HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1989-10-31 ,:",'e . Md. ;;0, ,~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department DATE OF LE'ITER October 31, 1989 APPLICANT Jim Christian Future Logging Co, 3112 Industrial Avenue Springfield, OR 97478 SUBJECT CITY JOURNAL NUMBER 89-10-178, Type II Site Plan Review to discuss the proposed construction of a new pole building to store excess logging supplies and materials, Vehicular storage is also proposed, The property is located at 1145 North 31st Street (Assessor Map 17-02-30-34, Tax Lot 4700), The zoning is Light Medium Industrial; the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan designation is Light Medium Industrial; the Metro Plan Designation is Light Medium Industrial, A. .",..uANCE APPLICANT: Jim Christian representing Future Logging, CITY STAFF: Gary Karp, PUBLIC: Charles E. Nagel and Charles and Zona Altman. In addition there was a letter in support of the application from Dana Davis and R, B, Medearis, ACTION PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPROVAL subject to: Requirements under Site Plan Review Criteria of Approval (See Attachment A), WAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL? 1. A Final Site this letter, Plan drawn to scale is required within 90 days of the date of The following revisions need to be shown on your Final Site Plan: a, A irrigation plan for the required landscaping. b, A 5 foot landscaped setback to include street trees at 30 feet on center along North 31st Street (the names of the plants and trees must be shown), c, A 10 foot landscaped setback from existing residential uses along the north and east property lines (the names of the plants must be shown), d, Site drainage: Either extend a line along North 31st Street to the mid-point of the develop~en~ site from the existing 24" storm sewer line in Industrial; or install en~ineered dry wells, . II' .. . Page 2 Future Logging Type II Site Plan e, A sight obscuring fence (slatted chain link) along the east property line abutting residential properties, f, If access is taken directly from North 31st Street, a minimum 30' deep by 24' wide paved (asphalt or concrete) access way is required, If access is taken from the existing asphalt area on Tax Lot 4800, no additional asphalt is required, g, The rear setback must be at least 10', measured from the east end' of the proposed building to the east property line, h, The floor surface of the building cannot be gravel if vehicles are to be stored (see Uniform Building Code Attachment B), The stalls proposed for vehicular storage must be shown, 2, A a signed Improvement Agreement for North 31st Street, The Improvement Agreement will need to be recorded at Lane County at the applicant's expense. 3. A signed Development Agreement. This agreement will be prepared by staff upon approval of your Final Site Plan, APPEAL If you wish to appeal, this Type II Site Plan Review decision, you must do so within 10 days of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance with Springfield Development, Code"Article IS, APPEALS, QUESTIONS Please call the Planning and Development Department at 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED BY , Aft:: ~ Associate Planner .,\.. Copy To: DRC Members Charles E, Nagel Charles and Zona Altman Dana Davis and R, B, Medearis .. . '~ . . ATTACHMENT A FINDINGS CRITERIA OF APPROVAL (Ref, SDC 31,060). [X) DEMONSTRATED COMPLIANCE VITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE, This application will have demonstrated compliance with the applicable standards of this Code when the Final Site Plan has been approved and the Development Agreement has been signed. [X) PROPOSED ON-SITE AND 'OFF-SITE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ARE SUFFICIENT TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT, DEVELOPMENT PLANS HAVE BEEN MODIFIED TO CONFORM VITH PUBLIC FACILITY PLANS AND CITY STANDARDS. The proposed development has frontage on North 31st Street which has an AC Mat surface, An Improvement Agreement will be required for future improvements to North 31st Street along the frontage of the proposed building site, All utilities are available to this property, except for storm sewer, The applicant must either extend a line along North 31st Street to the mid-point of the development site from the existing 24" storm sewer line in Industrial or install en~ineered dry wells, Routing the site drainage to the west side of North 31st Street is not viable because of the shallowness of the ditch, The Final Site Plan needs to show the connection to the City's storm sewer system or the location of the engineered dry wells, [X] INVENTORIED NATURAL AND HISTORIC FEATURES OF THIS SITE HAVE BEEN ADEQUATELY CONSIDERED IN THE PROJECT DESIGN, CONSISTENT VITH METRO PLAN POLICIES. There are no identified natural or historic features in the proposed development area, [X] THE DESIGN OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT, AS CONDITIONED, MITIGATES IDENTIFIED NEGATIVE IMPACTS AND RESOLVES I".....uFIED LAND USE CONFLICTS. 1, Separation of the proposed use from residential properties, The development area abuts residential property on the north and east, The SDC requires a 10' landscaped setback from residential properties, In addition, a sight obscuring fence (either wood or slatted chain link) is required to screen storage facilities. A sight obscuring fence landscaping (hedges) will be required to be shown on the Yinal Site Plan, 2. Preventing gravel from damaging N, 31st Street. If access is taken directly from North 31st Street" a mInImum 30' deep by'24' wide paved (asphalt or concrete) access way is required, If access is taken from the existing asphalt area on Tax Lot 4800, no additional asphalt is required, One of these options must be shown on 'the Final Site Plan, . , " , ~ . Page 2 Future Logging - Findings 3, Mr, and Mrs. Altman were concerned that about trucks traveling on the south end of North 31st Street, This issue will be referred to the Transportation Manager who will determine where a sign will be placed prohibiting truck traffic on North 31st Street, The location of this sign,does not have to appear on the Final Site Plan, [X) P~NG ~S ,AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAFFiC 'AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, TO AVOID CONGESTION AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS, Access to the proposed development site will be either directly from North 31st Street or from an existing asphalt area on Tax Lot 4800, Both access points are from a local street, Since North 31st Street is not a fully improved street, there are no curb cuts, However, the applicant should be aware that the maximum curb cut width is 35 feet. [X] PARKING AND CIRCULATION AREAS HUST BE PAVED AND STRIPED, AND VBEEL STOPS HUST BE INSTALLED. Except as discussed above, the circulation area will remain gravel based on the applicant'S desire to use tracked vehicles on the site, ." -, . m ~' z 11,1 :I :z: () i! ~ 'CI: ' . " - 702 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE I , , 3. The basement or first story is restricted to the storage of passenger vehicles (having a capacity of not more lhan nine persons per vehicle). but may . contain laundry rooms and mechanical equipment rooms incidenlalto the (' operation of lhe building. 4. The maximum building heighl in feel shall not exceed lhe limits set forth in Table No. 5.D fQr the least type of conslruction involved. (b) Special Provisions. Marine or motor vehicle service stations including canopies and supports over pumps shall be of noncombustible. fire-retardant treated wood or of one-hour fire.resistive construction. EXCE.PTIONS: 1. Roofs of one-slOry service stations may be of heavy-timber (' construction. ' 2. Canopies conforming to Section 5213 may be erected over pumps. __ In areas where motor vehicles, boats or airplanes are stored, and in gasoline service stalions, floor surfaces shall be ofnoncomhustible. nonabsorbent materi- als. Floors shall drain 10 an approved oil separator or trap discharging 10 sewers in accordance with the Plumbing Code. . EXCEJYfION: Floors may be surfaced or waterproofed with asphahic paving materials in areas where motor vehicles or airplanes are stored or operated. Storage areas in excess of 1000 square feet in connection with wholesale o'r'""" retail sales in Division 2 Occupancies shall be separated from the public areas by a one.hour fire.resistive occupancy separation as defined in Chapler 5. Such areas may be increased to 3000 square feet when sprinklers. not otherwise required. are l' installed in the storage area. EXCEJYfION: A one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation is not required where an approved automatic sprinkler system is inst:Jlled Ihroughout the building. Area increases also shall be permitted as specified in Seclion 506 (c). Parking garages shall have an unobstructed headroom clearance of not less than 7 feet above the finish floor to any ceiling:. beam. pipe or similar construction. ( except for wall-mounted shelves. storage surfaces. racks or cabinets. In Division 4 Occupancies. fire proteclion of the underside of roof framing: may be omitted in all types of construction. For attic space partitions and draft stops. see Section 2516 (I). For smoke and heat venting. see Section 3206. In Division 5 Occupancies. the following definitions shall apply: "I ( I\IAUSOLEUM. A permanent structure consisting of crypts. COLUMBARIUM. A permanent structure consisting of niches. CRYPT. A permanent chamber (constructed wilh provision for an odor-tight seal) for containment of human remains. NICHE. A permanent chamber for containment of cremated human remains of (, one or more individuals. COMPANION CRYIYf. A permanent chamber (constructed with provision for an odor-tight seal) for containment of human remains of more than one. but not more than four individuals. 48