HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1992-9-14 1\:; IS NOI MJ INSURANCE POLICY. THIS IS ONL Y A VERIFIGA1ION OF INSURANCE. IT DOES NOT IN ANY WAY AMENO, F.XH:M.I OH ~,ll L j ",()JLH,\GE PI10VIUED BY lHE POLICIES LISTED BELOW, G€:.OfU,G + l-INo'A ~L( 0 O~A tJH IT6 C/;VUP ::J6W6t.6fL-.1 7/S !-1tJ/,l Sl , -S'"(/Il./Nt flE'-t-O tJ f<.. Cj 7'177 dlis i~ to certity fhat policies for the above named ifiSured Bre in force as follows: This In,erim Certlllrete As To Evidence of Insurance shall expire sixt~ days from t 1-:. , AM" ' q I tJ t 19 i..~ess cancelled prior to such date by wrlUen notice to the named.insuted. 0.. Please is~ue 'a Permanent Cortificate COVERAGE NOT COVERED Ii!J Owned lB Hired [B , Non-Owned [B Employer's Non-Ownership Contingent Liability . ('I ~.~ ~"e.meo Inli\Jllld . Adrtrfl$6 ". MARGIN ?, OOVEREO o o o o - ~ '-~ r 09/14/':;'2 r-/1 r 11: 31 z: 503 741 7896 I)EIIIl t)RAHAS I'..JI 1; '....... _. ,"' r- - r- ,...... ,r- r, TOS , PtTT tV '. J..1) a;e,J TRUCK INSURANCE EXCHANGE INTERIM CERTIFICATE AS TO EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE TOB TOB o 34q/- O(J~ / ~P;;-li;-':-i~;;;'I:i;t~:" . 7 ].-/ }/ - 3 Y. ______.. ..,. Agen, POllC)" ,",vi" l,ier,' , ...' , F~;V;-:CAriC:'0-' .., h,I,cy' .Wvit'l:~;;.r~..."" COMBINED LIMITS OF LIABILITY AUTO LIABILITY Bodily Injury $ $ $ ,000 sactl f,lAfSOtl ,000 each 00(' ,irrunc!l ,000 each OCCUlror..:.o Property Damage Singla Limit liability for Coverages cttecked [X] above GENERAL. LIABILITY [ M&C - OL T DOwners & Contractors Contractual. $ _.________ .000 ~~:~~1,~~f''2~': Elevators Property Damage $ _____ ,000 each i.:;CUlrO,'\Ln - 0 ~~o~~~re~"8~~~ations $ ,______ ,000 ~~lr~~;I~QrA'.i.l~ ._____._ _____._.__,_.,,_...__ n_ ... .,._... ..... ... SIngle Urn II Liabllily tor Coverages checked !XI abovo J ^" . $ -!-t_1L.'t!!.0- ,000 6~Ctl lJr..CII.flllIlCl' ___~_ _.___....~...m_.________.__..._n_~:!J----QD~- ...:.~ ~~~~rl~ttr.I;__.,. ~ 1%1. ~ o $ ,q.oo C3(,h CoI.;CUrI&flr'l:' -,---- .-.-.- --. --........ . - -- --- . ..__... __.0 n.....__. _...._......_.__ _.... ._____.._____.______'_.._ . " , Bodily Injury $ _ .__ ,000 each pnl!:.'t,(1 ~ '. $ __~_.____~__ .000 elJ(;h (oCClll I!il,: o CARGO $ $ --.-,.....-..~~~._~.~". .~'_.,- 1000 earh \'IJhicle __...-::.:=_:.000 e::t('~.~~I!~I':::,~_____. o D CO:~::::~:ON Statuto,,, * Includes Goods or Products Warranty, Written Lease of Premisos, Easement Agroement, Municip31 0rdiflO'\',"o Agreement1 Sidetrack Agreement, Elevator or Escalator_ Maintenance Agreement only, unless accornp3ulod ~IY specific enaorsement provlding additional Contractual Coverage" / D~'t...,. De:r:::'....' OWNED Al,T..-J. M.JnIU:S. " (;QVEfIEIJ \. VEAR. MAKEL!!.PE OF BODY, LOAD CAPACiTY _~t?~!!!~~!.CAT!e..t! NlIMO!:R 1.~!;1 ., DII,;n~) SH(!\tN POLICY NUMBER "mbrella Liability ,000 rclalnf.ld linm each OCCUfIEtnc(, 399r0931 0 $ $ ----- $ II the Interim Certificate As To Evidence Of Insurance is 10 be cancelled prior to the expiration dale, we Shllll provide ____ days edvance nolleeln writing 10 whom this certllicete Is Issued. VENN VH.f.NAS , FARMERS INSURM<r;,: GP.OUP 870 WfST CEliT,;NNIH SPBlNGFlELD, OR \;'/4'/'] L.... Ilo.n (W) 741-22BO (H) 48,;..\,1{;9 Number Cllnilice.le i'5suec11o: Criv Or:: SP(2.../rVGFJ€o/-E ,lP~~ G~,O~L- ~~~~ :/7 n 7 Co~nl.rsign.d ~ ___.___.: ..__... . /Aulhorlro6 Rep,es."lal'~. *. fJol Applicable in T exes, V '* '" '* In Texas the aggregate also applies to ownerG and contraclors proltlclive, conlraclual and' or compleled operallons. b6-0514 2.9(1 1651 W/200 C/1200 Nall1u And Addreu HIl 11~~, 1 I I, : j ------- .. .....-.