HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1986-8-14 (2) .. tt~ RURAL ADDRESSING :HECKEDAlJG 11 County Authorization for: &~ g,ll... FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ~~~~~~ai'~<;~~~~~ SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FOR LN RFVTFW 7OW"SHIP RA!1GE SECTION I TAX LOT OOUT OF 17 03 25 1.2 600 S~BDIVISION/PARTITION (1.f apphcableJ I LOT/?!, per!- I BLOCK PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY o ReSldentl.al Dlndustrl.al o Commercl.al 0 Publl.C LOCATION ADDRl:.SS 1920 Lamond STRUCTURES CURRENTLY 5 f~ET ItVt: )SPrl ngf1 e 1 d ON PROPERTY CITY ZIP 97477 SFD """"i:i'rRECTlONS TO SITE J:SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECIFIC SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LN .:: OF BEDROOMS J 'If OF STORIES I 1< OF E~PLOYECS O.~NER I 5 NM1E AND ADDRESS DECLARED ~ VALUE WATER SUPPLv o proposed n EXl.stlng TELEPHONE NUMBER SCOTT, C11fford same CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND OSR ff OME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN P.O. .. , Box 10639, Eugene 97440 TELEPHONE NUMBER ?C~'~;;;; B~r~~~~s:O ~~~': ~:dADDRE5S) (~_~ ~~\ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION ~:R ~ER11I/<lf~d .10 hcr('by certlJ:y 'that all 1nfonnat1oll hereon 15 true and correct, and that I have the following legal Interest In the property Downer of reC01d 0 contrdc t pnH..haser Oduthor1Zed agent I f_rther certlfy that any and all work performed shdll be dont! 1n c.lcL(n.dal1r~ 1>1 th tIc. OrdinanCe!;. of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon perta:l.n:l.ng to the work descr1bed hereln, and that NO OCCUPANCY \0,111 blO 'f!ade of ur 1 structme Without the perm1sslon of the BUlhhng Dlv1Slon I fur- ther certify that reglstratlon w1th the BU11der's Board 1S 1n full force ,nJ effect a~ rer,Ulred by ORS 701 055, that 1f exempt the baSIS for eXempt10n 1S noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are 1n cOMpl1ance wlt~ ORS 701 055 will be used on thiS proJect I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY TELEPHONE NUMB~R MAIL IN B-8-86 NAME (please print) SIGNATURE DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY ~PLANNING/ZONING YOUR AUTHORIZATION 9AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS I Zone Part:l..t:l..on #- Parcel # Parcel SIze MInImum Setbacks C L, front CL, sIde InterIor rear Date 8-8-86 ,5 COM..\tENTS FOR LN REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY 'NO SPFr.T 1\1 PI ANNTNG Ar.nON RFnllTR~n D SANITATION S I # B P # InstallatIon Record Issued? DYes 0 No Llneal Feet MaXImum Depth ~l~~~~:C ,/ rJ . V'#-' , Date \?"'~ (/;<f-f?: ..~ InstallatIon Gallon SpecIfIcatIons Tank COMNENTS \.IL(l~ ~~ d~loLiL. ~I ;;t/u'<J :t~ U 0 o PLANS EXAMINATION Type Group U,e COM..\lENTS Dat.e n ~~) A.. .~~~ tf=-('i~Pc .- ~T APPROVED ~ BU~jtNG OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (oer ORS 456 B05(1)) DATF LANE COUNTY QltPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 C;RR RRVRRC;R POR TNC;PF:(,'T'TON TNF'ORMATTON P1/. 'lC QQA SETB"Cf-..S A'JO OTHER CO 0IT10....S OF APPRO"'\L 'lUST BE STRIC~L, OPSER\SD VIOLATIOr. CA'J" RESI...LT It. REVQ- C,,~IO' OF ~11l5 PE."'HT CIT"TIO 1 l.-'J"OSR PROVISIO 15 OF LA"E ::01...' T'l ., I'JFRACTIO" OROl A CE A"D/OR OTHER RE~EDIES ALLO~ED BY LAW \o.HE'J READY "OR ~RE'i"t..t:~l'S at 1.nSpect1.on I C;PCCTIO'J CA~~ 687-.\065 A' I'll '1",'1 OF AT LE,'\ST 24 llOLRS ,"IDVA lE "OTTCF FOR 1'JSPEC- ",t;"r bL G1VE....-H-ave t'le lollow1.ng 1.n~;)r-'1lal1.on ..eady rerm1.t number Job address type when 1.t w1.11 ~e ready your name a1d phorL nunber, and any s~ecla~ d1.rect1.ons to S1.te BUILDIr.G D1V1SIO'J REQUIRED I'5PECTIO'JS 1 Found~t1.on Inspectlon ~o be made after trenches are lrater-1.als-~ort~toundat1.on are del1.vercd on tne 'ob plant (co~'1lonly termed 'tranS1.t mlxed ) lS to be used cxca\ated and forms erected and when all \ hLr-e co~crete from a ce~tral rnlxlng '1latcrlals need not be on the Job Concrete Slab or L.nder--loor Inspectlon To be made after all 1.n-slab or under-floor bU1.1d1.ng serVI_e e~ulp~ent, C010Dlt ~l?lng accessorles, and other anc1.11ar} equLpment ltems are In place but betore any concrete lS poured or floor sheathlng lnstalled lncludlng the subtloor ~ramlnq & Insulatlon Inspect1.ons To be made after the roof all rram1.ng f1.re blocklng, and raCl~g ar~~ace a~d all p1.pes 11.replaces, cn1.nneys and v~nts are conplete and all rough electr1.cal and plumblng are approved All wall 1.nsulatlon and vapor barr1.er are 1.n place Lath and/o~ Gypsum Boar~ Insoectlon and e^.erLor lS 1.n p~ace out oelore ana fasteners are taped and fIn1.shed To be nade arter all lat~lng and gypsum board nterlor any plasterIng 1.5 appl1.cd and betore gypsum board JOlnts Flnal InspectLon To be made after the bUlldlng 1.S con~lete and before occupancy APPROVAL REQuIRED ~o work shall be done on any part of t~e bUlld1.ng or structure beyond the p01.nt lndlcated In each succeSSlve .nspectlon w1.thout flrst Obtalnlng the aporoval of .he bUlldlng offlclal Such aaproval ahall b~ glven only after an lnspectlon shall have bpen made of each sUCCeSSl\e step In the constr~Ctlon as lnd1.cated by each of the InsnectLons recul~ed 'J"OTE All bUlldlng Oermlts requ1.re 1.nspect1.ons for the work author1.zed su~h as but not Ilnlted to A Block Wall To be made a ter reInforclng lS In place but befo~e any grout lS poured ~;lS In;pectIOn 1.5 requ1.red [or each bond beam pour There wlll be no aoproval unt1.1 the plumblnq and electr1.cal 1.nspect1.ons have been made and approved B Wood Stove TO be made after cO'llplet1.on of -na50nrj: (If appllcable) and when lnstallatlon 1.5 compl~ Installat1.on shall be 1.n accordance wlth an approved, nat1.onally recogn1.zed test1.ng agency ana the manutacturer's lnstallatlon 1.nstruct1.0n5 C ~loblle Home An 1.n5~ect1.0n 1.5 requ1.red after the mob1.1e home 15 connected to an approved sewer-or septIC sY5~e'l\ ror setbac~ requ1.rements blocklng ~oot1.ng con~ect1.01 tIedowns S^lrtIng and plumb1.ng conneC~1.ons Foot1.ngs and p1.ers to comply wlth State foundat1.on requ1.rements for moblle names or as recommended by t~e manutacturer ~oblle ho~e m1.n1.mum f1.n1.sh floor eleVatlOn shall be cert1.fled when requlred by a flood- plaln manage~ent letter ~oblle home tlcdowns when requlred, ana sklrtlng shall be lnstalled and read} for lnspec~ tlon wlthln at least 30 days after occupancy Tledowns and sllrtlng s~all be lnstalled per enclosure o SW1.~'1l1.nq pool Below grade when steel lS 1.n place and before concrete lS poured ~hen ?ool-rs-lnstalled Above grade APPROVED PLA'J"S ~UST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DlJRIr.G WORKIr.G HOURS "'HIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF \o.ORK DOES NOT BEGI'J WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SLSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR ~ORE THA~ 180 DAYS SLSPENSION OR REVOCATION ~.AY OCCLP IF TlllS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE B"SIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRO"lEOUS INFORHATION ANYO'<E PROCtEDI G PAST TilE POI T or REQUIRED INSPECTlO 1$ WILL DO SO AT THEIR OW~ RISK SL3SLRFACE ~ AL"'ER'ATIVE SEI'.AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Perm1.ts shall be effectlve for one year from the date of 1.ssuance Upon comp~et1.ng the construct1.on for whlc~ a pern1.t has been 1.ssued the perm1.t holder shall notlfy the Lane County Department of Plannlng and Commun1.ty Development by submlttlng the lnstallatlon record ~or~ ~he Department shall 1.nspect the constructlon to determlne lf It compl1.es w1.th tne rules conta1.ned In thls dlvlslon If the constructlon does comply wlth such rules thL Department shall lss~e a certlflcate of sat1.sfactory complet1.on to the perm1.t, ~older If t,e constructlon dops not comply wlth such rules, the Department shall not1.fy the pprmlt holaer and shall reaUlre sat1.sfactory cO'1lpletlon before 15sulng the certltlclte Fl1.1ure to meet the reqUIrements f~r 5at1.sfactory complctlon wlth1.n a reasonable tIme constItutes a VIO- latlon of ORS .\S4 &05 to ~54 74~ anu th1.s rul~ Setbacks - Subsurface Sewaq~ Dl~posal " om I~terlor propert; ll~es Edge ot road rl~ t-of-way BUllolnq .c~~dat ~~ I'Blls othe" ~atcr sources SLptlc ~ "0' 10 5' 50 Drulnf1.eld 10 10' 10' 100' ... " ^ . H~E lOAil) i,,~ fR\':~1:&& PLEASE RUSH! Nome Federal Savinqs & Loan P. 0 Box 10639 il1qGM, Or8Q'Oft 9-7440 A'ITENTION lAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION Lane County Courthouse 125 E. 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 Please provide us Wl th a septlc tank lnspectlon on the follOtnng descrilled property Street Address 1920 Lemond, Spnngheld, OR 97477 Clty Spnngheld, OR Tax Lot # 17-03-25-12-00600 Legal DescrlptlOn Lot 3, Blk. 1, LCCH LCMOND TERRACE, AS P & R ln Vol 46, pg. 8, LCOPR, Lane Co., OR , Sellers' Chfford & Efhe Scott ~nvvlers Gordon & Charlotte Green Enclosed you wlll flnd a check in the annunt of $60.00 as payrrent for thlS servlce. Thank You. 2..n n , Q)("G~ Ellen Brlones Loan ProcesSlllg Secretary ~ " ,- " . -, fj ~ fA .' 't I ,-{ ',' ,. ~~ r; .. ' ~ ,\ \ '. \f \ .....:..' - --'- ~ - ~ - It '. I,;: ~i ' , LANE COUNTY DE ::'T [Nil riGT t,PPL ICM1T Hm,]!:: FEDERtlL. StlVINCS.. ,~mF: PO BO/ TL~ 1703251200600 .SUBDIIl NHJ L<L.DG TYPE 'U,Sf: F{ BDFNiS 0 OWNER NME'SCOTT, CLIFFORD CODE' APPL. Nd ACTION DESCRIPtION BP BP BF' 'BP BP II, . , lj'L. hE:CH SUE PCK' l..i": RECEIPT 0252986 DATE,080886 010639, EUGENE:, OREGON L,(;)i" BU< ~NITS 001 SrORIE~ *BLDGS 001 P~~ONt 999 9999 A )DI~ i 920 LON,aND AVE 4 I S.'PF.\~I~1GF.J:EL.D I Of~r;:G()i,. S(~ Fl UNIT, COST VALUrYIION' FEE, :'i,11.-, f> I ' ~::F I X/BpI TH: :~ " SvJr~ : 10'. PTF" m:CHi,N lCtlL "'FI'~[: . \:'r' ~l"E':' <~I 1':;'(:1'1' ':';f" E,:' ._ f'l. .. ... _ ,. '::)h'.:l.. PL.AN CI. E:CI< FEE FT~ f((,:,IN: lOT j'" .! /, ;? ~:>;~ LC 2~>29D6 S::OS'\} 6(:).,O';:l "'<I CtlTG : ,;']f:'P F:(.) lOP " I>', SI PCK l1TH ISS' SEQU : , 2 3 \ A " , . l ni" ,;1< n) BY l:;':l..H EST Cm1PLETION !) HE TOJ;~1.. FEE.)t.~(. 160 ,. {jO GJ{ .