HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-6-9 Jun 9 2008 9 09AM No 2601 ? 1/7 K & A Engmeenng, Inc. 3327 Roanoke Ave., Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684-9399 VOice (541) 684.9358 FAX t'nglnl'erlng Fax To' TJ, Houseguard. LlC and Stapleton Timber & Excavation From. Steve Schultz. E I T Fax 868-1709,461-0729 Pages 7 Subject 6489 Dogwood St (lot 95-Moumalngate) Date. 619/08 Attached are the geotechnical report and In-place density test results for the subject srte Thank you for the opponunlty to be of service Please call me rt you have any questions Sincerely, f)u::5 ~- Steve Schultz, E I T K & A Englneenng,lnc ~ ... Jun 9 2008 9 09AM No 2601 P 2/7 (ummumly '1l-rVI<..t.. Dlv, RUlldmg ',jILly CITY OF <;PRINGFIFLD OREGON Mountamgate Subd Lot # 95 .2155111 \trtL'( "pnngtleld OR 97J.77 Ph 71'(,,7,9 ~.' PRIN('F~IElD~ ., ~ 1>'\m1>""I~....",.,.,,-m~ 4.A IiiiiiIIIlili -- ~1.:Qf;7~1l'.w1!il~~ .t) IlIU1iII Mountaingate Subdivision I Site Investigation Questionnaire for Consultmg Design Professionals SITE ADDRE~S 6489 DOGWOOD STREET CITY Jon # lDP2008.00064 Foundation reauirements - new structures on residential Jots Thl~ form may he u~ed a~ a verlfiLatlOn to allow eon~truction to Lontmue on the Job sIte until the ~tamped 'AFFIDAVIT For Site Inve\tumtlOn OUe\tlonDlllre'.. submitted to the City Thl~ form mu~t be completed by a hcell~ed de~lgn professIonal (englDeer or architect) or hl~/her authorIZed repre~entahve, and submitted to the bUIlding mspector prior to reque~tlDg City lD~peehons or plaelDg foundallon concrete. illS Important that all quesllons be answered completely for tbe foundatIon sUe to be approved tor construclton. Owner: Houseouard. LlC Contractor: Houseouard. lLC A Date(~) of the de~lgn profe\"onlll'~ \lte evaludhlln? 5/28/08. 6/9/08 B. Has the deSIgn professional reVIewed a copy of the geotechnlcalmfonnatlon that was prcparcd for the subdIVISIon relatmg to tbis site? Yes ~ Na_ if not, pleu.!e contact thll (1flce for a copy of the report The deSign professIonal mUlr be jamlllar wlfh the gcolechm,al mformatlOn before completmg rhls form (' In wblch GeotecbDlcal Investigation category IS tbls sIte located? Level I ..K- Level II Note Level II reaune, a ,Ite-,neelfic l!eolechmLdl1l1ve'lll!d110n & renort Were any sIte condItions IdentItied Ih..t would Lhange the Ldlegory? YES_ NO! (t-or criteria determIning. catee.,ory, "ee the "reCltle (,eolec!mlcal Re(\ol't tM theW'lTeCI pnt'l.'it {'If tilt. "'iMI'~\<;I(m} If "yes", explam (use the reverse SIde oftlus sheet or an added sheet I! necessary) lot5 Jun 9 2008 9 lOAM No 2601 P 3/7 ('ommullIt) 'eJVICes [ll\l Dl1lldl.!l~ SClfe'ty CITY 01 )PRING! ItLIJ ORLLON 225 ," SllMl, Sprl1l~fidd OR 97477 Ph no ~7,9 Mountamgate Subd Lot # 95 Was a geotcclu1lCal engmcer mvolved at the sIte to vcnfy that conditions are SUitable for constructIOn of the proposed butldmg(s)? Yes]! No Name of geoteclu1lcal engmeer D What wa~ the nature nfthe excavatIOn and lor fill? Foundation nad oreqaratron ,ncluded elcavatlnR multlnl. level benches mtn lhe hIllSide Th, ercavatlon extended 1010 native Ian weathered/decomoosed sandstone Dr brown. mor.' colluv,al &111 Wllb occallona' cobbles uo to 6.mches The cul& ronped Irom aqororlmalelv 2.leello 5-le.t rn he.qhl Uoon comolehon ollhe elcavohon. aoororlmalelv 3 10 6-mehes of Yo tnch minUS dense araded crushed aqareaBle was olal:ed, araded. and comoacled over the areas 10 receive foundallons or a slab_ W d~ eXJ~tmg nOl1-~tructur<1l fill or expansive sOli encountered on the lot? Ye~L No_ If"ye~". whattype\, depth, and ]IlC.lllOl1S, ,md hllW d()e~ .t.ll1e\-t the bUlldmg toundatlOn? There was aonrollmalelv , 5 to 2 5.leel 01 dark brown. molsl. solI. moderalelv Dlastlc oroanlc SIll at the surface 0' the 101 Wb<lt mea~ure~ were wken to remedy the sOil conditIOn (mclude type of engmeered fill u~ed to ~t<lblh~ the sOil)? TIle oraanlc moderalelv olashc slit was removed Irom the areas 10 receive foundations or a slab. ,0rlOr to olacemenl 0' the 'IooIncb mtnUS dense oraded crushed aooreoale Is the sIte as prepared adequatc 1! madcquatc to mamtaln constant mOisture content m the sub grade? Notc VcrificatlOn ofmolS/urc stabilizatIOn In the ,\ ub grade 1,\ a requlremcnt for sltc prcparal1on, and must be affirmcd bcforc Gon\truct1lm ,an f.,ontmue If madeq uate wh"t med;ure; Me to be tuken to provide constant mOisture content In the ~ub grade? !S the SIte, as prepared, adcquate ~ madequate 0 to support the proposed struenJre? An affirmal1\1c at1.lwer Ir reqUlslle to proceedmr; wllh constructIOn If madequate, what additional work I~ needed to prOVide adequate foundation support" 20f5 Jun 9 2008 9 lOAM No 2601 P 4/7 CommunITY 'oelVlces DlV IllllldUJO ).ltery CITY OF <;'PRINl,FIELD OREGON 221'" Stleet )pllll~field OR 97477 Ph 726-37)9 Mountamgate Subd Lot # 95 E D,d the de~lgn profeNonat wltne.s placement and compaction of the engmeered fill, or " there a speclalmspectlOn report forthcommg from a quabfied agency? 1 witnessed Placement SpeclallnsplcompactlOn report :x Attached IS the In-Dlace densllY test resulls of the crushed aDQ,reDale hll The resulls Ind,.ate that the averaDe dr. dens It.. as olaced. IS .realer than QS'Derc8nl ot mallm"m as dolermlned bv ASTM D69818tandar~ Proctor teall F Thc deSign profc.~lOnalmtend. to U\e the follOWing method for IDstallatlon of perforated perImeter footing drain\ 1be dcslgn on thc attached drawmg prOVided by the deSIgn profeSSIonal 0 Thc mcthod shown on the oflgmal constructIon drawlIlgs X I hc typIcal '1- oundallon Dram. drawmg attached to perml! 0 Perforated penmeter drams are not reqUIred 0 Comments G. Low-pomt crawl space drains are reqUIred to prevent the budd-up of eU4;SS mOIsture inSIde the foundations dUring (and after) eon~tructlon. This drain may be mstalled after foundation placement rn1v WIth the cxnrcss ncrmls~ion of the desu'll nrofesslOnal II The deSIgn professlolloil h<l~ detel1TlllleO the Joliowmg The crawl space dram IS requzredwhen ,hejoundatlon /,\ Inltalled 0 The low-pomt dram can be mstalled after foundatIOn placement Without a ;If!.mficant mOIsture build-up problem wlthm the foundatIOn X (The low-pomt dram may be mstalled a' the frammr stage of , U 't 0 ,I ]>Ml& Mam frammg, rnnflrf;!. (!tc COn.I r < I nj b Hal the delll?;n profel \/(ma/ ob,lerved and approved the InstallatIOn of the reqUIred low pOint dram I Yes. _ No If "yes", where IS the low pom, dram located under the bUlldmg and where does II termmate at thiS flme? (Mus' be an approved locaflon Ie stree' !:ufter, storm sewer, sump pump and dlfcharge Ime to the ;treet etc) The deSign profeSSIOnal must detenmne whether the <lpproved penn!t dr<lwmg' hoive adequate foundaUon steel Is any additIOnal foundatIOn ~tecl reqUired that I~ not shown on the foundation drawmgs for the buddmg? l'el No ~ If "ye, del<nhe addllltmall/eel reqUIred (or proVIde drawmf:) 1015 Jun 9 2008 9 lOAM No 2601 P 5/7 LOlllllltlll1ty SelVJCeS DIV BU11dmg 'h:ilu) <.11 Y OJ SPRIN(,F1Fl n OREGON 22"\ 'lIb ~tleer Sprmgtield OR 97477 Ph 726-37)1) Mountamgate Subd Lot # 95 The indIVIdual dOIn~ fhf ob~ervatlOn\ and pmvldmf{ dlffcllon for the excavallOn and slIe pI eparaflOn work on Ihe properly mUlt \Ign Ihe fiJl/owmr; slatement The undersIgned deslr:n professional (or authOrIZed employee) attests that he/lhe aburved required mOlsluTI: slabillly pracedurel on this site, and that such procedures were accomplIShed before any changelllcLurred m the mOIsture content IIfthe lub- grade under and around the bUlldmg (where expansive salls were enC/lantered). The underSigned further attests that the \Ub-grade, as prepared, IS adequate to support the bUIldmr: proposedfor thIS HIe. Addlbonal comments: (Note). A eopy of th.~ repon shall be kept on site wIth the lIpproved plans at all times. Thl~ r~port ~hall he tollowed by an affidavit. >lgned and stamped by the deSIgn prof~~\l()nal under whose auspIces tillS report Wd~ wmpleted. affirmmg the mlomldhon herem The SIgned/stamped affidavit together wllh a copy of Uus report shall be ~ubmllted to thIS office pnor to reque~tmg frdl11mg mspcetlon for the bUlldmg Slgnaturc~-~ .........'~ . Name Michael Rembold~'Trde PnnclOle GeotechnICal Enlllneer Company K & A EnOlneerln~ Phone 684-9399 L.ccn\ce Michael Remboldl Llcensc 1119474 expIres 12/30/2008 The geotechnIcal report for each phd~e oj the MountaIngate ~ubdlvlslon mdl.e_ recommendatIOns for placement ofbU11dmg construction on each site The report also recommends that site preparatIon dunng wet weathcr condmons be av{nded unless ~pceml mcasures are taken to mItigate ~o1t ~O1l conditIons and mOIsture collectIng m or around thc foundation area~ dunng and after thc construction pro(.c~~ Po~lllvc Slle dramage must be prOVIded 40f5 Jun 9 2008 9 lOAM No 2601 P 6/7 CmnmllOll} \lrVI(.l' 01\1, Buddmg ~tlfety ClTY OF SPRIN(,FIELD ORLUON Mountamgate Subd Lot # 95 22') )111 ~tn..lt \pnngfillct, OR lJ7477 Ph 7'26,7'19 SP~;C~iiI s~=::'~""""l.~I~1a: t{i. ~ AFFIDAVIT For Site InvesttgatlOn QuestlOnmure Foundation Sub-Grade Approval for Residential Building Site In Mountamgate Subdivision The undersIgned hereby dftinJI~ that the excavatIon. structural fill and m(mture stablhzatIon method. for the hUlldIng sHe at the address shown above were oh~erved by me or an duthoTl7ed employee Dt my firm and that the followmg 's true The geoteehmcal InformatIon for the subdIvIsIon, speLltie 10 lhh ~Ite, was UUllzea 01' pdrt 01 the determInatIOn for foundation prepardtlOn and draInage reqUlrcments 2 The tOtmdatIon sub-grade IS capable ofsupportmg d mInImum of t500 psf, and IS adequatc to support the bUlldmg proposed for th" "te 3 Thc mOlsturc contcnt of the excaval10n w~ adequately mamtaIned dUrIng the sIte prcparatJon process and the site IS adeqUately gTdded and dramed for dIscharge to an approved locatIOn m order to mamtaln ~tdhle mOlsturc content throughout the constmctlOn process and thereafter 4 [he accompanymg report titled "<;ne Inve~t1l1atlOn OuestlOnnane for ('on,ultm~ DeSll!n ProfeSSIOnal," (,,(mlammg field Dh~ervatlons and instructIons mdde on (dates) .w/08 and 6/9/08 IIlr lh. ~ hUlldmg SHC was completed eIther by me or by an authorIzed repre.entJ.llve under my ~upcrvlslon ro the best of my knowledge, the mfonDdtlon ("ontamed lfi that rcport IS complete and accurdte Date# ~ Name of LIcensed Profe..lonal (prInt) MIChael Rembold!. P E SIgnature -.:~ J EXPIRES ~Lf' Jun 9 2008 9 lOAM No 2601 P 7/7 Density at SOil and SOil-Aggregates In-Place ASTM 02922 and 03017 1 Prolect 119 08 I Site Addrei5 6489 OOgwood 5t I Perm" No LDP2008.00064 I Date 6/9/2008 I DensRv TeslTv~e' DT-4 I Operator SS I Matenal Type 3/4-rncil minus dense graded crushed aggregate I Maximum Dry OenillY. pcf 128 0 I Standardlzatlpn and Reference Check <l. Density I 1<1 MOisture, I (Standard Devlatlonsl (S D ) 033 (S D ) 1 21 MOist D'l Density, Density, Waler Compachon, Test No pet pel Content. % % Remarki 1 1309 1256 42 981% 2 1375 1310 50 1023% 3 t365 1250 92 977% 4 1307 1200 89 938% Average 98 0% sla Dev 3 49% 1 Direct TransmIssion (DT) (specify depth, In) or Air Gap Backscatter (AGB) (speclfiy(T)ouchable or (U)ntouchab1e mode Test performed uSing Seaman Nuclear Corp model C-300, 5N 21113 Chent Houseguard, LLC Prolect 119 08 K & A Englneermg, Inc 6/9/2008 lps"ln/vt"liltion ,.IToBui/d On .... I J '.. ec......., . ....., Laboratorv Soil / ASl'reqate Data: MOIsture DensJtv RelabonshlP of . at % mOisture, IS from our report number . dated for ~Molsture Densltv RelationshiP of . at % mOisture. IS from our report number . dated for ~ture Density RelatlOnshlD cf /4'1 ,at 5(' % mOisture, was furnished bv (client) ,(contractor) tlSUlf"erl) f YI-,- 0 THESE TEST RESULTS RELATE ONL V TO THE SPEClRC LOCATIONS NOTED AND MAY NOT REPRESENT ANY OTHER~ LOCATIONS OR ELEVATIONS Field Densitv Test Results: . Clienl Address Test No ?91 Project No Pro). Name Projec:t Local'on Eaulpment SPRINGFIELD OFACE FIELD DENSITY WORKSHEET SOIL AND SOIL-AGGREGATE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 974n (541 )746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax t.f'1tL (I fL" APPROXIMATE TEST LOCATION APPROXIMATE TEST ELEV HOURS o T. HOURS MILEAGE 10' .f,.~ .5....01 A~ E_s,de... ",.Ij{~ .j ~~.jt, .t.41.....~ wel'C t4Jf....".-'+ tV +- 5 r-r; \ 1/7 7.J< tfl/ SrP.rtJ Troxler Model. 39' 3 <> . Dale Performed PO No BP No Technician VLJ MS t.t.! OS ~3).7 h- fl-o'r SN J"" I h - SI'FlJ Q<.{",,,I'--. PROBE WET DENSITY DRY DENSITY PERCENT PERCENT REQUIRED Conunents DEPTH lBSICU FT LBSlCU FT .. MOISTURE COMPACTION COMPACTION 10 II.{)., 7'I'n-~r--j;- 0- ~-'tq.-'l{- "10 I In,7 Ill!,,) 72- "lP' 3 I I /3'1 'f 13),8" S,t:, 11. 7 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Tiisispertonne<fal !fimshed Qrade) (below fimshed grace) of (base roCk) fiU malenal) ,trench backfill) (other) T esl results were verbally reported 10 (;2 t' c It.. .- /:0"" ~ ';;p~ ~,.;-. " Addlbonal RemarKs THIS REPORTIS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATIONOF THE CUENTONL Y 71E REPROOUCnONOF THIS REPORTBY ANY A.E1HOD AND ITS 'TRANSMITTAL TO A mAD P.AR'TY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FUU./S Pn",'..en ,,:;,,, W7THOlTT 1I1EWRITTEN PERMtSSlON OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE lNOOSTRES.. , mGH PASS CONSTRUCTION, INC. . /OJ Deer Valley DrIve Eugene Oregon 97405 Phone 5012854 tv w\-l,Ol/\ IT /oAA-'( ("oIVc.eQ..tJ'. 1\n? ...e.Tt~CZ- " ~E A--tT'''''c.Io\.~17 (.<.>1 !oo~Ee:' I'> T'O ve; ILT \ ,po, -\:<+A"1' 1"".\.1> \2-e."',I)..."'e,.e: ,..T: 7-{"l.:>o 'c'IA~9'e'V e>~II)C.'eo e.D '" PP-lIJ Co F I "-1..-1) I OCZ- VSl!> \) 't<+13 NA,/oA~1;> \"(2.0 t> vC;T A f' r \....( cO A ("t. 0 tz-D \..?C; '-0 M,... '" U ~ p,,, T' V l/.-I> '''.> ? P ~ (,., iP I L " T I 0 v,) (..,) ) TO P (l..o'\) I De. (,,00& (,.0 M ? \-1 A ",-r. '( "" l-ni \2.."'~? ""c.'t '\0 \.lA'?O 12- "Tl2-A ""~ Ml H, ION \0..1 I..-l~ OF Ce> M'\.. P[,A~ ,.,(., (.) \'f -l. DP'f Oregon LIcense #055779 e.VG.~Ne: 10 ~ e 0$ e..,C, \.I '!>[,ky woJ 9LISSl ps",T < . ' SHERWIN V1hLLlAMS. CHARACTERISTICS Interior Latex MOisture Vapor Barner Primer/FinIsh IS a coating designed to reduce the loss of mOisture through walls and ceilings MOisture Vapor Barrier Primer/FInish combines a pnmer and finish In a single, fast drying coat MOisture Vapor Barrier Primer/Finish IS specially formulated for manufactured housing facilities Upon field Installation of the home, thiS product can be topcoated with any Sherwin-Williams' Intenor latex or alkyd product Color White Coverage 200 - 250 sq flIgal @ 6 0 - 8 0 mils wet, 1 8 - 2 4 mils dry Drying Time @ 7rF 50% RH (temperature and humidity dependant) To touch 1 hour To topcoat 4 hours Finish 0 - 10 units @ 85' Flash POint N/A Penn Rating less than 1 0 perm ASTM E96 Water Solvent/Reducer Tinting WIth Blend-A-Color Base ozigal White 0-4 Vehicle Type Vinyl Acrylic/Styrene Butadiene VOC (less exempt solvents) 74 gll, 0 61 Ib/gal 26102% 40102% 1031b Strength 75% Volume Solids WeIght Solids WeIght per Gallon OTC Compliant 1/2005 108.17 INTERIOR LATEX MOISTURE VAPOR BARRIER B72W1 ! I \ r,\' \ , ,-, I i l SPECIFICATIONS Drywall System 1 1-2 cts MOisture Vapor Barner Pnmer/ Finish System 2 1 ct MOisture Vapor Barner Pnmer/ FInish 2 cts Sherwin-Williams Intenor, Latex or Alkyd, Architectural Topcoat APPLICATION Do not thin Reduction Will adversely affect the perm rating Apply at temperatures above 50'F Brush - Use nylon/polyester brush Roller - Use 3/8" - 3/4" nap cover Spray - Alrless Pressure Tip 2000 pSI 017"-019" www sherwm-wllllams com SURFACE PREPARATION WARNING' Removal of old paint by sand- Ing, scraping or other means may gener- ate dust or fumes that contain lead Expo- sure to lead dust or fumes may cause braIn damage or other adverse health effects espeaally In children or pregnant women Controlling exposure to lead or other haz- ardous substances reqUires the use of proper protective eqUipment, such as a propenyfitted respirator (NIOSH approved) and proper containment and cleanup For more information, call the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-lEAD (In US) or contact your local health authonty Remove all surface contamination by washing With ProClean Professlonal@ Prep Wash Concentrated Cleaner or other appropnate cleaner, nnse thor- oughly and allow to dry Scrape and sand peeled or checked paint to a sound sur- face Sand glossy surfaces dull Seal stains from water, smoke, Ink, pencil, grease, etc With PrepRlteQ!> ProBlock@ Pnmer Sealer Drywall Fill cracks and holes With patching paste/ spaCkle and sand smooth JOint com- pounds must be cured and sanded smooth Remove all sanding dust CLEANUP INFORMATION Clean spills, spatters, hands and tools Immediately after use With soap and warm water After cleaning, flush spray equip- ment With minerai splnts to prevent rust- Ing of the eqUipment FollOW manufacturer's safety recommendations when uSing minerai splnts continued on back . . . . 108.17 INTERIOR LATEX MOISTURE VAPOR BARR~ER B72W1 -~ ....... -- ~ - ,-' , - , ..-1,. I ,- 'r./" .......:. <.::-;' ,,-",,;,-. .-. ,,' , i -' SHERWIN WILLIAMS. CAUTIONS For Interior use only Protect from freeZing CAUTIONcontarnsCRYSTALLlNES1L1CA Useonly With adequate ventilation To avoid overexposure open windows and doors or use other means to ensure fresh arr entry dunng appllcatlon and drying If you expenence eye watenng headaches or dlZZl ness Increase fresh air or wear respiratory protection (NIOSH approved) or leave the area Adequate ven tllatloo requIred when sanding Of abrading the dned film If adequate ventIlation cannot be provided wear an approved particulate resplrator(NIOSH approved) Follow respIrator manufacturer's directions for respr ratar use Avord contact wIth eyes and skm Wash hands after uSIng Keep container closed when not rn use Do not transfer contents to other contaIners for storage FIRST AID In case of eye contact, flush. thoroughly with large amounts of water Get medical attention If lmtatlon persists If swallowed call POison Control Center hospital emergency room or physl Clan Immediately DELAYED EFFECTS FROM LONG TERM OVEREXPOSURE AbradlngorsandlOgofthe dry film may release crystalline sIlica which has been shown to cause lung damage and cancer under long term exposure WARNING ThiS product contarns ch.emlcals known to the State of Cahforma to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY HOlW11/18/2004 872W00001 0400 The Information and recommendallons set forth In thiS Product Data Sheet are based upon tests conducted by or on behalf of The Sherwln-Wilhams Com- pany Such information and recommen- dations set forth herein are subject to change and pertain to the product oltered at the time of pubhcatlon Consult your Sherwln-Wilhams representative to obtain the most recent Product Data Sheet . '" ( 1 I- . .~ ~ ~ ~ ~\.r-:. 0;;::;:,. -- :s- i3v-uv-A- 0" C7-o7&> us DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Federal Emergency Management Agency NatIonal Flood Insurance Program Important Read the instructions on pages 1-8 SECTION A - PROPERTY INFORMATION OM B No 1660-0008 EXOIres February 28 2009 A 1 BUlldmg Owner s Name -c-' \ /"' \ I -J eN, ""' \. r")h b A2 BU1Idln~!l?et Address (Inlcf~dlng Apt, Unit SUlte~d/or Bldg No) or ~ Route and Box No 'c'l??(c() IJ&~"'PV' Y\,)'J'" f..&.J Clly c - (' 'Cd slaleO'O J(l'\\ro.c;--D~ _ r-... A3 Property DetcnptJon (Lo(and Block Numbers Tax Parcel Number Legal DescnptJon ete) 'U\..vlvG.f n-{)'3-~W \Z" ~ L...'i+ 1(') l A4 BUilding Use (e 9 Re;dentlal, Non-ResldenlJal Addition, Accessory etc) t"? f' "'S I.. (J e-v... +< 4..- \ AS Lallludellongllude Lal 'l4COlj' ')Ll.B N Long 177""';<1 ,c"q' \AI HonzontalDatum ONAD1927 ~NAD1983 A6 Attach at least 2 photographs of the bulldmg If the Certificate IS being used to obtain flood Insurance A7 BUilding Diagram NumberR. A8 For a building wIth a crawl space or enclosure(s) provIde tA I A9 For a bUIlding wIth an attached garage provide a) Square footage of crawl space or enclosure(s) '2, vLf sq ft a) Square footage of attached garage S 7t.?:- sq ft b) No of permanent flood openIngs In the crawl space or "/0 b) No of pennanent flood opemngs In the attached 9ara~ /';~ d enclosure(s) walls within 1 0 foot above adjacent grade. '- walls wIthin 1 0 fool above adjacent grade ~ _:f L&t'r.;7 c) iotal net area of flood openings In A8 b ..2.... L'{:t..__~ sq;g..~ /.J c) Total net area of flood openmgs tn A9 b ~ sq;n, a ~ ()O(b ;'C.-qL::> 6 ~ I /7/<:/ SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION For Insurance Company Use Polley Number I Company NAIC Number ZIP Code q Pf77 I 81 NFIP Commumty Name & Commumty Number I 82 County N.ame Ll''''i' eel_", \-, Un\\.1.l /\o.re".,WI 5 5'1 I _ _ L0 \0 €'. L\BI40M~aPIIPCan,el NI u1 mSbe3r I u 85 Suffix 86 FIRi.,j'index-' B7 FIRM Panel --- Date Effective/Revised Date r JU\.\e.Z,1'j1'1 J",\,-,e'Z,111Ci 88 Flood I~~) /83 Stale /,,-, _ _ ~~. 01<..1 S9 Base Flood Elevatlon{s) (Zone AQ use base flood depth) l1SLiB 810 Indicate the source o..!]1e Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered In Item 89 OFIS Profile ~FIRM QCommumty Determmed o Olher(Descnbel - Indicate elevation datum used for BFE In Item 89 ~NGyo 192~ DN!VD 1988 o Other (Descnbe) Is the bwldmglOcated In a Coastal Bamer Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area_ (OPA)? DeSIgnatIon Date 0 CBRS DOPA 21 Yes ONo B11 81~ SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1 BUlldmg elevations are based on 0 ConstNctlon Drawmgs'" 0 Building Under Constructlon~ ~A new ElevatIon CertIficate will be reqUIred when constructton of the bUlldmg IS complete C2 Elevatlons-ZonesAl-A30 AE AH A(wlth8FE) VE Vl-V30 V(wlthBFE) AR,ARlA,ARlAE ARlA1-A30 ARlAH ARlAO CompleleltemsC2a-g below according to the bUIldmg dlagrarp speCIfied In Item A7 f Benchmark UtIlized L",,,,,, ('"'",,~h "'::>'\'?. 'I-'<V\ v R I 7Q7" Vemcal Datum E(e-u:; 4 S 3 ZC9 )J0 U D 1.'1 ConversIon/Comments ~mlshed Construction a) b) c) d) e) Top of bottom floor (mcludmg basement crawl space or enclosure floor) Top of Ihe next higher floor Bottom of the lowest honzontal structural member (V Zones only) Attached garage (top of slab) Lowest elevation of machmery or equipment servicing ]l;1e bUlldlnQ (Descnbe type of equIpment In Comments)t1uS->? L>J- \ i-eL(. , Lowest adjacent (fimshed) grade (LAG) PIA Yv\ f HIghest adjacent (finished) grade (HAG) Check the measurement used 44 8 ~~et 0 melers (Pue RICO only) I-! '? 6;> '3 I!:J feel 0 meters (P rto RICO only) "y l"'l_!dJeet 0 meters uerto RICO only) 4 S~ ll!1 feel 0 meter (Puerto RICO only) L/ S If- e, GJ1'eel 0 me rs (Puerto RICO only) 4lf B ..LB'feel 1-/5"3 LG'feet f) g) Jr.--UYV-- n. ZuOE) REGISTERED PROF.I;SSIONAL CertIfiers Name1? €x A, 'tSe-t L LIcense Number Vl <; Z (c.,{j (j:; 1.A~!rSURVEYOFp TIlle r ~ I Company Name -;-, r-:, . ---, I I~ ~ ~ I ,'>UyVec.( N\(jV\t'A",eV~ D,c("Ck r::;V\<;,I,t"eYI"'<J.. -t-V),.C l' OREGON' AddreSSg lD ~ F}l, <:, tvee.f CltyS{.l{ """'-(,'" Ie.! stateD K z'ff~1;.77 JULY20'1993~ SIgnature ,/&./)'; V~ D~~.A\o1e II 2DU~jPhone(t;,'1lht.fLrO&d7 REX~~~_ LI( ''''y 17 ~'l' I. Replaces all prevlo~s editIons SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION ThiS certlficatlon IS to be SIgned and sealed by a land surveyor englOeer or architect authonzed by law to certify elevatIon Information I cerMy that the mformatlon on thIS Certificate represents my best efforts to mterpret the data available / understand that any false statement may be pUnishable by fine or Imprrsonment under 18 U S Code SectIon 1001 o Check here If comments are prOVided on back of form I '\ FEMA Form 81-31, February 2006 See-reverse Side for continuation IMPORTANT In these spaces, copy the correspondmg mformaUon from Section A BUlld1n~ Street Address {mcludlng Apt Uru1r~ulte and/or Bldg ]fa ) or P.p Route and Box No -e-cP(j/O M~"t./J,",,~ .t-5.-\,) < , (-LoRd I City <::' (' I j / State{) ,h q.-?IP Code J()n",,,,,,TJ'C C~ /1-;-' ILJT7 SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR' ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) I Copy bolh sIdes of this Elevation CertJficate for (1) community official (2) Insurance agenUcompany, and (3) bUilding owner Comments I I I For Insurance Company Use Poltey Number Company NAIC Number -"" /1 Signature //;/14 a~/-;/'--- I DateXt'Vle /1. 2009 DCheckherelfattachments SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATrON INFDRMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AD AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) I For Zones AO and A (WIthout BFE) complete Items E1-E5 If the Certrficate IS Intended to support a LOMA or LOMR-F request complete Sections A, 8 and C For Items E1-E4, use natural grade, If available Check the measurement used In Puerto RICO only, enter meters I E1 Provide elevation mformatlon for the followlOg and check the appropnate boxes to show whether the elevation IS above or below the highest adjacent grade (HAG) and the lowest adjacent grade (LAG) I a) Top of bottom floor (lncludmg basement, crawl space or enclosure) IS 0 feet 0 meters 0 above or 0 below the HAG b) Top of bottom floor (mcludlng basement crawl space, or enclosure) IS - - 0 feet 0 meters 0 above or 0 below the LAG 1-- - E2 For BUlldmg Diagrams 6.8 with permanent flood openings provIded 10 Section A Items 8 andfor 9 (see ~e 8 of Instructions), the next higher floor (elevation CZ b 10 the diagrams) of the bUilding IS _D feet 0 meters 0 above or U be!owthe HAG Attached garage (top of slab) IS _ 0 feet 0 meters m above or 0 below the HAG Top of platform of machinery and/or eqUIpment servlclOg the bUlldmg IS I _ 0 feet 0 meters 0 above or 0 below the HAG Zone AO onry If no flood depth number lS available IS the top of the b6t1om floor elevated In accordance With the communrty s f100dplam management ordinance? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Unknown The local officlal must ce~fy thiS Information In Section G I SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION E3 E4 1;5 The property owner or owner s autnonzed representatIve who completes Secbons A Band E for Zone A (Without a FEMA.lssued or eommomtY-lssued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here The statements In SectIOns A, 8, and E are corrJct to the best of my knowledge Property Owner s or Owner's Authenzed Represen1aUve s Name I City I J Date I I State ZIP Code Address Signature Telephone Comments o G!1eck here If attachments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local officLal who IS authonzed by law or ordInance to admInister the commumty s floodplain management ordmance can complete SectIons ABC (or E) and G of thiS Elevation CertJficate Complete the applicable Item(s) and sIgn below Check the measurement used In Items G8 and G9 I G1 D The rnformatlon In Section C was taken from other documentatIon that has been signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor engmeer, or architect who IS authonzed by law to certify elevation mformatlon (IndIcate the source and date of the elevation data In the Comments area below) G2 D A community official completed Section E for a bUilding located In Zolne A (Without a FEMA.lssued or commumty-Issued BFE) or Zone AO G3 0 The follOWing rnformatlon ((terns G4 .G9 ) IS proVided for commumty hOOdPJam management purposes I 1 G4 Permit Number I G5 Date Permit Issued I G6 Date Certlficate Of Compliance/Occupancy Issued G7 This permit has been Issued for 0 New Construction D Substahtlallmprovement G8 ElevatIon of as-bUilt lowest floor (includIng basement) of the bUilding I _ G9 BFE or (Ln Zone AO) depth of floodIng at the bUilding site Dfeet Dfeet D meters (PR) D meters (PR) Datum Datum Local OffiCIal s Name Title Commumty Name Telephone Signature Date Comments o Check here rf attachments. FEMAForm 81-31, February 2006 Replaces all prevIous edItions Jun 5 2008 1 47PM ~ ., Fax Fax: 541-461-0729 Stapleton Timber & Excavallon To' No 2593 / 1 K & A Engmeerlng, Inc. 3327 Roanoke Ave. Eugene,pR 91408 (541)684.9399 VOice (541) 684-9358 FAX From' Steve Schultz, E I T pages' 3 . SUblect. 5597 Excahber Lane Date: 6/5/08 Attached IS the geotechmcal report for the subject lot at Amy's Landing Thank you tor the opportunrty to be of service Please call me IT you have any Questions Sincerely, ~- Steve Schultz, E I T K & A Engmeenng, Inc \ .' ~ ,~ ., " ., " Jun 5 2008 1 47PM No 2593 1 2 K & A Englneermg, Inc 3327 Roanoke Ave, Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684-9399 VOice (541)684-9358 FAX June 4, 2008 PrOlect 81 08 Don Elliot Construction 3586 Los Mos Lane Eugene. OR 97405 Subject Eugene BUilding Permit Number 08-01925-01 5597 Edna Way Eugene, OR Foundation SOils PURPOSE AND SCOPE At your request, K & A Englneenng, Inc has completed a geotechnical Invesllgalion of the eXisting sOils on the sublect oroperty Our understanding IS that a wood-framed single-family residence supported by a cast'In' place concrete spread footing foundation IS proposed for construction on thiS SIte The purpose of our Investlgalion was to determine the surtabllity of the solis for construction of the proposed structure, and prOVide recommendations for construction of the foundation The scope of our services IS limited to general SUitability With respect to beanng capacity and expanSive Salls FOUNDATION PAD CONSTRUCTION The project site IS located on a residential lot on the northeast corner of the Excallber Lane/Heath Dnve intersection In Eugene. Oregon The lot IS mostly level and shows no signs of drainage or slope movement hazards Based on the foundation pad excavation, Salls consist of approXimately 6 to a-Inches of dry. mixed sandy Silt With gravel fill, over brown, damp, stiff, low plasliclty sandy silt FoundatIOn pad preparation IfIvolved constructing a level foundallon pad on SUitable SOils at the deSired elevation ThiS reQUlfed slnpplng and removing approximately 6 to 18-lnches of mixed fill and native Salls In the foundation pad area After the excavation and removal of the Salls reqUired to achieve the deSired elevation, approXimately 2 to 4-Inches of 3j,'lnCh minus dense graded crushed aggregate was placed on the foundalion pad to prOVide a uniform surface for footing consfructlon The Iim~ed depth of the dense graded crushed aggregate did not warrant any In-place denSity tests Jun ? 2008 1 qpM No 2393 1 3 K & A Engineering. Inc. . RECOMMENDATIONS General SUltabddy The site IS sUitable for construction of the proposed foundation There are no Significant geologic or other hazards We recommend acceptance 01 the foundation pad. as constructed. by the local budding onlclal Foundabon Support Undisturbed foundalion salls at this site Will provide an allowable bearing capacity of 1.500 pounds per square foot Convenllonal cast-In-place concrete spread and stnp footings may be used for foundations Expansive Soils The sOils present a low shnnklswell hazard Foundation loads should bear on undisturbed native SiltS a minimum depth at 24-lnches below final grade around the pen meter foundation The prepared foundatlon pad meets these reQUlfements LIMITATIONS OF THIS REPORT ThiS report has been prepared for the exclUSIVe use of Don Elliot Construction and hiS deSign consultants for the subJect proposed structure ihls geotecIIOlGalliWtstlgat,QIi, analysIs, and iaccmmeiioatlQiiS meet the standards of care at compe~em geotechmcal engineers prOViding Similar services at the lime these services were proVided We do not warrant or guarantee these recommendations, srte surface, or subsurface conditions Thank you for the opportunity to be of service Please call us If you have Questions or need fur1her assistance 9jfZf- Respectfully, Steve Schultz, E I T K & A Englneenng, 'nc OO'IRrS Ilftl <? Project. 81 08 5597 Excallber Lane-Eugene, OR Client Don Elliot Construction Page 2 of 2 June 4. 2008