HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 08 Gambinos Hut Liquor License AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5/21/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Robin Holman - DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3662 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR A NEW OUTLET FOR GAMBINOS HUT LLC, DBA: GAMBINOS HUT. ACTION REQUESTED: Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License Application for Gambinos Hut, located at 868 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477. ISSUE STATEMENT: The owner of Gambinos Hut LLC has requested the City Council to endorse its OLCC Liquor License Application. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1. OLCC Liquor License Application. DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The license endorsement for Gambinos Hut LLC DBA: Gambinos Hut is for a New Outlet with Limited On-Premises Sales. The license application has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate City Departments. OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION LIQUOR LICENSE APPIICATION PRINT LICENSE FEE: Do not include the license fee with the application (the license fee will be collected at a later time). APPIICATION: Application is being made for: ! Brewery I Brewery-Public House ! Distillery ! Full On-Premises, Commercial ! FullOn-Premises,Caterer tr Full On-Premises, Passenger Carrier I futtOn-Premises, Other Public Location E futt On-Premises, Nonprofit Private Club tr Full on-Premises, For-Profit Private Club fl ;9row"r Sales Privilege p'timited on-Premises fl Off-Premises ! Off-Premises with FuelPumps ! Warehouse ! wholesale Malt Beverage & Wine (WMBW) I winery CIW AND COUNTY USE ONLY Date application received Name of City or County Recommends this license be Granted Denied By Application received by License Action:New Qr,uH<-t orcc usE L. LEGAL ENTTTY (example: corporation or LtC) or INDIVIDUAI(S) applying for the license: Aoolicant #1 Ga Mb;^, o5 lfur L,L(-Applicant #2 Applicant #3 Applicant f4 2. Trade Name of the Business (the narle.customers willsee): G a ^ b, ,.i *rJ t).rf- 3. Business Location: Number and Street { b V A6i )J {rCity ]o*iv1vt dA,CounW Lr+'t Zap q1r\1-l 4. ts the busiiess atihis location currently licensed by the OLCC? [ Yes E ttto 5. Mailing Address (where the OLCC will send your moil); A6 K A4 *' y (r PO Box, Number, Street, Rural Route CiW 9Ok''-<.,tr,21 d State O€xa,o,A I ZIP 9'7 17? 6. PhoneNumberotttre6usinessLocation: Srll- q1L - jqf 7. Contact Person for this Application: Name C he-i s.r-o Dh;r 1)ert Phone Number 5q I - q12' ' z ?? 3 Mailing Address, City, State, ZIP Email Cha,{tophtz adC< -7cl q Gua,l ,Coh I understand that marijuana (such as use, consumption, ingestion, inhalation, samples, give-away, sale, etc.) is prohibited on the licensed Dremises. Signaturqof Appli Signature of Applicant #2 frnltuLAqL Signature of Applicant #3 Signature of Applican?f4 OLCC llquor Ucense Application (Rev. O5/2OL7I CLEAR Attachment 1, Page 1 of 3 Reset Form OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY QUESTIONNAI RE Print Form Please Print or Type LLC Name:G^^^b) r.t,,{l1r"- L,L,C Year Fited: 2C-> t1 Ga rwbi uasTrade Name (dba): Business Location Address:2as A/t 4l t/9r' City: f,rzr-r-rrt z L."t OrZ ZlPCode: ?1+-77 List Members of LLC: 1. f h*'t*v44 Percentage of Memberchip lnterest: {or'- 4. 5 6. 2. /-J <*rL<z-i Jrt 3 0'A (Note: lf any LLC member is another legal entity, that entity musf a/so comptete an LLC, Limited Partnership or Corporation Questionnaire. lt the LLC has officers, p/ease lsf them on a separate sheet of paper with their titles.) Server Education Designee ' C ia r*fku {-lqt pgg. Z / Z1 I 1-1 I understand that if my answers are not true and complete, the OLCC may deny my license application. oau:4/n'l 13,zat( r-8004s2-oLcc (6522) www,olcc.state.or.us (rev. 8/1 1) Attachment 1, Page 2 of 3 OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION BUSINESS INFORMATION ptease print or Type €p,r.b, vLaa HLI,F LLC_, Applicant Name: Trade Name (dba):Gar-.,b,l1o5 {&- -ffi. phone: 5(l- q 1z - z-ci 7 j Business Location Address:8c.g Afl,',v {r ZrP Code: 9 7q -7 7 Business Hours: Sunday lO A^ o ) ftnMonday / o Au to X. A,"l Tuesday lo frn lo ? Ar.t Wednesday Lo Drl. to a n-1Thursday /o A- to i aznFriday lo tu to ) *q Saturday le eu, ,o) AA Seasonal Variations: E Yes EI-No !f yes, explain: Thursday,/_ The outdoor area is used for: tr Food seryice Hours: is adequately viewed and/or to to to to tr tr tr tr tr Live Music Recorded Music DJ Music Dancing Nude Entertainers Restaurant: - tl O Lounge: Banquet: Check all that apply: E Karaoke BCoin-ooerated Games - Fc.6ball/ hr l-bcb) LJ vioeo Lottery Machinei E SociatGaming EI pootTables Elot'". 3-TV Other (explain): Total Seating, 4 O Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday OLCC USE ONLY lnvestigator Verifi ed Seating:_(Y) _(N) lnvestigator lnitials:. I understand if my answers are not complete, the OLGC may deny my license application. Dare:A/"',1 tJ 2o/P (rev. 1207) 1-800-452-OLCC (6522) Applicant Signature: O Alcohol service Hours: Q Enclosed, how Outdoor Area Hours: Sunday _ to & HOURS OF LIVE OR DJ SEATING COUNT Attachment 1, Page 3 of 3