HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1990-11-14 ftI/ /I e, I ~~ r:o-'--'-~-'."'- PERMIT 1/ ~l?'ZJ-/-9cJ Lend M.nag.m.nt Olvl.lon 125 E. 8th Ave. Eugene, OR 97401 """""._""."" . REQUEST \: r / /' IADORESS'NG Q v,u, FOR 0EPTa'. J yJ""/c//? v~d/71!:" 77'7..A-7L.//d ..,. LIV't COOl L:Ml') {)68/~PK AUTHORIZATION FORM t ,,' '. - "... ,.............-..0- W. " 0.... ~TOWNS/J7 RAN~zaECllON tJ.s7~0t4.t!/ TAHOT;t:C ;~~~~nTl(lt LOC/2"Z..~ /~/,e:- /,/"~'v ft/?..h77~ q;.~~ O,p'~/'?#./ ~~.. NOW OH ,.""on . /?~. / ~ ~~~ -' ..r0:- C::::" YT("~~ /~--::.--:.zn~ ~/? ~/76e~(":? z~p~ d/;;;;:-u.s.. NO"'. "EO NO "'EMPLOVI c_..~......"'CC&tI..W. ~ ....;;,...,?(:" . (" r;/, r / r- /77 d7/'~/a/.?"/ ..4.-</ NO OF .",,,,""" DlRE3"~TO SITE fROM ~URTHOUII~ ':: r/?./'? J/7 -4'""" /2!2 J,L..;0A?-c:;p/ -rz7. //9rr.",c::>,-J:=A- /~ ,~-;?:~A?7 f/r:Vr;7Z: ~~/;> - /.9:r7 &~;;- /./'~.Y' 77/' f z.:./ ~ ~~d~- ~)'~.e7/FV'~ .. . _ -3".f/~7~/5 o ERS NAME" ADOREd ./? r- ~ /./ _ PHONE ~ .-j/JF J,t--/../7Y7/.J-4 ~~~-e..~., I~~ , ~~~e/-=7/A71/ ~ff'Z9 - ;' '-' - os ;;/~. - PHUN& /t//H- ) MjyL PERMIT TO __/ //y? . /.7 .. r' ~ '/".1 ~ t."J.r7/ h"7~7?.-c4~ /'Zh; ..r.//f.,;:f?P~~</://~. -1 /~~~ 7/r77~ l I hava carafully ra~ BOTH sides of this appllcatlo.!"Jnd hereby certify that all Information Is true a 1.. co e t /6'./7_/ /' ~ Y -;. J"J J LL c... u--L I.J 0 '" PRNTNAME - QptIotur,-" JE LOT I PARCEL Itl..OCK '. -r' , ~0:~~~:NG"0':"LO:EAs~~1i~E:U":.~:~,~~; '.~~::~~;";;'i:=::"~~~.~d:.~~:f:p~=~~i~~I~'~.'""'~i.~d,;i~n~ ~""".~J~ ~ - COUUE.',/# g...A'Z?A'~A A3?-.-P:bJ>/ ~#'~r L/d',pit? ('""/~~ P7....r-../'--// /?/ _ '" ./ , - "PRO"". ", /;~./);>'!-- ..'" t SANITATION 0 1N"."...T,.......p.. ~PP"OV~ PC.OT PUN OATIiD o 'tH1 8YSTEM APPnA8 10 .1 WORIUMQ &J , II P , INST REC~SS I) l,lNK SlU UN. n 0' MAX. lllH OEPl)t R!QHT .1" '''TEM ,All,.8, YOl.l /}.. '.' . ~' . . /L^ \' n ---- A' "0" .,...v '0. . ..PAI. p....., t / ~ 0 t1..A./~ z:; "~j~' ....... /."~tA ~.....c;,..Q Q HOOM; to IXl8nNO I"TDI C~f. .. r , fj, .J.. n.i . ...,om. ... ""JJ .~,. , , AA4.-" .a~7~~ . ~.:gr:;.&-- a-l..::t'7/..&i ~J.t ~ 11P1..1l4k.....i-cy,,<:-'lf.1 ~ ) .Li.4 A-/.rtZd~a ~. ....OVl. ."_ v:.:r ~- "'''' II -/~-7" 1 BUILDING 1.../ // " ~3h>pl 1 ,yp, GROUp .., eOMYENHi ) FEES DUE $ \ DR'" '\. APPROVED BY --<Y _ ~7 ..4u,~ DATE I/-/f'- J/i ". ,...... CALL FOR INSPECT/ONS (SEE BACK OF "FORM"';OR'1NSTRiic:;';ONS) 6874065 ~.".._.... ..,.."",. SEPTIC permits ara good for one year ALL other permlfs expIre affer 180 days unless Inspecflons are currenf t,4O' ._..~_ .._ ,,,.,, .,.... . _ _ ,"7 < , VIOLATIONS SKfBACKS AND 01HER __,,_.. .....'''' OF APPROV ALMOST BB STRlCl1.. Y OBSERVED VIOLATION CAN RBSUL T [N REVOCATION OFnns PERMrr CITATIONS MAY BB ISSUED UNDER 1HB PROVISIONS OF LANB COUNTY S INPRAcnON ORDINANCE AND/OR 01lIPR RBMEDIES AlLOWED BY LAW A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN FOR INSPECITON REQUESTS Have the followmg mfonnal1on ready when you call 687-4065 Penrut number - Job address - Type of mspectIon requITed When It WIll be ready Your name and phone nwnber -. Any speCIal dIrectIons to the SIte PUBLIC OFFICIAL RIGIIT To TRESPASS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ORS n!.OlO POWER TO BNI'BR UPON LAND nIB COMMISSION AND ANY OF ITS MEMBERS OPPICERS AND BMPLOYBS IN nIB PBRFORMANCE OF 1HBIRPUNC110NS MAY ENTER UPON ANY LAND AND MAKB BXAMlNATlONS AND SURVBYS AND PLACE AND MAINTAINnIB NECESSARY MONUMHNTS AND MARKERS ...~.' REQUIRED INSPECITONS FOUNDATION INSPECITON To be made afterexcavatIons for foollngs are complete and any requITed remforcmg steel IS tit place UNDERGROUND PIPING INSPECITON To be made after all underground plpmg has been mstalled, pnor to any backfill CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECITON To be made after all m-slab or under-floor buildmg selVlce equlpmen~ condUl~ plpmg accessones and other ancillary eqUIpment Items are m place but before any concrete 15 placed or floor sheatlung mstalled, mcludmg the subfloor ROUGH MECHANICAL INSPECITON To be made after all ductmg and gas plpmg has been mstalled and pnor to bemg covered ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECITON To be made after all plumbmg rough-U11S U1 place, pnor to bemg covered - FRAMING INSPECITON To be made after the all frammg, fITe blockmg"bracmg and roof are m place and all pipeS, chunneys and vents are complete and the rough elecmcal. plumbmg, and mecharucal mspectIons have been made and approved INSULATION INSPECTION To be made after all1JlSulatlOn and vapor bame" are m place, pnor to covenng , LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECITON To be made after alllathtng and gypsum board, U1tenor and extenor, IS m place but before any plastermg IS apphed or before gypsum board jomts and fasleners are taped and ftnlShed ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS MAY BE REQUIRED, such as but not !muted to, BWCK WALL To be made afterr.worcmg IS mplace, but before any grout IS poured The mspectIon IS reqUITed for each bond beam pour There " wIll be no approval until the plumbmg and electncallIlSpecl10ns have been made and approved FINAL MECHANICAL INSPECITON To be made just pnor to the structure or remodeled area beU1g OCCUpIed and pnor to operatIng any eqUipment FINAL PLUMBING INSPECITON To be made just pnor to the bUlldmg, structure or remodeled area bemg OCCUpIed. FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION To be made after ftnlSh gradmg and the buildmg, structure or remodeled area IS completed and ready for occupancy MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOMES An mspeCl10n IS requITed after the mobIle home IS connected to an approved sewer or septIC system, pnor to CQvenng sewer or water !meso for setback requIrements, blockmg. l1edowns and plumbmg connections Footmgs and piers to comply With State foundatIon requrrements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer Mmunum ftnlShed floor elevauon shall be cerufied when reqUITed by Floodplam Management Tledowns, If reqUITed, shall be mstalled and ready for mspectlOn Wlum. 30 days after occupancy Tledowns shall be mstalled per enclosure APPROVAL REQUIRED No work shall be done on any part of the bwldmg or structure beyond the pomt mdlcated m each successive mspectlOn Without frrst obtammg the approval of the buIldmg offiCial Such approval shall be gIVen only after aD. mspecl10n shall have been made of each successive step m the constructIon as mdlcated by each of the lIlspectlOns requIred '. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS TInS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WTI1IIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS STOPPED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT -IV AS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION ANYONE PROCEEDING, PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK Your signature on the front of thts form verifies the followmg 1 HA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THIS COMPLETED APPUCATION, and do hereby certlfy that all mformatIon hereon IS true and correct. and that I have a legal mterest m the t'A"'Y"'''J' as owner of record or authonzed agent I further certify that any and all work Y"".f.........ed shall be done In accordance With the Ordmances of Lane County and the laws of the State of Oregon per- tammg to the work descnbed herem I further certIfy that If I am not the owner of the Y~~Y-'.J' my regIStratIon With the Builders Board IS m full force and effect as reqUlred by ORS 701 055, and that If exempt the basiS for the exemptIon IS noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are In comphance With ORS 70 I 005 will be used on the job SUBSURFACE & ALTERNATIVE SEW AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS When subsurface constructIon IS complete, the permit holder shall notify the County Land Management DlvlSlOn by subffiltung the mstallatlon record form An InSpectIOn will be made by a qualIfied sarutanan If constructIon comphes With all rules a certificate of completIon will be ISsued to the pemut holder If construction does not comply WIth rules, the pemut holder Will be notified, and all corrections shall be made before a certIficate of completlOn WIll be lSSUed Fadme to meet satIsfactory completion wlthm the allotted tIme constItutes a VIOlatIon of ORS 454 605 to 454 745 and tlus rule SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SETBACKS SEPTIC TANK From interIor property Imes 10' Edge of road nght-of-way 10' Buildmg foundatIon 5' Wells or other water sources 50' DRAINFIELD 10' 10' 10' 100' / ~~ne . ~. unty -. ',.j ,., ... . 'REQUESTliOfil'ASS/ST ANC/z;;, 'La'~';(L':fianage~;:;nt -;::D(v'~:(;'125,-'<E:-;:-:8th':' A've. Eugene,' OR-~-974(f( ...... .'-'. ., '-c; ." <-',y-:,- ~,:,.,- . ",,;;:. .-._'_', . ,. . ... ..~...,....- " ~'.> - --' ~- .~-::~ -~ >-_~ :; ~o-' . "-lAND MANIl.GEMENT OIVlSOON . ,. . .,'5 ",(:. I Please complete .al/ lines inside white boxes, if possible. ~u. /11k~/?L2 YUUH NAMe d;~ -mo4w~ WUH AU~SS /J . /J r ~ v? J4j ~./-^-"77~<<~ -I at.€. CITY . #1}Or::- ~ ~~-::s.4eA./E:5 T ,f'. .~, .:=::...~~.( OWNER OF PROPERTY (il not same as .bove) OWNE/~f~o, Q{~ U/1J: . , ~&l/ /21 I UAH: 751/,-7t,/, ? "'HUNt;. . - . ql~17 ZIP .PHONE q;<:/'7 % lIP' ... .... CUNIHAt:IUH ueen$'; , 'MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tax maps I., the Ass'MO'lrnent & Taxation Depl.) IO~$! ~:;;. ~~,~ ~14{:~;~ (.~~ TOWI1$hip Range S~ljQn 1/4 S~ctio" Tal( lot lownsnlp ~ ::;ecllon 1/4:>ectlon IllXlol " --.1 .. " SITE ADDRESS / ot ~ 111', MAIL PEJIJA.'T TO: . /i ' , ~k:u /}/}J/i'';c+o/lLJ r. . NAMe /:J/~" "YJJ/) 1/ ALVK. -. a L/.//J 8r' oLE ALJUHl::.SS 9?y77' l,;IIY I land Managcmenh:,Div".o:.staff. can. not be held responsib!e for evaluations or. recommendations based on falso, inaccurato or Incomplete Information , ~-;, - ,,' .:: '-"-.' .-::..::->.-. ,.,,:. :.:'.. " , Existing Buildings or Improvemenrs on Properry c::::::J House c::::::J 8arn (=:J Garage c::J Mobile. Home c::J Shed SEPTIC INSTALLED c::J Yes c::J No Water 'District I Directions to site from Courthouse .I;/~ -( rmA A.J -7fs ;)As-.a-/f.!? 6? . /?/2/1/ D i</ //7-'1~ j ~ 1711 iI;5 /) v /J.;/'.E. UlA V I '97;:;71 . For Mobile Home Placement Only Brand' Year Size No. of IIp.outs No, of Bedrmo . Lic~nse # ". -- U~I.. I I .I I J :'IMI1 Irlll~.. :'::::"'" ---- --- - s:: -~f-?-cGt _ -----' . ----- v ---, - ..- ~/Lo Nt- X ?C~[) I 0 foG GLf., WA 5~~ O-rNJk '\ C/L'f!AJ:; E. ) --j SI OCL,~k. , - ----- " /' o.tyv') f- . I ,] /{Gk Y;qJ<Jl - ~ um ) 1" ilH Iii! I ~ t I ~ ~ H ~H j , Hi! ; ~PP~ICANT BARNlS, JOE LANE COUNTY P~tlR[~X6~G~Ot~C~+~! s~Rf~2~'~LD?A~~Ea~~390 rL~ 1802052401200 SUBDIV LOT BLK NE..W BLDG Hf'E USE R BDRMS 0 UNITS '001 SrORIES ~BLDGS 001 PHONE 746 761-, OWNER NME ~ARNES, JOE ADDR 1066 COLE WY., SPRINGFJE..LD, ORE~ON CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRiPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION rEE DAYS lrBP 'I ' , 1 .ll.<If{P j~P IfP I~P F'L ~FlX/BATH I1ECH SUR F'CK I_R LC 382490 SDSV qlf CATG PLN '>EQU rAKEN BY RLH RA SDS 1 EST. SWR fl. WTR MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE. PLAN CHECK FEE ELE Pr,K [SS 2 COMPLETiON DATE ~T. RAIN ~>% :2~/. / Sl om DEF'OS Il ** !f ;I '. ( F T . ~ . j , . , . 75.00 E . , J I'~ 11 15 9 75.00 CK , ! i . S i