HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2008-6-17 225 FIITH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH (541)726-3753 . fAX (541)726-3689 ~l CO "7000' 00 g-K"b e) City Job Number lA-"\ L P - .ol' ."=14 _. ~cl Job LocatIOn 3' OW (,a-J-e \A-''''~ S-J -.e /7D3 2260 . Assessors Map ~l ~ ~ ~ .~~" ~ ~, ~ ~ ~. J~~ .",.~ It ~ ~ e; ~l -( ~ U ., I~ ."'~i e ~ ~:_I, ;::1j ~.(j)) .... 1_1~ ~ V) ~ 'r~ ~j ~ ~ 1- Ii ~ ~, ":;;;;;1 ~ ~, .~ 1001 Owner Tax Lot Owner of Property &e.. ef,,1 (, (o...A11 Pro{)(J r ).11' S Address JOOO G,,-tc W"'Y Clt" ')t:>(JI1C.r; e 1J. . . ' Contractor/Installer Contractor Address City ConstructIOn Contractors License # DescnptlOr Date ofInstallatJf>T {D -/7-0 ~ 6o....k-, SPRINGFIELD, , ~ rA~--_~1 ~- --'" ~'''J 07-300 5+ Phont> 747- (,;2 9'1 Z 91tll 7 I[ , State 0 r? "'iEN fOllow TtON Ore Notlflc rUles ado gOn law re In 0 at/on Ce 'Pted by th qUires Yo n,,__AR 952. n~er Thno^ e Oreon ~ to ,'vv You 'JG+.,VU10 th '. u,"s are 'J..IJ""'y Calling th may Obtain crough O(lR r:J~t ~C;;th nUrnh_. , e Cent,," ,\,OPles n.ftllfJh . , -. oUr The 0 ' \' UTe the rUles b' Center IS,,{~~~ U~llty ~~;;f".,~~~1j;1 Y 2"'C.$"I4). n P Explrt>o Date of Removal 7- 7- 0<6 PermIt Fee: fiG~Ij')f.~.JDcludJDg $100.00 DeposIt. By sIgnature, I state and agree that I hKt'~_IIY smtsy;e~~\Ltlus applicatIOn and hereby certify that all mformatlOn herem IS true and cOITec~UiTliililt~OO(fffl 'iiMl1lt&ta'iiil/d2awbR~bove descnbed banner(s) and/or portable Slgn(S) IS not itJ}~'Y'r1ffi~.f~ :fifiJ1iWlJI Rri\iffiloved Wlthm 30 days from the date hsted above If the bann€\l'eS) 1mB/IMp ~NS>Bot@IA9l"leQw.tlun the tJmelme speCified, I Will forfeIt the $100 00 depOSit I also un ers that thiS speCial permit can be Issued only twice per calendar year per development area I also agree to call the mspectlOn lme at 726-3769 by the end of the 30th day to request an mspectlOn to venfy the removal ofthe banner(s) and/or portable Slgn(S) 'flus mspectlOn Will begm the process to return the $100 00 depOSit If the banner(s) and/or portable Slgn(S) has been removed ,-.~ - z,.c.::--.,../' ,.. Slgnatur"~C r " Date of ApphcatlOP b -( 7 -0 g Issued By )(( Dat" (,-/7-0& For Office Use Tob# G8 -'t8b Amount Collecterl. Receipt # IhI ?L '7lr Shared Dnve (T )!Bwldmg FonnsIBanner ]ortable SIgn Perm1t CSD 8.06 doc CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO ISSUED: APPLIED EXPIRES: VALUE: COM2008-00886 06/18/2008 06/18/2008 07/07/2008 225 Flftb Street, Spnugfield, OR 541-726-3753 Pboue 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspectlOu Lme SITE ADDRESS 3000 GA TEW A Y ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703220002300 Sprmgfield TYPE OF WORK Bauuer TYPE OF VSE New Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION Banuer - mstall 061708 remove 070708 Owuer GA TEW A Y MALL PARTNERS Address 110 N WACKER DR BSC 3-04 A TTN PROP TAX ADMIN CHICAGO IL 60606 Contractor Tvpe Slgu Contractor OWNER I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I IU/IO IIUN tvOlthc~:Ltles Eld Oregon / License ExpiratIOn Date Phone ~~::~A.F![i~~n,.~:nt~~t~~ b I/EI.~.re~1J"~ ~ I ajl1u!ilING,iNFgRMX'I1I0NregO/~1J to ;'vrnb' " ''If! Ce -\JIJm ;~Jgh 0 Eire Set ttltty ~';JPsf!>!iJ2l~r (IVo~Ptes Of iF! 9$/2_60ftlJLot Size iiei~ht/o,t~ff\i:<UWOe the te7e rLt1es gl-sq Ft 1st Floor Type of "it.!aPOO-33 ttltty IVo/ephone ~Sq Ft 2nd Floor Water Type' <-/2344) thOEltton Sq Ft Basemeut Rauge Type . Sq Ft Garage/Carport Energy Patb Sq Ft Otber Sprmkled Buddmg uta Occupant Load # of VOlts Pnmary Occupancy Group Secoudary Occupancy Group Pnmary CoustructlOn Type Secondary CoustructlOn Type # of Bedrooms , DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I Street Improvemeuts Storm Sewer A vadable Special InstructIOn Overlay Dlst NIi1S16~Trees Rqd TH~,?~ NlJd AUrl'l!'Jm2~boUN~ EXPIRE IF THE WORK COMMF^,r'cn nn "~R THIS PERMIT Ie: w,.,. f1"&illiibiMBRl'>~VUUNED FOR Sidewalk Type Downspoutsffirams REQUIRED PARKING Total Haudlcapped Compact Frontyard Setback SIde 1 Setback S,de 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks Notes I Valuation Descnntlon , DescnptlOu Tvpe of ConstructlOu $ Per Sq Ft or multIpher Square Footage or B,d Amount Value Date Calculated Pal!:e 1 on Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2008-00886 ISSUED: 06/18/2008 APPLIED: 06/1812008 EXPIRES 07/0712008 VALUE 225 Flftb Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Pboue 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIon LlDe Total Value of Project Fees PaId' Fee DescrIptIOn + 10% AdmmlStratIve Fee + 5% Tecbuology Fee Bauuer Special PermIt DeposIt Amount Paid Date PaId Receipt Number $1450 $225 $45 00 $100 00 6/18/08 6/18/08 6/18/08 6/18/08 2200800000000000918 2200800000000000918 2200800000000000918 2200800000000000918 Total Amouut PaId $161 75 I Plan Reviews I To Request an inspectIOn call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769. All inspectIOns requested before 7.00 a.m. will be made the same workmg day, inspections requested after 7 00 a.m. will be made the follOWing work day I Re(]lIIred Tnsnections, Bauner Removal To be requested tbe day followmg tbe explratlOu oflbe permit IfmspectlOu IS not requested, tbe apphcant may forfiet tbe deposIt By slguature, 1 state aud agree, tbat I bave carefully exammed tbe completed apphcatIon aud do bereby certIfy tbat all mformatlOu bereon IS true aud correct, aud I furtber certIfy tbat any and all work performed sball be doue m accordance with the OrdlDances of tbe City of Sprmgfield and tbe Laws of tbe State of Oregon pertammg to tbe work desCrIbed berem, aud that NO OCCUPANCY wIll be made of any structure wltbout permlsslou of tbe CommuUlty Services DIVIsIOn, BUlldmg Safety 1 furtber certIfy that ouly coutractors aud employees wbo are m comphauce wltb ORS 701 005 wIll be used on thiS project I furtber agree to eusure tbat all reqUired mspectIous are requested at tbe proper tIme, tbat eacb address IS readable from tbe street, tbat tbe permit card IS located at tbe frout of tbe property, aud tbe approved set of plaus WIll remalD ou tbe site at all times durmg construction /", /"'( - ----r ( .p.-e-;r Owner or Contractors Signature (' . 0 r; ,F.> -I r;-6 Y; Date Pae:e 2 of2 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2008-00886 COM2008-00886 COM2008-00886 COM2008-00886 , Paymeuts Type of Payment CredltCard cRecelOtl RECEIPT #: Descnptlon Deposll Banner Special Penml + 5% Technology Fee + 10% Admlmslrallve Fee PaId By BENJAMIN ELEY *14 City of Sprmgfield Officml Receipt Development Services Department PublIc Works Department 2200800000000000918 Date' 06/18/2008 Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received dJb 034418 In Person Payment Total Page 1 of 1 100750AM Amount Due 10000 4500 225 1450 $16175 Amount Paid $16175 $16175 6/18/2008