HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 19 LTD Fall Service Memo to Springfield Date: June 7, 2018 To: Honorable Mayor Christine Lundberg and Springfield City Council From: Aurora Jackson, General Manager Subject: PROPOSED FALL (SEPT) BUS SCHEDULE CHANGES LTD is considering bus schedule changes on some of its bus routes as part of its process to deliver efficient and sustainable service. We measure efficiency in terms of the number of passengers that board a bus per every hour of bus service. We measure sustainability in terms of whether could we continue to operate this bus service over the long term through good and bad economic times. Most of LTD’s routes are efficient and sustainable. However, some individual trips have low boarding rates per hour of service therefore, we have developed a series of recommendations for improving those routes’ efficiency and sustainability. Schedule changes that are being considered include changes to service frequency, schedule adjustments, routing changes, and cancellation of certain trips. We have a public engagement process which began on May 7 and that will continue through June 20, when the Board of Directors may take action after the public hearing at the regularly Board meeting. If necessary, the public engagement process may be extended through July 18 at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Public engagement efforts have included correspondence with social service providers, direct customer engagement at major statements, customer newsletters, and other stakeholder meetings. As of this communication, we have received fewer than 20 written public comments and some verbal communications from customers. Enclosed is a brief summary of the proposed bus schedule changes. For more detailed information, please visit our website at https://www.ltd.org/fall-bid/. Please feel free to reach out to me directly should you have any questions. Please direct residents who would like to provide input on this topic to contact us via one of below formats: Phone: (541) 687-5555 E-mail: ltd@ltd.org In writing: P.O. Box 7070, Springfield, OR 97475-0470 In person: Customer Service Center - 1080 Willamette St., Eugene (M–F 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.) Public Hearing: June 20, at 5:30 p.m. at the 3500 E. 17th Avenue, Eugene Cc: Gino Grimaldi, City Manager LTD Board of Directors Enclosures: PROPOSED FALL (SEPT) BUS SCHEDULE CHANGES PROPOSED FALL (SEPT) BUS SCHEDULE CHANGES EmX –The Gateway to Springfield Station segment would change from a 10 minute frequency to a 15 minute frequency due to low ridership demands. From the Springfield Station to Commerce segment would maintain current 10 minute service. Evening and weekend EmX service would remain on the current schedule. Route 11 – Thurston - Eliminating traveling into the Thurston Station when traveling westbound, and adjust frequencies to improve connections to the proposed new EmX schedule. This would result in cancelling several trips with low ridership demands. Route 12 - Gateway – Change the schedule on four weekday trips to improve connectivity with other routes at the Eugene Station. Route 27 – Fairmount – Change frequency on weekday schedule from 30 to 60 minutes on two morning trips and several evening trips with low ridership demands. Route 28 – Hilyard - Change frequency to 30 minute service due to low ridership demands. Route 33 – Jefferson – Change frequency from 30 to 60 minutes on weekdays due to low ridership demands. No changes to trips which occur during the hours of 7:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Service would remain at 30 minutes. Route 41 – Barger/Commerce – Service frequency changes during weekday could remove less productive, low-demand afternoon trips. Highly utilized morning and early evening service would remain unchanged.. Route 55 – North Park – Change frequency by removing two trips with low ridership demands. Route 73 – UO/Willamette - Frequency service changes on weekdays to maintain 30 minute service and remove trips with lower ridership demands. Route 78 – UO/Seneca - Weekday frequency could change from 30 to 60 minutes in response to low- demand and could decrease costly idle time on the route. Route 79x – UO/Kinsrow – Change frequency to remove less productive trips on weekdays. Route 81 – LCC/Harris - Could change to 60 minute frequency on weekdays to meet demand. Routing could change from Harris to Hilyard to straighten the route and eliminate a difficult turn onto 30th Avenue. Route name would change to LCC/Hilyard to reflect new routing. Route 82 – LCC/Pearl - Frequency could change from 10 to 20 minutes and 20 to 30 minutes on weekdays based on demand, which would increase productivity on the remaining trips by combining underutilized trips with more productive trips. Route 85 – LCC/Springfield - Weekday frequency changes could change from 30 to 60 minutes during off-peak times during the middle of the day. Route 95 - Junction City - Could combine the last two weekday trips based on demand, and change Saturday service from four to three total trips, which is more consistent with LTD’s other rural transit service. The Board of Directors has also instructed staff to seek cost sharing with the Unviersity of Oregon Athletics Department for UO football gameday service and are seriously considering changes to that service. In examining the entirety of the District’s services, staff looked at other options and are not recommending changes to the following: Route 98 – Cottage Grove – Routing change would have eliminated the in-town routing through Cottage Grove on weekdays. Holiday Service – Possibly remove service on four holidays: New Years, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day.