HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2008-6-18 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO ISSUED: APPLIED EXPIRES: VALUE COM2008-00889 06/18/2008 06/18/2008 07/06/2008 225 Flftb Street, Spnugfield, OR 541-726-3753 Pboue 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Iuspechou LlOe SITE ADDRESS 5790 MAIN ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1702334101900 SprlOgfield TYPE OF WORK Blimp, Portable SlgU, Etc TYPE OF VSE New Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION Bdlloou - lOstall 062308 remove 070608 Owner Address POLEN DEVELOPMENT LLC 2197 OLYMPIC SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type Slgu Contractor OWNER License ExpiratIOn Date Phone # of VUlts Pnmary Occupaucy Group Secondary Occupaucy Group Pnmary Coustl uchou Type Secondary Coustruchou Type # of Bedrooms A"r'T,....._. fOIlDill~JcDm(fiNFORMA:!Ilj(JN,1 you t N' ., "Oil! 'fillY 0 1 ot/Hcal/on Center -Th ~ J It, vregon Uhllty n OAR 951t"lfcf1t'?li.1{hose rules are set forth 0090. YOlM!l!tY'bef ufRWl OAR 952-001 Calling tl!lynfiflf, le,~OPJeS of the rUles b . number ftWlI~(J~(\jJ, ote the telephone Y CER/mgIllT~~~~'ty NOflflcatlon Energy Palb -2344). Spnukled BuIldlOg uta Lol S,ze Sq Ft 1s1 Floor Sq Ft 2ud Floor Sq Ft Basemeut Sq FI Garage/Carport Sq Ft Otber Occupdnt Load I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING Front yard Setback Side 1 Setback S,de 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Soldr Setbacks Overlay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Paved Dnve Rqd N % of Lot Coverage OnCE: "'!".'",... -:- ,...-- A_~~EM~PlWFTHtWO COMMENCED ~'R~~" I >>15 PtRMIJS,~~~fType ANY 180 DAY PERlOtBANDONED li6JR;uspoutslDralOs Total Haudlcapped Compacl Street Improvemeuts Storm Sewer AvaIlable Special InstructlOu Notes I Valuation DescnotJon I Description Tvpe of Coustruchou $ Per Sq Ft or mulhplier Square Footage or Bid Amouut Value Date Calculated Paee 1 of2 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00889 ISSUED: 06/18/2008 APPLIED: 06/18/2008 EXPIRES: 07/06/2008 VALUE. 225 Fifth Street, Spnugfield, OR 541-726-3753 Pboue 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspechou Lme Total Value of ProJect Fees Paul I Fee DescnptIon + 10% AdmlUlstratIve Fee + 5% Tecbuology Fee Bhmp + SpecIal PermIt Deposit Amouut Paid Date Paid ReceIpt Number $1450 $225 $45 00 $10000 6/18/08 6/18/08 6/18/08 6/18/08 2200800000000000921 2200800000000000921 2200800000000000921 2200800000000000921 Total Amouut Paid $16175 I Plan RevIews , To Request an inspectIOn call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769. All mspections requested before 7:00 a m. Will be made the same working day, mspectlOns requested after 7:00 a m Will be made the followmg work day I Remllred Insnechons I Banuer Removal To be requested the day followmg tbe explratIou of the permIt If mspectlOu IS uot requested, the apphcant may forfiet the depOSIt By signature, 1 state aud agree, that I have carefully examllled the completed apphcatIou and do hereby certIfy that all mformatlOu bereou IS true dud correct, aud I furtber certIfy that auy and all work performed sball be doue 111 dccordance wltb tbe Ordmauces of the CIty of Sprmgfield aud the Laws of tbe Stdte of Oregou pertammg 10 tbe work descnbed berelU, and tbat NO OCCUPANCY wIll be made of auy structure wltbout permISSIon of the CommuUlty Services DIVISIOn, BuIldmg Safety 1 further certIfy that ouly contractors and employees who are m comphance Wltb ORS 701 005 Will be used ou thIS project I furtber agree to ensure tbat all requIred mspectlOus are requested at Ibe proper tIme, tbat eacb dddress IS readable from the street, that the permIt card IS located at Ibe frout of tbe property, aud tbe approved set of plaus Will remalll ou the site at all times durmg construction ~ _h f %y__ O;ner or ~ntractors Signature C'/~-O'iJ Date Pa2e 2 of2 ~c < :I~~ ~l ~~ ~ ~l~~' P 1< ~"" 225 flITH STREET . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 0 PH (541)726-3753 o fAX (541)726-3689 ~ r~ zoo~-oo~g'7 ..~ City Job Number L.L/~ ~ ,~ Job LocatIOn $ 790 2M...., S + ,; AssessorsMFn 170 Z 33 L\ , ~ i ..~ :a ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ :: :: ~ ~ I i ~ II ..~ ~\, M O\~""'P("- SPRINGFIELD, J~ Tax Lot 61700 I Pol eVl Owner of Property l.-Q,r.", Addresr ~ I Cf 7 Ol".....o,{.. C1ty~l1l1 VlC](, e-Id I 5f 7t/?-J - (/1" S- r ',J.. '.r~q()n law 'eqwresy~'lPfo ~ Jr ,,'.',,' 'lOOpleel bv t~rtJgegon Utility () 7"'/7 7 - -S\at~. T( , Zip -, , ~!..J" VC'I~OI IID.:5c: c..ba al~ "t:tlluru1 If1 OAR 952-001-001Oth'ough OAR 952-001- 1"'1/"\("11"\ v_, __. ....1....._._ ___ __ -sIt- _ _ ,_ l --~~- .--..-J -- -..\.:.-.-.-....7. 1.......J"......u, callmg the center (Note the telephone nllmhor fnr th~ nro~,",.... 11+"'+r~R:h1Ul!11 Center IS 1-800-332-2344). ~tate Contraclor/tnslallor Address CII;' Zip Conslructlon Contraclors License # I<,xplres Description r:.. f?D"'YI d [J" J/OCJYJ Date of Installation (0.;;>'5 -o~ Date of Removal 7- G .o'i? NOTIce. $161.75 lnilWF9'1t~lOO 00 DepOSit and applicable fees %'~' MIT.~~ By signature, I state and agree t~' ~Wi!~fMJ)J_. 1ft ~ftlIatW(911'1f hereby certify Ihal all mfonnatlOn herem IS lrue and corr Il'I#d/ftfilg~ t JlJIg We descnbed display will be removed wlthm fourteen (14) days 1&fJ dM\.YIPJeIlMJ ra_ql!J~on above Ifihe display IS not removed wllhm Ihe Ilmelme specified, I will forfell ilie''$'Hlo 00 deposll I also understand that this speCial pennlt can be Issued only onc~ per calendar year per developmenl area l also agree to call the mspechon Ime at 726-3769 by the end of the 14 day to request an mspectlOn to venty ihe removal of the dIsplay ThIs lIIJ>pecllOn will begm Ihe process to return the $10000 depOSit Iflhe dIsplay has been removed Signature <--:3 ~ 7~ v Dat~ Date of APphcatlOn.f:L7-06 "hI'( For Office Use JOb#C8- f6g '; Recel pI:" /61 'iZ--( 7r Is.ued B:' Amount Collected Shttrl.d DrlVe(1 )/BUlldms fomulBllmp]cnlUUlt8_Blllloons8 06 dol. 225 Fifth Street Sp.rmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2008-00889 COM2008-00889 COM2008-00889 COM2008-00889 Paymenls 1 ype of Payment Cred,tCard CRCLClntl RECEIPT #: Descnptlon Deposll Bl1mp + Special Permn + 5% Technology Fee + 10% Adm,mslral,ve Fee PaId By BENJAMIN ELEY ~ City of Sprmgfield Offielal Receipt Development Services Department Pubhc Works Department 2200800000000000921 Date 06/18/2008 Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received dJb 0344 18 In Person Payment Total Page I of I 10 11 24AM Amount Due 10000 4500 225 1450 $16175 Amount Paid $16175 $16175 6/18/2008