HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1980-3-4 (2) ~ \f'\ l en ~ UJ !:: en I- <( a z Cl ...J :::J co Z <( :;; z o I- :;; a: UJ "- en J: l- I- en o "- 'J .---, yJ o Q(l I '" "" ... & .:I '" I- 2 a: UJ "- Z o I- U :::J a: I- (fJ Z o u a Q) ~ A :E ... Cf.l Q III ] u ~ :r:: co a> tn '" (fJ (fJ UJ a: o o <( ID o -, C '" u C o ;::; '" o > al ;: > '" ~ - ., > ll.n 0-0 2-~ to 0 i::= .... '" ~ ~ ., ., .n-6 .... ., ~ E E ~ - ~ '" ., >..c 0.... ~ 0 c.~ 0.0 "'-- _-0 o C '" ~ ~ C .,' o u E c -0'" C !:: 0-0 u ~ ~O ., C -;50 0;:; -ou C e ",- ~ C -"'- U _~ Ec 11) 5 CfJ 0 u . ., ." ;:; ~:: ~ 0 g; '" C o in ~ -0 .n :J (fJ o o '" ~ C Q '" :; o ~ 0. >~ ~~ ~ C ~ :J ~ :5 >;:; .... '" ~ .... ~u e ~.. c.E ~ d:i u 0. 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'" o on on U o SITE I NSPECTI ON ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FRAMiNG IN~PECTION ApPROVED / / DI SAPPROVEO /7 DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS LAiH OR SHEETROCK INSPECl ION ApPROVED;----? D'SAPPROVED ~/ DATE INSPECTOR RE.MARKS FINAL INSPECTION "PPROVED / / C.. - DISAPPROVED ;--~ DATE -, ..,,). <g.0 ^ 10 q V I t~SP[CTOR RrMARKS ~ .D. ^Ai '\ qAt CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE /7 NOT READY TO ISS"E / / OATE INSPECTOR r I , /, REMARKS < t l- ..' . , lane County Date: 08-Jan-1990 EDWARD GRISWOLD OR OCCUPANT 2598 HARVEST LANE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477-1673 SUBJECT: WOOD BURNING APPLIANCE PERMIT APPLICATION NO. BP 443-80 Your perm1t app11cat1on for a wood burn1ng app11ance has exp1red. Each perm1t 1ssued by the build1ng off1c1al, under the prov1sions of the BU1ld1ng Code (Oregon State Mechan1cal Spec1alty Code) shall exp1re by Ilm1tat1on and become null and void if the work author1zed by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such perm1t, or 1f the work author1zed by such perm1t 1S suspended or abandoned at any t1me after the work 1S commenced for a per10d of 180 days, No perm1t shall be extended more than once. [Sec. 303(d) OSMC] Sect10n 305(d) OSMC states: "It shall be the duty of the person d01ng the work author1zed by a perm1t to not1fy the bU1ld1ng off1c1al that such work is ready for 1nspect1on." In add1t1on, Sect10n 303(c) OSMC, says: "The issuance of a perm1t or approval of plans, spec1f1cat1ons and computat1ons shall not be construed to be a perm1t for, or an approval of, any v1olat1on of any of the prov1s1ons of th1S code or of other ordinance of the jurisd1ct1on." Recently, an agreement was made between Lane County and the cities of Eugene and spr1ngf1eld result1ng 1n the creat10n of an 'Urban Trans1t1on Area' where the respective C1ty codes apply as well as the State of Oregon BU1ld1ng Code. Slnce the c1t1es and Lane County ut1l1ze the same State of Oregon Mechan1cal Spec1alty Code, the sect10n references 11sted above apply 1n all )ur1sd1ct1ons. If your address 1S w1th1n a city Urban Transition Area or with1n the C1ty Ilm1ts, you must make appl1cat1on for any ant1c1pated perm1t act1v1ty for a wood burn1ng appl1ance (or other act1v1ty) w1th your C1ty 'bu1ld1ng department'. Thank you for your cooperat1on. If you have quest10ns or feel you need clarif1cat1on, please feel free to call me at 687-4466. Roger McGuck1n BU1ld1ng Official, Lane County LAND MANAGEMENT DIV /PUBLIC WORKS DEPT I 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE I EUGENE OREGON 97401 I (503) 6874061 I FAX # (503) 6873947