive direction of the City
6 (a) STREET IMPROVEMENTS along the frontage of St Joseph Place and Baldy
View Lane, through Lots 8 and 9, to Include
~ surface paving, ~ storm sewers, D sanitary sewers, ~ curbs, ~ gutters,
D planter stripS, ~ street trees, ~ street lights, ~ Sidewalks
Date ReceIVed'
APR t 4 2008
Onglnal submittal a;?
(Bar Code Sticker)
Page 1 013
(b) TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the Intersection of N/A
Applicant acknowledges that the list of marked Improvements reflect those that would
currently be required under the appropnate City codes and ordinances Applicant
acknowledges that It understands that the Improvements made will be those required to
bnng the street to full urban standards for the then current funcllonal classification of the
street as those standards eXist at the time the Improvements are made and may,
therefore, differ from the list of Improvements checked herein
The real property descnbed as Lots 8 and 9 of the plat RlverBend, Phase II, dated
, and recorded In Lane County on
8 City agrees that Applicant's execution and performance of the terms of the
Agreement Will be deemed to be rn compliance with City's policy pertarnrng to
Improvement requirements, and If Applicant complies In every respect with all other
applicable laws of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and City, Applicant shall be
entitled to Development Approval, subject to the terms and conditions of approval set
forth therein
9 This agreement IS enforceable by the State of Oregon, Lane County or City
nght to protest the amount or manner of spreadrng the assessment thereof, If the same
shall appear to the Applicant to bear Inequitably or unfair upon said property of
Applicant Applicant's acceptance of the non-remonstrance condition IS In consideration
for the City's waiver of the requirement for the Immediate construction of the public
Improvements that the development necessitates This Improvement agreement waives
the property owner's nght to file a wntten remonstration It does not waive a property
owner's nght to comment on the proposed dlstnct or any related matters orally or In
11 It IS the Intention of the parties hereto that the covenants herein contained shall run
With the land herern descnbed, and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns,
administrators, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be construed to be a
benefit and a burden upon the property herern descnbed ThiS Agreement shall be
recorded In the Lane County Deed Records
If you are the applicant or a prospective purchaser of thiS property, you are adVised to
diSCUSS thiS Agreement With an Attorney of your chOice Execution and recordation of
thiS Agreement Will place reqUirements on the Owner and 'any subsequent purchaser of
the Real Property descnbed In Section 7 and their heirs, successors and assigns
These requirements Include but are not limited to the payment for the public
Improvements descnbed In Section 6 ThiS may result rn an assessment lien on the
Real Property descnbed In Section 7 and significant costs to the Owner and
Purchasers, and their heirs, successors and assigns An Applicant's signature on thiS
Agreement Indicates that the Applicant has thoroughly read thiS Agreement,
understands It, has had the opportunity to consult legal counsel pnor to ItS execution,
and understands that execution of the Agreement may result In significant financial
obligallons Imposed upon the Owner of the Real Property Any prospective Purchaser
of the property burdened by thiS Improvement Agreement should 'also thoroughly review
thiS Agreement, consult With legal counsel pnor to purchasing the property, and
understand that thiS Agreement may result In a significant financial obligab>&~~1:et d
upon any Owner of the Real Property descnbed In Section 7 Ive
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal /J)!!
. -
WHEREFORE, the parties have hereunto set their hand this
day of , 20~
} 55
BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of ,2 0 O_before
me, the underSigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally
appeared the within named
whose Identity was proved to me on the baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who by me
duly sworn, did say that Is/are the
of and does
acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation, and that
the seal affixed to said Instrument IS the Corporate seal of said Corporation, and that
said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said Corporation by authonty of Its
Board of Directors
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal
the day and year last above wntten
Notary Public for Oregon
DenniS P Ernst - City Surveyor
BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of , 200_before
me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally
appeared the within named DenniS P Ernst whose Identity was proved to me on the
baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who executed the within Instrument and
acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntanly
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal
the day and year last above wntten
Notary Public for Oregon
Date Received
APR I ~ 2008
Onglnal SUbm,ttalR
Page 30f3
a Washmgton non-profit corporatIOn
City of Spnngfield, 01 egon
1255 Hilyard Street
Eugene, OR 97401
AttentIOn: CIHef Fmanc131 Officer
D.v.s.on of Ch.ef Deputy Clerk
Lane Counly Deeds and Records
1111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 $256 00
00988.j942!0100197430 f70474
04/08/2008 03,50:21 PM
$235 00 $10 00 $11 00
Date ReceIVed
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal SUbmlttal.-arr
These Covenants, CondItIons and RestllctlOns ("CC&Rs") me made thIs day of
A]1111 7, 2008 ("EffeC't1V(' Date"), by PesceHealth, a Washmgton non-plOfit C'olporatlon
PeaccHealth owns cCltamlcal propelly m Lane County, Orcgon, mOle partIculmly
dcscrI bed on thc attached E:l..hlblt A (the "PlOpel ty") PeaceHcalth plans to develop the
Property as a mlXed-usc hospital campus, meludmg hospItal faclhtles, offices, I clad and
other uses In 01 dCI to enhancc thc value of the Property, PeaceHealth dcsJl cs to estabhsh
cCltam desIgn and development standm ds for the Plopcrty
NOW, THEREFORE, PeaceI-lealth subJccts thc Propcrty to the Covendnts,
CondItIOns and RestrictIOns set f01th below, smd CC&Rs to lun WIth thc PlOperty and
bmd PeaceHcalth, Owncrs, Occupants and thCll hClrs, successOlS, and assIgns
ThI oughout these CC&Rs, thc followmg temls, when capnahzed, shall have thc
followmg mcanmgs, exccpt whcn the context IcgUJlCS othcrwlse
1.1 AssociatIon
"ASSOCiatIOn" mcans the RlvclBend rcnants' AssocIatIon fOll11cd pUlsuant to
SectIOn 3
1.2 Board
"Boal d" mcans thc Boal d of DlIcctors of thc AssocIation f0l111Cd pm suant to
SectIOn 3.5
1,3 Busllle\s Day
"Busmcss Day" means Monday through Fllday and shall cxeludc SatUlday, Sunday
and Statc or Fcderal Lcgal Hohdays '
I/R1VL.1l3l:.nd ( ( Rs ^~ RLCORD! J) 2008 4-g doc]
Date Received
APR 1 4 2008 PAl.! 2
Onglnal SUbm,ttalff
1.4 Common Areas
"Common Areas" means the aleas wlthm thc PlOperty whIch are desIgnated for the
common usc and benefit of all Ownel s and Occupants The Common Areas mcorp01 ate
all Common Al ca ImpIovements, to the extent not dedIcated to a publIC entIty, located
wlthm thc Common AlCas mcludmg, by way oflllustJatIOn, but not by way oflllTIltatIon,
the followlllg pubhc llght-of-way landscaplllg, mcludlllg, but not hmlted to, tlee wells 01
stIeet tIees, SIdewalks, dlalllage dItches, IrrIgatIOn, any pubhc tIatl system, entJy
monuments, dIrectIOnal sIgnage and dll othel general purpose slgnagc, and I elated
lIghtmg systems and fixtUles Attached heleto as ExhIbIt C IS a map dehncatmg thc
Common Alcas The Common Arcas may be modIfied flOm tImc to tIme as Plovlded 111
Section 7,2
1.5 DesIgnated V OtCI
"DesIgnated VOtCl" means that mdlvldual named m a wuttennotlce gIven by an
Ownel to the SecletatY whIch notIce sets f01th (a) the addless ofthc DcsIgnated Votel f01
such Ownel, and (b) the numbm of votes whIch shall be voted by such DesIgnated Voter
1.6 Development Plans
"Development Plans" means plans f01 the development of any Tlmd-Patty
1.7 Development Standal ds
"Development Standatds" mcans the stdndards f01 ImplOv111g the PJOpelty,
attached bel eto as Exlllblt B
1.8 Dir ectol
"Dnector" means a membel of the BOald
1,9 Envir onmental Cost
"EnVIronmental Cost" mcludcs, but IS not 11I111ted to, costs and damagc, allsmg
ftom at teldt111g to (a) any vIOlatlOn of, 01 noncomphdnce WIth, any apphcable
Envlronmcntal Laws, (b) claIms f01 damages, lesponsc costs, audIt costs, fines, fees or
other Ichef1Clatmg to mattCls addressed 111 any apphcable EnvIronmental Laws,
(c) 111JunctIve teheftelatmg to mattels addlessed 111 any apphcable EnvIronmental Laws,
and (d) HaLaldous Substance Releases Costs and damages as used m th,S SectIOn shall
mclude, but are not hmlted to (I) costs of evaluatIon, assessment, testmg, analYSIS,
cleanup, lemedlatlon, lemoval, dIsposal, momtollng and mamtenanee, (11) fees of
attorneys, eng111cers, consultants, and expelts, whether 01 nottdxable as costs 111cuned at,
Date Received'
[/RIH.dk"d (CR~ ^~ Rl (ORDl [) 2008-4 8 doc]
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal SUbmlttG.I_~ -
I'ACr! 3
bcfOle or after tlIal, appeal 01 admlnlstlatlvc ploceedlllgs, and (111) loss or rcstnctlOn of
use OfPI0PCrty
1.10 Environmental Laws
"EnvlIonmental Laws'" shall mcan any and all fcdelal, Slate ofOlegon and local
laws, regu1atlOns, JUles, penmt terms, codes and oldlllanees now 01 helcafter III cffect, as
the same may be amended f10m tIlne to t!me, and applicable declSlonallaw, whIch goveln
mateIlals, substances I egulateJ wastes, emlo>IOIlt>, pollutdnt" dmmdb OJ plant" nOlse, 01
products anc1/Ollclatc 10 the plOtectlOn of health, natmallesources, safety or the
1.11 Hazaldous Substance
"Hazmdous Substance" shall mcan any and all substances defined 01 designated as
hazardous tOXIC, wdlOactJve, dangelOus or regulated wastes 01 matenals, or any othel
slmllm teIln III Ot under any appltcable EnvlIonmental Laws Hazmdous Substance shall
also mclude fuels, pet! oleum and petlOleum-denved plOduets
1.12 Hazardous Substance Release
"Hazaldous Substance Rclease" shall mean thc splllmg, dlschmge, depOSIt,
lllJectlOll, dumpmg, emlttmg, leleasmg, leakmg 01 placmg of any Hazmdous Substance
mto thc all 01 llltO 01 on any land 01 watcrs, cxcept III compltance WIth apphcable
Envllonmental Laws 01 as authOllzed by a then-cuTtcnt and vahd PCIl11ltlssucd undcl
appheable Envn onmental Laws
1.13 Common AI ea Improvements
"Common AICa ImplOvements" mcans any 111lplovemcnt placcd 01 eonstIueted 111,
under, 01 upon the Common Arcas, mcludl11g, WIthout hmItat!on, any dllvcway pmkl11g
mca, utlltty, dlal11age dItch, fcnce, wall Ot bamcr, utlltty dlstnbutlon faclltty, landscapmg,
01 srgnagc
114 Mamtenance
"Mamtenance" means upkeep to Common Alea ImplOvements mstalled wlthlll the
Common Areas, and the lepall and rcplacement of damaged, WOln, or fmlIng Common
Alea ImplOvcments mstalled m thc Common Areas
1.15 Master Plan
"Master Plan" means the telllis, eondltlOns, JUles and regulatIons of the Mastel
Plan appltcable to the Property and approved by the CIty ofSplIngfield effect!ve May 23,
2005, as may bc amended from tIme to tllne
]/RI\!..lIklld (,(,R~ ^\ RLCORDI ]) 200848 doc]
O~\e Ret&\4
f>.~~ , ~ lnn~
_. c."'o'((\\\\a\~
1.16 Occupant
"Occupant" means any Ownel, hcensee, tenant or subtenant mlawful po~seSSlOn
of all 01 any portlOn of the PlOpel ty
1 17 Officel
"Officel" means eIther the PI es]dent 01 Seel etal y of the Association or any
aO(11tlOna1 pCl~on a~ may he ~o de~lgnat('d by the Bomd
1.18 Ownel
"Ownel" means PeaceHealth or the owner of any lot, parcel or pOl t]on of the
PlOperty 01 any pal ty 111 lawful possessIOn of any lot, paIcel or pOl tlon of the Ploperty
pursuant to a glound lease, and any successOl of such ground lessee's I11terest unde] a
glOund lease
1.19 PeaceHealth
"PeaceHealth" means PeaceHealth, a Washl11gton non-profit cOlpOlatlOn, Its
suecessOIS and assIgns
1.20 PI eSldent
"Ples]dent" means the Plesrdent of the ASSOCiation, selected 111 aecoldance wIth
SectIOn 3.15
1.21 PlOpel ty
"PlOpelty" means the real plOpClty 111 Lanc County, O]egonlegally descllbed on
the attached Exhibit A hel eta
1.22 ReVIC~er
"ReVlCwel" means PeaeeHealth
1.23 Secl etary
"Secretary" means the Secletary oftbc ASSOCIation, selected 111 accOldance wltb
Section 3,15
1.24 Third Party Improvements
"Thnd Party Improvements" means any llnpl ovements made to any Th]rd Party
Parcel by an Owner other than PeaceHealth
Date Received
'. .
IIRIVLilknd ((,R~ A') RI CORDI n 2008 J. g dOL]
APR \ 4 1008
Ongmal SUbm,ttaLilJ::
Pt\GI- 'j
1.25 Third Party Parcel
"Thud Party Parcel" means any pOltlOn of the Plopelty which IS the subject of a
ground lease between PeaceHealth and an Owner 01 whIch IS owned by a patty othel than
PeaeeHealth "ThIrd Party Pmee]" does not Il1clude any pOltlon of the PlOpelty owned by
PeaeeHealth and whIch IS not subject to a glOund lease WIth an Ownel
2.1 PeaceHealth RIghts and ResponsibilIties
2.1.1 Resel vatlOn of Rights
In additIon to othel PeaceHeaIth ughts and Icsponslbllttlcs as may be set forth 111
these CC&Rs, PeaeeHeaIth shall, at all times, letam the followmg rIghts and
lesponslblhtles WIth lespcct to the Propcrty, Il1cludmg the Common Alcas, and OVCI thesc
CC&Rs and the Development Standm ds
2 I ] 1 The ught to assIgn all 01 any portlOns of thc ughts and
Icsponslb1l1t1es and obhgatlOns un del these CC&Rs to the As~ocIatlon or to others
2 I ] 2 Thc rIght to create 01 gIant easements 01 other encumblanees
across the Common Areas as set forth here1l1111 SectlOlI 8
2] I 3 The fight to leVlew and applOve or dlsapplove all
Development Plans fOl the Propelty
2] 14 Thc ught to appolllt a majOllty ofpClmancnt votll1g
DuectOls ofthe Boald
2 I I 5 The ught to applOve 01 dlsapplOve any amendments to these
CC&Rs and the Devclopment StandaJds
2 ] I 6 The ught to dpprove 01 dIsapprove any 1Cductlonb,
modIficatIOns 01 expanSIOns of the Common Aleas
2 ] ] 7 The right to applOve 0] dlsapplove the ImplOvements, and
any changes thereto
2 ] 1 8
pi oVId cd 111 Section 7.1
The light to close all 01 any pOltIOn of the Common A1Cas as
l/Rl\llBcnd C'Clh ^'" RILORDI 020084.& doc I
Date ReceIVed
APR \ 4 2008
Onglnal submittal
2 I I 9 The Ilght to rccord a map delIneatmg thc Common Aleas
2 I 1 10 The fight to enforce these CC&Rs and the Development
Standm ds to the extent thc ASSOCiatIOn IS not oblIgated to cnfOl ce them or falls to do so
2 I I 11 Thc fight to appJOvc storagc, tIeatment, dCpOSlt, plaecmcnt
01 dIsposal of any H aLai dous Substance
2 I I 12 The fight to appJOvc any change m thc pJOlublted uscs of
the Property as sct fOlth 1\1 SectIOns 615 and 6,16
2 I 1 13 The fight to grant or I evoke the lIcense for use of the
Common Areas, 01 portIOns theleof, pUlsuant to SectlOll 7,1 helem, and to eVIct anyonc
from thc Common Areas who falls to comply wIth applIcable laws
2 I I 14 The Ilght to enfOlce the rules 01 rcgulatlOns of the
ASSOCIatIOn to the extent It falls to do so
2 I I 15 Except 111 the case of an emcIgency or an agcncy ot del
Icqulflng 1mmcdlatc actIOn, PcaceHealth shall have the Ilght to appJOve 01 dIsapprove any
proposed I\1vestlgatOlY, lemedlatlOn, clean-up 01 removal actIOns of the ASSOCIatIOn
whIch me lequlled pursuant to Its cnvlIonmental IcsponslbllItJes undel SectIOn 6.1.2 with
Iespect to the Common AlCas PcaccHcalth shall have the fight to IeqUJre the ASSOCIatIon
to request ovel SIght flOm DFQ of any I\1vestlgatoty, contal\1ment, I cmedlatlon and
I cmoval actIVItIes and/Ol lCqUII c the ASSOCIatIon to seck a statemcnt flol11 DEQ of "No
Fm thel ActIOn"
3 1 FOI matlon
The AssocIatIOn shall bc known as the RIveIBend Tenants' ASsociatIOn and shall
be fonned by PeaccHealth as a Washl\1gton nonprofit cOlpotatlOn as soon as pJaetlcable
afteJ the lccordmg ofthcse CC&Rs and completIOn ofthc Common AlCa ImplOvemcnts,
but m no event latel than the I ecOl dmg of a memo! an dum of ground lease fOl any TIm d
Palty Palcel All Owncls shall be membels ofthc ASSOCIatIon Thc ASSOCIation shall act
thlough the BoaId, the membershIp of which shall be establIshed pursuant to Section 3.5,
Date Received.
l/RlVlxlknd ( (R" ^ \ Rl ( ORDrD 2008-4-8 do(. ]
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal 11/
PAC.! 7
3,2 PeaceHealth's MembershIp on Board
At all times PcaceHealth shall have the nght to desIgnate a maJollty of thc
members ofthc Boald
3,3 General Authonty of the Association
Subject to the leservatlOn ofnghts by PcaceHcalth as set fOJth In SectIOn 2, the
AssocIatIon shall havc all leqmslte power, duty, and authollty to pcIform ItS oblIgatIOns
undcI these CC&Rs, mcludmg the pOWCI, duty and authollty to cnforce the PlOVlSlOns of
these CC&Rs as set fOJ th hel eIn and to acqull e and pay fOJ, out of the common fund
provIded by assessments pUlsuant to Section 4, all goods and servIces necessmy 01
applOpnatc fOJ the propel funetlOnmg of the AssocIatIOn 111 aeeOJ dallee wIth thcse
CC&Rs WIthout lllTIltmg the genelahty of the foregoIng, and subject to the othel
provlSlons of these CC&Rs, the ASSOCIatIon shall havc the powel, duty, authollty and
obhgatlOns to do the followmg
3,3.1 DutIes, Powers and OblIgatIOns of the AssocIatIOn
3 3 I I Detel mme the amount of funds ncceSSaIY OJ appl Opl latc fOI
the pelfOJmance by the AssocIatIOn of ItS POWCIS and dutIes undel these CC&Rs
3 3 I 2 Impose and collect annual and specIal asscssments fI om the
33 I 3 MaIntam bank accounts on behalf ofthc AssociatIon and
dcslgnate the slgnalollcs leqUlred on those accounts
3 3 I 4 FIle all appropllatc AssociatIon meomc tax I etm ns
3 3 1 5 EnfOl ce by legal means, othel than any aetLOn that would
creatc a hcn agamst the PlOpelty 01 any leasehold ll1tCICSt, the prOVISIons ofthesc
CC&Rs, IncludIng clcatll1g a hen agall1st any ThIrd Palty ImplOvemcnts
33 1 6 Undcltake Mamtcnance to the Common Alea ImpJOvements
111 thc Common Arcas, or 111 dedlcatcd publIc Ilghts-of-way whe! c such Maintenance IS
ICqUllCd by a publIc agency, pursuant to SectIOn 6.1.1, 111 a filst-class condItIOn, and
establIsh onc or mOle I eserve account~, If appl Opl late, for such purposcs
3 3 1 7 Manage and conduct all of Its actlVltIcs pm suant to the
ASSOCIatIOn's cnvlIonmentallesponslbIlltles set forth 111 SectIOn 6,1.2 hCIcm
3 3 I 8 DeSIgnate and ll1stall new Common Area ImpJOvcmcnts m
thc Common Aleas, subJcct to PeaccHealth approval ReceIVed:
APR , 4 1008
ttal o.f-
onglnal Subm\ -
, '
J>AGf 8
IlRl\t1l3c:.nd C('Ih N.., Rl CORDI D 2008-4-8 doc]
3 3 I 9 Defend and mdeml1lfy PcaceHealth from any lIabilIty fOl al1
clmms, damages, cxpen;cs, costs or fees allsmg from thc dutIes 01 oblIgattons of thc
AssocIatIon, mcludmg, but not lImIted to, bodIly mJlllY, plOpeliy damage, or the clean-up,
I emedlatlOn 01 rcmoval of any Hazdrdou; Substance Releasc
33 I 10 Obtam polIcies ofmslllance as may bc ncccssmy OJ
app10pllatc, nammg PcaccHcalth and all Ownc1s as an addltIonalmsured, to plOtCCt the
ASSOCIatIOn agamst clmms 01 loss allsmg f10m or occurnng on thc Common AI cas 01 thc
opclatlOn of the ASSOCIatIOn The types and amounts of covc1age shall be as the Homd
may flOm tlmc to tIme dccm applOpllatc fOI the pi otcctlOn of the ASSOCIation, ItS
membCls, DllCCtOIS, officels and employees
33 1 I I ContJact fOI such selvlces mcludmg, Without 11l11ltatlon,
legal and accountmg servIces as may be necessary 01 applOpllate to managc thc affarrs of
the Assoc1atlOn p10pcIly and In accOJdance WIth these CC&Rs whcther the pcrsonnel
perf01mmg ;uch sel VICCS are employed dlrcctly by thc ASSOCiation 01 by a manager 01
managel11t-nt fillTI 01 agent I etamcd by the ASSOCIatIOn
33 1 12 Appomt commlttces f10m among thc DIrectors and appomt
non-Board members to such commIttees as thc Bomd may determme flOm tIme to tIme to
be appropllate to assIst III the conduct of the affans of thc ASSOCIatIOn and dclegatc to any
such commlttce any authOrIty as thc Bomd may decm appropllatc, subJcct m all cases to
the provISIons of the CC&Rs
3 3 ] 13 Propose modificatIOns, I eductlOns 01 cxpanslOns of thc
Common Alcas to PcaccHealth
33 I 14 Exccute amcndmcnts, addItIOns 01 dcletlOns to the CC&Rs
dnd thc Dcvelopmcnt Standalds
3.4 Voting by MaIl
V otl11g by any par ty cntltled to votc may bc by mall, 01 othel means acceptable to
thc Bomd, With Icspect to any mattcl bcfOlc the BOdld 01 thc ASSocldtlOn In any casc m
which votmg by mall I; nceessary OJ desnablc, thc Secletary shall gIVC wIlttcnnotIcc to
any pm ty entItled to votc, whIch notIce shall (a) mclude a wutten rcsolutlOn 01 ballot,
setting fOlth the ploposcd actIOns 01 candIdates (b) state that any pm ty cntllled to votc IS
cntltled to votc by mall fOl OJ aga1l1st such ICsolutlOns or candidates and (c) speCIfy a datc
not less than twcnty-five (25) days aftcr thc date of such notIcc by which all votes must be
Iccclvcd at the prInCIpal office ofthc ASSOCIation Votes 1ecclved aftel the datc speCIfied
shall not be cffect1ve
Date ReceIved
APR f 4 2008
I/RnuBcnd U. Rs ^~ RI CORDl D 20084 8 dOL]
Onglnal Submittal uJ
PA(ll 9
3.5 Board of DIrectors
3.5,} Generally
The affans of the AssocIatIon shall be govelned by the Board, whIch shall bc
compl1scd of at least three (3) DlrectOls, dll of whIch shall bc mltIally desIgnated by
PeaceHealth PeaceHealth may select, lemove and replacc ItS DIrectors at ItS pleasurc
from time to tIme PeaceHealth's Dnectors cannot be removed flOm the Bomd by any
actIOn of the BOald or the ASSocIatIOn All DlreetOls elected to the Board, other than
PeaceHealth's, shall be affilIated With an Owner For the purposes of thiS SectIOn 3.5 1
only, affihated means C!thel an employee, dlreetOl, officer, shareholdel, partncI or owner
of the Ownel
3.5.2 Number and ClassIficatIOn ofDlrectol S
Upon the f011natlOn of the t\SsOClatlOn, the Boal d shall consIst of threc (3)
Directors deSIgnated by PeaceHealth Theleaftcr, the Bomd shall consist ofthrec (3)
DlIectOls two (2) Dlrcctors appomtcd by PeaceHealth and onc (I) DIrector selected by
thc Owncls othel than PeaceHcalth m acc01dance WIth the votmg plOcedUles descl1bed m
SectIOn 3,5.3 helem, subject to the pI OVISlon to add Du ectOl s to the Board as prOVIded 111
3,5.2.1 DIrectors Added to the Board
Five (5) years flOm thc formatIon of the ASSOCiatIOn, or aftcl PeaceHealth has
cntelCd mto glOund leases 01 has sold Thl1 d Party Pm cels, any combmatlOn thereof
lesultmg 111 thelC bC1l1g at least three (3) Thud Paley Parcels, whlchevel IS Cal IIC! , two (2)
addItional Duect01s shall be added to the Board, one (I) addItIOnal Dl1ectOl shall be
dppomted by PcaceHealth, and one (I) addItIOnal DucctOl shall be selectcd thlOugh the
electIOn plOcess descl1bed m Section 3.5 3 helem Theleaftel, fOl the addItIon oftlllce (3)
addltlOndl Thud Pmty Pmcels, two (2) addItIOnal DlIectOls shall bc addcd to the Board,
one (1) addltlonal DuectOl shall be app01l1ted by PeaceHealth, and one (I) addItIOnal
Dl1cctor shall be selected thlOugh thc electIOn process descl1bed m SectIOn 3.5.3 herem
3 5.3 ElectIOn of Du ectors
Du ectors, othel than PeaceHealth's, shall be selected annually by maJollty vote of
all the Owners other than PeaeeHealth, WIth each Ownel havmg one vote each Only
DeSIgnated Voters shall have tile 11ght to vote for Duectols DlrectOls shall be elected at
a meetmg of the Deslgnatcd Voters 01 by mall votmg m the mannel plOvlded below m
SectIOn 3.5.4 If there IS more than one person 01 entity eOmpllS1l1g an Owner, such
persons 01 entIties shall be conSIdered one Ownel for votmg pUlposes ul1-derJPY
pate ReceIVe
PA()] 10
IIR,yocUo"d (('R, A" Rf C01WW 20084-8 doc) APRo' ~ 2008
OrI9\n~\ s.YP(l'l\tta\~
plOvlslOn of these CC&Rs and shall detenmne among themselves how then votes wIll be
cast and who thelT DesIgnated Voters shall be If such person, O! entitIes cannot dgree on
how then votes will be cast, then vote wIll not count
3.5 4 Meetmgs of Owners to Elect DII ectOl s
Any meetmg of Ownels fO! the pm pose of elcetlllg Dneeto!s shall be conducted m
aeeO!danee WIth the followmg plOcedUles
3 54 I The filst such meetmg shall be held no latel than
thuty (30) days after at least two OwnCls me m possessIOn of a Thnd Party Parcel
Sub,equent meetll1gs shall be held no latel than thIrty (30) days pI 101 to the eApn atlOn of
the term of any Dlrecto! or such tIme that a maJO!lty of Des1gnated Voters lequest such
3 5 4 2 Any meetlllg pursuant to thIs SectIOn 3,5.4 shall be
held at such place wlthm Lane County, Oregon as may be desIgnated by thc Bomd The
Secletmy shall gIve wlItten notlec of the place and time of any such meetmg to each
Deslgnatcd Voter entItled to vote at such meetll1g at least ten (10), but not mOl e than
sIxty (60), days pllOl to the date set for such meetlllg, whIch nol1ee shall state thc purpose,
tune, and plaec of the meetlllg The Secletmy shall be responsIble to notIfy a DesIgnated
V otel of a meetmg only If the Ownel fOJ whIch such DesIgnated Voter IS desIgnated to
vote has gIven WI Itten notlcc to the Seel etm y scttmg fOJth such DesIgnated V otel 's namc
and address at least fifteen (\ 5) days pllOJ to thc glvmg of the notIce of the meetll1g
NotIce of any such meetll1g may bc walvcd by any Dcslgnated V otel or by PeaceHealth at
any tIme No DesIgnated Voter who IS plesent at a mectll1g may obJcct to the adequacy 01
tlmcllllcss of the 110tlee g1Vcn
3 5 4 3 Any Dcslgnated Voter nMY g1VC a Ploxy to any
person, so long as such Ploxy IS 111 wntll1g, signed by such Deslgnatcd Votel, dnd filed
WIth the Seeletmy A PIOAY shall eApne on the eathel of (a) elevcn (11) months aftel the
date of the PIOXY, (b) the date of the eApnatlon 01 emhettelmll1atlOn of the ground lease
fO! whIch the Des1gnated V otcr IS deSIgnated to vote, (c) the datc that the Owner fOI
whIch thc DeSIgnated V otel IS deSIgnated to votc no longel IS an Occupant, 01 (d) the datc
of the mcctlllg at whIch a vote IS to be held fOl whIch proxy IS glanted
3544 The plesencc, 111 pelson or by PIOXY, of DesIgnated
VotCIS entitled to cast at least fifty-one pcrcent (51 %) of the total votcs cntltled to bc cast
at an)' meetlllg shall constltutc a quorum When votll1g IS by mall pursuant to the
provIsIOns of SectIOn 3.4, a quol um shall be constituted If the numbel of votes cast equals
at least fifty-one pClcent (51 %) of the total votes entitled to be cast
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Ongmal SubmittaL t?n<:'
3,6 Terms of Directors
Each Dlrcctol shall serve a one-year tenn, provldcd, howevcl, If the ground lease
wIth whIch the Dlrect01 IS affilIated expnes or telmmates pl101 to the end of hIs 01 hel
telm, 01 an Ownel IS no longer an Occupant due to the sale, lease 01 sublease of the
applIcable Thnd Party Palcel, such DIrector's lelm shall end on the eadlel oflhe
expIration datc of the glOund lease 01 the date the Owner IS no 10ngcI an Occupant
3,7 ResignatIOn
Any DIfect01 may I eSlgn at any tImc by sendlllg a wlltten notIce of such
resIgnatIOn to the Secretmy Unless otherwIse speCIfied m such nol1ce, a resIgnatIOn shall
take effect upon rccelpt of the notIce by the Secretary
3,8 Vacancies
Vacanclcs on the BOal d causcd by a DIrector's death resIgnatIOn or telllllnatlOn
pursuant to SectIOn 3.6 or SectIOn 3.7, shall be filled by a specIal meetmg of the Bomd to
fill thc vacancy Any Dlrectol so selected shall serve the rell1amdel of the I eplaeed
DIrector's tClm PeaceHealth shall fill PeaceHealth Dnectol vacancIes promptly
3.9 Meetlllgs of the Board
3,9,1 IlIItJal Meetlllg
The InItIal meetlllg of the Board shall ocem wlthm thIrty (30) days
aftel the formatIOn of the AssocIatIOn At the 111ltlal Meetmg, the Bomd shall elecl d
PI eSldent and a Seel eta! y
3,9,2 Annual Meetlllgs
The Board shall meet annually, wlthlll 1lI11ety (90) days after the end of each fiscal
year estabhshed by the AssocIatIon establIshed pmsuant to SectIOn 4,2.2 At each annual
meetlllg the SeeICtmy shall plesent to the Boald a rep01t on the finanCIal condItIon oflhe
AssocIatIOn, 1l1clud1l1g a lep01i of I ecelpts and dlsbmsements f01 the Pleeedmg ealendm
year, the allocatIOn thCleofto each Ownel, and the estImated receIpts and expenses fOJ the
eOll1l11g yem
3.9,3 Special Meetmgs
SpecIal meetlllgs may be called at any tnne by two DIrectors Such meetlllgs shall
be scheduled by the Seeletary wlthm thIrty (30) days after the SecletalY's lccelpt of the
wntten requests SIgned by two or more Dneetols, Plovlded that If the purpose of a specIal
ll1eetlllg IS to elect a successOl Secletary OJ to conSIder lell10val of the Secletmy pmsuant
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to Section 3.15.3, such meetl11g may be scheduled by the Plesldent or, If the l11eetl11g IS
also for the pUlpose of clectmg a suecessOl PresIdent or lel110vl11g the Plesldent, any othel
, 3,9.4 Place of Meetings
Meetmgs of the BOald shall be held at such place wlthlll Lane County, Otegon, as
may be deSignated from tnne to tIme by the BOald
3.9.5 Notice
The Seetetmy shall give wlltten notIce to each DnectOl of each Boatd meetl11g at
least ten (10) but not mOle than sIxty (60) days pllOt to the date set fOl such meetmg,
statmg the purpose, time, and place of the meetmg NotIce shall be sent to the addless of
each DtrectOl as \tsted on the books of the ASSOCIatIOn, Ol to such othel address as any
DlleetOl may deSIgnate by wntten notIce to the Secletaty given at least ten (10) days pnor
to the glvmg of notice of the meetmg NotIce of any meet1l1g may be waIVed by any
Dneetol at any tnne No Dneetor who IS plesent dt a meetmg may object to the adequacy
Ol tlmel1l1ess of the notIce gIven When a meetl11g IS adJoUlned fOl fewel than sixty
(60) days whcthel or not a quomm IS present at the adjourned meetmg, no notice ofthc
lesUlnptlon ot leeonvenmg of such adjOUl ned meet1l1g need be given othel than by
announcement at the mcetmg at whtch such adJoUlnment takes place
3.10 Votmg by the Board
Each Dn eetol shall have one (1) vote So long as a qUOlumls constItuted and m
attendance, a majollty vote of the DllectOls shall bmd the ASSOCiation FOI eapnal
expendltUl es to be made by the ASSOCIation, at least 51 % of the vote of a qum um must
votc 111 favor of the expendltU1es
3,11 PI OXle& Votes by Directors Not Allowed
A Dn ectot may not vote by pi oxy
3 12 Quorum
The plesenee of a majOllty of the DIrectors, meludmg a majonty of PeaeeHcalth
Dn eetOl s, shall constitute a quolum for votIng at a Board meetmg 'When votmg IS by
mall pursuant to the PlovlslOns of SectIOn 3.4, a quomm shall be constItuted If the
numbel of votes cast equals at least fifty-one pel ccnt (51 %) of thc total votes entitled to
be cast The Boat d shall have the powel to call and/Ol adJoum a meetmg even Ifless than
a qU01um IS present
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Onglnal SubmIttal K
!lAGI n
3.13 CompensatIOn of Directors
No Director shalllecelve compensatlOn from the AssoclatlOn fOI selvmg on the
3,14 IndemnificatIOn of Directors and Officers
No Dn ectol 01 Officcr shall be hablc to the ASSOCIatlOll, thc Ownel S Ol Occupants
fOl any act or omlSSlOn on behalf of the ASSOeIatlOn, except for sucb Director's 01
Officel's wIllful ITIlsconduct Ol bad faith Each Dnector and Offieel shall bc 1l1deml11ficd
by the AssocIation aga111st all expenses and habllltJes, 1l1cludmg leasonable attorneys'
fees, mcurred by 01 Imposed upon such DIrector Ol such OfficCl m such capac1ty,
provided, howevel, thele shall be no duty to 111deml11fy If any DnectOl Ol Officel IS guIlty
ofwlllfullTIlsconduct Ol bad faIth 111 connectIOn with the mattCl as to whIch
1l1deml11ficatlOn ]S sought
3,14,1 Insurance
The Board shall purchasc and mamtam general liabIlity and dncctOls and officels
1l1surance pohclcs on behalf of the AssoclatlOn and any Dnector and/or Officel agamst
any hablhty 1l1culled by such Dnector and/or OfficeI1l1 such capacIty, If such msuranee IS
aVailable at a cost and on terms which thc Board detell111l1es to be reasonable The BOal d
may pUlehase such addItlOna11l1surance as It detell11lnes IS lCasondble and appIOplJate
3.15 Officers of the ASSOCIatIOn
3.15.1 DesignatIOn
The Officers of the ASSOCIatIOn shall be the Plesldent and the SecICtmy, both of
whOl11 shdll be elcctcd by thc BOald The samc person shall not concullently hold thc
offices of Prcsldcnt and SecretalY The Bom d may desIgnatc such addItIOnal Officcls as
1 t decms applOpllate
3.15 2 ElectIOn
Thc Officels of thc ASSOCIatIOn shall be electcd annually by the Board and shall
hold office at the p1easUle of the Board and untIl then successOlS me elected and
qualIfied If any office bccomes vacant, the Board shall elect a successOl to fill the
unexpIrcd telm at a spcCIaI meet1l1g of the Board call cd fOl such pul pose
3.15.3 Removal
The Board, by a majonty vote, may remove any Officer, at any tnnc, with 01
without cause, and a sllccessor~ay b'e elected at a spcclal me~~n~~~d called fOl
such pm pose . Oa
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3.15.4 PreMdent
The PI eSldent shall be the chlCf ehccul1ve officer of the AssocIation The
PI eSldent shall have all of thc genel al powcrs and dul1es normally mCldent to the office
3.15.5 Secretary
The Secretary shall keep the mmutes of all proceedmgs of the Board and all othel
AssocIatIOn I ecOJ ds and shall attend to the glVll1g of all notIces to the Bom d and othel
notIces pursuant to these CC&Rs or lequned by law The Secletdl)' shall bc responslblc
for Assocl<ltlOn fun db dnd bhall keep full and accUlate finanCIal recOJds and books of
account suffiCIent fOI proper accountmg pUlposes showll1g alllecelpts and dIsbursements
necessmy fOJ the preparatIOn of all lequned financial data and tax letUlns The Secretmy
shall be responSIble fOJ the deposIt of all Association funds m such dcposltOJles as may
flOm l1me to time be desIgnated by the Board, and shall dlsbUlse AssociatIOn funds fOJ
such purposes as may be pelmltted under these CC&Rs The Seclctmy shall pelfonl1 all
othel dutIes mCldent to the office of secretary of the ASSOCIatIOn 01 as may be dnectcd by
thc Boal d The SCCIetm y shall peIfoml all of such dutIes at the expense of thc
316 Execution ofInstruments
All aglecment<;, contI acts, and OthCI ll1stlumcnts of the AssociatIOn shall be
ehecutcd by such pClson 01 pmsons ab may be dCSlgnated flOm tlmc to tlmc by IcsolutJOn
oj the BOal d
4.1 Annual Assessments
4.1.1 Authonty to A~sess
Subject to thc JnTIltatlOns and rcqun cments set fOJ th 111 thl<; SectIOn 4.1.1, thc
AssociatIOn shall have the authollty to levy annual assessments to pay all expcnses
assocIated wIth the ASSOClatlOn's pC! fOJmance of Its POWCIS, dutIes, I esponslblhtJcs and
oblIgatIOns under thcsc CC&.-Rs, ll1cludll1g wIthout InllltatlOl1 the powelS, dutIes,
lesponslbllItles dnd oblIgatIons set forth m Section 3.3, to pay all utIlIty, ll1SUlanCe,
mamtenance, 1 epan, I eplaccment dnd other cxpenbes ll1CUll ed WIth 1 espect to the ~
Common Arcas and to mall1tam the leselve funds descllbed m SectIOn In
addItIon, any such assessment shallll1clude, Without lImitatIOn, the costs of thc
mamtenance 01 I epan of nllplOvements located wlthll1 dedlcdted portIOns of the PlOperty
whIch havc been dedIcated and accepted by a govemmental agency The Assoc13tlOn
shall bIll each Owner dnd/OJ Occupant fOJ thclr shm e.Q[ the ~sessment~ as determmcd 111
- - - . . - : Uate t'(ecelvea
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Onglnal Submittal aL
I'AGL ,..
accOJdancc wIth SectIOns 4.1.1 and 4.1 2, on a semI-annual basIs All such assessments
shall be due wlthll1 thIrty (30) days aftel thc date of blllll1g
4.1.2 AllocatIOn of Assessments
Each OwncI's annual asscssmcnt shall be a flael1ol1 of total AssociatIOn anl1ual
cxpcnses equal to (a) thc numbel of squme feet oflal1d mea on the Propclty owned by an
OWI1Cl or leas cd by thc Ownel pursuant to a glOund lease, dIvIded by (b) the el1tne
amoul1t of square fcct ofland a!ea III the PlOperty excludll1g all Common Alcas and
publIc rIghts-or-way For pUlposes oftll1S allocatIOn, thc pOrtlO11 of the PlOpClty owned
by PeaceHealth, but subJcet to a glOund lease With an OWl1er, shall not be ll1cluded III the
squale footage caleulatlOn fOJ PeaceHealth, but shall bc allocated to such Owner under
thc ground lease
4.13 Annual Settlement
Wlthll1 I11ncty (90) days of the cnd of each fiscal year the ASSOCiatIOn shall delIvcI
to each OWncr an ltellllzed bleakdown certified as tlue and cOllect showlllg the actual
costs for all expenscs that compllse thc annual assessment If an Owner's plO lata sharc
of thc annual assessment cxcccds the amount paid by the Owner 111 any fiscal yea!, then
wlthm tllll ty (30) days aftel recclpt of Said cost bleakdown, the Owncr shall pay to thc
ASSOCiation such excess amounts Ifthc Owner's pl0 rata shalc of the annual asscssmcnt
IS less than thc Owner's payments fOl any fiscal yeal, the Ownel shall I eCClve a Cl edIt
agalllst the next annual assessment
4.2 AssocIation Records; Budgetmg
4.2.1 RecoI ds
Thc ASSOCIatIOn shall mall1tall1lccOlds ofasscssments, of any othel Income
rcccIVcd by thc ASSOCIatIOn, and of all dIsbursements made The ASSOCiatIOn shall also
mallllall1 votll1g lecOlds and budgct IecOlds Thc Boald may at any tl111C and from tl111C to
tl111e IcqUlre that an audIt ofthc AssocIatJon's lecOlds be pel fOl Illed at the expense of the
ASSOCiatIOn The lesults of any such audit may bc prescntcd at any mcctlllg of thc Boatd
Any Dllcctor may, at thc ASSOCIatIOn's cxpcnsc and at any I easonable tnl1e, copy any
ASSOCIatIOn lecOl ds I easonably necessm y to thc pel fOllllance of such DnectOl 's duties
Any Ownel shall have the nght to Illspect ASSOCiatIOn lecords at any reasol1ablc tIme,
aftcI I easonable notlcc to the SCC! etary Any Owner lllay copy ASSOCiation lCcords at
such OwneI's cxpel1se
4.2.2 Budgetmg
The Assoclatlon shall establIsh a fiscal yeal for budgetmg purposes At least ten
(10) days pllOl to thc ASSOCiatIOn's second fiscal ycar and at least ten (10) days pnOl to
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thc commencement date of cach succeedlllg fiscal year, thc AssociatIon shall pi cpal c and
l11ake aVailable to thc Ownels, at the office of the Secretary, a proposed budgct ofthc
estul1ated costs and expcnses to be IIlcurred by the Assoclatlon dUrIng the followlllg fiscal
year 111 pcrfOJmlllg Its functIOns helclmdcl The budget will be accompal11ed by a
schedule showmg the annual assessmel1ts to bc assessed to the Owncrs fOI thc followll1g
fiscal year Fallme ofthc AssociatIOn to plCpaIC the budget and accompanYlllg schcdule
shall not relIeve the Owncrs of theIr oblIgatIOns to pay annual asscssments fOl the fiscal
ycar whIch would havc becn covcrcd by thc budget In the event the AssociatIOn does not
plepmc the budget and aecompanYlllg schcdule wlthll1 ten (10) days pnOJ to the
commcncement date of any fiscal ycar, the AssociatIOn shall contmue to levy and collcet
annual and spcclal asscssments at thc level of the prevIOus fiscal yeal, plus an IIlCleaSe of
not mal e than ten percent (10%) If apPlOved by the Bom d Then, at the tIme thc
AssoclatlOn adopts Its budget, such budget shall be effectIve as of the first day of the
cOlrespondmg fiscal year In the event the amount of the budgctcd annual assessments IS
111 excess of the amount actually paid by thc Ownel s for such fiscal year, thcn the Owners
shall pay the amount of such exccss to the Secretary wlthlll thllty (30) days aftcI thc
effectIvc date of notJce to the Owners of thc plOposed budget 111 the event the amount of
the budgeted annual asscssments IS less than thc amount actually paid by the Owncrs for
such fiscal year, thcn the AssoclatJon shall elthel apply the excess to thc Ownels' next due
mstdllments of annual assessments Ol I efund the excess Excludlllg taxes, ll1sm ance,
utilItIes, repall Ol I cplacement of Common Area Improvcments, and damagc and
destructIOn not wlthm thc reasonable conti 01 of the ASSOCiatIon, 111 no evcnt shall costs
and expcnbes ll1culled by thc ASSOCIation ll1CleaSe mOle than 10% OVCI the pleVIOUS fiscal
yem on a pCI squarc foot baSIS
4 2 3 Audits
An Ownel, ItS agcnts and accountants, shall have the lIght to cxamll1C and audIt the
AssocJa(Jon', books and Iccolds lelatmg to any cost OJ Itcm that IS assessed to Ownel
upon ten (10) ddYs wllltcn rcquest by Owncl to thc ASSOCiatIOn Ifan OwncI dlsputcs the
accmacy ofthc Assoclatlon's assessment thc OwncI shall still pay thc amount shown
oWlllg pendmg completIOn of the audit Ir an OwncI's audIt of the books and 1 ecOl ds
shows that the amounts shown on the asscssmcnt mc five pelccnt (5%) 01 more hIgher
than thc actual amount owed by the Ownel, thc AssoClatlOn shall, on demand, lell11bulSC
the Ownel for all rcasonable costs of conductmg the audIt Any ovel payment or
undel payment of the al1nual asscssment shall be adJusted by the pmilcs wlthlll
ten (10) busmess days aftCl the audIt IS completed The ASSOCiatIOn shall keep complete
and accmate books and IccOlds lelatll1g to all ehpenses for a penod ofthrce (3) years,
whIch lecOlds shall be kept 111 accordance With gcnelally accepted aecountll1g plmclples
consistently applIcd The AssoclatlOn shall prOVIde each Ownel wlth a copy of any audit
furmshed to Ol lecelved flOm any other Owncr An OwncI shall not have the llght to
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"AGI 17
Onglnal Submittal t:?OZ
audit (OJ contest) any dnnual aS5essment fOI any fiscal year beyond thlee (3) ycals aftcr
any such fiscal yeal
4.2.4 Enfol cement
The AssocIatIOn shall notIfy PcaccHcalth 111 wntmg of any assessment pursuanl to
thesc CC&Rs that IS not pmd by an Owncr wlthll1 thIrty (30) days after the datc ofbIllmg
The ASSOcIatIOn may sue or filc a lIen agamst any such Owner for any such unpaid
4.2.5 Pel sonal ObligatIOn
Each assessment or chmgc leVIed pmsuant to the PlovlslOns ofthesc CC&Rs shall
be a sepmate and personal oblIgatIOn of thc Owncr agalllst whIch the assessment 01
chalgc IS leVied but shall not be a lIen agamst clthcl the Propeliy or an OwnCl's leaschold
mterest The expu atlOn. tCllllll1atlOn, or assignment of an Ownel 's glOund lease 01 the
sale of a Thud Party Parcel by an Ownel shallnelthcl rclcasc n01 dlschmge the OWl1el
thel eof from such pel sonal liabIlIty accrued as of the datc of such sale, eXpIratIOn,
tCrIllll1atIon 01 assIgnment
5.1 Generally
No ThIrd Pat ty ImplOvcments of any kmd shall be commcnced, elccted, placed, 01
alteled on any pOltJon orthe PJOperty unless such Thud Pmiy ImplOvcmcnts alC In
COnf0l111anCe WIth the standmds sct forth III thc Development Standalds and untIl pldns
and speclficatlOns showmg the natme, kmd, shape, hClght, matcllal, dnd locatIOn ofthc
Thud Patty ImplOvemcnt ale submlttcd to and apPlOved by Revlcwcl, pUlsuanl to thc
provIsions of SectIOns 5 1 and 5.3 and thc Development Standmds Plans fOl the
constructIon ofThnd Party ImplOvcments shall bc submitted to and applOved by
RCVlewer pUl suant to thc Dcvelopmcnt Standm ds Thu d Party ImplOvements to thc
mtellors ofbmldmgs ale not subJcct to the Development Standards All Common Alea
Improvcmcnts and Thud Party ImplOvements shall be clectcd 01 altetcd m eonfolll1ance
WIth all applicable govellllllenta] laws, OJdmances, lules, and legulatlOns To thc cxtcnt
applicable govelnlllcntallaws, ordmances, rules, and lCgulatlons are m conflIct WIth thc
Development Standards, the morc I CStllCtIVC standm ds shall contI 01
5.2 [IntentIOnally OmItted]
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5.3 Approval
Rcvlcwer may approve pi oposed Third Pm ty Improvemcnts as submItted OJ
subJect them to such specific conditIOns dS ReViewer may leasonably determlllc to be
applOpllate to mect the CC&Rs and the Development Standdrds Any disapproval of the
Thud Party ImplOvemcnts shall specIfy the leasons fOJ dlsapplOvalmleasonable detdllll1
a wntten notlcc of nonconformancc ReVlCwer shall have thirty (30) calendm days to
applOve 01 reJcct al1Y Development Plans submlttcd 01 Ie-submItted undel SectIOns 5.101'
5.3 Fmlme of ReVlewel to act wlthm saId tIl11e shall be deemed apPlOval of the plOposed
Thu d Pm ty Il11provcments
5.4 Commencement of Work
As soon as practICable after the recClpt of appl oval by ReViewer, If the Ownel
elects to plOceed WIth the Thu d Pm ty ImplOvements, thc Ownel shall satIsfy any and all
condItions of such applOval, secUlC all necessary governmental pClmlts and approvals,
and plomptly commcncc constructIOn of the ThIrd Party Improvements Approval of any
Thud Party ImplOvements shall automatIcally bc dccmcd revokcd one yem aftcI Issuance
unless constJ uctlOn or thc ThIrd Palty ImplOvements has commenced or the OwnCl has
applIed fOJ and I ecclved an extension of tUllC from the ReVleWCI
5.5 CompletIOn of WOl k
Any applOvcd Thud Pmty Il11plOvements shall bc substanilally completcd wlthlll
two (2) yem s aftcr thc date or commenccment of constluctlOn Ldndseapll1g shall bc
completed wlthm Slh (6) months aftcl substantial completIon of assoclatcd Thud Palty
ImplOvcments unless weathel condItions 01 tlmc ofycar ll1tCI rei e With the abIlIty to
rcasonably complete such landscaplllg In all eascs, such landscapmg must be completed
wlthll1 nll1e (9) months of substantJal completion of Tlmd Pm ty ImplOvcments PlOmptly
aftel completIOn of any Thud Party ImplOvement, thc Owncl shall give WI Ittcn notIce of
completIon to Revlewel Such notlcc shall be aceompallled by a certIficate of the OwncI,
111 a fOlm and contcnllea,onably satJsfactOlY to Revlewcl, that such wOlk has been
undC!taken and completcd III complIancc WIth the applOvcd plans and these CC&Rs
Wlthlll thuty (30) days aftel the effcctlve date of buch noilce, ReVlCWCl may, at Its option,
mspcct the completcd Tlmd Pdlty ]mplOvements and give wllttenl10tlcc to the OwnCl of
any I cspects m which the completed Thu d Pm ty ImplOvements faIls to confoll1l to the
plans thelefOJ as applOved Such notlcc shall specify a leasonable pcnod, which shall b"
not less than thlliy (30) days, durmg whICh the Owner may remcdy the l1onconfOJ mance
If RcvlCwer does not gIve notice of noneonfOJmancc wlthm thll ty (30) days aftel thc datc
of Iccelpt of the notJce of completIon, the Thu d Pmiy Improvements shall be conclUSively
pI esumed to be apPlovcd as completcd
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APR 1 4 2008
flAGl 19
lIRI\ l.1 Bcnd ('( R~ AS RI (OR!)II) 2008 4 8 dlC]
Onglnal Submittal a ~
5.6 Estoppel Certificate
Wlthll1 ten (10) days after receipt by Revlewel of a wlltten requcst executed by an
Ownel, Rcvlewer shall executc and delI vel to such Owner an cstoppel cel tIficatc
CCltlfYll1g to the cxtcnt such mattels alc truc (a) Rcvlewel has applOved plans fOl
constlUctJOn ofThnd Pmty ImplOvemel1ts by such Owncr, (b) RCVlewel has not glvcn to
thc OwncI a notlcc of nonconformance pursuant to SectIOn 5.4 Any purchascl or
lI1stItutJOnal Jendel requestmg such celtlficatc may conclusively lely on such celtlficate
WIth lespect to thc matters set fOJth therem No such celtlficate shall be constlUed as a
warranty by Revlewel as to (I) thc quahty of any constluctJOn, 01 (u) whether thc Third
Pmty ImplOvement or the use theleofls 111 comphance WIth applIcable law, OJ (lll) any
other matter, except as explcssly set fOJth 111 such cel tIficatc, and (IV) If applIcable, Thnd
Party ImplOvements have been substantIally completed and acccpted by Revlewel
pursuant to SectIOn 5.5
5.7 No LiabIlIty
PeaccHealth, any employee, officer or agent thereof shall not be lIable to any
Owncl, Occupant, or othel pelson or entity fOJ any damagc OJ loss, whethcr based on
ncglIgcnce OJ any othel theOJY oflccovery, suffered or clmmed as a lesult of any actIon OJ
fallme to act on the part of Peace Health OJlts deSignated leplesentatlves WIth regmd to
thc Development Standard ICVlew pIOcedures as set forth hClell1, so long as PeaccHealth
has actcd 111 good faIth based on actual knowledgc
5.8 Nonwalvel
Apploval 01 dlsapploval by PcaccHealth of any matter ploposed to It shall not
constItute a plCccdent, OJ walvel, and shall not ullpall 111 any mal111Cl thc light or
PcaccHealth to gIant OJ WIthhold approval as to any SImIlar mattcl thelcaftcl proposed 01
submlttcd to It fOJ apPlOval
5.9 Recol ds
Ownels shall have the llght from tll11e to tImc aftelleasonable notIce to RCVlCWCI,
and at Icasonable tUlles, to leVlew and copy, at the Ownel's expense, Rcvlewer's lecOlds
peltall1lllg to the deSign ICVlew plOcedute descllbed 1ll SectIon 5 cxcept as such lecOJds
contall1 any Ownel's plOplletmy OJ confidentIalmfOJl11atJOn
5.10 Vanances to Development Standards
Only PeaceHealth may grant vallances from any proVISIOn of the Devclopment
Standards upon a wrIttenlequest fOJ a varIance submItted by an Ownel to PeaceHcalth's
development manager or other lepresentatlve dcslgnated by PeaceHcalth, statmg the
I eason fOJ the request and the applIcable sectIOn of the Development Standm ds
. Date Received
I'^(JL 20
fJRlvcl1knd ('( R<; AS RLCORDLD 2008-4-8 doc!
APR 1 4 2008
Original SUbmlttaLJ1:t-
("Vanance Request") PeaccHealth wIll evaluate each Vanancc Request and will notIfy
the Ownel, m wntmg, of ItS decIsIOn wlthm fiftcen (15) Busmcss Days ofrccelpt ofa
Vanal1ce Request The Vallance Request shall be approved only If It can be determmed
that (a) enforcement of the standmd m questIOn would cause development constlamts
whIch would make thc Thud Palty Pmccl Slglllficantly mOlC dIfficult to develop than
othel Thud Pdlty Parcels subJcct to the same stal1dards, (b) thele would bc no matellal
adveJ se Impdc,t to adjacent eXlstll1g development 01 to the proVISIOn of basIC servIces to
the Propcrty and othel Owners and (c) thc plOposed vanance meets thc ovcrall ob]cctlvcs
of the Mastel Plan and the obJectives of the relevant sectIOns of such plan Reasonable
condItIons lelatcd to the vallance may bc leqUlred as patt ofthc vallance apPlOval
Vallance Requests for sIgnage shalll10t be unreasonably dcmcd If!t IS detenllll1ed that (I)
the! e would be no matellal adverse Impact to adjacent eXlstmg 01 futUl e development,
and (u) thc plOposed varlancc mccts thc ovelall obJectives ofthc Mastel Plan and thc
obJectIves of the lc1evant sectIOns of such plan Reasonable condItIOns I elated to thc
variance may bc rcquu ed as part of thc vallance apPlOval
6.1 Landscaplllg and Mallltenance
Each Occupant shallmamtamll1 good condItIOn the plOperty leascd or owned by
such Occupant, and any Thud Pmty lmprovements thercon, at such Occupant's expcnse
RcqUlred mamtcnancc and repatr shallll1clude but me not lumtcd to (a) mall1tenal1ce of
all pmkmg alcas, pnvatc dllves, cmbs and walkways 111 accOldancc With these CC&Rs III
a clean'and safc conditIOn, lI1cludll1g, rcpaulllg, and ICStllplllg as oftcn as IS nccessary,
(b) mamtcnancc of landscapmg m an attI actlvc, ncat, ot deily, and cut condItIOn at all
times fICC of brush, wccds, and deblls, ( c) eleamng, mall1tenance, and IClampll1g of any
chtcrnal lIght1l1g fiXtUlCS, (d) mall1tenancc ofextellOls ofbUlldll1gs 111 an attJaetlvc and
ncat conditIOn at all times, and (e) mall1tcnancc 111 conformance WIth thc Dcvclopmcnt
Standat ds
61.1 Association's General Responsibilities
The ASSOCIatIOn shallmamtall1, Icpau and leplacc Common Arca ImpJovcmcnts,
and mall1tall1 and lepau Ul1plOVcments 111 such dedicated publIc nghts-of-way whcJC such
mall1tenance OJ lepau IS lequued by a pubhc agency, m a filSt class condition and m
accotdance With thc Dcvelopment Standmds Mmntenancc shallmcludc ordll1at)' upkccp,
hUcI Icmoval, repair of physIcal damagc duc to any cause and ma1l1talllmg thc ovcrdll
aesthctlc appealance of the Common Area ImplOvements
Date Received
APR 1 4 2008
[/Rwcilknu eeR" AS RLCORD! ]) 200848 doc]
OngInal Submittal tl;;X::""
6.1 2 AssociatIOn's Environmental Responsibilities
The AssocIaTIon shall manage and conduct all of ItS aCTIVitIes on or lelatmg to the
Common Aleas 111 comphal1ce with applIcable Envlrol1mental Laws and the
el1vlronmental PlovlslOns of these CC&Rs and III coopelatlOn WIth PeaccHealth 111
PcaccHealth's effOJts to comply With applIcable laws and legulatlOns In thc event of any
Hazardous Substance Release on the Common Aleas, the ASSOCiatIon shall be lesponslble
to clean up, 1 emcdlatc, 01 lemovc any such release to a standard that WIll allow contll1ued
use of the Common Areas If a I-Iazmdous Substance IS to be left 111 place, the lesponslble
party must obtall1 a "No FurthcI ActIOn Letter" (01 sl1111lar authOrizatIOn If such lettel s
cease to be available) flOm the Olegon Departmcnt of EnvIronmental Quahty ("DEQ"), or
ItS successOl cnfOJcement agcncy should the DEQ ceasc to eXIst or have some or all of ItS
lespOllS1bllItles Jeallocated The ASSOCiatIOn shall promptly nOTIfy PeaceHealth at
PeaccHealth's emergency telephone numbcl and shall restore thc Common Alcas to the
extent lequlled by law and compatible With the CUlTcnt and mtended futUle use of the
Common Areas The ASSOClatlOn shall bc lesponslble for the Envllonmental Costs
allSll1g flOm any Hazardous Substance Release on the Common Al eas, unless such
Hazm dous Substance Release was causcd by thc action or ll1actlon of an Occupant, III
whIch case the Occupant shall bc solely lesponslble [or all Envllonmemal Costs allsmg
flOl11 such Hazardous Substdnce Releasc on the Common Areas
6.2 SIgns
All SIgns on the PlOperty shall comply WIth the Development Standalds
6 3 Offenslvc Activities
No noxIous OJ offenSIve actIVIty shall be pcrfolllled on thc Propeliy, nOI shall
anythmg bc done OJ pldccd upon any portIOn ofthc Ploperty whIch ulllcasonably
ll1tClrCrCS With the bcneficlal usc and enJoyment of OthCl pOJtlOns ofthc Property OJ thc
Common Aleas
64 Rubbish and Trash
No pmt of the Common Aleas shall be used as a dump [01 tlash OJ I ubblsh of any
kmd All garbagc and other waste on the PlOpClty shall be kept III applOpllate sal1ltmy
contal11CIS fOJ propel dIsposal and out of publIc view In thc evcnt an Occupant falls to
remove any tlash, IUbblsh, 01 OthCl wastc matellals from thc Thud Pmty Pmccl1eased OJ
owncd by such Occupant (or flOm any stIect 01 the Common Aleas IfdcpOSltcd thclcon
by such Occupant) wlthll1 two (2) bUSIness days aftm notlcc florn the ASSOCIatIOn, the
ASSOCiatIOn may have such waste removed and chmge the expense of such removal to thc
Occupant In the case of an emcrgency whele such garbage 01 waste creatcs a hazard or
IfRlvc..Jiknd (( R<; Ac" IU ('ORDrD 2008~4 8 dol}
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APR 1 4 2008
OnglOal SUbm'tta\~
PAC)] 22
potentIal hazmd 111 the Opl1llOn of the AssoGlatlOn, thc AssocIatIOn may have such waste
Immcdlately removed and charge the expense of such removal to the Occupant
6.5 Improvements III the Common Areas
No 1l11prOvcmcnts of any type shall bc el ccted or mamtamed by any Occupant so as
to ilcspass 01 cnclOach upon thc Common Alcas
6.6 AIr QualIty
No open bUll1lng shall be pcrnlltled on thc PlOpel ty
6.7 Watel QualIty
NClthel the ASSOCIatIOn, nor any Occupant shall dlschmge, allow, or suffCl thc
discharge of trcated 01 untreatcd scwage 01 othel matcllals 1I1to the sallltm y scwel system
of the Propcliy unless It IS m confOl mance wIth all applIcable laws, codcs and ordmances
and dllnkl11g plOtectlOn regulatIOns
6.8 NOIse, Odor, Heat and Glare
No obJcctIol1ablc nOlSC, odOJ, hcat OJ glale which IS detectablc beyond the PlOpClty
shall bc allowcd, cxcept as rcasonably nccessmy dUllng constlUctlOn ofThlld Party
6.9 VlbratlOll
No vIbratIon which IS dlscerlllblc Without the md of l11sl1 uments shall bc pCllllltled
bcyond the boundary of thc PI opcrty, cxcept as reasonably neccssary dllll11g const! uctlOn
of Thud Party ImplOvcmcnts
6.10 Waste Matcllals
Allmatcllals, l11dudl11g wastc matcllals, shall be stOled m a manncl whIch WIll not
attlact OJ md 111 thc plOpagatlon ofmsects, buds, and/OJ IOdcnts or othcl vectors OJ 111 any
way clcatc a hcalth ha7ald
6 11 Use of Hazardous Substances
The ASSOCIatIOn shall bc pel mltted to usc, handle OJ stOJ e Hazm dous Substances
only as nccessary to callY out ItS oblIgatIOns under thesc CC&Rs to mamta1l1, rcpau 01
replace Commol1 Area ImplOvemcnts
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Original SUbmlttal~~
PAG ~ 21
I/RlyuBcnd (( R<; AS RU ORJ)[ \) lOO}, 4 S 110[..1
6.12 Storm Watel Conveyance and Treatment
The AssocIatIOn IS authonzed to discharge stOllll watel flOm the Common Arcas
mto the PeaceHeaJth-owned stOlm watel dIscharge conveyanc'e or storage system only If
the AssoCIatIOn entcrs Il1to PeaccHealth's then current St0l111 Watel System Use'
Agleement In OJdel to comply wIth storm watel dlschargc rcqUlrcments, the AssocIatIon
may bc I eqUlred to tl eat Common Al ea storm watel pnor to dlschal gc If tJ eatment IS
requned, PeaccHcalth shall havc the nght to approve or dlsapplOve thc mcthod, dcslgn
and Il1stallatlOn of any such tJeatment system m Oldel to ensure complIancc wIth
apphcable laws and legulatlOns al1d plOtectJon of the PlOpelty
6.13 Treated OJ Contammated Soil/Waste
The Association and Ownels shall not stole, tleat, deposIt, place or dIspose of
tl eatcd OJ contaml1lated soil, Il1dustllal by-plOducts, waste 01 any Hazardous Substanccs
on the Common AIeas 01 anywherc on thc Property, wIthout the pnor wlltten consent of
PeaceHealth, whIch consent may be glanted 01 dCl1lcd 111 PcaccHealth's sole discretIOn
Thc ASSOCiation and Owncrs shall bung no sOlI, lOck, or othel orgamc materIals onto the
COlllmon Aleas or anywhcre on the PlOperty that was not pUlchased from a leputable
company m the busll1ess of sclhng clean soils fOl use 111 constructlOl1 wIthout the wutten
consent of Peace Health al1d befOle such apPlOval will be given, the sOJI will need to bc
testcd at thc ASSOCiatIon's 01 Owner's expcnsc to cnsurc that It contams no Hazardous
Substanccs The AssoclatlOn and Ownel s wIll IdentIfy to PeaceHealth thc sourcc of any
soil 01 lOck matellals blOught on to thc Common Areas If PeaceHealth detelllllnes that
sOil tcstl1lg IS rcquued, PeaceHealth wIll bc cntltled to ICVICW, applOvc 01 dlsapplOvc and
over<,ec the ASSOCiation's 01 OVvncI " plopo,ed plan fOl the samplIng of such sOil If the
sOlI samplIng lesults l1ldlcate that the soIl contall1S any Hazmdous Substances,
PcaceHealth shall havc sole dlscletlon 111 dccldmg whethel 01 not to allow thc sOll to bc
blOught on to the Common Arcas
6.14 Underground and Above-Ground Storage Tanks
No undelglOund or above-glOund tanks OJ othel leceptacJes fOl thc stOJagc of
Hazal dous Substances shall be lllstalled or opel atcd on the PlOpClty, except wIth thc pnOJ
wntten conscnt of PcaccHealth, which consent may bc wIthheld OJ condltlOncd III
PeaccHealth's sole dISCI etlon As a condItIon of Its conscnt, PeaceHealth WIll reqUlrc the
ASSOCiatIOn to sIgn ItS then CUl1ent Hazaldous Substances Storage Agreement which
PeaceHealth WIll plovlde upon request
6.] 5 ProhIbited Uses - Generally
The Plopelty, mcludmg any Thud Party Palcels and thc Common Aleas, shall not
be used for any of the uses set forth III SectIOn 6.15.1 These pro1S~(~ 'f{~~d
I/R1\clllcnd ('( R<. A'; RITORDLD 200848 (lOCI
APR 1 4 2OM:.U4
Onginal submittal n.f-
Identified III the Spl mgfield Developmel1t Code and are furthcl lestncted by the Mastel
Plan and by these CC&Rs
6.15 1 SpecIfic ProhIbited Uses
6 15 I 1 Uscs Wh1Ch p1edommately use, handlc genelatc, dIspose
of, tJanspOlt 01 tIansfer Hazmdous Substances Thc Il1cldcntal usc ofHazmdous
Substances 111 conJunction wIth uscs pell1llttcd by these CC&Rs shall be allowed RctaIl
faCllItIcs shall be permItted to stock dnd bell HdLdldoUb SUbbldnl-Cb that dlC llollllally
stockcd and sold by lIke and snllllar busll1esses m other locatIOns, prOVided, no retail
faCIlIty shall bc pcrmitted to stock or scll Hazardous Substances 111 bulk quantIties on thc
6 15 I 2 Entel talllment actIvItIes which ll1c1udc an adult al cade,
adult bookstore, adult cabaret, adult theatcl, adult Video stOles, escort agency, nude
modcl1l1g estabhshment 01 other sexually orIcnted adult busll1ess As used hel em, the
tClm an "adult book store" or "adult vldco stOJe" shall not pi event a full-Imc book stOIC or
a full-11l1e VIdeo stole flom can)'1l1g adultmatellals so long as such matcnals alc
1l1c]dental to Its ovel-all OpCl atlOns and me dIscretely stocked and handled Noth1l1g
contall1ed wlth1l1 thIS SectIOn 6 15.1.2 shall be constlUed to Iestllct OJ precludc thc usc of
thc PlOpelty as a "bar," "tavern," or "cocktaIlloungc," nor shall this SectIOn bc
constl ued to pi event the sale of alcoholIc beveragcs on thc Propeliy
6.16 AddItIOnal PI ohlblted Uses
Notwlthstandmg SectIOn 6 15 thc followmg uscs shall be plOhlblted on all Thnd
Patty Pmccls fhe pClfOlmanle of any aCllvlty 111 VIOlatIon ofPeaceHcalth'b cthlcal
POlICIC<;, lllcludlllg but not lnllltcd to, dbOl tlOn, euthanaSIa, phYS]Clan asslstcd SUICldc, and
rcscaJch lllvolvlI1g thc use of embryol1lc stcm cclls flOlll the dcstructlon ofhulllan
embl)'os or the t]SSUC of abOlted fl:tuses Thc pel forlllance of any of thc afOJesdld
plOhlblted plOcedurcs, "ervlccs 0] actlVltws WIth thc knowledge and acqUlcsecncc of
Occupant 01 Ownel shall constItute a VIOlatIOn ofthesc CC&Rs
6.17 Conflict Between These CC&Rs and the Mastel Plan
IftheIe 1S any conflIct between thcsc CC&Rs and thc Mastel Plan, any gJOund
lease OJ OthCl leasc, the mOl c rcstllctIvc PIOVlSlOns shall apply
7.1 OwnershIp and Right of Use
PcaceHealth owns fee sImple title to the Common Aleas and shall contn1Ue to own
fee SImple tltle to thc C<;m;mon Aleas untIl PeaeeHealth sells 01 other\Nlse dlvcsts ItS
Date Received.
PACI! 2'1
rm.l\t.1I3cnd (('Rs A'> R1TORDCD 2008 4 8 doc]
APR 1 4 2008
Original Submittal 00<:::
ll1terest therell1 PeaceHealth and every Occupant, and every ll1Vltee and guest of
PeaceHealth, any Occupant, shall have a nonexclusIVe hcense to use and enJoy the
Common Aleas SUGh hcense for use of the Common Areas IS not and shall not become
an mtcrcst 01 estate 111 the PlOperty Such lIcense IS subJect to the ASSOCIatIOn's nght to
promulgate rules and legulatIOns govel11mg thc use of the COl1l11l011 Aleas PeaceHedlth
reselves thc llght to close any 01 all pOJilOns of the Common Aleas 111 thc event of an
emelgency that threatens the pubhc health OJ safety In the evel1t any pOl tlon of the
Common Alcas IS taken by condemnatIOn or by sale 111 hcu thercof, PeaccHealth shall bc
entItled to reCClVC the enl1re award rcsultmg therefrom
7.2 AddItIOns, DeletIons or ModificatIons to the Common Areas
Thc Bomd may giant plOposed changes to the Common Areas If such changes
have been apPlOved by a maJOllty ofthc BOald If the Boald applOVCS such change(s),
the AssoclatlOn WIll so notIfy all Owners m wnt1l1g and take all neceSSalY stcps to make
thc change to the Common Arcas ReductIons, modificatIOns and expansIOns of the
Common Arcas may bc made upon an affilmatlve vote of a maJonty of the BOald
7.3 Deleted Land Flom the Common Area
Any land deleted from the Common AlCa shall revel t to PcaceHealth for
devclopment by PeaceHealth or for leasc 01 sale to othels by PeaceHcalth, subJcct to
thesc CC&Rs
8.1 PeaceHeaIth Approval
No casement may be granted OVCl thc PlOperty WIthout PeaceHealth's pllor wnttcn
applOval, and, If the eascment 1I1volved IS OVCl a ThIrd Palty Palccl, thc OwncI's apPlOval
must also be obtall1cd flOm the subject OwnCl fOl any cascmcnt not wlthm PcaccHcalth's
I eservatlOn of nghts undcI an applIcable glOund lcasc Any Owner may request that
PcaccHcalth gIant an cascmcnt, and shall plOvlde to PcaceHcalth thc followmg
1l1fOJmatIOI1 (a) thc purpose orthe plOposcd casement, (b) thc name ofthc proposed
gldntcc, (c) the tetm ofthc plOposcd cascment. and (d) a dJaWlllg showmg thc plOposcd
locatIOn of the ea<;cmcnt The form ofthc cascmcnt shall bc mutually acceptable to
PeaceHealth, the proposed gJantee, and thc Owner PeaceHealth shall notIfy the party
1 equcst1l1g the easement wlthll1 fifteen (15) busmess days follow1I1g 1 ecelpt of the
mfonnatlOn rcfelenced above whethcI PcaceHealth Will be wIllmg to giant thc lcqucstcd
, .
" ~~
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APR 1 4 2008
(rf~JAC'1 26
(JRlvclBcnd CUh AI) Rl CORD!:I) 200h 4 8 docl
OrlglOal submittal
8.2 Purpose of Easement
Any easement over the PlOperty shaH only be for the purpose of mstallIng,
mamtammg, repallmg and replacmg publIc or pI Ivate utIlIty lmes, commUl1lcatlOn lInes,
and lclated faCIlItIes reasonably neccssary aud/ol convcl1lent f01 the devclopment or the
PlOpeliy and/ot a Thud Pdlty Palcel Thc plCClse loc,atIon orthe cascmcnt shaH-bc
subJect to the pl101 apploval of the OWllel of any pOJtlOn of the Property ovel which the
eascmcnt CIOSSCS ("Selvlent Pmcel") and PeaceHealth lrthe appl1cable Thud Pmty Pmccl
IS subJect to a groul1d lease, which applOval shaH not be unreasonably WIthheld,
condltlOncd or dclayed It shaH be leasonable for the Owner 01 PcaceHealth to obJcct to a
proposed easement If the same IS to be located 111 an area m whIch (he Ownel of the
ServIent Pm celmtends to construct any above grade Improvements 111 the easel11ent
llght-of-wayot thc casement, and/or the llght-of-way rclatcd to same encroaches upon
any eXlstmg ImplOvements Any requested easemcnt ovcr a Third Pm ty Pmcel shall be 111
wntmg and delIvelcd to the Ownel and PeaceHealth, togethel With the Il1fotmatlOn
lefercnced 111 Section 8.1(a) -(d) above The affected Ownel shall have a pellod of
fiftcen (15) busll1ess days wlthm whICh to applove 01 dlsapprovc thc proposcd cascmcnt
8.3 Responsible Party
The party rcquestmg an casement (thc "Benefited Pal ty"), If applOvalls grdnted,
shall bc lcsponslblc fOI all costs and expenscs lclated to thc ll1staHal1on ofthc facIlItIes
f01 whIch the easement IS mtended, all of which shall bc placcd undclglOund to thc extcnt
rCdsonably posslblc The Bencfitcd Pmty shall cause all work l1lvolved to be pClformed
so as to not ullleasonably ll1telfelc With thc usc and cIlJoymcnt ofthc Scrvlent PaIcel and
shall plOmptly Icstore thc SUI face ofthe dlea myolved to the condItIon eXlstll1g pI 101 to
the commenccmcnt of any work by thc Bcncfited Party The Bencfited Pal ty shall
dcfcnd, mdcllllllfy and hold thc lessee ofthc Selvlent Pmcel harmless fiom all loses, costs
and expcnscs (mcludll1g I casonable attOJncy fecs), allsmg out of and/01 lclated to the
W01 k pCI fOJ med by the Bcnefitcd Party lclatmg to the caSClllcnt Thc Bcnefited Pmiy
shall plovlde IIdbllIty covcrage 111 a commel clally leasonable amount, and wlllten by a
company auth0117ed to do busmcss m the statc ofOlcgon and otherwlsc leasonably
acccptable to thc lessce of the Selvlcnt Pmcel In the evcn( (hat the CXlstence ofthe
easement glanted pursuant to the proVISIOns of this SectIOn 8.3 ICSUltS 111 any ad valOJcm
plOpclty tax lIabIlIty (0 elthcl PeaccHealth 01 thc Ownel of the Selvlent Pmcel, thc
Benefitcd Paliy shall pay thc dmount of any such tax
8.4 RelocatIOn of Easement
The Ownel of a ServlCnt Pmcel may, flOm tUl1e to tIme, at ItS costs and expel1sf(,
relocate an easement and the faCIlItIes located therem al1d the followll1g shall be
applIcable (a) thcrc shall not be any mterIuptIon of utIlIty serOatem~iVe(f'sts and
expcnses assocIatcd WIth such 1 elocatlon shall be the responslbllIty of the lessee of the
APR 1 4 2008
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Selvlcnt Palcel The partIes aglee to cooperate to execute and recOJd any documents
lequned to cffectuatc such lelocatlon
8.5 Easements ReqUired for Development of Property
PcaccHealth shall grant cascments I easonably necessary for thc developmcnt of thc
PlOperty ovel and aclOSS othel lCal plOpelty owncd by PeaceHealth that IS !l1 thc
Immediate VICll1lty of the Propcrty AI1Y Ownel lequestmg an easement shall funllsh to
PeaceHcalth, at the tnlle the easemcnt IS lequested, the followl11g mfOl1llatlOn (a) thc
purpose of the proposed easemcnt, (b) the name of the plOposed grantee, (c) the teml of
thc proposed easement, and (d) a drawmg showmg the proposed locatIOn of the eascment
The fOJm of the easement shall be mutually acceptable to PcaeeHcalth, OWJlel and the
gl antee Any easement gl anted pursuant to tillS SectIon 8.5 shall only be fOJ the purposc
of mstalll11g, mamtall1lI1g, repalfll1g and rcplacl11g publIc O! pnvatc utIlIty lInes,
commUl11catlOn Imes, and I elated faCIlItIes All such utIlIty lIncs and faCIlIties shall be
underground, to the cxtcnt I easonably pOSSible The exact locatIon of thc easement may
be adJusted by PeaceHealth so that thc samc does not umeasonably ll1telfClc WIth thc usc
of thc other real propel ty owned by PcaceHealth PeaceHealth shall havc the nght to
relocate any easement and, 111 such cvent, the pI OVlSlOns of Section 8.4 shall be
applIcable All costs and expenscs I clatmg to the constructIOJl of the faCIlItIes to bc
located m thc eascmcnt shall bc thc lesponslblltty of the OwncI OJ palty requestmg such
easement Upon completIon of the constructIOn, the Ownel shall causc the SUI race of the
lcal plOpcrty mvolved to bc put 111 a conditIOn substantially thc samc as eXisted pilOT to
thc WOJk bCll1g pel fOlllled PliO! to the commcncemcnt of any WOJk lc1atl11g to thc
casemcnt, thc Ownel shall plovlde cVldcncc of lIabIlIty lI1SUlanCC covclage rclatlllg to
such wOJk, smd lIlSUlance covelagc to be III a commclcIally rcasonable amount, WI Itlcn
by an I11SUl ance company authollzcd to do busmess 111 thc statc of 01 cgon and othcrwlsc
I casonably acccptable to PeaceHcalth and shall securc the applOpllate pellll1ts flom thc
CIty of Spnngfield
PeaceHealth must approvc all amcndmcnts to thcse CC&Rs The Assoclal1on may
pi opose changes to these CC&Rs to PcaceHealth If such changes have bcen applovcd by
d maJonty ofthc Bomd lfPeaceHcalth agrees WIth the ASSOCIatIOn's plOposed
amendment(s), the ASSOCiatIon wIll notIfy all Owncls and Occupants 111 wntll1g of Its
consel1t and undertake all necessary steps to l11akc thc plOposed amendment(s)
PeaceHealth may also plOpose amendments to these CC&Rs to thc ASSOCiatIon and makc
such changes With an affirmatIve vote of a maJonty of the Board All amendments to
thcse CC&Rs shall be recO! ded by PcaccHealth 1I1 the real property records of Lane
County, Oregon Date Received
[fRlvcrUcnd c<- R<; Ar.. RLCORDL[) 2008 4 g doc]
APR 1 4 2008
Original Submlttli'~C,I 28~
PeaccHcalth and the AssocIatIOn shall have the light to enfOJce all of the
covenants, conditIons rcstnctlOns, rcservatlOns, easements, and changes now or
helemaftct 11l1posed pUlsual1t to any PlovlslOn of these CC&Rs by any applOplldtc
ptoceedmg at law OJ 111 eqUIty, subject to any ll1ll1tatlOns Imposed by thcsc CC&Rs Any
lemedles speCIfically plOvlded hcrcm alc noncxcluslve and cumulal1ve and aIe m addItIon
to all othcllcmcdlCs aVaIlable to PeaccHealth al1d the ASSOCIatIOn at law or 111 eqUIty
Any Occupant shall havc the nght to petItIOn al1Y court of competent JUllsdlctlOn to
I cqUlrc spcclfic pel fonllance of any pI OVlSlons of these CC&Rs The AS50clatlOn
teserves thc light to pClfonl1 the landscapll1g and mamtcnance obligatIOns of SectIOn 6.1
If Owner and/OJ Occupant fall to pelfol1ll such obhgatlons wlthll1 ten (lO) days aftcr
wntten notlce The cost of such enfOJcemcnt by PcaceHealth and the ASSOCiatIOn,
mcJudmg but not lImIted to, mterest, costs and ehpenses of collectIon and teasonable
att01 ney fces, wlll be assessed to the Ownel and/or Occupant and PeaceHedlth and the
ASSOCiatIOn rcscrve the nght to ;,ecure a hcn dgall1st the Owner's ThIrd Pm ty
ImplOvcments f01 fallUle to pay such asscssment wlthm a reasonable time
11.1 DnratlOn
Thesc Covenants, ConditIOns, and RestllctIons shall t un With and bmd, benefit,
dnd bUlden the PlOpCtty, PcaccHcalth, all Occupants, and the sublcssccs, ll1Vltces, and
guests of all Occupants untll Nll1ety-Nmc (99) yeals from the Effectlvc Date unlcss
extendcd by PcaccHealth as follows PeaceHealth shall have thc light to lcnew thcse
CC&Rs fOI an unhmlted numbcl of successive fivc-(5) yeal pellods by rcc01 dlllg a notIce
to that effect 111 the teal plOpelty lecOJds of Lane County, Olcgon pI 101 to the ollgmal
cxplratlon datc as statcd abovc OJ the cxpnatlOn datc ofthc followmg rcnewal penod
11 2 Sevel ability
In the event any Plovlslon of these CC&R5 IS determlllcd to be 111valId 01
unenforceable, that determmatlOn shall not affect the val!dlty 01 cnfOlceablllty of ,\ny
othCt PlovlslOn 01 of the same Plovlslon to a dlffercnt SItuatIOn
11.3 NOI\-Walver
Any fallUle of the AssoclatlOn or of Peace Health to enfOJcc a covcnant, conditIOn,
or rcstllctlOn contamed 111 thcse CC&Rs shall not be deemed to cOl1stItute a WaIvet of thc
ASSOCiatIOn's nght OJ ofPcaceHcalth's light to enforcc that ~ayv mel eov~crnt
condItIOn, or restnctlOn contalllcd m these CC&Rs a e ecelv :'
11R1\ll B<.n(\ (C.Re; ^~ RI CORD[ D 200848 dor..1
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal t(dP
PAC,! 29
11.4 Waiver of Damages
PeaceHealth and the AssoclatlOl1 shall not be lIable to any Occupant or to any othel
pelson for Its enfOlcement 01 faIlure to enforcc any PlOVISlOn of these CC&Rs except as
allslllg from PcaceHcalth 01 the AssoclatlOn's bad fmth Each Occupant, by acqUl1l1lg
such Occupant's lIltelest m the Propcrty 01 by occuPYlllg any portIOn of the Plopcrty,
agICes not to bung any actIOn 01 SUIt agall1st PeaceHeaJth OJ thc ASSOCiatIOn to 1 ecovcl
any such damages 01 to seek any othel 1 chcf agalllst PeaccHcaJth or thc ASSOCIatIOn by
lcason of any such enfOlcement OJ raIlUle to enfOlcc any PIOVISIOI1 of these CC&Rs
11.5 ConstructIve Notice and Acceptance
By the lecordmg ofthcse CC&Rs, cach Occupant shall be deemcd to have
consented and agleed to every telm, covenant, condltlOn, and restnetlOn con tamed helell1
11.6 Joint and Several LiabilIty
If an Owner consIsts of more than one pelson 01 cntlty, each of such pel sons and
cntItlcs shall be jomtly and seveJally lIable for any assessmcnt OJ chmge and f01 the
pC! fOlmance of any OthCl obhgatlOn llllposed pursuant to these CC&Rs
11 7 Consent OJ ActIOn
In the event that these CC&Rs me sIlent as to the standmd for any conscnt,
apPlOval, detclllllnatlOn, OJ sImIlar dlscrctlOnary actlOn, the standard shall be thc
leasonable dlscletlon ofthc pmty, lathcr than a sole dlscletlOn standard
11.8 Captions
The captions and hcadll1gs of sectIOns hCl cm arc fOJ convelllence only and arc not
mtended m any way to define, lImit, 01 descrIbc the scope 01 mtent of any sectIon of thesc
11.9 NotIces
All notIces under thcsc CC&Rs shall bc 1Il wntmg Any such notIce shall be
deemcd cffcctlvc on the carhcI ofthc datc or delIvery or, Ifmmled, thce (3) busmcss
days followmg the date of maIlmg, If addlessed to thc addICssee at the addless, If any,
deSIgnated 111 the ASsoclatlOn's I ecords NotIces shall be sent to PcaceHcalth at the
followll1g address unless the AssoclatlOnlS notIfied of a changc
Date Received.
I/Rncilknd (TI~... ^\ RL(ORDLD 2008 4 & doc)
APR 1 4 2008
(\ --I eAC,l 30
Original Submittal \ lIT-
1255 Hllyald Street
Eugene, OR 97401
AttentIOn Chief ExecutIve Officer
Copy to:
PcaccHealth Legal Department
14432 SE Eastgatc Way, SUIte 300
Bellevue, W A 98007-6412
Attcntlon Sel1lOl VIce PresIdent of Legal ~el vices
11.10 AttolDeys' Fees
In the event SUit, actIOn, arbItratIon or othel procecd1l1g of any nature whatsocvcl,
ll1cludmg, WIthout lImitatIOn, any procccdlI1g un del the U S BankI uptcy Codc, IS
1I1stJtuted to ll1telplet or enfolce any provISIon of these CC&Rs, 01 With respect to any
dIspute lelatmg to these CC&Rs, lllcludll1g, WIthout IUllltatlon, al1Y actIOn which a
dcclmatlOn ofnghts IS sought the plevmlmg party thcrcm shall bc cntJtled to lecovcr
flOm thc los1I1g pmty ItS leasonable attorney fees and all othcl costs and expenses actually
1I1cUlrcd and reasonably necessmy m connectIOn thelewlth, and any othel sum as the court
Ol m bltJ atOl may adJudgc I cason able as attOl neys' fces, costs and chpenscs at tJlal and on
11.11 Dispute ResolutIOn
If a dispute ans1l1g undcl or 1l1volvll1g mtelpletatlOn or thesc CC&Rs (othel than a
dlsputc mvolvmg nonpayment of asscssments) cannot be lesolved thlOugh negotJatlOns
betwecn PeaccHcalth and thc ASSOCIatIOn, OJ an Occupant to the extent thc dIspute
JIlvolves thcn mtcI ests, the pm tIes shall submit thc dlsputc to nonb1l1dll1g mcdlatlon Any
pmty may 1 equcst medlatlOll Thc lCqucstmg party must suggest an mdependent medlatOl
WIth thc lequcst for mediatIon Ifthc pmtles cannot aglCe 011 a mcdlatOl, anypalty"may
apply to the Plesldmg Judgc, Lanc County CllcUlt COUl1, fOI appoll1tl1lcnt of a mcdJalOl
The partlcs shall share cqually 111 the fees and costs of the medlatol Each patty shall be-
rcsponslble fOl ItS own attorncy fccs McdJatlOn shall be m Lane County, 01 egon, unless
the pmtles aglee othel wIse If a dIspute IS not rcsolvcd by mcdIatlOn, thc pmtlcs may, but
m c not I cqun ed to, agl ee to submIt the dIspute to bmdll1g arbltl atlOn, 111 such casc, thc
pm11cs shall agree upon the mblllatOl, Ollfthcy me unable to ag!ee, to seek appoll1tment
of an arbmator flOm the presld111g Judge, Lanc County CIrCUIt COUlt pUlsuant to the
Commelclal AlbJtlatlOn Rules of the Amellcdll Arbitration ASSOCIation With the
plcvaI1ll1g pmty awmded Its fees and eosts If a dIspute cannot bc resolved by medJatlOn,
and the parltes do not agl ce to submIt the dlsputc to arbltlatlOn, any palty may filc a
laWSUIt to lesolve the dispute m a COUl t WIth propcr JUllsdlctJon located m Lanc County,
Olcgon In case of an emelgency, a palty may request emergency 1I1JunctJve relIef PlIO!
to gOll1g through the clmms plOcedUl e outlIned 111 thIS SectIOn Except to the extent
Date Received:
[JR1VLrlknd (( R<; AS RI CORD! J) 2008-4-8 (Joe]
APR 1 . 2QQ8
Original SUbmittal t2;x::
perfol1llance may be legally excused ul1der the particular clrcumstanccs cach pal ty shall
eont1l1ue to_perform Its dutIes undCl thIs Aglecmcnt while thc ICsolutlOI1 of a dIspute IS
11.12 ExhibIts
Exhibit A (DCscllptlOn ofthc Propcrty), ExhibIt B (Dcvelopmcnt Standards) dnd
ExhIbit C (Map of the Common Area) me attachcd to these CC&Rs and by this ICfelcncc
made a palt heleof
11.13 AssIgnment of RIghts
Except as provldcd 111 SectIOn 3 hel em, PeaceHealth shall have the nght to aSSIgn
and/Ol delegate all 01 pOl tlOns of ItS nghts undel thesc CC&Rs to another entIty 01
11.14 Land Use
Nothll1g 111 thiS DeclaJdtlOn of Covendntb, CondItIOns and RestnctlOns IS mtended
to 01 shall be constJ ucd as waJvmg any] equn ements of the Mdstel Plan, Spllngficld
Devclopmcnt Codc, or Spnngficld MUlllclpal Code that may be applIcable to the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, PcaceHcalth has executed thcse CC&Rs on thIS 8th
ddY of Apnl, 2008
A Washlllgton NOI1-PJ(;yt~J?oratIOl;//
/ ~</,~
By 5/ /-'// "'..- ~_----
Mel Pyne, Sel1lor VI-(e Prcsldent
) ss
County of Lanc )
The rOlcgomg lI1stJument was acknowlcdgcd bcfole me tillS 8th day of Aplll, 2008
by Mcl Pync, as SClllor VIce Plesldent of Peace Health, a Washmgton non-plOfit
corporatlOl1 _~ ~o,/
~_______uum___m__--r l{([lll//!} J 7/ _ /~lj} ylt:{(/
I' OFFICIAL SEAl I N P bl fi 0 /
: e DEANNA M LASHWAY I otary u IC 01 rcgon
: ~ NOTARYPUBl.IC-OREGON: My CommiSSIOn EAplres ,i!Jlcl {kif I ()
I '" COMMISSION NO 404486 : f
Ln___"",_~:~~I~~~~E~~_4:~~. ~ Date Received
f/R1VC1)knd (c..R~ ^~ RL( ORDLD 2008-4 S doc]
APR 1 4 2008' 12
Original Submittal of-
,\ prlJccJ ,)1 Idud locdlcd III the SOlHh\\fSf qu niu orSeclwn J ~ and thv ed,t lldlf of SClhlJi1 22,
ihe \\ est hall 01 SectIon 23 thL ,oullled" qU.ntlf of<;;crlloll 15, "I! m fo\""hlJl 17 S011lh Renre
} W, ,I. WJllamclle MCI.dwn, 1 dll0 C"ullty. Ole3oIl rllld bcmg Jllore jJdrllcul.uly dcsulbed d'
[oJll", "
(mnmentmg ,\1 lh" nC'nh~8,t lOtl'ur "t the \\,.11\,un i\[ St('\CIl\ D011.IIIIII1 Laml C loon No 46
Tlmnslujl 17 ::'outh, R,mgL 1 \1 L,I, Wdl,llndte 1vlemhdlJ, thencc dlong thc e,1->1 Ime of omd
Donahoo Lll1d Cl,um ",outh 24' ~2'3~" r'a~t, W2 67 le,.t. thellle Ica\'ll1g 'dId "^slltne North
S8^J (/40' Vv c' , 27 9ii fcd 10 the Tille l'Olll( of BegulIlIllg of 111~ hl'lCll1 dcscnbed Irdet, lhenc e
South 24~' 5'2' 3')11 Ffl';;l, 420 30 fect 10 the hc..gnlBH13 of a 312 00 fooll~ldIW'" CUIve concave
nm the,lslClIY 11l"liLC ,oulhcrly 1 Dc 0., fcct al0113 the rue of ,dld curve th10ugh d (cllu"1 ,1I1gk of
18'44'26", WIll, a long ChOld ofSomh 34' 11' 48" Ea,l 101 ()O f~"t iO the begJllllmg of262 00
fool I acllUs reVelSC CUI \C eOnCd\ e >o'llbv.eMeily 1hUlce southta,tell} 85 70 fret atong tile al c of
.,3tO curve through a centl al ,i"oglc of 180 4~' 26" wlth d long chord 01 SoutJl 34c 14' 48 J E<1'-1t,
85 'I feet, Ihence Soutll L4" )7' 35" E"~l 2~2 10 leet, thellce 1'-.01 th 67' \'"" "3 j" cast :68 22 ice!
10 the hcgmnmg oj ,I (3) 00 fool radnl" C1l1\ r l'on'dVC nOlthe, I}, thGncc eaolcrl} 122 52 f~d
along tlw dh. of sald curve ~hrough a centlJ.l angle OJ 1] ( 031 18 wIth a klllg enOl (I of J\onh f1: ()
45' ').:.tI E~tst 12233 ilJcl, thence.. South 22c 42' 19/1 r,l&t 4309'1 fco to HIt' oHlmdTv lngh \\..LICI
lllle 01' the McKcllllC RI\CI as shown Oll (.':" '\unO' Corp, 01 Engmccrs Md\1 MK 1- t t 7 ddtl'd
Maj' 2, ]947,
.hU'1CL ioUovl,oJ1l[' ~dH.I Ordllll-uy lugh ,'\ dtCl llIl(' JI\ a 50Ulhwt.~luly dJl~Ltlon :048 77 kv( 1(' d
pOint on the cd'lell) proJ<,cllon nftiw 110rlh 11llc 01 d tracI oflan(1 <'0,1\ eVL'd to r n Yo,,,,~ b)
JLcd Iccolded In \. olutl)l... 7'1 Ptt~\,.. 508, Lm(,. County ()lct.'on (]Cc.u n.X,OlJ'1 b,..d1lUf 5nuth
)':;~']?111 n \V(s-t nOn) the 1a<,t P,)lnl,
thelle t.. .1JQn[~ S~ll~l cac;.lcd:~ proJf('llnn North 8b') 1 O\.1.()!1 \VC.,t 1:;9 07 te....'t tn tht.. nortllcdst CO!il-:.l
td :,(ud l' G 'r Oung. trall) tllLllLl (.ontmumy .d()ll~~ sdHl fll.)f'th lmc '\Jorth 8", ~ 1 (}l40' \Vcst lJ()Mf 44
leel h1 the nOlfh\\e~t cornel of I 01 1 i . FUSE 8...ddmon to Buena V1'113" qrud llOmt albo bcmg (he
~OUlnv, c~1 (..{),11Cr of thai CCIUHH tinct of I..md uestnbed In stdtU101\ \.\dIT'tiHtv dec<11ccoldcd as
Dowment NUlllbCl 2001-0B8567 'dJd POl,,1 Jho b<'-lllf, on \1'0 ca>t 1m3 ot 111<'- :-'onlh"lll P,lltfic
RathO,ld tract ~bdncton~d to th.:; C Hy ,)f<'pnngfIeld 111 Dced:>lo 0307-Hl, ""](1 Do,nl hem<;
fuuhcJ (lG~(,lllwu a';. (l plhl1t of <.lhp of a 0~5 04 foot l,idm::. non-\~mgent Ltn\.E- (".(Hll..a\ t..
50mh" eslelty fIom \',l1ll11 pOml the CtlltCf "LllL b~;)I\ SnutI' G~' 1)8 ] t 'W2,[ thenle
north\\c,t;.tcrh .11oJl~ Will w-sllmc and the ~lrc 01 ~(lld Cllt\C 205 5i feet thlOUgh a (,C'tlLral nngk- oj
I i 0571 X", wlIh a Ion" ChOld 01 Kmth ~6' 50'28" West :;0' 10 lect to the sOlltlJed\( cornel oj Inl
1 kl'vubcuJ Pll.lSt 1 filed db County Sut\C') I !Ie Numhcr" 1()813 Ld~1L- Count) SUJ\,-,v Rt.COll":&~
""lld nOlJ1! beIng furthcl <.te.....CJ11)cd as d POll'l ~)1 cusp of.l R99 S9 tn-ot ,adm, nnn-t,lngt'nl (. un e
conCJVC casterly, flOm \\htd1 pomllhc cw\c' of all bcalo ;-,)0111) 87"48'38" 1:",t thence lcd\ In)!,
Date ReceIved:
,'J ~ t
I/RlvcrBcnd CCR<; Al;, RI CORl)! D 2008-4 8 (Ioc]
APR 14 2008
)lAC,}: )1
Original Submittal ~
<aid e<i,tlmenfthe (',ty ofSpnngjidtl tracI nonhcrly along the elsled} ,md nonhclly hne~ "j
~<lld lot 3 (/I~ [ollo" Ing ,,:\ ell (7) (Ou<\", and (il>I,ll1ce'i
[I l'ionhetl, alon~ the arc of q,ud curve J OS 04 fee! throUilh a cenlra! ,mgle o( (l() 41 24
with a long ehol d 01 NOI th i), "09'20" 1:.1'{ 104 98 feet, thence
~1 'Jorth j 5'04'49" \Yest, g.. 25 [eel to tile hcgJl1l1mg of a I] r 50 [oUlll(\IH,lngull cli' ve
lOlll,lV~ ca"telly~ itom v.-hl( h pOint the ccntcl oj l.-lU.....C beals ")oiAth ~3 22 55~ ra".t,
3) Ilollherly I" 46 feel <llor,g the lire oj ,<lId wnc tlnough d cCl111<ll.ngk oj OO"45'()9" "nil
<llong ChOld oj NOllh 06059'19" EJst. 15 16 icet thence
4) :-1olth 07' 18'22" E fl't 76 55 feet IhCllCC
5) !\'ol1n36"(l]'O!" East. 61 53 fecI thence
61 NOl1h 07022']0" E,l\t, 174 22 feet to the ~mllhe.st {om~r ofT"lrcd 2 pel COlllll} Sune}
File ,991>8 hemr; PallltJon \Jumbel 2006-P2030 Ldn" COllnly Plat Records, thence
7) along the ,Olllh lin~ oj "ud 1'"rccl2 N0l1h 88"J 2'42" We,,( :84 62 {cello a powt Ofl (h~
east tna>gm hne' ofG,1l11e loann Road (Collnly ROBel No ~), ihencl'
Cmncldcnt w,th ,md cast malgmlmc (h,' follO\\mg four (4) conrse' alld dh\unecs
I) North 0\'49''36' We,!. 105.+7 f",>t thence
2) Samh 880lb'32' [as(, 5 01 feet, \henee
3) North 01049'36" \Vest. i4(, 71 fLet to, th~nce
-I) North 01001'36" Vhst, U 16 fcello the 'OLlthwe,1 comcl ot I'dli'lIolJ Plat No 2002-
P1627. Ldllt ((lunl\ Ph! RccOJd<>, thenc(.
IC,l\mgStlld e..lsl m,llgm lme <11ollg1hesotlth) -c,ut}- ~h\d nortn hnes Of~(.lld l\lltItlO,l Pldt No
2002,1'1 b27 the tollo\\ mg thrw (0) COUI 'C, <inti ,!J<"anc.:,
II South 8~"16'4()" La~t J27 6u [e~'t thence
2) '1011h 0]<06'16" WCSI, 4.1 60 f~d, Ihclll~
0) "Mlh 08016' 10" Wesl, 22(,51 [ce! ro the !Jorr!tusl ,omcI orI>'""e! 1 of ,aId pd/1I1101l
pla1~ thence. ka"wg sawlllJnh 111K (.dong th( 1;..<.\:5t(.,11) hOUJl~l;:llv OJ "did P.iH.,d 1 Soulh
02"0(,'1 Ii" Eas!.171 ~1 lecl to the Y:>lIlhe.l,terly tOlnCllh"I('O( th~nc" alon!> t'le ''-'Hlhell)
hoc of ,."d ",ucd I "ior\h 8~' 1(>'41" W e,t, ;()() 41 to a pOll1l 011 tll" ed~l11l<lmln hnt of
G,IITIC 1',,,", Rood (('Olltlly Roml Nt> '), theT'1 e
Comclde1ll \\tlth ~md eJ&t mdJg,n llne the 1011owmg ci:.~ht (81 <.OUl"e-~ and dlst,mct.5i
1) "\101thOlc5315~)'1 \\c--.', 17142 ;cct thence
2) 1-<on11 01 0(1"'1G" \Vest, 110 62 feel ,l1cll~e
1) NOllh 02'21'36" West, 192 r teet to the hc~mnln3 of a 35 00 foot non-t<l'1ge,ll curve
conc,tvc ;outheastell, 1I01ll1\luel1 pOlUt the cemer 01 the arc b~fJ:'> Sou:1l 78 .tV51' bast
-+) llOllbea'lelly 2' 48 lect alo!ll.' the ~Ie of saId cun e tlllOUgb a cenlrdl angle of 3},o26'24',
wllh "long chord ofNOI111 300 32' 21" Easl, 23 04 fect to the bq,pl11mg of 4000 fool
[/R1,cll3t.nd r(R~ AS RLCORD! ]) 20084-8 doc]
Date ReceIVed,
APR , ~ 2006
PACJ! 34
Onglnal SUbmltta\~
ldthus non-tangent 1C\-Cl '\c (lit" (.. c-\)nt~<tVC \vc:~1erly, llonl \"\ 1U<11 pOtllt the tenter 01 dl(;
hCdl 'i ~orth JO(l] ..\'2itl \V(.,~( t!JeHu,...
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Date Received:
AP,~ ~ 4 22~3
0"9111"1;:;,,:-_,, '/J y
[/Rl\ulknd C( Ib. AI) RL( OR[)I [) 20084 8 dot]
RlverBend Campus Design GUidelines
GUiding Pnnclples
Architectural GUidelines
BUilding Matenals GUidelines
Landscape GUidelines
Lighting GUidelines
Sign GUidelines
Streets cape GUidelines
r/RIVlll3t.nd((,Rs A') RLCORI)! J)2Qog 4 Rdoc]
Date Received
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal sUbmlttalJ
P^GL ]6
RlverBend Campus Design GUldehne~
GUldlno Pnncloles
RlverBend IS a mixed-use development within the RlverBend Campus, located In Spllngfield Oregon The
Campus embodies a totally Integrated community adjacent to the McKenzie River It IS Intended to be a
IIvelwork community set within a specIal enVIronment that lifts the splnts
RlverBend IS committed to the protection and enhancement of this beautiful setting while creatIng
opportunities for all members of the community, and vIsitors, to engage In nature as an Integral part of the
livIng and healIng process To this end, all development shall strive to protect the eXIsting natural features,
while maintaIning the best possIble vIews of the nver, trees and the panoramIc vIews of the Coburg Hills
Buildings shall be positioned so that they blend with the natural features of the site and their surroundings
Each development project within the site shall complement the landscape and deepen people's
appreciation of the site
The campus creates a pedestnan fnendly mIxed-use development that encourages transIt use, walking
and bicycling The hospital which IS the primary employmenl center of the campus, and the BRT transit
station have been centrally located to provide easy access, Within walking distance, 10 the entire
development Medical Services, Medium DenSity Resldenlial and Core Commercial Development have
been located so that these services are also available Within easy walking distance Parks, open space
and publiC spaces have been provided throughout the campus
The master plan for RlverBend does not rely on a strong geometnc pattern, aXial grid or other formal
clrculalion structures Rather, It IS based an the natural systems of the site and Inlended to enhance the
Idenliflable site amenities that already eXist
Open space, pedestrian and bike paths are located throughout the site and are Intended to connect
residents, employees and vIsitors to the entire community
The new campus Will have a regional hospital that IS committed to providing patient and family centered
care that honors the total patient expenence In a healing enVIronment Accessory MedIcal ServIces, such
as Medical Office BUildings and a Continued Care Residential Community, are planned to compliment thiS
A vanety of residential living chOices are Included In the development to accommodate a Wide range of
preferences and market segmenls These are Intended to Include senior liVIng unIts condomInIum
ownership, townhouse ownership, garden apartment rental Units and rental apartmenls above retail ard
commercial space
It IS the goal of the development to allow bUSinesses to be located In a vallely of settings These Will
Include facllllles that support stand-alone medical serVices, profeSSional offices buildings, as well as retail
and a miX of commercial With residential uses The obJeclive IS to provide a vallety of liVing, working, and
shopping expellences for the entlfe RlverBend community as well as the greater Lane County region
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Ongtnal SUb/l'lltta'~
!lAG\ 37
I/Rl\ulkntl (( R<, AS RJ (OR!)I \) 200\ 4.8 do...]
RlverBend Campus Design GUidelines
Individual bUildings shall contnbute to the overall cohesiveness of the campus
These Design GUidelines are to encourage Ihe development of bUildings that embody the endunng
qualllies and character of the entire RlverBend campus Architectural matenals, roof forms, proportions
and architectural elements shall be consistent With other facIlities on the campus In order to ensure that all
bUildings contnbute to a consistent sense of place
It IS not the Intention to dictate a particular bUilding style However, It IS the goal of these gUidelines to
promote architectural expressions that are compatible to the Pacific Northwest, Oregon and the greater
Lane County area
The framework that establishes the architectural character for the campus IS as follows
o Each bUilding shall express a distinction between the base, middle and top of the structure ThiS shall
be done wrth matenals, proporlion or architectural elements
o The pnmary bUilding matenal for all bUilding facades shall be bnck masonry unrts of a color
compatible With the RlverBend Campus
o BUildings that provide only residential accommodations may have a mixture of bnck masonry
compatible With the RlverBend Campus and a combination of wood siding The mlnrmum amount of
masonry shall be 20% of the total facade surface area
o Medical office bUlld<ngs shall provide covered automotive Portecocheres or protective covenngs at
major pedestnan/automotlve entrances to each faCility
o Sloped roofs, or the appearance of sloped roofs, shall be the predominant architectural roof
expression Roof massing shall create a skyline composed of Interesting forms and details
o Vanatlon and relief to the bUilding's facades are encouraged In order to add Interest and visual delight
Not Permitted
BUildings that have unarllculated or homogenous facades
Excessive use of contemporary cladding matenals such as metal panelS spandrel glass or synthetiC
Flat roof lines
Expansive metal-frame storefront Windows that are not broken up at the ends of the bUildings and at
the structural column lines, "stnp windows"
Date Received
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal af
PA(JI 1~
I/Rl\l.lBcn<1 ((Rs ^~ RCCORDU) 2008-4-8 doc]
RlverBend Campus Design GUidelines
Use malenals that create a sense of permanence and that of timeless elegance are strongly encouraged
In order to promote a unified architectural character throughout the campus, a similar palale of bUilding
matenals shall be utilized The utilization of quality wall matenals will provide a sense of permanence and
will reduce unsightly maintenance needs Articulation of wall matenals shall be expressive with attention
paid to providing a vanety of depth, visual relief and texture to the bUilding
o The base of each bUilding shall be of a matenal that expresses the slrength of supporting the upper
walls as well as the physical requirements of protecting the bUilding from the ground elements Stone,
concrete, pre-cast concrete masonry Units or bnck are an appropnate expression
o Wall matenals shall be predominantly bnck masonry
o Roof matenals, vIsible from the street or sidewalks, shall provide texture and Visual relief Standing
seam metal roofing, tile, slate or synthetIc matenals that replIcate natural roofmg matenals are
o Windows shall have articulated frames, SIlls and headers Mirror glass IS not allowed
o Doors shall have large glass areas and shall be articulated In order to prOVide a welcoming
expenence Narrow style door frames shall be used
o All on-SIte or on building mechanical storage or trash containments should be located away from
major entrances to the facIlity
o Architectural Screens shall be prOVIded to hide mechanical storage or trash containments These
shall be built of the same matenals as the pllmary bUildings that they serve
o Natural, understated and subdued bUilding colors shall be the predomInant bUilding color
Not Permitted
o Plain concrete masonry units, such as concrete block
o Extenor Insulation Finish Systems (EIFS) or other synthetic plaster wall covenngs
o Canvas aWnings, tent structures and other "non-permanent bUilding elements
o Unartlculated roofing matenals or bnghtly colored matenals
o Bnghtly paInted or over\\y bold colors
~ Date Received
APR 1 4 2008
Ongmal Submittal t?~
I'-\(ll 39
rlR1\ctlknd (( R~ N; RI CORDI [) 2008 4.8 {lm..1
RlverBend Campus Design GUidelines
To promote a special enVIronment that lifts the Spirit while reinforcing the natural beauty of the RlverBend
The landscape shall strengthen the sense of RlverBend as an enVIronment of healing Plant matenal shall
be planted throughout the campus, provide a pleasant and calm environment that matches the site's
ecological setting and compliments the campus architecture
o Entrances & Pedestnan Areas
Places In the public's view such as entrances and pedestnan areas should be planted
to pro-vide year round visual Interest and reinforce the sense of continuity of the
campus Plant matenal shall provide a welcoming appearance and encourage
pedestnan use of the campus
o Plant Palette
In order to establish continuity of character, plant palettes have been assembled for
the landscape zones on campus These palettes are mlended to be used as
gUidelines for designers establish plans appropnate to each condition Matenals are
Intended to be planted In groupings In order that designers establish Visual continuity
o Screening & Buffenng
Areas such as parking lots, loading area and utility areas should be planted to
permanently screen their view Matenals should be selected that are evergreen and
grow to a suffiCient height and density to eliminate views to Ihese areas on a year-
round basIs
o Parking Lots
Trees In parking lots should be selected to prOVide suffiCient canopy to shade the lots
and proVide Visual screening from above Tree types should also be selected to
establish Visual continuity through-out Shrub and ground covers should be hearty and
prOVide Visual breaks In the lots through continuous planters throughout the lots at a
minimum 120 feel on center
o Bloswales
Bloswale plantlngs should be selected to meet the cntena for rainwater filtration and
prOVide a Visually pleasing element In the landscape Matenals should be selected
that do not outgrow the areas proVided and can be maintained Without hedging or
severe prumng'
o Rlpanan Zone along the McKenZie River
The McKenZie River IS the highest value asset of the campus Plant matenal must be
carefully selected to establish a natural enVIronment while allOWing closed, open and
filtered views of the river Planting plans for the areas adjacent to the hospital hav'k t R
been completed and should be used as a model for other areas along the river ua e ecelved
o Roof Gardens
I'hr~ 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal ~~
f/Rl\l.-IBcnd CCRs A\ Rl C.ORDi D 2008.. 8 \1m.]
RlverBend Campus Design GUidelines
Roof Garden plant matenal should be selected for Its visual Interest and Its ability to
thnve In the limited sOil enVIronment The plant matenal should be established In
patterns which are interesting for both those uSing the garden and those who view It
from above
o Automatic Underground Irngatlon Systems
The entire campus should be Integrated With effiCient underground Irnga\iOn systems
All systems shoulo be established to be able to be mOnitored and adjusted over time
to ensure suffiCient watel IS being used Without over watering areas
o Plant matenal shall be selected for enVIronmental SUitability, naturally dlsease-
resistance and shall be ecologically appropriate for Ihe climate and enVIronment of
o Landscape matenal selected shall minimize the use of fertilizers, minimize Ihe use of
extensive watenng, and minimize maintenance Including excessive pruning or
Not Permitted
o Natural and/or man made elements that Impact the quality and character of the
McKenZie River
o Use of plants that reqUire excessive maintenance and/or pruntng or are not
indigenous to the general landscape culture of Oregon
o Large expanses of unplanted unpaved plazas, parking lots or other paved areas
o ExpanSive areas of bark, mulching or unprotected earth
o Asphalt concrete walkways
Date Received'
APR 1 4 2008
Original Submlttal_~
]lAG I 41
fJR1'vCI Bend (( R.~ ^ 'S RLC ORDI D 2008 4~8 doc]
RlverBend Campus Design GUidelines
Landscape and bUilding lighting shall provide safety, secunty and Identity throughout the
campus while creating a pleasant ambiance that does not distract from the campus
lIght/ng on the RlverBend site should ensure safe circulation and bUilding security without
compromising the unique natural setting, the healing campus environment or the ability to
experience the mght sky
lighting design and layout for the SHMC gUidelines shall be adopted as the model for the
entire campus
Llghling shall be used to create effects of visual Interest that highlights the features of
bUildings, landscape and site amenities
Ornamental street and walkway Ilghllng shall be proVided throughout the campus with a
compatible quality of light and style
o Llghhng Ihe parking lots shall match that of the quality and quantity of the Sacred
Heart Medical Center (SHMC )
o Pedestnan Areas and Walks to meet SHMC quality and quantity
o BUilding Llghling shall not be excessive and shall be approved by the Design
Standards RevIew Board
o Architectural lighting shall be used to arliculate ttle bUilding design and shall proVide a
sense of scale and character for lhe pedestnan experience
o Llghhng With a historic style and character IS encouraged
o The standard for hghllng poles shall malch SHMC
o Seasonal lighting on trees and bUildings are encouraged, but may not be placed pi lor
to one month before the holiday and IS reqUired to be removed With two weeks of the
o Bollard lighting, that IS directed down-ward toward surfaces In pedestrian walk-ways
wherever prudent
o Metal halide Ilghllng shall be used throughout the campus
o Light fixtures and poles that are consistent With the architectural character of the
SHMC site and RlverBend Drive shall be used
/lRI\crncnJ (( R.. ^\ RI CORDI n 200g 4*8 dOLl
Date ReceIVed
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal submlti!~J. ~2-at.
RlverBend Campus Design GUidelines
Signs shall be architecturally compatible and shall contnbute to the character of the
Signs shall not detract from the architectural qualities of the bUildings or landscape
Directional signs used to Identify and direct vehicular and pedestnan traffic shall be
designed consistently throughout the campus
Slgnage should follow a Unified theme, and should follow the model of the SHMC
o Site Identification Signs
Each individually developed bUilding shall have on site Identification sign
In the event that the pnmary bUilding occupant occupies 65% or more of the total
gross square footage, the pnmary occupant may display their business name on the
site sign, below the bUilding address In an area not to exceed SIX square feet Name
may be completed In occupant's logo style
o BUilding Identification Signs
Each bUilding shall be allowed one bUilding Identification sign The purpose thiS sign
shall be to display the name of the bUilding once a vehicle or pedestnan has reached
lhe parking area
ThiS sign shall be freestanding, located In the proximity of the bUilding entrance, and
not vIsible form the public thoroughfares ThiS sign shall be Integrated Into the
bUilding landscape Sign shall be constructed of stone or masonry complimentary to
the bUilding architecture Sign shall be single Sided and Illuminated only by ground
mount lights
No Individual tenant names may be Installed on thiS sign except If the pnmary tenant
In the bUilding occupies 65% of the total gross square footage or more of the
structure In that case, their name may also be Installed on thiS sign In an area
directory below the bUilding name, not to exceed g square feet In total ThiS tenant
name shall be allowed In tnelr logo style, applied In cut Individual letters
The overall size of thiS sign shall nol exceed 4 feet In height and 6 feet In Width
excluding lhe base, but In no case shall sign exceed 6 feet In height wnen mounted
on base
Not Permitted
o No bUilding mounted signs are allowed except for building address These shall not
exceed 12' In height and may not be Illuminated BUilding addresses to be individual
dimensional characters and must be Incorporated mto bUilding design and finishes
o Campus logos and architectural symbols are not permitted as part of any bUlldlngli)ate Received'
Nor may any business logo be Incorporated Into any building facades
j/Rl\Cl13cnd ('( R" A<; IU (OR!)] ]) 2008-4-~ docl
t':m P^S"-:!3""1
. . ~ 1......... J
OllgInal SUDlllIllal C?~
RlverBend Campus Design GUidelines
o There shall be no Illuminated signs or neon signs placed Inside the bUilding that are
VISible from outSide the bUilding
o Businesses with exterior entries may apply vinyl letters to the glass within thelf space,
only for Identlflcallon and to denole hours Lettering shall be while and shall not
exceed 6' In height
o Retail outlets located within Ihe mixed-use zone will have separate slgnage gUidelines
that are not part of these gUidelines
o Temporary signs and banners attached to the face of bUildings
o Signs that through color, shape and Size, adversely Impact the architecture of the
bUildings and landscape
o Window signs that excessively restnct the view Into and out of buildings
o Signs painted on fabric awnings or valances
o Temporary slgnage such as leaSing sales and advertiSing are not permitted on any
bUilding ThiS type of slgnage must be mounted In the landscape and IS not to exceed
16 square feet All signs must be removed Within 14 working days from the time It IS
Installed and cannot be reinstalled Without the approval of the DeSign ReView Board
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Onginal Submittal
P^(JL 44
I/RIVLIB~lId U:..Rs ^~ RLCORDI ]) 2008-4-8 doc]
RlverBend Campus Design GUidelines
RlverBend streetscape and site furniture gUidelines are Inlended to creale a distinctive
sense of place that provides a pedestnan fnendly atmosphere through out the campus
Proposed site amenities shall provide ample pedestnan gathenng spaces, gateways to
the site and bUildings, pocket parks, seating areas and distinctive art and architectural
detailing to create a sense of place appropnate for the Pacific Northwest and the
RlverBend campus
Site furmture Includes kiosks, gazebos, trash receptactes, outdoor seating, bike racks,
storage sheds, and utility and Irash enclosures fences and other site amenities
These shall conform to the design Intent and materials already established at SHMC
o Trash, utility and storage areas shall be enclosed and screened In such a way that
they are not Visually accessible to pedestrians and bUilding inhabitants These shall
be compatible With the materials and architectural details of the primary bUildings on
the site
o Det81l1ng of site furniture, hardscape and other amenities that proVide character,
texture and historical style to prOVide Visual delight
Covered seating areas and bike storage areas In places of waiting and gatl1enng
Site art and sculpture that enhances, aellghts and prOVides a sense of place
Fencing shall be of endUring materials that offer a vanety of scale and detail
Date Received:
APR 1 4 2008
Ong,nal SUbmIttal. ~
\lRl\lcIBcm! (( R<, A'" RL( OR!)] \) 2008/1 8 doc)
, .
RlverBend Campus Design GUidelines
Not Permitted
o Solid fencing with monolithic use of wood or metal
o Sidewalks, plazas and parking areas without pedestrian enhancements and amenities
o MonolithiC paving and planting that does not provide a variety of material and pattern
o Overhead utility, power and commUnication lines These shall be located below grade
o Exposed satellite dishes
o Exposed microwave or other commUnication devices
o Chain link fencing of any kind
Sm.okmg pavIllOll~ or desIgnated alcas wHlull 25 feet of any pubhc ently pomt
Date Received
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal Submittal oJ-
PAGl 46
j!RI\uBcn<1 (( It" A'> R! CORDI D 200!'! 4 8 doc1
RlverBend Campus Design GUidelines
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Llne Course 5 67-18-25 W Length
North 876132 5341
Llne Course 5 24-52-35 E Length
North 875711 0532
Llne course N 67-17-31 E Length
North 875721 5264
Llne Course N 67-17-31 E Length
North 875869 1774
Llne Course N 67-17-31 E Length
North 875873 1547
Llne Course N 68-03-45 E Length
North 875880 7580
Llne Course N 25-57-14 W Length
North 876037 8368
Llne Course N 33-09-02 E Length
North 876094 5680
Llne Course N 22-25-42 W Length
North 876188 6590
Llne Course N 67-17-51 E Length
North 876262 3251
Llne course N 24-52-35 W Length
North 876398 6231
4369714 8208
689 71583416
East 4369078 4995
464 58642745
East 4369273 9333
27 13014752
East 4369298 9604
382 47993081
East 4369651 7920
10 30308971
East 4369661 2964
20 35172654
East 4369680 1745
174 69764149
East 4369603 7185
67 76006739
East 4369640 7725
101 79074072
East 4369601 9365
190 87137132
East 4369778 0194
150 23734321
East 4369714 8203
perl meter 2279 92432033 Area 248,247 sq ft 5 699 acres
Mapcheck closure - (Uses llsted courses, radll , and deltas)
Error Closure 0 0008 Course N 46-18-57 W
Error North 0 00055 East -0 00058
preC1Slon 1 2,849,905 40040000
pa rce 1 name Lots 1 and 2
North 913163 7861 East 4295193 2112
II ne course 5 01-49-36 E Length 93 23996762
North 913070 5935 East 4295196 1833
llne Cou rse 5 53-07-05 E Length 25 19591461
North 913055 4717 East 4295216 3369
Curve LenTth 31 75273388 Radlus 329 50000007
De ta 5-31-17 Tangent 15 88870615
Chord 31 74053169 Course 5 82-19-59 E
course In 5 04-54-22 W course out N 10-25-39 E
RP North 912727 1789 East 4295188 1570
End North 913051 2372 East 4295247 7936
Curve LenTth 157 52836887 Radlus 334 54371669
De ta 26-58-45 Tangent 80 25282758
Chord 156 07764767 course 5 69-29-18 E
course In 5 07-01-20 W course Out N 34-00-05 E
RP North 912719 2029 East 4295206 8942 Date Received
End North 912996 5477 East 4295393 9753
II ne Course 5 56-22-10 E Length 84 04461826
North 912950 0008 East 4295463 9531 APR 1 4 2008
curve LenTth 109 14125589 Radlus 250 00000000
De ta 25-00-48 Tangent 55 45431446 Ongmal Submittal il~
page 1
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End North
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Curve Length
Course In
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Llne course
Llne Course
Llne course
Llne Course
Llne course
108 27684587
N 37-22-58 E
913148 6501
912904 4534
N 46-16-21 E
912945 4663
N 07-22-10 E
913178 6383
N 07-22-10 E
913291 3269
239 69479282
238 10273706
N 82-37-50 W
913368 2869
913528 8290
687 25734447
661 95308529
5 74-28-49 W
913334 3055
914016 0774
5 50-32-40 W
914000 0681
5 02-24-36 E
913995 0153
87 06497403
70 86763413
5 15-02-52 W
913956 3869
913925 8535
23 48165976
23 04371073
5 40-14-27 E
913899 1368
913906 0064
5 02-24-36 E
913 713 8040
5 01-07-36 E
913603 2049
5 88-16-40 E
913590 4147
5 02-06-16 E
913179 0947
N 88-16-40 W
913191 9458
5 01-07-36 E
913163 7865
outbounds recalc - and gore
Course 5 65-07-26 E
Course Out 5 12-22-10 W
East 4295615 7373
East 4295562 1837
Length 59 33322270
East 4295605 0600
Length 235 11414467
East 4295635 2173
Length 113 62718406
East 4295649 7919
Radlus 599 99999999
Tangent 121 46644954
Course N 04-04-31 W
Course Out N 74-28-49 E
East 4295054 7481
East 4295632 8711
Radlus 727 00000000
Tangent 371 73474143
Course N 42-36-06 W
course Out N 20-19-00 E
East 4294932 3787
East 4295184 7993
Length 25 19246761
East 4295165 3477
Length 5 05723339
East 4295165 5604
Radlus 40 00000000
Tangent 76 36919882
course 5 12-35-48 E
Course Out 5 40-14-27 E
East 4295155 1754
East 4295181 0155
Rad,us 35 00000000
Tangent 12 20197310
Course 5 30-32-21 W
Course Out N 78-40-51 W
East 4295203 6255
East 4295169 3063
Length 192 37249140
East 4295177 3956
Length 110 62047150
East 4295179 5707
Length 425 57700822
East 4295604 9555
Length 411 59761574
East 4295620 0698
Length 427 60433020
East 4295192 6587
Length 28 16481048
East 4295193 2125
perl meter 3572 66428982 Area 215,888 sq ft 4 956 acres
Mapcheck closure - (uses llsted courses, radll, and deltas)
Error closure 0 0013 course N 72-46-11 E
Error North 0 00040 East 0 00128
preC1Slon 1 2,748,202 00783077
parcel name lots 4-12
APR 1 4 2008
page 2
Ongmal Submittal I/o<:"
outbounds recalc - and gore
North 912244 4743 East 4302641 3514
11 ne Course 5 21-30-30 E Length 28 53536651
North 912217 9260 East 4302651 813 5
curve Lenrth 179 02396765 Radlus 728 00000000
De ta 14-05-23 Tangent 89 96624097
Chord 178 57405578 course 5 14-26-53 E
Course In 5 68-30-26 W Course Out N 82-35-49 E
RP North 911951 1985 East 4301974 4359
End North 912045 0002 East 4302696 3675
cu rve Lenrth 187 70992834 Radl us 728 00000000
De ta 14-46-24 Tangent 94 37828413
chord 187 19010246 course 5 00-00-59 E
Course In 5 82-35-49 W course Out 5 82-37-47 E
RP North 911951 1985 East 4301974 4359
End North 911857 8099 East 4302696 4210
11 ne Course 5 07-22-13 W Length 320 40448975
North 911540 0526 East 4302655 3192
11 ne Course 5 46-36-12 E Length 103 72470316
North 911468 7890 East 4302730 6871
L 1 ne Course 5 17-52-01 W Length 106 99773275
North 911366 9516 East 4302697 8593
l1ne Course 5 55-59-52 W Length 73 81204339
North 911325 6741 East 4302636 6680
Llne course 5 07-22-10 W Length 349 59274576
North 910978 9691 East 4302591 8269
11 ne Course 5 09-36-24 W Length 461 06599314
North 910524 3688 East 4302514 8826
11 ne Course 5 40-54-42 E Length 71 68440717
North 910470 1954 East 4302561 8283
Llne Course 5 03-50-47 W Length 97 43805269
North 910372 9769 East 4302555 2920
l1ne course 5 03-43-52 W Length 2 80525080
North 910370 1776 East 4302555 1095
l1ne Course 5 57-12-51 W Length 54 29944605
North 910340 7744 East 4302509 4599
11 ne course 5 11-02-22 W Length 20 84667445
North 910320 3135 East 4302505 4681
Curve Lenrth 151 23022512 Radlus 1320 58223967
De ta 6-33-41 Tangent 75 69758950
Chord 151 14706766 Course 5 01-19-18 W
Course In 5 85-23-52 E course out 5 88-02-27 W
RP North 910214 3531 East 4303821 7924
End North 910169 2061 East 4302501 9821
Curve Lenrth 93 38727647 Radlus 1396 94745712
De ta 3-49-49 Tangent 46 71030190
Chord 93 36842262 course 5 05-43-53 E
course In N 86-11-01 E course Out 5 82-21-12 W
RP North 910262 1859 East 4303895 8318
End North 910076 3030 East 4302511 3067
l1ne Course 5 37-29-22 E Length 3 97897289
North 910073 1458 East 4302513 7284
l1ne Course 5 06-41-41 E Length 20 70755976
North 910052 5794 East 4302516 1425
l1ne Course 5 03-31-04 W Length 26 35297563
North 910026 2761 East 4302514 5255
Llne Course 5 88-10-40 E Length 940 75385973
North 909996 3616 East 4303454 8036 Date Received
11 ne Course 5 88-10-40 E Length 129 06932193
North 909992 2574 East 4303583 8077
l1ne Course N 00-00-21 E Length 50 08216712 APR 1 4 2008
North 910042 3396 East 4303583 8128
L 1 ne Course N 01-09-27 E Length 89 45216997
North 910131 7735 East 4303585 6198 Onglnal SUbmlttal4Y
Page 3
outbounds recalc - and gore
Llne course N 00-10-09 W Length 94 73362731
North 910226 5067 East 4303585 3401
Llne Course N 07-11-26 E Length 36 79906324
North 910263 0164 East 4303589 9462
Llne course N 10-48-31 E Length 54 03572881
North 910316 0935 East 4303600 0795
Llne course N 16-05-02 E Length 32 16939347
North 910347 0036 East 4303608 9918
Llne course N 21-16-03 E Length 53 33445557
North 910396 7059 East 4303628 3374
Llne Course N 24-05-56 E Length 61 74171307
North 910453 0663 East 4303653 5474
Llne course N 28-00-30 E Length 60 81311002
North 910506 7569 East 4303682 1052
L 1 ne Course N 32-20-48 E Length 65 64011927
North 910562 2114 East 4303717 2253
Llne Course N 22-40-11 E Length 42 22643203
North 910601 1755 East 4303733 5002
Ll ne Course N 33-03-59 E Length 37 70799857
North 910632 7763 East 4303754 0741
L 1 ne Course N 29-32-58 E Length 70 51250658
North 910694 1173 East 4303788 8490
Llne Course N 29-04-33 E Length 47 39087665
North 910735 5358 East 4303811 8794
Llne Course N 35-38-32 E Length 25 29417220
North 910756 0917 East 4303826 6189
L 1 ne Course N 33-42-45 E Length 99 16937177
North 910838 5841 East 4303881 6605
Llne Cou rse N 34-18-37 E Length 49 02932299
North 910879 0821 East 4303909 2970
Llne course N 31-44-11 E Length 71 98166400
North 910940 3009 East 4303947 1602
Llne Course N 39-26-45 E Length 46 88128743
North 910976 5038 East 4303976 9462
Ll ne Course N 44-01-43 E Length 49 92557360
North 911012 4000 East 4304011 6453
L 1 ne cou rse N 27-25-23 E Length 26 13673097
North 911035 5997 East 4304023 6828
Llne cou rse N 41-02-02 E Length 46 77375462
North 911070 8822 East 4304054 3900
Llne course N 45-01-30 E Length 27 34681549
North 911090 2108 East 4304073 7356
Llne Course N 51-00-18 E Length 22 91577203
North 911104 6306 East 4304091 5457
Llne Course N 50-49-53 E Length 25 74487500
North 911120 8912 East 4304111 5055
Llne course N 29-04-33 E Length 25 27510848
North 911142 9811 East 4304123 7884
Llne Cou rse N 25-49-44 E Length 17 92432612
North 911159 1148 East 4304131 5977
Llne Course N 38-02-36 E Length 21 42631660
North 911175 9890 East 4304144 8018
Llne cou rse N 46-46-53 E Length 88 62650394
North 911236 6790 East 4304209 3881
Llne cou rse N 55-11-56 E Length 43 00526860
North 911261 2233 East 4304244 7013 Date Received
L lne Cou rse N 52-40-55 E Length 52 12591221
North 911292 8241 East 4304286 1562
Llne Cou rse N 45-13-47 E Length 49 43031087 APR 1 4 2008
North 911327 6362 East 4304321 2485
Llne Course N 46-00-58 E Length 62 73435664
North 911371 2024 East 4304366 3881 Onglnal Submittal ~
Llne Course N 52-52-57 E Length 41 03093366
page 4
North outbounds recalc - and gore
911395 9626 East 4304399 1062
L 1 ne Course N 56-45-48 E Length 62 48310019
North 911430 2095 East 4304451 3679
Llne Course N 52-47-13 E Length 27 51490928
North 911446 8500 East 4304473 2805
Llne Course N 54-43-12 E Length 54 17038810
North 911478 1373 East 4304517 5019
Llne Course N 43-43-23 E Length 13 16341431
North 911487 6504 East 4304526 6001
Llne course N 60-00-12 E Length 21 98788240
North 911498 6432 East 4304545 6428
L 1 ne Course N 49-51-18 E Length 21 31312148
North 911512 3843 East 4304561 9349
L 1 ne Course N 47-55-59 E Length 13 78590901
North 911521 6209 East 4304572 1691
Llne course N 33-19-21 E Length 32 55984577
North 911548 8276 East 4304590 0559
Ll ne Course N 55-52-47 E Length 29 51024161
North 911565 3808 East 4304614 4863
Llne course N 49-45-44 E Length 27 16299946
North 911582 9271 East 4304635 2217
Llne Course N 60-23-24 E Length 26 52703506
North 911596 0339 East 4304658 2845
Llne course N 51-59-28 E Length 31 82888586
North 911615 6336 East 4304683 3630
L 1 ne Course N 58-01-02 E Length 51 88577528
North 911643 1157 East 4304727 3729
L 1 ne course N 58-32-56 E Length 42 79597006
North 911665 4454 East 4304763 8815
L 1 ne course N 55-56-46 E Length 43 41472272
North 911689 7564 East 4304799 8511
Llne Course N 63-18-20 E Length 36 23472164
North 911706 0342 East 4304832 2237
Llne Course N 60-35-39 E Length 28 41670910
North 911719 9866 East 4304856 9793
Llne Course N 61-18-56 E Length 41 15703846
North 911739 7414 East 4304893 0854
Llne Course N 50-24-05 E Length 25 53767469
North 911756 0192 East 4304912 7630
Llne course N 53-51-57 E Length 34 05758839
North 911776 1022 East 4304940 2692
Llne Course N 69-14-40 E Length 19 68554333
North 911783 0784 East 4304958 6771
Llne course N 72-53-22 E Length 40 95608869
North 911795 1284 East 4304997 8205
Ll ne course N 66-04- 22 E Length 15 89443481
North 911801 5748 East 4305012 3490
Ll ne Course N 70-37-25 E Length 28 03620914
North 911810 8764 East 4305038 7972
Ll ne course N 67-22-23 E Length 37 36446679
North 911825 2516 East 4305073 2857
Ll ne Course N 69-24-19 E Length 63 42220899
North 911847 5607 East 4305132 6547
Llne Course N 76-51-50 E Length 29 76618663
North 911854 3256 East 4305161 6420
Llne Course N 51-28-17 E Length 65 02643354
North 911894 8309 East 4305212 5120 Date ReceIved
L 1 ne Course N 57-07-03 E Length 42 83181897
North 911918 0850 East 4305248 4815
Llne course N 70-36-01 E Length 27 36727907 APR 1 4 2008
North 911927 1753 East 4305274 2950
Llne Course N 64-31-19 E Length 30 46926591
North 911940 2821 East 4305301 8012 Onglnal SubmIttal ~
page 5
outbounds recalc - and gore
11 ne Course N 68-54-35 E Length 85 42416032
North 911971 0210 East 4305381 5031
L 1 ne course N 60-17-06 E Length 63 69137337
North 912002 5919 East 4305436 8192
l1ne course N 60-26-02 E Length 28 70494868
North 912016 7557 East 4305461 7864
l1ne course N 57-03-56 E Length 45 88224628
North 912041 7009 East 4305500 2951
Llne Course N 65-54-59 E Length 8 80688666
North 912045 2948 East 4305508 3353
L 1 ne course N 36-59-25 E Length 28 27178678
North 912067 8765 East 4305525 3459
L 1 ne Course N 44-24-56 E Length 28 11644741
North 912087 9596 East 4305545 0234
L 1 ne Course N 54-35-25 E Length 13 49942533
North 912095 7814 East 4305556 0258
Llne course N 51-42-30 E Length 38 55026519
North 912119 6697 East 4305586 2826
l1ne Course N 49-53-39 E Length 46 86231606
North 912149 8584 East 4305622 1255
L 1 ne Course N 60-58-00 E Length 15 24574257
North 912157 2575 East 4305635 4554
Llne Course N 38-23-31 E Length 25 00835945
North 912176 8585 East 4305650 9866
L 1 ne Course N 47-57-29 E Length 53 71609396
North 912212 8308 East 4305690 8791
L 1 ne Course N 39-08-09 E Length 14 61167076
North 912224 1644 East 4305700 1014
l1ne Course N 29-21-12 w Length 377 40035195
North 912553 1116 East 4305515 1020
Llne Course N 42-03-32 w Length 50 64002815
North 912590 7096 East 4305481 1786
11 ne course N 28-24-20 w Length 534 19037592
North 913060 5848 East 4305227 0591
L 1 ne course N 35-50-09 w Length 202 45818087
North 913224 7172 East 4305108 5270
l1ne course N 19-56-53 W Length 168 98015584
North 913383 5589 East 4305050 8764
Llne Course N 49-36-32 W Length 174 98199271
North 913496 9476 East 4304917 6033
l1ne Course N 71-14-51 W Length 82 61559925
North 913523 5069 East 4304839 3732
l1ne course 5 86-41-53 W Length 59 90945703
North 913520 0562 East 4304779 5632
11 ne course 5 78-12-24 W Length 50 72520719
North 913 509 6889 East 4304729 9088
l1ne course 5 74-43-23 W Length 94 52886619
North 913484 7820 East 4304638 7202
l1ne course 5 68-06-39 W Length 77 47008174
North 913455 9002 East 4304566 8352
Llne Course N 58-12-25 W Length 19 89113037
North 913466 3799 East 4304549 9286
Llne Course N 50-12-27 W Length 82 29553222
North 913 519 0498 East 4304486 6954
l1ne course N 46-04-03 W Length 113 60715342
North 913 597 8716 East 4304404 8804 Date Received
l1ne course N 37-32-39 W Length 94 06580736
North 913672 4549 East 4304347 5592
l1ne Course N 55-17-48 W Length 46 85799920 APR 1 4 2008
North 913699 1324 East 4304309 0367
L 1 ne Course 5 42-38-13 W Length 593 52219388
North 913262 5016 East 4303907 0142 Onglnal Submittal ~
l1ne Course N 33-50-47 W Length 177 03025875
page 6
Llne Course
Llne Course
Llne Course
Llne Course
Llne Course
Curve Length
course In
RP North
End North
Llne Course
Llne Course
Llne course
Llne course
Llne Course
Ll ne Course
Llne Course
Llne Course
Llne course
Llne course
Llne course
Curve Length
course In
RP North
End North
Llne Course
Llne Course
L 1 ne Course
Curve Length
course In
RP North
End North
Llne Course
913409 5312
5 42-38-13 w
913214 6572
5 24-52-35 E
912693 4016
N 88-16-40 W
912710 1160
5 75-24-41 W
912701 5960
N 88-16-40 W
912713 0643
18 03224732
18 03133708
5 01-43-20 W
912255 2712
912713 2513
N 24-56-24 W
912738 3419
N 24-56-24 W
912964 3157
N 88-13-23 W
912968 5736
N 01-41-36 E
913245 6779
N 88-16-40 W
913250 7953
5 01-46-43 W
912973 8658
5 01-54-03 W
912968 5733
5 01-54-03 W
912817 7518
5 01-56-33 W
912752 7678
N 88-13-23 W
912763 2671
5 24-50-56 E
912726 6194
399 91714535
396 02935843
5 18-08-31 W
911941 2063
912516 7350
N 76-08-23 E
912524 6206
5 40-39-26 E
912466 9651
5 22-17-10 W
912436 0498
220 35462485
219 70503321
5 53-03-54 W
911938 4975
912244 472 5
N 67-07-35 W
912244 4725
outbounds recalc - and gore
East 4303808 4140
Length 264 89659973
East 4303628 9861
Length 574 56531337
East 4303870 6839
Length 556 14937969
East 4303314 7858
Length 33 82613800
,East 4303282 0502
Length 381 59072380
East 4302900 6319
Radlus 457 99999985
Tangent 9 01741580
Course N 89-24-20 W
Course Out N 00-32-01 W
East 4302886 8672
East 4302882 6018
Length 27 67086899
East 4302870 9338
Length 249 21295540
East 4302765 8484
Length 137 31398164
East 4302628 6005
Length 277 22533952
East 4302636 7925
Length 170 27377910
East 4302466 5956
Length 277 06296563
East 4302457 9962
Length 5 29540318
East 4302457 8206
Length 150 90455719
East 4302452 8151
Length 65 02133335
East 4302450 6111
Length 338 59301650
East 4302112 1809
Length 40 38673386
East 4302129 1525
Radlus 826 50000000
Tangent 203 95463647
Course 5 57-59-46 E
course Out N 45-51-56 E
East 4301871 8034
East 4302464 9889
Length 32 91777068
East 4302496 9482
Length 76 00038291
East 4302546 4649
Length 33 41104175
East 4302533 7944
Radlus 828 00000001
Tangent 110 83227602
Course 5 29-18-40 E
Course out N 68-18-47 E
East 4301871 9593
East 4302641 3508
Length 0 00000002
East 4302641 3508
Date Received
APR 1 4 2008
Ongmal Submittal ~
Perlmeter 14007 35212649 Area 6,528,869 sq ft 149 882 acres
Mapcheck Closure - (uses llsted courses, radll, and deltas)
Page 7
Error closure
Error North
PreCl Slon 1
o 0019
-0 00185
outbounds recalc - and gore
course 5 17-41-27 W
East -0 00059
Date Received
APR 1 4 2008
Onglnal SUbmlttal-L2JC:.
Page 8
t-Wt)f2J9~O t\-l--l\
l-~ (- \7--
Parcel name LOT 10
North 937246 4601 East 4267498 9260 0
L~ne Course S 02-24-36 E Length 5 06766938 0
Non::h 937241 3969 East 4267499 1391 0
Curve Length 87 06497403 Raol.us 40 000000000
Delta 124-42-41 Tangent 76 36919882 0
Chord 70 86763413 Course S 12-35-48 ED
Course In S 15-02-52 w Course Out S 40-1d-27 EO
RP North 937202 7686 East 4267488 7541 0
End North 937172 2351 East 4267514 5942 0
Curve Length 23 48165976 Radlus 35 000000000
Delta 38-26-24 Tangent 12 20197310 0
Chord 23 04371073 Course S 30-32-21 WO
Course In S 40-14-27 E Course Out N 78-40-51 WO
RP North 937145 5184 East 4267537 2043 0
End North 937152 3880 East 4267502 8851 0
Lloe Course S 02-24-36 E Leng""Ch 192 37249140 0
North 936960 1856 East 4267510 9743 0
Lloe Course S 01-07-36 E Length 110 62047150 0
North 936849 5865 East 4267513 1494 0
Lloe Course S 88-16-40 E Length 425 57700822 0
North 936836 7963 East 4267938 5342 0
Lloe Course S 02-06-16 E Length 411 59761574 0
North 936425 4763 East 4267953 6486 0
Llne Course S 88-16-40 E Length 15 14346948 0
Nor-ch 936425 0212 East 4267968 7852 0
Lloe Course N 07-22-10 E Length 113 62718406 0
North 936537 7097 East 4267983 3598 0
Curve Length 239 69479282 Radlus 600 000000000
Delta 22-53-21 Tangent 121 46644954 0
Chord 238 10273706 Course N 04-04-31 WO
Course In N 82-37-50 W Course Out N 74-28-49 EO
RP North 936614 6698 East 4267388 3160 0
End North 936775 2118 East 4267966 4390 0
Curve Length 687 25734447 Radlus 727 000000000
Delta 54-09-49 Tangent 371 73474143 0
Chord 661 95308528 Course N 42-36-06 WO
Course In S 74-28-49 W Course DUL N 20-19-00 EO
RP North 936580 68S4 East 4267265 9466 0
End North 937262 4602 Eas-c 4267518 3671 0
Llne Course S 50-32-40 W Length 25 17667649 0
North 937246 4610 East 4267498 9278 0
Llne Course N 50-54-22 E Leng'Ch 0 00000000 0
North 937246 4610 East 4267498 9278 0
Perlmeter 2336 68211762
Area 130~940 sq ft 3 006 acresO
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses llsted courses, rad~l, and deltas)O
Error Closure 0 0019 Course N 64-20-20 ED
Error North 0 00084 East 0 00176 0
PreClSlon 1 1,229,832 293342110
Parcel name LOT 20
North 936396 5661 East 4268391 3393 0
Llne Coulse N 01-49-36 Ii Length 93 23996762 0 Date ReceIved
North 936489 7587 East 4268388 3672 0
Llne Course N 01-07-36 W Lengtn 28 16481048 0
North 936517 9181 Last 4268387 8134 0 APR 1 4 2008
Llne Course S 88-16-40 E Length 427 60433020 0
North 936505 0669 Eas:. 4268815 2245 0
Onglnal Submittal ~~
L1.ne Course S 88-16-40 E Length 15 14346948 0
North 936504 6118 East 4268830 3612 0
L1.ne Course S 07-22-10 W Length 235 11414467 0
North 936271 4397 East 4268800 2039 0
Llne Course S 46-16-21 W Lengt'1 59 33322270 0
Non:h 936230 4269 East 4268757 3276 0
Curve Length 109 14125589 Radlus 250 000000000
Delta 25-00-48 Tangent 55 45431446 0
Chord 108 27684587 Course N 65-07-26 wO
Course In N 12-22-10 E Course Out S 37-22-58 wO
RP NortP 936474 6235 East 4268810 8812 0
End North 936275 9742 East 4268659 0969 0
Llne Course N 56-22-10 W Length 84 04461826 0
North 936322 5211 East 4268589 1192 0
Curve Length 157 52836887 Ractlus 334 543716690
Delta 26-58-45 Tangent 80 25282758 0
Chord 156 07764767 Course N 69-29-18 WO
Course In S 34-00-05 W Course Out N 07-01-20 ED
RP North 936045 17 64 East 4268402 0380 0
End North 936377 2106 East 4268442 9374 0
Curve Length 31 75273388 Radlus 329 500000100
Delt.a 5-31-17 Tangent 15 88870615 0
Chord 31 74053169 Course N 82-19-59 WD
Course In S 10-25-39 W Course Out N 04-54-22 ED
RP North 936053 1524 East 4268383 3008 0
End North 936381 '452 East 4268411 4807 0
Llne Course N 53-07-05 W Length 25 17975170 0
North 936396 5572 East 4268391 3401 0
Llne Course N 01-49-36 W Length 0 00931334 0
North 936396 5666 East 4268391 3398 0
Perlmeter 1266 25690646 Area 84,936 sq ft 1 950 acre sO
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses l1.sted
Error Closure 0 0007
Error North 0 00045
Prec1.S1.on 1 1,808,937 124414290
courses, rad1.l, and deltas)O
Course N 46-53-38 EO
East 0 00048
Parcel name LOT 40
North 935445 7854 East 4268336 2191 0
Curve Lengtn 358 00015205 Radlus 476 000000000
Delta 43-05-32 Tangent 187 94453358 0
Chord 349 62268560 Course N 72-11-00 ED
Course In N 03-43-46 E Course Out S 39-21-46 ED
RP North 935920 7773 East '268367 1806 0
End North 935552 7600 East 4268669 0733 0
Llne Course S 33-43-23 E Length 252 34850038 0
North 935342 8739 East 4268809 1720 0
Llne Course S 88-10-40 E Length 560 62367245 0
North 935325 0470 East 4269369 5121 0
Llne Course S 07-11-26 W Length 25 93419541 0
North 935299 3168 East 4269366 2659 0
Llne Course S 00-10-09 E Length 94 73362731 0
North 935204 5835 East 4269366 5456 0
Llne Course S 01-09-27 W Length 89 45216995 0
North 935115 1496 East 4269364 7386 0
Llne Course S 00-00-21 W Lengt:.h 50 08216714 0
North 935065 0675 East 4269364 7335 0 Date Received
Llne Course N 88-10-40 W Length 129 06932193 0
North 935069 1717 East 4269235 7295 0
Llne Course N 88-10-40 W Length 940 75385973 0 APR \ 4 2008
North 935099 0861 East 4268295 4514 0
Llne Course N 03-29-25 E Length 26 35259472 0 OnglOal SUbmlttal~
North 935125 3899 East 4268297 0557 0
Llne Course N 06-41-41 W Length 20 70755976 0
North 935145 9562 East 4268294 6416 0
Llne Course N 37-29-22 W Length 3 97897379 0
North 935149 1134 East 4268292 2200 0
Curve Length 93 38727647 RadlUS 1396 947457110
Delta 3-49-49 Tangent 46 71030151 0
Choro 93 36842185 Course N 05-43-53 WO
Course In N 82-21-12 E Course Out S 86-11-01 WO
RP North 935334 9964 East 4269676 7450 0
End North 935242 0165 East 4268282 8954 0
Curve Lengtn 131 23022512 Radlus 1320 582239640
Delta 6-33-41 Tangent 75 69758950 0
Chord 151 14706765 Course N 01-19-18 ED
Course I~ N 88-02-27 E Course Out N 85-23-52 wo
RP North 935287 1636 East 4269602 7056 0
End North 935393 1239 East 4268286 3813 0
Llne Course N 11-02-22 E Length 20 84667445 0
North 935413 5848 East 4268290 3731 0
Llne Course N 57-12-51 E Length 54 29944605 0
North 935442 9880 East 4268336 0227 0
Llne Course N 03-59-20 E Length 2 80571012 0
North 935445 7869 East 4268336 2178 0
Llne Course S 03-40-21 W Length 0 00043067 0
North 935445 7865 East 4268336 2178 0
Perlmeter 2874 60539580 Area 339,544 sq ft 7 795 acre sO
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses Ilsted
Error Closure 0 0017
Error Nortn 0 00113
PreClSlon 1 1,690,945 033823530
Parcel name LOT 50
courses, radll, ano deltas)O
Course N 49-37-30 WO
East -0 00133
North 935274 8088 East 4271204 8775 0
Curve Length 156 84916195 RadlUS 306 000000000
Delta 29-22-07 Tangent 80 18794351 0
Chord 155 13757457 Course N 61-20-34 wO
Course In N 13-58-22 E Course Om:. S 43-20-29 wO
RP North 935571 7544 East 4271278 7645 0
End North 935349 2076 East 4271068 7433 0
Lloe Course N 46-39-31 W Length 43 67451878 0
North 935379 1834 East 4271036 9798 0
Curve Length 78 45782561 Radlus 209 951844820
Delta 21-24-40 Tangent 39 69205531 0
Chord 78 00240274 Course N 62-00-48 WO
Course In S 38-41-32 W Course Out N 17-16-52 ED
RP North 935215 3128 East 4270905 7312 0
End North 935415 7871 East 4270968 0995 0
Llne Course S 55-59-52 W Length 73 81204339 0
North 935374 5096 East 4270906 9082 0
LlDe Course S 07-22-10 W Length 349 59274572 0
North 935027 8046 East 4270862 0671 0
Llne Course S 09-36-24 W Length 461 06599318 0
North 934573 2043 East 4270785 1228 0
Llne Course S 40-54-42 E Length 71 67568040 0
North 934519 0375 East 4270832 0628 0
Llne Course S 03-42-08 W Lengt.h 2 44401690 0
North 934516 5986 East 4270831 9050 0 Date Received
Curve Length 563 42576378 Radlus 381 000000000
Delta 84-43-46 Tangent 347 47040854 0
Cnord 513 47149011 Course N 51-20-15 ED APR 1 4 2008
Course In N 03-42-08 E Course Out S 81-01-38 ED
RP North 934896 8035 East 4270856 5065 0
End North 934837 3808 East 4271232 8441 0 Onglnal SUbmlttal~
Llne Course N 08-58-22 E Lengt.h 406 28429266 0
North 935238 6932 East 4271296 2103 0
Llne Course N 33-36-03 w Length 19 26004642 0
North 935254 7351 East 4271285 5517 0
Llne Course N 76-01-38 w Length 83 13422960 0
North 935274 8088 East 4271204 877 4 0
Perlmeter 2309 67599025
Area 305,800 sq ft 7 020 acresO
Mapchecy Closure - (Uses
Error Closure 0 0002
Error North -0 00003
PreClSlon 1 11,548,381
llsted courses, radll, and deltas)D
Course S 79~33-34 WD
East -0 00016 0
Parcel name LOT 60
North 937749 3883 East 4271225 3735 0
Curve Length 284 04941718 Radlus 739 000000000
Delta 22-01-22 Tangent 143 79897804 0
Chord 282 30309531 Course S 11-09-37 wO
Course In S 67-49-42 E Course Out N 89-51-04 WO
RP North 937470 5023 East 4271909 7292 0
End North 937472 4227 East 4271170 7323 0
LJ.ne Course S 00-08-56 W Length 101 77904875 0
North 937370 6440 East 4271170 4678 0
Curve Length 33 07548255 Radlus 571 000000010
Delta 3-19-08 Tangent 16 54254595 0
Chord 33 07121598 Course S 01-48-30 WO
Course In N 89-51-04 W Course Out S 86-31-56 ED
RP North 937372 1278 East 4270599 4698 0
End North 937337 5896 East 4271169 4243 0
Llne Course S 53-24-07 W Length 22 48152381 0
North 937324 1862 East 4271151 3752 0
Llne Course N 76-01-38 W Length 35 68010839 0
North 937332 8015 East 4271116 7509 0
Curve Length 48 86849182 Radlus 245 999999930
Delta 11-22-55 Tangent 24 51459105 0
Chord 48 78753380 Course N 70-20-10 WO
Course In N 13-58-22 E Course Out S 25-21-17 WO
RP North 937571 5225 East 4271176 1503 0
End North 937349 2187 East 4271070 8079 0
Curve Length 75 45067081 RadJ.us 246 582659870
Delta 17-31-54 Tangent 38 02242941 0
Chord 75 15661326 Course N 55-52-08 WO
Course In N 25-21-55 E Course Out S 42-53-49 WO
RP North 937572 0296 East 4271176 4408 [1
End North 937391 3883 East 4271008 5965 0
Curve Length 82 03790759 RadJ.us 468 053359730
Oel-ca 10-02-33 Tangent 41 12359358 0
Chord 81 93155817 Course N 46-56-20 WO
Course In S 48-04-56 W Course Out N 38-02-23 ED
RP North 937078 6989 East 4270660 3160 0
End North 937447 3301 East 4270948 7340 0
Curve Length 102 12446990 RadlUS 358 999999950
Del ta 16-17-56 Tangent 51 40966949 0
Chord 101 78102674 Course N 64-13-34 wO
Course In S 33-55-24 W Course Out N 17-37-28 ED Date Received
RP North 937149 4373 East 4270748 3822 0
End North 937491 5864 East 4270857 0790 0
Llne Course N 46-36-12 W Lengtn 103 72470316 0 APR 1 4 2008
North 937562 8500 East 4270781 7111 0
Llne Course N 07-22-13 E Length 320 40448975 [1 Original SUbmlttaLk-
North 937880 6072 East 4270822 8130 0
Curve Length 187 70992834 Radlus 727 999999990
Delta 14-46-24 Tangent 94 37828413 0
Chord 187 19010246 Course N 00-00-59 WO
Course In N 82-37-47 W Course Out N 82-35-49 ED
RP North 937973 9959 East 4270100 8278 0
End North 938067 7976 East 4270822 7594 D
Llne Course S 58-12-24 E Length 500 03839179 D
North 937804 3489 East 4271247 7690 D
Llne Course S 22-10-18 W Length 59 34904306 0
North 937749 3883 East 4271225 371 7 0
Perlmeter 1956 77121936 Area 208,799 sq ft 4 793 acre sO
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses Ilsted courses, radll, and deltas)D
Error Closure 0 0018 Course N 89-47-26 wO
Error Nor~h 0 00001 East -0 00175 0
PreClSlon 1 1,087,096 487166670
Parcel name LOT 70
North 938931 0756 East 4270175 8282 0
Llne Course N 01-42-55 E Length 26 86702371 0
North 938957 9306 East 4270176 6324 0
Llne Course N 88-16-40 W Length 251 18288724 0
North 938965 4797 East 4269925 5630 0
Llne Course N 24-56-24 W Length 293 17392493 0
North 939231 3151 East 4269801 9407 0
Llne Course N 88-16-40 W Length 19 95517986 0
North 939231 9148 East 4269781 9945 0
Curve Length 50 04442679 Radlus 381 999999870
Delta 7-30-22 Tangent 25 05817225 0
Chord 50 00886575 Course S 87-58-09 wO
Course In S 01-43-20 W Course Out N 05-47-02 wO
RP North 938850 0874 East 4269770 5139 0
End North 939230 1'126 East 4269732 0173 0
Curve Length 231 29296203 Radlus 382 000000000
Delta 34-41-29 Tangent 119 31428874 0
Chord 227 77650321 Course S 66-52-14 wO
Course In S 05-47-02 E Course Out N 40-28-31 wO
RP North 938850 0874 East 4269770 5139 0
End Nor"Ch 939140 6695 East 4269522 5501 0
Llne Course S 49-31-29 W Length 121 53269678 0
North 939061 7802 East 4269430 1019 0
Llne Course S 22-17-10 W Length 33 41104174 D
North 939030 86' 9 East 4269417 4313 0
Curve Length 220 35462485 Radlus 828 000000000
Delta 15-14-53 Tangen"C 110 83227602 [l
Chord 219 70503321 Course S 29-18-40 ED
Course In S 53-03-54 W Course Out N 68-18-47 ED
RP North 938533 3125 East 4268755 5963 0
End North 938839 2876 East 4269524 9878 D
Llne Course S 70-05-18 E Length 619 71286443 0
North 938628 2313 East 4270107 6535 0
Llne Course N 22-10-18 E Length 22 70848291 0
Nortn 938649 2607 East 4270116 2232 0
Curve Lengtb 289 58427151 Radlus 811 001122250
Delta 20-27-31 Tangent 146 35045082 0
Chord 288 04839035 Course N 11-56-32 ED
Course In N 67-49-42 W Course Out S 88-17-13 ED
RP North 938955 3186 Eas::. 4269365 1897 0
End Nortn 938931 0746 East 4270175 8284 0
Llne Course N 88-50-52 W Length 0 00000648 0
North 938931 0746 East 4270175 8284 0
Perlmeter 2179 82124546
Area 249,340sq ft 5 724 acresO
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses
Error Closure 0 0011
Error North -0 00109
PreClSlon 1 1,981,654
llsted courses, radll, and deltas}O
Course S 07-58-04 ED
East 0 00015 0
Date ReceIVed'
APR 1 4 2008
Orlgmal Submittal a~
Parcel name LOT 8 MAINO
North 936017 5651 East 4272889 7874 0
Curve Length 102 04881959 Radl.us 312 000000000
Delta 18-44-25 Tangent 51 48430113 0
Chord 101 59470312 Course N 34-14-48 WO
Course In N 46-23-00 E Course Out S 65-07-25 WO
RP North 936232 7921 East 4273115 6664 0
End North 936101 5456 East 4272832 6145 0
Lloe Course N 24-52-35 W Length 324 68043364 0
Nortn 936396 1014 East 4272696 0338 0
LlTIe Course N 88-16-40 W Length 477 40922631 0
North 936410 4494 East 4272218 8402 0
Lloe Course S 46-43-03 W Length 14 14096405 0
North 936400 7544 East 4272208 5459 0
Llne Course S 01-42-46 W Length 278 85128802 0
North 936122 0277 East 4272200 2112 0
Curve Length 323 50992502 Radlus 906 000000050
Delta 20-27-32 Tangent 163 49533330 0
Chord 321 79300952 Course S 11-56-3: WO
Course In N 88-17-14 W Course Out S 67-49-42 EO
RP North 936149 1073 East 4271294 6160 0
End North 935807 1984 East 4272133 6240 0
L1.08 Course S 22-10-18 W Length 354 03133365 0
North 935479 3451 East 4272000 0186 0
Curve Length 247 53426882 Radlus 643 999999980
Delta 22-01-22 Tangent 125 31380632 0
Chord 246 01336437 Course S 11-09-37 WO
Course In S 67-49-42 E Course Out N 89-51-04 WO
RP North 935236 3105 East 4272596 3995 0
End North 935237 9840 East 4271952 4017 0
LlTIe Course S 00-08-56 W Length 101 77904873 0
North 935136 2053 East 4271952 1372 0
Curve Length 102 56793870 Radlus 666 000000130
Delta 8-49-26 Tangent 51 38616518 0
Chord 102 46778192 Course S 04-33-39 WO
Course In N 89-51-04 W Course Out S 81-01-38 ED
RP North 935137 9359 East 4271286 1394 0
End Nortn 935034 0631 East 4271943 9893 0
Llne Course S 08-58-22 W Length 477 57403560 0
North 934562 3334 East 4271869 5044 0
Curve Length 346 13850661 Radlus 476 00000000[1
Delta. 41-39-52 Tangent 181 12102242 0
Chord 338 56095889 Course S 29-48-18 WO
Course In N 81-01-38 W Course Out S 39-21-46 EO
RP North 934636 5728 Eas:. 4271399 3294 0
End North 934268 5554 East 4271701 2221 0
Llne Course S 33-43-23 E Length 252 34850038 0
Nor-c.h 934058 6694 Eas"t. ~2718 41 3207 [j
Llne Course S 88-10-40 E Length 560 62367245 0
North 934040 8425 East 4272401 6609 0
Llne Course N 07-11-26 E Lengtn 10 86486782 0
North 934051 6219 East 4272403 0209 0
Llne Course N 10-48-31 E Length 54 03572882 0 Date Received
North 934104 6990 East 4272413 1541 0
Llne Course N 16-05-02 E Length 32 16939346 0
No~th 934135 6092 East 4272422 0665 0 APR 1 4 2008
Llne Course N 21-16-03 E Length 53 33445557 0 rRf
North 934185 3114 East 4272441 4121 0
Llne COurse N 24-05-56 E Length 61 74171307 0 Onglnal Submittal
North 934241 6718 East 4272466 6220 0
Llne Course N 28-00-30 E Length 60 81311001 0
North 934295 3625 East 4272495 1799 0
Llne Course N 32-20-48 E Length 65 64011928 0
North 934350 8170 East 4272530 3000 0
Llne Course N 22-40-11 E Length 42 22643203 0
Nortn 934389 7810 East 4272546 5748 0
Llne Course N 33-03-59 E Length 37 70799856 0
North 934421 3818 East 4272567 1487 0
Llne COl.rse N 29-32-58 E Lengtto 70 51250651 0
North 934482 7228 East 4272601 9237 0
Llne Course N 29-04-33 E Length 47 39087674 iJ
Nortn 934524 1413 East 4272624 9541 0
Llne Course N 35-38-32 E Length 25 29417218 0
North 934544 6972 East 4272639 6935 0
Llne Course N 33-42-45 E Length 99 16937181 0
North 934627 1896 East 4272694 7351 0
Llne Course N 34-18-37 E Length 49 02932297 0
North 934667 6876 East 4272722 3717 0
Llne Course N 31-44-11 E Length 71 98166399 0
North 934728 9064 East 4272760 2349 0
Llne Course N 39-26-45 E Length 46 88128743 0
North 934765 1093 East: 4272790 0208 0
Llne Course N 44-01-'3 E Length 49 92557360 0
North 934801 0055 East: 4272824 7200 0
Llne Course N 27-25-23 E Length 26 13673097 0
North 934824 2052 East 4272836 7574 0
Llne Course N 41-02-02 E Length 46 77375462 0
Nortto 934859 4877 East 4272867 4647 0
Llne Course N 45-01-30 E Length 27 34681549 0
North 934878 8163 East 4272886 8102 0
Llne Course N 51-00-1S E Length 22 91577186 0
North 934893 2361 East 4272904 6204 0
Llne Course N 50-49-53 E Length 25 74487517 0
North 934909 4967 East 4272924 5801 0
Llne Course N 29-04-33 E Length ?C 27510847 0
North 934931 5866 East 4272936 8630 0
Llne Course N 25-49-44 E Length 17 92432613 0
North 934947 7203 East 4272944 6724 0
Llne Course N 38-02-36 E Length 21 42631660 0
North 934964 5945 East 4272957 8765 0
Llne Course N 46-46-53 E Length 88 62650394 0
North 935025 2845 East 4273022 4627 0
Llne Course N 55-11-56 E Length 43 00526861 0
North 935049 8288 East 4273057 7760 0
Llne Course N 52-40-55 E Length 52 12591221 0
North 93508.l 4296 East 4273099 2308 0
Llne Course N 45-13-47 E Length 49 43031085 0
North 935116 2417 East 4273134 3232 0
Llne Course N 46-00-58 E Length 62 73435667 0
North 935159 8079 East 4273179 4627 iJ
L~ne Course N 52-52-57 E Length 41 03093365 0
Nort:h 935184 5681 East 4273212 1808 0
Llne Course N 56-45-48 E Length 6? 48310019 0
North 935218 8150 East 4273264 4425 0
Llne Course N 52-47-13 E Length 27 51490926 0
North 935235 4555 East 4273286 3552 0
L.Lne Course N 54-43-12 E Length 54 17038812 0
North 935266 7428 East 4273330 5766 0
Llne Course N 43-43-23 E Length 13 16341431 0
North 935276 2559 East 4273339 6748 0
Llne Course N 60-00-12 E Length 21 98788240 0
North 935287 2487 East 4273358 7175 0
Llne Course N 49-51-18 E Lengtn 21 31312149 0
Nortb 935300 9898 East 4273375 0096 0
Llne Course N 47-55-59 E Length 13 78590900 0 Date Received
North 935310 2264 East '273385 2437 iJ
Llne Course N 33-19-21 E Length 25 80552093 0
North 935331 7892 East 4273399 4200 0 APR 1 4 2008
Llne Course N 45-01-30 E Length 13 75841546 0
North 935341 5137 East 4273409 1529 0
Llne Course N 55-52-47 E Lengtn 22 23559589 0 Onglnal Submittal ti'rX:'
NorI-h 935353 9863 East 4273427 5609 iJ
Llne Course N 49-45-44 E Length 27 16299946 0
North 935371 5326 East 4273'48 2963 0
Llne Course N 60-23-24 E Length 26 52703506 0
Noeth 935384 6394 East 4273471 3592 0
Llne Course N 51-59-28 E Length 31 82888586 0
North 935404 2391 East 4273496 4376 0
Llne Course N 58-01-02 E Length 51 88577527 0
North 935431 7211 East 4273540 4475 0
Llne Course N 58-32-56 E Length 42 79597006 0
North 935454 0508 East 4273576 9562 0
Llne Course N 55-56-46 E Length 1 38948797 0
North 935454 8289 East 4273578 1074 0
Llne Course N 22-42-29 W Length 430 92544204 0
North 935852 3507 East 4273411 7547 0
Curve Length 122 52080449 Radlus 634 999999990
Delta 11-03-18 Tangent 61 45135331 0
Chord 122 33121550 Course S 61-45-52 WO
Course In N 33-45-47 W Course Out S 22-42-29 ED
RP North 936380 2535 East 4273058 8474 0
End North 935794 4762 East 4273303 9800 0
Llne Course S 67-17-31 W Length 268 21790919 0
North 935690 9345 East 4273056 5534 0
Llne Course N 24-52-35 W Length 282 30091811 0
North 935947 0429 East 4272937 8001 0
Curve Length 85 69484209 Radlus 262 000000000
Delta 18-44-25 Tangent 43 23350090 0
Chord 85 31328757 Course N 34-14-48 wO
Course In S 65-07-25 W Course Out N 46-23-00 EO
RP North 935836 8294 East 4272700 1091 0
End North 936017 5649 East. 4272889 7896 0
Llne Course N 71-44-20 W Length 0 00039406 0
North 936017 5650 East 4272889 7892 0
Perlmeter 7039 92157964 Area 2,243,824 sq ft 51 511 acresO
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses Ilsted
Error Closure 0 0019
Error North -0 00009
PreClSlon 1 3,705,222 242826320
Parcel name LOT 8 NED
courses, radll, and deltas)O
Course S 87-10-57 ED
East 0 00187
North 936080 0647 East 4273529 2342 0
Llne Course S 67-17-31 W Length 204 11138988 0
North 936001 2704 East 4273340 9448 0
Llne Course N 67-42-29 W Length 23 46471894 0
North 936010 1712 East 4273319 2337 0
Llne Course N 24-52-35 W Length 217 55428599 0
North 936207 5403 East 4273227 7169 0
Curve Length 92 85814846 Radlus 312 000000000
Delta 17-03-09 Tangent 46 77431757 0
Chord 92 51476292 Course N 33-24-09 WO
Course In S 65-07-25 W Course Out N 48-04-16 ED
RP North 936076 2937 East 4272944 6651 0
End North 936284 7745 Easi: 4273176 7852 0 Date Received
Llne Course N 67-17-31 E Length 367 86535598 0
North 936426 7837 East 4273516 1350 0
Llne Course S 22-42-29 E Length 312 08624833 0 APR 1 4 2008
North 936138 8892 East 4273636 6115 0 Original SUbmlttal_~-
Curve Length 122 66108533 Radlus 584 999999990
Delta 12-00-49 Tangent 61 55525575 0
Chord 122 43459112 Course S 61-17-07 WO
Course In N 34-43-18 W Course Out S 22-42-29 ED
RP North 936619 7175 East 4273303 4011 0
End Nor'th 936080 0644 East 4273529 2320 0
Perlmeter 1340 59824538
Area 112,822 sa ft 2 590 acresD
Mapchech Closure - (Uses llsted
Error Closure 0 0022
Error North -0 00027
PreC1Slon 1 609,364 196777270
courses, raOll, and de1tas)O
Course S 82-57-26 wD
East -0 00222 0
Parcel name LOT 8 WESTO
North 937908 9008 East 4272228 6061 0
Lloe Course S 70-05-18 E Lengtlo 619 71286446 0
Nortn 937697 8446 East 4272811 2718 0
Lloe Course S 22-10-18 w Length 271 97736317 0
North 937445 9780 East 4272708 6322 0
Llne Course N 58-12-24 W Length 500 03839179 0
North 9j7709 4267 Eas..: 4272283 6226 0
Curve Length 179 02396765 Radlus 728 000000000
Delta 14-05-23 Tangent 89 96624097 0
Chord 178 57405578 Course N 14-26-53 wD
Course In S 82-35-49 W Course Out N 68-30-26 ED
RP North 937615 6250 East 4271561 6910 0
End North 937882 3525 East 4272239 0686 0
L1De Course N 21-30-30 W Leng-ch 28 53536649 0
North 937908 9008 East 4272228 6065 0
Lloe Course N 70-12-04 W Length 0 00000002 0
North 937908 9008 East 4272228 6065 0
Perlmeter 1599 28879339 Frea 118,383 sq ft 2 718 acresD
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses
Error Closure 0 0004
Error NOrth -0 00008
PreC1Slon 1 3,998,219
llsted courses, radll, and de1tas)O
Course S 76-54-57 ED
East 0 00035 0
Parcel name LOT 90
North 936476 5252 East 4274603 6606 0
Llne Course N 24-52-35 W Length 34 53824185 0
North 936507 8589 East 4274589 1317 0
Llne Course N 24-52-35 w Length 574 56531337 0
North 937029 1146 East. 4274347 4339 0
Llne Course N 42-38-13 E Leng-ch 264 89659973 0
Nor':h 937223 9885 East 427L1526 8618 0
Llne Course S 33-50-47 E Length 177 03025875 0
North 937076 9589 East 4274625 4620 0
Llne Course N 42-38-13 E Length 593 52219388 OJ
North 937513 5897 East 4275027 4845 0
Llne Course S 55-17-48 E Length 46 85799920 0
North 937486 9122 Eas-c 4275066 0070 0
Llne Course S 37-32-39 E Lengtn 94 06580736 0
North 937412 3289 East 4275123 3281 0
Llne C:ourse S 46-04-03 E Length 113 60715342 0
North 937333 5071 East l275205 1432 0 Date Received
Llne Course S 50-12-27 E Length 82 29553222 0
North 937280 8372 East 4275268 3764 0
Llne Course S 58-12-25 E Length 19 89113037 0 APR 1 4 2008
North 937270 3575 Sas..: 4275285 2830 0
Llne Course N 68-06-39 E Length 77 47008174 0
Nortb 937299 2393 East 4275357 1680 0 Original Submittal ~
Llne Course N 74-43-23 E Length 94 52886619 0
Norl:.h 937324 1462 East: 4275448 3566 0
Llne Course N 78-12-24 E Leng-ch 50 72520719 0
North 937334 5136 East 4275498 0110 0
Llne Course N 86-41-53 E Length 59 90945703 0
North 937337 9642 East 4275557 8210 0
L~De Course S 71-14-51 E Length 82 61559925 0
North 937311 4049 East 4275636 0511 0
L~ne Course S 49-36-32 E Length 174 98199271 0
North 937198 0163 East 4275769 3241 0
L~ne Course S 19-56-53 E Length 168 98015584 0
North 937039 1745 East 4275826 9748 0
L~ne Course S 35-50-09 E Length 202 45818087 0
North 936875 0421 East 4275945 5069 0
L~ne Course S 28-24-20 E Length 534 19037592 0
North 936405 1670 East 4276199 6264 0
L~ne Course S 42-03-32 E Length 50 64002815 0
North 936367 5689 East 4276233 5498 0
L~ne Course S 29-21-12 E Length 377 40035195 0
North 936038 6217 East 4276418 5492 0
L~ne Course S 39-08-09 w Length 14 61167076 0
North 936027 2882 East 4276409 3269 0
L~ne Course S 47-57-29 w Length 46 22427518 0
North 935996 3330 East 4276374 9982 0
L~ne Course S 43-52-21 W Length 13 03582149 0
North 935986 9356 East 4276365 9636 0
L~ne Course S 38-23-31 W Length 19 41976938 0
North 935971 7148 East 4276353 9032 0
L~ne Course S 60-58-00 W Length 15 24574258 0
North 935964 3158 East 4276340 5733 0
L~ne Course S 49-53-39 W Length 46 86231605 0
North 935934 1270 East 4276304 7304 0
Llne Course S 51-42-30 W Length 38 55026520 0
North 935910 2387 East 4276274 4736 0
L~ne Course S 54-35-25 W Length 13 49942533 0
North 935902 4169 East 4276263 4712 0
L~ne Course S 44-24-56 W Length 28 11644741 0
North 935882 3338 East 4276243 7937 0
L~ne Course S 36-59-25 W Length 28 27178678 0
North 935859 7521 East 4276226 7831 0
Llne Course S 65-54-59 W Length 8 80688666 0
Nortn 935856 1583 East 4276218 7429 0
L1De Course S 57-03-56 W Length 45 88224627 0
North 935831 2130 East 4276180 2342 0
L~ne Course S 60-26-02 W Length 28 70494880 0
North 935817 0492 East 4276155 2670 0
L~ne Course S 60-17-06 W Length 63 69137326 0
North 935785 4783 East 4276099 9509 0
L1De Course S 68-54-35 W Length 85 42416032 0
North 935754 7394 East 4276020 2489 0
Llne Course S 64-31-19 W Length 30 46926591 0
North 935741 6326 East 4275992 7428 0
L1De Course S 70-36-01 W Length 27 36727906 0
North 935732 5424 East 4275966 9293 0
Llne Course S 57-07-03 W Length 42 83181897 0
Nortr- 935709 2882 East 4275930 9598 0
L~ne Course S 51-28-17 W Length 65 02643354 0
North 935668 7829 East 4275880 0898 0
Llne Course S 76-51-50 W Length 29 76618663 0
North 935662 0181 East 4275851 1025 0
Llne Course S 69-24-19 W Length 63 42220899 0
North 935639 7090 East 4275791 7335 0
Llne Course S 67-22-23 W Length 37 36446680 0 Date ReceIVed:
North 935625 3337 East 4275757 2450 0
Llne Course S 70-37-25 W Length 28 03620914 0
North 935616 0321 East 4275730 7967 0 APR 1 , 2008
Llne Course S 66-04-22 W Length 15 89443481 0
North 935609 5857 East 4275716 2683 0 Onglnal SUbmlttal~
L~ne Course S 72-53-22 W Length 40 95608868 0
North 935597 5358 East 4275677 1249 0
L~ne Course S 69-14-40 W Length 19 68554333 0
North 935590 5596 East 4275658 7170 0
Llne Course S 53-51-57 W Length 34 05758839 0
North 935570 4765 East 4275631 2108 0
L1De Course S 50-24-05 W Length 25 53767469 0
935554 1987
S 61-18-56 W
935534 4439
S 60-35-39 W
935520 4915
S 63-18-20 W
935504 2137
S 55-56-46 W
935480 6807
N 22-42-29 W
935878 2025
N 22-42-29 W
935925 2757
N 22-42-29 W
936213 1702
N 67-17-31 E
936217 1476
N 68-03-45 E
936224 7509
N 25-57-14 W
936381 8297
N 33-09-02 E
936438 5609
N 22-25-42 W
936532 6519
N 67-17-51 E
936606 3180
N 24-52-35 W
936742 6159
S 67-18-25 W
936476 5275
Perlmeter 7179 53482538
East 4275611
41 15703848
East 4275575
28 41670907
East 4275550
36 23472165
East 4275518
42 02523476
East 4275483
430 92544204
East 4275317
51 02875510
East 4275297
312 08624833
East 4275176
10 30308971
East 4275186
20 35172654
East 4275205
174 69764149
East 4275128
67 76006739
East 4275165
101 79074072
East 4275127
190 87137132
East 4275303
150 23734321
East 4275239
689 71583416
East 4274603
o ~
Area 1,970,433 sq it 45 235 acre sO
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses llsted courses, radl~, and deltas)D
Error Closure 0 0027 Course N 27-37-14 WD
Error North 0 00236 East -0 00124 0
PreCls~on 1 2,659,086 972359260
Parcel name LOT 100
Perlmeter 900 63709481
Mapchecy Closure - (Uses
Error Closure 0 0004
Error North -0 00030
PreCls~on 1 2,251,592
North 938785 2489 East 4270964 4528 0
Llne Course S 90-00-00 E Length 170 77960738 0
North 938785 2489 East 4271135 2324 0
L..Lne Course N 01-41-36 E Length 277 22533952 0
Nortn 939062 3532 East 4271143 4244 0
Llne Course N 88-16-40 W Length 170 27377910 0
Nortn 939067 4706 East 4270973 2275 0
Llne Course S 01-46-43 W Length 277 06296534 0
North 938790 5411 East 4270964 6282 0
L~ne Course 8 01-54-03 W Lengtn 5 29540348 0
Nortn 938785 2486 East 4270964 4525 0
Date Received
APR 1 4 2008
Ongmal Submittal OJ'
Area 47,699 sq it 1 095 acresD
Ilsted courses, rad~l, and deltas)O
Course S 44-03-55 wO
East -0 00029 0
Parcel name LOT 110
North 939239 2023
"271550 8339
Llne Course
Llne Course
Llne Course
Llne Course
Llne Course
Llne Course
LlPe Course
Curve Length
Course In
RP North
End North
Llne Course
Llne Course
Curve Length
Course In
RP North
End North
Llne Course
N 24-50-56 W
939275 8500
S 88-13-23 E
939265 3503
N 01-56-33 E
939330 3342
N 01-54-03 E
939481 1558
S 90-00-00 E
939481 1558
S 88-13-23 E
939476 8979
S 24-56-24 E
939225 8335
319 27802517
312 85265977
S 00-32-01 E
938767 8534
939116 2476
S 49-31-29 W
939037 2017
S 76-08-23 W
939029 3161
399 91714535
396 02935843
S 45-51-56 W
938453 7875
939239 2005
N 83-15-45 W
939239 2005
Perlmeter 2053 78533248
Length 40 38671872 0
East 4271533 8623
Length 338 60565401 D
East 4271872 3052
Length 65 02133335 0
East 4271874 5092
Length 150 90455719 0
East 4271879 5146
Length 170 77960738 0
East 4272050 2942
Length 137 31398164 0
East 4272187 5422
Length 276 88382439 0
East 4272304 2955
RadlUS 458 000000000
Tangent 166 43463739
Course S 69-29-44 wD
Course Out N 40-28-31 WO
East 4272308 5609
East 4272011 2640
Leng~h 121 77394718 0
East 4271918 6323
Length 32 91777068 0
East 4271886 6730
Radlus 826 500000000
Tangent 203 95463647
Course N 57-5g-46 WO
Course Out N 18-08-31 EO
East 4271293 4875
East 4271550 8366
Length 0 00010904 0
East 4271550 8365
Area 163,306 sq ft 3 749 acresD
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses llsted
Error Closure 0 0031
Error North -0 00173
PreClSlon 1 662,510 540032260
courses, radll, and deltas)D
Course S 55-44-16 ED
East:. 0 00255 0
Parcel name LOT 120
North 938377 6299 East 4272057 5099 0
Llne Course N 88-16-40 W Length 251 18288724 0
North 938385 1789 East 4271806 4405 0
Llne Course N 24-56-24 W Length 293 17392'93 0
Nort:n 938651 0143 East 4271682 8182 0
LlDe Cou:rse S 88-16-40 E Length 372 69569311 D
North 938639 8134 East 4272055 3455 0 Date Received
Llne Course S 43-16-57 E Length 14 14119837 D
North 938629 5188 East 4272065 0407 0
Llne Course S 01-42-46 W Length 252 00149464 0 APR 1 4 2008
North 938377 6299 East 4272057 5086 D
Llne Course S 88-16-40 E Length 0 00115976 0
North 938377 6299 East 4272057 5097 0 Onglnal Submittal d
Perlmeter 1183 19635805
Maocheck Closure - (Uses
Error Closure 0 0002
Error North -0 00000
PreclSlon 1 5,915,981
Area 82,988 sq ft 1 905 a ere sO
Ilsted cOurses, radll, aDd deltaslD
Course S 89-11-11 wO
East -0 00023 0
225 FIfth Street
Spnngfield, Oregon 97477
541-726-3759 Phone
City of Spnngfield OffiCial ReceIpt
)evelopment Services Department
Pubhc Works Department
Date. 04/14/2008
2 57 27PM
PaId By
Item Total
L:heck Number Authorization
Received By Batch Number Number How ReceIved
IJ 00318365 In Person
Amount Due
95,654 08
Job/Journal Number
SUB2008-000 19
SUB2008-000 19
CTY Subd >NonLDR Base +616 Ac
+ 5% Technology Fee
Type of Payment
Amount Paid
Payment Total
11, Li
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c- -~ cOregen-ReglOn ,
1255 HIlyard Street
PO Box 109Q5 __
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Date RFlcelved
APR 14 2008 1
Onglnal SubmlttaLAil<'
Page 1 of 1
Rachel Griffith
KNAPEL Carole [cknapel@cl springfield or us]
Tuesday, April 08, 2008 8 54 AM
Andrew Haliburton
RE PeaceHealth - Seeking confirmation of plat application fee
I asked Tara Jones to run the calculation
She gave me the following
$95,654 08
4,78270 (technology fee)
$100,43678 Total
From. Andrew Haliburton [mallto andrew haliburton@kpffclvllpdx com]
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 3 44 PM
To: KNAPEL Carole
Subject. PeaceHealth - Seeking confirmation of plat application fee
Page 1 of 1
I am hereby confirming that the final area for the subdivIsion plat RlverBend Phase ills 149 139 acres
By the City'S current web-based schedule of land use application fees (Base Fee of $3,790 + Per Acre Fee of
$616), we calculate the Plat Fee to be $95.659 62
Since writing a check of this value requires special arrangements, we are seeking verification of the amount prior
to arriving at the planning desk with check In hand
We plan to resubmit the plat drawings for review on Thursday of this week
Many thanks, Andrew
-- Date Received:
APR 1 4 20U8
onglOai Subllilttal 0 ~
US Bancorp rower, 111 SW5thAvenue, SUite 2500
Portland, OR 97204 (503) 227-3251 FAX (503) 274-4681
Page 1 of 1
April 14, 2008
Peace Health
RlverBend Final Plat
Development Services Department
City of Springfield
225 Fifth A venue
Springfield, OR 97477
D Messenger D 3 Hour
OShop Drawings
OCopy of Letter
D 2 Hour
OChange Order
D Fax D U S Mal'
D 1 Hour D 30 Mln
D Overnight Courier
[8J Hand Delivery
I Copies
I 3
I 1
I 2
I 2
I 2
No Description
Plat Sheets
Plat Application and Fee - check In the amount of $100,43678
I Applicant Response to City and County Comments
I Updated Title Report
Closure Sheets - RlverBend Phase"
Documents to be recorded With Plat
Public Way Use Agreement, Public Trail Easement, Improvement Agreement (Lot
8), Improvement Agreement (Lot 9), Improvement Agreement (Lots 8 & 9)
CC&Rs (recorded 4/8/08)
These are transmitted as checked below
DFor your use DApproved as submitted
[8JFor your approval DApproved as noted
DAs requested DApproved as Noted
DFor review & comment D
DResubmlt _ copies for approval
DSubmlt _ copies for distribution
DReturn _ corrected prints
Please Inform Carole Knapel (541-726-3672) that thiS application has been submitted
l Copy to I
I Signed
I m -f'P' I
An8hl'wHallburton ......- R t Bld---"
va e r'.eee ve :
APR 1 4 2008
Ong.i1:..1 ::;ubmitlal anL