HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1976-6-15 ~.......--~ '-, .", 7[,-45: Kosciol'!k Surname lwP:"" 03 Ri'lnge ')2.2 700 Section fax Lot 1-\'2 lode Census Tract 6-15-76 I Owner Kosciolek Owners Consent Yes X No Receipt No. Date REQUEST FOR SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY THIS IS A PRELIMINARY BUILDING PERMIT. ANY ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK: REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT I fl 0 i--\C\.....bc, \)Q.. Name and Address Frank A ano Toula h.~osciolek Eugene, Or. 97401 No. Acres TOTAL $ $ $ 75.00 No. Sites 5:5 Me~ewether Street Telephone No. IAPPlicants Interest in Property I Proposed Use of Property 3[.3-li9;, owner dwe 11 i ng Property Size ILegal Access - Road Name Ispecial Permit Area I Urbanizing . L4 tlcr'!5 S(1uth 21'1d and Ash Str. Yes X No YesX No Existing Structures I Is Property Within One Mile of a City? sn,all I:ouse What City? Springfipl-j Yes); No Proposed Water Supply Other Publ ic X District Sprinq Well Specifv Area Property Location: (Directions) ['lain Street in Springfield to South 2nd out South 2nd to property located on the corner of Ash NOT APPROVED XXX APPROVED Tr0 arE' of the test r.oles c~nnot be ap~roved for sewage disposal sY5em, juc to :-eavy clay soil I-lith; 'I l~" of ground surface. Greenway Conditional Use perm-;t '15 required; 'ontact the Lilne County Planning Dept. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and make application for a building permit. If the property is a por- tion only of a tax lot, a metes and bounds description of the parcel must be fur- nished. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on the building permit. Two sets of building plans and a plot plan will be required. LANE COUNTY DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 135 EAST SIXTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 G. W. Gray 'jec Authorized Signature June 2..: 1':176 Date C55-32 r ". 3/74 .c-lUEST FOR SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY -- S.I.#?C- ,41-5;:5 For Offico/l.~ Use Only U~ /7-0.2 i~eceived by' Code C.T. Number v THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. ~ Speci~l Permit Area Yes No Urbanizinq Area PERM IT . PLEASE PRINT --i If Subdivision - Name: Lot # Block # 1~ Township en Range 02,20 5700 I3IlS" Section Tax Lot No. Kosciolek Owner of Property Yes x Owner' 5 No Consent "" Frank A. &Toula H. Kosc.i.olelc No. of Sites Name .<;25, Merewethp.r st No. of Acres Mail ing Address E: Euq:mene, Oregon'?r~O~--1. '. I C 343-1798 ~~4&e-~ ~( Telephone # Signature of Appl icant -o-ate a 1 $ 75.00 V> Total ~k $ $ /i<(70l)/// --i r small house Existing Structurey'on Property Proposed Water Supply Publ ic X District: Spring Well Other (Specify): "" -2L- Seller Proposed Use of Property: ~",,"u:::leo "'''''mo App I icant I s Interest in Property: Other (Spe Rea I tor _"'it ?"'r~ so. 2nd & Ash St. Property Size Lega~I,ACcess - Road Name ~s Property Within 0 e M'I.le of City? es -L.. What City? rinqfield No M~in ~~rep~ in ~nrinafield to So. 2nd - ...QJ.!S. located on the corner of Ash - between Oak 3RQ :Il~u Ash. Annrox matelv .84 acre. dimensions - 295.02 x 169.3x219.82x , --, -,? /'. / /' (county road lipe unmarlcea as to When Will Test Holes Be Rea y? u..;//'v --? (&> dimensions on title Co map) MARK TEST HOLES WITH OUR FLA S I (Date) . . Location of Test Holes on Prop I / "ion of any landmarks and relationship of t~st holes to \ raw djagram of property hese andmarks: ~ ',. ~ ~ c:::ve --.. MAKE CHECK PAYABL TO: ENVIRONMENTAL. MANAGEMENT MAIL TO: LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL C55-5S -. Phon e: 687-4065" MANAGEMENT, 135 E. 6th Ave., Eugene. Ore. ,,;v' " ~ . J"._ .' \. .' APPROVED NO'r APPROVED )<_ /It! / '. / d / (j-tVU . "~~Mtv f .~~ /~ ~ ~f A ~,<~l ~ Silt, (-tw.-- At'--t~:7 ~_ 9t"-f./' 7.xt~ /). C/ f,r~ Gr<'~-(€-, . . , ..l . . .....dO ~V~ I u ,,1'( 1~ /, . . ...-. -., ~d:~1 " ~t.it~o_r_i zed s~at~~e < , ,/:;'~?~'?b t' " Z;' t.,L "7' :-Oate' -.J. ,.i . '. . ": . , .;. ._ 1 , . ~ :.. '. :. .t. I _. , -, , -.-""" ,- . , .,\ , . ~';:""':';":~?~i""-;1::;7'~"~~:i'f.,Y>!~~r~~,~?'~f?1~7g:1~>;;;~~~;f'~i~t'Z'''i~::..','in2~1l''!~?'''",7;:'':'':fc'''r~;~'''l'~j~; t<~"',;';";iT9:Cji~r:.::;~{'!,~iWl",i;<?f, f'l'. ';"i ;t':BUll~ f~G's I,;E EVAL~U~i'I~~::' ,<_;~,:' .'. '.'!::~{~j' ~ . , I e\'~3 ~ ci2~a !AX LO~ 76~ <,~ . . "to' ",", "':" ~,.!j. _,'" ~~1;: 11(:,' ,SUBDIVIS.'UI~: . ,_; t,;( ) '. BUILDING' PERMIT APPt'lCATION NO. . .7&-'t5S ' LOT: BLOCK:; ;}. . "'"'' ,\ \ :;'~- . 'f. '~~ . ";'-;." ~~ ,~ \' ~~' <, ~,(>r"'~;~.i:r} I Nsi,'ECT 'ION " ,--. ]. ;~, '. APPLI CANT I:', ,.., ./. I ~ " 4"". ,. DATE {-PLANNING DIVISION Not~,.;~:: ;". " ~pJicilble. No Yes ~;I. Ziming Ordinance Compl i;ahce:Zone.2a.. l.).. ", () TI 6. ; 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compl iance ,. () ;" ( ) ( ) :3. Required Access ,~.. - ';;;:- (~). .;~: ( ) ( ) ,,4. Building Site (Area, WI.dth, Fro~tage) (,) - (),,() i;" 5.' Other (see comments..V')1 . (') ()\).. ( ) ./ . . COMMENTS: '.,6..'''' f6 i<'~w"--'I( C..,..~.:.)~. i"'MC:;NAL.. '.....- ,~~.,r1'-' i~ ~et~LJ\,R"t;.~"r\~ , ,'~ '. CK'D BX:....J \aA'b- (1-,(.., Setbacks frbm ell of, ~oad: Front k-J~ Side Exterior " Setbacks froinS'interi or, 'IIi ries: \)'" "j S ide I ~ Rear 'V ( )~, l;::rr r "r., ~~ ",,; , r" ,l .. ~ . ,~ -. ./ / ::",PLANNING DIVISION ACTION PENDING: YESl - , /' ~ /' ) NO(' ) APPLlCATlON# / Not" / APD 1 ic~b Ie' No Yes l) ()TI/ () () ( ) () () ( ) ( ) '. () ( ) CK' D BY: ./'/ / / , / .I , ~I .f<, " .'. , ,I BUILDING '" INSPECTION DiVisiON " , , '~ ; 7. Plans Submitted .: '8. Soil Stability (footings) :9. Flood Plain .'j O. Other (see comments) i" COMMENTS;> " '. -\- ~"- \ ~~& __,....!\:o,'.r \ ~ :,,,;,;~oc.:.~'" '; lJ \ "'['C' . \ ., \ , , ~' " DATE "WATER POLUTION CONTROL \ E",I~\' / Not! App I ic~b I'e - l ) Ie) , / ,/ No Yes f)D ( ) ( ) -, " .11. Meets Department of Quality Standards. . 12. Other (see comments) , , CK'D BJ-411.~ C/ ., (p -:23-16 DATE ,.:. " COMMENTS: ! , , / !" '. , i: ~\ ... ". ,.....-- ;~ , c'TO APPLI CANT: Your Building I Site Inspection:' .- . I () Can be approved;C// J ,,-\.1.'<J (>d-cannot be approved at th i s timE.! as i nd i cated on i tern NO,:::J, above. I. '1., pO Questions and further informati on on items 1 through 6 contact the LANE- ~ J\ COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION, Questions and further information on items 7 /j/lA . through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. ( ) Will be held in'this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ( ) Is being returned. ~ . ( ) Your building ~ermit ap.~~!12~.f~~J.~_~einq returned und~r seD~~te cover. vEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANN.lNG DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 .. j ~l ~ ". ':., r;_.'.......__,,,:.:i"''-- " ~',_ :f~':.'.,;' !"'-.J,I , ~,.;'." :~,.:~:1;. "~:" ~ i , ~ ,i .", :~ ,"~,!~. ",J-.J ;?":';'.,1'_~, ,:.,",':J...~:.-,,- ,;~. ~'_^\ -.J.;" ':::~""'"J' ,'. C55-28 . ~ , LOCATION: I K RANGE TWP. ZONING: SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET /) '\ SECTION:<'. 2... SIZE OF PROPERTY: PROPOSED USE: # it! 1ff'~JU-- AMOUNT USABLE AREA: WATER SUPPLY: COMMUNITY ~ PUBLIC 0 IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: Single Family Mul ti~family gpd Industrial Commercial gpd Institutional MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Distribution Method: Length of disposal trench required Curtain drain required: Other: Equal D Yes D Serial 0 No D TAX LOT # 7&'0 ~7f-..t:? INDIVIDUAL ~. gpd gpd gpd /150 gal. SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: IA)J r-- NAME: o ~______ ~- ,/ C74-l26 ~ ~--- j DATE OF EVALUATION: f ~;l~,?~ in. in. I L E PROFILE Inch 'I I I I PREDICTED WATER I in. Inch in. , ~ ('. 12 #1 TEST PERCHED WATER Predicted Observed Date SATURATED ZONE Predicted Observed Date # 2 S T H 0 L E PROFILE .se. Predicted Observed Date 12, in. in. SATURATED ZONE 24 _ ~ f Predicted I Observed (, ~lIfiJ ~ ~te 36 _ 36 - in in 24 . :!CAj Restrictive Layer Impervious La~r 17 Mottling {L' in, in, in, Restrictive Layer Impervious Layer Mottling /'? in' /::L. in in 48 - 48 - 60 60 - SITE DOES o DOES NOT ADMINISTRATIVE RULES ~ MEET MINIMUM STANDARDS. REOUIRE A MINIMUM DEPTH OF: - - ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH ~: 0 36 inches to an impermeable layer /~ inches 0 30 inches to a restrictive layer inche s 0 60 inches to a permanent water table inches 0 24 inches to a temporarily perched water table / )~inches OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL PLOT ~: Stream Drainage or pond It'............,'. Road, --...-- Test Hole aD ~ % Slope Cut Bank '"i'I" Fence ,K-x-x ,~~-, i'l : .-,-, -,- :-I~r~~,,:~-~-~r~.:-':, . ;T ~'-;:~'~::'~'r~:~~: : "I ! 1 I I I,' I ,', '.k:"'I ' ,i, +. :: 'I I, ,~~~~,' ~~ .t:: .' '1- ':;;.~.:_.~"~ ~ , " ," 'r -J - i '- !. t. + j.. r 1 - J .. ~ . t I, --; . + .. ... '" ~ 1 ~ ......, -- ,. +-- . + 1 . -.... ~~ .'~ ~--'- +, 1 : ""' .:. -+ i . " ' _: ~~. . . ,"J! . t . r ~ , ,. '<~iit~i'~c ,~~l: ;-'\(''''-[(;1:::.' I - . t~ " _. 1)..,._ " ., ~ ._ ;{:_ :'~' t, _~~.-:~_ ,;_; ,~", ...,,; '1"~' ~t ~jll.. -+ -..+-+. -_1"'4~' 1 ... + '-t I . t t" t '.. q 'PI.. + I - ~ - I tIt . . t I r t -' -I-- - ~, I . . ,. iI' to Lt., I . .. It':'" I +1 I , ...; - - ' ~ . I _ 'r ~ . , ' . , " T - -" . ~ l- + r r \ t -+ 1 ,~-." ~'.. , ' ~ , I '-. I '~ .' . ~ .:.. t,' ., ~ t ~ . r I -; ; .. !---l-l .+ \ . I I 1"1 I:..; r - \.. - ~ 1, .. 1 1, 1 .. -~. ,..-, , t- I' ,:: .. I ""1"'" - ., ! h. . : 1- j :..... ,; ~.. l- . -L~. I . .;.. ~: .~ ',-. .I., . t .j -;' h, ,.', . I "!' i _4 , '~d~' ,." - i' ~ It ,-i' I i ,..---< 1 ' :-' 't' ~~ , i .t'\': ~ : ., -;- .- . . - --+ ~,-. 1.., ~ -+ j ! -'--.... J ... -+. 1. -, -I I- - +. + , ! ,~"'... ~.... ..'" -'" ' -,....:.~ ~ - I., I , ,'.Lj, " .. .. .." ~.-.-,,~: '/~I~';' r. Ll, . '... [) f t ~,i:.1 : -1-0 -i,!fr ':.;5y-' . 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BY fi's::./ ()L FJ( Fr'At'UKMA IL I NG ADDRESS5"25" filI7Pr 4lcmt'!f::: No, 3;L~ _/ '? <7 f , J BY-MaS1f.4 f-I.-OOls ez.tc.,Lh JP..,oe, Foul !~-(1' .".- _ . I ;-/ OWNER OF' PROPERTY-A::'/),<;'('j/yt;j(l SIZE oF' PROP..94(1,,CiI/'1!;LEGAL ACCESS? /')fJ. L/'UC/ $/,'". CONSENT OF' OWNER? Is PROPERTY CONTIGUOUS TO ANY CITY LIMIT? EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY ()L D .silACK SOURCE OF WATER SUPPLY: PUBLIC SPRING WELL: DR I LLE~I VEN DUG DESCRIPTiON OF SITE (DIRECTIONS? LANDMARKS, HOUSE OR BOX NO" IF ANY): 0tI7$O,2AJ.f:> 6772:"=:eJ -#LJ 6PE..ltUr;~)f.L/:;:,./ oR:- Jeff. -,-- PROPOSED USE OF SITE (E,G" NUMBER OF' DWELLINGS, COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL USE, SUBDIVISION): &- CJ ttl7l/,t}e bu ),C7 / / A Ie.. --'APPROVl:.LJ COUNTY PL'NNlNG DEPAHTMENT FEE: LAN~ ' ," No, OF SITES I .;Q ~ ~ ~ _...>.Cl r:> /?/~ No. OF ACRES t:.. f) BY _ ,. ("';;5'7 TOTAL- ,$ <- CJC'? RESULTS OF INVESTIGATiON: $~~ ~ ~~ ,~ URBANIZING AREA. SPECIAL PERMIT AREA. I , ~ a...-v ;k s /h - 0-1\.. s~ - .:3 U. r.pa.c e Se. wQ.(fe.> of AeCLJY e~y 58;/ an} e.~"1 17 ~I- .be <</'/riJuefJ ..pf) ( fhe IhS;.alr~. d,SftlSQ1 sysfem .6~c.o..ut;;e- /;dJ WQle r fat!~ f'\. THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK: BEFORE CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED BRING THIS FORM TO THE BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION AND MAKE APPLICATION FOR A BUILDING PERMIT. iF THE PROPERTY IS A PORTION ONLY OF A TAX LOT, A METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF niE PARCEL MUST BE FURNISHED, EXACT SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM WILL APPEAR ON THE BUILDING PERMIT, Two SETS OF THE BUILDING PLANS AND PLOT PLAN WILL BE REQUIRED, ~~(JN: BUILDING ~TOR ANITATION DIVISION: ~ )(,;~ ~ , ~-'.:W/G~~ SAN I TAR I AN' , )22 ~ f\ V DATE THIS REPORT IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE BUiLDING INSPECTOR AND SANITARIAN. <:~ron-07