HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/16/2008 - -, City of Sprrngfleld Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Sprrngfield, OR 97477 Date Racel _d JUN I 6 2008 SPRINGFIELD ~- Onglnal Submittal Land Division Plat Application, Type II , '. . " .:.: -"k";.;, Appii~ation;';Typ.e '(Applicant~, chec,kone) - -'" ' Subdivision Plat: Partition Plat: o [g] SubdiVision Replat Plat: Partition Replat Plat: o o -- " Req'iiir~d'Proj~~~~~nfor:m~tion ,l~Rplican~:' coniji/~te ,this -Section) , n- - .. Applicant Name: Daniel Fischer Phone: 541-953-0899 Company: Fax: Address: 325 South 43rd Place, Sprrnqfleld, OR 97478 - Applicant's Rep.: Aaron Grrmes Phone: 541-302-9790 Company: Olson & Morns Fax: 541-485-3253 Address. 380 0 Street, Sprrnqfield, OR 97477 - - Property Owner: Daniel Fischer Phone: 541-953-0899 Company: Fax: Address: 325 South 43rd Place, Sorrngfield, OR 97478 - - - ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-31-42 TAX LOT NO(S): 7800 Property Address: 285 South 37th Street, Sprrnqfleld, OR 97478 Size of Property: 10,411 Acres 0 Square Feet ~ Proposed Name of Subdivision: N/A DeSCription of Partition one lot Into two lots (both standard) Proposal: Existing Use: Single Family HOUSing Tentative Case #: SUB2006-00069 # of Lots/Parcels: 2 Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: 5205 sf Density: 8 37 du/acre ,~,,~~ -- ~~ ,.~ ~equi~ed P,rQI?~"ty; ,I~forma~i_gn lCitji Intai!e St~ff:.,~pmplet~ t!Ji~ c~~ctiQnJ Zoning: LDR Applicable Refmement Plan: Location: City Limits ~ ASSOCiated Appl!cations: - 0Di::i... q Pre-Submittal Case No.: We. ~T~~'-/ Date: Case No.: ~d3Z61><3 - <Q;b2.Cb Date: ~ /IClc,C?, Application Fee: 2'S"Cf q Pestage r ",e1 c;Z' (?,?, qs Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 ReViewed by: Reviewed by: Total Fee: Zq.. q.s- Py.) 'W>l- ~( / , 0 I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or the information will not be rovlded If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing application with the information as submitted This statement serves as tten notice p ant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete applicatlo . Date &. -($ ~o6 Daniel Fischer Print Name Plat applications will be processed as follows: 1 The applicant submits a Pre-Submittal meeting application 2 Within five to seven working days, the applicant and the City conduct a pre-submittal meeting 3 The applicant coordinates any additional review and refinement of the plat and other reqUired documents with representatives from the City's Planning, Public Works Engineering, and SurveYing divIsions 4 The City Will notify the applicant when the plat and other documents are suffiCiently refined to allow for the submittal of the plat mylars 5 The applicant submits the plat application with the mylars and all final documentation and finanCial seCUrities Including the application fee 6 The City Surveyor and Development Services Director may sign the final plat If all other conditions and requirements are fulfilled 7 The signed plat mylars may be forwarded to Lane County for recordation 8 The applicant shall deliver (5) five recorded plat paper copies and any other recorded required documents to the Development Services Department prior to the Issuance of any bUilding permits. Date Received' JUN 1 6 2008 Onglnal SubmittaL _ ____ _ _ Revised 1/11/2006 bl - 3 - I 380 Q Street, 0ulte 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253 Fax aaron@olsonandmorns com Olson & Morris A SubsidIary of L BOrson & Associates me Consulting Engineers & Surveyors Urban Planners TraffiC Engineers LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date' May 29, 2008 TO Andy Llmblrd Development Services Urban Planning DIvIsion 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 From Aaron Grimes RE PRE2007 -00084 WE ARE SENDING YOU (x ) Onglnals ( x ) Reports ( x ) Attached (x) Caples ( ) Plans ( ) Under separate cover via ) Pnnts ( ) Dlskette(s) ) Specifications ( x ) Memo QTY DESCRIPTION 1 Copy of the Mylar of Final Partition for Daniel Fischer - 1 Copy of the Concurrence (signed & notanzed) 1 Title Report (dated May 30, 20CJe) 1 Final Plat Application 1 Check for $2,728 95 (Final Plat fee) ( x ) For your use ( x ) For approval & FIling ( ) For review & comment ) As requested ) Returned for correction ) For your dlstnbutlon ) Approved as submitted ) Approved as noted REMARKS: C The recording fee of $500, the processing fee I Signature of $61 + documents and any taxes Will be paid at the time of recording L~Lhl I Date Received: JUN 1 6 2008 Ong:ral Submittal 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone .~QF~ ft Wii:. ( of Sprmgfield OffiCial Receipt Development Services Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT # 3200800000000000407 Date. 06/16/2008 1 43 OOPM Job/Journal Number Descnptlon Amount Due SUB2008-00028 CTY PartItIOn Plat 2,599 00 SUB2008-00028 + 5% Technology Fee 12995 Item Total $2,728 95 Payments Check Number AuthorizatIOn Type of Payment PaId By Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid Check DANIEL FISCHER tJ 2728 95 In Person $2,72895 Payment Total $2,728 95 Date Received: JUN 1 6 2008 OnglOal submittal cRecemtl Page I of I 6/16/2008 val For Final Plat Sublnission/Transmitt For Final Plat Submission/Transmittal Date Received: (TO PLANNING) JUN 1 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal Name of Plat: Daniel Fischer Partition I have checked through submitted documents, and the following have been submitted tMYlar of plat (and bond copy for Planmng) / Concurrence to Platting - NeD ~1c;,^,eO COP'! 'fCl - e,O"l ct.; TO CurrentTltleReport r2..E-VII;;-W Pe^JO/IV(:r- A copy of each of the prevIOus (or Planning D€Uv t:'L'i fJ'F' :;,G. 1\Je::f> C.D...J'utl..(2..e;NCG Cp~1Z. ,.f"~ "r Vei-J [;/!ZP These documents are the only ones the Survey DIvIsIOn reqUires for the Final Plat C! " l- ) submIssIon and fihng 6'" AND f' sm=o/~ City Instructions This fonn IS to accompany thl.- plat and the supportmg dOl,uments to the Publlt. Works Department of the City ofSpnngfield at the tunc of final plat submittal The purpo<;e.<, prnnanly to notify the plJnntng office that the Surveymg DIvIsion ha~ received a1\ the do(..uments It reqUiTe!:> for final plat ~ubmltt,lI County InstructIOns fhl<; fonn IS to acwmpdny the plat and t!u.. supportmg dOLumwts to the lane County Surveyor's Offi<..c at the tnne of find] ~ubmlUal for recordll1g The purpo~e l~ pnmarlly to notify that officc of whl<..h Item~ need to be recorded simultaneously WIth the plat, but It abo ~erves to rClllll1d the dcveloper/~urvLyor that these documLnts need to be II1duded 111 the final ~ubmlttal package to the County Surveyor V \SURVEy\Plat Drawmg<,\Cogo'd Dmwll1gs & Lettt.rs\PartltlOnS_On pl.It 606_& leVICW cOmmwts\Flscher Partltton\plJ.t submittal transmIttal to pl.Innmg doc Date Received: jUN 16 2008 CONCURRENCE Onglnal SubmIttal KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that WashIngton Mutual Bank, FA, IS the beneficiary In the amount of $110,000 00 to property referred to In a certaIn Decd ot Trust recorded March, 28, 2006, ReceptlOn No 2006-021144, Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon Furthermore, said Deed of Trust was modlficd by Instrument Recorded December 5, 2006, ReceptlOn No 2006-087153, Lane County Official Records, Lane County, Oregon FURTHER, said property IS beIng PartItlOned accordIng to Oregon RevIsed Statutes NOW THEREFORE, Washmgton Mutual Bank, FA, hereby gIves theIr consent and concurrence to the PartltlOnIng of saId property Dated thiS day of ,2008 (sIgnature) (prInt) (tItle) LbPVc.l...d'r(.Nc.~ ~\V ?ruoeSS ~ ?~,,,t.\\ "5 rect.,tt \;'r~" VJAMU t~n w,l\ b~ SlN"t Washmgton Mutual Bank, FA State ot Oregon ) )ss County of Lane ) Personal! y appeared before me, Mutual Bank, FA, as theIr free and voluntary act and deed ,2008 , on behalf of WashIngton Dated thIS day of Notary PublIc ofOrcgon My comffilSSlOn expires After recOldIng to Olson & Morns, 380 Q Strcct, SUIte 200, SprIngfield, OR 97477 3785 -Concurrence - Washmgton Mutual Bank " " ver reen Land Title Company Date Received JUN 1 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT TO: OLSON & MORRIS EMAIL: aaron@01sonandmoms com ATTN AARON HE FISCHER 285 SOUTH 37TH ST SPRINGFIELD Order reports and listIng kIts online at (wwwevelgreenlandtltle com) .May- 29, 2008 " EL T-51214 Mam Office. ] 65] CentennIal B]vd Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone # (54]) H]-1981 F= # (541) ; H-0619 Branch Office' 875 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phone # (541) 687-9794 Fax # (54]) 687-0924 #- " &. ~ ~ ~ . 1\ ~X~!g{~~!1 TiTlE INSURANCE SERVICES. ESCROW CLOSINGS 875 COUNTRY CLUB RD . EUGENE, OR 97401 POBOX 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE 541 6879794 FAX 541 6870924 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 POBOX 931 . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE 541 741 1981 FAX 5417410619 May 29, 2008 OurOrderNo ELT-51214 SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Olson & Moms 280 "Q" Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Attn Aaron EstImated PremIUm for PARTIAL BILLING $200 00 TOTAL $200 00 Dear Aaron We are prepared to Issue on request and on recordmg of the appropnate documents, a policy or poliCies as applied for, with coverages as mdlcated, based on thiS prelimmary report LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Showmg fee simple title as of May 22, 2008, at 8 00 am, vested m DANIEL FISCHER Subject only to the exceptIOns shown herem and to the tenns, conditIOns and exceptIOns contamed m the policy fonn No liability IS assumed until a full premIUm has been paid Date Received JUN 1 6 2008 Onglnal submittal CONTINUED "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" www evergreenlandhtle com " , Date Received. ELT - 51214 Page 2 JUN 1 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 Taxes or assessments winch are not shown as eXistIng hens by the records of any taxIng authonty that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the pubhc records, proceedIngs by a pubhc agency which may result In taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedIngs, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the pubhc records 2 Facts, nghts, Interests or clmms which are not shown by the pubhc records but which could be ascertamed by an InspectIOn of the land or by makIng InqUiry of persons In possessIOn thereof 3 Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the pubhc records, reservatIOns or exceptIOns In patents or In Acts authonzIng the Issuance thereof, water nghts, clmms or btle to water 4 Discrepancies, conflicts In boundary hnes, shortage In area, encroachments or other facts winch a correct survey would disclose 5 Any hen, or nght to a hen, for services, labor, matenal, eqUipment rental or workers compensatIOn heretofore or hereafter funushed, Imposed by law and not shown by the pubhc records CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6 Taxes, Map No 17-02-31-42-07800, Code 19-00, Account No 0123875, as follows 2007-2008, a hen In the amount of $1,45770, plus Interest IS unpmd 2006-2007, a hen In the amount of$I,416 54, plus Interest IS unpmd 7 Rights of the pubhc In any porhon of smd premises lYIng WithIn the hmlts of streets, roads and Inghways 8 Deed of Trust, IncludIng the tenns and provISIons thereof, executed by Daniel Fischer, as Grantores), to Evergreen Land Title Company, as Trustee, for the benefit ofWashmgton Mutual Bank:, FA, as BenefiCiary, Dated March 27, 2006, Recorded March 28, 2006, ReceptIOn No 2006-021144, OffiCial Records of Lane County, Oregon, gIVen to secure payment ofa Note for $110,000 00 Smd Deed of Trust was modified by Instrument Recorded December 5, 2006, ReceptIOn No 2006-087153, Lane County Oregon Records NOTE The address of the property to be lllsured hereIn IS 285 SOUTH 37TH STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 CONTINUED i t_~ ELT - 51214 Page 3 NOTE A JUDGEMENTILIENIBANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) I DANIEL FISCHER, and as of May 22,2008, none were found I NOTE As of May 22, 2008, there are no hens'for the City ofSpnngfield INFORMATIONAL NOTE The vestmg deed and changes wIthIn the last 24 months are as follows WARRANTY DEED RECORDED March 28, 2006, FROM GRACE BIRD ALMEIDA, TO DANIEL FISCHER, RECEPTION NO 2006-021143 WARRANTY DEED RECORDED July 25, 2001, FROM MICHAEL L DOUGHERTY, SURVNOR TRUSTEE OF THE DOROTHY E DOUGHERTY REVOCABLE TRUST EXECUTED BY DOROTHY E DOUGHERTY ON JUNE 13,200, TO GRACE BIRD ALMEIDA, RECEPTION NO 2001-046402 NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By ~~ Joseph M SIlence TItle Officer ~ NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200 00 WILL BE CHARGED Date ReceIved JUN 1 6 2008 Onglnal Submlltal___ > , ELT-51214 Page 1 of 1 Legal DescnptiOn EXHIBIT A BEGINNING AT THE INITIAL POINT, WHICH IS A 5/8" X 30" IRON ROD WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP MARKED "PLS 655", SAID POINT BEING NORTH 89039'38" WEST 6250 FEET AND NORTH 0015'52" EAST 96 48 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL 1, LAND PARTITION PLAT NO 94-P0604, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED NOVEMBER 7,1994, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON, RUNNING THENCE NORTH 89039'38" WEST 10793 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SOUTH 37TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RUN SOUTH 0015'52" WEST 96 48 FEET TO A POINT WHICH INTERSECTS THE NORTHERLY RlGHT-OF-WA Y OF OREGON A VENUE, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY RlGHT-OF-WAY OF SOUTH 37TH STREET AND CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RlGHT-OF- WAY OF OREGON A VENUE, RUN SOUTH 89039'38" EAST 107 93 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID OREGON AVENUE RlGHT-OF-W A Y, RUN NORTH 0015'52" EAST 96 48 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL BEING IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON Date Received: JUN 1 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal ""' ~ 5000 ".... 4800 ~ " , , , ~ , .. _.4' , l\..S2 ~ ;;; ~ ~ 6 , / & ~ , ~ ~ . . ~ ~:I'.tI' -6 ,(' -'- ~t 5011 " ~ ~c w~ ~ $ lot ~o' 36Pl . ." 56qo I I I 5700 ~ ~ _J_ --.:. II ~l . '. . ~ I 9S' I 5"' - I ~ I I 4703 1'$ 6 5 , X ~ 10 5 ~ ~ ~ \) 5602 ~ ". 120' /Y) AP 17-62-01--LfL "* , , 2;H , ~ , . . . ~ , ~cg k '0 "t ~ 95" ..; /1(.> 0,5 5 8'.44 ~ .l' 8-;"4:z.J:<> E ~ I 1?.59S/90r1 ':2.73GL- , 5500 ~ 5300 Q 014 AC"~ o " 0 :! ~~ , " ~ . 1f.J!..1.03w"L _ _ S8q~E 5100 ~ - ~ ~- o ~ " 'J--::' "3' ~ ~ f(.tl"-4'l3b"Y>{.~/l8oS n.oo' .1"- w " ~ 6600 ~ 014AC t.~ 1....6allSQFT;r4 ~ 4 <;'0 ...... ,"'<',. "11 ~:8 Ii ~ .J..2.1'r-::l[P 5 ...;110 7 . , --;~ o 8 , \ :c~ '-:- r;- 0 <l:l .<8t'f9 30' - 'z.s1?~ i 5~ ;3.t:I !>IF<:> ... 5 5601 · : o " GAP".. r-~ .~ ,0 -, '. '" o N . " ~ , , 8 . ___ .r oR L ~ ~ 0 R E G..J.....- "'.s ~ 9 10 -t..:-- ~ IqR~ 1\1 ~9JOW(C.NT) 'HIS 1'1,:";:> "C; -:-0 A" THlgCA liNG PROPE~~V UABIU-pyl\r/\NY J\SSUN't:S NO OR INACCURAC/ES N COUR1ESY OF W + E EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO S 7411981 5200 038 AC 'S't!I~~.f:."6. ~ ~ ~~ 5400 ~R ~ , " '~ l' o , 3>00 --,==- 75..N 5600 038AC 56~(Q) I "',~ "r ~l;"YJ ~-I ~ ~ U = :., 56e3 . ~ 5605 ' 1'4 018 AC t: ~ , - N ~ ~ " t'-<-oo;, 9$0 ,Zo A~ ... 1~ '00 .,,,~ 31 9" "1:1 J t;7~~ 4 5 6700 6800 8) --- ,?..r$"?' , 7600 ~ Ir EA3$MENr 2.'0$' ~ ~<f:jJ~~ ~\S'> S8S0q.,' iF. -'!G.8 Q~ 170 37' X o"'~S "7~' "'JG..o' 1'0' ~ 7001 6900 ~ ClilllID ::: , 7100 ~ . ~ . 168' ." 7200 7400 . " ~ .. 7300 . , ~ ~ "7(;. ~ - ,G' /9$".37 8100 " " 5 ~1" ~ . " ~ =I' \ ~ ~ 5 -t 6 ~ " -I~ :J: 6 I- ~ 10 ex) \, rt1 . 7902 w 0 16 AC g; ~ ; ~ 7801 ~ ~'" ~ .. ~ - ~ ~ 79n03 . t~010 ~&:" N ~~ "'It 'l' '" l@"'" ~!l ~ 6Z.~"""'YO 7221. 1 ~ '.5" 8 ~-'- 9AVENO'''"' N eg....;,'W (PLAT),- I:. 2."" "" ,,-1 8201 8202 8200 : , " , ..;3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ..., , ~ " ~;;- " ~ . N ~ , ,,'" :t Ir 1'1 .$2.1lo S'SOo" ,HL , 0, 10 9-f1 0 l<;f~7 + .. ..., SEE MAP 17 02 ';16 .. ! , 7500 ~ srR-i5t,,,,iO: ..~ 8000 7700 , g ,~ " . , ,,~ T900 7901 018 AC /7(J -,' /07$ """ . . If J 8~ t /"7$ 31 43 DC::Ile Received: JUN 1 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal '" <' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00028 285 S 37th Street ~ ~ ~ E I- ~ ~ (V) SITE Map 17-02-31-42 Tax Lot 7800 Nortb 1" REGON "A ...J a.. ir: ~ (V) I (f) Date Received: JUN 1 6 2008 Original submittal