HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-6-18 " Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2006-00201 ISSUED: 06/18/2007 APPLIED: 02/17/2006 EXPIRES: 11/30/2008 VALUE $ 93,240.00 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541-726,3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme SITE ADDRESS 945 W L ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703273402401 Sprmgfield TYPE OF WORK Garage TYPE OF USE New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Garage WIth storage dbove See actIVIty for prevIOus permIt actIVIty Resldenllal Owner PATRICK MEKECH Address 844 MARILYN CRT SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Phone Number 541-736-0661 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION. Contractor Type General Electncdl Plumhmg Contractor License RICK BROSTERHOUS CONSTRUCTION IN 96388 OWNER OWNER EXpIratIOn Date 03/09/2009 Phone 541-607-6336 BUILDING INFORMATION. #ofUmts Pnmary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy Group Pnmary ConstructIon Type Secondary ConstructIOn Type # of Bedrooms U # of Stones HeIght of Structure Type of Heat Water Type Range Type Energy Path Spnnkled BuIldmg Lot S,ze Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other Occupant Load VN n/a I DEVELOPMENT INFORMA nON I Frontyard Setback Side I Setback Side 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks 4000 I3 00 Overlay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Paved DrIve Rqd % of Lot Coverage Yes REQUIRED PARKING Total 2 Handicapped Compact _ _ 1"", r'=>l1lllreS yOll to I PUBLIC IMPROVEMiNfS~:~~"ad~;;te-d by tlle Orego~~';~~ih . - ., ,,' r Tnose rules are Street Improvements P II I d NotificatIon C~ii1!:walklfrV1e'h OAR 952-001' arlla V mprove OAR 952-001-0UIU" -~ fthe rules by Storm Sewer AvaIlable Yes ~090 you mi!.\oDlnSjJ6~~~'r~~S\e\ephoQ!lrb and Gutter SpeCIal InstructIOn 'ling the center ( u \ t NotIfication NOTICE: I( camber for the Oregon t~~~344). Notes StonM'i'~!\~I]iI@l4Ab.w i:~ilrt!i IE Jh\~ Ml,Q~/24/2006 cR'S center IS l-BOO-33 AUTHORIZEO UNOER THIS PERMli IS NOT Cm~MENCEO OR IS ABANOONEO FOR ,',NY 180 OAY PERIOO. 2700 000 Paee 1 of 4 Status Issued 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 54 I -726-3676 F dX 541-726-3769 InspectIOn LIDe DeSCription Tvpe of ConstructIOn Dwelhnes Garaee V Wood Bonus Rm Garaee Fee DeScriptIOn + 10% Admlmstratlve Fee + 8% State Surcharge Plan ReVIew Resldentldl ResIdence WIrIng 1000 Sq Ft ResIdence WIrIng Ea Addtl 500 + 10% Admmlstratlve Fee + 8% State Surcharge Garage/Carport Plan ReView MIDor - PlannIDg SDC Samtary/Storm Admm Storm Dramage ImpervIOUs Area Storm Sewer - 1st 50 Feet Storm Sewer Each Addtl 100' + 10% AdmmlstralIve Fee + 5% Technology Fee + 8% State Surcharge Fixture Refund, SaDltary Admm Refund - SDC Storm SaDltary Sewer - Improvement Samtary Sewer - Reimbursement SDC Samtary/Storm AdmID Totdl Amount Pdld Structural ReView 02/24/2006 ImlIal ReVIew 02/24/2006 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00201 ISSUED: 06/18/2007 APPLIED: 02117/2006 EXPIRES: 11/30/2008 VALUE: $ 93,240.00 I ValuatJon DescrmtIOn I $ Per Sq Ft or mullIplIer $85 00 $26 00 Square Footage or B,d Amount 840 00 840 00 Value Date Calculated Total Value of ProJect $71,40000 $21,84000 $93,240 00 02/17/2006 02/17/2006 FpP~. P~i1.l Amount Paid Receipt Number 1200600000000000176 1200600000000000176 1200600000000000176 1200600000000000176 1200600000000000176 1200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 2200700000000001851 2200700000000001851 2200700000000001851 2200700000000001851 00128123 00128123 2200800000000000931 2200800000000000931 2200800000000000931 Date PaId $1630 $\3 04 $352 46 $10600 $57 00 $60 13 $48 10 $542 25 $85 00 $542 $10908 $45 00 $1400 $980 $490 $784 $98 00 $-542 $-10908 $244 85 $322 00 $28 34 2/17/06 2/17/06 2/17/06 2/17/06 2/17/06 4/10/06 4/10/06 4/10/06 4/10/06 4/10/06 4/10/06 411 0/06 4/10/06 12/17/07 12/17/07 12/17/07 12/17/07 1/2/08 1/2/08 6/18/08 6/18/08 6/18/08 $2,05501 I Plan ReViews I Problem wIth front bracewall Called contractor-left message 4/5/06dlm 02/24/2006 APP SKG Paee 2 of 4 Status Iss u ed CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00201 ISSUED 06/18/2007 APPLIED: 02/17/2006 EXPIRES: 11/30/2008 VALUE: $ 93,240.00 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme PublIc Works Review 02/24/2006 02124/2006 APP CAS SDC fee's reflect credIt from 2000 Job#00-01630-01 amount added IS the dIfference from rates 10 2000 to 2006 PlannID2 Review 02124/2006 03/24/2006 APP T AJ Pave 1St 18' of dnveway To Request an InspectIOn call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All InspectIOns requested before 7:00 a.m. WIll be made the same workIng day, InspectIOns requested after 7 00 a m. WIll be made the followmg work day. ]?pflllirerl rn~np.rtlon~ . . r, "ilW Rough Electnc Pnor to Cover ElectriC ServIce Approval reqUIred pnor to utllIty company energlZmg service FlDal Electnc When all electncal work IS complete FootlDg After trenches are excavated FoundatIOn After forms are erected but pnor to concrete placement Floor InsulatIOn Pnor to deckmg Shear Wall NaIlIng Before covenng sheathlDg wllh fimsh matenals Frammg InspectIOn Pnor to cover and after all rough ID IDspectlOns have been approved Wall InsulatIOn Pnor to cover CeilIng InsulatIOn Pnor to cover FIrewall Located and constructed accordlDg to plans Hold Downs Installed Spec..1 Inspection performed pnor to placement of concrete PrOVIde report to CIty Bulldmg Inspector Fmal Bulldmg Alter all reqUIred mspectlOns have been requested and approved and the bUlldmg IS complete Storm Sewer LlDe Pnor to fillIng trench Rough Plumbmg Pnor to cover and mcludmg reqUIred testmg FlDal PlumblDg When all plumbmg work IS complete Paee 3 of 4 By sIgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed applIcatIOn and do herehy certJfy that all mformatlon hereon IS true and correct, and I further certIfy that any and dll work performed shall be done 10 accordance WIth the Ordmances of the CIty of Sprmgfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work descnbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY WIll be made of any structure WIthout permIssIOn of the Commumty ServIces DIVISIOn, Bmldmg Safety I further certJly that only contractors and employees who are m complIance WIth ORS 701 005 wIll be used on thIS proJect I further agree to ensure that all reqmred mspectulDs are requested at the proper time, that each address IS readable from the street, that the permIt card IS located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans wIll remam on the sIte at all times dunng constructIOn ~ -~ Status Issued 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn LIRe / n7 / Owner or Contractors Slgndture Paee 4 of 4 CITY OF SPKmlJFIELD ' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2006-00201 ISSUED' 06/18/2007 APPLIED: 02/17/2006 EXPIRES' 11/30/2008 VALUE: $ 93,240.00 h-/g-cJfJ Date 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~ City of Sprmgfield OffiCIal Receipt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2006-0020 I COM2006-0020 I COM2006-00201 Payments Type of Payment CredltCard cRecemtl RECEIPT # 2200800000000000931 Date 06/18/2008 DeSCription Sanitary Sewer - ReImbursement Sanitary Sewer - Improvement SDC Sanitary/Storm AdmlD PaId By PATRICK MEKECH Item Total t:heck N umber AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received NJM 327771 327771 In Person Payment Total Page I of 1 2 52 OOPM Amount Due 322 00 244 85 2834 $59519 Amount Paid $595 19 $595 19 6/18/2008