HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PLANNER 5/5/2008 \ PRE-SUBMI..... AL DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: -5 ~5 -Qyt / Dave Puent - Building v Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire ,/ / Gary McKenney - Traffic ..L Matt Stouder - Public Works/Engineering Les Benoy - Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying Planner. '..-- "i-flJJ.-f .J . PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'O MAY 5 2008 CRou.-kd-} CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 Fdlli Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number AssIgned: PRE2008-00026 Date SubmItted: 5/2/2008 PRE~SU8MITTAL REC'D MAY 22008 APPLICANT TABOR-GRIFFEN CHRIS 2095 5TH ST SPRINGFIELD OR Protect Name TABOR-GRIFFEN SUB/2095 5TH ST PrOject DescrIptIon Pre-SubmIttal meetmg for 11 lot cluster subdIvIsIOn (GrIffin Cluster SubdIvISIOn) ApplIcatIon Type: SubdIvIsIOn TentatIve Job Address: 2095 5TH ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #, 1703262404300 DISCLAIMER ApplIcatIOns WIll not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the tune of the Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg and SubmIttal of the ApplIcatIOn for Development RevIew Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 WIth any questIOns or concerns A Planner will be aSSIgned the followmg busmess day and will contact you to confirm the meetmg date and lime 1 PlanJobPnnt rpt 5/2/2008 105453AJ\! 're-SuJmitta.. Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE Friday, May 9, 2008 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE200S-00026 (SUB TENT) TABOR-GRu<J<ui $336 Assessor's Map 17-03-26-24 TL 4300 Address' 2095 Fifth Street Existmg Use: ResidentIal ApplIcant submitted plans to create an II-lot cluster subdIvision, Griffin Cluster SubdIvisIOn Meetmg Date/Tnne Friday, May 9, 2008 DSD 616 10:00 -11:00 a.m. Planner Steve Hopkins 2. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE200S-00025 (SUB PLAT) ANDERSON DEV $336 Assessor's Map: 17-02-32-00 TL 104 Address: Vacant - S 4Sth/DaIsy St & Weyerhaeuser Rd Existmg Use: Vacant ApplIcant sublDltted plans to plat a 103-10t SFR subdIvisIOn, Westwind Estates Meetmg Date/TIme: Friday, May 9,2008 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Steve Hopkins PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 2008 PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO MAY 2 2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: , IADDlicant's Rep.: Icompany: I Address: , I Property Owner: Company: Address: 1048 Randall St. EUj1;ene, OR 97401 IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-26-24 I ~,,!T . -. -. . . - , - - Phone (541) 914-2077 Cns Tabor-Gnffm Fax: 1048 Randall St, Eugene. OR 97401 Phone (541)746-0637 (541) 746-0389 Jun Branch Branch Engmeermg, Inc Fax: 310 Ftfth St . Sormgfield. OR 97477 Phone (541) 914-2077 Cns Tabor-Gnffin Fax: 4300 Property Address: 2095 5th St. Sonngfield. OR 97477 Size of Property: I 25 I Proposed Name of Subdivision: Gnffin Cluster SubdivIsion , I Description of ProDosal: I Existinq Use: Acres [gJ Square Feet 0 If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to this application Tlus orooosalls to create an II lot Cluster SubdiVIsion ReSidential # of Lots/Parcels: II Si natures: Please 51 s I Density " . 9 du/acre nate box on the next Associated Applications: 2- C)v\'2t\n=1 - 6'tb1'1 ,/ Pre-Sub Case No.: D'({ '26D'l-Q\D7L, Date: Icase No.: IAPPlication Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ (OIM) Z? ) Li nQ.-, Signs: Reviewed by: -tz'Y'l. Date: Reviewed by: I Technical Fee: $ I Postage Fee: $ I PROJECT NUMBER: r~J1-fu1- -LDl'lcr-t ~ S-}q jt)CO 1\ D ~ fXvv. Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the informatIOn In thiS application IS correct and accurate for schedUling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting .0::::. d An ~ . ' Of"<:> -€hns-Tabor-Gnffm Date: '1'/!5/U? Print Submittal I represent thiS application to be complete for submittal to the City ConSistent with the completeness check performed on thiS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for procesSing the application IS provided herein or the information will not be proVided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted ThiS statement serves as wntten notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete applicatIOn Owner: Date: Signature Prmt PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 Z008 ReVised 1{1{08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 Lan~ Division Tentath,e Submittal Requirements CICklist PRE-SUBMITIAL RECIO NOTE' MAY 2. 2008 · ALL of the following Items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submittal and Submittal . If you feel an Item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages Land Division Tentative Application Form Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the eXisting use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing In determining the action to be taken Copy of the Deed Copy of a Preliminary Title Report Issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances Copy of the Land Division Plan Reduced to 8'h"x 11", which Will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) faCIlity Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculatIons, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer In accordance with SDC 4 2-105 A 4 Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic Impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system, In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system In terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobIlity, and Immediate and adjoining street systems A TIS must also address, If needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation poliCies and objectives Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR Eighteen (18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal ~ All of the follOWing plans must Include the scale appropriate to the area Involved and suffiCient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation ~ All plan sets must be folded to 8V2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands, a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer ~ VICinity Map i:8J The name, 10cat,v(1, and dimensIOns of all eXisting s,ce features including bUildings, curb cuts, trees, and Impervious surface areas, clearly Indicating what IS remaining and what IS being removed For eXisting structures to remain, also indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed property lines ~ The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file In the Development Services Department i:8J The 100-year floodplain and flood way boundaries on the site, as specified In the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map RevIsion i:8J The Time of Travel Zones, as specified In SDC 3 3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file In the Development Services Department i:8J Physical features Including, but not limited to trees 5" In diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcropplngs i:8J 5011 types and water table Information as mapped and specified In the SOils Survey of Lane County A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently If the SOils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable sOils and/or a high water table PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O b. Land Division Tentative Plan , MAY 2 2008 i:8J Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor ~rnr City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary, and any special service district boundaries or railroad right-of-way which cross or abut the proposed land divIsion i:8J Location and width of all eXisting and proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land divIsion i:8J Boundaries of entire area owned by the property owner, of which the proposed land divIsion IS a part, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each bUilding site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale i:8J Location and type of eXisting and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of Illumination i:8J Location, widths, conditions, and names of all eXisting and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other rlght-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land divIsion Proposed streets should also Include approximate radius of curves and grades and relationship to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map i:8J Location of eXisting and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities i:8J Location and dimensions of eXisting and proposed driveways i:8J Location of eXisting and proposed transit facilities i:8J Location and width of all eXisting and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails t'lltrr LocatIOn, size and type of plantlngs and street trees In any required planter strip i:8J Location and size of eXisting and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV Indicate the proposed connection pOints , ~ The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved'for public use, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly Indicated ~Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as speCified In SDC 5 12-120 E c. Stormwater Management Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer vtltPlantlng plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system ~ Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations ~ Pervious and ImperviOUS area drainage patterns ~ The size and location of stormwater management systems components, Including but not limited to' drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds, storm water quality measures, and natural dralnageways to be retained ~ EXisting and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot Intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot Intervals) ~ Amount of proposed cut and fill ~ Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPUCANT'S RESPONSIBIUTY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPUCATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTIUZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: o Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's ASSOCiation Agreement ~ Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster SubdiVIsion proposal as speCified In SDC 3,2-230 o Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located Within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality limited Watercourses (WQLW) or Within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW o A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently If there are unstable SOils and/or a high water table present o Where the development area IS Within an overlay diStrict, address the additional standards of the overlay district o If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as speCified In SDC 5 19-100 o A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon DIVISion of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there IS a wetland on the property o Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or eVidence the permit application has been submitted for review o Where any grading, filling or excavating IS proposed With the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development o Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as speCified In SDC 5 9-100 and 5 21-100 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 2008 o An Annexatlo.. application, as specified In SDC ~ ,-lOa, where a development is proposed outside of the City limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by samtary sewer o All public improvements proposed to be Installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2 2008 , , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00026 2095 5th Street -.-; ~-1 , U L~ I-~~~," ~ -~@ I (bt;1 /~1 :It I j ",- I I ' trl I I ~... ' :r:b1~I[)G~ A~ _ -lLsrLJ [[J ,..... !.fJ -i!t I H -_S_$~ I lL I I 11 ur~.~. I~~'J SITE Map 17-03-26-24 Tax Lot 4300 North .. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 22008 .... or_1S-' -..-- i -..... -~ - !IlOI;) r; /.aco-,.il."in.t~ilIHll g "'" ~~,'~ I ;luI ~uu..ul1u:3 q;luuB ~ i "'I . ~ , " ...... III l::'" ~~~~;,C"Ji __ ~.i ~..~~ NOld 3AUYIN31 r -=:',:r 1 ~."" -& 1 HOtSIA/Qsns N31SOl:J HWIl/9 l ~ 'nLUl:>lrol1<1 I ! I II Ii i ,. 21.. "1 I d I I I ..,,! . ,!Ilililrlillllrlrllrriili I 1111\ilq Ill!' "II ! ..!.. ........! 1:.1:.'.. II I ,11111 I I I ' I I I ~ ! ' I ! IT "II I " I : I " \ Ih ~ Je ~L.\ ~I~- _=;- ~ iT~- : ': ~!3_ ....i .ir'!ili I -I I .1 ~ : I . -t-} I, ii : 11 ....! \: : I , , , ~- , , , , ..~ : , , , : ' ~, , " 11 ~I Ii I U II, ~ NI *: I ~i it! ' !~'U . ~I .. 1-1, *..~tl Iltt I ;ibbl ~ 1 ~II "~--r.." .. I 111"lj"'~!T1 }~ .~.; '~r.' I" II 'I'" r" . i;i '11111 il::; jf~'~ ii' r hi il!: ,~~ ~~~ !l! _ '::~ J'll ~ rh<:', ';;'; '. - jj". il .. 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NARRATIVE FOR THE GRIFFIN CLUSTER SUBDIVISION PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 Z008 This applicatlon IS a proposal to create an 11 lot cluster subdlVlSlOn at 2095 5th Street (Tax Map 17-03-26-24, Tax Lot 4300) Currently, the site IS developed With a srngle-famlly house, garage, two sheds and pump-house, all bUlldrngs are to be removed In conformance With the Low Density Resldentlal classificatIOn of the Site, all parcels Will eventually be developed With single fmmly homes and town-homes Since 5th Street IS fully Improved, no off-Site unprovements are necessary now or In the future In order to meet the rmmmum nght-of-way Width of 35'for a minor arlenal, a future nght-of-way dedlcatlon of 5' IS proposed from the current nght-of-way line for 5th Street A proposed JOint UtllIty Trench along the north property line Will connect cable, telecommurucatlOns and power to all lots A proposed Irrevocable JOint Use Access dnveway w1ll be 20' Wide and Will meet fire code An emergency velncle turnaround IS proposed Wlthm the dnveway The fire hydrant located at the southwest comer of 5th Street and "T' Street Will serve Lots 1-9 and the fire hydrant located on Northndge Avenue, between 6th Street and 8th Street, Will serve Lots 10 and 11, as noted on the tentatlve subdIVisIOn map For emergency purposes, a proposed 5' PublIc Emergency Access Easement wIll be located along the north property Irne of Lot 11, allowmg access from the fire hydrant on Northndge Ave to Lots 10 and 11 The proposed storm water treatment system Will COnsiSt of a grassy swale and dual chambered catch basin At least fifty percent of the dnveway and parking area runoff Will dram to a grassy treatment swale in the southern open area, and routed to an eXlstlng storm manhole at the north edge of the property The remmrung runoff Will dram Into a two chamber catch basrn and then routed to the same eXlStlng storm manhole The Stormwater Management Plan and Dramage Study IS Included With tins subrrutta1 package We are proposing the Gnffin Cluster SubdiViSion as a phased project The tentatlve schedule for completing phases of the subdiviSIOn IS as follows Phase Year 1 2009 2 2010 3 2011 These phases Will proceed as market conslderatlons dictate, winch could affect adjustment In the tentatlve phasing plan An extensIOn may be reqUITed In a slow market The deSign goal for the Gnffin Cluster SubdiVISIOn IS to construct Lots 1-4, a portIon of the dnveway and utllitles to serve Phase 1 The followmg Lots 5-7, a further segment of the dnveway and utilIty constructlon Will be completed With Phase 2 The remammg Lots 8-11, dnveway and utllitles Will be completed With Phase 3 This phasing strategy Will allow opporturuty for the applicant to project attamable development wlnle marntaJ.rung a budget for constructIOn costs The applIcant understands for a phase to be approved for tentatlve subdiVISion, on-site publIc and pnvate Improvements must be suffiCient to accommodate each phase, and capacity of all publIc facilltles must be adequate to serve each phase The proposed subdIvlSlon layout was deSigned to preserve as many slgrnficant trees as poSSible, especially the cluster Wlthm Phase 2 We antiCipate removal of 5 trees Will occur dunng bUilding constructIOn of the dnveway and future town-home constructIOn rn Phase I The CIty of Spnngfield Code reqUITes 2 parkmg spaces per dwellmg umt The apphcant proposes 2 spaces per dwellmg umt for the five smgle-famJly detached umts For the attached townhouse umts, apphcant proposes a total of 6 parkmg spaces for the four townhouse umts frontmg 5th Street and 4 parkmg spaces for the two townhouse umts frontmg the Jomt access dnveway Tb1s would be a reductIOn of 2 spaces Based on ITE's Parkmg GeneratIOn (3rd EdItIOn), the average peak penod parkmg demand IS I 46 ve!ucles parked per dwelhng umt for townhouses (Land Use Group 230) The Lane County Soll Survey shows the sIte as havmg Salem-Urban Land Complex (119) The Soil Survey mdlcates that Salem-Urban Land Complex has a !ugh water table greater than 6 feet Tb1s umt IS used mamly as homesltes and for urban development It IS also used for yards and open areas between bUlldmgs Tb1s project does not requue any addltJonal plannmg apphcatlOns PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 2 Z008 BUILDING PLANNING R319 1 4 Wood columns Wood columns shall be approved wood of natural decay resIstance or approved pressure-pre- servatlve-treated wood ExceptIons I Columns exposed to the weather or 10 basements when supported by concrete piers or metal pedes- tals projectmg I lOch (25 4 10m) above -aconcrete floor or 6 mches (152 mm) above exposed earth and the earth IS covered by an approved ImpervI- ous mOisture bamer 2 Columns 10 enclosed crawl spaces or unexcavated areas located wlthm the penphery of the bUlldmg when supported by a concrete pier or meta! pedes- ta! at a heIght more than 8 mches (203mm) from exposed earth and the earth IS covered by an Imper- VIOUS ffiOlsture bamer R319 1 5 Exposed glued-Iammated tunbers The portIOns of glued-Iammated umbers that form the structural supports of a buIldmg or other structure and are exposed to weather and not properly protected by a roof, eave or sHnIlar covenng shall be pressure treated WIth preservatIve, or be manufac- tured from naturally durable or preservaUve-treated wood R3192 Quahty mark Lumber and plywood reqUIred to be pressure-preservative-treated III accordance WIth SectIOn R319 I shall bear the qUalIty mark of an approved mspectIon agency that mamtams conUnumg superviSIOn, testIng and mspectIon over the quality of the product and that has been approved by an accredItatIOn body that complIes WIth the reqUIrements of the Amencan Lumber Standard Comnuttee treated wood program R3192 1 Reqmred mformatlon The reqUIred qualIty mark on each pIece of pressure-preservauve-treated lumber or plywood shall contam the followmg mformatIOn I IdentlficaUon of the treatmg plant 2 Type of preservatIve 3 The mmrmum preservative retentIon 4 End use for wluch the product was treated 5 Standard to whIch the product was treated 6 Identtty of the approved mspectIon agency 7 The deSIgnatIOn "Dry," If applIcable ExceptIOn QUalIty marks on lumber less than I lOch (25 4 mm) n01l11nal thIckness, or lumber less than n01l11nallmch by 5 mches (25 4 mm by 127 10m) or 2mches by 4mches (51 mm by 102 mm) or lumber 36 mches (914 10m) or less 10 length shall be applIed by stampmg the faces of extenor pIeces or by end labelIng not less than 25 percent of the pIeces of a bundled urnt II R319 3 Fasteners Fasteners and washers for pressure-preser- vatIve and fire-retardant-treated wood shall be of hot-dIpped zinc-coated galvamzed steel. stamless steel, sIlIcon bronze or copper The coatIng weIghts for zlOc-coated fasteners shall be 10 accordance WIth ASTM A 153 Exceptions 3-36 lOne-half-lOch (12 7 nun) dIameter or larger steel bolts 2 Fasteners other than nads and tlmber nvets shilll be penrutted to be of mechanICally depOSIted ZIOC- coated steel WIth coatmg weIghts 10 accordance With ASTM B 695, Class 55, mInImUm SECTION R320 PROTECTION AGAINST SUBTERRANEAN TERMITES Not adopted by the State of Oregon SECTION R321 SITE ADDRESS R3211 PremIses Identification Approved numbers or addresses shall be proVIded for all new bUlldmgs 10 such a POSI- tIOn as to be plamly VISIble and legIble from the street or road frontIng the property SECTION R322 ACCESSIBILITY R322 1 Scope Dwellmg UnIts reqUIred to be acceSSIble by < ORS 447231 shall comply With Chapter II of the BUlldmg Code as applIcable SECTION R323 ELEVATORS AND PLATFORM LIFTS R323 1 Elevators Where proVIded, passenger elevators, 1110- Ited-use/ll1l11ted-applIcauon elevators or pnvate reSIdence ele- vators shall comply With ASME A 17 I R323 1 I Pernuts Pursuant to the Elevator Safety Laws, ORS Chapter 460, an applIcatIon, plan revIew and penrut for elevators, dumbWaIters, vertIcal and mclIned wheelcharr lIfts, and staIrway chaIr lIfts, mstalled 10 pnvate reSIdences, must be obtaIned from BuIldmg Codes DIVISIOn, Elevator Safety Program (ORS 460 035) R323 2 Platform lIfts Where proVIded, platform lIfts shall comply WIth ASME AI8 I R323 3 AcceSSIbIlIty Elevators or platform hfts 10 covered < mullIfarmly dwellIngs shall comply With Chapter II of the BUlldmg Code < SECTION R324 FLOOD-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION R324 1 General BUlldmgs and structures constructed 10 whole or 10 part 10 flood hazard areas (mcludmg A or V Zones) as IdentIfied by the 10caljunsdlctIOn shall be deSIgned and con- < structed In accordance WIth the proViSIOns contaIned m thIS sectIOn ExceptIon' BUIldIngs and structures located In whole or In part In IdentIfied floodways as establIshed by the localjuns- < dictIon shall be deSigned and constructed as stIpulated In the 2008 OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL TV CODE 2 2 By sohd fire blockmg m accordance WIth SectIon R602 8, 23 By protectmg both boxes WIth hsted putty pads, or 2 4 By other hsted matenals and methods 3 The annular space created by the penetratIon of a fire spnnkler provIded It IS covered by a metal escutcheon plate R31732 1 AddItIonal townhouse membrane pene- tratIon reqlllrements Membrane penetratIons m town- hOllse fire-reSIStIve extenor walls, pnvaey walls and mdlVldual townhouse separatIon walls are allowed as provIded m SectIOn R317 2 ExceptIOns Membrane penetratIOns III townhouse fire-resIstance-rated walls 1 Shall be protected WIth a hsted penetratIOn fire-stop system rated for a Ill1rumum of2 hours when the penetratIOn IS III a common "modi- fied" 2-hour frre-reslstance-rated wall 2 May have the mInImUm separatIon dIstance of 24 mches (610 mm) between electncal boxes reduced when mstalled m accordance WIth FIg- ure R317 3 2 I Cl and C2 3 For large boxes such as washer connectIOns, electncal panels and wall heaters may be mstalled where the fire protectIon extends behmd the box m accordance WIth FIgures R317321 BandC2 4 Starr stnngers shall be m accordance WIth Sec- tIOn R317 2 2 > SECTION R318 MOISTURE CONTROL R318 1 Vapor retarders In all framed walls, floors and roof/ceIlmgs compnsIng elements of the buIldIng thermal envelope, a vapor retarder shall be Installed on the warm- m-wmter SIde of the InsulatIon ExceptIons In constructIon where mOIsture or freezmg WIll not damage the matenals 2 Where the framed cavIty or space IS ventIlated to allow mOisture to escape R3182 MOISture content Pnor to the mstallatlOn of mtenor fImshes, the bUlldmg offiCIal shall be notIfied m wntmg by the general contractor that all mOIsture-sensItIve wood frammg members used III constructlOD have a mOIsture content of not more than 19 percent of the weIght of dry wood franung mem- bers SECTION R319 PROTECTION AGAINST DECAY R319 1 LocatIon reqlllred ProtectIOn from decay shall be proVIded m the followmg locatIOns by the use of naturally 2008 OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL TV CODE BUILDING PLANNING durable wood or wood that IS preservauve treated In accor- dance WIth AWPA VI for the speCIes, product, preservatIve and end use PreservatIves shall be lIsted m SectIOn 4 of AWPA VI I Wood JOISts or the bottom of a wood structural floor when closer than 18 mches (457 mm) or wood grrders when closer than 12 mches (305 mm) to the exposed ground m crawl spaces or unexcavated area located wlthm the penphery of the bUlldmg foundatIOn 2 All wood franung members and sIll plates m contact WIth II < concrete or masonry foundatIon walls < 3 SIlls and sleepers on a concrete or masonry slab that IS m drrect contact WIth the ground unless separated from such slab by an ImpervIOUS mOIsture barner 4 The ends of wood grrders entenng extenor masonry or con- crete walls havmg clearances of less than 0 5 mch (12 7 mm) on tops, SIdes and ends 5 Wood Sldmg, sheathmg and wall frammg on the extenor of a bUlldmg havmg a clearance ofless than 6 mches (152 mm) from the ground 6 Wood structural members suppOrtIng mOIsture-perme- able floors or roofs that are exposed to the weather, such as concrete or masonry slabs, unless separated from such floors or roofs by an ImpervIOUS mOisture bamer 7 Wood fumng stnps or other wood franung members attached drrectly to the mtenor of extenor masonry walls or concrete walls below grade except where an approved vapor retarder IS applIed between the wall and the fumng stnps or franung members R319 11 FIeld treatment Field-cut ends, notches and dnlled holes of preservative-treated wood shall be treated m the field m accordance WIth AWPA M4 R319 1 2 Ground contact. All wood m contact WIth the ground, embedded m concrete m drrect contact WIth the ground or embedded In concrete exposed to the weather that supports permanent structures mtended for human occu- pancy shall be approved pressure-preservative-treated wood SUitable for ground contact use, except untreated wood may be used where entrrely below groundwater level or contmuously submerged m fresh water R319 1 3 GeographIcal areas In geographIcal areas where expenence has demonstrated a speCIfic need, approved naturally durable or pressure-preservative-treated wood shall be used for those ponlOns of wood members that form the structural supports ofbUlldmgs, balcomes, porches or smular permanent bUlldmg appunenances when those members are exposed to the weather Without adequate pro- tectIon from a roof, eave, overhang or other covenng that would prevent mOisture or water accumulatIon on the sur- face or at Jomts between members DependIng on local expenence, such members may mclude Honzontal members such as grrders, JOISts and deck- mg 2 Verucal members such as posts, poles and columns 3 Both honzontal and verucal members - 3-35 BUILDING PLANNING 13 There IS a mmlmum of 3 feet (914 mm) from the extremIty of the roof to the exte- nor property Ime or an assumed property Ime on all SIdes except for street fronts 2 As speCified elsewhere m tins code for town- houses located 10 areas detenruned by the Junsdlc- hon to be "WIldfIre Zones," the separatIOn distances between vegetatIOn and bUlldmg shall be per local ordmance Regardless of whether the dwelhng UUltS are designed mdependently or as a smgle bUlldmg, the nuUlmum roof covenng clasSI- ficatwn shall be not less than Class B or as requIred by the ORS 215 730 R317 2 12 Dwelhng UUlt egress Each mdlVldual town- house shall have a means of egress system m comphance WIth SectIOn R311 Such means of egress system shall be a structurally mdependent eXit way havmg a mlUlmum clear WIdth of 3 feet (914 mm) R317213 AdaptabIlIty/accessIbility. Where the project mcludes four or more contIguous mdlvldual townhouses, one or more of wl11ch IS smgle story, the Farr Housmg Act and BUIldmg Code Chapter II requIrements for adaptablhty apply Ground-level, smgle-story townhouses shall be made adaptable Any common use faclhhes such as a pool, club house or management office shaIl be made acceSSIble m accordance With Chapter II of the BUIldmg Code R317 3 Rated penetrabons Penetratwns of waIl or floor/cetl- rng assemblIes reqUITed to be fire-reSIstance rated 10 accor- dance WIth Sectwn R317 I or R317 2 shall be protected m accordance WIth tlus sectlon > R317.3 1 Tbrough penetrabons Through penetrauons m fire-resistive extenor waIls, pnvacy walls and mdlVldual townhollse separatIOn walls are not permItted m townhouse structures In other than a townhouse structure, through penetranons of fire-resIstance-rated wall or floor assem- bhes shaIl comply WIth SecUon R317 3 I I or R317 3 I 2 Excepbon Where the penetraung Items are steel, fer- rous or copper pIpes, tubes or condUits, the annular space shall be protected as follows In concrete or masonry wall or floor assemblIes where the penetratmg Item IS a maxImum 6 mches (152 mm) nonunal diameter and the area of the openmg through the waIl does not exceed 144 square mches (92 900 mm'), concrete, grout or mortar IS penrutted where mstalled to the full thlcleness of the waIl or floor assembly or the thIck- ness reqUITed to mamtaIn the fire-resIstance ratmg 2 The matenal used to fill the aimiilar space shaIl prevent the passage of flame and hot gases suffi- CIent to Igmte cotton waste where subjected to ASTM E 119 time temperature fire condlUons under a mInImUm pOSItive pressure differential of o 0 I lOch of water (3 Pal at the locauon of the pen- etratwn for the tune penod eqUlvalent to the fIre resistance ratmg of the construction penetrated 3-34 R317 3 11 FIre-reSIstance-rated assembly Penetra- Uons shall be mstalled as tested m the approved fire- resistance-rated assembly R317.312 Penetrahon firestop system PenetraUons shaIl be ,,,v,cc~d hy an approved penetrahon firestop system mstalled as tested m accordance WIth ASTM E 814 or UL 1479, WIth a nummum posmve pressure dlf- ferenual of 0 01 mch of water (3 Pal and shall have an F raung of not less than the reqUlred fire-resIstance raung of the wall or floor/celhng assembly penetrated R3173 2 Membrane penetrations Membrane penetra- II Uons m townhouse structures shall comply WIth tins secUon and SecUon R317 3 2 I Membrane penetratIons shall com- ply WIth SecUon R317 3 I Where walls are reqUITed to have a fire-reSistance rating. recessed fixtures shall be so mstalled such that the reqUITed fire reststance will not be reduced Excephons Membrane penetrations of maximum 2-hour fire-resIstance-rated walls and partlUons by steel electncal boxes that do not exceed 16 square Inches (00103 m ') m area proVided the aggregate area of the opeUlngs through the membrane does not exceed 100 square mches (00645 m') In any 100 square feet (9 29 m') of waIl area The annular space between the wall membrane and the box shaIl not exceed II, mch (3 I mm) Such boxes on oppo- sIte Sides of the waIl shall be separated as follows I I By a honzontal distance of not less than 24 mches (610 mm) except at waIls or parti- tions constructed usmg paraIlel rows of studs or staggered studs, I 2 By ahonzontal dIstance of not less than the depth of the wall cavIty when the wall cav- tty IS fIlled WIth cellulose loose-fill, rockwool or slag nuneral wool msulatwn, I 3 By sohd fIre blockmg m accordance With SecUon R602 8 I, I 4 By protecUng both boxes With hsted putty pads, or I 5 By other hsted matenals and methods 2 Membrane penetratwos by lIsted electncal boxes of any matenals proVIded the boxes have been tested for use m fIfe-reSistance-rated assemblies and are mstalled m accordance With the mstruc- hons mcluded 10 the lIstmg The annular space between the wall membrane and the box shall not exceed '/, mch (3 I mm) unless hsted otherwtse Such boxes on opposIte SIdes of the wall shall be separated as follows 2 I By a honzontal dtstance of not less than 24 mches (610 mm) except at waIls or partI- Uons constructed usmg parallel rows of studs or staggered studs, 2008 OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL TV CODE R3172 7.1 Fire-resistance-rated construclion due to locatIOn on property Town extenor walls, pnvacy walls, common townhouse separalion walls, extenor starrways, porches, porch covenngs, decks, roofs and projectIons located Wlthm 3 feet (914 mm) of a common or extenor property Ime shall be flTe-reslstance rated and constructed 10 accordance wIth thIS section Exceplion Walls onented perpendicular to a com- mon property Ime need not be fire-reSIstance-rated construcnon and may have unprotected opemngs R317 2 7 11 FIrewall construclton Extenor walls, pnvacy walls, common townhouse separatIon walls shall be parallel to the common property Ime and be of fire-resiStance-rated constructIOn Such walls shall be of the types listed 10 SectIOn R317 2 or other listed, tested assemblies that proVIde an eqUIvalent flTe pro- tectIon ratmg R3172 7 2 FIre-resIstive rated proteclton for canltle- vered ltvmg areas Cantllevered IIvmg areas shall be protected by one of the followmg methods 1 In the case where one cantIlever IS adjacent to another canl1lever, and both are wltlnn 3 f~et (914 mm) of the common property line, a smgle I-hour flTe-reslstance-rated townhouse separatIOn wall shall be proVIded for each cannlever The town- house separatIOn walls shall extend out at least to the farthest pomt where the cantllevers are adJa- cent 2 In the case where one cannlever abuts another adjacent cannlever at a common property line, either two i-hour fIre-resIstance-rated walls or a "modIfied" 2-hour fue-reslstance-rated common dwelling umt separatIOn wall shall be proVIded The townhouse separanon wall shall extend out to the farthest pomt where both cantIlevers are adja- cent 3 In the case where there IS no adjacent cantIlever, a I-hour flTe-reslstance-rated extenor wall shall be proVIded The extenor wall shall extend out to the farthest pomt of the cantIlever The fire-reSIstance-rated walls requlTed 10 Items I through 3 shall be contInuous from the foundanon to the roof sheatlnng when the rooflcellmg assembly IS constructed 10 accordance WIth SectIon R317 2 4 I When the roof/ceIimg assembly IS not constructed 10 accordance WIth SectIon R317 2 4 I, the wall shall tennmate 10 a parapet constructed 10 accordance wIth SectIOn R317 2 3 Exceplions CantIlevers may be unprotected when each mdlVldual townhouse IS proVIded wIth a fire suppression system 10 accordance With NFP A 13D 2 The extensIOn of fire-reSistance-rated walls beneath the cantIlever may be ooutted, provldmg the extenor wall perpendIcular to the common property line IS 2008 OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL TV CODE BUILDING PLANNING I-houf fire-reSIstance-rated constructIOn for a diS- tance of 4 feet (1220 mm) each SIde of the common property line from foundatIOn to the bottom of the canl1lever FoundatIOn vents shall not be located wltlnn 4 feet (1220 mm) of the common property line The soffited area under the canl1lever shall have not less that I-hour fire-reSIstance-rated protectIOn for a distance of at least 4 feet (1220 mm) each SIde of com- mon property line Where the cantIlever projects less than 4 feet (1220 mm) from the face of the bUlldmg, the prohIbitIOn of opemngs and the flre-resls- tance-rated wall and soffit constructIon perpendicular to the common property line need extend only for a distance equal to the projectIon of the cantIlever R317 2 7 3 Opemngs Opemngs m fire reslslive extenor walls, pnvacy walls, and lOdlvldual townhouse separa- tIOn walls are not penDItted R317 2 8 Dwelling umt and garage separaltons Town- house dwellmg umts shall be separated from attached garages m accordance wIth SectIon R309 PlastIc penetra- tIOns shall comply WIth Interprelive Ruling 92-5B R31729 Intenor duct and vent chase penetralions of floor/ceIlmg assemblies Gas vents, ducts, plpmg and fac- tory-bullt chunneys that extend through not more than two floors need not be enclosed proVided the opemngs around the penetratIOns are flTe-stopped at each floor Exceplton BW gas vents lOstalled 10 accordance wIth their IIstlOg R3172 10 FoundatIOn and fooltng constructIOn A sm- gle footIng and foundatIOn wall may be deSIgned and con- structed for common property hne walls m accordance WIth thIS sectIon, Figure R317 2 10 and Chapter 4 of tins code Through penetratIons of the foundatIon across a common property line are not permilled If requlTed by local condi- tIons, fOOling drams, ram drams and low polOt under-floor dramage shall be proVIded and dramed to an approved loca- lion 10 accordance WIth the bulldmg and plumbmg codes and local ordmances R3172 11 Roofcovenngs In addItIOn to the reqUIrements of Chapter 9 of tins code, structurally lOdependent town- houses shall be proVIded WIth a oummum Class C roof cov- enng and structurally dependent townhouses shall be proVIded WIth a oummum Class B roof cove,;,ng ExceptIons Structurally dependent townhouses may use Class C roof covenngs when all of the followmg condi- tIOns are met I I The bUlldmg IS not more than two stones 10 height, and I 2 The bmldmg does not have more than 6,000 square feet (557 m2) of projected roof area, and 3-33 BUILDING PLANNING TABLE R317 2 4 4 STRUCTURAL PROJECTIONS WITHIN 3 FEET OF ANV PROPERTY LNE PARAPET OR MAXIMUM ONE-HOUR RELATIONSHIP OF EAVE MAXIMUM _ ROOF PROJECTION RATED EAVES, RAKES, CORNICES & FASCIA/BARGE TO VENTILA T10N LENGTH OF PROTECTION LENGTH BEYOND PROTECTION SIMILAR PROJECTIONS. PROPERTY LINE PERMITTED PROJECT10N REOUIRED PROPERTY LINE REQUIRED Enclosed With Roof Frarmng Perpendicular Parallel No 12" mwumum Ves 12' maximum Ves to PropertY Lme Unenclosed With Roof Frammg Perpendicular Parallel No 12 maxnnum Ves 12' maXImum No to Property Lme Enclosed With Roof Frammg PerpendIcular No 24" maximum No 12" maximum Ves Parallel to Prooerty Lme Unenclosed With Roof Franung PerpendIcular Ves 24 maximum No 12' maximum No Parallel to Pronerty Lme ForSI Imch=254mm *Does not apply to extenor balcomes R317 2 4 4 Eaves, COrnIces and snndar projectIons ProjectiOns located less than 3 feet (914 mm) from a common property lme shall be m accordance With t1us sectIOn Structural projectIOns such as enclosed eaves and cornIces located wlthm 3 feet (914 mm) of a com- mon property Ime shall be constructed In accordance WIth the Table R317 244 In the case where projections extend beyond the common property Ime onto an adja- cent property, appropnate easements and maIntenance agreements shall be Implemented as descnbed m SectiOn R317 2 I Projections WIthin 3 feet(914mm) ofanexte- nor common property Ime shall be In accordance With SectlOn R302 I > R317 2 5 Structnral deSIgn approach Townhouse struc- tures shall be pemutted to be deSigned as structurally dependent structures, structurally mdependent structures or a combinatiOn of both R317 2 5 1 Lateral force analYSIS A lateral force anal- YSIS shall be subnntted at the time of appl1catlon when townhouses or the portIons of townhouses are deSIgned according to the accepted engmeenng pnnclples as eIther structurally mdependent or structurally depend- ent Townhouse structures deSIgned usmg only the pre- scnptlve prOVISIOns of thIs code are exempt from thIS reqmrement BuddIng components provIdmg lateral reSistance shall be IdentIfied and detaIled m the construc- tIOn draWIngs > R3172S2 Structural Independence. Townhouses deSigned and constructed as structurally mdependent In accordance WIth the prescnptlve proVISIOns of thIS code are penrutted to share the followmg elements Foundations supportIng extenor walls or com- mon walls and monolIlhIC grade beam footmgs 2 Structural roof and wall sheatlung from each umt may fasten to the common wall frannng > " 3-32 These elements shall be edge naIled at each Side II of the common property lme 3 Nonstructural wall covenngs 4 Flashmg at tenmnatlon of roof covenng over common wall 5 ModIfied 2-hour or a common 2-hour II fue-reslstance-rated wall as prOVided In Sec- tlOn R317 2 6 Soffit enclosures 7 Cncket frannng 8 Roof covenng 9 Gutters and downspouts 10 Porches and stam II Porch covenngs PortiOns of structurally mdependent townhouse struc- tures deSIgned m accordance WIth accepted engmeenng practice shall proVIde mdependent vertIcal and lateral load resisting systems for such deSIgned portIons See FIgure R317 2 5 R317 2 5 3 Structnral dependence Structurally dependent townhouse structures shall be deSIgned In accordance WIth the accepted engmeenng practIce Por- tiOns of structurally dependent townhouse structures are penmtted to be constructed according to the prescnptlve proVISIons of thIS code See FIgure R317 2 5 R317 2 6 FIre snppresslOn system reqmrements Noth- mg m t1us code shall requIre automatIc fire suppressiOn sys- tems to be mstalled In townhouses An automatic fire suppreSSiOn system may be reqUIred by local ordmances pertalnmg to fire flow, fire department access, etc When proVIded, fire suppressiOn systems shall be Installed In accordance WIth NFPA 13D R317 2.7 Flre.resIStance-rated walls and cantIlevers, 2008 OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE slopes toward a parapet at slopes greater than two uruts vertIcalm 12 uruts honzontal (16 7-percent slope), the parapet shall extend to the same heIght as any portIon of the roof warun a dIstance at 3 feet (914 mm), but m no case shall the heIght be less than 30 mches (762 mm) R317 2 4 Roof constructIon In addItIOn to the requrre- ments of Chapter 8 of thIS code, townhouse structures shall comply WIth thIS sectIOn for fire-resIstance-rated roof/ceIl- Ing constructIon, roof/ceIlmg penetratIOns and cncket con- structIOn ProjectIons of eaves, cornIces and surular components shall comply WIth SectIOn R317 2 4 4 R317 2 41 FIre-resIstance-rated roof/celhng con- struction Roof/ceIlIng assemblIes mtersectlOg fire-resIstance-rated extenor walls may be of nonrated constructIOn Roof I celhng assembhes mtersectmg com- mon fire-resIstance-rated mdIvldual townhouse umt separalIon walls and pnvacy walls assocIated wIth porch covers and decks may comply wIth SeclIon R317 2 3 or be constructed In accordance With thIS sectIon I A roof/ceIlmg assembly wIth franung onented perpendIcular to a I -hour wa1l sha1l be constructed m accordance WIth FIgure R317 2(a) The roof sheathmg shall be eIther frre-retardant treated ply- wood or have a nnnunum of 'I, mch (15 9 mm) Type X gypsum board msta1led under the standard plywood sheatlung for a nnrumum honzontal dIS- tance of 4 feet (1220 mm) from the common prop- erty hne 2 A roof/ceIlmg assembly WIth franung onented parallel to a I-hour wall shall be constructed m accordance WIth FIgure R317 2(b) 3 A roof/ceIlmg assembly WIth franung onented perpendIcular to a "modIfied" two-hour common wall shall be constructed In accordance With Fig- ure R317 2(c) The roof sheathmg sha1l be eIther frre-retardant-treated plywood or have a nurumum of 'I, mch (IS 9 mm) Type X gypsum board mstalled under the standard plywood roof sheath- mg for a nnmmum honzontal dIstance of 4 feet (1220 mm) from the common property Ime 4 A rooflcelhng assembly WIth frammg onented parallel to a "modIfied" two-hour common wall shall be constructed m accordance WIth FIgure R317 2(d) 5 As an alternate to Items I through 4, the entIre ceIl- mg of the upper story shall be protected through- out WIth two layers of 'I, mch (15 9 mm) Type X gypsum board as requrred for a I-hour fIfe-resIS- tant roof/cetlmg assembly Where roof frannng IS parallel to a common townhouse separatIon wall, a I-hour attIc enclosure "mushroom" may be con- structed accordmg to FIgure R317 2 4 I and the two layers of 'I, mch (159 mm) Type X gypsum board on the cetlmg may tenmnate at the outsIde vertIcal edge of the "mushroom" 2008 OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL TV CODE BUILDING PLANNING R317 2 4 2 Rooflcellmg penetratIons Membrane pen- etralIons of the frre-reSIStance-rated cellmg requrred by SeclIon R317 2 4 I shall be protected by an approved penetralIon fire stop system m accordance WIth SeclIon R317 3 I I and the Buddmg Code SeclIons 711 and 712 Through penetratmg Items shall be enclosed wlthm a shaft constructed m accordance WIth the BUlldmg Code Skyhghts, mecharucal and plumbmg vents, allIc vents, solar collectors and slnnlar penetralIons of the roof are not pernnlIed wlthm 4 feet (1220 mm) of the common property hne ExceptIons Chmmeys may penetrate roofs wltlun 4 feet (1220 mm) of a common property hne when a spark arrestor IS Installed at the termInus Where factory-bUIlt chimneys are located wltlun 4 feet (1220 mm) of a common property hoe, they shall be enclosed wlthm I-hour-rated shafts constructed In accordance With SectlOn 707 of the BUIldmg Code Such a shaft must extend from where the factory-bUIlt chunney first penetrates a frre-reslstance-rated wallar cellmg and must conlInue to the uppermost ter- mmallon of the clumney 2 Unprotected factory-bullt chunneys and other unprotected penetrallons are allowed wIthm 4 feet (1220 mm) of common property hnes when parapets are provIded m accordance WIth Secllon R317 2 3 R317 2 4 3 CrIcket constructIon Where cnckets are mstalled, one of the followmg methods of construcllon shall be used I In the case where cnckets are 30 mches (762 mm) or less III height, the common fIfe-reSIstive town- house separatIon wall may termmate at the under- lYIng roof sheathIng The underlYIng roof sheatlung shall be protected WIth eIther fire-retar- dant-treated plywood or have a mmlmum of 'I, mch (IS 9 mm) Type X gypsum board mstalled under the standard plywood roof sheathmg for the full extent of the cncket, but not less than 4 feet (1220 mm) measured honzontally from the com- mon property Ime There shall be no operungs m the roof sheathmg under the cncket See FIgures R317 243 (a) and (b) 2 In the case where cnckets greater than 30 mches (762 mm) m heIght are prOVided, the common fire-reSistIve townhouse separallon wall shallBextend to the cncket roof sheathmg, and the cncket roof sheathmg shall be protected With eIther frre-retardant-treated plywood or have a nnmmum of 'I, mch (IS 9 mm) Type X gypsum board mstalled under the standard plywood roof sheath- mg for a nnrumum honzontal dIstance of 4 feet (1220 mm) on each Side of common property hne There shall be no openmgs III the cncket sheath- Illg See FIgure R317 2 4 3(c) 3.31 BUILDING PLANNING openmgs from the foundal1on to the under- sIde of the porch roof sheathmg When mdlvldual townhouses are stepped, no openmgs shall be allowed m the founda- lIon WItlun 4 feet (1220 mm) of the prop- erty hne 4 2 Where a porch cover projects less than 4 feet (1220 mm) from the face of the budd- mg, the adjacent bUIldmg walls and porch roof may be protected for a dIstance equal to the dIstance the porch cover projects 43 The porch cover may be open-frame con- struclIon When fully enclosed, the ceIhng shall be of not less than I-hour fire-resls- lIve constructIOn (See FIgure R317 2 2 2 ) 4 4 Enclosed attIc space shall be separated at the common property Ime WIth eIther two I-hour separatIOn walls or one common modIfied 2-hour townhouse separatIOn wall 4 5 The parapet may be omItted on both open-framed and enclosed porch covers when the roof IS sheathed WIth fire retar- dant treated plywood or 'I, mch (16 mm) Type X gypsum sheathmg for a honzontal dIstance of 4 feet (1220 mm) measured perpendIcular to the common property hne R317 2 2 4 FIre-reSIstance-rated construchon for extenor staIrways, Extenor staIrS located Wlthm 3 feet (914 mm) of a common property hne shall be of fire-reSIstance-rated constructIOn ill accordance WIth thIS seclIon (See FIgure R317 2 2 3 ) Structurally mdependent starrs may be connected at the common property hne WIth common treads a mInImum of 6 feet (1829 mm) WIde of noncombustIble or heavy tImber constructIon 2 Starrs servmg an uncovered porch that serves not more than two mdIvIdual townhouses may cross the common property hne Such staIrS shall be a mmrmum of 44 mches (1118 mm) m WIdth and be of noncombustIble or heavy lImber constructIOn 3 Starrs constructed usmg heavy tImbers shall com- ply WIth thIS sectIOn and FIgure R317 2 2 Heavy lImber staIr components supportmg only the starr or landmg dead load and the hve load hsted m Table R301 5 shall be constructed usmg the fol- lowmg Illllllffium matenal thicknesses 3 1 Supporung posts for starrs shall be a IDllll- mum of 6-mch (152 mm) nommal thICkness 32 Starr stnngers shall be a nummum of 4-mch (102 mm) nonunal tluckness 3 3 JOIStS or beams supporung landmgs shall be a nummum of 4-mch (102 mm) nonunal tluck- ness 3-30 3 4 StaIr treads and landmg deckmg shall be a nummum of 2-mch (51 mm) nonunal t/uck, ness Excephons I Starrs located wIthm 3 feet (914 mm) of a common property hne need not be fITe-resIstance rated when they are not under Cover and not over 30 mches (762 mm) above grade 2 StaIrs may be located wIthm 3 feet (914 rom) of a common property hne when constructed of noncombustIble matenaIs R317 2 3 Parapets Parapets constructed m accordance WIth SectIon R317 2 3 I shall be constructed for town- houses as an extenslOll of extenor waIls or common walls III accordance WIth the followmg I Where roof surfaces adjacent to the wall or walls are at the same elevatIOn, the parapet shall extend not less than 30 mches (762 mm) above the roof sur- faces 2 Where roof surfaces adjacent to the wallar walls are at dIfferent elevalIons and the lugher roof IS not more than 30 mches (762 mm) above the lower roof, the parapet shall extend not less than 30 mches (762 mm)above the lower roof surface ExceptIon' A parapet IS not reqUired m the two cases above when the roof IS covered WIth a rmm ~ mum class C roof covenng, and the roof deckIng or sheathmg IS of noncombustIble matenals or approved fire-retardant-treated wood for a dIS- tance of 4 feet (1219 rom) on each SIde of the wall or walls, or one Iayerof'i,-mch (15 9 rom) Type X gypsum board IS mstalled directly beneath the roof deckIng or sheathmg, supported by a ffilllimum of nommal 2-mch (51 mm) ledgers attached to the SIdes of the roof franung members, for a IDllllmum dIstance of 4 feet (1220 rom) on each SIde of the wallar walls I A parapet IS not reqUITed where roof sur- faces adjacent to the wallar walls are at dIf- ferent elevatIOns and the hIgher roof IS more than 30 mches (762 rom) above the lower roof The common wall constructIon from the lower roof to the underSIde of the lugher roof deck shall have not less than a I-hour fIre-reSlstence ratmg The wall shall be rated for exposure from both Sides 2 A parapet IS not reqUired for roofs comply- II mg WIth sectIOn R317 2 4 R317 2 3 1 Parapet construchon Parapets shall have II the same fire-reSIstance ratIng as that reqUlIed for the sup- portmg wallar walls On any SIde adjacent to a roof sur- face, the parapet shall have noncombustIble faces for the uppermost 18 lUches (457 mm), to Include counterflashmg and copmg matenals Where the roof 2008 OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL TV CODE In the case where one porch or deck IS adjacent to another porch or deck, and both are wlthm 3 feet (915 mm) of the common property Ime, a smgle I-hour frre-reslstance-rated pnvacy wall shall be provIded for each porch or deck The pnvacy walls shall extend out at least to the furthest pomt where the porches or decks are adjacent 2 In the case where one porch or deck abuts another adjacent porch or deck at a common property Ime, eIther two I-hour fire-resIstance-rated walls or a "modIfied" 2-hour fire-reSIstance-rated common townhouse separalIon wall shall be provIded The townhouse separatlOn wall shall extend out to the furthest pomt where eIther porches or decks are adjacent 3 In the case where a porch or deck 18 wlthm 3 feet (915 mm) of a common property Ime and there IS no adjacent porch or deck, the porch or deck shall be either noncombustible or heavy lImber construclIon See FIgure R317 2 2 I Heavy 11m- ber porch components supportmg only the dead load of the porch or deck and the h ve load hsted m Table R301 5 shall be constructed usmg the fo1- lowmg 3 I Supportmg posts for porches and decks shall be a mlmmum of 6 mch (152 mm) noounal tluckness 3 2 JOISts or beams supportmg porches and decks shall be a ffilmmum of 4mch (102 mm) nomi- nal tluckness 3 3 Deckmg on porches and decks shall be a mml- mum of 2 mch (51 mm) nommal thIckness The frre-reslstance-rated walls requrred m Items I and 2 shall be conlInuous from the foundatIon to the top of the guard- ratl and have a oummum heIght of 36mches (914 mm) above the porch or deck fimsh floor elevalIon Porches and decks that extend beyond the pnvacy wall on one SIde only need not be protected past the pnvacy wall unless they are wltlnn 3 feet (914 nun) of a common property Ime ExceptiOn Porches and decks WIthout a cover and located w[tlnn 3 feet (914 mm) ofa common property Ime need not be frre-reslstance-rated when the fimsh floor of the deck or porch IS less than 30 mches (762 mm) above grade R317 2 23 FIre-resIstance-rated separatIOn for porch covers Frre-reslstance-rated protectlOn shall be provIded for porch covers m accordance WIth thIS sec- lIon Abuttmg porch covers attached to structurally mde- pendent or dependent townhouses may share bmldmg elements as allowed by SeclIons R317 2 5 In the case where one porch cover IS adjacent to another porch cover, and both are wltlnn 3 feet (914 mm) of the common property hne, a smgle I-hour frre-resls- lIve pnvacy wall shall be provIded for each porch cover The pnvacy walls shall extend out to the farthest pomt where the porch covers are adjacent In the case where one porch cover abuts another adJa, cent porch cover at a common property lIne, either two 2008 OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE BUILDING PLANNING " I-hour fire-resIstance-rated walls or a "modIfied" 2-hour fire-reSistance-rated common townhouse separatIOn wall shall be provIded The townhouse separatlOn wall shall extend out to the farthest pomt where both porch covers are adjacent In the case where there IS no adjacent porch cover, a I-hour fire-reSistance-rated extenor wall shall be pro- VIded The extenor wall shall extend out to the farthest pomt of the porch cover The fire-resistance-rated walls requrred m Items I through 3 shall be contmuous from the foundatlOn to the roof sheathmg when the roof/ceIlmg assembly [S con- structed m accordance With SeclIon R317 2 4 I When the roof/cetlmg assembly IS not constructed m accor- dance wIth SeclIon R317 2 4 I, the wall shall tenTIlnate III a parapet constructed III accordance WIth SectIOn R317 2 3 Porch covers separated by a fire-reSIS- tance-rated pnvacy or dwellmg urut separalIon wall need not be fire-resIstance rated ExceptIOns I A pnvacy wall need not protect porch covers and the porch covenng need not be fire-resIs- tance rated when each mdlVldual townhouse [S proVIded WIth a frre suppressIon system m accordance WIth NFPA 13D The porch cover- mg may be open constructIon or It may be fully enclosed when the cetlmg IS of not less than I-hour fITe-reSIStIve constructIOn 2 A pnvacy wall need not protect a porcb cover when the cover IS constructed entlrely of heavy tnnber constructIon Heavy tlmber porch cover components shall be prOVIded accordmg to the followmg 2 I Supportmg posts for porch covenngs shall be anunrmumof6-mch (152 mm) nOffilnal tlnckness 22 JOtsts or beams supportmg porch cover- mgs shall be a oummum of 4-mch (102 mm) noounal thIckness 23 Roof sheatlnng shall be a nuntffium of 2- mch (51 mm) noounal tlnckness The heavy lImber porch cover shall be open constructlOn unless enclosed at the cetlmg by not less than I-hour fire reslslIve construclIon 3 A pnvacy wall need not protect porch covers and they may be of nonfrre-reslstance-rated constructlOn when they project no farther than 2-feet (610 mm) from the face of the bUlldmg 4 A pnvacy wall need not protect porch covers and they may be of nontire-reslstance-rated constructIOn when 4 I The extenor wall of the bUlldmg perpen- dIcular to the common property hne IS I-hour frre-reslsttve construClIon for a diS- tance of 4-feet (1220 mm) each SIde of common property hne and there are no 3-29 BUILDING PLANNING ments shall be attached to the mamtenance agree- ment Pnor to recordmg at the County Recorder's office, the maIn- tenance agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the bUlldmg official In cases where mdlVldual townhouses are separated by real property hnes and are structurally dependent, the bUlldmg offiCIal shall coslgn the mamtenance agreements and reqUIre that the recorded ease-ments and- mamtenance agreements not be modified or suspended WIthout bUlldmg offiCIal approval Unless otherwIse approved by the bUlldmg OffiCial, the applIcant shall provIde a copy of the recorded ease- ments and mamtenance agreements to the bUlldmg offiCIal pnor to Issuance of the buIidmg penrut Mamtenance agree- ments and easements shall be recorded for each dwellmg urnt and the book and page number provided to the JunschctIon havmg authonty Mamtenance agreements shall mclude, but not be 11lIuted to, the followmg mformatIon I Names and contact mformatIon of the property owners mcluded m the mamtenance agreement, 2 PhYSIcal address and map and tax lot number of the affected properties, 3 A detillled IIstmg of common or shared structural ele- ments such as common foundatIOns, common or shared fire walls, porches and porch covenngs, and projectIOns crossmg real property lInes, roofing or extenor firush matenals, lateral force reslstmg systems m the case of structurally dependant townhouses, and common or shared utlhtles and servIce eqUIpment, 4 A statement of responsibility, mcludmg dutIes and shar- mg of cost for the mamtenance and reparr of common or shared flrewalls separatmg mdlvldual townhouses, attached garages, porches and decks, and porch cover- mgs, 5 A descnptlOll of easements, common areas, surface dramage proVIsIons and on-sIte Improvements, 6 Possible enforcement actIOns by the bUlldmg offiCIal or affected partIes to facIlItate the ruillntenance, reparr or replacement of common property Ime fire walls may be mcluded as a condItion of the coslgned mamtenance agreements Such mamtenance, repaIr or replacement may also be facIlItated through applIcatIOn of a local housmg or nUIsance abatement ordmance, or an eXIstIng bUlldmg or property millntenance code R3172 1 2 SIte ulIlIlIes, servIce eqUIpment and ease- ments The portIOns of underground electncal, plumb- mg or gas utIlItIes that are shared or m common use shall he wlthm a recorded easement and be recorded m a mam- tenance agreement as reqUIred by SectIon R317 2 I I Shared or common use utIlItIes shall not run beneath a townhouse Separate utIlIty services shall be supplIed to each mdlVldual townhouse UtIlItIes servmg an mdlvld- ual townhouse shall not run beneath another townhouse For townhouses on assumed property Imes, servIce eqUIpment and meters may be grouped m one or more locatIOns as approved by local ordmance and the utIlIty 3-28 provider The locatIons of all sIte utIlItIes, servIce eqUlp- II ment and easements shall be clearly shown on the plans R317 2 2 ContInUIty The fIre-reSIstance-rated wall or assembly separatmg townhouses shall be contInUOUS from the foundatwn to the underSIde of the roof sheathmg, deck or slab The fire-reSIstance ratIng shall extend the full length of the wall or assembly, mcludmg wall extenswns through and separatIng attached enclosed accessory structures R317 2 2 1 FIre-reSIStance-rated wall contInUIty The contmUlty of fIre-reSIstance rated walls shall be as fol- lows 1 Extenor walls and common townhouse separatIOn walls shall be contmuous from the foundatIOn to the underSIde of the roof sheatlung when the roof / ceIlIng assembly IS constructed In accordance WIth Sectwn R317 2 4 1 The common townhouse sepa- ratIOn wall shall extend to completely separate adjacent townhouses and any attached accessory structures 2 Pnvacy walls separatmg porches and decks WIth- out a cover shall be contInuous from the founda- tIon to the top of the guardraIl and have a ffilrumum heIght of 36 mches (914 mm) above the porch or deck fimsh floor elevatIon The pnvacy wall shall extend out to the outermost pomt of the porch or deck 3 Pn vacy walls separatIng porch and deck covenngs shall be contmuous from the foundatIOn to the underSide of the roof sheatlung when the roof/cell- mg assembly IS constructed m accordance WIth SectIon R317 2 4 I The pnvacy wall shall extend out to the outermost pomt of the porch covenng The fIre-rated gyp,um wallboard used m extenor walls, pn- vacy walls and common townhouse separatIOn walls shall be contmuous behmd bUlldmg elements such as showers, bath- tubs, cabmets, chases, soffits, electncal panels and stillr stnng- ers ExceplIon Gypsum board may be offiltted behmd starr strIngers provldlllg the strIngers are constructed of SolId sawn dImenSIOnal lumber of not less than 3 mches (76 mm) nOffilnal thIckness when used m con- JunctIon WIth two I-hour fire-reSistance-rated wall assemblIes as shown m Figure R317 2 2(a) 2 SolId sawn dImensIOnal lumber of not less than 4 5 mches (114 mm) nommal thIckness when llsed m conjunctIon With a 2-hollr fITe-resIstance rated wall assembly as shown m FIgure R317 2 2(b) 3 Engmeered wood systems that have been tested and lIsted for eqUIvalent bummg charactenstIcs R317 2 2 2 FIre-reSIstance-rated protectIon for porches and decks WIthout a cover FIre-resIS- tance-rated protectIOn shall be proVIded for porches and decks WIthout a cover III accordance With thIS sectIon Porches and decks shall be protected by one of the fol- lowmg methods 2008 OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL TV CODE 2 Cellulose loose-fill msulatlOn, wluch IS not spray applIed, complymg with the reqUIrements of Secllon R3163, shall only be requIred to meet the smoke- developed mdex of not more than 450 R316 2 Loose-till msulatlOn Loose-fill msulallon matenals that Cannot be mounted m the ASTM E 84 apparatus WithOut a screen or arllficlal supports shall comply With the flame spread and smoke-developed lInnts of SectIOns R316 1 and R316 4 when tesled m accordance With CANIULC S 102 2 ExceptIOn Cellulose loose-fill msulatlOn shall not be reqUIred to comply With the flame spread mdex requIrement of CANIULC S 102 2, proVided such msulatlOn complIes With the reqUIrements of Secllon R316 3 R316 3 Cellulose loose-till msulal10n Cellulose loose-fill msulatlOn shall comply With CPSC 16 CFR, Parts 1209 and 1404 Each package of such msulatmg matenal shall be clearly labeled m accordance With CPSC 16 CFR, Parts 1209 and 1404 R316 4 Exposed atllc IDsulallon All exposed msulatlOn matenals mstalled on attIc floors shall have a cntlcal radIant flux not less than 0 12 watt per square cenllmeter R316S Testmg Tests for cnlical radiant flux shall be made m accordance With ASTM E 970 II SECTION R317 DWELLING UNIT SEPARATION R317 1 Two-fannly dwellIngs Dwellmg umts m two-fanuly dwellIngs shall be separated from each other by wall andlor floor assemblIes havmg not less than a I-hour [lIe-resistance ratmg when tested m accordance with ASTM E 119 Flfe-resls- tance-rated floor-ceilIng and wall assemblIes shall extend to and be light agamst the extenor wall, and wall assemblIes shall extend to the underside of the roof sheathmg ExceptIOns I A fife-reSistance rallng of 1/2 hour shall be pernutted m bUlldmgs eqUIpped throughout With an automalic spnnkler system mstalled m accordance With NFP A 13D 2 Wall assemblIes need not extend through attic spaces when the celimg IS protected by not less than 'I,-mch (15 9 mm) Type X gypsum board and an atuc draft stop constructed as specified m SectIOn R502 12 liS proVided above and along the wall assembly separat- mg the dwellmgs The structural frammg supportmg the cellmg shall also be protected by not less than '/2 -mch (12 7 mm) gypsum board or eqUIvalent R317 11 Supportmg constructIOn When floor assem- blIes are reqUIred to be fire-reSistance-rated by SectIOn R317 I, the supportmg constructIOn of such assembhes shall have an equal or greater fire-resistive rallng R317 2 Townhouses Each townhouse shall be considered a separate bUlldmg and shall be separated by flre-resls- tance-rated wall assemblIes meetmg the reqmrements of thiS sectIon for extenor walls Such walls shall be of one of the fol- lowmg types > ~008 OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIAL TV CODE BUILDING PLANNING 1 Two one-hour fIfe-resIstance-rated frrewalls, one on each sIde of the common property lme as shown m Fig- ures R317 2(a) and R317 2(b) 2 A common "modified" 2-hour fire-resistance-rated firewall centered over the common property Ime as shown m Figures R317 2(c) andR317 2(d) Plumbmgor mecharncal eqUIpment, ducts or vents are not perffiltted m the cavity of the "modified" 2-hour wall Electncal mstallatlOns shall be mstalled m accordance With the Electrzcal Code Penetrallons of electncal outlet boxes shall be m accordance With Seclion R317 3 3 A common 2-hour fire-reSistance-rated wall Plumbmg or mecharucal eqUIpment, ducts or vents are not penmt- ted m the cavity of the common 2-hour wall Electncal mstallatlOns shall be Installed III accordance With the Electncal Code PenetratiOns of electncal outlet boxes shall be m accordance With SectiOn R317 3 ExceptIon A cornmon 2-hour fire-resIstance-rated wallIS not pernutted III townhouses that are separated by a real property lme 4 Other hsted, tested assembhes that proVIde an eqUIvalent fire protection ratmg Excepllon Pnvacy walls may be constructed of heavy timber construction MIxed occupancIes are not pernutted m townhouse build- mgs Such bUlldmgs shall be deSigned and constructed m accordance WIth the requlIements set forth for mIxed occupan- cies m the Buzldmg Code Excepllon ?nvate garages and carports attached to dwell- mg nmts and totalmg not more than 1,000 square feet (93 m') m area per dwelling umt BUlldmgs shall adJom or have access to a yard, street, alley or pubhc way on not less than one Side The centerlme of an adJOlmng pubhc way shall be consIdered an adjacent property hne < R3172 1 Mamtenance agreements and utIlIty ease- ments The formatiOn, approval and recordmg of mamte- nance agreements and utility easements shall comply With the reqUIrements of thIS sectIOn R317 2 11 Mamtenance agreements Where town- houses are separated by real property hnes, the bUlldmg offiCIal shall reVIew, approve, coslgn and mamtam a record of all mamtenance agreements as reqUired by tins sectIon R317 2 111 Mamtenance agreements and ease- ments BUlldmg elements and ut1ll11es that cross real property hnes reqUIre the creatiOn of legally docu- mented easements Mamtenance agreements shall be created and sIgned by the affected townhouse prop- erty owners The mamtenance agreements must address the repaIr, upkeep and replacement and access to shared or common use bmldmg elements and utliltles Easements may be general m nature or they may descnbe specific locatIOns When aVaIlable, a copy of the plat showmg the locallons of such ease- 3-27 ^ . TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Transportation Engineer: Gary McKenney Case#: PRE2008-00026 Applicant: Tabor TRANSPORTATION o Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has frontage on a Lane County or an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facIlity Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) [g] D Copy of ROW Approach Permit Application o Traffic Impact Study - four (4) copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer In accordance with SDC 4 2-105 A 4 Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic Impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system In terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and Immediate and adjoining street systems A TIS must also address, If needed, City, Metro Plan, and state land use and transportation policies and objectives Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) [g] D o Site Plan Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note( s) 1 D [g] o Improvement and Public Utilities Plan Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) 2 D [g] D ~ 3 D [g] 4 Revised 10/25/07 Traffic Impact Study Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of eXisting and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed Location and type of eXisting and proposed street lighting Location, width, and construction material of all eXisting and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails Location, widths (of paving and rlght-of- way) and names of all eXisting and proposed streets, alleys, dedications, or . ~ o other rlght-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, Including ownership and maintenance status, If applicable Location of eXisting and required traffic control devices Transportation Notes: 1 Minimum two-way driveway width for multi-family uses IS 24 feet The proposed driveway must be wide enough to permit a northbound vehicle to enter while another vehicle IS waiting to eXit Revise the driveway design and provide vehicle turning path analysIs to support the proposal 'I h)' I 2 No lighting IS shown for the Internal driveway and sidewalk system 1.::0" '7 ""', r 3 The location and width of the proposed on-site sidewalk are not clearly shown (hatch pattern In Legend IS labelled "existing sidewalk") 4 Show curb radII for Internal driveway syatem Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: . Revised 10/25/07 LAND DIVISION TENTATXVE PLAN APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Engineer: Enc Walter Case#: PRE2008,00026 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING o Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) rzJ 0 rzJ 0 rzJ 0 rzJ o ~ o 1 ~ o rzJ o ~ o Revised 10/25/07 Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer VIcinity Map The name, location, and dimensions of all eXisting site features including bUildings, curb cuts, trees, and Impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what IS remaining and what IS being removed For eXisting structures to remain, also indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed property lines The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required npanan setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file In the Development Services Department The 100-year floodplain and f100dway boundanes on the site, as specified In the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map RevIsion The Time of Travel Zones, as specified In SDC 3 3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file In the Development Services Department Physical features Including, but not limited to trees 5" In diameter or greater when measured 4 Y2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, npanan areas, wetlands and rock outcropplngs Soil types and water table Information as mapped and specified In the Soils Survey of Lane County A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently If the SOils Survey Indicates the proposed development area has unstable sOils and/or a high water table o Land Division Tentative Plan Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) ~ ~ ~ o ~ o 2 Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor In accordance with ORS 92 Location and width of all eXisting and proposed easements on and abutting the property Boundanes of the entire area owned by the property owner, of which the proposed land diVISion IS a part, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each bUilding site Indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale Location of eXisting and required power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox Units, and similar public facilities Location and size of eXisting and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mainS, stormwater management systems, water mainS, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV Indicate the proposed connection pOints o o ~ o o Stormwater Management Plan Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ o o o 3 4 Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations Pervious and Impervious area drainage patterns The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds, stormwater quality measures, and natural dralnageways to be retained ~ o ~ o EXisting and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot mtervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot Intervals) Amount of proposed cut and fill o Stormwater Management System Study - proVide four (4) copies of the study with the completed Storm water Scoping Sheet attached The plan, calculations, and Revised 10/25/07 . documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) C8J LJ Scoplng Sheet and attached Storm water Management System Study PW Notes: 1 By Mapsprlng data, the property appears to be located In a flood zone A FEMA map should govern as this IS the legal flood plain map that dictates boundaries but this needs to be brought to the attention of the engineer of record 2 The plans are presently Indicating the sanitary line to be private, however, the plumbing code (Building Department) will not allow this to be private Individual sanitary lines serving each lot may each be private or one shared sanitary line will need to be public Staff will review the proposed private storm water as this may need to be changed to a public system 3 Provide a tYPical street section view through the proposed street 4 A storm water maintenance plan will need to be provided for each lot effected by the proposed bloswale Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: . The private road will need to support an 80,000 Ib fire truck loading Please specify a minimum road section of 4"ac over 12"rock or provide engineering showing proposed section will support this load . Please specify what the open space will be used for If community park area, please specify and Include maintenance responsibilities \ . The plans indicate proposed phase lines, however the common private road/driveway and bloswale will need to be completey constructed and functioning, Inspected and approved by the City prior to final plat j>j.- <:111 ClJ tmLf7 Revised 10/25/07