HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 15 Extension of Contract with Hughes Fire Equipment AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 6/25/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Joe Zaludek Staff Phone No: 682-7122 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Financially Responsible and Stable Government Services ITEM TITLE: APPROVE A CONTRACT EXTENSION FOR FIRE APPARATUS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR WITH HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize City Manager to sign a contract extension with Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. for maintenance and repair of fire apparatus. ISSUE STATEMENT: Springfield Fire & Life Safety is requesting to extend a contract for apparatus maintenance and repair services with Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Fourth Amendment to Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. contract DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Fire & Life Safety completed an RFP process in 2014 to procure ongoing services for maintenance and repair of fire apparatus. Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. was selected as the best fit for the needs of the department. The existing contract amendment will expire June 30, 2018. Fire is requesting an additional six month extension of the contract to allow time to complete a procurement process. SFLS spends over $200,000 per year on maintenance, repair and inspection of the apparatus fleet to ensure the safety of the firefighters and the public. Repair and maintenance must comply with requirements monitored by 20 different organizations. Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. has over 20 years experience in fire apparatus maintenance and has provided these services to Springfield Fire over the last 5 years. Additionally, Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. is the local area Pierce Manufacturing dealer and provides warranty services on all of Springfield’s Pierce fire apparatus. This will be the last amendment to this contract. In Summer of 2018, a Request for Proposals will be issued to select a supplier to contract with on January 1, 2019. DRAFT FOURTH AMENDMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. C1213 July 1, 2018 Parties: The City of Springfield “City” 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 And Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. “Independent Contractor” 910 Shelley Street Springfield, OR 97477 The Parties hereby agree that the Independent Contractor Agreement dated July 1, 2014, and the First Amendment dated July 1, 2015; Second amendment dated July 1, 2016; and the Third Amendment dated July 1, 2017, between the City of Springfield (City) and Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. (Independent Contractor) included herein as Attachment 1 is hereby amended for the fourth time as follows: 4. Term. This agreement is hereby amended for an additional six-month period upon mutual agreement of the parties. This agreement will continue for a period of six months and shall expire December 31, 2018, unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. This amendment shall be the last extension of the agreement referenced herein as Attachment 1. Any extension shall consider the requirements of the SMC Section 2. 708(3) and each extension shall not be effective until reviewed and approved by the Springfield Common Council. 34. Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance. Independent Contractor will comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 USC Section 12101 et seq. and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Except as amended herein, all other terms and conditions of the Independent Contractor Agreement between Parties dated July 1, 2014; First Amendment dated July 1, 2015; Second amendment dated July 1, 2016; and Third Amendment dated July 1, 2017, will remain in full force and effect. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Name:________________________ Name:________________________ Title: _________________________ Title: _________________________ Date: _________________________ Date: _________________________ C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 1 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 1 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT 1 Fourth AmendmentC1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 2 of 151AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 2 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT 1 Third AmendmentC1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 2 of 150ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth AmendmentC1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 3 of 151AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 3 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT 1C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 2 of 149ATTACHMENT 1 Third AmendmentC1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 3 of 150ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth AmendmentC1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 4 of 151AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 4 of 151 DRAFTCITY OF SPRINGFIELD INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Type 4: For Personal Services Contracts Not Requiring Professional Liability Insurance) Contract# 1213 Dated: July 1, 2014 Parties:City of Springfield CITY") A municipal corporation in the State of Oregon 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 and Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Independent Contractor") Additional Independent Contractor Information: A. Type of Entity: sole Proprietorship Partners Limited Liability Company ®Corporation B. Address: 910 Shelly Street, Springfield, OR 97477 C. Telephone: 541.747.0072 D. Fax No: N/A E. SSN or Fed. I.D. No: On File F. Professional License(s) No: N/A G. Oregon Agency Issuing License: N/A H. Foreign Contractor Yes ® No Foreign means not domiciled in or registered to do business in Oregon) See Exhibit B (11). City Account Number(s) To Be Charged(Include Percentages): Account Number Percentage In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following terms, provisions and conditions: 1. Payment by CITY. CITY shall pay Independent Contractor according to the sum and schedule described in Attachment 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00. . 2. Services to be Performed by Independent Contractor. Independent Contractor shall perform the fire apparatus maintenance and repair services described in Attachment 1 Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc RFP response dated May 8, 2014. 3. Invoice. Monthly invoice to be sent to Jana Sorenson, City of Springfield, 225 5"" Street, Springfield, OR 97477. Invoice will be paid on net 30 day terms upon City acceptance of work or services performed. 4. Term. This Agreement is effective as of the date first set forth above and shall continue until June 30, 2015, unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or by C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 1 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 2 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 3 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 4 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 5 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 5 of 151 DRAFTmutual consent of the parties. This agreement may be amended annually,to extend the term stated herein, for not more than three (3) successive one (1) year periods, upon mutual agreement of the parties. In addition, at the time of amendment, City will set the amount of the contract for the following term of the agreement. In negotiating any extension, City shall consider the requirements of the SMC Section 2.708(3) and each extension shall not be effective until reviewed and approved by the Springfield Common Council. 5. Sourcing. Independent Contractor was awarded contract pursuant to the City's RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance and Repair issued April B, 2014. 6. Independent Contractor Status. By its execution of this Agreement, Independent Contractor certifies its status as an "Independent Contractor" as that term is used under the laws of the State of Oregon, and that all performance of any labor or services required to be performed by Independent Contractor under the terms of this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the standards set forth in ORS 670.600, and as more specifically set forth on Exhibit"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 7. First Point of Contract. Independent Contractor: Sheri Taylor, PH: 541.747.0072, staylorohugesfre.com, CITY: Jana Sorenson, PH: 541.744.4150,jsorenson@springfield-or.gov 8. Conformance with Oregon Public Contracts Law (ORS Chapter 279). Independent Contractor shall comply with all applicable provisions of Oregon law for public contracts, including, but not limited to ORS 2798.220, ORS 2798.225, ORS 2798.230 and ORS 279B.235 and as more fully set forth on Exhibits"A" and "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 9. Work Performed. The work to be performed by Independent Contractor includes services generally performed by Independent Contractor in his/her/its usual line of business. 10. Tax duties and Liabilities. Independent Contractor shall be responsible for all federal, state and local taxes, if any, applicable to any payments received pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to income tax, payroll tax, social security and self-employment tax. CITY shall not withhold, pay, or in any other manner be responsible for payment of any taxes on behalf of Independent Contractor. 11. Reimbursement Of Expenses. Independent Contractor shall not be entitled to reimbursement by CITY for any expenses incurred by Independent Contractor unless otherwise agreed in writing. 12. Materials and Supplies. Independent Contractor shall supply all materials and supplies needed to perform the services required unless otherwise agreed in writing. 13. No Authority to Bind CITY. Independent Contractor shall have no authority to enter into contracts on behalf of CITY, its officers, agents and employees. This Agreement shall not create a partnership or joint venture of any sort between the parties. 14. Federal Employment Status. In the event payment made pursuant to this Agreement is to be charged against federal funds, Independent Contractor hereby certifies that it is not currently employed by the Federal Government and the amount charged does not exceed Independent Contractor's normal charge for the type of services provided. 15. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. The Contractor shall assume all responsibilities for the work, and bear all losses and damages directly or indirectly resulting to the Contractor, the City, or to others on account of the character or performance of the work, unforeseen difficulties, accidents, or any other cause whatsoever.The Contractor shall assume defense of, indemnify and save harmless the City, its officials, agents, and employees from all claims, liability, loss, damage and injury of every kind, nature and description, directly or indirectly resulting from activities in the performance of the Contract, the ownership, maintenance or use of motor vehicles in connection C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 2 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 3 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 4 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 5 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 6 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 6 of 151 DRAFTtherewith, or the acts, omissions, operations, or conduct of the Contractor or any Subcontractor under the Contract or any way arising out of the Contract, irrespective of whether any act, omission or conduct of the City connected with the Contract is a condition or contributory cause of the claim, liability loss, damage or injury and irrespective or whether act, omission, or conduct of the Contractor or Subcontractor is merely a condition rather than a cause of a claim, liability, loss damage or injury.The Contractor shall not be liable for nor be required to defend or indemnify,the City relative to claims for damage or damages resulting solely from acts or omissions of the City, its officials, agents or employees. The absence of or inadequacy of the liability insurance required in section 16 shall not negate Contractor's obligation in this paragraph. 16. Insurance. 16.1 General Insurance. The Contractor shall maintain in force for the duration of this Agreement a Commercial General Liability insurance policy written on an occurrence basis with limits not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 in the aggregate for bodily injury or property damage. The policy will contain a"per project" aggregate endorsement.Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned and hired) insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence shall be maintained. The City, its employees, officials and agents will be named as an Additional Insured where operations are being conducted related to this contract, on the General Liability policy as respects to work or services performed under this Agreement to the extent that the death or bodily injury to persons or damage to property arises out of the fault of the Contractor or the fault of the Contractor's agents, representatives or subcontractors. This insurance will be primary over any insurance the City may carry on its own. If the City requires Professional Liability coverage, the City's Risk Manager must approve the terms, conditions and limits. Independent contractor understands that CITY is a public entity subject to the requirements of the Oregon Governmental Tort Claims Act, ORS 30.260 et seq. In the event that CITY'S. financial obligations or liabilities are modified by any amendment to the liability limits imposed by the Oregon Governmental Tort Claims Act, Independent contractor agrees that the limits regarding liability insurance set forth in this Section 16 will be modified to conform to such limits. Independent contractor and CITY shall sign an amendment to this Agreement incorporating such modification. 16.2 Workers' Compensation. Contractor shall provide and maintain workers' compensation coverage for its employees, officers, agents, or partners, as required by applicable workers' compensation laws. If contractor is exempt from coverage, a written statement signed by Independent Contractor so stating the reason for the exemption shall be provided to the City 16.3 Evidence of Insurance Coverage. Evidence of the required insurance coverages issued by an insurance company satisfactory to the City shall be provided to the City by way of a City approved certificate of insurance before any work or services commence. 16.4 Notice of Cancellation or Material Change in Coverage. The certificate of insurance shall contain a requirement that the Insurance company notify the City 30 days prior to any cancellation or material change in coverage. If the approved insurance company will not provide this 30 day notice,the Contractor shall provide written notice to the City contract manager within 2 calendar days after the Contractor becomes aware that their coverage has been canceled or has been materially changed. The Contractor shall either fax 541-726- 3782 said notice or email it directly to Bob Duey (rduey@springfield-or.gov), Finance Director at the City. Regardless of what circumstances caused Contractors insurance coverage to cease or be modified, it is the contractor's responsibility to notify the City. Failure to maintain proper insurance or provide n e of cancellation or modification shall be grounds for immediate termination of this contra Contractor initials) 16.5 Equipment and Material. The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss, damage, or destruction of its own property,equipment, and materials used in conjunction with the work. 16.6 Exception or Waivers. Any exception or waiver of these requirements shall be subject to review and approval from the City's Risk Manager. 16.7 Subcontractors. The Independent Contractor shall require all subcontractors to provide and maintain General Liability,Auto Liability, Professional Liability(as applicable), and Workers'Compensation insurance with coverages equivalent to those required of the Independent Contractor in this contract. The Independent Contractor shall require certificates of insurance from all subcontractors. C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 3 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 4 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 5 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 6 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 7 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 7 of 151 DRAFT17. Termination. The performance of work under this Agreement may be terminated by CITY, in whole or in part, whenever for any reason CITY shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of CITY. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Independent Contractor of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which performance of the work under the Agreement is terminated and the date on which such termination is effective. Upon delivery to the Independent Contractor of a Notice of Termination under this paragraph,the Independent Contractor and CITY shall, by agreement, make an appropriate written modification to this Agreement governing completion of portions of the independent Contractor's work and payment therefore by CITY. 18. Rights in Data. All original written material, including programs, card decks, tapes, listings, and other documentation originated and prepared for CITY pursuant to this Agreement, shall become exclusively the property of CITY. The ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques developed during the course of this Agreement by Independent Contractor personnel can be used by either party in any way it may deem appropriate. Material already in Independent Contractor's possession, independently developed by Independent Contractor outside the scope of this Agreement, or rightfully obtained by Independent Contractor from third parties, shall belong Independent Contractor. This agreement shall not preclude Independent Contractor from developing materials which are competitive, irrespective of their similarity to materials which might be delivered to CITY pursuant to this Agreement. Independent Contractor shall not, however, use any written materials developed under this Agreement in developing materials for others, except as provided in this section. 19. Confidentiality. During the course of performance hereunder, Independent Contractor or its agent, employees, or contractors, may receive confidential information. Independent Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to maintain the confidentiality of such information and to inform each agent and employee performing services of the confidentiality obligation that pertains to such information. 20. Assignment/Subcontract. Independent Contractor shall not assign, sell, transfer, subcontract or sublet rights, or delegate responsibilities under this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of CITY. No such written approval shall relieve Independent Contractor of any obligations of this Agreement, and any transferee or subcontractor shall be considered the agent of Independent Contractor. Independent Contractor shall remain liable as between the original parties to this Agreement as if no such assignment had occurred. 21. Successors in Interest. The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and their respective successors and assigns. 22. Compliance with All Government Regulations. Independent Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws, codes, regulations and ordinances applicable to the work performed under this Agreement. Failure to comply with such requirements shall constitute a breach of contract and shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement. Damages or costs resulting from noncompliance shall be the sole responsibility of Independent Contractor. . 23. Attorney Fees. In the event a lawsuit of any kind is instituted on behalf of CITY to enforce any provision of this Agreement, Independent Contractor shall pay such additional sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable for attorney fees plus all costs and disbursements at trial and on any appeal. 24. Force Majeure. Neither party to this Agreement shall be held responsible for delay or default caused by fire, riot, acts of God and/or war which is beyond that party's reasonable control. CITY may terminate this Agreement upon written notice after determining such delay or default will unreasonably prevent successful performance of the Agreement. 25. Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement. In the event of any claim or suit against CITY on account of any alleged patent or copyright infringement arising out of the C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 4 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 5 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 6 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 7 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 8 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 8 of 151 DRAFTperformance of this Agreement or out of the use of any material furnished or work or services performed hereunder, Independent Contractor shall defend CITY against any such suit or claim and hold CITY harmless from any and all expenses, court costs, and attorney's fees in connection with such claim or suit. 26. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared by a court to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular provision held to be invalid. 27. Access to Records. CITY and its duly authorized representatives shall have access to books, documents, papers and records of Independent Contractor which are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcripts. 28. Waiver. Failure of CITY to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver or relinquishment by CITY of the right to such performance in the future nor of the right to enforce any other provision of this Agreement. 29. Amendments. The terms of this Agreement shall not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented or amended in any manner whatsoever, without prior written approval of CITY, No modification of this Agreement shall bind either party unless reduced to writing and subscribed by both parties, or ordered by a Court. 30. Nondiscrimination. Independent Contractor shall comply with all applicable requirements of Federal and State civil rights and rehabilitation statutes, rules and regulations. 31. Dual Payment. Independent Contractor shall not be compensated for work performed under this contract from any CITY agency other than the agency which is a party to this contract. 32. Remedies. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon, and any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be conducted in the courts of the State of Oregon, County of Lane. 33. Entire Agreement. This Agreement signed by both parties is the parties'final and entire Agreement and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral or written communications between the parties, their agents and representatives. There are no representations, promises, terms, conditions or obligations other than those contained herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement to be effective the date first set forth above. CITY OF S GI I D.INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR By: I(v c7V By: Name: a Name: Rex Hughes s Title: Title: President Date: Date: Reviewed by City Contract Officer C1213revsl Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 5 of 147 1 , i l `l C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 6 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 7 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 8 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 9 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 9 of 151 DRAFTEXHIBIT "A" CITY OF SPRINGFIELD INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Independent Contractor Status All performance of any labor or services required to be performed by Independent Contractor shall be performed in accordance with the standards set forth in ORS 670.600 ( 2005), and as follows: A person is customarily engaged in an independently established business if any three of the following six requirements are met: 1. The person maintains a business location: a. That is separate from the business or work location of the person for whom the services are provided; or, b. That is in a portion of the person's residence and that portion is used primarily for the business. 2. The person bears the risk of loss related to the business or the provision of services as shown by factors such as: a. The person enters into fixed-price contracts; b. The person is required to correct defective work; C. The person warrants the services provided; or, d. The person negotiates indemnification agreements or purchases liability insurance, performance bonds or errors and omissions insurance. 4. The person provides contracted services for two or more different persons within a 12- month period, or the person routinely engages in business advertising, solicitation or other marketing efforts reasonably calculated to obtain new contracts to provide similar services. 5. The person makes a significant investment in the business, through means such as: a. Purchasing tools or equipment necessary to provide the services;, _ b. Paying for the premises or facilities where the services are provided; or C.Paying for licenses, certificates or specialized training required to provide the services. 6. The person has the authority to hire other persons to provide'dr toa`ssist'in providing the services and has the authority to fire those persons. C1213revi Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 6 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 7 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 8 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 9 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 10 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 10 of 151 DRAFTEXHIBIT"B" City of Springfield Public Contracts Conformance with Oregon Public Contractors Laws Pursuant to Oregon law,every public contract shall contain the following conditions: 1)Make payment promptly,as due,to all persons supplying to the contractor laborer material forthe performance ofthe work provided for in the contract. ORS2796.220(1) 2)Pay all contributions or amounts due the Industrial Accident Fund from the contractor or subcontractor incurred in the performance of the contract. ORS 2798 220(2). 3)Not permit any Tien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the stale or a county, school district,municipality,municipal corporation or subdivision thereof,on account ofany labor or material furnished. ORS 2798.220(3). 4)Pay to the Department ofRevenue all sums withheld from employees under ORS 316.167. ORS 279B.220(4). 5)Ifthe agreement is for lawn and landscape maintenance,it shall contain a condition requiring the contractor to salvage,recycle, compost or mulch yard waste material at an approved situ,if feasible and cost-effective, ORS 2796.225. 6)Promptly,as due, make payment to any person,copartnership,association or corporation furnishing medical,surgical and hospital care services or other needed care and attention;incident to sickness or injury,to the employees ofthe contractor,of all sums that the contractor agrees to pay for the services and all moneys and sums that the contractor collected or deducted from the wages of employees under any law,contract or agreement for the purpose of providing or paying for the services. All employers shall comply with ORS 656017. ORS 2796.230. 7) A person may not beemployed for more than 10 hours in any one day,or40 boom in any one week,except in cases ofnecessity, emergency or when the public policy absolutely requires it,and in such cases,except in cases ofcontracts for personal services designated under ORS 279A.055,the employee shall be paid at least time and a half pay: a) For all overtime in excess ofeight hours a day or 40 hours in any one week when the work week is five consecutive days, or b) For all overtime in excess of 10 hours in any one day or 40 hours in any one week when the work week is four consecutive days,Monday through Friday;and c) For all work performed on Saturday and on any legal holiday specified in ORS 2798.020. An employer must give notice in writing to employees who work on a public contract,eitherat the time of hire or before commencement of work on the contract,or by posting a notice in a location frequented by employees,of the number ofhours per day and days per week that the employees may be required to work. ORS 279B.235(1)-(2). 8)Ifthe agreement is for personal services,the contract shall contain a provision that the employee shall be paid at least time and a half for all overtime worked in excess of40 hours in any one week,except for individuals under personal services contracts who are excluded under ORS 653.010 to 653.261 or under 29 U.S.C.201-209 from receiving overtime. ORS 2798.235(3). 9)Contracts forservices must contain a provision that requires that persons employed under contracts shall receive at least time and half pay for work performed on the legal holidays specified in a collective bargaining agreement or in ORS 279B.020(I)(b)(B)-(G) and for all time worked in excess of 10 hours in any one day or in excess of 40 hours in any one week,whichever is greater. Employer shall give notice in writing to employees who work on a contract for services,either at the time ofhire or before commencement ofwork on the contract,or by posting a notice in a location frequented by employees,of the number hours per day and days per week that the employees may be required to work. ORS 279B.235(5). If this agreement is for a public improvement,the contract shall contain the following conditions: 10) Make payment promptly,as due,to all persons supplying to the contractor labor or material for the performance ofthe work provided for in the contract ORS 279C.505(I xa). 11) Pay all contributions or amounts due the Industrial Accident Fund from the contractor or subcontractor incurred in the performance of the contract. ORS 279C.505(1)(b). 12) Not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the state or a county,school district,municipality,municipal corporation or subdivision thereof,on account ofany labor or material fumished. ORS 279C.505(I)(c). 13) Pay to the Department of Revenue all sums withheld from employees under ORS 316.167. ORS 279C.505(I)(d). 14) The contractor shall demonstrate that an employee drug testing program is in place. ORS 279C.505(2), C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 7 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 8 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 9 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 10 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 11 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 11 of 151 DRAFT15) Ifthe contractor fails,neglects or refuses to make prompt payment of any claim for labor or services furnished to the contractor or subcontractor by any person in connection with the public improvement contract as the claim becomes due,the proper officer or officers representing the state or county,school district,municipality,municipal corporation or subdivision thereof,as the case may be,may pay such claim to the person furnishing labor or services and charge the amount ofthe payment against the funds due or to become due the contract by reason of the contract. Ifthe contractor or first-tier subcontractor fails,neglects or refuses to make payment to a person furnishing labor or materials in connection with the public improvement contract within 30 days after receipt of payment from the contracting agency or a contractor,the contractor or first-tier subcontractor shall owe the person the amount due plus interest charges commencing at the end ofthe 10-day period that payment is due under ORS 279C.580(4)and is subject to a good faith dispute as defined in ORS 279C580. If the contractor or a subcontractor fails,neglects or refuses to make payment to a person furnishing labor ormaterials in connection with the public improvement contract,the person may file a complaint with the Construction Contractors Board,unless payment is subject to a good faith dispute as defined in ORS 279C.580. ORS 279C.515, 16) The payment ofa claim does not relieve the contactor or the contractor's surety from obligation with respect to any unpaid claims. ORS 279C.515(4). 17) A person may not be employed for more than 10 hours in any one day,or 40 hours in any one week,except in cases of necessity, emergency or when the public policy absolutely requires it,and in such cases,except in cases of contracts for personal services designated under ORS 279C.100,the employee shall be paid atleast time and a halfpay a) For all overtime in excess ofeight hours a day or 40 hours in any one week when the work week is five consecutive days;or, b) For all overtime in excess of 10 hours in anyone day or 40 hours in any one week when the work week is four consecutive days-Monday through Friday;and, C) For all work performed on Saturday and on any legal holiday specified in ORS 279B020. ORS 279C.520(1). An employer shall give notice in writing to employees who work on a public contract either at the timeof hire or before commencement ofo ork on the contract,or by posting a notice in a location frequented by employees,ofthe number ofhours per day and days per week that the employees may be required to work. ORS 27913520(2), 18) Ifthe agreement is for personal services,the contract shalI contain a provision that the employee shall be paid at least time and a half for al I overtime worked in excess of 40( tours in any one week,except for individuals under personal services contracts who are excluded under ORS 653.010 to 653,261 or under 29 U.S.C.201-209 from receiving overtime ORS 2790.520(3). 19) Contracts for services must contain a provision that requires that persons employed under contracts shall receive at least time and half pay for work performed on the legal holidays specified in a collective bargaining agreement or in ORS 279C.540(I)(b)(B){G)and for all dine worked in excess of 10 hours in any one day or in excess of 40 hours in any one week,whichever is greater An employer shall give notice in writing to employees who work on a contract for services,either at the time of hire or before commencement of work on the contract,or by posting a notice in a location frequented by employees,of the number of hours per day and days per week that the employees may be required to work. ORS 279C.520(5) 20) Solicitation documents for a public improvement contract shall make specific reference to federal,state and local agencies that have enacted ordinances,rules or regulations dealing with the prevention ofenvironmental pollution and the preservation of natural resources that affect the performance of the contract. A solicitation document must also make special reference to known conditions at the construction site that may require the successful bidder to comply with the ordinances,rules or regulations identified under ORS 279C525(1)_ Ifthe successful bidder encounters a condition not referred to in the solicitation documents,not caused by the successful bidder and not discoverable by a reasonable prebid visual site inspection,and the condition requires compliance with the ordinances, rules or regulations referred to under ORS 279C525(1),the successful bidder shall immediately give notice of the condition to diecontracting agency. The successful bidder may not commence work nor incur any additional job site costs in regard to the condition encountered and described in ORS 279.525(3)without written direction from the contracting agency. ORS 279C.525 21) Promptly,as due,make payment to any person,copartnership,association or corporation furnishing medical, surgical and hospital care services or other needed care and attention,incident to sickness or injury,to the employees of the contractor,of all sums that the contractor agrees to pay for the services and all moneys and sums that the contractor collected or deducted from the wages of employees under any law,contract or agreement for the purpose of providing or paying for the services. All employers shall comply with ORS 656.017. ORS 279C530. 22) A contract for public works shall contain a provision stating the existing state prevailing rare and wage and,ifapplicable,the federal prevailing rue of wage required. Every contract and subcontract shall contain a provision that workers shall be paid not less than the specified minimum hourly rate of wage in accordance with ORS 279C.838. ORS 279C.830(I). If this agreement is for demolition,the contract shall also contain the following conditions: 23) Contractor must salvage or recycle construction and demolition debris,iffeasible and cost-effective.ORS 279C.510(11 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 8 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 9 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 10 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 11 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 12 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 12 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT From: Shed Taylor To: MCMAHAN 3avne Cc: Rex Pirates Subject: RE: Revised HFE proposal page 4 Date: Tuesday,May 13,2014 2:35: 20 PM Attachments: HFE Sorinafeld REP 1183 Revised Pr000sal oa 4 05132014.odr I apologize for that Jayne. Attached Includes a revision date at the top of the page. Does this work? Thanks! Sheri Taylor I Sales Manager I Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. 1 910 Shelley Street I Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541-747-0072-Toll Free:800.747.6510- Direct:541.393.9348 - Fax: 541.747.0073 Email: stavlor®huahesfire.com I www.huahesfire.com This message is Intended solely for the use of the individual and entity towhom It Is addressed,andmay contain information that is privleged,confidential and exempt from disclosure under applcable state and federal laws. If you are not the addressee,or are not authorized to receive for the Intended addressee,you are hereby notified that you may not use,copy,distribute or disclose to anyone any portion of this message orthe Information contained herein. If you havereceived this messagein error,please immediately advise the sender by reply email and destroy the message. From: MCMAHAN Jayne [mailto:jmcmahan@springfield-or.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 2:30 PM To: Sheri Taylor Cc: Rex Hughes Subject: RE: Revised HFE proposal page 4 Hi Sheri, Sorry if I missed saying this but I need this page to clearly state the date of revision at the top of the document. Thank you, Jayne Jayne McMahan C.P.M.I Procurement&Contracts Manager l City of Springfield 225 5th Street, Springfield,OR 974771 office: 541.726.37081 imcmahan(dsptjngfield-or.iov Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Sheri Taylor [maiIto:sraylor(a)hughesfre.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 2:19 PM To: MCMAHAN Jayne Cc: Rex Hughes Subject: Revised HFE proposal page 4 Jayne, Per our earlier conversation attached is revised proposal page 4 removing the exception to the general liability insurance limits and accepting the limit terms per attachment 5 of the RFP. If any additional clarification is needed please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you. C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 9 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 10 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 11 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 12 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 13 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 13 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT Thanks! Sheri Taylor I Sales Manager I Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. 1 910 Shelley Street I Springfield, OR 97477 Phone:541-747-0072-Toll Free: 800.747,6510- Direct:541.393,9348- Fax: 541.747.0073 Email: stavlorQhughesfire.com I wwwhuahesfire.com an message is from disclosure under ror the ass of the to a d federal and e v,s. fo whom If!s t the addressee, and may e not o thonz d to met v for th ed endedenflol add exempt from a herebe antlerapat you slate and federal lows, It you are not the anyoneee,or are not this message or for the intended addressee,you are hereby notifiedm that you may not use,copy,lately ad or disclose le anyone any ail andof this message or the Information containedherein. If you have received this message in error,please Immediately adNSe the sender by reply email and destroy the message. C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 10 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 11 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 12 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 13 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 14 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 14 of 151 DRAFTj ATTACHMENT HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT. Revision Date: May 13, 2014 see item 10 below inventory, we have priority sole source access to inventory in excess of$3.7 million from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., who is the builder of a large percentage of Springfield Fire's apparatus fleet as well as the inventory of the Pierce dealer network. We also have direct access to over 300 other vendor s. As a member of the Pierce dealer network we can provide our customers the benefit of access to corporate global logistics support systems for all aspects of firefighting apparatus, which in turn results in minimum "out of service"time. 8. See completed Attachment 2 — Schedule and Expense Itemization. 9. See signed Attachment 4—Authorization to Legally Bind Bidder. 10. Acceptance of terms and conditions of the sample contract, Attachment 5 except as noted below: This is a revision to the original proposal submitted removing the exception to the general liability limits. General Liability limits per attachment 5 are accepted. Exception item 16.1 General Insurance: The policy will contain a "per project' aggregate endorsement. Will provide: Please see the copy of our certificate of insurance provided in the Attachment 5 section of this proposal for details of the coverage we provide. 11. See signed Attachment 6 —Minority Women Emerging Small Business Form (MWEST). 12. Requests to consider"equal specifications' not subm itted. 111. Contact Person —Accepted IV. Schedule For Selection Process—Accepted V. Selection Criteria And Process— Accepted VI. Late Proposals Not Considered —Accepted VII. Addenda ToRFP—Accepted Proposal Springfield Fire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair RFP 1183 Page 4 of 5 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. ! 910 SHELLEY STREET ! SPRINGFIELD,OREGON 97477 • P.541.747.0072 • F.541.747.0073 WWW.HUGHESFIRE.COM C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Pagel 1 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 12 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 13 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 14 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 15 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 15 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT 1 Ilughxs Firx Equipment.Inc. 910'Shelley Street Springfield.OR 97477 T:i41-74-747-0072 I HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT Y:541- 747-0073 re'x'.hu hcilire:unn I 4 t CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY DEPARTMENT SUBMITTAL FOR: RFP 1183 FIRE APPARATUS MAINTENANCE 8r REPAIR BID DATE: MAY 8, 2014 BID TIME: 2:00 PM ORIGINAL C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 12 0/147 i IC1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 13 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 14 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 15 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 16 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 16 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ? HUGHES FIREIEQUIPME'N7 I City of Springfield II Fire and Life Safety Department Proposal for RFP 1183 Fire Apparatus M aintenance& Repair We are pleased to.subrn fa proposal for Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair for your apparatus fleet per your request for proposal 1183. I. Proposal Overview—Accepted with exception noted: Exception: Pickup& Delivery to,fire station charges may be,applicable for agencies electing cooperative purchasing. 11 II. Proposal Format: 1.. Proposer: Hughes Fire Equi pmeni,Inc, 910 Shelley Street Sptingfield,•;OR 97477 Phone: 541-747=0072' Fait: 541-747-0073 FIN: 93-0962404 2: Primary Contact: Sheri Taylor Sales Manager Phone: 541- 747-0072. Fax:'541.-747-0073 Email: stavloroi).hughesfire,com 3. Hughes,Fire Equipment, Inc., an Oregon Corporation since 1987, is a,resident bidder as described in ORS 279A.120 (1)(b)and is licensed to do business in the State.of Oregon. 4. HUGHES FIRE'EOUIPMENT°was incorporated in 1987. Since our inception we have been providing,and servici ng fire and emergency rescue apparatus with the philosophy of"PROUDLY SERVING YOU, WHILE YOU SERVE OUR COMMUNITY". 'We,have achieved-this by providing equipment and service meeting the highest level ofguality, expertise and experience w ith the utmost of integrity and efficiency. Our skilled technicians take pride in their work,which is reflected, in the product•and,service we provide: In 2002 we expanded our corporate facilities in Springfield. Oregon to a 10,000 square foot facility which encompasses 7;500 square feet dedicated to em ergency apparatus repair and inventory including four'(4):service bays, an underground pump-test pit and a dedicated wash-area. We also have service facilities,in Phoenix, Arizona and Tacoma, 1 Proposal Springfield Fire Apparatus M aintenance & Repair,RFP .1183 Page.1 of 5 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC.• 910 SHELLEY.STREET• SPRINGFIELD,OREGON 97477 • @541:747:0072 •4.547:747.0073 •WWW.HUGHESFIRE:COM C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 13 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 14 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 15 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 16 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 17 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 17 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT Washington. Our service divisions'are comprised of seventeen (17)technicians with various levels of EVT,ASE and industry specific certifications as well as.CDL licensing. Our mobile service fleet is comprised of eight(8)dully equipped mobile service,unils:as well.as mobile technicians located in Oregon, Washington, Idaho,"and Nevada. Our service division is.a Pierce"Platinum"certified facility. This dealer development I! program is designed to reward dealers for their proven commitment and performance to customers and end users. Platinum is the highest ranking available and is achieved only after an intensive evaluation of our business,practices„operating systems; technician qualifications, staffing levels and general practices. d Service;benefits obtained by achieving this level,include, but are not limited to:. Discounted parts pricing Restocking fee waiver for qualified parts returns Discounted or waived fees for Pierce provided technical training classes Hughes Fire Equipment provides full service maintenance and repair, including but not limited to, preventative maintenance service, annual aerial laddertesting, pump testing, ground ladder,testing, NFPA 1911 annual inspections maintenanceandtesting. We . Tprovideservice encompassing a wide range from small minor repairs to major overhauls. These services are available for all brands of fire and emergency,rescue apparatus and we have experience servicing every brand and type of apparatus in the City of Springfield's.apparatus,ffeet, We.are the only authorized warranty facility in our area for Pierce Manufacturing and are an authorized warranty facility for Oshkosh Truck Corporation as well. 5. References: Lane Fire Authority Formerly Lane County Fire District 1 and Lane Rural Fire/Rescue' 88050 Territorial Road Veneta, OR 97487 Michael Thompson Phone: 541-935-2226 All Preventative Maintenance, annual inspections, routine maintenance and repairs 12'Years,of Service Klamath County Fire District 1 143 N. Broad Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Tom Morehouse Phone: 541-885-2059 Preventative Maintenance,annual inspections, routine maintenance and repairs 10 Years of Service 1 Proposal 1 Springfield Fire Apparatus Maintenance& Repair RFP 1183 Pagel2 of 5 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT. IN0..• 910 SHELLEY STREET • SPRINGFIELD.OREGON 97477 • P.541:747.0072 • F.541.747.0073! WWW.HUGHESFIRE.COM C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 14 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 15 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 16 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 17 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 18 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 18 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT HUGNFS FIRE EQUIPMENT 1 Benton County Public Works 360 SW Aver ,.Street Corvallis, OR 97330 Jim Burke. Phone: 541-76676016 Routine maintenance and repairs 7 Years of Service City af.Eugene Fleet Services. 1820 Roosevelt Blvd, Eugene.O R,97405 Steve Hem Phone: 541-682-4860 Preventative Maintenance and general repairs. 13 Years of'Service BLM-,Eu9ene'District 3106 Pierce Parkway, Suite E Springfield, OR 97477 Dan Christiansen Phone: 541-683-6600 Preventative Maintenance,.annual inspections, routine maintenance and repairs 2'Years of Service 6. See Attachment 1 -"Fire Apparatus Maintenance.& Repair proposed.per Attachment 1. 7. Hughes Fire Equipment.provides full,service maintenance and repair, including butnot limited to, preventative maintenance service, annual aerial ladder testing, pump testing, ground laddertesti%NFPA 1911 annual inspections-maintenance and.testing. We provide;service encompassing a widerange from small minor repairs to major.overhauls. These services are available for;all brands of fire' and emergency rescue apparatus and are provided by Manufacturer trained, ASE and EVT certified,technicians. We are an OEM supplier for alarge assortment of products,supplied' with fire apparatus which allows us to stock and have directaccess to necessary parts-and technical support vitalao servicing and maintaining apparatus in this industry. Our combined,parts inventory, valued at over$400,000:00 of which $225,000.00 is warehoused at our Springfield, Oregon facility, includes'in excess of 2000 of-the most commonly required parts and components to repair appa ratus, enabling the"out"of,service"time,to*be kept at a bare minimum. This inventory ranges from basicoil; filters,valves and valve rebuild kits to emergency lighting and',water pumps. If we do not have the required part in our 1 1 Proposal Springfield Fire:Apparatus Maintenance&Repair'RFP 1183 Page 3 of 5 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT,INC.; 910 SHELLEY.STREET • SPRINGFIELD,OREGON 97477 • P.541:747.0072 •.0.541:747.0013 •WYM.HUGHESFIRE.COM C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 15 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 16 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 17 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 18 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 19 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 19 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT v HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT r inventory, we have priority sole.source access to inventory in excess.of'$33 million from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc.,who is the builder of a large percentage.of Springfield Fire's apparatus fleet as well as the inventorybfthe Pierce dealer network. We also have: direct access to over 300 other vendor s. As a member of the Pierce dealer network we can provide our custom ers the benefit of access to corporate global logistics support systems for aspects of firefighting apparatus, which in turn results in minimum"out' of service'!time. 8: See:completed Attachment 2—Schedule and Expense Itemization. 9: See signed Attachment 4—Authorization to Legally Bind Bidder. 10. ,Acceptance of terms and conditions of the sample contract, Attachment 5 except as noted below: Exception item 16.1'General Insurance.- The Contractor shall maintain in force for the duration of this Agreement a Commercial General Liability insurance policy written on an occurrence basis with limits not less than$ 2,000,000 per occurrence and$3,000,000 in the aggregate for bodily injury or property damage.. Will provide: Commercial General Liability coverage will be provided with limits of 1;000,000 per occurrence and$2,000;000 in aggregate for bodily injury or property damage. Ezception' item 16.1 General Insurance: The policy will contain a"per project" aggregate endorsement. Will provide: Please see the copy of our certificate-of insurance provided in the Attachment 5 section of this proposal for,details of the coverage we provide. 11. See' signed Attachment 6- Minority Women Emerging Small Business Form (MWEST).. 12. Requests to consider"equal specifications"not submitted. III. Contact Person-Accepted IV. Schedule For'Selection Process—Accepted I V. Selection Criteria And Process—Accepted. VI. Late Proposals Not Considered—Accepted VII. Addenda To RFP.—Accepted I Proposal Springfield.Fire Apparatus Maintenance R Repair RFP 1183 Page 4 of 5 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. • 910 SHELLEY STREET+ SPRINGHELO.OREGON 97477 P.541.747.0073 • F.541:147.0073• WWW.HUGHESFIRE.COM C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 16 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 17 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 18 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 19 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 20 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 20 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT HUGHES EIRE'EQUIP.MENT VIII. Contract-See above item II Proposal Format, 10, Item 16.1 General Insurance exception noted and Attachment 5 section of proposal for copy,of our in certificate.. IX. Reporting And Payment—Accepted X: Negotiation of Agreement—Accepted XI. City Selection Discretion—Accepted u Xll. Proposal Ownership—Accepted Ill. Exceptions To,RFP —Accepted XIV.Specification Change Requests—Accepted XV. Protest—Accepted' XVI.Cost of Proposal—Accepted Attachments,t thru 6—'See Attachment sections of our proposal We would.like to thank youfor inviting us to.submit 9,proposal'for this service and look forward to working with you.throughout this process. Sincerely; Rex Hughes President Hughes Fire Equipinent,,.lnc. 910 Shelley Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-747-0072 RH/st Proposal Springfield Fire Apparatus Maintenance& Repair'RFP 1183 Page 5 of 5 t HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT,INC. • 910 SHELLEY'STREET• SPRINGFIELOr OREGON 97477 •'P.541.747.0072 •'F.54047.0070 •WWW.HUGHESFIRE:COM C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 17 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 18 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 19 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 20 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 21 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 21 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT HUGHES FIRE EQUIP'M'ENT' City of Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department Proposal for RFP 1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance &'Repair Attachment1: Fire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair,Specifications 1. Intent:of Specifications— Accepted 1. 1 General'Specifications— Accepted 1.11'1 through 1.1. 1.20—Accepted 1:2 through 1.4: HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT was incorporated in 1987. Since our inception we have been providing and servicing fire and emergency rescue apparatus with the philosophy of`PROUDLY SERVING YOU,,WHILE YOU SERVE OUR COMMUNITY". We have achieved this by providing•equipinentand service meeting the. highest level of quality, expertise and experience with the utmost of integrity and- efficiency. Our skilled technicians take pride in their work, which is reflected. in the product and service we provide. In 2002 we expanded our corporate facility located at 910 Shelley Street in Springfield, Oregon to'a 10,000 square foot facility which,encompasses 7,500 square:feetdedicated. to emergency apparatus repair and inventory including four(4)service bays, an underground pump test pitand a dedicated.wash area., See photos in General Information section, We also have service facilities in Phoenix,::Arizona and Tacoma, Washington. Our service divisions are comprised of seventeen (17)technicians.with. various levels of EVT, ASE and industry specific certifications as welt as CDLlicensing. Our mobile service fleet is comprised of eight (8)fully equipped mobile service units as well as mobile'technicians located in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Nevada. Our service division is a Pierce "Platinum" certified facility. This.dealer development program,is designed to reward dealers for their proven commitment and performance to customers and-end users. Platinum'is the,highest ranking available and is achieved only after an intensive evaluation of our business,practices, operating systems, technician qualifications, staffing levels and general practices. Service benefits obtained by achieving this level include, but are not limited to: Discounted Parts pricing Restocking fee waiver for qualified parts returns Discounted or waived fees for Pierce provided'technical training classes Huglies Fire'Equipment provides full service maintenance-and repair, including tiut not limited to, preventative maintenance service, annual aerial ladder testing, pump.testing, ground ladder testing; NFPA 1911•annual inspections maintenance and testing. We provide service;encompassing a wide range from small minor repairs3o major overhauls: i Attachment 1 Springfield Fire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair RFP 1183 Page 1 of 10' HUGHES FIRFIEOUIPMENT,'INC. 910 SHELLEY STREET -'SPRINGFIELD,OREGON.97477 P.541.747,0072'• F.541.747.0073 • WWW.HUGHESFIRE.COM C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 18 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 19 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 20 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 21 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 22 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 22 of 151 DRAFTI ATTACHMENT Lit HUGHES ff[iE EQUIPMENT These services are available for all brands of fire and emergency rescue-apparatus-and we have experience servicing every ibrand and type of'apparatus in the City ofSpringfield's apparatus fleet. We.arethe only authorized warranty facility in our area for Ii Pierce Manufacturing arid,are-an authorized warranty facility for Oshkosh Truck Corporation.as welt.. We are an OEM supplier for a'large assortment of products supplied with fire apparatus Iwhichallowsustostockandhavedirectaccesstonecessarypartsandtechnical support vital to servicing and maintaining apparatus in this industry. Our combined parts inventory, valued at over$400,000.00-of which $225,'000.00'is warehoused at our Springfield, Oregon facility; includes in excess of 2000 of the most commonly required parts and components to repair apparatus, enabling the "out of service" time to be kept at a bare minimum: This inventory ranges from basic"oil; filters, valves and valve rebuild kits to emergency lighting-and water pumps. If we do not have the,required part in our inventory; we have priority sole source access to inventory in excess of$3.7 million from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc.,who is the builder 6f;a;large percentage of Springfield Fire's apparatus fleet as well as the inventory of the Pierce dealer network. We also have. direct access to over 300 other vendors: Asa member of the,Pierce dealer network we can provide bur customers the benefit of access to corporate global logistics support systems for all aspects'of firefighting apparatus, which in turn results in minimum "out,of service" time. See Attachment 2 section.of our proposal for estimated cost of each test type listed in the schedule-and expense itemization. 4.5 See item 2.1:1 below for technician qualifications. Real time software is the operating system utilized.by Hughes Fire Equipment', Inc. that allows us to efficiently control the accounting and financial systems required to successfully operate our business. We are able to customize this software to fit the specific needs of our company assit continues to evolve and adapt to current business environments. Apparatus test:results are,provided with'invoice copies as well as stored electronically on ourserver. See item 2,1.3 belowfor details regarding the availability of 24-hour service coverage. 2. Quality and Workmanship: 211,Qualifications: Hughes Firetechnicians regularly participate in manufacturer, vendor and mechanical service training courses and test to obtain certifications from such classes. 2.1:1 Five (5) Full'tirrle.service technicians based at corporate facility in Springfield, Oregon,certifications for these technicians are listed below and enclosed. Twelve (12) additional full"time service technicians:available from regional service facilities and mobile areas are available if nee_ded. Certifications for these technicians will be provided upon request i Attachment 1 I Springfield Fire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair RFP 1183 Page 2' of 10 HUGHES:FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC:,•:91015HELLEY.STREET- SPRINGFIELD;OREGON-97477 • P.541.747.0072 65411747:0073• WWW.HUdHESFIRE.COMC1213rev1HughesFireEquipment,Inc. Page 19 of 147 - C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 20 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 21 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 22 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 23 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 23 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT HUGHES FIRE EQU.IP'ME_NT i 1: 'Sonny Ovens— Senior Technical Advisor/Service Technician: 19 Years overall experience 10'Years of EVT Certification EVT- Fire: Level 1 Fire Apparatus Technician j Level 2,Fire Apparatus Technician iLevel3MasterFireApparatusTechnician F1 Maintenance, Inspection &Testing F2 Design & Performance Standards Fire F3 Fire Pumps and Accessories F4 Fire Apparatus Electrical Systems FA4 Advanced Electrical Systems F5 Aerial'Fire.Apparatus F6 Allison Automatic Transmissions a F7 Apparatus Foam Systems EVT. -.ARFF: Level 1 ARFF Technician L'evel.2 ARFF Technician Master ARFF Technician Al ARFF Design & Performance A2 ARFF Chassis &Vehicle Components A3 ARFF Extinguishment Systems ASE_ : e Master Medium./ Heavy Duty Truck Tech T1 Gasoline Engines T2 Diesel Engines T3 Drive Train T4 Brakes e T5 Suspension & Steering T6 Electrical Systems T7 HVAC Systems a T8.Preventative Maintenance L2 Advanced Diesel Engine Diagnosis Pierce Manufacturing Technical Training:' Pierce-Master Technician Aerial Maintenance I Attachment-1 Springfield Fire.Apparatus Maintenance& Repair RFP 1183 Page 3 of'10, HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT/INC. • 910 SHELLEY STREET •'.SPRINGFIELD,OREGON 97477; P.541.747.0072'•'F.541, 747.D073 • WWW.HUGHESFIRE.COM ' C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 20 of 147 I C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 21 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 22 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 23 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 24 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 24 of 151 DRAFTlikoilmd ATTACHMENT HUGHES FIRE-EQUIP,MEN'T. Chassis,Electrical 1 a Chassis Multiplex'Rev, D CAFS/Husky Foam System Maintenance 9 SRP Training TAK-4 Maintenance PUC Maintenance Aerial Command Zone'II e Advanced Aerial Training Hydraulic Troubleshooting WarrantyCertification Training Service Parts Certification e New Apparatus Delivery Training Oshkosh ARFF Technical Training`._ Oshkosh Stryker Maintenance Oshkosh,Stryker Advanced Electronics Other Training,& Certifications: Hydraulic Systems Troubleshooting Akron-Valve Repair Waterous 0 Oregon,DMV-Commercial Driver's License DMV Commercial Drivels License—Air.Brake DMV Commercial Driver's License—Tanker 2. Matt Larson.— Oregon Shop.Foreman/Service Techriician: 19 Years overall experience 4 Years of EVT Certification EVT-Fire: 0 F1 Maintenance, Inspection&'Testing F2 Design & Performance Standards+Fire F3 Fire Pumps and Accessories F4 Fire Apparatus Electrical,Systems i I ASE: I a T4 Brakes Pierce Manufacturing,Technical Training: Aerial Maintenance Chassis,Electrical I Attachment,1 Springfield Fire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair RFP 1183 Page 4 of;11). HUGHES FIRE,EOUIPMENT, INC. - 910 SHELLEY STREET SPRINGFIELD.OREGON.:97477 • P.S41.747.0072 • F.541.747.0073 e'WWW.HUGMESFIRE.COM C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 21 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 22 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 23 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 24 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 25 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 25 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT o HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT CAFS/Husky.Foam System Maintenance, j Command Zone AB10 SRP / FIP Training Air Conditioning Maintenance PLIC Maintenance Troubleshooting Air Brakes,ABS„ESC Other Training & Certifications: Oregon DMV Commercial Driver's.License DMV Commercial Driver's License_ —Air Brake Welder's Certification: Flux Cored.Arc Welding AWS 62.1= 1-020-g4R GMAW—Spray Transfer Aluminum P5FA47SG 3. Keith'.Sears—Service Technician:. 24 Years overall'experience 4 Years of EVCCertification EVT = Fire: Level 1 Fire Apparatus Technician a Level 2 Fire Apparatus Technician• Level 3 Master Fire Apparatus Techriicien F1 Maintenance, Inspection'&Testing F2 Design & Performance Standards Fire F3 Fire Pumps and Accessories F4 Fire Apparatus•Electrical Systems F5 Aerial Fire Apparatus e F6 Allison.Automatic Transmissions F7 Apparatus Foam Systems ASE:. Master Medium / Heavy Duty Truck Tech T1 Gasoline Engines e T2 Diesel Engines T3 Drive Train C T4 Brakes T5 Suspension & Steering o T6 Electrical Systems T7 HVAC Systems Pierce Manufacturing Technical Training: d Attachment 1 Springfield Fire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair RFP 1183 Pages5 of 10 HUGHES:FIRE EQUIPMENT„INC. • 910 SHELLEY STREET SPRINGFIELD,OREGON:97477'f P541.747.0071 • F.541.747.0073 - WWW.HUGHESFIRE.COM' C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 22 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 23 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 24 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 25 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 26 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 26 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT i HUGHES•FIRE'EQUIPMENT r Pierce Master Technician Aerial Maintenance Chassis Electrical CAFS/Husky Foam System Maintenance e Command Zone II AB10 SRP / FIP Training TAK4 Maintenance PUC Maintenance e Advanced Aerial Training Other Training & Certifications: Oregon:DMV Commercial Driver's•License Oregon DMV'Commercial Driver's License—Air Brake Oregon bmv Commercial Driver's License—Tanker C Oregon DMV Commercial Driver's License.- Combination• 4. Darren Tilton Service Technician: 19 Years overall experience 4 Years of'EVT Certification EVT- Fire: Y Level 1 Fire Apparatus Technician Level Fire Apparatus Technician Level 3 Master Fire.Apparatus Technician F1 Maintenance, Inspection &Testing 0 F2 Design&'Performance Standards Fire. Y F3-Fire Pumps and Accessories F4 Fire Apparatus Electrical Systems F5 Aerial Fire Apparatus F6 Allison.Automatio-Transmissions ASE` Y Master Medium / Heavy Duty Truck.Tectf T1 Gasoline Engines_ IaT2DieselEngines 0 T3 Drive Train I T4.Brakes T5 Suspension & Steering., Y T6 Electrical Systems, T7 HVAC Systems. Attachment'1 Springfield_Fire Apparatus Maintenance& Repair RFP 1183 Page:6rof 10 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT:INC ! 910 SHELLEY STREET-'SPRINGFIELD;;OREGON.97477 pP.541.747.0072+ F.541.747:0073 :WWW.HUGHESPIRE.COMC1213rev1HughesFireEquipment,Inc. Page 23 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 24 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 25 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 26 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 27 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 27 of 151 DRAFT18 ATTACHMENT HU 1`1 RE!EQUIPMENi I T8 Preventative Maintenance a Pierce Manufacturing Technical Training:: Aerial Maintenance Chassis Electrical All Wheel Steer Maintenance o Command Zone"'D"Modules AB10 SRP Training TAK-4 Maintenance j Air Conditioning Maintenance iPUCMaintenance Troubleshooting Air Brakes, ABS, ESC OtherTraining &,Certifications, Bendix.Air Brake Systems and,Brake Adjustment 9 Freightliner M2 Introduction I Freightliner Electrical Problem-Solving C Freightliner HVAC Service and Diagnostics Freightliner Service.&-Maintenance_ Oscilloscope Operator o Emissions System Tester Moog Technical Training Center 5. Clent-Wilson— Service?echnician: 16',Years overall experience 5 Years of EVT Certification EVT- Fire: F1 Maintenance, Inspection &Testing F2 Design & Performance Standards Fire, 9 F3 Fire Pumps and Accessories 9 F4 Fire Apparatus Electrical Systems, F5 Aerial Fire Apparatus. 9 F6 Allison Automatic Transmissions. ASE: T2 Diesel Engines T3 Drive Train— need cert Y T4 Brakes T5 Suspension &'Steering 9 T6.Electrical Systems Attachment 1 Springfield fire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair RFP 1183 Page 7 of 10: HUGHES FIRE.EQUIPMENT;.INC. •'910 SHELLEY.STREET• SPRINGFIELD,.OREGON 97477 R541.747.OD72 • F.541.74710073 s WWW.HUGHESFIRE:COM' C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 24 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 25 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 26 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 27 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 28 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 28 of 151 DRAFTE61 : ATTACHMENT rb HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT T7 HVAC Systems TS',P.reventative Maintenance. r P erce'Manufdcturing Technical Training: Aerial Maintenance. Chassis.Electrical All Wheel Steer Maintenance Command 2one 11 w/D.Modules SRP !Frontal_Training TAK74 Maintenance Air Conditioning Maintenance. i PUC Maintenance Troubleshooting Air Brakes,ABS, ESC Other Training & Certifications:. Arvin Meritor DiscPlus-EX225.Air'Disc Brake:Preventative Maintenance Ambulance Design& Performance CAFS'& Husky 10 Foam System Apparatus Pump-Testing Navistar Chassis & Multiplexing Ford Diesel 6.7 Oregon DMV Commercial Driver's License Oregon DMV Commercial Driver's License-Air Brake Oregon DMV Commercial Driver's License—Tanker Some.classes listed above attended by technicians do not.provide certifications-therefore copies are not included. 21%2 Hughes Fire Equipment is prepared and able to'perform'full service maintenance and repair for fire and emergency rescue apparatus and components; including but not limited,to, preventative maintenance service, annual-aerial ladder testing, pump testing and repair, ground ladder testing, NFPA 1911 annual inspections maintenance and testing, electrical repairs and foam system installations maintenance,and.repair to name-a few. We'provide service encompassing a wide range from small minor repairs to majoroverhauls. These services are available for all brands-of fire,and emergency rescue apparatus and`we have experience servicing every brand and type of apparatus in the City of Springfield's apparatus fleet. Outsource work would include body and paint repair,major engine,transmission;and drive-train repairs:. i Attachment 1 Springfield FireApparatus;Maintenance &'Repair RFP 1.183 Page,8 of 10 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT. INC. 0'970 SHELLEY STREET• SPRINGFIELD;OREGON.97477`• P.541. 747.0072 - F.541.747.0073 • WWW.HUGHESFIRE.COMC1213rev1HughesFireEquipment,Ida Page M of 147 I C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 26 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 27 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 28 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 29 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 29 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT HUG.HES' FIRE EQUIPMENT 2.1.3 24-h6ur service coverage,is provided through a networkof after hours on-call technicians that are automatically contactedwhen you select the".Emergency after.Hours Service" option when calling our facility after 5pm at 541-747-0072or 800-747-6510. Average response time for emergency after hours service:is 20 minutes after leaving initial message.iI 2:1.4 Average turn-around time for routine repairs.and,maintenance va,ry'baseii on theextentofthemaintenanceorrepair. An annual PM averages,3 days; other repairs and services can be handled in as little as 1 day: 2:1.5 If follow up repairs are required it will be performed in a fashion that,is the most convenient and least disruptive tothe customer as is possible. If follow up repair is due to component failure, standard component warranties would apply.if applicable. If follow up repair is due to.Hughes Firetechnician error, within 30 days of'initial repair, the associated labor will be provided at no charge,.to Springfield'Fire and Life Safety and repairs will beperformed as quickly,as is feasibly possible. If follow up is due to intermittent undetermined'issues all resources,will be utilized to mihimize:the cost to Springfield Fire and Life Safety while effectively identifying the cause and correction required. 2.1..6' Hughes Fire technicians are available for on-site assess menfwhen',necessary at the shop rate provided in attachment 2': Pick-up and delivery of apparatus from and to Springfield Fire stations is,available at no chargeas indicated in attachment 2. 2.1,7 'A.road test is included as part of our routine service for all service performed to ensure repairs have.,been completed properly. 2.2 through 2.2.4 Welding— Accepted 3. Information,Required—Accepted 4.. Testing,and Performance Requirements—Accepted 5: Training _Accepted r6. Service Requirements a 910 Shelley Street,'Springfield, (DR-3..'521'-r-hiles from the Springfield,station 16 which is the,furthest station from our facility.. Hughes Fire.Equipment, Inc. is a.privately,held Corporation owned solely by-Rex 1. Hughes.. Attachment;$ Springfield Fire Apparatus Maintenance"& Repair RF.P'1183- Page 9'of 10. HUGH_ESFIR£ EQUIPMENT,'INC. !'910 SHELLEY'STREET! SPRINGFIELD,OREGON97477 p P.541,747.0072 • F.541.747.0073 • WWW.HUGHESFIRE.COM C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 26 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 27 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 28 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 29 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 30 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 30 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ? HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT Hughes Fire Equipment facility include a 10,000 square feet, with 7,500 square feet dedicated to inventory and maintenance, including 4 service bays, an underground pump test pit, a dedicated wash area and gated lock secured parking. Each bay will accommodate 2 custom pumpers ozone aerial apparatus. See enclosed photos. Three (3) fully equipped mobile service units are based out of our Springfield facility along with additional vehicles for parts transportation. e Our combined parts inventory, valued at over$400,000.00 ofwhich $225,000.00 is warehoused at our'Springfield, Oregon facility, includes in excess of 2000 of the most commonly required parts.and components to repair apparatus, enabling the out of service"time to be kept at a.bare minimum. This inventory ranges from basic oil, filters,.valves and valve rebuild kits to emergency lighting and water pumps. If We do not have the•required part in ourinventory, we have priority sole source access to inventory in excess of$3.7 million from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., who is the builder of,a large percentage of Springfield Fire's apparatus fleet as well as the inventory of the Pierce dealer-network. We also have directaccess to over 300 other vendors. As a member of the Pierce dealer network we can provide our customers the benefit of access to corporate global logistics support systems for all aspects of firefighting . apparatus, which in"turn•results in minimum "out of service" time: 7. Schedule and'Expense Itemization—See Attachment.2 8. Invoices—Accepted Attachment 3 Reporting Requirements—Accepted Attachment 4-Authorization to Legally Bind Bidder- Accepted—See Attachment 4 Attachment 5—see exception on proposal page 4, item 10 regarding General Insurance— all others terms,Accepted, Copy of Hughes.Fire Certificate of Insurance is included. Attachment 6—Accepted—see attachment 6 Attachment 1' Springfield Fire Apparatus.Maintenance & Repair RFP 1183' Page 10 of 10 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. •910.SHELLEY STREET•.SPRINGFIELD:OREGON197477 • P.541.747.0072 • F.541.747.0073 • WWw.HUGHESFIRE,COM C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 27 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 28 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 29 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 30 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 31 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 31 of 151 DRAFTgj ARM Now POO= woo 2 Zia Ah Hsi Mom n- Jussion", aohdl 1, 01 i' ® 2, Sl5ji i` Ily sua PATTI V 97 i.;,.. o. S'. ENVEMM. T., - C' E X.- I- TV C AS lop 17 log Nei NMI C- UNICIAN E-- Po% NOMMY" T Woods vNey" My" Po too wil C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 29 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 30 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 31 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 32 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 32 of 151 DRAFTEll WIN' I 1171" r jr EMERGENCY VEHICLE TECINCIAN CERTIFICATION COMMISSION, INC. is cer ed in the areas listed below: Maintenance, Inspection, & Testing of Fire Apparatus 10/ 16/ 2015 formance Standards of Fire Apparatus 03112/ 2015 Design & Pei Fire Pumps and Accessories Fire Apparatus Electrical Systems 03J12/ 2015 Advanced Electrical Systems 06/ 0412016 Aerial Fire Apparatus 03/ 12/ 2015 ison Automatic Transmissions oam Systems 06/ 04/ 2016 198, 9 vM. Stephen Wilde, President LrHOwuSx C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 30 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 31 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 32 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 33 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 33 of 151 DRAFTotll" MW mom M AlM I'll" Mill vA lid ecognizes IP IMF . 7 C ti n main Al C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 31 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 32 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 33 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 34 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 34 of 151 DRAFTeERGENC, e. hr ' o EM Y VE CI TEC CERTIFICATION COMMISSION, INC. A Sonny Ovens is certified in the areas listed below: Expires: Design & Performance Standards of Aircraft Rescue & 10/ 15/ 2016 Fire- Fighting Vehicles 4 Chassis and Vehicle Components of Aircraft Rescue and 10115/ 2016 Fire- Fighting Vehicles Extinguishment Systems of Aircraft Rescue and Fire- Fighting 03/ 0912017 Vehicles ggm X Id T' 7 Stephen Wilde, President'.- J, 2. C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 32 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 33 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 34 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 35 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 35 of 151 DRAFTNational Institute for 63EW NICEEXCELLENCEBe it known that SONNY D OVENS has suces5ftly passed the examinations and met the work experience requitement prescribed b the National Institute for Automotive Se vice E% ccfience and is htreby ASE CERTIFIED ill the service areas listed below. ARRAS() T' ION' S; - D ACHIFVEIVILINT GASOLINE ENGINES JUNE 30, 2DJG DIESEL ENGINES JUNE 30, 2016 DRIVE TRAIN JUNE 30, 2016 BRAKES JUNE 30, 2016 SUS? ENSICN AND STEERING JUNE 30, 2DI6 ELECTRICAL/ ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS JUNE 30, 2016 HEATING, VENTILATION, AND A/ C JUNE 30, 2016 OW DECEMBER 31, 2016 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION WE 61YEN THIS 31ST DAY OF DECEMBER 2011, AT LEESBURG, VIRGINIA DO wC) C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 33 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 34 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 35 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 36 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 36 of 151 DRAFTA . 0 jo a 5 MW.... Pz M MK-M11 National Institute for AUr- OTI VM CIE MV 1: MM EXCELLENCE Be it known that SONNY D OVENS has sucessfully passed the examinations and met the work expencricc requirement prescribed by' the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and is hereby ASE CERTIFIED in OEM. gg- ea M., the service areas Ested below A ADVANCED LEVEL SPECIALIST AREAS OF DFMON57RAT7D ACHIEVENfENT F"' PIRES MMk ELECTRONIC DIESEL ENGINE DIAGNOSIS JUNE 30, 2017 1g01& Ali EX. n. GIVEN THIS 297H DAY OF FEBRUARY 2D12; MIR WWI ASE- 2095- 9494 M N C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 34 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 35 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 36 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 37 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 37 of 151 DRAFTf/l yf ufi/ mmuurrgiruqu/i/// muou/.. i/% ice/! uuJJJJ/ JJ/ iiI o Ii(Ii i r E. w I l vi G IVr + i If c:.gs Aj l\ 1\\\\\ l\\\\\\\ iq q\ ti\\\ qqq\\\\}\ r_ vwlu v 1 B B ! a\ w} tu\. w\_}\ vw, uluuJJ/ uJ\\/ JJJJJJ!/ J/ JDIjRI\\ v Zi2i7i7.i' J. 2 7 lJnnlluJl 777i7. 7 7J lJJlIJJ% JJ// J977J// JJ/ JJJJ/{ Jl C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 35 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 36 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 37 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 38 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 38 of 151 DRAFTThe Custo- er Service mff of PU I Offill 1 .. . hereby certify that.,' to I Zm has attended the ° raming xa conducted 11/ 8/ 2005 t4qugh' 11/ 9/ 2005: J . 1 t_ t.' r` t M'", N isr - t^.ir+ umra` o-` 5 v?. m7 z"' a., t}'_ DirectoroFTraining ' C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 36 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 37 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 38 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 39 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 39 of 151 DRAFTThe Customer S! zvicE Staff Of horelcy certify that Sonny Ovens has attended the 0 Chassis EleCILL. rical Training J conducted 6/ 7/ 2004 through 6/ 8/ 2004. ELL 4 22 Authorized Sales and Ser-, n. cF-- C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 37 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 38 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 39 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 40 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 40 of 151 DRAFTi The Customer Scrvics staff of f ,: c = : 0 In c hereby certify that Sonny Ovens l as attended the srm 1 dma Chassis Midtiplex ReIT. D ' [' raining Lj conducted 6/ 9/ 2004 through 6/ 10/ 2004. m6WLLW m Director of Trining AautiZoT. izedSales and Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 38 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 39 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 40 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 41 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 41 of 151 DRAFTj^ ems r The Cwtoliief Sets 66 staff of P11", o: i i vic hezeby certify that Sonny Ove I- IIS LU iias attended the xFa CAF & Hu. tskly Maintenance Training conducted 7( 19/ 2004 through 7/ 21/ 2004. Director ofTmining Authorzzad: Sales arias Service J C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 39 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 40 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 41 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 42 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 42 of 151 DRAFTA.. I ; Tf e CUS ou ei SerGice s' a oi .: l ;' )' > r` % ref ' f'f hereb' ystates that q rip LU is now: cernfied in the: seimce of RROOR 0mm -m ' E Training condiicfed- V. f6/ H0 tlu° oiig4 7/ I712007 FL nWNP PE WP, Autho z rS ies an€ 1 Sea4e - C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 40 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 41 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 42 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 43 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 43 of 151 DRAFTON Mla ME Mfmw AM- Ms di Dp dwfizmll 5; nd Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 41 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 42 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 43 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 44 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 44 of 151 DRAFTey i p 13., . F"' / 11 I Al •® 1 a;.. 1 I. 1_. I rY f[ Ki.. j ' •, 1, a3 I F^ a• = C ( 11 kk p I y T gJ' 4 1r LLB 4-. O .; 15Y j l 1. S r ( Yi X111 R 4 1 1 r I/ I I r r ry.l- a...- r 1- c. e_+, vl y/ iJJO/ I/ 3f/ 7!J/!/ Olj!!//' J4/ lff) , 111.- i///// l// Il/!!/ fJI// I/ f//!///!// 1713/ II77/_/ l_/ J /.: III w- 1• J:< tWi Jcl . : il--: . 1 n T .. IJ'+ l u. u: CSS`:. MI I C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 42 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 43 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 44 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 45 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 45 of 151 DRAFTa.ATTAd14MVNT 1 ta k F t;: r i l' MR x 71-` •;y _ iii„-;nYR rf'.,_ 1 r°' 1,a 4re: i' ::N:]•fJt l .i I e :. rb V='•:'• 5I:1'.. .;f_:::(P,v p:f(n '.}y:'• :::y i: . :1 `§5.r 4 J .-r ,i Wnr ty r ,r r rFk .. •, k i• 1]i•:,J` r'l r 1 a Al r ! -- 5 Fl m ( 1 1 ), F3 np) r y •`rt } lxC sy'{' r ats y r- iF { n'ttw, V Yf Bt v ttl'( vv 1 ', F J t _> 4 i r l a ?Ff')'rl. 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'• 1w'a 7J „ l v'!ts 1t n >r APT G` }yR_ _psi y yt r Iwr'> 7s( f `! if pAb , rttr yt 1 Y 1r1 'l r rf ,r II N j G •r, d.. k.f ",. .. .{`T}t- qs pk:3C 't 4h- )y r r q i .:. ;Sv 1.tit •i i 'r , y+ r r rY. Lq 'y.i..;:T r rb {::_I':[=4?'IU 1 jJ'°ri.: 'tir.lsr•I k.t,:'.: ,y+. C' iyA;' . -tw. J\ %r"..,L{;'i7r- :.: k M1 iii .t ri:' D. ul 2;' o':° r'— t r.... o`r 3 " -ter _ .: Y 'rf::••. r. ) w.7 4F. Pay tt tf C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 43 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 44 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 45 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 46 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 46 of 151 DRAFTiiiiiiii!! o/./!; l</l x Io.\\\\ tii T\\\' C if+ a is: Y rIt ii t f I Mrl CkC' 9 bx11v 17\ \11. 14 2,.. .... .,. .. ,.,.... iiriiji} 7liorihi e C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 44 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 45 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 46 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 47 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 47 of 151 DRAFTF The' Customer Serutce sfafF of i 9 1; 9 hereby certify that Y , G has atten. cied the rr s t 9:. Q. ° ° u les:: . ° n z_ d. 010 con ucteci 9/ 14/ OID through } 15/ 2 y.Y. R .. ME....,33 Y 5 r Dantel 8ai, ley Tramtng Coordinator r Authorized S. and Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 45 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 46 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 47 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 48 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 48 of 151 DRAFTff The Customet Se; vCe staff of 6p ba I l f 1 hereby certify that Barmy wens f P. has attended the a Warranty Certification ' Training conducted 10/ 22/ 2004 through 10/ 23/ 2004. mm J' N trector at Training I ithoiiz rl. S: s• azx.. S z' uAS: e . C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 46 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 47 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 48 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 49 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 49 of 151 DRAFTThe Cu8iorntr Service staff of pRief!" I Cr7e Adll- a!"' mWac mmig - Lum" a hereby certify that Sonny ovens has attended the Service Parts Certification Training oN p. conducted 10/ 22/ 2004 through 10/ 23/ 2004. . il.. Dire CWr or T r- InIng C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 47 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 48 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 49 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 50 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 50 of 151 DRAFTC, ex C cenzeql FROM OSHKOSH CORPORATION To Sonny ( D. Ovens For Having Successfully Completed a Striker Advanced Electrwics Course E November 9 — 12. 2009 w Date CS1 5 H Chad Stueland, Training Specialist NNLWN 'rNU C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 48 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 49 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 50 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 51 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 51 of 151 DRAFTr pFAE ,q 0 1 I C?c cxte af To M xrpartifi I is This Certificate is awarded to: 50171 Y Ovens For Successful Completion of The Following Classes Hydra-alic Systems lroublesiiootm- g Issued this 20 day of March, 2006 I n President f J Executive Director 0 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 48 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 49 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 50 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 51 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 52 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 52 of 151 DRAFTR ON s-1'' r s—• 3 BRASS COMPANY4 Sonny OYems Nozzle . and.- Valnve-- Repair Class a i Minh 10, 20M l ji Lvfrucmr F , a Akron Bra. rr Company Darr v U C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 50 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 51 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 52 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 53 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 53 of 151 DRAFTggg EMERGENCY VCERTIFICATION COMMISSION, INC. Matthew Larson is certified in the areas listed below: Maintenance, laspection, & Testing of Fire Apparatus 06/ 0412016 Desi- n & Performance Standards of Fire Apparatus 03111/ 2016 Fire Pumps and Accessories 06/ 04/ 2016 Fire Apparatus Electrical Systems 03/ 0812018 Stephen Wilde, President C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 51 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 52 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 53 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 54 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 54 of 151 DRAFTN.; ....... ge. M m M N; rn W,W,"'Ns National Institute for 7' AUTOM0TIVEBEiRViCEMEXCIEL4ENCE M I gg Be it known that MATTKEW B: LARSON has successfully passed the examinations and met:. the. work experience rrquixernent prescribed by the National Institute for AutcmDtive. sennce Ea celderice and is hereby ASE CERTIFIED zUA in ffic senate areas listed btJoNv. MEDIUM/ HEAVY TRUCK TECHNICIAN a . AREAS OF DEMONSTTLATEID ACRIEVFI ENT EXPLRES z BRAKES DECEMBER 31, 2017 uu 04 GIVEN THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2013, AT LEMORE, VIRGINIA II ASE- 5386- 9385 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 52 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 53 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 54 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 55 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 55 of 151 DRAFTThe Customer Service staff of O e hereby certify that Matthew Larson has attended the Aerial Maintenance r._•_ 4' '_ mss_ ._. conducted 2/ 24/ 2014 through 212512014 C... T__.......:..._ - _. S. Y... Daniel Bailey, Training Coordinator WI Authorized SakL , nd Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 53 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 54 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 55 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 56 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 56 of 151 DRAFTOUV\\ L\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ aS\\ //\\ lJ\% I//\/\(/\/ v//\%\/ S%\1\/i\/\/// C//\ l/ ifiiR%! ia r.. tt.' i• r,: J h 1 I q; n 1f his 1 P HIM R II C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 54 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 55 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 56 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 57 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 57 of 151 DRAFTThe Customer Servicestaff of A hereby certify that Matthew Larsen has attended the CAFS & Husky Maintenance 3 i= = e_ . conducted 2/ 26/ 2014 through 2/ 22/ 2014 EL ENTYom•. W: LL11:''' YYS'':: SCiI i6 xS" SS.__ 3Yif33 YP.L'. Sfl] ...• iyC TR Daniel Bailey; Tiaining Coordinator 0 Authorized Sz . md Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 55 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 56 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 57 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 58 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 58 of 151 DRAFT5aa a iN1 ul i Iy iiiK lilj Jjy i C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 56 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 57 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 58 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 59 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 59 of 151 DRAFTFur The Customer Service staff of hereby certify that Matthew t Wso ao has attended the I SP/ P P" tE1 + 1' 1' Sste. rr conductea' 4E/ 11/ 20 7L tMrc gh '+/ z/ 2011 N AIM it , r i ly ti: 2 f Dar el Ba11ey, Training: Coordinor authorized Sales ,.., d Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 57 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 58 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 59 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 60 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 60 of 151 DRAFTThe Customer. Service staff of 11 ljjl g e hereby certify that Matthew Larson has attended the fir Conditioning. Maintenance 9 2/ 28/ 2014 conducted 2/ 28/ 2014 throw 9v IN Y. U Daniel Bailey Training Coordinator Authorized Sales and Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 58 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 59 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 60 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 61 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 61 of 151 DRAFTREIN fi C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 59 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 60 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 61 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 62 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 62 of 151 DRAFTThe, Customer Service staff ofi m L hereby certify that i o atthew, Lar nf has attended the a Air Brakes, ESC o A Trbltzbw ho m, ng: , conducted 4/ 13. 12011: tkom® u." ; 1. 4, ' ZO1 : E 1 LLM Daniel Salley, Tratntng Coordinator U I; Authorized Sales and Savlce C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 60 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 61 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 62 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 63 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 63 of 151 DRAFTWELDER OR WELDING OPERtAjjjkUQ &L4FICATION TEST RECORD TaFSa,FS Welder"Name / l O/li Clock No. elding Process Flux Cored Arc WeldiDate ofTest eld my Procedure Specification No.AWS B2.1-1-030-9411 j Process Type: Manual( ) Senii-Automatic( X) Automatic( ) Machine( ) TEST JOINT SHIELDING Configuration T-.loint Shielding Gas Composition(%) 75%Argon/15%CO, Sides Welded: Single (X ) Double Weld( ) Manifold Source: Yes( ) No(X) Flow Rate 35-55 CF14 Backing: Yes( ) No(X)Flux(SAW) N/A Electrode-Flux (Class) N/A Backing Material N/A Root Opening NIA Root Face Dimension NIA. POSITION Groove Angle N/A Radius(1-U) N/A Position Code 4F' Vertical Progression: Up( }Down( } Back Gouging: Yes( ) No(X) Method N/A Positions Qualified I F 7F AF i BASE METAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS j Material/Spec. ASTM A36 Transfer Made: Short-Circuiting ( ) Globular ( ) Type or Cu ade Mild Steel Spray ( ) Other Modified Spray Thickness: Plate Pipe N/A_ Current: AC ( DCEP (X) DCEN ( ) Pulsed ) Pile Diameter N/A Schedule NIA Amperage_yO Voltage a7 e Thickness Qualified Unlimited Wire Feed Speed(IPM)5`0 FILLER METALS TECHNIQUE Type_, Tubular-Flux Cored Diameter .052" Stringer or Weave Bead Weave AWS Specification A5.20 Weave Type Trian-ular AWS ClassiFca[ion_ E71T-1 Multi-Pass or Single Pass(per side) Single Pass F-No 9 Certified By Test No Inter-pass Cleaning Method N/A VISUAL INSPECTIONS Fillet Test Results Visual Inspection Etch Test Yes No Yes No Surface Cracks X] Fusion to Root X] f I Excessive Undercut X] Internal Cracks X J Size Min.&Max.OK. X J Side Wall Fusion X] Weld Size Uniform X] Weld Profiles OK. X] Overlap(Cold Cap) I X] Excessive Undercut X] Surface Porosity XI End Craters Filled X] Brealc Test Results Excessive Inclusions X] Pass X] I Fracture Test Root Penetration [X I Test Date / GYd 3 Test ID Number Guided Bond Test Results Bend Type NIA cResessultt7 N/A Date N/A Test ID Number WA Test Witnessed By zl o Test Inspected By Organization Pierce Manufacturing. Inc. Date of Inspection RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RESULTS Film ID N/A Results N/A Remarks N/A Darrellt-Duckatl Inspected by N/A Test Number N/A CWf 90060113 Organization NIA Date NIA y/ Ut-' Ae' ti 1/2014 We,the undersigned,certify(hat the statements in this record arc correct and ilim the test welds were prepared,welded,and tested in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/AWS DI.I/DI,IM2008,Structural Welding Code- Steel. Organization rce Manufacturi [ ; y/ rL__ Authorized QSD 1131 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 60 of 147 Effective Date: 6/21!2010 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 61 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 62 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 63 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 64 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 64 of 151 DRAFTWELDER OR WELDING OPE*i%k&*4FICATION TEST RECORD T7FS43Fs Welder Name_/i/ L 2s0/_ CIud:No. _`J`I,/Welder LD. 'fkI L Welding Process Flux Cored Arc Welding pate of Tes—a 0/ Welding Procedure SpeciFication No.AWS B2.1-1-020-94R i Process Type: Manual( ) Semi-Automatic(X) Automatic( ) Machine I TEST JOINT SHIELDING Configuration T-Joint Shielding Gas Composition(%) 75%Argon/25%CO3 Sides Welded: Single (X) Double Weld( ) Manifold Source: Yes( ) No(X) Flow Rate 35-SS CPU Sacking: Yes( ) No(X)Flux(SAW) N/A Electrode-Flux(Class) N/A Backing Material N/A Root Opening N/A Root Face Dimension N/A POSITION Groove Angie 14 A Radius(J-U) N/A Position Code 31- Vertical Progression: Up(X)Down( ) Back Gouging: Yes( ) No(X) Method N/A Positions Qualified IF_2F-3F BASE METAL GLFCTRICALCHARACTERISTICS MateriallSpec. ASTM A36 Transfer Mode: Short-Circuiting ( ) Globular ( j Type of Grade Mild Stccl Spray ( ) Other Modified Surav Thickness; Plate Pipe N/A Current AC ( ly { CEP (X) DCEN ( ) Pulsed( ) Pipe Diameter' N/A Schedule N/A Amperage c ofof Voltage__q"lO Thickness Qualified Unlimited Wire Feed Speed(IPM) S O FILLER MET. LS TECIINIn E F Type Tubular-Flux Cored Diameter .052" Stringer or Weave Bead Weave AWS Specification A520 Weave Type Triangular AWS Classification E71T-I Multi-Pass or Sutgle Pass(per side)Single Pass F-No 9 Certified By Test Nom,_ Inter-pass Cleaning Method N/A VISUAL INSPECTIONS i Fillet Test Results Visual Inspection Etch Test Yes No Yes No Surface Cracks X) Fusion to Root X) Excessive Undercut X] Internal Cracks X] Size Min.&Max.OK. X I Side Wall Fusion X) Weld Size Uniform X I Weld Profiles OIC. X] I Overlap(Cold Cap)XI Excessive Undercut X I Surface Porosity XI End Craters Filled X] f ) Break Test Kcsulls Excessive Inclusions X I Pass X] Fracture Test Root Penetration [X] f ] Tesi Date Test ID Number i Guided Bend Test Results Bend Type N/A /` Result N/A Date N/A TesIIDNumber N/A Test Witnessed By Test Inspected By Organization Pierce Manufacturing„Inc. Date of Inspection RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RCSULTS Film 1D N/A Results N/A Remarks N/A Darrell t. DuERM Inspected by N/A Test Number N/A CW! 00060113 Organization N/A Date N/A QCt EXP_6/1/2014 We,the undersigned,certify that the statements in this record are correcl and that the test welds were prepared,wetded,and tested in accordance with the requirements ofANSUA WS DL VDI.I M:2008,Structural Welding Code- Steel. Organization P' cc Manufacturi .Inc,, JAuthorizedBy Date ?—VSa 0/- QSD 1130 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 61 of 147 Effective Datc: 6232010 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 62 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 63 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 64 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 65 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 65 of 151 DRAFTWelder or Welding 01MMAM+)RMI ieation Test Record I'FA473G VelduNmne Li¢/Z,SO/v Clock xNo.7_ `1 Welder I.D. NI 6[ Weldingc Process GMAW-Spray Transfer Aluminum Date ofTesl gelding Procedure Specification No. P5FA47SG Manuat( ) Semi-Automatic(X) Automatic( ) Machine TEST JOINT SHIELDING i Configuration T-Joint Shielding Gas Type Argon Sides Welded Single (X)Double Weld( )Shielding Gas Composition(%) 100% Backing: Yes{ ) No( X) Manifold Source: Ycs(X) Not ) Flow Rate 35 CF 1 Backing Material NIA Root Opening NIA _Root Face Dimension N/A POSITION Groove Angle NIA Radius(J-U) NIA Position 3F Vertical Progression: Uphill Bach Gouging: Yes 1 ) No(X) Method NIA Positions Qtatlified If',21',3F BASE METAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Material/Spec. AA606t Transferivinde: Shorl-Circuiting ( ) Globular ( ) Type m Gmde T-651 Aluminum Spray (X ) Cuter N/A I'Irickness: Plate /," Pipe Wall'fhickness_ N/A Current: AC ( ) DCEP (X) DCEN ( ) pulsed ) Pipe Diameter NIA Schedule N/A Amperage -3/0 Voltage Thickness Qualified: Unlimited Viru Feed Speed(IPM) FILLER M VTALS TECHNIQUE Type Solid Wire Blaster 3,64" Stringeroi Weave Bend Stringer AWSSpecilicution AWS A5.101A5.10M Weave Type NIA AWS Classification ER5756 Multi-Pass or Single Pass(per side) Multi-Pass F-No P22 Certified By Test No Inteipass Cleaning Method Stainless Steci Wit c Brushing VISUAL INSPECTIONS iFilletTestResults isual Inspection Etch Test Yes No Yes No Surface Cracks X] Fusion to Root X] Excessive Undercut XI Internet Cracks X] Size Min.&Metc OK. X] Side Wall Fusion X] Weld Size Uniform X] Weld Profiles OK. IX) Overlap(Cold Cap) X] Excessive Undercut X] Surface Porosity t X] End Craters Filled X] Break Test Results i Excessive Inclusions X] Pass X] Fracture Test Root Penetration X] Test Date Test ID Number Guided Dead'Pest Results Bend'rype NIA esult N/A Date NIA Test ID Number N/A Test Witnessed and Inspected By e DeNJI90060113 Organization Pierce Manufacturing,Inc. Date of Inspection OC1 FD(A.6/112014 RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RESULTS Fibn ID NIA Results NIA Remarks N/A Inspected by N/A test Number N/A Organization N/A Date N/A We,the undersigned;cardfy Ihat the statements in this reenrd are correct and that the test welds were prepared,welded,and tested in accordance Willi the requirements ol'ANSUA WS D L2/DL2M:2003,Structural Welding Code-Aluminum. mufacturer I PPierceeManufacturing Inc. Authorized IIy GI/lw/j',G Date QS 0517 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment Inc. Page 62 of 147 rtrective Date:61232010 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 63 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 64 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 65 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 66 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 66 of 151 DRAFTWelder or Welding 01MAIAM'Alw0ifacation Test Record r TIrA47SG Welder Name i'¢7 Lf7 f_ a Cluck Nu.r7/ W7eider I.D. (vl Welding Process GMAW-Spray Transfer Aluminum Date of Test Welding RVCe(lure SpecificalioR No. PSFA47SG Process T e Manual( } Semi-Automatic(Automatic X) Automatic( ) Machine( ) TEST JOINT SHIELDING Configuration T-Joint Shielding Gas Type Arrant Sides Welded Single (X)Double Weld( )Shielding Gas Composition(%) IOD% Backing: Yes( ) No(X) Manifold Source: Yes(X) No( ) Flow Rate 35 CFH Bucking Material NIA Root Opening NIA Root Face Dimension NIA POSITION Groave Anglc _ N/A Radius(J-U) N!A Position _417 Vertical Progression: N/A Back Gouging: Yes( } No(X ) Nielhud NIA Pnsilions Qualified IF,2F,46 RASE METAL ELECTRICAL,CHARACTERISTICS Material/Spec.AA 6061 Transfer Mode: Short-Circui ling ( ) Globular ( ) Type ur Gracie T-651 Aluminum Sinny (X ) Other D!!". thickness: Plate''A" Pipe Wail Thickness N/A Current AC ( ) DCEP (X) DCEN ( ) Pulsed( } Pipe Diameter NIA Schedule NIA Amperage 316 Voltage 17y Thickness Qualited: Unlimited _ Wire Fced Speed(!PA1) FILLER METALS TECHNIQUE I.vpc Solid Wire Diameter 3/64" Stringer or Preavc Bead StnilgGr AWS Spccitication AWS A5.IDIA5.IDMI Weave Type NIA AWS Classification ER5356 Multi-Pass or Single Pass(per side) Multi-Pass F-No F22 Certified By Test No Interpass Cleaning Method Stainless Steel Wire Brushing:. VISUAL INSPECTIONS I Fillet Test Results Visunl Inspection Etch Test Yes No Yes No Surface Cracks J X] Fusion to Root X)j Excessive Undercut X) Internal Cracks X) aSizeMin.&Max.OK. X] Side Wall Fusion X)I Weld Size Uniform X] Weld Prnfile5 OK. X) Overlap(Cold Cap) J XI Excessive Undercut X] Surface Porosity XI End Craters Filled IX J B real(Test Results Excessive Inclusions J X] Pass p_ f 7 [X 1 Fracture Test Root Penetration X) Test Date /GI' WO/ Test ID Number Guided Bend Test Results Bend Type NIA R,esulltt NIA Dale _ N/A Test ID Number NIA Pest Witnessed and Inspected By W r( r DaR611 L 60113nCWISOCS0113 7 Organization Pierce Manufacturing Inc. Date of Inspection d!oipl OC1 EXP. 6/112014 RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RESULTS F Film ID NIA Results N/A Remarks NIA Inspected by NIA test Number NIA t Organization NIA Date NIA We,the undersigned,certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the lest welds were prepared,welded,and tested in accordance with the requirements ofANSI/ AWS D1.2/ D1.2M:2003,Structural Welding Code-Aluminum. Manufacturer M, inc emmMan_uufacctturf Inc. Date 1(C//}Authorized By ri/i6uxC. /T GGf/( T zX OSD 051E Effective Date:E/23l2010C1213rev1HughesFireEquipment,Inc. Page 63 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 64 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 65 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 66 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 67 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 67 of 151 DRAFT0%.! O'V' I ME ay E Rrek In a k"'P, 0 R14 Tr r { t Xyw, g- KI; e F, Cer d Commission, Inc Recognizes J! Or 7-X kh S ,-% ars JU Z.. as meeting the requirements of the following levels of EVT Certification LEVEL I FIRE APPARATUS TE CHNICIAN LEVEL 11 FIRE APPARATUS TECHNICIAN rtl MASTER FIRE APPARATUS TECHNICIAN iThis certification expires: M - ch 31, 201 1 ai Stephen wflcle' Presidentel The technician must maintain the individual ASE and EVT requirements for ezch IL, lr C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 65 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 66 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 67 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 68 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 68 of 151 DRAFTIlk Eol! w J EMERGENCY VEHICLE TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION COMMISSION, INC, Keith Sears is certified in the areas listed below: Expires: wt Maintenance, Inspection, & Testing of Fire Apparatus 06/ 04/ 2016 Design & Performance Standards of Fire Apparatus 03111/ 2016 Fire Pumps and Accessories 03/ 11/ 2016, Fire Appa ratus Electrical Systems 03/ 09/ 2617 Aerial Fire Apparatus 03/ 08/ 2018 f % g Allison Automatic Transmissions 03/ 08/ 2018 Foam Systems 03/ 09/ 2017 Stephen Wilde, Presiderit C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 66 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 67 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 68 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 69 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 69 of 151 DRAFTNational Institute forAUTOMOTIVESERVICE X. Be it known that KEITH L SEARS has successfudy passed the exarninatiojas and met the work expelielice requimnent pre- scribed stitum. for Automodvr Service ExceErrict aad is hereby ASE CERTIFIED in the scfrvice areas Ested below. LU MASTER MEDIUM/ HEAVY TRUCK TECHNICIAN GASOLINE ENGINES DECEMBER 31, 2018 DIESEL EN61NES DECEMBER 31, 2017 DRIVE TRAIN DECEMBER 31, 2017 JUNE 30, 2017 BRAKESSUSPENSION AND STEERING JUNE 30, 2017 ELECTRICAL/ ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS DECEMBER 31, 2017 4 HEATING, VENTILATION, AND A/ C DECEMER 31, 2018 GIVEN THIS 30TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2013, AT LEESBURG, VIRGINIA C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 67 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 68 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 69 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 70 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 70 of 151 DRAFT1 / The Customer Service staff of Oft turing . inu , hereby certify that nth ears has passed: all t raining requirements needed to be a q moll fierce aster Technician 1. expires May 1; 2015: r MTIOa? Daniel Bailey, TrainingC 00 rdrnato r Authorized Sales and Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 68 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 69 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 70 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 71 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 71 of 151 DRAFTi t` , 2l r ` y / \ . i7 f [ } • ] . I • . » j w a . . . 3 u . : l \: e , K 2 §~ - ° z d \ / « \\:_..«.. w. z\ 2`± x/ C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 69 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 70 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 71 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 72 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 72 of 151 DRAFTThe Customer Service staff of loco s hereby certify that Z Keith S- eqrs lu2F has attended the a i Q11ad SE E- Iectric conducted 4/ 11/ 20 1 1" tlir' ougVv 4/ 1212011 N as i Daniel Bailey, Training Coordinator AUthDTjZed Sales and Servi[ e C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 70 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 71 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 72 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 73 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 73 of 151 DRAFTr The Customer` Service staff of doq w h , dd 6 9: hereby certify that 4 S r it W Keith Sears i a ' has attended the a C FS c. Hutky Maintenance i= 3- EFL.___- 5zz•- r- e- x =_ Ondu& 4t f 4/ 18/ 2- 012 throU h 4/ 19/ 2012 b ::;;;._.. a: s Y:: s—' S=_•._ :— rte im5 5 Daniel Bailey, Training Coordinator u Authorized and Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 71 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 72 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 73 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 74 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 74 of 151 DRAFTThe Customer Service staff of Peew j o o hereby certify that F Keith Sears ZLa has attended the a Command Zone aY conducted 4/ 13/ 2011 thr® ug. h. 4/ 14/ 2011 PPIO EagQvNNm I Daniel Bailey, Trainirg Coordinator Authorized Sales anci Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 72 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 73 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 74 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 75 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 75 of 151 DRAFTa\ Q\ tia\\\ Q\ v\\\\\\\ acv\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ a\ w\\ p\\\\\\\ w\\\\\\\\\\ oG\ Iwo\\\\\\\\\\ CCa\\\\\\\ n\ I sr' rr I r. rrfL i rJl" r, ' I fl ilr q...-._ r.• I I s` flhr7 i q n e. trhl Nl y I r51 6' r l\\ Y i'.• Ld- C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 73 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 74 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 75 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 76 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 76 of 151 DRAFTf cl\ 3R\`\ I11liI I' I I r J tim a / l " °/ " I b• Phi/ oe e lu\\\\\\\\\\ vW r. ...,..... .. I ` iii7ioiiiiiiii!} iiiiiiiiJil7iiii/ C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 74 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 75 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 76 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 77 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 77 of 151 DRAFTR c'\ C i`\ itC\ i ii u i ea' i1L la i ca i i i ca i\\ i iii ca\ i i Ci i i Cii C\ i Siii iU C CCi\\'\\: iR\R Y Ct' Y T{l F;1:cn r. u ttlr,, I f I rTLLII rll4/ v.. J, Iii rV I/ tynrrfr. ti j F-J,r' f rr C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 75 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 76 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 77 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 78 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 78 of 151 DRAFTwq Verbowing levels of EVT Certification LEVEL FIRE1.]; 6PAAkTUS TECHNICIAN LEVEL 11 FIRE P. - A) RATUS TECHNICIAN MASTER F71 7ATUS TECHNICIAN This C6 Stephen ' Wilde, President E and E T requirements for each level 17 44 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 76 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 77 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 78 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 79 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 79 of 151 DRAFTdyl'}: A: hFi'•,' i,.. 1 ft,:. r, F r G:. ! s:; rr ya •, i_, . , ll ; sr\ . Cl;+ l// ly . ' ti': Jj,,.' ar'.? 3// 11 .. n \ l\\ C, ..,)"(' y' ll , l'. a ii+ f. iSF',-+ r W..: o ' Ei'r`:i: \'•` ii•::;, il' is7 i:. ... rfi f- Yo:. :: r-'t.`/ .. YaJ• i.. 7 ! \ lU ,: ` 5L f/ 11 sii2': I• f/!/ R1\ n ,. yl a. n, r./// H : , 01. 7kc.. ih:! fl \\\,.; 1 r / 1\ ._, r. Tfo 9? • Y a f s,. a"+" 6' Lt'. r' ( l>jd W+ r 4,: \ r O Rr i rry: 4\' G a r4 ' 7 i/ ff "'' l, i I la f.+': r s u K+G'„ i, r ' C , e \.` t r q ( S , y t: 1 r ' 1 I,;,. e..+ l: i" n\ fir 1 1.•' li' i O•i i t ; s r, 3 € !•, i@;. ,, i§ SJ ': yy kJ'` I p f){'( p\:' k yn i' . , r I;. dlr.(,/ y. t 3 7 r ^,' raly gv.. d i ii J,. f9", 4'' tc 7ri . a Ii..' J, U1'al F ':• I ) f k 4 fiP - Y•$ i2.\ V 1 T ' d@ ! j 1 ' 4)•^ 3 r 7 l. '.' : i,+d, r Q;; w.. r: hT ' 1C@' ti: ff '! t '.' cy 4 i r: P n y.' u d. ri{? , : L r, 1 d \ r;.` as , Aor:. a ' tj:, jp- kq•, r; t:.;. QS'}, Hl r [. rr.. p\ s*..: yrtn . ri ib•:{: i• r? L7. F ?.. d•:. .' tr i. q {{ ii..:. ". r; y:` I ":?. 1 ) Tp, . v" ., r. S. r ? , V rl ry x v' 1. :°' iti r y : `>;. i rs n p- 1. ?' # t5. , r.; Vii..,.. p € , r.. r.`< v k I, 1, J• F yn c • b '` f`.'.( Si'+ 4,` f I td . 3+ _ _ i• sal_ x,'• 9 i`? i. `. tj ya., h` u• J) F7- k qfi=, p•:•.. rr'•': yl' N'', F[, tt , 1.'.' fwd t 3 s/^' r.. :: 5 7 s :.. J . hh .,,•,...... J. d , a, 7 ,_ rr€'+ r,+ t y av¢ ava my .: vvveevv, a w ov m v: wnova.. vmv m w Ncv va N. nsw EMERGENCE1 a EHICI E TECN HNICIAN p 5 a CERTIFICATION COMMISSION INC. a ; y \ s:. f rr 4/ arren Tilton E f is certified in the areas listed below: Y Expires: Maintenance, Inspection, & Testing of Fire Apparatus 03/ 11/ 2016 fr a Design & Performance Standards of Fire Apparatus 03/ 11/ 2016 3 ` Fire Pumps and Accessories 06/ 04/ 2016 Fire Apparatus Electrical Systems 10/ 15/ 2016 s y a c? 1 Aerial Fire Apparatus 03/ 09/ 2017 llison Automatic Transmissions 0310912017 s g Stephen Wilde, President 11\ M wGN M' Nd QR ibq QW @64Y@dbN NNL : NN 6 bd V E d GYW q dtlldYdQeyN OW dN/ dVffi Ib":' d bdUAi$ 2 Nde 2 Obd5. lVdddd VRY, S,Q\ pl@d y1Ud ib ! bl 5S' 6tl1 @bb.13 1 1€' i•.' M " r T ' M t' 11 7' ITGQrc1.;, f'., : r; ry'- W:: h•! _ Ijl jy blti.• fj^ r ,- h.. { Fll @Ft. a J ; tpy,,•• i: i:+" n:. if' 4/\ ZfVlr'. ' lt J,to i, rTr J tI I, v SJ- Ls`; rY- rF: \ i}1{ vi i, rli: u4' 4"<` llrl,-+ GII(( t{.;, rt;/:. iiYr vy3: e ter,. .+' ¢ ir{; sir ; . .:• u i' e T ;;. y, G, y ..:' r.;;:; e.. :!+:. I try rr ; rL.,• ti r . vdr v t a.. >` 1v .. t. A :. CFt A:. , t• < ' l,•V f{. t n .. y. J- rl :.: ru G i : i / 7sir;'' 41i Pt a r" r U f { j (::• i r z tq le I r fb ' : (;. r rx r 9 r Ilr). A a. .;{ r P `}! i :> ' th rr ! iii'- R y :.' n n\\" t alll.+ fr .. 4i `, s,:.• b , r:• ` C\'+ i` 44 ! I\ r, r:;, a t \ 1 3 r.• Ali .:/ d . ar .; e?: , 3"i xT1 \ r d A4,+ . z , I•f', 1"^ 4 rro u '.•• , r..;. ayF I i s/ ', '• + Srir, s. Y."-.:: 2..•\;+\ a 6 v r r:.`.:• r' ' ur'y 9t x r._,.:;,` u...,, y . „ r' . jlr '' Sr \ ::, Sr T., a(/ i.' an = i', 1. t'? , N+ r Jyyv\ CJr,•, r ' k \ a •. M. + 4. Sk../ L;,:: F.•. 1. I . f. r ./ " t ti< y,,, f,; 7 ti< s +_.; 3j:. V,1\ 1. •* k ` y d> N Yvi''.; i_ vn' . r-: r r ., +:.: l / l.:.. rIQ,. ./ rrr,. rl lfl-•.: s.'. i W I/...:' ili'!. If..'. \\\"< nS} I7 i:; d' fry°:;, \ 4at%,:: i»' rfl. h I .,, n.: \'.../ ;..: k. . .)... dv .. i::,..., u., 4v..,. i, is ri r,. yo: ,:\\ /,,.,. .:. / r ds; A.:.... .,; t: , l ll\ • ar ..`•. lfrr< : r df T,\\\ . JlJ,: J':. a,/ ys;?'\$. /!! f iv'• . yr fi”' `\\ ! C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 77 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 78 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 79 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 80 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 80 of 151 DRAFTFOLD ALONG PERFORA77ON TO REMOVECER7fFrOA7ff ASE- 2722- 2657 z National r ms SERVICEEXCEEILLE' N, " CE w Be it known that D A R R I--- N W TI LTON V-1 has sucessfo2y passed the examinations and met the work experience requirement prescribed bl- the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence' and is herebv ASE CERTIFIED in the service areas listed below. MASTER MEDIUM/ HEAVY TRUCK TECHNICIAN AREAS OF DENIONSTRATED ACFllFVHNfENT GASOLINE ENGINES JUNE 30, 2016 DIESEL ENGINES 1 JUNE 30, 2016 DRIVE TRAIN JUNE 30, 2016 BRAKES DECEMBER 31, 2015 gr SUSPENSION AND STEERING DECEMBER 31, 20' ELECTRICAL/ ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS DECEMBER 31, 2015 E k 2016 HEATING, VENTILATION, AND A/ C JUNE 3 T PREVEN7iVE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION DECEMBER 31, 2015 GIVEN THIS 30TH DAY OF JUNE 2011, AT LEESBURG, VIRGINIA ASE- 2722- 2557 71 Ly ASE IDF 7HCMON NUMER Ztl. Kr, C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 78 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 79 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 80 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 81 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 81 of 151 DRAFT1 J 3fx is z ff 1 I I 1E7, ff e -® A A A " r A m im A 9 Ul\ \\, j1U ll7\ ll\ w\}\} 1U\ p\\\ i\}\» l}}}}}}\ hNw\\\}}} v Ir'. A.• . C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 79 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 80 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 81 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 82 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 82 of 151 DRAFTThe Customer Service staff of hereb. y certify that ar C° aIl~` ton has attended the conducted 11/ 2/ 2007 through 11/ 3/ 2007. p . z Ke. Oireclor of Training semcie I C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 80 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 81 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 82 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 83 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 83 of 151 DRAFTe 1 The Customer Service skaff of t a 4 te a hereby certify. that Darren` T' iht6n o has attended the er ae - ance-- Clan All Me L conducted 11/ 6/ 12. through 11% 7/ 12.. HHP 7 Y Daniel Il Training: Coordm Authorized Safes and" Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 81 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 82 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 83 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 84 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 84 of 151 DRAFTC' Cpl\ CU a\\ t\\\\ w\ 5\ e\\ ti\ o ti\ GGG\\\\\\'` C t i3\\' 0.\C\• GlCI., . . pi1 us.4 dpi p; r ' oil El YAP 1 1 l t.. ,. x,: 11. i i i• II r. r i 9 q 1 wyUV vwlOK> v gvwvnv vyvvv rvv vv vvl- vvvvwvvlhwvwvvvvv\ iy p\ v\ \ a . v 1 l7 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 82 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 83 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 84 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 85 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 85 of 151 DRAFTt4" A' VW. v: y9 JF: 6....:.. aGl4 f:: l.. !. l'(,%/' f" R` ' ft Ci . l9- TP L F -" A1' y T F' tl_.. ( l"" TYrIY• L. , l. Ju .:. 1. +,.+. R.. F. YSa^ a. K^ Sl grt////,/ 1 1J/l1/ J/ 1/ fJ/ J(// 1iI/ fl/// 1IAll//[ f// f/ n//////// JJ/// 1J/ l///! J/ IJ/ l// 11/// 11J//! 1////. al!/ ll//[/ 1/ IS- 1/ JJl\ G"\_;_{ 0 7 tt f 5If I h aT flJtlrTZ I JFI 1 1 1 ° 1 • 11 Fitu i 1 ] i Y X94.' P I g " L'/ 71V y l' N s iJ"+': yli m y V I l ir I tirc I 1 I y ? 1 \ Ulllrk a @li k\ k kTw.. S 1` / {... \ wmou ilu kSk @. Skl f1A/ I/ JfiJJ/ IdJJOyj/ 111// JJi) 1O// 1/ 1/ J11i ne. D " XJ . lti, - VVI 1;VVI 4- 1 ltd C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 83 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 84 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 85 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 86 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 86 of 151 DRAFTQ/ , liii ilfii/l ftri/ iiiaoiiiia ii/ ii{ ioapiaiaiiaiivi niiiiiiii/ oiiioa/ Giiiiiiiiiiiaiaiiil iiaa{ aiiaiiliiiiiiiio// i/ aioiiiiaiiilq// oiiiiiviii/ iilliia( iii/[ i/( i/ ilL,(/, e is h' I'. M1:JIll' as n f r- nj1iz, id x a i' r o`" ir. i B o it s e i 1 i d I " •' y 94x ri u Y aUT\ 1 V.. u.........\.. u i\ mow i% 3 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 84 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 85 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 86 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 87 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 87 of 151 DRAFTIk 61 Im mmm NNW ig i:: S \ q IF F I C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 85 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 86 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 87 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 88 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 88 of 151 DRAFTe. roioiiiiiaiiiiiaiaiiouiooaaioijauoiioii lr ii[ iaifraarii/!, l{ iiGr%{ f/J,C ii 0 a r' i p/ S` v I , 1 .® I 1 it 41 it 1 r v 1 iV •" 1l I V V N 0 4 ` la r° 1 ei4 V krcrl w' e; F,' I C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 86 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 87 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 88 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 89 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 89 of 151 DRAFTC1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 87 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 88 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 89 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 90 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 90 of 151 DRAFTi o i T E 9 7 1 ' Iat71i1 ft J3.z C a 11 Wt '{arl+i ,111r,Z`I{ ILIN i I lyll''k+ril ili°' ill W xrfa ilti Idl I ' II xd_ Q w5iF'pIr"r' 3'gll4F 19 yi . L 1,1{{ f t 4 p,l f I Li t' I Itl x If h M H D AAqfNf y ((l CEO Cl) n Sal1M. t41'Ir I'I 1 1 1 11(` IfII F 1j I G l' R A'II tn C7 , ', J Jl ; hj'E jn w ln' i C/) p r-1 g .. r y{I n u{ In PI' iillii I I I ) I ! e I Cl) IIA t'd'I;f1}l'{I _ Jlp l{'rI1 ' Fy a'rl IXI I tI ' i p fl 1 DOS,, r"Z' R:">`v'•. T,°XUF`.1`-.1"33*N .zr.. , cxH C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 87 of 147' C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 88 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 89 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 90 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 91 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 91 of 151 DRAFTtt wl eln.. L9 L® cSJJ G. FPf FIL' VYEW f3®LLC A DaimlerChrysler Company THIS CERTIFIES THAT o HAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED ALL TESTS AND IN- SHOP. EXERCISES. TO DEMONSTRATE COMPETENCY IN THE COURSE OF STUDY FOR izal l i N ie° ITo a4 c Q TMA m s'- N 1 L 7.. t 2 AhANAGER INSTRUCTOR C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 89 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 90 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 91 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 92 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 92 of 151 DRAFTQ '' as v ..•.in2'i3P.J 3FRi I Y Y 4 {I tl 1 ti' ,I ti: nar 454 lv tl rt +' IfGyC J1' r , 7' { flat 4t I Yll 14 rtFl P t 9p I 51414'41f i I li I T181 1 h+ A 011{ ,II , al Pa I O U] r q- R it n CC/ l p Il it _ 1 1 0 r'IR N,'a .0 ' rl - 8 a CIO I 41`ul 75!'rilp yvi'iti a m O n l AC)I i 'Rlul , 1' y i I jyC ti.I I 44— V) 0 q 3 r "DrillIr A 1 7 It I! {F'l l lMi-/l 13x71'lb lf ryIE:I IIVIdIi I (4jJ.'H Lam ' 5 ' r '", y' !1`I1il ylI,i aPh l'll d a j1 r 11 y •c r rz c I r Ij!JI4II uJ`414 p' 1 II+ d 3 o C,,, LpX11CfisynH1 -- llCj' al :'Ifi ih'r,RyvrIPY i 41a'Ill ydP{71hPhil NC' Iiyi In f {1 y 111 44I 1is 4k C It I ]y c l ,a 4 f . 4 i7 c L nlll4VI z ,,x,11 H o a 1+:_ i.r_irCaaE,ls"J1 n'EliR1EMnJlFfA=,1,. - •••"1: ':P:Fa'4_'iti'!S:CH 1:. x[+PFSS3' +4"tLSQ,it+..1?,r.Lr.il'v'^Jw1+IIZ'rc:aJ_wlrilr'C e-:Aly'.^ntir:Y i1G61i t'Vo'J...JN.rY._ rev toglies Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 89 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 90 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 91 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 92 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 93 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 93 of 151 DRAFTI iceo ' Ut LLG.IgPApaimlerbhrysler Company I yzNF. . r THIS CERTIFIES THAT v ti f4 . HAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED ALL TESTS 1 AND IN- SHOP EXERCISES TO DEMONSTRATE COMPETENCY a IN THE COURSE OF STUDY. FOR - Service- e, w 4 4 > NN t iANAGEA.'; .. INSTRUCTOR C' an nvu:- • ays. C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 91 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 92 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 93 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 94 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 94 of 151 DRAFTg w al A'i Rum, a 0 THIS CERTIFIES THAT Darren Ti( t® n OR NN HAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED A D-• 1 TRAINING. COURSE IN OSCILLOSCOPE OPERATOR and EMISSIONS SYSTEM T, TER qZ, Leland SUN ELECTRIC CORPGRATION INSTRUCTOR Recognized by 0"A 411019 SUN ELECTRIC CORPORATION 1, 0mo DATE 2 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 92 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 93 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 94 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 95 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 95 of 151 DRAFTqvfoog AutomotivePresents its Cejt f cats of Training 70 Darren W. Tifton lu aWho supports tfm highest standanfs of safety, service and dependability F in steering and suspension maintenance. 4 rAis 14' day of7une 1996 CN Moog Technical WN Training Center mMNU C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 93 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 94 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 95 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 96 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 96 of 151 DRAFTS ' ggtr " g p F" A.7. Y0.f' K k: 1.*". 2 R-" m 0EMERGENCY VEHICLE TECHNICIAN S CERTIFICATION COMMISSION, INC. Pin', Clent Wilson 3M is certified in the areas fisted below: Expires: Maintenance, Inspection, & Testing of Fire Apparatus 10/ 16/ 2015 IRI Aa, M3. Design & Performance Standards of Fire Apparatus 03/ 14/ 2014 Fire Pumps and Accessories 03/ 10/ 2012 Fire Apparatus Electrical Systems 06/ 0612014 IN, N Aerial Fire Apparatus 10/ 16/ 2015 Imp . Allison Automatic Transmissions 06/ 04/ 2016 A41 11-- 47V Ti: 3 Stephen Wilde, President ti C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 94 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 95 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 96 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 97 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 97 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT From: evtcert[mailto:evtcertCalevtcc.ora] Sent:Thursday,April 17, 20117:39 AM To: Clent Wilson Subject: EVT Clent Wilson EXAM STATUS DATEPASS F3 EXP 03/10/07 E1 EXP 03/10/07 F2 PASS 03/14/09 F4 PASS 06/06/09 F1 PASS 10116/10 F5 PASS 10(16110 F6 PASS 06/04111 RF3 PASS 03/08/13 i Thank you for your support of the EVT Certification Program. f' ii Sherry Wilde e Manager EVT Certification Commission, Inc. P O Box 894 Dundee, IL 60118 847-426-4075 Fax 847-426-4076 evtcert(ulevtcc.org r . www.evtcc.ore I f t E t C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 94 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 95 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 96 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 97 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 98 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 98 of 151 DRAFTFOLDALONG PERFORADON TO REMOVE CER7( rICATE VOR 6 m yf 4.P I 1. 1110VIi- 31NMI- 11 National Institute for M) ICCELLENCM 1-5 - Be itknown that w C L E N. T . W W1 L& OR JR has sucessfiiUypassed the examinations and recluirc- Ameat prescribed by II the Natioical Institute for Awomouvc Service Excellence and is: h6teliv ASE CERTIFIED the cn ce, amas Usted below.MEDIUM/ HEAVY TRUCK: TIECHNICIAN IONSTRATZID i% CFI1ZV0, M- NT AR2AS OF r) rL\ DIESEL ENGINES DECEMBER 31, 2014, BRAKES JUNE 30, 2013 AW, SUSPENSION AND STEERING DECEMBER 31, 2015 ELECTRICAL/ ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS DECEMBER 31, 2014 HEATING, VENTILATION, AND A/ C JUNE 30, 2016 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION JUNE 30, 2014 E GIVEN THIS 30TH DAY. OF. JUNE 2011, AT LEES3UR6. p VIRGINIA ASE- 1850- 8990 AST DZITIMCAMON, N14% WLR C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 96 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 97 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 98 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 99 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 99 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENTS National Institute for AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE ASE Certification Status Clent W Wilson Jr. Created: May 05, 2014 Cottage Grove, OR 97424-0009 1:55:12 PM ASE ID:ASE-1860-8990 This individual currently has the ASE certification status shown below: PKFrTtMEZ3 YD Current ASE Designations Master Medium/Heavy Truck Technician T: MedlumlHeavyITruck ASE Certification Details wi T2 Diesel Engines 1213112014 Current T3 DriVOTrarO nt12/31/2018 T4 Brakes:06/3012019 Current T5_'Suspension&Steeling 1,28112 yrrpn T6 Electrical/Electronic Systems 1213112014 Current Heating,v" trT": jerilaow r,Z,O-n_i 10*301206 Current ' jT8 Preventive Maintenance& Inspection 1 2131/201 8 Current To become ASE certified,you must pass an ASE test and have the required amount of relevant hands-on work experience. You can download the Work Experience Form at www.ase.com. Any expired certification can be reinstated by taking the corresponding recertification test. If you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely, ASE Customer Service E-mail: asebellj(a)ase.co Phone: 1-800-390-6789 Fax: (703) 669-6122 Page 1 of I C1 213revl HughksFiPe'9006*R-sr-Suite 101•La"Y&ZP4175•1-888-ASE-TEST•v .ase.Goffl C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 97 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 98 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 99 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 100 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 100 of 151 DRAFTThe Customer Service staff of j, ;: m Jhereby certify that Oent ` Y9' ilrsOn has attended the 0ma Chassis Electrical Training conducted. 11/ 2/ 2Db7 through, l. 1/ 3/ 2007. E, ell nQWmLLvt Director of Training A. Uflirnr7ze Sales and Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 98 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 99 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 100 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 101 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 101 of 151 DRAFTThe Customer 5erV, Ce- staff of hereby: certify that Clint Wilson has attended the All Steer aintenance Class mg L x_- Y L conducted 11/ 6/ 1' 2 through 11/ 7/ 12. x:-•_-'_ 4==_-_: 1- ate.:_•=._ e-}-•;; Y a Daniel Bailey Training Coordmator or-mmIlLeAuthorized Sales and Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 99 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 100 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 101 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 102 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 102 of 151 DRAFTThe Customer Service staff of hereby certify that Client Wilson has attended the 6mma Command Zone II w/ D Modules ' Training conducted 11/ 14/ 2007 through 11/ 15/ 2007. EnwmLm l d Director of Training Authorized Sales and Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 100 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 101 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 102 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 103 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 103 of 151 DRAFTThe Customer S. ervicestaff of . F\ V hereby certify that o has attended the i con iaacrs:¢ ./ il/ 2013 thu' lID; uglh. G41Sp203' En r m Daniel bailey, Training' Coordinator v:::• r, t 1 Authorizes! Sales and Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 101 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 102 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 103 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 104 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 104 of 151 DRAFTr MIR ME Th6 CuSt: er6.& vice staff of q A00)7 9C hereby certify that has attended the TAKm4 6 tntrana c Troubleshooting cond- up d / 1S /. 013 through 4/ 1. 6/ T013 7 t Daniel Bailey, Training Coordinator Authorized Sales and Service C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 102 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 103 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 104 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 105 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 105 of 151 DRAFTw ME The Customer-:': RVw hereby certify that has attended. the Air, Conditioning Mail - A conducted 4119/ 2013 thirough . 4119:/ 2013.Daniel Sailay, Training COardinator xu/ hvnZed5y6S and Snvice C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 103 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 104 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 105 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 106 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 106 of 151 DRAFTL G' c 1 " xX::'S1ty, s' f' t S+tmYt ',`1.w . 0 r'Mt A3r1r. 41If,VV z F . '°v 7 x a ?sxty, r `ii `• E k- ! ea`. 4 -rtiSP ,F' ,r i^..s`-au r L `j..tS,- ?- L•4 t1 w' '^+R.L i. r r a +t A 7 lf't, ply ^t r);a T of RhrY. ii_ .a4z<chh v+e rfoi*4SuJ It A2` H ILL c r L ; err 'yli - to 1r F•U!. 4 4 Y 1 f 3 i Irr` ?i 1 ! i I , r rii a'i-- r11 1C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 104 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 105 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 106 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 107 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 107 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT gkE jq . CPO eyertifi-icxte, af Arttem4x'nce, 0 1, This Certificate is awarded to: Clent Wilson I For Successful Completion of The Following Classes Ambulance Design & Performance GAPS & Husky 10 Foarn System Apparatus Pump Testing Issued this 9 day of March, 2007 aaa A4 c President i Executive Director C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 104 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 105 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 106 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 107 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 108 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 108 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT I Ono CrIn A This Certificate is awarded to: clelatwilson For Successful Completion of The Following Classes Navistar Chassis ft Multiplexing Ford Diesel 6.7 kkk xxa kxx Issued this 14 day of March,2011 President Executive DirecEor C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 105 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 106 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 107 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 108 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 109 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 109 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT 1 .J!im HUGHES FIRE,EQUIP.MENT City of Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department Proposal for RFP 1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair Attachment 2 Schedule and Expense Itemization I Item: Charge / Per: Comments: Shop Rate— Repairs 95.00 per hour Shop Rate— PM Services 75:00 per hour 1 Pickup;and'Deliver No Charge* 1 Call Out'/ Emergency'Rate 95.00 per hour Includes Full PM Service, 2,800.00** Pump Test, Ladder Testing, Annual NFPA Inspection / Service Estimated average and,complete NFPA.ins ection 950.00** Includes Basic PM and DOT Semi Annual Inspection / Service Estimated average Vehicle Safety Inspection Hazmat Fees. None 3% of work order value up'to $100.00 Shop Supply Fee maximum 10% on PM items Parts Markup 10-35% Non P.M items To and from Springfield Fire & Life Safety stations will•be,at no charge. If other public agencies elect to utilize cooperative purchasing pickup and delivery charges may be added,1 Estimate based on an average pumper, a media unit:would be less and an aerial unit would be more. Attachment 2 Springfield Fire Apparatus Maintenance& Repair RFP 1183 Page 1:of 1 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. p 910 SHELL",STREET •.SPRINGFIELD.OREGON 97477 a P.541.747.0072'• F.541.747:0073!WWW.HUGHESPIRE.COM C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 106 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 107 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 108 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 109 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 110 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 110 of 151 DRAFTf- ATTACHMENT 1 HUGHES I R E,EQ U1,PM EN T City of Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department Proposal for RFP'1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance,& Repair Attachment-3. Reporting Requirements Attachment 3Reporting Requirements—Accepted i f Attachment 3 Springfield Fire Apparatus Maintenance &Repair RFP 1183 Page 1 of 1 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT;INC. 410 SHELLEY-STREET • SPRINGFIELD.GREGON 97477 • P.541.747.0072 • F.541.747.0073 • WWW.HUGHESFIRE.COM' C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 107 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 108 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 109 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 110 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 111 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 111 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT SPRINGFIELD OREGON Apri19, 2014 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Fire& Life'Safety RFP41183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance and Repair ADDENDUM #1 I The Ciiy'of.Sp•inglield is herebyaniending of clarifying the above mentioned RFP. The oi-iginal.document call be found on theCity's wcUsitc at n lvwsnrin;licld-or. . f3yselectinglhe bylx clink Prmc'hGSiivg/Conirpers from the menu on the lei)sidc of The home page, interested parties will be linked to the RFP/ITB page: 3. Question: Please provide a sample of the reporting_ requirements spreadsheet per attachment-3 of the above referenced'RFP. City Response: Modify attachment 3,item 3 to read"A single spreadsheet with all,apparatusserviced in the calendar quarter is sufficient." in the event that it is necessary to further clarify:amend, revise or supplement anypait this RFP,;additional addenda will be posted on the City's websile-at bun://1+ ywsnrim field-or. roy(select the Purchase Contracts hyperlirik and Addendum 1 Fire Apparatus and Maintenance Repair). As stated in the original solicitation.City will make reasonable effort to provide the addenda to all Proposers to whom City provided the initial RPP. This addendum shall be considered pail of the specification of thc•RFP. The City is not responsible for any explanation,clarification, interpretation or approval made orgiven in any mannerexceptby written addenda issued by City. ALL BIDDERS SHOULD.ACKNOWLEDC,E AND INCLUDE.THIS ADDENDA#1 AS PART OF THEIR SUBMITTAL 1'ACICAGE.. I t C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc.Page 108 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 109 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 110 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 111 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 112 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 112 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ri i ATTACHMENT3 RF,PORTINC RF,QDIREMENTS L The Proposer shall supply quarterly summary reports on each apparatus serviced in that quarter, including routine maintenance performed and any repair work completed.Reports shall include the information in Excel format,submitted via email to a designated recipient. 2. The follow information shall be included in all quarterly reports: 2.1. Date of Service(all service dates for all apparatus) 2.2. City ID tf 2.3. Apparatus Make&Model 2.4. Model Year 2.5. VIN N 2.6. Mileage(s)at time of service 2.7. Note whether"Routine Service"or"Other" -explain if "Other' 2.8. Description of Service Performed 4 2.9. Part Numbers of parts used on each service 2.10.Cost per part,0 used,Total parts Cost a 2.10.1. If outside vendor is used,include a copy of vendor's invoice and note work completed. 2.11.Labor hours used.Cost per hour,Total Labor Cost 2.12.Shipping and/or other costs 2. 13.Total Cost for Services Performed(on each Apparatus) 2.14.Dale of Last Routine Service(on each Apparatus)J 2.15.Date of Next Schedule PM( on each Apparatus) 116.Date of Last NFPA-required Inspection(on each Apparatus) 3. A single spreadsheet with all apparatus serviced in the calendar quarter is sufficient.Sample spreadsheet shall be provided upon request. i a I i i i RFP 611$3 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Page 15 of 25 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 109 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 110 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 111 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 112 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 113 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 113 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT i SPRINGFIELD OREGON Authorization to Legally Bind Bidder The person executing this Bid and the instruments referred to herein on behalf of the Bidder has the legal power, right, and actual authority to submit this Bid, and to bind the Bidder to the terms and conditions of this Bid. May B, 2014 Signature of peno authorized to bind Bidder) Dated Rex Hughes Print Name of Person Signing as authorized to bind Bidder Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. 541-747-0072 Firm Name Phone 910 Shelley Street 541-747-0073 Address Fax Springfield, OR 97477 rhughes @hughesfire.com City, State, Zip email address RFP h11 B3 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Page 16 of 25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 110 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 111 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 112 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 113 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 114 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 114 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT Please note that Attachment 5 — Certificate of Insurance have been removed due to privacy of the document. For review of this page please contact City of Springfield — City Manager's office, ph 541-726-3700 or asowana.springfield-or.gov. C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 111 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 112 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 113 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 114 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 115 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 115 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT_ a... + R N r S Pz T " RTI'•M'} Gz'FIi ELD^ OREGON MWESB/DBE Voluntary Self-Declaration for City Solicitation(iTB/RFP)# 1183 The City of Springfield is seeking information on the various business entities that submit bids and proposals, We request that you provide the following information to assist us with evaluating our efforts at reaching the underrepresented sectors of the business communities. The City does not intend to use this data as criteria for selecting the successful bidders or proposers for city-funded procurements. For procurements with state or Federal DBE requirements,the City will use the forms and criteria established by the state or federal agency for selecting the successful bidders or proposers. Please include this form with your bid/proposal submittal to the City. Prime Bidder/Proposer: Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. r Business Name: Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. i Contact Person: Rex Hughes CCB#/PE#/Other Registration: Business Address: 910 Shelley Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Business Phone: 541-747-0072 Please check each box indicating the business certificate type that your firm has with the State ofOregon or the Federal government, if any: Oregon Minority-owned FJ Business Oregon Woman-owned Business Oregon Emerging Sntall Business Federal Disadvantage First Tier Sub-contractors: For each First Tier Subcontractor, provide the same information,using additional sheets as needed. For more information please visit State of Oregon office of Minority, Women, Emerging Small Business httu'//www ore¢on4biz com/Grow-Your-B usiness/Business- services/Minority-Owned-Business-Certification/ RFP#1 f B3 FPe Apparatus Maintenance 8 Repair Page 25 of 25 r C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 112 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 113 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 114 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 115 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 116 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 116 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT SPRINGFIELD OREGON May 1;'2014 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Fire& Life Safety RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance and Repair ADDENDUM#2 The City ofSpringfield is hereby.amendmg or clarifying the above mentioned RFP. The original document canbe found on the City's website at www.snrinr;lield ur eov. By selecting the hyperlink Purchosing/Contracls from the menu on the left side of the(tome page, interested parties-will belinked to the RFP/lTB page. 1. Question: We are-going over the bid packet and wondering if there is a certain format for references you would like? What kind of information areyou looking for? Thank you in advance foryour help. City Response:, Please provide: Company name&address: Contact person&phone number Services provided Years ofservice, In the event that it is necessary to further clarify,amend,revise.orsupplement any part this RFII,additional addenda will be posted on the City's website at bttn:/Av%vw:si3Hnelteld-or.eov(select the Purchase'Cwurucrs hyperlink and Addendum I Fire Apparatus and Mainterance,Rcpair). As stated in the original solicitation.City will make a reasonable effort to provide the addenda to all Proposers to whom City provided the initial RFP. This addendum shall be considered part or the specilicalion of.lhe RFP.. The City is not responsible for any explanation,clarification, interpretation or approval 1 made or given in any manner except by written addenda issued by City. ALL BIDDEWS SHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE AND INCLUm THIS ADDENDA#k AS PART OF THEIR SUBMITTAL PACKAGE. RFP#1163 Fire Apparatus Maintenance and Repair Page 1 of t C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 113 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 114 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 115 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 116 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 117 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 117 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT SPRINGFIELD- OREGON April 9. 2014 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL t Fire& Life Safety RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance and Repair ADDENDUM#1 The City ofSpringlield is hereby amending or clarifying the above mentioned RFP. The original document can be found on the City's,website at tvtewtsnrinetieid-or:eov. By selecting the hyper)inkPurcliasii?glContracts from the menu on the tell side of the home page, interested parties,will be linked to the RF.P/ITB page. i 1. Question; Please proyidea sample of the reporting requirements spreadsheet per attachment 3 of the above referenced.RFP. City Response: Modify attachment 3,item 3 to read "Asingle spreadsheet with all apparatus serviced in the calendar quarter is sufficient." In the event that it is necessary to further clarify.amend, revise or supplement any part this.RF1',additional addenda will be pgsted'.on the City's website.at select the Purchase ColthwaN hyperlink and Addendum 1 Fire Apparatus an,d Maintenance Repair). As stated in the original solicitation;ON will make a reasonable effort to provide the addenda to all Proposes to whom City provided the initial RFP. This addendum shall be considered part of the specification ofthe RI'P. The City is not responsible for any explanation,clarification, interpretation or approval made or given iit.anymanner except by written addenda issued by City. ALL BIDDERSSHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE AND INCLUDE THIS ADDENDA#1 AS PART OF THEIR SUBMITTAL PACKAGE. t 1 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 114 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 115 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 116 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 117 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 118 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 118 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT Sheri Taylor From:Sheri Taylor Sent: Wednesday;April 09, 2014 8:20 AM To: MCMAHAN Jayne' Subject: RE:Courtesy Email RFP41183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Jayne, ThisiS to confirm receipt of the downloaded RFP packet. Thanks( Sheri Taylor,I Sales Manager i Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. l 910 Shelley Street l Springfield OR 97477 Phone:541-747-0072-Toil Free:800.747.6510-Direct:541.393.9348,-Fax:541.747.0073 tEmail'31aylol(ahuahesfire.com I'www.huahesfire.com 1rir!!e5fepchF.:enGe]fJtN ter l!•'useof it elntlM!!(.olena!nL1Y I]'•Cry>n4uetll .se]anOnayc •ulnNbTa:YT llat yb1' aeco liu'4nlble,d•-,nnVl C[Tn1c14tYb t c•ree,Cx:pGmekrlale ar.Yl v^colAMf.fl dJbro.'G{Illpom!-]f!e`4U..pfonorc lnd' tl1oL^..JNarei!(n lrilenuufyorcllx:yYareM!reCYn!I CJ lrulipJ,ra rgt Nn.ecp}' bsirbno.:raeclwerparryonearry pationd rR:mrmQn a nre Iryw{glleneo1116n perc+ii 1f Y?+Irr+cleceiree Irsnv-mrr.4r npm a% creirsrreWmey cuvn!jr ie:deVyeWytrmlwetlastroJInnnasagc. From:'MCMAHAN Jayne rmailto:imcmahart(alsorinofield-or,00v] Sent:Tuesdayi April 08, 20148:29 AM To: Lindsey Mordoff; 'mike@oregonapp.com'; 'trivia@oregonapp.com'; Sheri Taylor; JOBANEK Tony G Subject: Courtesy Email RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Hi, Yoware receiving this courtesy email as you have been identified as one who may have an interest in responding to our Request for Proposal. RFPl11183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair was advertised today in the Eugene Register Guard and will be advertised in tomorrows Daily Journal of Commerce. The RFP packet has been posted to the City website RFP/ITB Page. All information regarding the 41)will be posted online. (if the hyperlink doesn't work for you please navigate to www.springfield-or.gov onthe left hand side look for the Purchasing/Contracts link.) If you have any questions regarding the RFP after reading the document posted please contact me via email. Any contact with any other City employee regarding•thisiTB or the process may be grounds for disqualification. Kind regards, Jayne Jayne McMahan C.PiM.iCity Procurement&Contracts Manager)City of Springfield 22S 5ih Street,Springfield,OR 974771 office:541.726.37081 Imcmahan@springfield-or.Rov Please consider the environment before printing this email. 1 t 1 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 115 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 116 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 117 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 118 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 119 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 119 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE! If you. download these materials and wish. to be added to the proposer contact list send an email to: Jayne McMahan jmcmahan @springfield-or.gov Information to be provided: RFP# 1 183 Fire and Life Safety - Fire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair" in the subject line Company name Primary contact name Primary contact title Primary contact direct phone # Primary contact email It will be the responsibility of each participating supplier to refer daily to the City of Springfield— Purchasing/Contracts website http:Nwww.springfield- or.gov/RFPPnGE.HTM to check for any available addendum to current opportunities, cancellations or intents to award posted. RFP 01183 Fire Apparatus Malnlenence&Repair Page 1 of 25 C1213revi Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc.Page 116 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 117 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 118 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 119 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 120 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 120 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT I SPRINGFOELD AS l OREGON eity .10A'Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, 1183 FOR Fire Apparatus`Maintenance & Repair' April 8, 2014 RFP#11631F1raApparatus Maintenance&Repair Page 2of 25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 117 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 118 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 119 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 120 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 121 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 121 of 151 DRAFT1 ATTACHMENT ? CITY OF SPRINGFIELD OREGON Request for Proposals#1183 Fire& Life Safety Department Fire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair i Sealed proposals will he received by the Finance Deparnnent, City or Springfield,225 Fifth SL-Springfield Olt; 97477, Attn: Jayne.McMahati until 2:00 p.m. local time, the 8th of May, 2014 and opened at 2:00 p:m: local time the same day, for proposals regardingTire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair, Sealed proposals must be marked RFP#1483' Fire Apparatus Maintenance& Repair". Proposal packets are available on the City's website at ww.wsGrinelielil-or: ;ri (select the,hypci•link from,the left menu titled Purchasing/Contracts then RFP.41183: Fire APl?aralus Alohiferrance &Repair) orby contacting Jayne McMahan at(541)?2Cr-370R or by email:jmcmaiian @Springfield-or.gov The City of Springfield reserves the right to-accept or reject any or all;proposals or to waive any specifications or requirements,onto negotiate wiili any vendor submitting a proposal regarding any aspect of this Request for Proposals-when doing so is deemedAo be in the best interest of the City. Robert J.Duey Finance Director City ofSpringfield,OR i Publication Schedule: The Register Guard: April 8,2014 Daily Journal of Commerce April%2014 i RFP.#1183 Fire-ApparaWs Maintenance S Repair Page 3 of 25 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 118 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 119 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 120 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 121 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 122 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 122 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT 1. Proposal Overview The City of Springfield,Oregon requests proposals from qualified vendors for maintenance and repair of fire apparatus as described herein. An RFP packet may be downloaded from the City of Springfield home page(www.springfield- or.gov)by clicking on the Purchase/Contracts hyperlink,or by contacting Jayne McMahan at jmcmahan @springfield-or.gov or by phone at(541)726-3708. Prospective Proposers are requested to confirm receipt of downloaded RFP packets by email to City ofSpringfield,Attn: Jayne McMahan at the above email address. Other public agencies may use this competitive selection and contract,with no material change in terms, conditions or prices,as a basis for executing their own separate agreement with the Contractor. As a condition to this use, other agencies shall be responsible for the appropriateness of the decision to use this process pursuant to ORS 279A.215, or to agree to contract terms and any protest obligations under ORS 279A.225. ii It is the City's intent to establish an agreement with qualified supplier(s) for maintenance and repair of fire apparatus. The agreement may be updated annually,to extend the term for not more than two successive one year periods,upon mutual agreement ofthe parties. If extended, I7 City shall consider the requirements ofthe Springfield Municipal Code (SMC)Section 2.708(3) and each extension shall not be effective until reviewed and approved by the Springfield Common Council. I It is conceivahle that the agreement may become a multi-Supplier agreement. Proposers are j encouraged to bid all or part of the items included in this Request for Proposal 11. Proposal Format i. Proposals must include the items listed below and be organized and numbered to correspond to each requirement below. The City encourages green options and discourages the use of materials that cannot be recycled such as PVC and spiral binders, plastic or glossy covers and dividers. Further,the City encourages Proposers to print on both sides of a sheet ofpaper whenever possible. I. Proposer's firm name, mailing and physical addresses, telephone number, fax number, and taxpayer identification number. 2. Primary contact person's name,title, phone number, fax number and email address. 3. Identify whether you qualify as resident bidder as described in ORS 279A.120(1)(b)and if you are licensed to do business in the State ofOregon. 4. Proposing firm's experience in maintenance of fire apparatus of the type and variety owned by Springfield Fire&Life Safety. RFP V 1a3 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Page 4 of 25 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc.Page 119 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 120 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 121 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 122 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 123 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 123 of 151 DRAFT1 ATTACHMENT 1 5: A mininntm of three (3) references from recent customers(within the last2 years) for fire apparatus maintenance. C. Specifications of proposed maintcnance.agrecmcnt are as outlined in Attachment 1. Submission of Equal'Specifications: All equal specifications offered!by Proposers, will be evaluated by the City for quality, performance, functionality or other characteristics to meet City requirements. Proposers shall submit all requests for evaluation of equal, specificatimts.hy April 2R;2014. City responses to requests will be provided proposers by May t,2014. ifaccepted: equal specifications will not necessarily receive full value but instead will be given points within the range of full to less depending upon the evaluation of staff, Pmposals:shall clearly identify all equal specifications submitted. The City has the, final authority to detenriinewhich equal specificatiotis'are•acceptable and which arenot. If' equal specifications have not been accepted by City prior to submission of proposal, ropusers'shall accept risk that equal specifications may be rejected.. 7. Proposer's level of maintenance service and spare,part'support for fire apparatus.. 8. Complete.Attachment#2 -Schedule and Expense Itemization for services to be provided by Proposer 9., Signed Attachment#4—.Authorization to Legally Bind Bidder 10. In your cover letter acceptance ofthe"samplo.contract.,Attachment#5,terms and conditions 11. Signed Attachment#6—Minority Women Emerging Sma11d3usiness Fonn.(MWESB) 12. Complete statement and itemized description of any equal specification to the specifications as stated herein. III.Contact Person Proposers may contact Jayne McMahan for further information regarding this process. Contact with other City officials may be grounds for disqualification. Jayne McMahan can be reached by email avirremalianna sorinefield-ateov or by phone at(541)726-3708. Questions. regarding specifications will be forwarded by Jayne McMahan t6 the appropriate Fire& Life Satety,personnel when more detailed technical explanations are required, and upon receipt of response from City of Springfield Fire and Life Safety personnel. Ms. McMahan will disseminate the information by written addenda issued by the City(See Section VII), IV.Schedule For Selection Process Proposals;Advcrtised April 81, 201,4 RPI' Available April 8, 2014 Requests to Consider Equal Specification Due April 28, 201,4 5pm Local "rime City's Determination Regarding Equal Spec. May 1, 2014 I Proposals Due/Opening May'8, 2014 2pm Local Time i RFP 91183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance 8 Repair Page 5 of 25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 120 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 121 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 122 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 123 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 124 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 124 of 151 DRAFTi ATTACHMENT i Interviews (if necessary) May 12,2014 (Approximate) Notice of Intent to Award May 15, 2014 (Approximate) Contract Awarded June 2,2014(Approximate) V. Selection Criteria And Process Each proposal will be compared to the specifications stated herein. Points will be assigned to proposals that most closely match or exceed the RFP requirements based on the selection criteria. The Proposal with the highest number of assigned points will be selected for the contract. A. Conformity of submitted proposal to this RFP 5 Points B. References from at least 3 recent customers within the past 2 years 5 Points C. Cost Analysis 45 Points D. Spare part&maintenance service support 10 Points E. Turn-around time&emergency repair handling 20 Points F. Employee qualifications as Emergency Vehicle Tech (EVT)and years experience with emergency vehicles. 15 Points Proposals must be signed by a principal member of the proposing entity capable of binding the entity. Included with the signature should be principal's written name,title, address, and a telephone number(see Attachment4).4 i One(1) original and three(3)copies of the proposal, clearly marked "RFP#1183:Fire Apparatus Maintenance & Repair"and contained in a sealed envelope or box shall be received no later than 2:00 PM local time, May 8, 2014 at the following address: City of Springfield Finance Department I Attention: Jayne McMahan, Procurement and Contracts Manager 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 i Proposals will be opened on May 8,2014 at 2:00 pm local time. All proposals shall be valid through 90 days after the RFP closing date. V1. Late Proposals Not Considered Proposals must be received by 2:OOPM local time on May 8, 2014 at the address listed above, Any proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. Faxed or emailcd proposals will not be accepted. V11. Addenda To RFP In the event that it is necessary to amend, revise, or supplement any part of the RFP, City of Springfield will post addenda on the City website(www.springfield-or.gov)and will make reasonable effort to provide addenda to all Proposers to whotn City provided the initial RFP. i RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Page 6 of25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 121 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 122 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 123 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 124 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 125 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 125 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENTS This includes the amendment of dates in the Schedule for Selection Process. Any addenda so issued are to be considered pail of the specifications of the RFP. City is not responsible for any explanation,clarification, interpretation or approval made or given in any manner except by written addenda issued by City. Addenda, including but not limited to City's response to Equal Specification determinations, may be downloaded from the City of Springfield home page(www.springfiield-oi-.gov) by clicking on the Purchase/Contracts hyperlink,or by contacting Jayne McMahan at jmcmahan@springtield-or.gov. Prospective Proposers are requested to confirm receipt of downloaded Addenda by email to City of Springfield,Attn: Jayne McMahan at the above email address. i In case of any doubt or differences ofopinion as to the services to be furnished hereunder, or the interpretation of the provisions of the RFP,the decision of City shall be final and binding upon all patties. VIII. Contract The successful Proposer will be expected to enter into a contract with the City. An example of said contract is attached herein as Attachment S. Contract shall commence on a date agreed upon by both parties and shall continue for one year unless, extended,modified, or terminated as provided in the contract. Contract may be extended for additional one-year periods upon compliance with the provisions ofthe contract and agreement of both parties. IX.Reporting And Payment CITY shall pay winning Proposer upon receipt, inspection and acceptance of repairs/maintenance in accordance with agreed upon terms and conditions. Supplier shall deliver to the City of Springfield the services described herein. s X. Negotiation Of Agreement City reserves the right to negotiate a final contract which is in the best interest of City considering cost effectiveness and quality control. Once a tentative selection has been made by the evaluation committee, Staff will attempt to negotiate a contract with the preferred Proposer. Ifthe negotiations are not successful, staff will negotiate with other qualified Proposers in the order of their respective qualifications until an agreement is reached or staff decides to terminate the selection process. if contract negotiations are successful, the contract will be forwarded to the appropriate City authority for award. RFP 01183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance A Repair Page 7 of 25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 122 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 123 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 124 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 125 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 126 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 126 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT u i i XI.City Selection"Discretion City reserves the,right to reject anypnall proposals and towaive irregulaiiliesand itifortilalities, in theselection process: The City further`reserves the right to negotiate, ainend.and refine proposalstin consrdtatiom with;oncof-more of lhe•prospective Proposers. XII: ProposaPQwnershilk All.-material submitted' by the Proposers,shall tie"considered-Property of,City..and City shall not be required to return same to any Proposer. The material submitted by Proposers wilf he treated in the sank mariner as City's own records. After proposal opening; all proposals,become pail ofthe Public record and,are available for pubhi review unless exempt udder Oregon Public_Records Law. Proposers wishing to exempt• appropriate portions of their proposdN,from disclosure as public records-,are encouraged to discuss their concerns w!ith City's Finance Director(addtess listed below) prior to the sribmissions of their.proposals. Bob,Ducy,.Finance Director City of Springfield Finance Department 225:17i lih,Sireet Springfield;OR-97477 MU. Exceptions To RFP' f£.fovany reason; a ProPoseir should desire an interpretation of,a term or.condition of this RFP; find fault with the structure ofthis.RFP or with the evaluation process, concerns may be submitted in weiting.to: Jaync;McMahan CityoPSpr ngficld 225;F1Ilh Street SpringfdId, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 72673708'• Fax: ( 541) 726-3782' City will make everyeffort to ansWerquestions and,.ifa'varrarited, to amend the RFP: , Responses to;questions and.amcndmcnts to the RFP will lie porsted on the City of Springrcld home page lywwsoriugtield- oeeovl, click on the Purchase/Contracts.page). Proposers,who,are unable or unwilling to meet one or more of the requirements,of this RFP should include_; as,patt of their response; written.exceptionsjo,thosrregoirements: RFP# 1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair'page 8 of 25 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 123 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 124 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 125 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 126 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 127 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 127 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT XIV. Specification Change Requests A prospective Proposer may deliver to Jayne McMahan a written request for change to any ofthe specification listed in this Request for Proposal. Such request shall be delivered on or before April 28,2014.A written request for change shall include: detailed description of the legal and factual grounds for the request, description of the resulting prejudice to the prospective Proposer, statement of the form of relief requested or any proposal changes to the specifications. The City will review the specification change request and notify the prospective Proposer of the decision in writing prior to the RFP closing date. To the extent possible,the City will notify other prospective Proposers of any changes or modifications to the Request for Proposal. A submission of an equal specification is not a specification change request. XV. Protest Any Proposer who has submitted a proposal to the City of Springfield and who is adversely affected by the City's award ofthe Contract to another Proposer an who desires to protest said award shall submit within 7 days after issuance ofthe Notice of Intent to Award the Contract,to submit a written protest ofthe award to the City of Springfield. Such right to protest shall conform to the requirements of OAR 137-030-0104(1) and specify the grounds upon which the protest is based. Failure to file a protest as specified herein waives Proposers right to pretest or contest the award. An adversely affected Proposer must exhaust all avenues of administrative relief and review before seeking judicial review of the City's Contract award. Concerns must be submitted to: Robert Duey Finance Director City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 XVI. Cost Of Proposal The City of Springfield is not liable for any costs incurred by vendors for the preparation and presentation of their proposals. This includes any costs in the submission of a proposal or in making necessary studies or designs for the preparation thereof. RFP 51183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Pape 9 of 25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 124 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 125 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 126 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 127 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 128 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 128 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT FIRE,APPARATUS MAINTENANCE&REPAIR SPECIFICATIONS NOTE: "BRAND NAME OR EQUAL SPECIFICATION"MEANS A SPECIFICATION THAT USES ONE OR MORE MANUFACTURERS'NAMES,MAKES, CATALOG NUMBERS OR SIMILAR IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS TO DESCRIBE THE STANDARD OF QUALITY, PERFORMANCE,FUNCTIONALITY OR OTHER CHARACTERISTICS NEEDED TO MEET THE CONTRACTING AGENCY'S REQUIREMENTS. SUCH SPECIFICA TIONA UTHORIZES BIDDERS OR PROPOSERS TO OFFER GOODS OR SERVICES THA TARE EQUIVALENT OR SUPERIOR TO THOSE BRANDS NAMED OR DESCRIBED IN THE SPECIFICATION. 1. INTENT OF SPECIFICATIONS It shall be the intent of these specifications to cover the furnishing and delivery of fire apparatus maintenance and repairs for the City of Springfield, Department of Fire & Life Safety's apparatus t fleet. These detailed specifications cover the requirements as to the type of qualifications and service E to which the successful proposer shall conform. Minor details,which are not otherwise specified,are left to the discretion of the contractor. i Apparatus covered by this agreement shall include,but are not limited to: 2013 Pierce Aerial 2010 Pierce Velocity Pumper,3 each 2004 Pierce Contender Pumper 2011 Pierce Interface Engine 1997 Pierce Saber Pumper 1995 Pierce Saber Pumper 2003 F.-One 75' Aerial 1998'fender 2013 North Star Medic Unit(2 units) 2006 Freightliner Medic Unit(other model years as well) 2009 International Medic Unit(2 units) LL General Specifications.The following are specifications applicable to the apparahis requested. 1. 1.1. Industry Requirements. Apparatus repairs and maintenance must meet or exceed all current a applicable requirements of the following organizations: L 1. 1. 1. American National Standards Institute(ANSI) American Petroleum Institute(API) American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) 1. 1.1.4. American Welding Society(AWS) 1. 1,L5. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) I.I.1.6. Federal l-lighway Administration(FHWA) 1.1. 1.7. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration(FMCSA) I.t.1.8. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards(FMVSS) 1.1. 1.9. Federal Transportation Administration(FTA) 1.L L 10. International Standards Organization(ISO) RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Page 10 of 25 E C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 125 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 126 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 127 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 128 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 129 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 129 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENTI L1.11. Joint Industry Council(JIC) L1.1-12. National Electrical Code(NEC) 1.1. 3.13. National Fire Protection Agency(NFPA) 1. 1. 1.14. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA) 1.1. 1.15. Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) 1.1. 1.16. Society of Automotive Engineers(SAE) L 1.1.17. Sound Emission Analysis(SEA) 1. 1.1.18. State of Oregon Motor Vehicle Code 1.11.19. 'fire and Rim Association('P&RA) 1.1. 1,20. U.S.Department of Transportation(DOT) 1.2. Proposals shall only be considered from companies that have an established reputation in the field of fire apparatus maintenance and have dedicated service facilities for the repair and service of products. Evidence of such a facility shall be included in proposer proposal. 1.3. Each proposer shall furnish satisfactory evidence of their ability to perform work on the Springfield Fire apparatus fleet, and shall state the location of the facilities where the apparatus maintenance is to be performed. The proposer shall also show that the company is in position to render prompt service and to furnish replacement parts. 1.4. Proposer shall include a description of their ability to perform or provide for annual pump and ladder testing in compliance with NFPA and UL testing requirements. Estimated cost of each test type shall be included as part ofthe cost analysis(Attachment 2). 1.5. Each bid shall be accompanied by a detailed set of"Contractor's Specifications" consisting of a detailed description of the mechanic's qualifications to work on fire apparatus, record keeping systems used,and Proposer's ability to handle 24-hour service coverage. 2. QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP The successful Proposer shalt embody the latest approved automotive engineering practices. The workmanship shall be ofthe highest quality in its respective field. 2.1. Qualifications. Proposer shall submit the level of certification held by each mechanic that may be assigned to work on Springfield fire apparatus. Certifications specific to the requirements of NFPA standards are mandatory. 2.1. 1.1nefude in proposal the number of service employees, technical certifications of each employee, and number of years of experience as an emergency vehicle technician(EVT)by each employee. 2.1.2. Describe in detail the scope of services Proposer is ready, willing and able to provide. Include description of those services Proposer would outsource to 3rd party (i.e. transmission repair, alternator work,body &fender repair,etc.). 2.1.3. Describe in detail the method Proposer would use to handle 24-hour service coverage and average response time for emergency call outs. 2.1,4. Proposer shall provide average tum-around time for routine repairs and maintenance. 2.1.5. Proposer will address how follow-up or repeated repairs on the same apparatus shall be handled. 2.1.6.Proposcr shall describe their availability for on-site assessment of apparatus issues and their availability to pick-up and delivery apparatus to Springfield Fire stations. 2.I3.A road test shall be conducted with the apparatus after maintenancelrepairs are made to ensure the maintenance or repair was successful. RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance 8 Repair Page 11 of 25 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 126 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 127 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 128 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 129 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 130 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 130 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT I 2.2. Welding. Welding shall not be employed in the repair or maintenance of the apparatus in a manner that shall prevent the ready removal of any component part for future service or repair- 2.2.].All steel welding shall follow American Welding Society DL1-2004 recommendations for structural steel welding. 2.2.2.All aluminum welding shall follow American Welding Society and ANSI D1.2-2003 requirements for structural welding of aluminum, 2.2.3.All sheet metal welding shall follow American Welding Society B2.1-2000 requirements for structural welding of sheet metal. Flux core arc welding to use alloy rods, type 7000, American Welding Society standards A5.20-E70T1. 22.4.Employees classified as welders must tested and certified to meet American Welding Society codes upon hire and every three(3)years thereafter. 3_ INFORMATION REQUIRED 3.1. The Proposer shall supply quarterly summary reports on each apparatus serviced in that quarter, including routine maintenance performed and any repair work completed. Reports shall include the information in Attachment 3,in Excel format,submitted via email to a designated recipient. 3.2. The Proposer shall supply, when requested, complete maintenance/repair records on any/all apparatus within 2 working days. 33. Proposer shall provide operations manuals, training and/or other information as needed to safely operate systems and equipment changed/added by Proposer, e. 3. 4. Proposer will be expected to recommend routine service intervals on each apparatus, in keeping with manufacturer's warranty requirements and industry norms. 4. TESTING AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A road test shall be conducted with the apparatus i 5. TRAINING The proposer shall have programs in place for training, proficiency testing and performance for any staff involved with certifications. 6. SERVICE REQUIREMENTS Each proposer shall furnish satisfactory evidence of its ability to render prompt service and to furnish replacement parts by showing where local service will be furnished. Information to be provided shall include: physical location of the facility(not more than 50 miles from Springfield,Oregon)& distance from each Springfield Fire Station. i ownership, i description of the service facility, number of mobile service units, parts inventory value. 7. SCHEDULE AND EXPENSE ITEMIZATION(Attachment 2) 7.1. Proposer shall provide a detailed breakdown of the following costs: 7.I.1. Shop time/$per hour 7.1.2. Rates for apparatus pick-up/delivery to station 7.1.3. Emergency response/call-out rates 7.1.4. NFPA Inspection rates(annual/semi-annual) 7.1.5,Parts mark-up percentage% 7.1.6.Cost to handle outsourced(3rd party)repairs(i.e.alternator, transmission,or other repairs not handled in-house) RFP*1193 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Page 12 of 25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 127 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 128 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 129 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 130 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 131 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 131 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT 7.1.7.Miscellaneous other charges(i.e.HAZMAT disposal fees,etc.) 8. INVOICES 8.1. Proposer shall send detailed invoices 8.1.I.Sent to City within five(5)working days of service 8,1.2.Detailed invoices include Invoice ft 8.1.22. Vendor contact information complete with phone# Fleet# Model# Mileage License Date In and Date Out 8.12.8. Date of repair Quantity of part or hours( increments of 15 minutes) Part number and description Cost per part Extended cost for parts or hours Third party or outsourced supplier name,description of service or part and cost Not 45 days terms No services charges for delayed payment No markup on third party charges, No markup on freight charges i RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus maintenance&Repair Pape 13 of25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 128 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 129 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 130 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 131 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 132 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 132 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT i SCHEDULE AND EXPENSE ITEMIZATION Proposer shall provide a detailed cost breakdown in this format) Item: Charge/per: Comments: i i f ir Shop Rate per hour Pick up&Deliver to fire station Per roundtri Call-out/emergency rate per hour NFPA[inspection(annual) Est. per inspection o f NFPA Inspection semi-annual) Est.per inspection HAZMAT Fees j Parts Mark-up% f i 1 t i 3 RFP 01183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance 8 Repair Page 14 of 25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 129 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 130 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 131 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 132 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 133 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 133 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT Ii I i ATTACHMENT3 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS I. The Proposer shall supply quarterly summary reports on each apparatus serviced in that quarter, including routine maintenance performed and any repair work completed. Reports shall include the information in Excel format,submitted via email to a designated recipient. 2. The follow information shall be included in all quarterly reports: 2.1. Date of Service(all service dates for all apparatus) j 2.2. City ID# 2. 3. Apparatus Make&Model j 2.4. Model Year 2. 5. V EN# 2.6. Mileage(s)at time of service 2.7. Note whether"Routine Service"or"Other"—explain if "Other" 2. 8. Description of Service Performed 2.9. Part Numbers ofparts used on each service 2.10.Cost per part,#used,Total parts Cost 2.10.1. if outside vendor is used,include a copy of vendor's invoice and note work completed. 2.11.Labor hours used,Cost per hour,Total Labor Cost 2.12.Shipping and/or other costs 2.13.Total Cost for Services Performed (on each Apparatus) 2.14.Date of Last Routine Service(on each Apparatus) 2.15.Date of Next Schedule PM(on each Apparatus) 2.16.Date of Last NPPA-required Inspection(on each Apparatus) 3. A single spreadsheet with all apparatus serviced in the calendar quarter is sufficient. Sample spreadsheet shall be provided upon request. i I i RFP A1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance 8 Repair Page 15 of 25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 130 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 131 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 132 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 133 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 134 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 134 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ? ATTACHMENT 1 SPRINGFIELD Lag- r I Z ty v OItEGON Authorization.to Legally Bind Bidder The person executing this Sid and the instrurrients referred to herein-on behalf of the Bidder has the legal power, right, and actual authority to submit-this.Bid, and to bind the Bidder to the terms and conditions of this Bid. May,8, 2014. Signature of person authorized to :bind Bidder) Dated Rex'Hughes. Print Name of Person;Signing-as authorized to bind Bidder Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. 541- 747-0072 Firm Name Phone 910 Shelley'Street 541-747-0073' Address Fax Springfield, OR 97477 rhughes@hughesfimcom City, State; Zip email address i RFP#1163 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair. Page 16 of 25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 131 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 132 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 133 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 134 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 135 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 135 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT I ATTACHMENT U k U U CITY OF ~" "`""~^ "" INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Type 4: For Personal Services Contracts Not Requiring Professional Liability Insurance) Contract#TBO Dated: Parties:City nfSpringfield CITY") A municipal corporation inthe State OiOregon 226 Fifth Street SPooHve/w Oregon 97477 and Independent Contractor') Additional Independent Contractor Informatiow'.- A. Type of Entity: El Sole Proprietorship 0 P..artn6rs El:Limited Liability Company ElCorporation B. Address: C. Telephone! F. Professional License(s) No G. Oregon Agency Issuing License: H. ru/:ig// Cvxouc^m Foreign means not domiciled in or registered to'do business in Oregon) See Exhibit B (11). City Account Number(s)To Be.Charg6d.flni ude Pe entages): AccountNumber Percentage In conside ration,of themutua[covenants contained herein,the parties agree to the following terms. provisions a6d:6onditions:: : 1. Payment by CITY. CITY shall pay Independent Contractor according to the sum and schedule described in Attachrmrit"I"attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and in an amount not to exceed I. Services to be Performed by Independent Contractor. Independent Contractor shall perform the fire apparatus maintenance and repair services described in Attachment I (INDPENDANT CONTRACTOR name and RFP response dato). 3. Invoice. Invoice»obe sent bo Jana Sorenson,City of Springfield, 2265'^Street, Springfield. OR 37477. Invoice will be paid vnnet 30 day terms upon City acceptance of work vrservices performed. 4. Term. This Agreement is effective asof the date first set forth above and shall continue until June 30,2015, unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or by nrpxn1oo Fire Apparatus Maintenance uRepair Page 1ra2o c121om°1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 132o,147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 133 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 134 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 135 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 136 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 136 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT mutual consent of the parties. This agreement may be amended annually,to extend the term stated herein,for not more than three successive one-year periods, upon mutual agreement of the parties. In addition,at the time of amendment, City will set the amount of the contract for the following term j of the agreement. In negotiating any extension,City shall consider the requirements of the SMC Section 2.708(3)and each extension shall not be effective until reviewed and approved by the Springfield Common Council. S. Sourcing. Independent Contractor was awarded contract pursuant to the City's RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance and Repair issued April 8, 2014. 8. Independent Contractor Status. By its execution of this Agreement, Independent Contractor certifies its status as an" Independent Contractor'as that term is used under the laws of the State of Oregon, and that all performance of any labor or services required to!kie performed by Independent Contractor under the terms of this Agreement shall be perfonned.in'accordance with the standards set forth in ORS 670.600, and as more specifically set forth on Exhibit"A"attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 7. First Point of Contract. Independent Contractor: [insert name,ph#and email:address] CITY:Jana Sorenson, PH: 541.744.4150,isorensondspringfield or gov' b 8. Conformance with Oregon Public Contracts Caw(ORS Chapter 279). Independent Contractor i shall comply with all applicable provisions dfOregon law for public contracts,.including, but not limited to ORS 2796.220, ORS 279B.225,ORS279B.230:..and ORS 279B.235 and as more fully set I; forth on Exhibits"A° and"B"attached.hereto and incorporated herein by.this referenee. 9. Work Performed. The work to be performed by Independent Contractor includes services generally performed by Independent Contractor in his/herlts usual line of business. I 10. Tax duties and LtabiIWes;:,independent Contractor shall be responsible for all federal, state and local taxes, if any,applicableto any payments received pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to income tax,payroll t6x,s00ial security analself-employment tax. CITY shalt not withhold,pay, or in any other manner be'resporisible for payment of any taxes on behalf of Independent Contractor. 11. Reimbursemen€Of Expenses Independent Contractor shall not be entitled to reimbursement by is CITY for any expenses incurred by Independent Contractor unless otherwise agreed in writing. 12. Materials and Supplies Independent Contractor shall supply all materials and supplies needed to perform the services required unless otherwise agreed in writing. G 17 No Auth6rity To Bind CITY. Independent Contractor shall have no authority to enter into contracts on behalf of CITY, it's'officers, agents and employees. This Agreement shall not create a partnership or joint venture of any sort between the parties. t 14. Federal Employment Status. In the event payment made pursuant to this Agreement is to be charged against federal funds, Independent Contractor hereby certifies that it is not currently employed by the Federal Government and the amount charged does not exceed Independent Contractor's normal charge for the type of services provided. 15. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. The Contractor shall assume all responsibilities for the work, g and bear all losses and damages directly or indirectly resulting to the Contractor,the City,or to others on account of the character or performance of the work, unforeseen difficulties, accidents,or any other cause whatsoever. The Contractor shall assume defense of,indemnify and save harmless the City, its officials, agents, and employees from all claims, liability, loss,damage and injury of every kind,nature and description, directly or indirectly resulting from activities in the performance of the Contract,the ownership, maintenance or use of motor vehicles in connection i RFP 01183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Page 18 of 25 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 133 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 134 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 135 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 136 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 137 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 137 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 5 i therewith, or the acts,omissions, operations, or conduct of the Contractor or any Subcontractor under the Contract or any way arising out of the Contract, irrespective of whether any act, omission or conduct of the City connected with the Contract is a condition or contributory cause ofthe claim, liability loss,damage or injury and irrespective or whether act, omission, or conduct of the Contractor or Subcontractor is merely a condition rather than a cause of a claim, liability, loss damage or injury. The Contractor shall not be liable for nor be required to defend or indemnify,the City relative to claims for damage or damages resulting solely from acts or omissions of the City,its officials, agents or employees. The absence of or inadequacy of the liability insurance required in section 16 shall not negate Contractor's obligation in this paragraph. 16. Insurance. 16.1 General Insurance. The Contractor shall maintain in force for the duration of this Agreement a Commercial General Liability insurance policy written on an occurrence basis with limits not less than$2,000,000 per occurrence and$3,000,000 ii ttie aggregate for bodily injury or property damage. The policy will contain a"per project"aggregate endorsement. Automobile Liability( owned, non-owned and hired)insurance with limits not-less than$1,000,000 per . occurrence shall be maintained. The City, its employees,officials andagents will be named as an Additional Insured where operations are being conducted related to this contract,on the General Liability policy as respects to work or services parformed under this Agreement to the.extent that the death or bodily injury to persons or damage to property,arises out of the fault ofthe' Contractor or the fault of the Contractors agents;,representatives or subcontractors.This insurance will be primary over any insurance the City may c*ry,on its own. If the City requires Professional Liability coverage, the City'sRisk Manager must approve the.terms, conditions and limits. Independent contractor understands that CITY is a public entity subject to the requirements of the Oregon Governmental Tort Claims Act, ORS 30;260 et seq fn thesevent that CITY'S financial obligations or liabilities are modified by any amendment to the liability limits imposed by the Oregon Governmental Tort Claims Act,,Independent contractor agrees that the limits regarding liability insurance set forth in this.Section 161will be modified to conform to such limits. Independent contractor and CITY shall sign an amendment to this Agreement incorporating such modification. 16.2 Workers'Compensation. Contractor shall.provide and maintain workers' compensation coverage for its employees, officers,agents, or partners,as required by applicable workers' compensation laws. If contractor is exempt from coverage, a written statement signed by Independent Contractor sc stating the reason for the exemption shall be provided to the City 16.3 Evidence of.lnsurance Coverage. Evidence of the required insurance coverages issued by an insurance companysatisfactory to the City shall be provided to the City by way of a City approved certificate of insurance before any work or services commence. 16.4 : Notice of can cellatloif or.material Change in Coverage. The certificate of insurance shall contain a requirement that:the Insurance company notify the City 30 days prior to any cancellation or rti3terial change in coverage. If the approved insurance company will not i provide.:this 30 day notice,the Contractor shall provide written notice to the City contract managerwithin 2 calendar days after the Contractor becomes aware that their coverage has been canceled!.or has been materially changed. The Contractor shall either fax 541-726- 3762 said notice`or email it directly to Bob Duey(rduey@springfield-or.gov), Finance Director at the City. Regardless of what circumstances caused Contractors insurance coverage to cease orbe:modified, it is the contractor's responsibility to notify the City. Failure to maintain proper insurance or provide notice of cancellation or modification shall be grounds for immediate termination of this contract. Contractor initials) 16.5 Equipment and Material. The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss,damage,or destruction of its own property,equipment, and materials used in conjunction with the work. 16.6 Exception or Waivers. Any exception or waiver of these requirements shall be subject to review and approval from the City's Risk Manager. 16.7 Subcontractors. The Independent Contractor shall require all subcontractors to provide and maintain General Liability,Auto Liability, Professional Liability(as applicable),and Workers'Compensation insurance with coverages equivalent to those required of the Independent Contractor in this contract. The Independent Contractor shall require certificates of insurance from all subcontractors. RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance 8 Repair Page 19 of 25 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 134 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 135 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 136 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 137 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 138 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 138 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 17. Termination. The performance of work under this Agreement may be terminated by CITY, in whole or in part, whenever for any reason CITY shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of CITY. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Independent Contractor of a Notice of Termination specifying ft extent to which performance of the work under the Agreement is terminated and the date on which such termination is effective. Upon delivery to the Independent Contractor of a Notice of Termination under this paragraph,the Independent Contractor and CITY shall,by agreement, make an appropriate written modification to this Agreement governing completion of portions of the independent Contractor's work and payment therefore by CITY. 18. Rights in Data, All original written material, including programs, card decks,tapes, listings, and other documentation originated and prepared for CITY pursuant to thfs Agreement, shall become exclusively the property of CITY. The ideas,concepts, know-how-or techniques developed during the course of this Agreement by Independent Contractor personnelcan be used by either party in any way it may deem appropriate. Material already in Independent Contractor's possession, independently developed by Independent Contractor outside the scope:oflhiOkgreement,or rightfully obtained by Independent Contractor from third parties, shall belongIndependent Contractor. This agreement shall not preclude Independent Contractor from developing.materials which are competitive, irrespective of their similarity to materials which might be delivered to CITY pursuant to this Agreement. Independent Contractor nyshallnot,however, use awritten materials developed under this Agreement in developing materials for others, except as provided in this section.S 19. Confidentiality. During the course of performance hereunder,Independent Contractor or its agent, employees,or contractors,may receive:confidenUal information. Independent Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to maintain the confdentiality of such information and to inform each agent and employee performing services of the confidentiality obligation that pertains to such information. 20. Assignment/Subcontract;-,independent Contractor.shall not assign, sell,transfer, subcontract or sublet rights,or delegate responsibilities under this'Agreement,in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of CITY Nij such written approval shall'lrelieve Independent Contractor of any obligations of this Agreement, and any transferee or subcontractor shall be considered the agent of Independent Contractor. Independent Contractor shall remain liable as between the original parties to this Agreement as if_no such assignment had occurred. i 21. Successors in Interest The provisions ofthis Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreementand their respective successors and assigns. 22 Compliance with All Government Regulations. Independent Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State.:and local laws, codes, regulations and ordinances applicable to the work performed under this Agreement. Failure to comply with such requirements shall constitute a breach of i contract and shall be`6round6 for termination of this Agreement. Damages or costs resulting from noncompliance shall beire sole responsibility of Independent Contractor. 23. Attorney Fees:: In the event a lawsuit of any kind is instituted on behalf of CITY to enforce any provision of this Agreement, Independent Contractor shall pay such additional sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable for attorney fees plus all costs and disbursements at trial and on any appeal. 24. Force Majeure. Neither parry to this Agreement shall be held responsfble for delay or default caused by fire,riot, acts of God and/or war which is beyond that party's reasonable control. CITY may terminate this Agreement upon written notice after determining such delay or default will unreasonably prevent successful performance of the Agreement. 25. Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement In the event of any claim or suit against CITY on account of any alleged patent or copyright infringement arising out of the RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Page 20 of 25 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 135 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 136 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 137 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 138 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 139 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 139 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ATTACHMENTS j I performance of this Agreement or out of the use of any material furnished or work or services performed hereunder, Independent Contractor shall defend CITY against any such suit or claim and hold CITY harmless from any and all expenses,court costs, and attorney's fees in connection with such claim or suit. 26. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared by a court to be illegal or in conflict with any law,the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected; and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular provision held to be invalid. 27. Access to Records. CITY and its duly authorized representatives shall have access to books, documents, papers and records of Independent Contractor which are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purpose of making audit, examination,excerpts and.transcripts. 28. Waiver. Failure of CITY to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver or relinquishment by CITY of the right to such performance in the future nor of the right to enforce any other provision of this Agreement. 29. Amendments. The terms of this Agreement shall not-be,waived,altered,modified,supplemented or amended in any manner whatsoever,without prior written .approval of CITY;::No modification of this Agreement shall bind either party unless reduced to writing and subscribed by both parties, or ordered by a Court. s 30. Nondiscrimination. Independent Contractor shall comply with all applicable requirements of Federal and Slate civil rights and rehabilitation-statutes, rules and regulations. 31. Dual Payment. Independent Contractor shall not be compensated for work performed under this contract from any CITY agency other than the agency which is a party to this contract. 32. Remedies. This Agreement shall be governed byand construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon, and any,litigation ansing out of this Agreement shall be conducted in the courts of the State of Oregon, County of Lane 33. Entire Agreement..This Agreement signed by both parties is the parties'final and entire Agreement and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral or written communications between the parties,their agentsand representatives. There are no representations, promises,terms, conditions or obligations otherthan thosecontained herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the:;parties have executed this Agreement to be effective the date first set forth above CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR By: By: Name:Name: Title: Title: Date. Date: RFP 07183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Page 21 of 25 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 136 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 137 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 138 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 139 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 140 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 140 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ATTACHMENTS I EXHIBIT "A" I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Independent Contractor Status All performance of any labor or services required to be performed by Independent Contractor shall be performed in accordance with the standards set forth in ORS 670.600 (2005),and as follows: A person is customarily engaged in an independently established business if any three of the following six requirements are met: 1. The person maintains a business location: a. That is separate from the business or work.location of the person for;whom the services are provided; or, b. That is in a portion of the person's residence and that portion Is used primarily for the business. 2. The person bears the risk of loss:related to the business or the provision of services as s shown by factors such as a. The person enters into fixed pnoa contracts; b. The person is required to correct defective work; c. The person warrants the services provided; or, d. The person negotiates indemnification agreements or purchases liability insurance, performance bonds orerrors and omissions insurance. 4. The person provides:contracted°services for two or more different persons within a 12- month period;or the person routinely engages in business advertising, solicitation or other marketing.efforts[reasonably calculated to obtain new contracts to provide similar services. i S. The person makes a significant investment in the business, through means such as: i a. Purchasing:tools or equipment necessary to provide the services; b. Paying foe.the premises or facilities where the services are provided; or C. Paying:for licenses, certificates or specialized training required to provide the services. 6. The person has the authority to hire other persons to provide or to assist in providing the services and has the authority to fire those persons. RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance 8 Repair Page 22 of 25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 137 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 138 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 139 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 140 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 141 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 141 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS i l EX111BIT"6" I City of Springfield Public Contracts Conformance with Oregon Public Contractors laws Pursuant to Oregon law,every public contract shall contain the following conditions: I) Make payment promptly,as due, to all persons supplying to die contractor labor or crucial for the performance of the work provided for in the connuet. ORS 279B.220(I) 2) Pay all contributions or umounta due the Industral Accident Fund from the contra0ur or subcontractor incurred in the performance of theconnucl, OR52791`1,220(2), 3) Not permit any lien or claim to be Filed or prosecuted against the slate era county,schol district,municipality,municipal c ogroration j or subdivision thereof,on account of any labor or material burnished, ORS 2790.220(3), 4) Pay to the Department of Revenncall suns withheld train employees under ORS 316.167;,ORS 27913:220(4). 5) [Ellie agreement is far Imam and landscape maintenance,it shall contain a condition requiring the contractor to salvage,recycle, compost or mulch yard vie. to material at an approved site,it feasible and-cost.eflective. ORS 2791225. 6) Promptly,m doe,make larva l to any person,copartnership,association or corporation finishing medical,surgicaland hospital care services or other ncedcd care and ancnlion,incident to sickness or mptry,to the employees of thewitha tog!ofall sums that the conhactor agrees to pay for the services and all moneys and suingthat thelrontmdotdollated or deducted from the wages of employees under any law,contractor agreement for thepurpose of providing orpayingFortheservices:-:All employers shall comply with ORS 656.017. ORS 279H.230. 7) A person may not bcemployed tonoore,than f0'hours in any oneday,o,40,boom in any one wade;except in cores ofnecessity, emergency or when the public polity absolutely retjuies it,and in much iiitsel,except in cases ofcontracts for personal services designated under ORS 279A.055,the employee,sballtio paid at least and a half pay: a) For al I overtime in excess ofeighthe=a dayor 40 hours inany one week when the work week is five consecutive days;or h) For all oventme miexcess of 10 hours ro any oneday on-40 hours in any one week when the work week is four consecutive days;:Mooday,throuldi Friday;and c) For all work perPonned onSaturday,and ortarry legal holiday specified in ORS 2796.020. An employer mustgive notice in wrrhng to cimployeeswfio work an a public contract,either at the time ofhire or before commencement o€work on thecontract onbyposting a nohce'in a location frequented by employees,ofthe dumber of hours par day and days per week.thattNc;employces may b'btoquired to vi rk:ORS 279B235(1)-(2). 3) Ifthe agreement is for person at seivrcm,the contractshall contain a Provision that the employee shall be paid at least time and a hill faralt overtime worked:in excess of40 boors in any oneweer,except for individuals under personal wrvices contracts who arc i:xGlodcd under ORS 653 010 to 653261 vdunJer 29 U.S C.201-209 from nxeiving uvarima_ ORS 27911235(3)_ 9) Contracts for services must contain a pmvrsuon that requires that persons employed under contacts shall receive at least time and hat pay for work performed on the legal holidays specified in a col leftive bargaining agreement or in 0 R 279H02D(I)(b)(H)-(G)and for all-timeworked in excess of 16hours in any one day or in access of40 hours in any one week,whichever is greater. Employer shell lgivenoticemw;sting ta.employeei>vho work on a contract for services,either at the time of hire or before commencement ofwork an the contract,or by posting4notice in a location Requented by employees,ofthe number hours per day and days per week that the employees maybe requircdto work ORS 279B.235(5). Ifthis agreement is for a public improvement,the contract stroll contain the following conditions: 10) Make payment Pai lly,as due,real]persons supplying to die contractor labor or material for the performance ofthe work provided fer3n the commcl. ORS 279C.505(])(a). 11) Pay all contributions nr amounts due the Industrial Accident Fund from the contractor or subcontractor incurred in the pertonoence of thecwnact OR.S279C.505(1)(h). 12) Not permit any lim or claim to he fled or prosecuted against the slate or a county,school diririct,municipality,municipal corporation i or subdivision thereof,on account ofany laboror material furnished. ORS 219C.5050)(c) 13) Pay to the Department of Revenue all Sams withheld from employees under ORS 316.167. ORS 2790_505(1)(d) 14) The contractor shall demonstrate that so employee drug testing program is in place_ ORS 279C,505( 2). RFP 61183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Page 23 of 25 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 138 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 139 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 140 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 141 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 142 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 142 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ATTACHMENTS 15) IF(he contractor fails neglects or nfusesto makeprompt payment of any cI arm for labor or services famished toincontactor or subcontractor by any person in connection with tic public improvement contract as the claim bccomesduc,the proper officcror officers rrpresrnting fire state Ora county,school district,municipiltry,municipal corporation or subdivision thereof.as the use may be,may pay such claim to the person furnishing labor or services and charge the Ymmmt ofthe payment against the fundsdue or to become due thecontract by reason ofthe convect. Ifoh+mntrmtor or firsali+x xuhcrmmcuv fails,neglects nr refuses m make payment to a person furnishing labor or materials in connection with the public improvement contract within 30 Jays after receipt of payment from due contracting agency or a cnnracmr,the connuchmer lint-tier sulnintructot shall o+ve the person the amount due plusinterest charges commencing at the end ofthe 10Aay period that payment is due under ORS 279C.580(4)end is subject ton good faith dispmc as defined in OILS 2790,580. If the contactor or a suh:ontraclor fails,neglects or refuses to make payment to a person furnishing labor or materials in connection with the public improvement contact,the person may file complaint with the Construction Contractors Board,unless payment is subject to a good faith dispute as defined in ORS 279C.580. ORS 279C.515. 16) '11e payment of a claim does not relieve the co emir or on contractor's surety Crain obligation with respect to any unpaid claims. ORS 2790.515(4). 17) A person may not beemployed for more than 10 hours in any one day,or 40 hours in any one week,except in cases of tes essity, emergency or when the public policy absolutely requires it,and in such cases,except ineases ofcmaracb,for personal services designated traderORS 2790.100,the employee shall be paid at least time and a halfpsp a) For all overtime in excess ofeight hours a day or 40 hours in any me weclowhen the work week is live consecutive days;or, b) For all overtime in excess of 10 hears in anynne day or 40 hours mar k+i)hen the work week is firer consecutive day;,Monday through Friday,and, c) Perot]seek performed an Saturday and on any legal holders specified in ORS 279H,3.020. ORS 279C:520(I). An employershall give notice in writing to employees verb workon apubliccootmct either at the time ofhire or before I commencement Orwell,on the content,or by posting a ontecfrie'.Irace frequented by employees oflhentonler of hoursper day and days per+week that the employees maybe required to stork ORS 279D 520(2): Is) Ifthe agreement is for personal services,the contract shalt contain a provision that the employee shall bepaid at least timoand a half for ell overtime worked in excess of40 hours inany one+veek map[for individuals under personal services contracts who art excluded under ORS 653.010 to 653.261 or under29 U SC 201 209 fromriicciving evaumc.'ORS 279C.520(3). 19) Connects for serums roust certain a provision that mqubes that persons'empbyed under contracts shall motive at least time and half pay for work performed an the legal holidays specilnd iriaNllect,so baigaining agreement or in ORS 279C.540(1)(h)(B)-(G)and for all time worked in excess of 10 hours in any one day,or in ciiicdss 01`40 houis inany ore wreck,whichever is greater. An employer shall give notice in writing toanployces who work ona crouniafor services,either at die time of hire or before commencement of work on the contract,or by postinganotice in a locationfrequenteJ iy employees,bribe number of hours per day and days perweek that the employees may be requiidl to+ Tk';ORS 279C.W5) 20) Solicitation documents fora pull tell provement confect shall make specific reference to federal,stnte and local agencies that have enacted ordinancii,rules err mgulatiom dealing withthe prevention orenvironmental pollution and the preservation ofnatural resources flat nfpccflhn perfbrmm ec ofthe control. A sbimrfiun document must also make special reference to known conditions Uattheconstructionsitethatmayrequirethesuccessfulbidder16complywiththeord'manes,rules or regulations identified under ORS t279C525(t), Ifthe succcssfidbidder encounters'icondiioon net referred to in the:olkitation documents,col caused by the F successful bidderand'nol discoversbleby a reasonabteprebid visual site imposition,and the condition requires rnmpliance with the ordinances. rules or regulations referiedtounder ORS 279C.525(I),the successful bidder shall immediately give notice bribe condition to the contracting agency::;710 successful bidder may not commence work tar incur any arlditional lob site costs in regard I' to the condition encounteriitand'deserihed in OILS 279,525(3)wvithbut write.direction from the rinlractingagemy, 016279C.525. 21) I'tomp0y as due;make paymenpto any person,arparmership,essrnaafian Or corporation famishing medical, surgical and hospital enieservnces or,o0iec rteadnl tai¢am3 attemian,inarkm w sekness err mlan'.10 the employees oflhr contractor, nFell sums that the f Contentoragrees to payfor the servt'es oral all mongs and sums that the contractor c011mtrd Or deducteJ from the+vages of f employees under any law,commetiire agreement rnr the purpose nfpmvng br paying tint the services. All employee shall amplywithOILS65(y017. OILS 2790.530, 22) Aeontec(For public.woksshall certain a provision selling llreexisUng stale prevailing rate and wage and,ifapplicable,the federal prevailing rate of+vage required Every contract and subcontract shall contain a provision that workersshall be paid amt less than the i speci0ed minimum hourly rate of+voge m accordance with ORS 2790.8,18. ORS 279C.830(1). If this agrecmenl is for demoldlion,the contract shall also contain the following cnnd)lions:i0 23) Contractor must salvageor recycle construction and doorohlion debris,iffiasible ant cast-elTedive.ORS 279C.510(l) V i RFP#1103 Fire Apparatus Maintenance d Repair Page 24 of 25 C1213revl Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 139 of 147 C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 140 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 141 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 142 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 143 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 143 of 151 DRAFTATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT SPRINGFIELD Mar 1111 OREGON M WF.SB/DBE Voluntary Self-Declaration for City Solicitation (1'I'B/RFI?)# 1183 The City of Springfield is seeking information on the various business entities that submit bids and proposals. We request that you provide the following information to assist us with evaluating our efforts at reaching the underrepresented sectors ofthe business communities. The City does not intend to use this data as criteria for selecting the suecessfid bidders or proposers for city-funded procurements. For procurements with state or federal DBE requirements, the City will use the forms and`criteria established by the state or federal agency for selecting the successful bidders or proposers. Please include this form with your bid/ proposal submittal to the City. Prime Bidder/Proposer: Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Business.Name: Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Contact Person: Rez Hughes f CCB#/PE#/Other Registration: Business Address: 910 Shelley Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Business Phone: 541-747-0072 Please check each box indicating the business certificate type that your firm has with the State ofOregon or the federal government,.i f any: I Oregon Minority-owned Business Oregon Woman-owned I Business Oregon Emerging i Small Business Federal Disadvantage First Tier Sub-contractors: For each First'fier Subcontractor,provide the same information, using additional sheets as needed. For more information please visit State of Oregon office ofMinority, Women, Emerging Small Business http•//www orcgon4biz com/Grow-Your-Business/Business-services/Minority-Owned-Business-Certification/ RFP#1183 Fire Apparatus Maintenance&Repair Page 25 of 25 C1213rev1 Hughes Fire Equipment,Inc. Page 140 of 147 l C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 141 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 142 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 143 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 144 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 144 of 151 DRAFTHUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT PROUDLYSERVING YOU, WHILE YOU SERVE YOUR COMMUNITY Offering comprehensive shop and mobile factory service fully customized to meet Your needs. Our ASE, EVT and Pierce° Master certified technicians take great pride in providing all of the services you need to keep your fleet ready. Whether it's warranty work, preventative maintenance, general repairs or inspections, our team is trained at the highest level to inspect, maintain and service all of your emergency vehicles including non-Pierce apparatus. We are also pleased to offer competitive pricing on parts and service. MOBILE ON-SITE, • 0 Iho,Alaska,&;ontorw,Arilono&Clark County Nevada D C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 142 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 143 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 144 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 145 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 145 of 151 DRAFTArr Mobile Pump Testing On-Site Pulnp Service CZ (Command Zone) Inspection &Troubleshooting SRP Diagnostics Side Rollover Protection) Tak-4Inspection & Adjustment Chassis Inspection/Repair LA Ladder Testing Idle Reduction Technology Upgrades/InstallsTower TEST 7IONS LED Lighting Upgrades Lighting & Siren Installations IIE o " . . REPAIRSWarranty 24/7PumpService & Repairs Suspension Repair Transmission Service LA Oil & Fluid Changes 4 Diesel Service Brake Repair ALLPreventative Needs pections from z Minor to Annual Services. r) 1-800-747-6510 Maintenance Trackingwww.hughesfire.com Serving Oregon,Washington,Idaho,Alaska, Montana,Arizona&Clark County Nevada ALLPump Service Needs Pierce"Ultimate Configuration, .. MAINTENANCE 31213rev1 Hillb AFE 6gB61k1&h19lQU I P M E N T Pa C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 143 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 144 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 145 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 146 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 146 of 151 DRAFTI' r r i C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 144 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 145 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 146 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 147 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 147 of 151 DRAFTi C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 145 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 146 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 147 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 148 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 148 of 151 DRAFTI r• s llul i kLk Z I is FJL or, OdI s r y r • I y Ut I I C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 146 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 147 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 148 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 149 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 149 of 151 DRAFTy F' is OW 400 vowr C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 147 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 148 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 149 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 150 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 150 of 151 DRAFTAi4 I f 7 T 49 pi LI C1213 First Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc Page 148 of 148 ATTACHMENT 1 C1213 Second Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. Page 149 of 149 ATTACHMENT 1 Third Amendment C1213 Third Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 150 of 150 ATTACHMENT 1 Fourth Amendment C1214 Fourth Amendment Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc.Page 151 of 151 AIS ATTACHMENT 1, Page 151 of 151