HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-4-6 (2) ~ 1'\ I ~ ~~ ...,,~ ~~ " ~ o " 1-1 '-' '" " '>..c ... '" "t! ..... .. '" .... ,[ .t Q'J'~~ ., .~ ~ ~ ~.{ !:: " . ,. "" o .''''' c:: -e~a: .'IS." W p:: ~ "- '7 .,.1 > .-: V ,l- e ~ Z ("I '\ - "( 0 '\>Ui: z't) ~ " 0<(-( 1-. -' <( u o -' lD o -, I~ g ~ .~ I ~'\ ....... ~ ,.. -M 1 .~ '" , ~O I'i'> I '. '" <) o \ 111><;, 00 \' ~ ~~0/ c- .. ~ ~r) ~~ ~::..J I- J,~)~ '7-;" '2'",,:-, . :!:.~. ,t":;",, "--;'-"" ,>'-',;; .,- ,," ",~',.' - .. ")-.,1 _~ ,,-,I; ~". ..; -~ "','{...;-....~~ ....,.,....: ,. :i.;,,_ -'~-:< " ~/ ". z w w ~ ., INSTALLER: Complete top PROPOSED rt of form cc=- . ',,- ..~ "'!' CiVIC 1</.h.L--;/-;'C>/.:j ((:'2- ~.:J . :S/?-c<;5' SE\lAGE DISPOSAL SYSF" RECORD "Z:. - /0--1&_ ).. /,) to signature and sub ,both copies wlth(.~p'llcatl:- . PERMIT NO. Tn # I 6-, .. t-,.., \ INSTALLER'S NAME PROPERTY ADDRE55 J==1L-6~ T (,ta 06 MA-l"-,(,n~ 0 P.I ,fr- Basement. \later Supply Yes No Pub 11 c t/ Other-L1 s t i IE!) .s 0 P IF ). r:/\ 1'/. l' No. Living Units Bedrooms Baths Septic Tank: Ft. from well Dimensions: \lldth Steel 0 Ft. Diameter Concrete rrNo. Compartments Gal. Capacl ty / h'. () 0 ~ . 0 Tile Disposal Field: Distribution Box: Yes V N~ IE' (/"II E n \8 rq Other Distribution-Type n. b. ~ il1:i t. " V Av Depth Inside Len,qth O\lNER NAME I Feet from \lEI 1 Lot Line 0 Front / 1Ft. Between Llnes~ Foundation APR 1 6 1976 S I de I 0 LANlkaa8U NTY IFlller). IFI lier@MlltDNMaF'lifll.lJ,rfy1~: Tvpel :7- Above Ti le;2- In.trlle b In I" <- ~. I i ! ~ ! "::} I <;\ i ~,I ; ~(n I \p I \/~ \( ,} .......____._ .___._..______. ___un_ II-/I'P !3 0.1< 1_' F< I YI; Date. PF/< IJ- /,5> 70 \ ~<:> 11\, ~ \:r " -' , ~.. " '.. l'<r-:1 .~_._--- ---~l f' ------..----. --..-------.:...-J--.. / S I qnature_:.j k1'rr/t'1/J A:r1;J~t;~ CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION /. For SanItarian U.se Only: Date: 11-/(,-7- In accordance with 1973 Oregon Laws Chapter 835. Section 214 this certificate is Issued as .evldence of satisfactory completion qf a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above. location. ~ Approved: System Installation conforms to current standards c==J Disapproved: Does not conform to current standards Remarks: ,- C55.11 4~~.. San I tar ran' Y)i I gnature LANE COUNTvU STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY \ ../.... . . .' FLOOD P L A I [j ~ A NAG E M EN T ME ^ SUR E S, Z~. II'A /I . .. ~~ U'M BE R E.D ( N 0 ELEVATIONS OR F L 0 0 DW A Y S PROVIDED) e Permi ts Requi ,red - All buildings - ~lob i 1 e home p 1 acemen t - Other deve 1 opm?nt e Review permits to determine whether proposed sites will be reasonably safe from flooding. o Proposed building site in flood-prone area must be: ~red (including specific standards for mobile homes) - Use materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage ~nstruction methods and practices that minimize flood damage'. (Elevated above IOO-year flood level) - (') Review subdivision proposals to assure that: Consistent with need to minimize flood damage - Utilities and facilities designed to minimize 0)' eliminate flood damage - Provide adequate drainage. 0Water systems designed to minimize Or eliminate infiltration of flood waters. eSewer systems designed to minimize or eliminate discharges or infiltration. Septic tanks, etc. 'located to avoid impai,'ment or contamination during flooding. 0Elevations required for subdivisions, etc. greater than 50 lots or 5 acres. 0'1ust use other authoritative data on elevations if ava'ilable as criteria for floodproofing or elevating. ~t obtain and record lowest habitable floor elevations for new construction, substantial improvements. , ",.""e,..-~'~-' "~,"., t';"'". .- . - " rt'~. MAP IB"~-I/- L-2.. T,L. 4400 TO: LANE COUNTY PLANNING ~ CONST8UCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION -:::.MEf:..D OTHER FROM: SURVEYORS OFFICE - FLOOO PLAIN MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC LANDS PHONE: 687-4195 ~ SUBJECT: PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER 61f,-'lA . OTHE R . RECOMMENDATION: v--- THE ABOVE SUBJECT IS IN A SPECIAL PERMIT AREA. THE ABOVE SUBJECT IS INCLUDED IN T'HE H.U.D.W}lNUHBEREDl'.'<A!:V:ZONES~ REMARKS >=1"4ISHF-,-., Fu-,ofZ... t::l_I2'-C To tOt=- A..., L..j=-.C>...S, 4~ ~ FE-Er; I. RA.\Ir2QJ:;,.<;-, <;,PII<.l= '10.' '''-1~c..--r =-n(-.E-=-,,~ I:>..c.... \"-< ~f7"'-.J.T 6F '2...0\f\ 1-l.1>.It.'OO\'2... t:>l?~ \e;,., b..T d..4..i .-;l..,(\ .~T. ~..P~ 1:>.~b.L\-\E:n DATE . 4 -'2..{".-IP.... BY c- ,..., r'Yl L. , ~ \ .~ ~ .~ ~ y j i, ..p ~ ~8 ~ J~ 10 <) 1 i= <:'j ;~ a: g ~q~ .~ d Z ] 4- .0 o -, l' ~ " ['I ~ ~ ~ '1\ '" j \"\ \i M(1 , ~ lY'cJ '-- -, I "\'+ (Y) I '0. IV' \ Q v;) '" <:lo j: Ul 8 ..-1 ~ Cl ~ ..-1 ~ l- '''. Vl \{:'j a: ."") I- o 0 ,1' ~ ~ ~ " \ "., u . 0 ~iii ,~, ~ " .;: ~ - o ~ " .0 E ::J Z -'" c '" I- u '." 0. " Vl ~ o - >- '0 ::J ~ Vl >- .;: .0 'in '" " LL. " ~ U:i .;: E ~ " "- co c :Q . " u; ~ o '" ...I co ~ c o c 1;, 0 m '';:; OJ '';:; ~ ~ u '" <{ "- '3 CXJ i'r ... ' ... '0 '" ~ !;; I , l'- C-- ::,. ::,. " l' "" ,.,~ a a a c c c Ul 000 .J:::.J:::.J::: . "- "- "- 0 E, " ~ ~ >- ~ ~~ ~~ uii u jj 0. 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'" " a: N In i3 c- ._" ';,\.{' c-- - ."': SEI/AGE DISPOSA~J:~~;;:~~~~~D / /~~(L,E2c-(tc~':i~~ to signature and sub, both copies with (.fRllcatl _--)'" PERMIT NO. ~ H I ~(. .\ INSTALLER: PROPOSED -t of form Complete top ! i lEI) SOf'IFJ.r:/J!'i. l No. living Units Bedrooms Baths PROPERTY AOORE~~ 1='1 L-6~ T f,e.o 06 ~~"'nfS. 0 Ii? ,I ,/t'-c Basement I/ater Supply , Yes No Public v" Other-List INSTALLER'S NAME Septic Tank: Ft. from we'll Steel 0 Ft. Diameter Concrete ~::~r'NO. Compartments Gal. Capacl ty / 5 () 0 Tile Disposal Field: ' ' Distribution Box: Yes V N~ IE' r I!: 0 U ~ ! Other Ulstrlbutlon-Type nit:. \,g, u.. D t:i t. { V 8\1 HAILING q7~ K '-"){: ADDRESS <SPf!.A 116 FII::dvJ)dJ1, 9?Y17 Length of Lines-Ft. [TrenCh I. Total Sqi:) :7_r;2.1P3." 4. 5. 6. I/idth./-. Fe._10 'lot P f.;,n (see i l1S..t.Llu:tlons'/: ' I '~_-n_----__k,tJ_!. r;.i N r I.. . ~ ,:,,1/0' "- \-. I I . I 01 pP L> poS r D < - -1-) (' I ~ ( - I ' M U:) V"\; ( / I .) I /.. ~ /~i9 S \1/ ) \,.0 i ~'31 '} \r!) -!J , \.l. t)\-Dv . , I i , I Inside Len'lth Ol/NER NAME Dimensions: I/Idth Deoth J)/(,i PJjJA.] () k, <: ~ ~l I.;) -<\ ~\ ~ 1 i p I ~ . \ ,~______ \.~""_'_'n_\.L____, If/I'P f.30.!< 1/'/-:.IYf Date' po jJ!< / J- /.,':;- 71> .. \ , " ~'<S' '11\, ~ \., .... , -, " r" ;~ .~_.__._..,. CERTIFICATE Feet from I/Ell Lot Line 0 Front /_ I Fe. Between Lines CT -- Foundation APR 1 6197G , Side / 0 LANI1l~eUNTY IF' Iler;. IF'l1erE,1NlJlRtDNMSi"lIfl\u,r!y1aM1 Tvpe / :;L Above T 11 e;2. I n.IT II e bin L~ . -'- ----- -- --- -- t I ~ ~ 's:, II\.. V'>~\sP ""J.. r P-~J0 G~~ ~Cljt-- -' P 'fl.r/ , ,) \ Y/'f' ~ [>' t' ' ~ ~ I ) ~\ "( , " I~ ; :\ \; , }.. \~~~ I (]~! ? t( nr<,' '( 6 w lif__L.. ' c--;:sr-; R 6/\[ / -.1J 0 rn J.f \ -, /" ! ,- For Sanitarian U~e ~nly: In accordance with 1973 Oregon Laws Chapter 835. Section 214 this certificate as evidence of satisfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system location. ~ Approved: System Installation conforms to current standards c==J Disapproved: Does not conform to current standards Remarks: ______ ,_ H'_______)_, / S I 9nature,,:-1./c1',,'(((~/7 ~rl,v{~t;.",-"" OF SAT I SFACTORY COMPLET I ON / '/' 7. Date' J. -;(- : is I~sued" at the above 44;~ ' San j tar ;'an I 01 gnature LANE COUNT"u STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY C55 -ll t. ........... ~tt....:"'-._._ --l- \ \\XJ \h -, ~ I~ '00 " , ::t ') ':~ ''i:l ... <ll ~ ~ n ~ ld t2, t. . r) l> II COl !of o -B <:3 ~' '"' <r ... o "" z o I- <l: u o -' co o -, "~ .. '" . .li~ . ',," . '-9. l";, , .... .' j, .... ,l- V) 0: ,,'J, I';- ,->-;;'-J. ~ .-.i ~ " '-~. . "X,' '\ '. " -' " "' ~,~ , " " ~ ~ . S < " :" :J.. '~ , "- -, ;,J -- ~ Q<' ~ ... "" '" " Cl .Q ~ C!l ,.1 .. "" ,~ t=l 'D ~:~ .7j +- iI'\ 0 -' <:: o :~ > 'C .0 :J V) I- :!E a: UJ "- 'C ., ~ ~ 0. 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S LAB -FLOOR , .- PLUMBING GROUNDWORK " ApP'ROVED II DISAPPROVED Cl DATE INS PE C r,OR .'~ RE~ARKS 1--"':-. - ......, c, GAS P IPI NG GROUNDWORK ApPROVED I - I DISAPPROVED Cl DATE 'I NS.~ECTOR REMARKS ROUGH PLUMB I NG ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED / . / DATE' REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED Cl .DISAPPROVED Cl DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR INSPECTOR FINAL PLUMBING ':1 . ,- j "....I~- - DATE s-!:.~;7.e INSPECTOR ApPROVED l~l DISAPPROVED Cl at.r.i.L\~ "K ~ ...Llul7:__- , "'l:)~ REMARKS ~";~. .'~ ~~ r~~ I~~+~ FINAL GAS PIPING ,'l,j i? nF6 r''\ t.~.G -, ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED / / DATE. REMARKS --., m=::l' / :-,. , Ii..""' :,::.~{ -r "ti: l '~{.:.:.. -:;,::. ;;';';"0&, CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY :0 :...... (I " READY TO ISSUE Cl NOT READY TO ISSUE 17 (DATE' "'-'~' ~'~::J,; .\ !, E.'; REMARKS .-;~,~- ...,. INSPECTOR t?>>- INSPECTOR , , -"~" / t^~ . (. '.' '.1 . r MAP IB'~~IJ-Z-2.. T,L. 4400 TO:' LANE COUNTY PLANNING ~ CONSTRUCTION PER~lITS & INSPECTION -:::.MEf:..D OTHER FROM: SURVEYORS OFFICE - FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC LANDS PHONE: 687-4195 SUBJECT: PARTITION NUMBER SUBDIVISION BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER 61f,-'lA OTHER RECOMHENDATION: THE ABOVE SUBJECT ISIN A SPECIAL PERMIT AREA, v--- THE ABOVE SUBJECT IS INCLUDED IN THE H.U.D.flJ;'NUi'Ull,Kl!iU~E'~l.U1'lj;lli3lJ REMARKS t:=1"4\S\-\E:D FL.oofZ.. E:.L..E:'-.l. To te>E:. A..., L..'2:.C>...c,...,\ 4~"o FE..E.1i RA,l i2fj~<;-, <7>PII<..E- \'-l ~11=_c..-, =-n~"'c:. ~,L 'loc' en".." ~F ,?OIP:L . 1-l.1>.It.'ibo\7. t:>l?~~ \ S b.., 4-4.., :~O I=€:.E..T. ~.E_ l>.\CbL\-\~ DATE 4 -'2..{".-IP", BY c- ,..., r'Yl c..