HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1980-3-19 UJ I- CI.l I- <( a z c -' :::J al Z <( a z o I- a a: w "- CI.l I l- I- CI.l o "- . . lD o -, o 00 I '" o ... I U ...:i 'it I- :;; a: UJ "- Z o I- U :::J a: I- CfJ Z o u d o OJ) Q) 1-1 o . "" 4-l '" '" ., '" Q) ~ '" ;I: N ... " N (fJ (fJ UJ a: o o <( \ c '" U C o .... '" o > '" d -g;: > '" ~ - Q) > 1l.n 0-0 ~~ tl 0 ;::= .... '" '" '" Q) Q) .nii .... Q) ~ E E e ~ '" Q) >..c 0.... ~ 0 o.~ g-~ _-0 o C ~ '" c Q)- o u E c: -o~ c _ 0-0 u ~ ~O Q) C -5 0 0;::; -oU c ~ "'- ~ C -'<- u ,~ ~~ ~ 5 000 u Q) c , '" ""-' OJ_ :> 0 o ~ 1-1 c ~Q '" '!! > o ~ 0. >~ .nQ) Q)-O ~ C ~ :J ~ 5 >;::; .... '" ~ .... ~u e ~.. c.E ~a; uo. c ~ ~.E Q) .... -- eo Q) c ..c 0 ....., ~ '" o u -0 .... > E e ~ ~ 0..... ~"'5 ..c ~ I- e c o !1! ;:: -0 .n :J (fJ N o N ..... "" '" N I '" o I " ..... -' I- CfJ' a: I- '" N ... -<t I OJ Q) ~ ~ ~ " '" '" Q) Q) Q) c c c 000 ..c..c..c 0.0.0. Q) Q) Q) (UQiQ) 1-1-1- " oJ< " " ... " '" d o OJ) OJ 1-1 o . 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OJ ~ 1-1 OJ) o ., . ..c:: ., -<t ..... . z o ., Q) OJ) "" .-i 1-1 ~ d Q) "" ;>, '" ::c o co I '" ..... 1 '" o Q) !::: (fJ o .... ~ c Q .... u Q) ~ o -0 Q) :J '" ~ Q) .... '" o M J; on U 1. 1- 1- . ~~' i l' ! " 12 ;. " ~, , J " 12 " " " " lANE COUNTY DEPT ~NV MGT REC[lPT I 40380 \ APPLICANT KEPHARI, JACK ADDR 1690 SOUIH A. SPFLD TI.I 1703230001:'02 sunDIV NEW ~lDG TYPE GAR USF R NO BDRMS 00 CODI:. Ar-'PL NO I\CT 1 ON DE SCRIF'TJON HI' GARAGE [if' BP IW BP BF rw PL MCCfI SUI;: F'CK SDS Df'1 TE 0~'21 80 , I! lw " NO UNl IS 001 SQ FT UNIT 1152 L 0 I HL K NO STORIES NO DLDG~ 001 COST VALUATION FEE DAYS 8.8~> 1019'5 ~ " '!. " LC i}o,mo NrWf( NO. 1- I XTUf,:ES NO. CONNECTORS MECHANICf'lL FEE S T ;, T F S Uf(CHr',RI,r PL AN CHEr-I< FEE 5.00 , 01 ')~; EACH = 56.00 , ~ 4X, ...>..24 28.00 40.00 o () 50;(. " SDSI . . 18 () o ;, o !. SHO CPT TAKEN BY CH WI'C PI f'lN bJ E \i ,"DDR FP COMPLETED BY I::NVII TOTAL FE~** 126,24 CK , . c ~ " - ~ 12 · I , . ;, 11 0 \0 0 . . ;, , . -~ L-~ " 7 ~ ~ !!.- , ~ . 0 - " >! ~ ~ J FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Environmental Management 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4357 TO V' PERMIT PROCESSING PLANNING 4t:?5 -80 PERMIT NUMBER PARTITION NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS SUBDIVISION OTHER APPLICANT'S NAME ,J A-C k Ir h" P f.J AI'?, SITE ADDRESS Z. 742- #AI? 1/ E c:; 'T A II f' PEID1IT VALUE IS SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT YES J./ NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES V NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED I~SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA - , 1 MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF 44 Z 4 9 (M S L ) REQUIRED 2 MINU1UM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF M 7, L~'11 (M S L ) REQUIRED 3 MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOOD WAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED RECOMMENDATIONS DATE 2. -2./ - DO C74-189 J L- }r'p',Je BY ~ ~ rc , , .-..\ ':J 'N 'J 'jJ >-3 ~ t-< o .>-3 ...... N C) \'l ~h-~ OEPARTIIENT OF ENVIRONI~ENTAL 11ANAGE~IENT , 1_ A.'_ ~ PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE ~~I EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Job Address l.'IlJ. z, Y~J- Cjty;S1"~"'lII;'/d 'row~tMp. R~nj}e. :Se4tH'n. Tak~o~ - O!.- ~ 0 0 I 1..0..... 1/<1-0 ""V SlIb((1vlSioll . ' . _ .. tot .lllock AppllcatlOn for ~.~o. a..~ ....."'ff,.~ T.-IL Structures now on the property .,..", l1')li c:...-.. ::~:::tU$~I~f ~7::{L ~ l~:~'t.:p:?:-~e~hl - . tillehti prlntl If thlS appl1catlon 15 for an agrlcultural bUlldlng ,t wll' be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and Lane ~nty Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest 10 the property ~ owner of recor contrar:fJt purch ser, lessee, holder of an exclu51ve optlon to purchase, duly author d to a~for the ner, 0 lS knowledgeable of thlS appl1catlon ....." l Slgnature/Addres ~ 16c;{J r;outL"/}" )A#Mttl!/ (fJJ-. (ZlP).,,,<l//1 Telephonel ?~L-c.tV'l'7 or Ii e ~- "2.0-f:lo When permjt lS r dy n tlfy ICI AlP lcant IJl? Owner CI Contractor 2Y ~ mall Cf phone Owner .JJ~.:.. "~6t ~ I- . , (Z1P) 1IJv'l'j Phone ~t/, ~V'4; Contractor A "'/vi..-'" UI f d.-IN!' (ZlP) q~'!:!.1 P~one ~~L -q:tI"Z- _ Contractor's OSR#' 1'7/ ~ - P];;mbln9 by ftNIAII c.. he; p. - ~ """, ~ DO NOT WRITe BELOW THIS LINE . t of stort~~ # of emp 1 oyees t of lInlts /I of ~dl'l)OlllS SOS: I-I EXlstlng, SItes t ho 1 es ready ,0';oposed, f'ee Sq" f't: or 'VA,ft (;~dJl llescriot1on # of S1U>. ,Cos.t ~L//. C:AJ'V~-pdf~ ~/~ ~~ :<tiJ.d"J 7If~]Zf:;!<<~-~~ . //~;A2f ~(.~.~ :' ~WJ.!j~f1J 1\.. i line? ~ ft~mbel'~: CI lml..tr,al ^ O^l'Ilh1Je . hereby certlfy that thlS lnformatlon 15 true and accurate If Commerclal ReSldentlal BP # SI # .'.:2K-/~ 7 , > ~, Valuatlon Fee O'M" f ~~e\'t / ~1!-~ " RecelVed by 'I'~---b_ Water Supply ~~ , Proposed EXlstlng Year Installed Total ValuatlOn $ $ P11lfl!bh9' flllture~ at $ each $ sewer/wa~er'cpnn. at $ each $ Subtotal $ 4% State surcharge $ Plans check fee $ Change of Occupancy $ TOTAL $ - - Part d12//7;:2X -7?'rcel # l ParceySlZe -7'~:t; , It, ;de . lnt r 5 . rear / - PERMIT PROCESSING Zone~~ Mlnlmum:zetb s It, froa#' I L/-6/ / ~~ Commen -1101 jA/Z . /.'..:; To be typed on permlt - ~# A-?1 /7;~//;Dff';"//2:? P1/'"7~. - By /~~)' Date~ .F5JJ Group~ Flre Zone :~ permlt ~~ f1;7M,tdcx::trtf,.., ~P. CP&I Type To be typed on By ~~ Date -z,-fR-XV For plans lnformatlOn a1 (area '"Spector) . J tlMR ~hone , -... ~.l ~ 7 v61r~lOns to slte ~~ ~ S>'), h /C/..#'..-<6 C'A^Z?-4~ d/?/ t? r:/L4 ~ ~-93 A-..rfY~~?l-u7i;l) ~ /'./Aj{ -. - - /-1 stfl plans to CP&I _ set(s) Date' "Hold SllP - D~(e Date to ~ /: WPC _ set(s) Requlred to PCC Completed PCC rL1' CP&I ~ o o CI nfa CI Address C/ FaCll,ty Permlt /~/ Envlronmental Health FOR INFORr~TION about progress of your appllcatlon call C74-171 Perm,t Control Center 6B7-HELP (687-4357) -- ~t7\,~ , Job Address 2. '1 C/ j... Townshlp, Range, See/lon. Tax , (J DEPARH,ENT OF E,JVIRO~11E"TAL t1ANAGEr~EIF V PSG, I ZS EAST 8TH AVENUE /:?cv-tA4iv EUGEIJE, OREGON 97401 , f':./a I:..I-{J/j;.. Clty '5tJVw.,j/;"/ ~ Lot ." D~ ~'i 0" /1.0.... f /'Y-o"1' V AppllcatlOn 1: ",. Asslgned Numbers~ SubdlVlSlon R ~ Lot Appllcatlon for ~e a.,.,A .~_I/lh&. ~Ii Structures now on the property JI"'IIII't'IA C-- , Proposed use of property {Y(ReSldentla,/ C/ Commerclal Affldmt I, ,/fl.~J/ l'fltl)~Oe?F (please pnnt) If thlS appllcatlon 15 for an agrlcultural bUlldlng It wll1 be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zomng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest In the property lI/owner of record.. contract purchaser, lessee, holder of an excluslve optlon to purchase. - duly authorlzec{ to ac;?for the owner, wh"o 1S knowledgeable of thlS appl1catlOn ~/il.' /1 AI, ? slgnature/Addressp;' Jh..,~f..oJ....r 16q{) t(;()",II.''A'' SIJt.tcJ'fflfl7: vJ^a..~'(ZlD) '1?1./-1{ I" I Telephone I '7<tL-aJC/.?."1 or ' Oa't': &- '1.(,1-0:10 When pernllt 1S ready not1fy ;;("1 Appl1cant /1/.fOwne~ /~I Contractor ~ (~/malk /~/ phone,,/ d I.d' Owner ,J"".._b ILG'.flI:..-ro.8-J:- ,-' (ZlD) 't'it/'1I Pho~e '1J'"O'""1l'y"2..f-., Contracto~ - Vo/.J"tJ!!:vi.. 1" XUI ( ri...t:<e (ZlD) '1:J.'1!'1f'Y Phone '1';(" -~'q &.p' Contractor's OSR' -r 1171(~ Plu;;'blng by rtH~ G.. tic;" P/~"t. ~@ , Block L~I Industnal CI PubllC _, hereby certlfy that th1S lnformat1on lS true and accurate f of stones ~ of bedrooms 51 test holes ready 00 NOT WRITE BELOW # of employees . If CommerClal ReSldent1al o IHIS LINE # of Unl ts SOS I-I EXlstln9, BP # -c. ./ 1_/~Proposed, SI # /ls -/~ 7 Fee Code DeSCrlpt10n Sq Ft or ell of Sltes Unlt Co<:t Valuatlon CI Cash,~ - / L/......Check # Recel ved by / ~R" /- '/P~ ~kc~ Total Valuatlon $ , Plumblng flxtures at $ Sewer/water conn at $ each each Fee $ A> $ ~.c. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ . .., ---- ./ /./ L \. ~.-?.L..-./ /" c...A /....'-.. /yy- ff~,/7~...' ~/C,/ ~-'/i!Pl:1.. ~;;1t rc' //S-~ IS .6, ~ /1 lJ7/~7-./.z~ ~ ;~A'Z-r:Ztk-~ ""'I_~_H' -- x- ~ Subtotal Water Supply Proposed Year Ins ta 11 ed EXlstlng ~ 4%,State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL PERI~IT PROCESSING Zone d..--;r--- t~lnlmum setbacks 't, front"t:? I , t! .' , Comments--6~ ,/~ .,..~ ~ ~ J' ~ . /#..1 ,-.~ To be typed on per;;;,t - ~~k 0"~~#L:/L7/~#~.8 /' CJ , , By / ~dfi!::(/ ~/ Part # dJl/);25) - ;t;icel # 'L, slde / Parcel Slze 79'// , lnt rear Date - / / c;7I/t7Y I WATER POLLUTION CONTROL InstallatlOn speclflcatlons 1000 7/-1 '_ 3(') II To be ty"ped on p.;'rml t ir C[md1i;J ~f/ilA)' . ;. IAl-IuJte i(;ttPAA /YIA;./d 10M f- Mfa Q<; sh(JJj . ---.) ,/ J."lePhon~..iLV?.:~.:?q,(ao - By kzh/..fv. '111 IJIIOr!Mtl/J/r!Oate(')Cfft1CUir.J,. N%f) Ovectlons to slte t7k. /.h, ~__ >> ~ /<;( A?O L~( ~/'>'~ r:/U ~f ?'<p~ ?---.tfY4~... /</a<t) ~ ~T . /~/ SIFOO Plans to CP&I ~ set(s) Date Hold Sl1p Date Date to ~ V I-,IPC set(s) Requlred to pee.. Completed pee - / IILCP&I -=- -- C I ,WPC C/ Plannlng ~-I Publ1C hror~s - /' - C/l,Elevatlon CI n/a CI Address ~~/ Fac 11lt'. Perml t /~I Envlronmental Health a.1 05 flJ. PA~O)~ /I~1AOP/h:1t44.,-r al tank, ft of dra1nfleld, max FOR INFOPI~TION about progress of your appllcatlon call , ' Permlt Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) bne county , , -:J-jr; ; HOLD SLIP APPLICATION # LOCATION ....:!..,.a ' NAME ADDRESS , , I jf{, -, .c~ '''''/ , " / zip CODE I The Lane County Water Pollutlon Control D1V1Slon cannot proceed wlth processlng your appllcatlon because 1 D Incomplete appllcatlon (Hems deflclent) r::J Address and/or dlrectlons to appllcatlon slte c::J Proposed number of bedrooms In dwelllng, t::]Approvable plot,plan (see~at,taGhment) , jj/11lSe -~!A 1.;1 - I.. ;; /[/ - .s. ' D Notlflcatlon of1ija~e testiholes wlll be ready ~ '0 (,7 Verlflcatlon of eXlstlng system requlred (memorandum explalnlng thlS procedure attached) 2, 0 3 D Two test holes (2'X4'X5' deep) requlred for expanslon or repalr of eXlstlng sewage dlsposal system In the area of the proposed dralnflelds 4, 0 Ojl:her 'D~d, 3~ ' /t,I}V,ldl , l v V \U,UI' ~ ~QIl>~ \\~l~~ -pP ~} h~; oJ ~ If) ~,~( ~ ~ ' -Z1 (0.(\# (jJ-~ (jV'- p~ ~~w ~~ \o~ {1. fIe'V -- 1~~IJt,Jh\ .vt,.,..r,I,J V" I?D/ B/ f >>n.iJJ OA ClMC( c/u 4' {)t401"', -~, I I J II J ./1 Mol IlJllilohMd SIGNATURE 75 t:eb /9 jD DATE 't -X: 30 !YI -Ih /()X r.!J MI J OFFICE HOURS vns:Ja!.f ~-v .f. ' CUo,P.,HQNEv".Mvt I~QP ~~1 ' a.,; ,dfvl c~l/aClutt: )11)';' () 1/111 S-h?,lt1;1 ;"'1/,,/ r1 /' ~}/'"..l /1..'" jl Gr.J,l):,;-';/, ~J1A". /'1 ~,y.J. -;cJ;;a~ ,'/", If. If the necessary...correG-tlons1.g,r:e no~ma~l.th'lrl~0'/'YJ/r~ijays, .ttie/, , me t'(.~app'flcat.'onfl~kl'l /oe'.<denl e&~ '.U~'€J'.' ..J /-- . MEc)_v. ~ ,'tJr!J'C1./1-ftIt&z'r"t' V MJ-r31tJJo W#U VI 1'/lOclMhdd OOS f}.la~c.1..- I"'lffD WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION I ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPAR8TMENOTl 125 EAST 8th AVENUE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 6 7-4 6