HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-3-12 ........- - fY'J-: ~~rzJ6~ . Lane (County Autl1<?r'ization ....-..,,- for: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 'AP.'Plication~~~__ ~~;I, Perm~t # 11(0' D.TWO Copies 'of Plah~ - , o Three Copies of Plot Plans DMech/Plumbin"g CheckList o Legal Interest Document D~lan Check 'I~f.o' She:~~:" '?xJ(fl.YUJrt~)l) hmhM~~ I roW';.HH i7 I RANG~ &3 " I SEC~, l,zTTT1(y90UTOF Qm'yt':'W~T~5~j T0~hlf)#lA6l~ 1Pn&!O~j2fMd_lf~~14 &1 2m)~r 0.~~4~(~~~~\ ~" , C~T~ ,-')~':, . P~:l:s:n::::o~D\ndustml :c.~~' ~~~~~~.1!ti~l~~~':;r~'_ (\UJ-ri(L-~l+e)%]L~_, ,," , ~~~TION ~F -PR~OS~ WORK - BE SPE~~' .-..:=!" ',.-' _ '. "',' ".." __. "~; ,_ , /'x'!n'1Jc:('J. 'Ja1OJ1 )/)(, .- _.: ).,-.." ,'... ,','\'" honnr.:s " r ~f~ ~ ,.'V\~E:, ~ 1',~tr~l?hnCj{', "~'cf,j;nW' ".:" .~,..,: .' "(J2j..' '...a.,~)U OR'S "?;(\ _'. ; '~2 'cJj. G if1> (1;i;~<'Sf;'h' hi Q, ' ~~ '3ER (U) ""'lIT, ""./[n"'A;, ~~;_ ....,; '< -:;,,?f " " : ~::ift( I HAVE ~REFULLY' EXAMINED T-HE CO~PLETED AP~CATI0N" f'O.R PERMIT.- an~ do hereby cer!ti'f~' that yl i;;f~rtn'at.'i6n h;re~A' is';true' and correct. allCi'that I have the following legal interest, in the, property: Downer of .record; 0 contract, purchaser; 0~uthorized agent wi'tn evidence- of authori ty~attached. I f~ther certify that any and all work performed shall b~ don~ in accordance ~ith the O~dinanc~s of Lane County'?ndthe'Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY.will be made of any structure without t~e permission_of the Building Division, I fur- ther certify"that registration with the-B\rllder's{Board is' in full force and effect'as re 'ired'by ORS 701.055', atif exempt' the basis 'for exemption is noted 'hereon, .and:' that onry subcontractor:s"and,employees who, a~e- in compiiance 'with' 5 oL055 will use? ' tliis~project. I.HAVE'REAO!ANO CH~:TH.'~:':NTHsG:-TY' -, >:j,:,..,.',. >Z .. ~' " '3 t~)~ '- '.. '. ,. NAME (p,lease 'print), ' : I ''10. - SIGNA,TtJRE / r:"IE ';..... I~: !>f~~R S VALYE ", Dp-6posed .;. ~ . -, []fExisting I' ,TELEP,HONE NUMBER REA~.. TH,~~ S~CT*O~, CAREFULL~. ' YO~R ~.~,~HORIZATIOt-!. HAS .:EE~'~:~ED ON THE. FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ~ o PLANNING/ZONING.,_ C .Z.6~/Jt1t' ,:art.ltf,o~ *,: ," ,'_" ',par:e~'* . "...' pa~C~l,'~:Z: i~~;ili{;;~~w1i~~~n~~~ ~"(/~()~:. ''':'~'',' . .,' ~---~-"'-- o F2;~lI~;>O'~~ ;{i~~:r~ ~rea;D'~~d y~:, ~~E ATTACHED SHE~;. ,'Date,' " ' n .p~,.',..'~' ~ '., ......;. "" 1~,"",.:'Jf.~i "J_"~'...' . ~ ", .I f'. '~1-, . - ,,1... .. ,_ , '. ; ~j . j . .' ~ . ,J, .:';.' ./ ':.,~. '-'. ., "~' " , o SANITATION:. ~I'?' I.' if', "lnst-aHa'tico" 1. . . Specifications: _ B. P. ~ Installation ReC~~d "is'sua'd? 0 yes' 0 No , Maximum'Depth 'of Tren~hJ~s Gailo~~ ..Tank' ,- ': Lineai' Feet:' 6f'Drainfie'ld , CONHENTS: . . 1 ~ '. . ",. ,~ ...JJ. 'f :...:1', ." ;:' -:.,1. " ,to.: 1'" . ,.' ., ),1.... ~-!'~ :...-, , :.( .'- ,~ ~ " ., .. /., .r..... 1''(. ~:'.(., '..! .' ......{,' l.'~. '~:Date:.; _~ h n ufPLANS EXAMINATION" :Ty~e v-kJ 'Gr~up~M-I' '. ',:, use~.\.kATTM':.Sc~lEM ~OMNENT:'~'.L., ml2.: '~.~'~~I~~'; PUlMS~~1f~~,l!At. \~/.Tt.~AJ5: ~VIl2e:.. ~... FOr2 "1I,~PeGTOI2 O(IlUut; IkI~.-.--,cA IDIJS,., ., '", : ',,' '" '...'r.".,.:::: .. '! ".:, -""'c,' ,', '."ate,A/lfJ/RJ4 ." D TOTAL VALUATION' $. ,~! 'S..;' ~ l'; . .CONSTRUCTION ,AUTHORIZED BY,.THIS PERMIT...: '- t,.... ._ .. ..'--t .' ". . .1 ,,','; .;. . ", "J~r ", I .:'~ ", . "J. ., ~1lr5~~~ ' .. ---''': : Fixed ~ Fee/ Unit Cost ~ ~. .. >, Floodplair:_ Fee. Subsurfac'e. Fees Building t~~ H3ch/Plmpg,_ Fee . p ~,ans:l Check.' Fee',. , . ~ ~".. TOT~L FEE $ ._ I' ,$ . ",", ;. (',(:/ $'?S,~ , ...- $ /'-r_ _ $ v,J' C" ":/ --, $ ..::J -, $ $$ /...52 ,itJ Sq. Ft, -(.""" " -', -, State. Sur'charg~ OEQ Surcharge, . ~ 4//9/64 PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING 9FFICIA~/DESiGNEE- (per ORS 456 "B05 (1)) , .' r oATF.-. 'LANE COUNTY DEPAFln,,;ENT OF PUBLlCWORKS ~ND MANAG~MENT DIVISION, 687,4061, C 14-25 ,125 EAST ~TI:i AVENUE. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR iNSPE~TION INFORMATION ..t " ,'""" '1'1". 1J' :, :) '" I, ',,', .\ j' , .~ ...: '~-'''''' " " " . .j" ' r .::.-" " , l', >, , . ,,'\ '. \,~ >, , . '\ '"'\ . \ .\,' .' o' ._;,' ."....'. '.... .' ~',J- ". "-.~ t.,,- ," J'-o ", ,'...;... , \"i ..:..:... .~ t<' ,. " . , .' '<"! ~ \ '., <. ,-;,' .S' ',' "".:::.*' , " . i'!'-\- ,':'~~ ." {"'f ,; \'~ (,'Ii"1 .,.; .'t',. - \ "-'rY- ~ """"i":'1"~ 1 .-1;....L'"...:~~_ ',___",-_ _ ',-' )_l-':'. _.. ~_,,''''''"''_ -.t,. "J, >< -...~~~:~.. ........;. ..... .-",,"'..~ ~,',.. _.._.,......J-.._.. "'.. '."'.... .' -' , ~,~ .:0" /..('1.' t 'I .~1 ~. ~"'f ',- I ...7..... !. . _:}_;~~ ~ _ ....:.--..:. .._\_:~." .::=,:-_..., SETBACKS AND. OTHER CONDITIONS OF. APPROVAL' 'MUST:';-BE' STRICTLY"'OBSERVED. VIOLATION1ICAN"- RESULT IN -REVO-. CATION. Of..THIS: P~.RMIT,~ CITAr!Q.NlU~b~R-:fRO;V.i:.si...qNS'"OF;~NEJCOy~t~ "~"~nFRACTI~N'''.oR~INANCE,. AND/OR' OTHER. .; REMEDI-ES~ALLOWED BY-'LAW;'. _" . _ ,..1,.......4_ _J_____"'~:,.~l-...... ..,......_ :.~.L. }'.'_ _ . ,_ '_ ",' ,,'-'" -"'-, 'I:' .:.,. "'. . ,y"'". 1,.J... . .. ~ " .. I'" \-. ,...., .__,\ I.....~'":.....(.... ,WHEN ,READY ;FOR INSPECTION, CALL 687 -4 06 5. A MINIYJUM "OF_ -,_AT LEAST :'24 ~ HOURS ADVANCE NOTI!=E ..FgR INSP~EC:-....:... TION 'REQUESTS. MUST BE GIVEN. -: Haye' the fOllow"ing-'informil',tlo-n 'ready"":-:''''perm'i Cn.umDe~r~,:, 36b ,address ;~:'type.... 'of inspe'ction, when it wil'l be...ready, your .namel and phone number, ..andt.any \s'pecial directions. to' site~ _ --,:". '- ..., -_. '; ..~:~}'-,'!J !'~'~""~:'-.>~.j.._l(,~:",,,,"_L,J_i.. _,,_~,...t J.;:...-~ "r.,' ,iJ j......~_~.. ~ . .' . ......... '. -, '\ ,.", ','-. . .~UIr{.~~~~::r~ON: ,-~C.:L ,'~.. ;,r;Jr ;'..,;." t:r~cfjTr~~.~ ~;.::: _r~__~ :-.::~:: .:: {;-: "" ~n.' : , . .. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: I " \~" ~ _ . ... t '_ __ _. - . --r, ':,'.; -l,'f :-t < ...,. : '.,~..~:, ,_.....~. '.' . 1.' , 1.,. Founda t~on Inspec t~on :'~ To' be. made after ..trenches....are-excaya tedt and,-'forms- erected',and' when '.all -'. . . materials tor the toundation are de-livered on' the job,... ,:.,w~.ere ~~oncrete~ f:r:'om .a, central m~xing -: -.... plant (corrunonly termed :'tra0sit mixed") is' to be us'edJ mater,ials need)not be; on the job:.. I ,.'~ .-: ...,. ;.-......._'::u;::;-..,:.,'.. ...~.~~.~.,.:-:.-:-':.-!\-"'..::-;....:.~..,..'!.,--...-;--.....-.7 -.. '2~-' Concrete Slab or Under-Floor" Ins'iiection: . ITo .be ,m'}de,-a~~eF ,a~l; in-.sl<3;b ,o;r -under:-f10or buil'd'ing service equipment, .condu~ t', -:"-p~pJ..ng 'accessor ies, tand otherJancillary~ equipmen t ,ite,ms- are in.;.":.- pl"ace 'bli't before any \ concrete is poured 'or, floor shea thing ins.talled, incll.lding:: the' subf looi.: I : .r '. ~t'; I \ ' ~. -,' -,: J'fl'I'-~ \1' -'("{' .. ,""".' '" ~.., >0,\ ',. ("{'I:f', . -, ,~. _1,,_/,. ,I,..~.... '- ". ~ - ,~+,,~'''_.-_ " '" --...., ., 't. 3 ~ - Framinq ~ Insulation Inspectio'ns: ,",\0'. be-..made. aft~.r the. ro;>f,'~a~'l-fr.?-~ingf'~i:e ?lo<;l;Sitlg;~ and". , .. ~ . ,-' ~_J:'a3in,g .flre ~n place anq.. ,all ,~p'~pe~;.. fJ..rep;Lac;e1s''.lcJ:1i~neyS, 'an~d yents ~are. compl~t~1 ~nd' all r<;:mgh ~.J~ J~ :: '-. <1' e~\~~t:;~cal. ~n.d p~umti_n.g~_ ~r~' ;tp.p_~~e:dT: t '_All~~?l_l... ~n~ul9- ~~?P:' ar;g: ~a~~r :~\r~;~_.r )"a_r:( ~I\_~;::~,ce oJ, _; I ' .'~1 {. \ \ \-;4.:. La'tli ~a.nd/or Gypsum Board'Inspection: To be made after all lathin'g' 'and:gyp:sum board,'~ i~terior /- i I"...... ana-.exterIOr.,,,is in..place _but.before any_plaste-ring ,is applie-d...and...tiefore';.gypsUrn lboard;.joints ,I' ,and ~.~s~eners.~,c:-r17 t~p~d and ..fin~~hed. ,", j' (~;." :'l" ':' :,. '''!.' . ~"';,'~ ..,' .... '.\. ,. 5. Fi~al ~ Ihs-pectlon:: 'To be made~"after..ther build'in~' is' compie't~Jan.ld' before '''Oc"cUI:la'n'cy~ ',>' ',"" " .. ..'. : ,. ~- . -.- ,-'"' ~. ,. ":,r"'; ./: ~"~"..rl:~"" ';;~'"'' ";;-':'" ,"'::;..,". '... .. -.. . APPROVAL REQUIRED~:' No work shal'l" be done -on a'ny" part of'rthe buildin'g :or~ structure ,beyond the point indica teq in~ each.. successiv:e ,inspection ','!'Ii thoy.t:'firs t, ob,taining ,;the:, appr.o:'/af".of - .,the building _ .official. ,Such a'pproval shall be\gi.ve~' only .after an' inspection :5;hal'l have. been made of .each .successive.. step . ~in the construction as Indicar.ed by each of .th.e inspecti9ns ,required. ' - ...~ ....,.. . '. .. r' '. . '- 1.'.i '-~'. .... '.Ii .. ~'- , ..... . .'. '"'>-...,;. .......~NOT.E':. 1\11. building peJ;niits~tequi~e inspections for- the work authorized, 'such'-as but. not limited to: , .\.~._.- -.-" ........,--- ....'.._,-.\-- -._;" . ..- -". -'._--,-" ..' '..-... A: Biock Wall: To be made aft_er-~einforcing is in place, but before any gr'out r"s poured." This .~~ 'inspection :i"s:requir'ed.. for~ ','each.,.!5on'd'.beam ~po~r :.....:There "wi:l':!: '.be";no appr'ovai~'ur;til the..plumbi:ng ....~. and electrical inspections' have be'en-,'-madeuand'japproved. ,~' .r":.'.. ~ ..~:;:1 ' ." . . '.' B'~ 'Wood Stove: To be made af.ter' completion of masonry (if 'applicab'l~) ,and when installation is complete. Installation. sha:ii' be in accordance "wl'th'. a'n approved:';na tio'nally recogni ze'd': tes-ting. agency, an~, t;he manufactureIj~s. ~If~tall.at.ion inst~:Uf=.~~~ns. . \... '1~,-" .~ '. C. :Mobiie!:H~me: ..A'n ,i'nspect~on is.~re,qu-ired.~af,ter' thei:nobil.e.~or;e_Js conne.cted lto ~n, approved. . ~ ,,-_! s~'fer-+o~r".seRt,i,c'; sy~~.~eITI__~b~ .'se.t,~ack,_ req?'.i.r~f!.\e,Il~S, ,:)J~bo.cking)~_Jog.tiii}g~);9.!ine'c.ti'on ,.1tie;-?-gwns, :. .~. ,-~ . sk~r,t~. ng ,. and plumb~ng co. nnect~ons.. ......- \ t-" 1-'\' :". ..... ,,~ ' I~' " -~ .,r\ I "I . . . . . . , - ~ " .... '. . ,. . . ' 'i.':'.' \ : . ..', " ' . I \ .' J I \. ~ ". '. . . .. --' (,...t>- ~:'l',;: ~Footings:-and~~piers t'ci comr!ly-~ilthJ.. Sta ie-founda tion"Jr~quiremeid:s",:for <;mobile' ~homes...C;;r"'a~,t. . ~:~.L.; '~'_"....3e'fC?~e~d;~...~y~_t~~,manuf~c~urer.. . _ ___ ._~r)~~:~),...:1,'1, t')};J ;-_"i - 2. I Mobile\home minimum finish floo~ elevation s't-~a'ii" be certified when~requirediby a flobd..! pla~n ~an~gement'lettei: '~:- ..~. !:~.[. ",;." \:.J~.' ".:.i'~.r.' r-;,r ~ " .....-~ t.'; 3. Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be"ins'talled and ready for inspec-. tion within 'at least 30 days after occu'pancy~ Tiedowns and' skirting, shall be installed per enclosure. . .. .. 1 "~" ',. . . .. _ '. D. Swirruninq Pool:, Below grade when' steei i~'..inJ place and before cori?~7}e is poured. when ~~ol ~s.~nstalled. :'. "(' .. , . : ,..\ '., .... ; ,,~ ' I ~, . . . . " J. ) ...... 'j \ , ~ 'J_'..!. , Above g::-aae .....1....:; .t.\:..? ..,.... APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL: TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS,PERMIT WILL, EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180. DAYS ,- OR IF -WORK 'IS SUSPENDED 'OR'-ABAN'oONED FORo-MORE THAN 180 'DAYS, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF ,THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF 'INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION,: - , .. - , ANYONE P~O~EEDING PAST-J~E POINT or REQUI'RED, INSPECTIONS WI~L_ po SO .l~.l'.1'HEIF 9W_N. RI_~K"' !''i!JSUBSUl\F:ACE~AND;'Ar.;TEENAT-IVE \SEwiG~~~Dlipos:~~ s~~~~i~:~:iA :.:;,: ,L: ..L!t:" \..~ : :'r :'..'..\; ',' IJ ~ .;._' 1. ....tpermi t~, ~hall~be. e.ffective~ f.o.r..:o~e.y'~arl f;o~~he.da-te'~, of,iss-,uance., . "er~ ("!..."'... ".~ " . ' :;,~,. '.J. :"&....... ...;~. . ~~1t'\'..;":.'.: .,~..:::::.:1~ '.".; _..i:-~' :';",(."1 -J ,f:...','_h :..;::: ~.~~...._-:-: .' .....J:~~".l,:.k\,t':'. .......::..--: .r:.t....,.~.~ ,> ....o.?-.~_~ .. '\):1 _....~~.~~:-- ' . . 2. .~upon completing the ,construction' for 'which a'.'permit has been 'issued, 'the permit .holder shall nO,ti~y th~. J.ane CO};lnty. I?epar.bJI.e!1t:bf~'~~:Qi1~-ilg>:~ri.d_ic'o~uh):_ty "!)eye.i.cj~m!!rtt..'qy..~ubi'fl~ tt1ng-:::-.t.he.~\ installat.i!on<rl{'cord form. The Department. shall inspect the' construction to determine, if it <;qmpl.i-E;-~~:~i.~f\~~~,h~Crules cont~il1.ecLi_Q_.. th.is 9~iv~?ion.,_. If the....cons,tru<;tion dpes, complY....w~th such_ r.ules, t;.he. De~artment ,~li.all_ isspe ..a_,cer.tifis::a te _of .sa tisfa.c.tory..~compJeti~o!l to,t)"~e_ perl!li t{ hp~der. If the construction 'does not comply with such rules, the DepaJ;,tment.'shall. notify the permit holder and shall require~ 's,ati'sfa'ctory~coinple'ti6n~_ befcire:'issuing' the certificate. ", Failure to.' I 'meet the requirements for 'satisfactory completion~within a reasonable'time;~onstitutes a yio- lation of.ORS 454..605.to 454.745Pand this rule. .. t... Setbacks Subsurface Sewaqe Disposal"." : I":" ,,' . "~.:.~ ;.". ~:~. ." -~- .~~ \ ~:::. ' -~. .l..f Septic Tank Drainfieldi t.i:)r,,::,,:~,,,~>, .),,: '-:-,_ .,prom:" Interior 'property lines 10' <: " 'Edge"of road right-of-way ~, 10."'.- ....::.....-:. ~.._;.- -. r Bui:lding "foun'dad,on 5 '.. .~... Wells,' o'ther water sources.........-;:-: '5,0' " 'i' " , ~ -'I' , '.. ~, .... ;..--. " .101 . 101 ,10 I. .100 I ! .' , , , , ..":" -, '-:::::- '\'" ." -.,'~...' .,-. , ...~, ~_'-\..:, "'.' " 1.- \ ~, I.'''' }.-ol, .. " ~ '." _~'. y....,..:\,,- ~ .... - ~, . ..':i~" ~,'" \, ' -,~ \:." '~"""f:" . ,.'I': '-..,:__::--.;..:-.;" '.' .f'.:.T-'_f--. _',...f-J." .~' \ ....,.:.1\..'..'1\. "'I';' I -=r~"''\-,..At'''''1 ,r~~'q"J"'\-1 _I ... '_' _. ~ 1M ,.... '.1., 1 _~. r.'...... .I-r.-. ... ~ ',. I, .' - .. ~_. - ~ --.... ,.-- . :.-'I.,~.t-:' ~ .. ~ ". -, ''''''.' "C' -3M '1~iJ, ~.:(J~Tl(:: 'Ci1"'j ~J t ; ',' .' ,. .. . ';'..~ ":. .,t..:, ,.1 fl.... ! '4' 'I ~.' '.l J ..e:( , . ... . .., ,~... ", ,.J '.''''r'''' '.' J ......_~ :', .' ',', ..... ' :.t~' t".'~(1'..: (-::"J~,'{..."J3 ~,..:;!.~i r-t)~i: ~~'.:.< f'~"{ ~'~'(-;'.. .' ~_~:._ ":;;":'-_'~1;'~"'''''''''\'''-~-:_'' _.-'-......~-". --~.,._'---~,"......'... '..........~- ---'-... ~'-:' ..r.. ~'. -~-" ....."~ ~...__.........,__'-.,,,_..,....~......'" "V.' -.J~. ~ \ . ./'\ :f( - . . , IIOLD SL1:P lane county .~. AI'PLlCATION # (Q(d(:,-84 LOCATION w50 LoMAlJPAv&.. SPg;tJ:;FIEJ...P lO'~'h~rr__'_h__'__"____ ,___ NAME " 7f!2z'.. fJJ. 0-rn A#:: ~E..(]Q, , ADDRESS '374tJz.. " ZI P CODE \ \, The above application is being held for the following reasons: P,eOVlDt :.P6G1PlG.A-TloVb pve.. 4IJD liJ'SrALLATlON DCTA-Ic....:s op TItE. 6'1:1 ::.TI~ oJOOD 'STOVE: W 1\\61-\, \? TO F-:'V6D TIlE:. I-\OT /,LJA-rE.e. INSE!2:f uiJIT. SJFFlCleJT J/JFoR.MATfaJ ~~ BG P/2OVID6P 10 'Sl-\ow c.o1;J poeJv1AiJCE (j.I1 m TT-tE ATrt;~ . . POl-( C- Y ~ II-'<i t=;1-(€tJ T g,'( LA.N6Cou,.rN. O~f)\ 'I \ J:}yU;6 , SIGNATURE sjZ8/B4 DATE AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (NO WALK-INS) 687-4061 PHONE HOURS This application will be held until 4/1\ /e4- .. If the information required above has not been furnished by that date your application will be cancelled, RETURN TH IS SLI P WITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATI ON. BUILDING & SANITATION / PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-~051 ~ " . , .~c ,I. ,.' -' . eneraela" . ".' e [Aristotle .". :'," " ' -,"-'''.'. , , '. ' from energes:en-, at '" +'ergon, work] 4,-J.84 '" " . , " , ~ n.. b.\~c vJ,.,l~lt , . ,. 'G~tr'.c,"u-r~' ~L.O~. h~\. " . ,':Vf.~a-" D~, . ~" f."'). . ',' h. '~" , ,t" " . . R~ f,J,li",. ~,-r4pp." '" &4- '.' . .~"- b4Ja: ~ .~ :.' .. '. ,', ',,'. :":',. '-"%$" W:"',l~' ,~ To aov'r'V:1 ~,,-PIH)'.I/r ~ \-J lJ b\..$bT~l''':'' , ~~ ~~t>II\d't' ,'fN l:' 8-41..4 ,rt~ s' ' Oa$1 ~t , . TL) ~,~p'-r ~.I.I~.'~4'1tr "Tif. . ~oo~'jO\f~ u.~ , , ' P./\'11t>"-J ft\.l)~ TN.ItItt... ,.(&OV~' ,,~ttf~ti~~"~1':\ f'At~'.'1~.7::,:~PP~',u(';t.J" RJF;4b&t',.Ptto~tr'$ r"'~ \. ,. '. ~, .\, . , . ."'4"'" Poj\,,1'~/<;~SD '~Ir u~qA:,QO$'f ," v -,,'.., ,"W.." '- '0 . :. ' .: ' : :'. <. " r(~s. 'P~"i 'F" ~' ";' '. . )" " ',,'. ) , , , .~' , . '~ . i' . I!..NItI\.~C/~ . . ' . , ',' ".'" :-- , . ; ~ ::, , ,'.. " .~ ''''', ,- ... c ..~ .' , , ",:, ~, ' , ,'. , . " . 4- ~ 1 High street + Eugene, On~gon 974<;)1+ '503-485-5719 -- :;' ", . ...., , , "b lane county BUILDING AND SANITATION SOLAR SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS CHECK LIST ~ I, ....l Applicant: Jo~~ f)jj L~7GU:--N Lv ~.J. A ~ "" 'v- -6 PrL, r-..U1 r-I IOU) , ' . Site Address: 2.0SD Application Number: ~-84 Installer: rJl.)...Itt:'R 10 Number of collectors (absorbtion, evaporative, solar panels, etc,) 1-- Number of pumps (any pump used to convey any heat transfer fluid or potable water) Number of tanks (any solar heated storage tank, drain down or drain back tank or expansion tank) (t~ Total number of components) THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED FOR A CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TO BE ISSUED I ! j., J '. I'" I 1, A floor plan locating the new and/or ekisting storage the space in which it is installed by name. " ~ . J . I'., , ' .~, 2.' A framing plan of the ~oof, showing the size: spacing roof support system, tanks, Identify , and spans of the ., , 3, Installation detai'ls of the panel support; ~nchohige; connections and bracing system. D... D c.:. fi~~& - t2..0" \!"' 4, The maximum surface temperature of the panel! ,-u L.Jil~ ., - 30-0 or 5, A schematic diagram of the proposed piping system, showing all gate, check and pressure valves, location of air vents, location of pumps and location of any other components of the system. PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/BUILDING & SANITATION DIVISION PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING/125 E. 8TH AVE/EUGENE,OR.97401/PHONE 687c4061 A '" ;'r 'I ~ .. -" .: h " ~ g ~ o .. f. ~ Iff' l' " < (j) a ,-I 1:111 'I 'I' ~ . " 1 :; i I , c v II" o -I' ,. APPLICANT SCOTT. T4"~' 1703251201700 I~::W BLDG TYPE OWNER NME :ODE APF'L NO ACTION 'W BF' ~ BF' h ~ )P . BP ;"BFI ; "L :; NlcCH ~ SUI': :2 "'.CK TONY SUBDIV' USE I~' BDRMS 0 LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT . ADDR 2050 LOMAND .AVE.. DESCF([PTION UNITS 001 STORIES Aj)Df( SQ FT UNIT COST-VALUATION '~BLDGS 66684 DATE 03128~ SF'RING~IELj). OREGON LOT' BLI( 001 PHONE 485 5719' FEE DAYS';21 Lc 66684 RAL NO. FIXTURES: 13 NO. C(}NNECTOI~S : MECHAN I C'AL FEE STATE SLmCI'H\I':GE PLAN CHECI< FEE I ~5. ")0 EACH " 25.00 65.00 4% 65% 3.60 ~;8. 50 . , G il' !-!I .... P 1 ~ .., . '~ATG: f SEQU: ~r ITiiKEN ~ ~ 'J , f'PP o . BY RLH RA FP ,SDS SI PCK 1 OTH ISS 2 . TOTAL FEE"x ")") ..'_':'. 'EST. COMPLETION DATE 152.10 CI< I, ACTIVITY INFORMATION' SHEET lane county COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! ~ , l' ~ to. ' I'OM . . 't--,GO 71 . . IPERSbN MAKIN~QUysT .. '182 WoJ b .4 ~ ~ .J. V MAILING AODRESSI _t.Of'rl~J~~___ ~ ~ CITY STATE t:Sll 4- () L ZIP CODE ~~7) Id"".. ~iJ L.~~ . PROPERTY OWNER - , .. 4 lD;<:\D MA!BN'~fDI~rM~s v". . 6P(U~PD<--r:, (Xu, , '4]4t~ .. CITY' stATE - ZIP 0 E Ll~S 511C) BUSINESS TELEPAONE # <S ~3iJl ' HOME TELEPHONE # -" ,BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2.. PROPERTY ADDRESS (~h1l:r-' (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS)~ 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation ,or from tax statement) TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION , TAX toT(S) OR PARCEL H' ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable) TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING , , LOT ACRES BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) Af\i)A 6Dujf\. 8yf:,lL~ \ · 6 DIREC~ION~'~O SITE :"=1-10 ,4-~-~ l( -'i1~..D,-;I4-.n__Lot-Jb""'l\ , d-... r!v L D) .s .J, G 7:"D L..ts f""I ~ ' . ,; ~ . -rj';'tfLsv J (];:;t . , ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** NUMBER DATE '1 .... '" , VI ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: TIME IN: . .... ..r-: . OUT: ------------...----.----.----. . - ---..--.--- LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E, 8th AVE" EUGENE, OR 97401 / 687-4061