HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1980-7-3 \ i o-(/:<),Or.... C'J cCel?S r-f#LI~?f~ -' lane COUQty II ~_~ /t ~?;\ '^ - \:6t ,-, - -11:"-,,: :;"~,'~,t"""\. 8-(f";Ov . · ,'- _,' :) ,I TO: \-' " - , r - r () -. ~'~W~t';;~~Po'llution~Cohtrol '\ \...\ \\ 'ltSurveY9f' , /),> ...~.. '~j /'''' Y ').,.. -, \ , ..... I lJ--------....Tr,ausportc1t~on Operatlons .........~~_.... \ . ,I '. , !... " . ~ ~ ~SubdlV1S10n Englnecrlng Constructlon Permlts & Inspectlon Real E~tale Acqulsltlon & Manage~ent ____Tranbportatlon Englncerlng LCnvlronmental Health _Tranbpolt8t1on PlaI1lu.ng _CollununHy Development LPaC('-{lC Northl<eS~llf 't' r aY\ F ,":.--41 \, 'C 'f , - - - Northwest Natural Gas Company " ~Eugene Water & Electrlc Board ~paclflC Power & Llght Company P U D Llght & Power _Oregon State 1I1ghway D1V1Slon S011 c.onservdLlon Servlce FHe D1S trlc t Water D1Strlct School Distrlct .' \ '=" rl Cl\::f ':~t-.......~~-~\.c..... \ ~+ ~~~l'--.,^- SOll & "ater Conservatlon Dlstrlct .L I r- i'''O~:". ~~~ ,~:,,:b~~ HO"~ ~,~'~::u, ,,"""" Coullhouse/Publ1c SClvlce Building, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (Phone 687-4186) SubJect D1V1Slon of Property ~ \~ ..~ The Land Dcveloptrtent ReV1C\.,r Cornm~ttcc wlll consldcr the attacl~ ~J.!.norUmaJor) (partluon) (S\U~d~~Y\Lon) [or (P~^lt10f) (hnal) approval on '(. ~:t::-~(:J- NameofPlat\}..j.\\:QW\. n\ \--')Prw~/_ _ scctl.OIC'd,L -r,"Jl \r\ Rll1ge C:J~ TU ~~ _Send wnlten rccommendatlon to lhe Subdlvldcr and the Secretary o[ the Lane County Plal1lnng C0!'1mlSS10n dt lCdst tl<O (2) days pnor to the meellng date noted dbove . _Please check ed<;cptent:z, make any c113nges neccb~,lry 1nJ return one copy to Lane County PJaIlnlng D1V1S10!1 I Parcel #1 has an eXlstlng dwelllng and a certlflcate of adequacy has been lssued see B P 2385-80 Parcel #2 meets OEQ standards for 50S see 5]79-656 Plot Plans have been approvea M Mlller November 24. 1980 on'men ts '14 -18 /, ,,"- ~. P~TITI;NER. NAME: (. (' r:", v-/, ~ "" t c ADDRESS: I / Jf on J/,~ v- t, '- !J "/ ~ " 5;vl'uJ P,e/l Ow CJ7t-177 - j lane county -- PHONE: /I-({, - 2 (. i.(' INTEREST IN PROPERTY. (O"+Yk-t- p"V<"L,,.~ (Ind~cate one. owner" contract purchaser, opt~on holder, other) WATER SUPPLY, PERMIT II: SEWAGE DISPOSAL, Ci'-.tl~,"" ~c.P S.1. II' ELECTRIC SERVICE: \? '" ~~. ~ ZONING: OWNER OF RECORD: NAME w..", A fv1 c r: Pro 'n~ P J ADDRESS: /2.-/ /)Olrv-I ( ~Y.'lr,'",<P,e/~ OK <';7""77 .... DATE SUBMITTED: .sIC] I??;C TAX LOT: 21.,0; MAP II' / r '0 ) ,0' - 2- <-x;~1 ~" a{ --1 ()~ FEE PAID. D ( ~ HEARING DATE' 7 f ~:,f 60 for office use only RECEIVED BY , PHONE: 71.t, ' C:U- '7 i) approva:if BY. Act~ng Cha~rman, Land Development Rev~ew Comm~ttee Date vicinity :!!'nap FILE NO, f"\ \ S-b-<6) MAP PREPARED BY. PLANNING DIVISION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / 125 EAST 8TH AVE / EUGENE, OR 97401 / PHONE (503) 687 41B6 .....1/ 1 c Sheet 1 of 2 r )....",""' r,tft? ,t: \Q., ~ ~90 \\)1 '\' , " 0/ / Q.,\ -\ Q-;" " [J MlNO": o l'Aj()I( partition I , I I ,[/ "'1"" - ( - ..."'/ ~;:1c?-.E '-- J8g.S-<g~ ~~_'7L{.t1 -J, 1.[:0 O'? ~ ,* i:: p"u.2 ~ ~ l,; 0; 71'(,5(P ~ ~ /7 89" ')_~ ttJ 1-1 j ,I .. ?o 92 ~ Ga.;, '" ?,,"a <\!~ J - JZ7 "8 ,U81 ..<...~15 ....A:>c ---<'l ejlSI:I~ 11z/ )\:pW~/"~ n rflop)e "'-, -->? C7' "-" JlOm6 ~ ~ & /?1 ~7 7( 8'7~ ;5,-: IJ '\'# ~rbor ,.or'l/e bne county ~' ~ '; <;;Vtlj1(!.-e1 #/ ' l.CI$ O'~ .(!.X/'$.6iY ci ltJelifJ " Q~ri. 6t C!.e.nt/tAicit e a/' {jcl'o/uqey 1q~ 0ee;rJ /..sSUf'a( \.se~ 0.p. 0l3SO<5"-<&'<:> ~l'Ce/ """~ //(e-els \2).c:-?? \s~401Q'~ ~.... '-sD-S \s~e '5..:z:- !?9'-~.s~ 5c%l!- ~,.u-s 4(}LN. 0-e"'1() tpoF'/'cJuec/ ~);y/4 ~d( /.??~,... ~<J /9'8'0 ,,0 h/',al Parlilto/!' l'"z'o/' /,?r R t2 l?ta..lcJlz: 7ZILJ!; ,5ec.F, //,1',) P 32"; Ii) a L..vze Cctur.-ty, On'9';'''-' ';CAlI /. /tJtJ ~;' I I' \ , " " \' J , I I I' d'. /5' 6'0' I 11.1. NO _ ~-Li,.^!!..:.!?t7.._____ ;' f1CC:5TCRED " PROFeSSIONAL LAND SURVE {Oit ~ ORE G 0 f~ / S(Pl(l..."lCrI'11'117 ( GEnALD K A TlIC, 1121 , DlAhH WIG OIV ISIOti I fi'I\" I f,'j' (,,In, T f'\( ~"IA~..JAGE~1UJ! Of .JAR TMEf>J r / lL, t /~ S 1 dl H AVE I! ['GENe ,R 97401 / PIfONC lSOJl U.! 1 "186 <"-- .. ,., '/ ~~ ,9 :Sa (.Ie:r ;. ~ ,::' \' fO'" "'--- J?> ' r ,- ~ - I -I ';rtfd/,,/e- ..... I I ~I # ~~.~~/ ~g orne ..",..1 [~ ~ _ \ 1-'6..tS-'- 1~ '/~ I ' ~~,~ ,; /ce ,JiJj~" I ,/ ~ ~ :l~U \\: I' : l r II 1,1 v,,"<~. I,.::: e", i, u -:-:-' I f1 Q, y~,~! ~____J i:=T\ 1 t:'Cc.dvt t- " , _ . ' '.1, I. " Y n ' · ' (t- ~._, ~:~f:"\~~ ~_ !! 1J~'1. //)1 . k-'~"l < \ ,,~, ~,,' ,,, f+ /I\! ~ 51:> ;1 GI<1L..,e \ ~ ~ _ A ' fJMV:~fJ2 C I 'J 10+ P};,..., ,,~?t\()"~O t;;.~~t1.:, Za:!/1; \00' \ ~f :~:~~', 1- , c 3' "" hi>7--J'O O,,1E ~'I k-'vJel ( '" ~)d< #J p. I I rv n:,,}-1. g " ,-:_::,;:~:\-!- j, ~r., ~;;l,fp p.~:;; ;h..;'L ~1"~~ oJ q d ' · '""3 I bu'..'~.~ z;- ~l I _ Lv f- '-bot I Iff I~O 8 I Sole /"=10' ~ Lull! ';'I4,p I-t <'" Lu t /,0/ ./ G-~f Ic; t I I ):l. 0.f.,3 of IJd"lfr ~ '" :o.J ~ ~ \ C.) , I I :~ 0vcd I I (b/Vb,,,,h) f '"' I ~,xho' I HC/O t / e I I !~d-vb&v D;-/o (. / I 1./' , I~"/ ..3o'>.J;'o( -, / PH I /,( '/30<'(0" """'''-; fA Dy,,/V~ ' ' ( Jh_~<, P. fA i ) Ov.,~ .. I f I f). I. I ,f I A~", II A lib' R,/..,/ "'I- ---- /I/",~~ / v ) "- ~ ~ f) -<:> ~ 'u '::::c , , -..-., ..... ""'------..... , -'--.. n It)e i' .........-......- '-""---., -.. '-'- ~~ 1 "',,_ (<:di)1. ( '---.... ' L(~ I --~ ~~ &po-~ ~t. (-, ~ ......... '--- ~'t?,1 ' r -........., r" 1L 0 r " .\.:;__- yl.....l..../{-f".. .~?di p;lf(/' f l~' -~, -~ ";' ~,+'" It)1 I ~ , - () ,,' 0 : N" ~ \0 I I ....)1 -"':...:J M ! I i I I I I i I ' , I I i ~ .... 1-1/" ~o N&'!''/~ ." 1 s+...~, I I 'f) :r- c~",.,.,\-- " G"f D, ,v< .vI I 30 !te c ~c;."""C' J Dl-/'ufW:'> I' - clC'C~.tr bj e~!e->><<:!......+ ----------.. , st,' - '---- ~-- '-- " , '- " " A' I /1 j+e-I--;1"f.. p!""+flo\~ ' fJ~r-(I,,,,;.,, )1N;Y"fD (JUV'"/JOSt' +0 ,$4~~ ..)I-I~l--...,~i '''' )/f'q of q..1lnftAC , V / t-, -1-1, -1-0 C. P Sc.;.lr I";, 30' " ~ " [I1)('El"''ll,pr 'J, 1 q?q ] t:no qa ,...j.-..cr lJrl..Vf~ JDl-in[f ....('lld, ()7 l'"llfOi' '7 ,h~) ,Ill n:;p f'OLLUTI f)t, ('0,,11101. ,)I\['T. J25 E. 8th 4",. r ,-,,~ 0no f \ )rp~~ on q-;!t 01 Attl)nt1f)"1 r'T". I"ov T3tn~nr; Aro1icc'\tio"11?9-Gjf !)Odr l'lr. Gurrs' T'j th,. tTi.:lttor of' tho r~f'C'cor~(; propert.y g,t 121 Doris Srreet, Spt'lnrftcld. wheroin your d!}OOrtmeHlt hA<; ,lDt1rOv61 t soptlc SystOl, i..nst.allatiotl- <:;\II)Ject t..., certain ot'hrir clpar.'lrces we ncrob/ rnport aCJ follow<;. Prtor .f~o In'it.a llation of tho q)otic e:y~!tem i.t is ne('o:).~aJ to takA ~,f','f'raJ !;. tApS Sf""'jlHL'( jaIl Vc 1., C}1<lrW~1 7on1n~ tC' F.A. - It. ~r. 2. 011Wln ( recYlway al',)rovl\l. J. 'JLtdin partHion approval. A. C:Jear u.., )'l'ht-of-way problem. B. Glear ttp "Gno" prohlem. h" Solve ~ator "111pDly iJrar'lonl. 1-.. l.on~oct t,) D\lb] ic s\lpph, ~~.lilv sxt.l\nR ~Bll. UhiJe noneof thi1 Clnal,lYC"0.... to ce obt.airh':ld seem espectally problc>rr..atical. it n pppa r, to" t be'cdD" 0: t'w rec'H1 t strike. the ..or\( load for the \ario\l., deJA!:\. r+J1'H.mt.~ lnvol'led 1" suer tna t cOYlJldn:-a bIe tiTTle \r1.11 M r~quired j n nrOCeS':i1'W ~)10~l~ dpDllcatlon~o; otto '1'1170fi'<:; aloe. ,rro l1n.rk ,..rd~ho'-,r Js ";0rkinG with us l.n our effort to oxpedllo ,n"tt0r., ar<l 11', a1'8 hoo.,f\l1 t",t 9mre time mqy therby be SIlVed but mOllnllh'lo "8 A"tl concerned U.,t the Il.PPlov.,l of your depal'UlIont not lapso. Thereforo. WG no.. l'Pq,'pr,t that you contlnue the "hold" 9tAtuS of Ilpplicatlnn ~ 79.r;56 U1JtiJ .-It, can c:omp1f,tP tho nroco5sing of the other relevant llpplicatlono;.. Sincerely, r)" ~, " I (II '/ ' '[ ----p- l,......___ R. A. Matott, Consultant f Ol'" Mr.. Wm. :1cG eOri\E) flJU1:,. eG' Hark truf~hGs ~f5l, I J ~ /" \ \\]:1. L _I I , '/'.Q\,'v ", I ' / y "" J,~\ ........,'(\\"~....\ /j, I ....y \ )1\ ' ~.., \( .....\ /" '" ~'\: \'11 t. "7 ( , i~" I I, ~). C '-r,', I -j ;. \ - ~ r t \ I ::J . , \ ) 'I . ~ , I ~ _) ,Q \~~ ,() .." 0' :- (' \.J <,V \\,1' \,01 , (/ ",I/:'iU/ /~'\' \' u' I /1' CP'~" \, .<,'/ ,l) ,1> ;/ / /0:T1 -'- \/ .........._-~ "' ... ~r-J.~ 0::- , . WHO@ ~ WESTERN AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CO POBOX 11116 ROSEBURG OREGON 97470 DIAL 503/672 6021 P 0 eox 21119 PORTLANO OREGON97214 DIAL ~03/234 :1311 R[tf!t'l: NOV .. I..~ ()? WOle, p /980 l>- COli' Ollul t/O',:If 'Of) I ~ll1l. vn / c " , .......ily ,. November 4, 1980 Nr vl1111 am t1cGeorge 121 Dorrl s St Sprlngf1e1d, Oregon 97477 Dear r-r Mc George In reference to your request for water serV1ce 1nto your property You w111 have access to our water system, subJect to the normal regu1at1ons and restr1ct1ons that are 1n effect under Oregon Pub11c Ut111t1es Comm1ss1on . Th1S also 1nc1udeds preval11ng rates and fees for connectlon of thlS serV1ce and monthly usage fees Please feel free to contact me, lf you have any further questlons Very truly yours, FILBERT GROVE WATER~O ~U~ 7L~~~ Dale A Herrman Presldent v , \'V ~ ~ \(y \; 0~ ,- o MINOt.. o MAJOR part it ion 9;\ -\ CJ) 6' ,,:,," 0/ .5'0 E .295 do Ii' ~* '( " ~ ?2 89' 52 tV /,2001 /97..7 n 89' 52 f<) Par ) \ ~P~\o...Jp.."'\e. 'iZOc>-O 7Z.89"5Z ttJ 1\ ~ ,,~ ~ " ~~ '" /4-5 6/ ..~ I,~ ,\'" Par 2- ';09.2 Gal' ur. fJeed. j ,-, 127 ~8 2.81 Jlarbor ~~ ~'" ~ ~ ~ ..ort I/e ..0 renal Pcz-rlcltM 1JZ~ for R tL lltcz-IaCC 72 to ~ See.2~ 7/<5'5; R 3 a-; 1iJ),>Z Lane G'otudy Orepon-- SCALE I" ~ / tJtJ 6' - /5 '.!Pc? lane county ';,.,f;.'I;'P'>"h',"'~ . Jl'~~:Pf~>j: i: ~i.i;~:B:;'11:'it 'f"'", f)l,. I"'..... ''-'\''r'j . '>Jut' ;~ '~'t "J~1~~' ..~1 ~~, '~ ('\ ,<- ~ '-; ~1 " "\ I1CG'STERED PROFESSIONAL LA"lD SURVEYOR . ~- , ? OREGON SEPTEM8ER 2J 1877 GERALD K ATTIG 1121 , "" '<'............~........"I~llI>.lf"H:lII,.-110IatJ I t;N\llR(:)NM~NTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / 125 EAST afH AVF I EUGENE, OR 97401 / PHOi'JE (503) 687 4186 FILr: NO M /5.6 -,9tJ L M~L LJlU,n, NT'T I 1.1\ hC, r I L 1'10 I f'T (,1"; LJC,~riT f'~fH~":1r1J r;. I; 11D))I, l,j';O lIf'lfWOI: N,: f l_:n I -30 ~1-}..:,:.:(I(\'ibOi \'1 If'!)] \, {II ,_'f) ;:....)61)3 ('iN!),~ ')6(~11 loWhj "l D'; I 1 F'F hi I U::l- I,' Iii] Iml~li:; (>' NC UNJ T., :)01 ,'IJl!L I~FF'L 1'(1 IlfTJiJd liU'CI\JI'lJiJI1 ~Q I 1 111111 loW 11111' 'iF' l'r- IW '<ij-' rll-I I C IlHf'L lW. ';I:.Ll1 ,llf" r'll, ()'?'- PI 1111 I < I 111=\1 ~ ,\' 'DS ,~l<l I-I,' 1.1 ,0; 1 L ,"rr'f' \nllJ ',> ifll~DI i!l L'r<[1 I,A o D(lU\~U IJ1 Df I"'). I (H1rJf:I,TUI,<" I IE CII'II~ 1 r (11 l-~ t S i ,d 1- ,~Uf,'LI-I{,F'I, 1 f'LrW (;111 (;I( II [ 1'1' _ lI,~ .: f IN 1_ 1\ - . " F ,< I UJlif L L 1 iOl~ ))f1i 1- t-115-,:Y~11 :a G> ~ ~ d' I . ~ g ~ , II ~ " " " -:r ,,>c,..':S! I D,\} L \,I..q 1911 .'1 'F D CWFI,(111 ' , I'll mil. ill] ,<,'TUI'[f'<,' ,'f) OL\)\>,'" <>(\, i U,\'T 'lr^d,IJr"III1N r-I [ !)(,YS' 1 I, ~ ,,) () , ') .-,0 i (I 1)\ I f:,'J':IJ ' " , , :: to 90 (In,.. 1'},_\..f)(J 10 \>0 lilH 1 p, J " ICH(JI I i [,." p: 1 ~l> to ,,;.p) t,t' " " '. LANE COUNT q- BUILDING PERMS.- I Idne county .-' ~ POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING 'AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ,; LC 2385-80 ~ JOB ADDRESS 125 Dorr1s St Spr1ngf1eld, OR TRS, TL 13-03-02 2, 2603 SUBDIVISION N/A CONSTRUCTIOII APPROVED BY THIS PERI'lIT Certlflcdte of r,dequacy CONDITIONS or APPROVAL The eXlst1ng sewage d1sposal system shmls no slgn of surface fallure There 1S a heavy wa,hover of grease and sollde 1n the D box and pumplng 1S recommended Repan room 1S available for one d\1e111ng refer to attached plot plan approved and dated Sept 30, 1980 PERillTTEE R A ~latott DATE ISSUED October 2, 1980 BY Stan Petra,ek/Cand1 Hart .. Setbdcks ' Subsurface Sewage D1sposa1 Seotlc Tank Dralnf1eld 10' 10' 10' 10' 5' 10' 50' 100' EXlstlng or new SDS spec1f1catlOns From I nten or property 11 nes Edge of road rlght-of-way BU1ld1nq foundatlon Wells, other water sources 9a 1 m1 n tank, feet of dra1nf1eld, max depth of k~~*~********7T***************************~***************+** trenches SETBACKS I\ND OTIIER COND Il IONS OF APPROVAL ['1US T BE STR I C1 L Y DB SERVED VIOLA TI OU CAN RESULT IN R[VOC,~TION or THIS PERrITT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LAIIE COUNTY'S I NFRACTI ON ORD I NANCE, AND/OR OTHER REr~ED I ES ALLOVJED BY l A'l WilEN READY FOR INSPECTION (see reverse slde) call 687,~065 Have the follovilng 1nformat1on ready Pe'-rrll t number, Job address, type of 1 nspectlOn, vlllen 1 t ',il11 be ready, your ~ame and phone number, and any spec 1 a 1 d 1Y ec tl ons to s 1 te Env1ronmental ttilnagement Department 125 East 8th Avenue / Eugene, Ol-eqon 9740'1. ,1,,1 /"JI _________ Gar ----------- / I ------.!.J (".) { - I ~ (.l I' J' ,,~' ~-'- ,_1 I - , ----L- -"",,,Bye'" I ) :/"~ ' '<I /I~~~C~' ~ I /~ r r -~ 1 1 ~ I- I i ~~ / / -,;en ~ I I~O"o(~O , 'AI4- I '"'''~I / D~I'" I (., I~ AV'~.. / !~ ~ o'~(h DII'" jo>--;i(o' PH"'" .'/ Dr",'v] F;,/1' I 'I l/ I Ii ' " ~ ! Y v~ ,).>, / / 'I J~". /' \, ~ ,..-", I .;'< I 6Z \V\.J\.:-- ., I' .;j.J f\ :f~~ .......... .I,7('"",\,:"- , I ~ '4 ',Op / ce:, ~~''l\) I ,~I' C. -= ~ ~ ,'l-?\' " - ~ - - ? &j'" ' ) '_ c:. c ~', '6 - .... - ~, ~ ,- _::::. \;:. \ ( - ~ ~ I /' --,;,~". 'i .... ~ y <' r-A: ~> I, - p" Rij - ~ ~/TC"; .;, (,::::: Q-, --1 , . , I'" > I I I L ~ I i I ~ " " ! ;, r ''-{') V {' I{ /)~ ",' S 7" /' ,) , I,..J ,,). I~ 'J" I 'I --~- /~ -_ ~ -.5:;::... -- ~ ~ I I ~ ".s"",...\~ -~-- VJ>" ,-/ j r---...coc.V'''- , ; ... ~ " ' I I I , /1 i/ I' I i I . .l ,5C ,)((,,,--'/ II "0,' \ I I I I I I / ,I II ,I ,~"~~'~ -/ I hi' I ,I r- I _-- I J I, )~ ;f\ --, ~I ko b.~e\~ '1 l' '" I ~I 't- o_~ I ;, 'btev", L, ( D b <- ,"",0"':' ) f I l...-~ ''\ I I Fo, I J I:! A\.--("Ol I I 2.U+' 1- ,~i '....(-+ -'I "0 ,II \)"y""O(t / ,0 <;'" _... /(/;' ['" ,-i/'1"I,.f~ :!) I I ,I H''''- ',-,,' dl.'6 I " ,f /1-1.", I I ' '-J '- I I J , I I" I, ,~ , >I I \ J I \ ( , 'VOv~ / / t I " '- J / so I /' \ II ~I (,;IML"e ~ Plo+ P J, P, -, ~ J~(e I r! . , 1- 80.-!- 10>, )v1/",~f'C ,.-/ .- /; ,'{ II II J. No.}-" J. d--' ' f vr< I"..,~, r I VI ,,~ ~J" I I r""; ~ d.. I I C I VC "11 h ' I P T p~ L ; -"''vr ,,/ I ' I ( \ ,~ , II I <...I,.... b~ \ l.-\.....OIA ..J I I , I I , I , 1/ I ./ I, I: i I I .' , ,:, I ( I 10' 'l1iI!!',~'~''"'"'' -~- . ._"Il'.i.;;t1IMII11,~f"'111tl" - "'vl'lJil)\,:oijQWt;JI'''''..'.... . ""li\I'{ ~11!~~~l!"N\'""IS'" .,<,q.J~'/J},~~ ro~~\>.:.t;;i]I~ iFt/1i:'l1"olllil)\IlJ~~\1&~ lllij;iMt'~~'f":'ll ( ..l '\fiW,;lIf\<:if!l/n~ifuj:l..'!I.\ , MHI(tJffi~l~~Fi>!I\l'i,.,ln ",'c.r.:.\~t'l!'<!'al~_ ,""'Hl.11\<'~1<.",,,,,,,,,,.~..."",,,,,,,,, ..",",1 OEPARH,ENT OF ENVIRONI1ENTAL I\ANAGEf PSB, 115 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Job Address -1-2< /)0.....' \ 11 f-- (!f.J vt._l1v, Y TllWntMll; R~oge. S<wtillO. lax Lot I.f' _ n, _ 0 ,_-:X~O 1 - - , SubdiviSion ' LQt Appl1catlon for CP....J,- P-I~a-t..p IV f .:ida.~ I~.r\ c ~ Structures now on the property '" 7~ ~...') L '. (l'.. U-?-,.. 1'~\Xl$ll(\ U$!lllf I'1"QPllrtj: & !!ll.i~eot{a1 0 COIlllle",,'al R A- M > -\..... -t+ (I'lease print) If thlS, a 'lcatlOn 1S for an_agncultural bUlldlng It wlll be used for purposes allowed by the State BU11dlng Code and ty Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest 1" the property owner of record, contract purchaser, lessee, holder of an exclu51ve optlon to purchase, duly authorlzed to act for the owner, who 1S knowledgeable of thlS appllcatlon Slg,;'ature/Address /( CJ.1fM~u~' - /f'10 If 'I vI.,^-- J).... ("0) 9)1177 I ,- Telephone )1{7-"lf-u'I or Date .r-2.-J'-i-f When perm1t 15 ready not1fy I-I Appl1cant I-I Owner ~I Contractor Owner \.0..... ..fA: ('_..,,~ ~ /1." f):;Jrl-<' Contractor 'City' .:5f....~; f... ,'0 ~~~ /1\~;i9..ed Numbers' Mock ~I Imlustri"l Dl'<lMk . Affldavlt I; , hereby certlfy that thlS'" lnformatlon 15 true and accurate (Z10) a.,....,., , \. (Z1P) Phone Phone ~( Contractor's OSR# Plumblng by If C_ommercla] ReSldentlal 'ff of $wrjd * (>f b<>drooms 51 test holes ready DO NOT WRITE BELOW # ~f employees I HIS LINE I of unIts ____ SDS: l~x1st1ng, BP I~I Proposed, SI #~/-~~~. # Fee Code DescriotiQn llL-I7~Y7:1'A'-5-- u $<t. ft, or 1/ of Site; fJl'it ~ Valuatlon Fee TOTAL $ ~ .('"9r-) '$ $ $ each $ each $ $ $ $ $ $Yr1rJf'J . CIC~ ~he~k ~;p,(;, ?' RecelVed by ~~ /J~ Water Supply --d-~ Proposed EXlstlng ~ Year Installed ~ Total Valuat10n $ P1_in9 flxtUte$ at $ ~erl1f.ter (:onn,- at $ Subtotal 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy PERMIT PROCESSING Mlnlmum setbacks Zone K4- , 1, fr~n:! / Part #/!7-/~&-MParcel # , 1, ~'de ,.;;2., } . lnt Pa ree 1 S lZe rear Comments - ~h.L/~ ~/"-1'~----;.7 To be typ~ on perm' t " - Q , -, CP&I Type To be typed on perm' t Group Fwe Zone By C!:rI1_ Use Classlflcatlon Date?~,~ " " By Date Phone r-# For plans lnformatlon call (area lnspector) )k1 Olrectlons to slte CI SI FO /~/C~ IJ;:.nIPC CI Pl an" ng CI PubllC Works ~I Elevat10n I~I n/a CI Address I~I Facll 1 ty Perml t I~/ Envlronmental Health Plans to CP&I WPC set(s) set(s) Date Requlred Hold Sllp to PCC Date Completed Da te to pec C74-171 , ..,' lJ. 1 1~1 ~l,: ,~ ' " INSPECTION RECORD Approved Dlsapproved Date Inspector r o n :I> -I ~ o z l. Slte InspectlOn 2. Foundatlon Inspectlon 3. Framlng Inspectlon 4, Lath or' Sheetrock Inspectlon 5 Flnal InspectlOn , , . , '.J " . , 6 Slab Floor, Plumblng Groundwork 7. Gas Plplng Groundwork . \8. Rough Plumblng , ' 9. Rough Gas Plplng 10. Flnal Plumblng ll. Flnal Gas Plplng Remarks / , ..~ "~ ~ ~ ~ , ....., ~ , , < "- <.; - \ . "0 \ IT1 ;0 3: ~ ... -I , , . . " - .' , , \ ,. '-. . , "" , " ~ I -- -.~. ~~ )....' 12 Certlflcate o{ Occupancy _ ready to lssue, _ not ready, date, lnspector I , .1. i s , . 10 " 14 " -. 11 II' I ~ E- .' " " " " > f " J ~ 'J E. .. PI.. " MECH" - 'w:, .. pcr; - '3l) S' so " s, C,;H;: 'it "E' nu ' ..... ~ u: _ . ~ '=ll(EN " _ J 60 .!! .. " , .. ,.. " ' ~ ., , , ,-.;. { - ~.. . ~". ... "::.' ,', ~t '. --, -... ~ , '- " ," - Y'.'. . ,,' " , l , . . ,'-. " " , " " " I ," ."."-,. '. ~.. .... .. ' . :.... ~ ~'. t ...."~ .' " H , II DEPT E::NV "J'IGTI~ECt::I1:':r ' ~', 2}8580 DAn:, t'826BO ADDV'181~'HARBOR DR.'" SPRING~IELD, OR .. 'Lor '1)[1< 00 NO 'UNITS 00\ ND srClFdES .. .. .. NO ,BI.:,DGS 001 , ,S.lr FT: (INIT. COSJV(.lLUATION., FEE ,DAYS " ',' NO.FI>:l'tJf(ES :- ;' NO ~ CONNECTCms: 11ECHAI~ I eM" FEE " SHiTE SUF((IIAF::GE " Pljd~ CHECI( FEE LC 238580 sdsc PARTItION 1~680 1~ ..... '. ~ ..-(;. ... , ", L"1NE C;OUNTY ~, APPLICANT~AIorT, R. A. . .L;~ 180:5022002603 , SUBDIV. ~ NEl.' BLDG TYPE:'" USE [': 1')0 BDF':l-lS CODE I,PPL' NO I,cn' ON DESCwr-PTI ON " " P BP ..,;' BF' -P " BF' L J BE' " ii'PF' 1 BY CH'. . R?l .:>!J,:., 2 S1 ,.P€K -FF' EST. COMPLETION tATE .,-. .:t , ' ~. ,'; I . ',!'.' . " , " ,.' .~ . . l' ',- ',' " , . ,'.. . "';. 15.'O(j-'E;(.;b, .. 4;:~ ~'50%. . O:f1'! '. 40,"'i,~0 '. ISS , .. " L ., ,j i :2;, l. 4{-),.(.)(-) CI< II TOlf,L: FEEiHf , '. 10 , "- ' , '. l : 1 f I ~ December 6, 1979 1810 Farbor Drive SoringflOld, Oregon 971'77 WA TEP POLLUTI ON CONTROL DEPT. 125 E. 8th Ave. Eugone, Oregon 97401 Attention Mr. Roy Burn. Application #79-656 Dear Mr. Burns: In the matter of the McGeorge property at 121 Doris Street, Sprlngfield, wherein your department ha. approved" septle systen, insta11atlo'1 subJect to certain other clearances we hereby report as follow.: Prior to installation of the septic system it is necessary to take several steps sequencially. 1. Chan~e zoning to R.A. - M. H. 2. Obtaln Greenway approval. J. Obtain partibon approval. A. Clear up right-of-way problem. B. Clear up "Gap" problem. II. Sol ve wa tel' supply problem. A. Connect to public supply. P. Qualify exisbng well. While none of the clearances to De obtained seem espec~al1y problemdtical. it appears that because of the recent strike, the wor~ load for the varlOUS dep!lrtments lnvo1ved 15 such that connderable time wlll M required in processing these applicatcons. Otto T'Hoft's aide, Mr. 11Ark Hughes, is working with us In our offort to expedHe matter. and we are hopeful that SOl1le hllle may therby be saved but meanwhile we are concerned that the approval of your department not lapse. Therefore, we now request that you continue the "hold" status of applicatlon ; 79-656 until We can complete the processing of the other relevant applicatlons. Sincerely, /7 ( ,I?' " -::_ . , 7 _ 1 'I 1"t. t:,L~ . R. A. Matott, Consultant for Mr. WIn. tlcGeorge HAIl: a co: Mark Hughes ~r' ~~.. ! ' \'1; ~ ~ \~ \j 0~ SCAlE I" ~ /cc "'. ~, , "...1 PLANNING DIVISION I EI'JVIRO~MENTALMANAGEM(Nr DEPARTMEIH I 125bASTBTHAV( I EUGENE OR 97401 I PYONE 150316814186 c:.he>ot- ') ......f' ') o MINOR o MAJOR ('l"\, , bne county part it ion I '~ 9J\ ~ ()) cS. ~1'':o/ J'Cr.E __ Z9.5 ~o \ -, ~r ) ~l~ "", ~ ~ ~ /97 ~7 ?t 8,' 52 IJ - Ht2r,6 0 /" ,f} /" t f/ e ,/''\':1 '" , . 7l.19" /fL to /20 07 t~ Par ,Z Y"'92 "" ~ ~ ~.. ~ 14-.1 6/ .. :& ,"- pe"d. .1\ "l /27 ff8 :1 ",0 haa.! Pa.r/,/tM ~'o/" (or R t2. 7lta..tcTI' ?ZtLJ!t See Z, I>~ 5; R 31L.J. !LJ J?t. ,LcVte /?~"~?/_ Ore9fI'V \1", L-lJ ( ,?)...-r,Ljl ",u.J' "../ ,,,3 0 .' ,...., \ ',1 .. Q t ~ -.1>-'1 ! ~ " . \ \ "' ,'-1 I ~.: ,,1 (\J \ ' ~ ReG'STEREO " PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ./ ~ 6"IP-O't? AI 1.76 ,,9c " FILl: NO .,) :::, - (:} ~ o -S>l ~ ~ --<: /20,v> flJoTf' baYl/C: dMpf{+. ----- ,,/ UJlJ.taWtIi(e, iX~ 1: _________.r avtout oj \j.-fu( line.- / ",\tocr jO(<<!)Ol/L oauJuVl /IilfiI1.J/}1, ~ "0 s, 1/ Ii e IJI1!WICWf;t, 1/\1 '~ ~\ ' " -J2!,2'1 zg'6~.,: NJ:~/Df;::t:~t_ 'n\ ~_"~V) -, nor ekpao,Jd of ~ ~v\\u ~,\>( ~~ 7 St 19' (OflQ(f[' -J-.^ 'jj I .. ~ p~'{\\Y\~) ~~ ,ti / _ [ -m,iAJc... "YHe, f /! /IISpeOI!fvL \ oP D~~~ I ~..()I!\ IlJ / I' (ZV'Idfq>) I ~ ::;:u 11~":":: } ~ 1~~~';6 'l?, \~~ bo'; i\ "o'P:'lj ""'7 ~ / '" / 1!1'(;~~'it ct('I~'" 30'7-/1, 111"1 InCUJr!t, '1,_ ! IiJO.tj IArCtJ.'H.ti-p~ls i ~~\;:\ / ' '10P }:11/ (j}-i I b~-j /!.fM.k y~ I ' 9rMe1P.d [ 0 (,(,t1e:f 7 to x \ OJl}rJ..; I siDrof'f-R~'1.,J ___ _ s!vro8e- blCS' 1 ,i' '"' 112"~'1 ~ lX; / 0 sma)) diioMOq e. JA:11 ___ (""0 )1 dtep ) ~ I1~Y1t3, (J}1 fI1W!/'rJd{.e,i! I c!Acuuoqe ad'[!r., (V1fJ5 (/.,/(JlA1l./-h-0 {kpcv j~ (II/e", o.Od loro 1'0vl of IIVlt IVI r-da.I/'lI"L 1D dck?t 4./11 k: 116WfiL" 70Aik (/ii/lei 1-, zz: J!. lr?WVl tonk dJWfhl1 -f{) dllrlL. * (orGpoe.t - '" " l'j <3, 'I .N -' ZI' \1\ \\ f\i\'i.~, \~'~ Io.oll," fj ~/" tn!.r pQ'ec : "I ~tt~ 1 " Z'f/fz' t /Wdl 92' / /(,.'7 /7, \011/\ I ~ ...:': 1\[1\12,'(\..1 ~" 5ca.lc.. ;' '=- '10/ bne county APPLICATION # LOCATION (.' '" HOLD SLIP '.~. , . NAME , ,', fJJ!fA U ,.> IT) ZIP CODE ADDRESS ) 55 tJ e, ~ :]( -< " I The Lane County Water Pol lutlon Control D1V1Slon cannot proceed wlth processlng your app11catlon because 1 0 Incomplete app11catlOn (ltems deflclent) r==J Address and/or dlrectlons to app11catlon slte ~ D Proposed number of bedrooms In dwell1ng Oc.[~oJ>>d \ (&0. 0 Approvab1e plot plan (see attachment) Wrl,'i,C i7Jld~ q 10/ 0 Notlflcatlon of date test holes wlll be ready [}- /(1 ~^)~ \ 2. 0 VerlflcatlOn of eXlstlng system requlred (memorandum cr~, v)vrvv exp1alnlng thlS procedure attached) cr-LN'rrf-. 3, D Two test holes (2'X4'X5' deep) requlred for expanslon II1Al~r;)' or repalr of eXlstlng sewage dlsposa1 system In the " area of the proposed dralnfle1ds 0*-1 6 q j1;~ 4 4c:] I. " Other , . ,} f' ~ (j ,1 t , 1/71,114- ,. tJ, ?it! r . L' , /1 1,;"'1 l -- ~ />(J~? It J;,"'c! :0 Pt r 'j/V. r' (J.A ~ I .IN, 1 " I"L.... . ~1 1: >Jri) I V ' " SIGNATURE DATE , Vi - I 'A!' , r " '/ ., j tit Ir ,,,. . , > '. , ,- PHONE-; not made wlthln days, the (.,t.. d '0' I d.' '/ OFFICE HOURS , A'_ , If the necessary correctlons are , app11catlon wl11 be,denled v 1. BUILDING & SANITATION / ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 125 East 8th Avenue / Pub11C Servlce BU11dlng / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-4061 r, ~ -1: DEPARn,ENT OF ErlVIRONI1E,iTAL IIANAGEI1E", PIB 125 EAIT 8TH AVENUE EUGEIJE, OREGON 97401 Job Address -,;', ~ /)"" 1_1__ \ f.- (it ",L L'I Cl ty '\~u,'_ -j t: _ ( 1 APJd!E5'ft ~sslg~ed Numbers , " Townshlp, Range, Sectlon, Tax Lot - /;,.~..-...,~ 1")....-.~/_,..:1 , Subdlvls10n Appl1catlOn "for ro,-~" r-...~ l.... ~,r ......\...., ..I po Structures now on the property 'l.L "l~ l_ 1J..._ ~ .. Proposed use of property ;-:.; Resldentlal L-/ Commerclal I . ,"" - /) A. M ,4-..+-!- (please prlnt) If thlS appllcatlon lS for an agrlcultural bUlldlng lt w1l1 be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlld1ng Code and lane County Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest In the property /owner of record, J. contract purc~laser. lessee, holder of an excluslve optlOn to purchase. J' duly authorlzed'to act for the owner, who 15 knowledgeable of thlS appllcatlon Il9r:::ture/Address /I C; 4J", ,,~ - IP, n ;..L, ,J._ /)L ~ ,,---...-,; - - Telephone ?U7_'2{-J..... or When permlt lS ready notlfy /~/ Appl1cant /~/ Owner Owner u J <- A"" r B_"_r .J / ,--.r IL '-l-f. t . Lot Block -',\' , LI Industnal CI Pub],c Aff,davlt I, , hereby certlfy that thlS lnformatlon 15 true and accurate (Zl D) Q,., t.I">" Date p-"') ..-_t- /~/ Contractor Con trac tor , ,\\ / Contractor's OSR# /\ CI (ZlO) Cl....L4"")""' (Zl D) Phone Phone Plumblng by DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE If Commercldl Resldentlal If of stones of bedrooms S1 test holes ready # of employees # of umts - ~ SDS IJ/~Ex,st,ng, CI Proposed. BP #~.) ,H'!: ~ t:JY/ SI # Fee Code Descrl pt, on Sq Ft or # of Sltes Unlt Coct Valuat10n Fee /! (k,~ Al/ // /"" __~.___ - , 'l -( ~~ 'y"" ---)- I' ' U ". Subtotal $ $~,~ '$ -- - - $ $ each $ each $ $ $ $ $ $~ r'}-l': ~,i-;' /,- - . g{p ./ kJJJlf;~ - I-I Cash........ , Ii:-//ci:'ec k # / /-, (" ?' -, - RecelVed bY' - 17 ~ ./ Water Supply J.// f Proposed EX1st1ng ! ~ Year Installed Total Valuatlon $ Plumblng f1xtures at $ Sewer/water conn at $ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING Zone K 4- 1, fr~nt1 i Part # Ih-I,f'..__*Oparcel # " 1, ;'d~' - .:2. Parcel Sl ze Mln1mum setbacks , , lnt rear Comments 1,2#........7 _../;..f}-..... r (/ ,- - - To be typed on perm1t J' r// ___--' ~~__-'7 r~-' ""- - ^ '-J By /J' /: "---"'" / Date R'7-7-r~ '7 - '-,- WATER POLLUTION CONTROL lnstallatlon speclflcat10ns gal tank, ft of dralnfleld. max depth of trenches ~ i:;;~?;~?~~t 7#:~~:~O~~c:Js;j ~~~~ k ~)f/;gt4~:fu r:;~;~todJ;%::~.. :ldl}4/). ;J~.(U:;;d.o/! ~ tmtJ .-# ~ Telephone / ~ By ..f; ~~ Dale /4JlJtd 'j(/ Dlrectlons to slte ~. / C/IIFO 1:;/ Cr;:!--- Ijj"WPC I~I Plannlng I~/ Publ1C Works CI ElevatIon CI nfa CI Address {} Faclll ty Perml t /~/ Envlronmental Health Plans to CP&1 WPC set(s) setls) Date Requ 1 red Hold III P to pee Date Comp 1 e ted Date to pce ., \ I " 'INSPECTION RECORD l. Slte InspectlOn 2. Foundatlon Inspectlon 3 Framlng InspectlOn 4, La th or Sheetrock InspectlOn , 5 Flrial InspectlOn 6. Slab Floor, Plumblng Groundwork 7. Gas Plplng Groundwork 8. Rough Plumblng 9 Rough Gas Plplng 10, Flnal Plumblng 11 Flnal Gas Plplng Remarks 12 Certlflcate of Occupancy Approved Dlsapproved -. , T , , .- --== r,ead~ to, l,ssue:,,-=----- not ready~. ' dat'e, . i 1 \ Date . ,'" I ....\ \ Inspector lnspe.ctor, r o n ;to> --i ~ o :z '"0 m "" 3: ~ --i "" JLOOD P L A I 11 f1ANI\GEMENT f1EI\SURES al:Pf-ifuii=B-t;:R"CjJ~ ',-,:.", 1\ ~"v < ~L U H . t , ~ 41 ( N 0 ELEvATIONS o R FLOOD\~AYS PROVIDED) e PermIts Requlled - All bUIldIngs - ~lob 11 e home p 1 acemen t - Other development <lI RevIew pel'f111tS to determIne whether proposed sItes wIll be reasonably safe from floodlng ~roposed bUIldIng sIte In flood-prone area must be ~- Anchored (IncludIng specIfIc standards for mobIle homes) - Use ~aterlals and utIlIty equIpment resIstant to flood damage - Constructlon Methods and practlces that mlnlmlze flood damage (Elevated above lOO-year lood level) C) ReVlew subdlvlslon proposals to assure that - Conslstent wlth need to mlnlmlze flood damage - Utll1tles and facll1 tles deslgned to mlnlmlZe or el1mlnate flood damage - PrOVIde adequate dralnage eWater systems deslgned to mlnlmlZe Or ellmlnate Infl1trat10n of flood waters eSewer systems deslgned to mlnlmlze or ellmlnate dlscharges or lnflltratlon SeptlC tan~s, etc located to avoId lmpalrment or contamlnatlon durIng floodlng GElevatlons requlred for subdlv1s10ns, ptc greater than 50 lots or 5 acres e"lust use other authorltatlve data on elevatlOns lf avaIlable as crJterla for floodprooflng or elevatlng ~ust obtaln and record lowest habItable floor elevatIons for new constructlon, substantIal Improvements (j) IkOUIDE O~E, STAr€. ~.Pf7RoUE-O TI.c-.wt'-<./"vS BIJ Ad, 1-/ bEA/n.5 Jt Ol/E"c;. - /?:Jy:? -r IE.. - /JctlU,v .IE: Ac.-N- E IJO CiF A-f.)I. 9~ ~\.- . ~1AP IB- 3-Z.-"2. T.L. '2.bO~ TO. LANE COUNTY PLANNING ~ CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION , OTKER FROM SURVEYORS OFFICE - FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC LANDS PKONE 687-4195 SUBJECT PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER 10 b 1-1 ~ OTHER RECOMMENDATION' TKE ABOVE SUBJECT IS IN A SPECIAL PERMIT AREA ~ TKE ABOVE SUBJECT IS INCLUDED IN TKE K U D lUl"'lUMJ.>I;.!Q;O"A:.....ZO.NES.,;) REMARKS Mlf.-l, FII0IC::-I-I~.':1 FLoce. ELE.". \0 ~c. .5.e.-T" 0 ~ t!.IA..\L I ~e.nr_~ ~....c_ AT ...hM'L Y C ",,0 b k~Q DIZ. ELC..'-I. l '::'> ~.u... E. , 444-~ I o~ 00(2\7\<:., sr c:..,,,,,,,,,," 6...Trll..~ED DATE 4- - 2.8,-1& BY ~rnL \ ,'61 <0 _ \..\/1 ():)~ ; o ",,\ " ...J '\ 0 ~ _ ~\_ Q, '\ W ' .- --- 0 ' ~Vl-:;:Q 0 _..; '-"0 ~-"" . -.. .~.... 0 r-.... ......-:::: .. 1.11 ~ W _ /::: Q ~~ -)r / y>..Ot>-::/.......... w g; \;;:7' ~ ~ 0 /,' / ~y L\..., C5; ~/ ..L' /-" ~ >- '""-<,\,,,,, '\ ~ ~ ~' . -' 0'- \.-- '" . ~ /' ,., ; 'CP ~_ \--v- ,;~ /' /' /,~ \;: /-;. ~ ~ /' / ~ ~ g /'-z;., " ./ 0 O\(,!) '" /4.....' 0 ~~o ~ \ I N OmZ -'-, ~,~, u ~"~'\~' >::;:...J I ~"'~" N -:> I ,~,' I eJ) W D. ~"" f- '0 '., _ --' 0 y..<>... c/o...." ...J r ~ '/l \, Cl ..j <" \ "" ~-3 \ ~- .~~ \ '\:P , , , , c I . . . I I , "- , ,.....5 ~_ , \. , , . ,., , , , , , , , , I I . ~ ,. ~ , , . <- J ) I ) - ) .....-- - ? '9~H~ :~~ tl ~ ; :~~ 5<D ~..,. u~~:> ~o ~ ~ :: ~ i ... ~z ,., 051 Inno~"". J ~O {II -...:>.:l.\~ ....'~,~, ~ L) 0 U ~,..., ., _",::;:...J ~ 0 ~~ I i Z~ Cl ~ ill . ~ ... N ~..CL ~ "05... \Il" <t :':--r- "SIS ;' -...*"C-...'"... (.!)........ _.,S/600.$"" ...~~ ~ I _<9_ 4- <il' , \ ~ -\.-~ -: \.1 I o o <0 -"\....-" \~ <il' N . ., <il'.-- , <> , , , , . ,./,'"" \~--- ...... <il' to 0 o CJ!:::: j to o o (\J '\...--"- - \ -. -~ ,.\..~ ,..., '\J ....J .__...::. ------ 2 ............ <0, ~ \~; \.--0 _ _~ ~.. ~!' ~E~ ~ (f) - - ~F/ cr 01 01 ex: ~ $8 ' . ~ "" o o ,..., f'- f'- N -c " ~ ...... ~ . ;r r-- < /-- o ~ . , <<l o o <il' N r<l___ - ..s zrz ........-:.., 0 If) ......lXICl:, 0 -- 'l;ll>>- <:;j" '" ~, ~. ~~ 0 ~~ 0 - ,..., /' ~~I :I: (f) <t ,s ?tiZ , .'----" ~ ~o .--; :.--- " y y ~\O' . " .~\:.. ... '^J ..,-~S"~ ." ~ 0 o N f- > o <9 -- -- .- 3.L.L ~ - o ~ C 010 c~ 0101 OeJ) / ,/ ~ ~ -j. r') S \'i N \ 0 10 0 . OJ . , , ^ "- 0 :2 '" '" (j) '" m -- ~- --- kl-1700 ~___ _.c__ - --- ..:? -- PIt "'- C\J !7 "7 ---.. "" 7/~ C\J ~ 0 ~,..., 0 <0 --- .(.'... ~~~~ "If ~~ ~ ~.zlf I \ \ ~ /8,0 -'II 0002. ' . ~, ~1,/),6.J11 ~I' II , I ~ Ii ~ I I T~ . . \' - -~ os .. '1'0 IV' "- " ~ ~ JI ---' ..-;- -r aD r-~, -0-- ~ ~ , I I I ..' . I" 11 \ .~~ ~~'" B--.... O"'</~ ::. ~ t " . " - -"'--. ------ .. " ~/. ~ --.... .s--.c.~ ........ I ........ ^'~ \ ..~~~ ,. ~ t " . , o ( \ 0- o ::!' ~ -------- ~ .:> "'O....~ '" '" <fJ ""'~ ----- ,- I I I.,'r"'.r- -"",r o o ~-------. ~~ .. '< '--,jj .- .. MEMORANDUM Idne county TO FROM SUBJECT Lane County Board of Comm1SS1oners Af$ Helen EII10tt, Perm1t Process1ng SuperV1sor '1' EnV1ronmental Management, x 3966 'l.1III1 Reauest from R A Matott for Rezonlng DA TE January 7, 1980 At the request of Mr R A. Matott, I am forward1ng herew1th 1nformat1on supple- mentary to h1S commun1cat1on to you dated January 4, 1980 (copy attached), H1S request lS based on Lane Code 10 315-35(2) "The zon1 ng of unzoned propert1 es, the reZOnl ng of propert1 es, and the amendment of th1S Chapter may be 1n1t1ated by the Board of Comm1ss1oners 1n the form of a request to the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on that 1t cons1der the proposed zon1ng, rezon1ng, or amendment" Such a request lS h1stor1cally handled by the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on at no cost to the appl1cant The subJect lots (Map 18-03-02 2, tl 's 2601,2603,2605 and 18-03-02, tl 701) are d1rectly north of F1lbert Grove mob1le home subd1v1s1on, zoned RA/MH For whatever reason, tax lot 701 was also treated as RA/MH and now supports two mOb1le homes even though the zon1ng 1S actually RA, wh1ch does not allow mob1le homes Tax lots 2601, 2603 and 2605 (under one ownersh1p and cons1dered as one parce 1) a re a 1 so zoned RA and support- two mob1l e homes, one of long s tand1 ng and one by v1rtue of a replacement perm1t 1ssued 1n 1978 Necessary Act10n None the proposed rezon1nq agenda at th1S t1me. D1rector R1Ch OW1ngs has author1zed a fee wa1ver for You w1ll therefore not have to pldce th1S 1tem on your Mr Matott has been so adv1sed HE/ls cc J1m Mann, Plann1ng D1v1s1on L01S 00n1s, Clerk of the Board ~o \I~I 01 "'. ~ ~t , Janttal"'J 4. 1980 IANF COUNTY BOARD OF CO~!llISSIONEPS IAne County Courthouse Eugene.' Oregon 971101 Re, PETITION TO RE-ZONB PAPCEL #1: That parc;:,l of land partitioned in June of 1976 and then described as parcel 3. cont-lining tax lots ]8-03-02-- 2601, 2603 and 2605, all ldth\n the Amendod Plat of Wlllarr,ette ~eight;. TIlis rrogerty, al,ng ~ith lots 26(4 and 2602 which adjoin it to the East was deeded to Fobert ~. !I'd Eyelyn }f. Packard in .January 'of 1971 by Charles E. and Josephine D. Lines, lm July 7, 1972, the Packards deeded it to Raymond and P"mela ,Joan Alvare~. Alvarez partitioned the subJect lots (2603 111>' 2605) prior to sellirg them to william McGeorge on Sept~ber 9. 1976. In FebMltlry. 1968, a ITobile hO'TJe was placed on the Western portion of thu subject property ':Jy \-h1;. Carter and has been si tcd thereon cOl'tinuously to this t~me. At sOlne timo a'-ter Alvarez bought the property in mid 2972, a secrJ"Xi mobile home was ple-co<:' upon the S/ll1le lot end Wlls occup~ed u'ltil April of ]978. at which time a p.arn>lt (No. 1061-/,3) was issued by Lane County for its rB- pJaccment by a ne'~ lllobile home. That secondmobile is still 0'1 the property but is di~connect,ed frOm ut~l1 tie~ and is merely in storage. It has been replaced. per the permit authorizing its replacement, by a new ~obile which b occupiod by Mr. and Mrs. McGeorge. ]>Ir. McGeorge occupied the secorrl mobile for sometime prior to his purc>'ase of the property from Alvarez on ilepternber 9, 1976. ",r. !>fcGeo~E', then, purchnsed a property containing two mobile homes, one of which he h~o o~cup~ed for sometime prIor to that purchase. be1iev,ng that there Was no viohhon of lard use regulation. Subseque"t to that purchase he purchased a new Mobile home fr~ Emerald Trailer Sales (Alfrc~ Allen) conditioned upon the <eller obtainlnG a permit for its placement. That permit having been provided, llcGeorge naturally assumod that there WIls no impropriety extant. PARCEL !}2: TIla t parc<>l of larrl partitioned in 1976 (File No. ]1,544-76) am described as 18-0)-02 tax lot 701. This pro!lOrty Was parti tionod by Alfred Allen as a ~ondition of its subsequent purchase by C. C. Fairoanks. Additional conditions to that purchase by ~airbanks were the isst~nce of ~ Greenway Use Permit, seWllge disposal permits, mobile home pemits, curb cut, permits arrl water service oonnections. All of these corrlitions were met and the property was purchased in Janu"ry, 1977 by Hr. and Mrs. FlliJOOnkS. They, of course, I1Ilturally assumed that the several permits h"d bo..." properly j ssued arrl therefore pl"ocodod with substantiel property development at con,iderable cost. It no." appears that b0th of the above described properties are zono::! R. F. and have be"n so zon~j si"ce the inception of zoning in tnat area. Both Mr. Fairbanks and ~r. MeCeorge are desirous of effecting ownership chll~es of the properties arrl find tl,at tile applrent zoninG violations preclude sllch action. In as much as nol1bor present OWner has been guilty of any culpable motive or nctior., . Pago 2 - PETITION TO PE-ZOlffi oach n'v~nc pur~hased and developed the propert"es believing tbat they were tn compliance w~th all applicable land use ~gulations, it seems proper that the zo~ifl" should forthwith be corrected to comply with pre1ent u~age. No, th"refor, pursl1ant to the authority granted under Lane Code 10.:31.5-:35 (2) the I~ne Cou~ty Board of Commissioners is hereby petitioned to pursue the rezoning of the above described properties. " I ,:\ ~ ') ).: I ,v;l .,..1J--" p. A. Matott, Agent for C. C. FBtrbanks arrl h'm. HcGeorr;e ~ "- "- ~ ~ . ~ .. . .1 , ... "Z-'if.o.- 00 I , ...,)~---. / 'w '{' t' q L C No p , ':;' I ,I' >- ~ 10x La" f'Ul ,t '" " d~ IO~Jt\~1 '\ ~ i.9 \ - 9- . . o :> .-l lD . <t I<l o I<l o ~~ \ \ il: ""~' 1/4-,~' _ Cor 0 I Z- MC.I~ z- c:1 0:: lJ- ~J " P T -;.~ 1,/0 ~:>~.. 11/ L' 7.7 ,., <t '" ~a IJ~. ~., '7"< 0 '" o co ,I' e' . . .~ . . ,. " a." ... Jl''/.1':>o:O o ...""..., ~ . e' ", ,170 ., ., Ul II .,9...... v. II,)-C. -">_ ~>-7.~". , (<::,. ~J ~. .(~ ~ >.~ ., 'gs I'~. .)4 .3 P, , .. "^ to. 'Ji ). t"l ". 1.1..... ..,.""..'1. ,J, ..... - " . "I . ~0~~~ ,..~,,~... .;:..... 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