HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1986-8-14 ~~~s ~'I- Lane RURAL ADDRESSING. ':HECKEDAU611 County Authorization fQr: cr; ~~4 \ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SEPTIC DISPOSAL. SYSTEM INSPECTION FOR I ~ RFVTFW Application~/"--:?~~~ PermI. t if ~ ") e-. / ~ tf b roW"SHIP I RANGE I SECTION I' TAX LOT o OUT OF 17 03 25,1,2 600 S~BDIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable) I LOT/PARCE!, I BLOCK PRO?OSED USE OF PROPERTY [] Re~ide~tial 0 Industrial Q Commerc.ial 0 Public. LOCY~0~'2~:l;~~;d\~V;':~pri ngfi e 1 d 97477 STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY CITY ,ZIP SFD "DIRECTIONS TO !:>ITE D~SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECIFIC DEC~D ~ VALUE :;: Of BEDROOMS I # ~~ ADDRESS SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LN, I # OF ENPLOYEES STORIES t'lATER SUPPLY D Proposed n Existing 'I TELEPHONE NUMBER I I TELEPHONE NUMBER O~~ER'S NAME AND SCOTT, Cl i fford CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND OSR ~ 10ME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN same P'::R!>IIT TO BE MAILED TO (NAME AND ADDRESS) Ellen Briones, ' Home Fed, .' \ I "., P,O, Box lD639, Eugene 97440 ('~~ .1~\ TELEPHONE NUMBER I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLIC:TIO~ -r'OR PERMI.f: .and ,10 hC~-~UY cer~i~.Y t.h,it all infol"!lIation hereon is true and correct, and that I have the following legal intere~t in "the property: Downer of record; 0 c()llt~at:l; pllcci,lasec; O,:uthorizcd a'gent. I f::rther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in iiCCOldanc<< :with tht,J Ordlnance:; of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will b" made afar,}' sU:ucture without the permission of the Building Division. I fur- ther certify that registration with the Builder's Board is in full torce ,me! effect.ds rcc:;uired by OR"S 701.055', that if 'exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors'and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701,055 will be use~ on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. , " .,' MAIL IN ' 8-8-86 NAME {please print) SIGNATURE DATE J READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION ~AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIO~S! ~PLANNrNG/ZONING: " Zone parti tion # Parcel # Parcel Size ~linimum Setbacks; eLl front c - L, side ;< interior 'rear Date :4 Ar.nON RFClllTRFn '. 8-8-86 H CQM.\1ENTS : FOR LN, REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. "NO ,SPFr.T41 PIANNTNG o SANITATION: S, L # 8, P.> # Installation '~ec~~~ ,Issued? 0 Yes 0 No Lineal FeDt Maximum Depth ~"~~r2:C~ 'f " Da~e' I?'"':' ~<f-Yr. ~ , , Installation Gallon Specifications: .. Tank' _ aCi\E";)L~/~iJd~fAL o PLANS EXAMINATION: Type Groun Use COfo1HENTS: Dale: n ~/1{) 4, !(~~ o--(<j~Pc. '-~~~PROVED ~ BUljIDjtNG OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (per ORS 456.805(1)) DATE LANE COUNTY QIlPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 C;RR RRVRRC;R FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION r 1/,_.?~ QQd... --.. _\.:~. ...., ':' " '. ", . oJ' of ,~. j. -~ .....1.. ..: J ... ..'(. '. .. ~, ,; .' , .. '.--,.. .... .. o , - ..-.... t - ..... .~. ,. . .... , ~ . I _. .' " , .' i.: , . SETBACKS A~D OTHER CO::01T10::5 OF ;"PPRQ'I,\L ~IUST BE STRICT:'Y OBSERVED. VIOLATIO~ CA~ RESL'LT IN REVQ- C,;',10:,/'OF ,illS PERHIT, CIT';TIO:~ U:.lDER PROVISIONS OF L,\I'E CQU;IT\',''s,''D1FR,\CTION ORDI::;..NCE, A~D/OR OTHER RE:'IEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW.~' -- _.. -" ". .~..- -. ,--..,,- . " - -'~-r-. .-0- . " , ~ .. , \<;HEN READY-fORl:-;SPECTION, CALI. 687-4065. A mNHlU:-l OF ;,T LEI,S! 24 HOURS ADV'\/,CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- nUN. Kr:QCt:S,"S..;.;USTBE;.. GIVEN. Have.the~tol'lowing informa t iont"eady: p<:lrmi t number, .job. address. type of ins~ection, when it will be ready, your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. . .. 7." -or" '. . ..}. " " BUILDI~G~DIVISIO~: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: ~l.~ Faund:ifi6n'Ins't>ection: To-be.made after trenches are excavated-and'forms erected and' when all , IM.terJ.als lor ttle roundation are delJ.vered on the job. l'lhcre concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly" termed "transit:. mixed") is to be used. materials need not be on the job. ;"'";;,,, ;,> '--~ .---.. --~... . . .- 2.. Concrete Slab or Under-?loor Inspection: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building serVlce equipment. conOult, pJ.plng accessories, and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed. including the subfloor. . ~ ~ .. - - -.., - -. '3.' ~raminq & Insulation Insoections: To be~made after the roof, all ~raming, fire'blocking, and raClng are in place and all pipes, fireplaces. chimneys, and vents are complete and all rough electrical.and plumbing are approv~d. ::1. .wall insulati~n and va~oE.b~frier...ar'~ i~.p.l:c.e.. '.; Lath and/or Gvosum Board Inspection: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board. ;.nterior ana-e^terIOr~n-prace but before any plastering is applied and before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished.' I.- ,,' ~ ~, . , i " 4, j ~ '. '- " 5. Final Inspection: To bc.made after the building is complete and before occupancy, APPROVAL REQUIRED. ~'o'" ',;01k 'shail be d'on~<on a~y p-;rt" of "the buifding or'''str~'cture beyond the "poin't: indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall b& given only after an inspection shall have bee~,Made pf each successive step in.t)1.e,construction'as indicated by'each"'of the.inspec'tions required. .... ..~, "': NOTE: 'All building oermits require inspections for'the work authorized, .such as but not limited to: A. Block \'1al1: T~ be made after 'reinroicing'.,rs..in place'....but.before any grout is poured.' This rnspiction is required for each bond beam pocr. There'will be'no approval until the plumbinq ,and ele~~rica~ inspections have been'made an~ approved. ' ' B. Wood 'Stove, To be.made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and",when installation is complete. Installatlon shall be in accordance with an approved, nationally recognized testing' .J. "'agency an'd the manufacturer' 5 installation instructions. ' , .. ,;;. C" '.C;"Mobi'le Ho'm.e: An inspection is r;quired afte;the mobile home is connected to an aporoved :' . I se-weror, sept(c sys.i:oem :or setback requirements, blocking. footing connection, t~e~o,w,n,s,:.~J 'skirting, nnd plumblng connections. ' . . " . , 1. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as. reco~~ended by the manufacturer, ., " ..~ J.' ..,.... \ I ... '., ~. I ~ " 2. Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certi:ied when required by a flood- 'pla-in.management lett7~'~ .... ,_ 3. ;Nobile home .tiedowl1s.. wher\ .requi~ed, and ,~k~rting sha~1l~betns.tall.e9' and ready for inspec- tionwithin at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedown5 and skJ.rting shall be installed 'per'-enclosu're. - ","1 '4." .. .~ r Swi~i~q Pool:' Below grade when steel is in/pla'ce and before.cbncrete' is'.p~ured. Ab~lVe'.grade wnen pool-rs-inscalled. T' "PPROVED PLANS' :,1051 BE'ON~THE JOB SITE AT"'l\LL~TIMESDURING WOR'KING /lOURS. .THIS PERMIT W'I'LL EXP'IRE . ,IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 160 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS Sl.:SPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR NORE THAN 180 DAYS, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION ~~y OCCUR IF THIS PER~IT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS. INFORHATION. ._..-. - . -- .... ....-. ~ ~- ANy0'l~ PROCEEDING PAST T~E .Pon;T or RE?UIRED I~SPECTIO:lS W'ILL DO SO AT ~IlEIR OWN RISK, -l.." ~, -a . ;0."- " .f , '~:o ;"1 . SUBSURFACE ,\ND ALTERelATIVE SE\'1AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: .' . ; , " :1 Permits, shall_be effective for one.year from .the date of.issuance..~._ Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall . '. notify the. Lane. County Depnrtment of PI.:.nning and Cor.ununi ty Development by submi tting the installation record form. The Departmcnt~shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does' comply with such _~ules, the Department shall issue u certificate of satisfactory completion to the permit, holder. -~ If.the construction does not comply with such 'rules,. the Dcpartrnent.shall notify the permit...-. ~ ~ ~ \, -;- holder and-Shall require. satisfactorycornplct,ion before iss.uin(] the 'certifiC<ltc-:--- ~Fuilure, to . . f' . I~-J ~olJ::t-...)"I ....J.....\,~ meet~the,.rrequirements1-fpr~satisf.ictory'compltltlon""Io'ithin\a <rea'Sonable time cons.titu.tes~'.l ~Vlo- ~"'\, . '," ..... -. " . ". -lation--of.ORS 454-.605"to 45~.745'anu thTs"rul;;t.'.'. .. ,,'~. 'J('-' .~..l..4 (.;~,- ',. -i Setb'acKs'"':' Subsurface s'S!Io'aqe Disposal . ;. ,'JJJ::-":.' I:\\.,'~'\-' .,..... ,j~-: _..~ _~~..J.-, _~ _ .,,__,~, ... ~ ... ,,,,,,,tJ , . Septic T'a'nk Drain"field' ' . . d. 2, " L_ <, " --~ ..' From: Interior property..lines Edge of road riqilt,;,o[-way' Builuinq foundation . . _I,ells. other. "''''ter: sources. 10' 10' 10' .100'...... ~. 10' 10' 5' SO' J 'J '. . ",. ..&l,'. ..;..~ ..~: ~'" ,. . < ;.~ -.: ......,T ~ 1. \ 't>'. :-' .J ..!.' ''I; "\ \.i__ '. l:....,/\ "'.j ~, \: '. ..". ,. " \ . '.~'\ .1: .~ ,.J V'~~", .t~'j~~ (.i":' ':' ..,:'J "II , ),1" I'.... , ').p,t " ,~ ./) ,~ ' .....-, ....,;,;..,.;;. v. :!." ',. " ' . , .}'. ," ' " ' " ~ " , '. ,', " , , " '~- _ ~ .,1 i\ .. ,:;', .,' ,. H~E lOAi~l m PRvtt~ PLEASE RUSH! No- Federal Savings & Loan P. 0, Box 10639 . E~, C."~_~ ~7440 ATTENTION: LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION Lane County Courthouse 125 E. 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 <;?-\). I:;:' I ~/ ,):/ ~1// 6'>. \ I '"Co ..... ...::/ 1{J., 41c... ~ 0, GOS .~(; " ,,19B, - , IV-4Ct, o~ .:-; /j ./~'iv ,1/ \:;- ",(rplV! r /, ' 0"'1"\ \ VI Please provide us with a septic tank inspection on the follCMing described property: Street Address: 1920 Lamond, Springfield, OR 97477 City: Springfield, OR Tax Lot #: 17..:03-25-12-00600.' Legal Description: ,Lot 3, Blk, '1; LCCH LCMOND TERRACE, Vol 46, pg, 8, lillPR, Lane Co., OR , ASP&Rin Sellers: Clifford & Effie Scott Borr<:Mers: Gordon & Charlotte Green Enclosed you will find a check in the anDunt of $60.00 as payrrent for this service. Thank You. 2.0 [) . CIJ r,'c~ Ellen Briones Loan Processing Secretary r;o 1;1 ;;('11 ,- ,\ ~ , l. .. \ , '-'rt'\ r I ""J . \1. (',' .1 'I!: :> ' . LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV NGT [(ECr::.IF'T ,~, :"52?El6 Dr,T\'., 08()ElB/, APf"L I CANT HOME FEDEF;,~L Sf;V I NGS , ADDP PO BO>( ':'10639,. EUCE:NE:, (IREGON TLI 1703251200600 ,SUBDIV LUT BLK ""'.1 "" Y\f" ""ii"':' IJ~" I" "'DI;'I"'" {oJ" ',li"I'1''', ,'.'''', <'l"')":.'I"c' "'1'1 I)'''''' '~',',' 1"'1")/11" <';"'9 on"" I\! e...,., L'l....,.:r I [.. ...,..l;~ "\ ;;1 ,I,.~ -.. .. '\. ,_.'l~'/1 ,.} .~f\.l._.~. If,,-;\_. \..'1,;' CI_J 1~ '1__ ')7. 17.'; Cll'''.l'':,/:,' ""'::' 'W:LT'f'l' "'I Ii::'I::""f"D ~I)I"'" I o "'(l l O"lf') "l',' :V" , "0;''''1'1 " F"j'E'L I) ('1':"":'("(" L.\'II.:_I\ ~"!I'Ir:. 1.'._ I L.._ I He'.... f-lH..~l\ 7...... ....1,_1'(... (-1 r.di 011:'.../'l-r .. "'1 ..I\t__TJh CODE' r'\PPL NO ACTIDN DESCF':IPTIt)N S(~ FT UNIT, COST VAUJ,HION' FEE, ;i,i,;~ BP , 6 BP BP 'BP BP HI li'L. ~T I X/DA TI.j,: tlE:CH SUE:: PCK' LR LC 252986 SDSV CATG: SEQU: " iftlKEN ,,"PP I BY RLH [((.:, 2 1"-1-, ,. EST, SvJp: FT',. I,:,)TF(; '-lECHt-lNIC(.lL I:'EE' ST,\lT SUr,CHA[(GE I:'L(.,~' CI.IE:Ci< FEE :.ms SI :5 Cm-lPLEnON D{.\TE F'Ci< FT" f~t~IN: Ai.: ")I'~"I .......)1" OTI.I ISS 4 TDT1'~IL. F'EE-i!'1(' Ft 60,,00 "'1 " , , '60,00 CK