HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 18 Liquor License Sonny's Tavern - Bob Artz Park AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 6/25/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Robin Holman - DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3662 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR A NEW OUTLET FOR ONTAP INC. DBA: SONNY’S TAVERN – BOB ARTZ PARK. ACTION REQUESTED: Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License Application for Sonny’s Tavern – Bob Artz Park, located at 7807 Thurston Rd, Springfield, Oregon 97478. ISSUE STATEMENT: The owner of Ontap Inc. has requested the City Council to endorse its OLCC Liquor License Application. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1. OLCC Liquor License Application. DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The license endorsement for Ontap Inc DBA: Sonny’s Tavern – Bob Artz Park is for a New Outlet with Limited On-Premises Sales. The license application has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate City Departments. OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION LICENSE FEE: Do not include the license fee with the application (the license fee will be collected at a later time). APPIICATION: Application is being made for: I Brewery I Brewery-Public House I Distillery I FullOn-Premises, Commercial I Full On-Premises, Caterer I Full On-Premises, Passenger Carrier tr FullOn-Premises, Other Public Location E frtt On-Premises, Nonprofit Private Club tr Full On-Premises, For-Profit Private Club E Grower Sales Privilege Limited On-Premises Off-Premises Off-Premises with Fuel Pumps Warehouse Wholesale Malt Beverage & Wine (WMBW) CITY AND COUNTY USE ONLY Name of City or County Recommends this license be Application received by License Action: Ngw Cu.tt+ 1. LEGAT ENTITY (example: corporation or LLC) or INDIVIDUAI(S) applving for the license: Applicant #1 QNTAP t.t{C. Applicant #2 Applicant #3 Applicant f4 2. Trade-Name of the Business (the name customers will seq):- - 6ONr$V4 #veqN{--- - - io-A"lz- %nL 3. Business Location: Number and Street 130 1 Thwrstor Koad citv 5%tty&trlp t iltoE f zre gj *tt 4. Is the business at this Iocation currently ticensed by the OLCC? [lVes E ruo 5. Mailing Address (where the )LCC will send your moil): 5ZL ..(b " $TQFH PO Box, Number, Street, Rural Route citv bWtf,.btrrtr-lo State (\ZF fecrr.r ztP 91+'Tl 6. Phone Number of the Business Location: +l -*7 +l - lols 3 7. Contact Person for this Application: . Ft t I t H f A.l tr,rtfl r{\ t Name PhoneNumber 3+t 5r-l -lln Mailing Address, City, State, ZIP5zz "'5't ln21=6{4tT? l\r/ rFrEf-l Oh< n1 +-*z Email I understand that marijuana (such as use, consumption, ingestion, inhalation, samples, give-away, sale, etc.) is prohibited on the licensed premises. Signature Signature of Applicant #2 Signature of Applicant #3 Signature of Applicant #4 OLCC Liquor License Application (Rev 06/2017]- OLCC USE Attachment 1, Page 1 of 5 OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION CORPORAT!ON QUESTION NAI RE Please Print or Type Corporation Name:ONTIAP tx)C,,Year lncorporated:'Z-cfc< Trade Name (dba):aoxrxtv 5 -lhr-a* Business Location Address:a33"q".fla7es c;ty:3W-t zrP code:J-I4l] List Corporate Officers: PALI,L- II, M W€s f tr{21.s7 3zcre,lar\ --T- List Board of Directors: N //a. Stockholders: 5.trU|-tr mCLAurrf,LrN (name) List Stockholders: (Note: lf any stockholder is another legal entity, that entity may also need to complete another Corporation Questionnaire. See Liquor License Application Guide for more information.) Number of Shares Held: loa Server Education Designee: PDLTL tf, olq-AIJCFcJN DOB: Z (??l l)G-( (See Liquor License Application Guide for more information) I understand that if my answers are not true and complete, the OLCC may deny my license application. officer's signature: FaULH M l3l-l t\)fr(a:rp<tsJ DarJ. +ttslL', (title) : loQ ./eL, btal Shares Authorized lssue: I Q Cr 1-800-452-OLCC (6522) www.oregon.gov/olcc (name) (rev. 08/11) Number of Stock Shares: Attachment 1, Page 2 of 5 OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION BUS!NESS INFORMATION Please Print or Type Appticant 1"1rr" (JNflA P txrL . rrade Name (dba): 4ONI$YS-TAVERN phone: 5+l-5t'l^l I l-7 Business Location Address: l$f ftW?tOvr RCaO City:ZrP code \1418, Business Hours: fl liu" Music E Recoroed Music E oL Music E oancing E ruro" Entertainers Check tr tr tr tr tr tr Restaurant: Lounge: Banquet: I understand if my answers are all that apply: Karaoke Coin-operated Games Video Lottery Machines Social Gaming PoolTables Outdoor Area Hours: Sunday i0A to IEA 4hedr-Ljed everrfs Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday to lo4 lsry per (lnvestigator's lnitials) The outdoor area is used for: ! Fooo service ttours: IOA to tDA .[ Rlconol service rorrr' -lE- ro--T- ! Enctosed, now tEnCi The exterior area is adequately supervised by Service Permittees. ic,-re/Drys Seasonal variations: ! Yes tr No lf yes, exptain: 5Ofi-lVNlt Cil,\ PLI.X Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sa to to to to Outdoor: Other (expla,^), Total Seating: 1-800-4s2-OLCC (65221 wvtw. o re g o n. g ov /o I c c OLCC USE ONLY lnvestlgator Verifi ed Seating:_(Y) _(N) lnvestigator lnitials: Date: complete, the OLGC may deny my license application. Date: 4l r= I ttApplicant Signature: (ev. 1207) & HOURS OF LIVE OR DJ SEATING COUNT Attachment 1, Page 3 of 5 willamalane Park and Recreation District -\pril 13, 2018 To Whom it lVlav Concem: This letter is to state our intent to enter into an exclusive lease aEteement with "Sonnv's Tavern" fot the concession stand at Bob Artz Memodal Patk located at 7807 Thurston Road Spdngfield, OR 97478. As rve fnabze the agreement anv questions ot concems mav be directed to myself via phone at 547-7364518 ot email at i Thank vou Sincerely, Attachment 1, Page 4 of 5 Attachment 1, Page 5 of 5